F DMS Col le g e Pr e p Si nc e PhoenixThe Tradition Fortes in Fide News of interest to alumni, parents and friends of Father Duenas Memorial School Nov. 1995 - Jan. 1996 FDMS Earns Highest Accreditation from W.A.S.C. “The Western Association of Schools and FDMS’ previous visit from WASC was in Colleges [WASC] is happy to announce March 1992 at which time they reported the the action taken by the Accreditation achievements of the school and the chal- Commission for Schools wherein Father lenges it faces. Since that time FDMS suc- Duenas Memorial School was granted a ceeded in implementing all of the 1992 six-year term of accreditation. This report’s recommendations which has earned action was taken after a careful study of the school a six-year accreditation, the high- the Visiting Committee report which out- est accreditation offered by WASC. lined the stellar aspects of the school.” In preparation for WASC’s most recent This announcement by WASC, the regional visit, Mr. William Roth, Principal, tapped accrediting commission for ’s private Mr. Bob Bonifacio to serve as Chairperson and public schools, comes as a positive tes- of the Self-Study Steering Committee. The timony that the FDMS tradition of excel- Steering Committee was responsible for lence is alive and well today. directing the work of several other commit- (continued on page 4)

First Issue of The Phoenix Tradition Mailed to Over 1600 Alumni Congratulations on receiving the first issue sections and a “Passages” section where of The Phoenix Tradition, a quarterly alumni can find the latest news about their newsletter published by Father Duenas classmates. In this first issue, over 120 Memorial School. The idea of organizing alumni and affiliates have already put the this newsletter began back in February 1995 “Achievements” and “Passages” sections as a way the broader FDMS community, into good use. If you have news to share for the next issue due out in February 1996 just namely the alumni, could be able to keep in fill out the enclosed card and mail it in to touch with each other and up-to-date with FDMS. the advancement of their alma mater. In addition to covering alumni news, The At that time, the principal, Mr. William Phoenix Tradition will also focus on pro- Roth, asked Jeffrey San Nicolas (‘84) to viding up-to-date news about what is hap- take charge of designing the newsletter and pening on the FDMS campus today. organizing a mailing list for its distribution. Entitled “Campus Life”, this section will Inside After several months of work and not with- highlight the activities and accomplish- out the help of many individuals, FDMS is ments of some of the newest members of Campus Life 3 now ready to provide its community with the FDMS family, our students. It will also an informative and engaging newsletter: feature past and present faculty, administra- Golf Tournament 6 The Phoenix Tradition. This first issue is tors and staff who have dedicated them- Stigmatine Era 7 expected to reach over 1600 alumni which selves to furthering our school’s ongoing is close to 2/3 of all FDMS graduates. An goal of excellence. Achievements 8 additional 500 copies will be sent to parents and friends of FDMS. We hope you enjoy the newsletter. Please Passages 13 write to us and let us know what you think. This newsletter will be providing informa- We’d love to hear your comments and sug- Alumni Search 15 tion about reunion events, alumni sports tournaments as well as an “Achievements” gestions. Principal’s Letter

November 3, 1995 Dear Alumni and Supports, It is a real pleasure to address you in the first publication of The Phoenix Tradition. This newsletter, this communicaiton, is a first step in keeping you abreast of what is going on at your Alma Mater. It is an attept to keep you informed not only with the school but with classmates and old friends. As I’ve said this is a “first step,” and I’ll begin by asking your help. We want this publication to go out to as many of our alums as possi- ble. If you know someone who has not be reached, encourage them to drop us a line or give us a call. Correspondence must be two way. Let us here at school know what news interests you most. What news would you like passed on to your friends and classmates. Has there been any new additions to the fam- ily or new job positions which other alums should know about? I encourage you to help the school increase the community spirit among the alums. The pride felt by a Duenas grads must bring us together to support the Alma Mater and see that Duenas continues to offer the best in Catholic Education. We here at FDMS send our best wishes and blessings to you and your family in the coming Christmas season. The Phoenix Tradition Fortes in Fide Fortes in Fide, Principal Mr. William Roth

Editor Bill Roth Jeffrey C. San Nicolas ‘84 Principal The Phoenix Tradition is a quarterly publication of Father Duenas Memorial Editor’s Note School, a four year college preparatory high school for young men. You may Dear Fellow Alumni, contact us at: This first issue of The Phoenix Tradition has truly been a collaba- The Phoenix Tradition tion of the time and talent of many individuals. To all of these people I Father Duenas Memorial School P.O. Box FD offer my thanks. Agana, Guam 96910 It is my hope that this publication will not only provide informa- Voice #: (671) 734-2261/3 tive news stories but also serve as a tool to organize and strengthen our Fax #: (671) 734-5738 alumni association. Please send in your ideas on how the school and specificly this newsletter can be of support to all FDMS alumni. Distributed free-of-charge to alumni parents and friends of Father Duenas Sincerely, Memorial School. Postmaster and oth- ers, please send address corrections to Father Duenas Memorial School at the above address. Jeffrey C. San Nicolas ‘84

2 The Phoenix Tradition Campus Life

Second Annual Archbishop Scholarship Fund Banquet a Growing Success On Saturday, September 2, 1995 more than Last year the Archbishop’s Scholarship 200 people from diverse sectors of our fund offered approximately $14,000 in community on Guam turned out for the scholarships to deserving Catholic school Second Annual Archbishop Scholarship students. One of which was a student from Banquet. Organized by the Catholic FDMS. Education Office (CEO) to provide schol- These scholarships make it possible for arship assistance to deserving students students to attend Catholic schools who attending Guam’s Catholic schools, the otherwise would not be able to attend for banquet is proving to be a remarkable suc- financial reasons. Any FDMS student in cess. good standing may apply for the ‘95-‘96 As a result of the pledges and contributions Archbishop Scholarship at the school’s made by the participants at the dinner, the office. Archdiocese is expecting to make the Father Duenas Memorial School offers its scholarships available as early as sincere thanks to the many generous and December 1995. dedicated benefactors who are making the Archbishop’s Scholarship Fund possible.

Citibank Awards Four-Year Scholarships to Two Catholic School Students by Lou Sablan Two Catholic School students are recent The deserving students are Denise Caasi, a recipients of partical Scholarships granted freshman at Notre Dame High School and by Citibank. The scholarships, valued at Ian Wyatt, a freshman at FDMS. $1800 for each student are renewed yearly for four years. Citibank sees their role as partners in the giving of these funds. The student’s In August, Mr. Patrick Kehres, Citibank progress will be reviewed yearly and they Assistant Vice-President of Marketing and will be guaranteed summer employment Sales, and Mr. Joe Soriano, Citibank Vice- with the bank as part of their scholarship President of Operations met with parents, benefits. students and the Director of Catholic Schools, Sr. Regina Paulino, SSND, to FDMS offers its appreciation to Citibank confirm their intent and to discuss details for their support of Catholic education and of the award. the youth of our island. FDMS Awarded for High Team Score in 1995 Mathematics Examination In February 1995, one hundred FDMS stu- Jose Santz, Jerome Aguon, Hisatsugu dents successfully competed in the Ichikawa, Donald De Leon and Joon Shin. American High School Mathematics The Class of ‘96 high scorers are: Stephen Examination (AHSME) to earn FDMS its Ting, Roy Raqueno, Chang Yi, Kristopher third Certificate of Merit from this national Deleon, Ling Chi Huang, Andrew Sun, competition in the past three years. Deok Song, and Shihfu Huang. While this honor comes as a result of the The Class of ‘98 high scorers include: overall high scores of all the FDMS partic- Arata Ichikawa, Jeff Espiritu, Joseph Hu, ipants, several of our school’s top scorers and Albert Wan. deserve recognition. Congrations to all our AHSME participants Among the Class of 95’s high scorers are: and to their math teachers Jane Aguon, John Zialcita, Lingkai Huang, Stanley Tony Aguon (‘59), and Dan Boeding. Ting, Kendrick DeCastro, Dennis Gagaoin, Keep up the good work!

The Phoenix Tradition 3 Campus Life

WASC Accreditation (continued from front page) tees ranging from Physical Plant to While the above responses represent a 6. the administration and staff for Philosophy, Student Services to Social favorable sample of comments, the com- their high level of academic expectations Studies, and Community Relations to ments of those parents who expressed con- for student achievement. Counseling. All of the faculty and staff cerns with one or more aspect of the 7. the administration for bringing were also involved in the process as well FDMS program were also incorporated about stability and a harmonious climate as many parents and students. Through into the self-study. among the staff, students, and parents. their work, FDMS provided the visiting WASC representatives a thorough 174 8. the administration, staff and page report describing the school’s goals and educational endeavors. The entrance of the new six-classroom Parents & Community building contructed Surveyed in 1992 after Typhoon Omar Part of the preparation for the self-evalua- destroyed the old tion report included surveying parents and “Quad”. WASC the broader community. These surveys commended the helped provide an objective perspective on school for its timely how well FDMS was fulfilling its educa- response. tional goals. We are pleased to share with you the following responses: When parents were asked which of the fol- Major Commendations booster clubs for their success in obtaining lowing influenced your decision to send funds to assist the athletic programs.” their son to Father Duenas Memorial and Recommendations School, their answers were: (Parents could Based upon WASC’s evaluation of the The recommendations offered by the select more than one answer to this ques- school’s self-study report and based on WASC visiting committee focused on con- tion.) their personal visits with many parents, tinuing the good work that is taking place 94% Good Education students, and faculty members, the at FDMS . They included the following: 77% Discipline/Moral Education Visiting Committee commended FDMS on several accounts and also offered recom- 1. to continue improving the 66% Healthy/Safe Environment school’s facilities and library resources. 51% Religious Training mendations for improvement. The report 20% Athletics stated: 2. to continue recruiting teachers “The Committee commends: who share the philosophy and mission of 89% of our parents regarded the acade- FDMS. mics offered at FDMS as moderately 1. the administration and staff for or highly challenging and interesting. the excellent quality of the Self-Study doc- 3. to invite a broad representation of Other comments were: ument. the community in the development of FDMS’ master plan. “My opinion may not be very important, 2. the FDMS students for their acad- but [FDMS] remains as one of the best, if emic achievements, and their positive rep- 4. to offer four years in each of the not the very best, places to send our chil- resentation of the school. foreign languages to better prepare stu- dren to learn.” dents for college admissions. 3. the Archdiocese, the administra- “Teachers go beyond their duties like tion, the staff, and the Parent Advisory 5. to create a long term staff devel- offering tutorial services. Kudos to them!” Board for their success in reconstructing opment program that will foster greater the facilities after Typhoon Omar. success in student learning. “[FDMS] is well managed and focused on The entire school community owes its preparing students for college. Past grad- 4. the administration for developing a thorough interviewing process that stress- appreciation to the administration, faculty, uates have gone on to college and have and staff as well as the parents, students, returned with great success in private and es the philosophy and mission of the school. alumni, and many friends of FDMS. These public sectors.” many individuals have blessed and contin- 5. the administration, librarian, and ue to bless Father Duenas Memorial “You are doing a great job now. Stay the Parent Advisory Board for rebuilding the School with its rich tradition of excellence. course.” library lost through the typhoon in such Si Yu’os Ma’ase. timely manner.

4 The Phoenix Tradition Campus Life Student Excellence

National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalists Announced Congratulations to Marcelo N. Illarmo million college-bound seniors who took (‘96) and Deok Y. Song (‘96) for advanc- the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test ing to the National Merit Scholarship (PSAT) in the fall of 1995. While the Semi-Finals. Illarmo and Song are among National Merit Scholarship Program rec- the top one-half percent of more than one ognizes approximately 50,000 academical- ly outstanding students each year, only about 15,000 received the honor of advancing to the Semi-Finals. As Semi-Finalists, the Merit Scholarship Program will be sending Illarmo’s and Deok Song ‘96 and Marcelo Song’s name to four-year U.S. higher edu- Illarmo ‘96 hon- cation institutions so that college officials ored as Nation can contact them about admission and Merit Semi- scholarship opportunities that may be Finalists available to them.

Deleon Earns First-Place in Oration and Essay Contests Congratulation to Kris Deleon (‘96) for level debate competitions this past June taking first place for Original Oratory in 1995. The competitions took place in Fort the National Forensic League’s debate Lauderdale, Florida with more than 1500 competition on Guam and also for taking high school debaters from throughout the first place in the Guam Humanities nation present. Kris Deleon ‘96 Council’s national essay contest on “American Pluralism.” In both of these When ask to what does he attribute his events Deleon competed against other high skills in oration and essay composition, schools throughout Guam. Deleon spoke of his teachers at FDMS, especially Mr. Richard Amesbury (‘90) For his original oratory, Deleon earned the and Mrs. Karen Kranz. honor of representing Guam at national

Sauget Named “Athlete of the Month” Congratulation to Paul Sauget (‘96) for nis court. Other members of the Friar ten- being named September 1995’s “Athlete nis team include Mark Arakawa, Richard of the Month” by the Guam National Smithers, and John Agozzino. Together Olympic Committee. The honor comes they look forward to another undefeated after capturing a silver medal at the South season in 1996 to capture FDMS’ sixth Paul Sauget ‘96 Pacific World Ranking Championships this straight tennis championship. past summer in Tonga and Western Samoa. Sauget’s interest in tennis began as a freshman in high school and since his sophomore year, he has contributed to the Friar’s uncontested dominance of the ten-

The Phoenix Tradition 5 Alumni News Second Annual FDMS Alumni Golf Tournament

This years’ FDMS Alumni Golf and the capital improvement of FDMS. First Day, July 3, 1995 Tournament held on July 3rd and 4th In addition to the financial benefit, this marks the tournament’s second year of Top 10 Finishers of the year’s tournement held at the Hatsuho support for our alma mater, and according International Country Club in Dededo Modified Callaway to the tournament organizer, Frank Arriola proved to be a great time for camaraderie, Competition ‘79, plans for the third FDMS golf tourna- reunion, and a whole lot of fun. ment are already on their way! 1 Anthony Arriola 70 The FDMS community extends its grati- As an opportunity for many alumni and 2 Paul Leon Guerrero 70.4 tude to the organizing committee, the cor- friends of FDMS to contribute to the school, 3 Willy Navarette 70.6 porate sponsors, and the more than 220 this years’ two-day event raised $10,630 3 Mike Castro 70.6 golfers who participate in this years FDMS which will support the athletic program 3 Santino Sgambelluri 70.6 Alumni Golf Tournament. 3 Karl Pangelinan 70.6 7 Chad Gneer 71.2 8 Jay Park 71.4 Phil Carbullido ‘71 and 9 Scott Hoeck 71.4 Dave Sablan ‘71 prepare to 10 Jon Iriarte 71.8 head out to the course at the H.I.C.C. in Dededo. Second Day, July 4, 1995 Top 5 Team Finishers of the Two-Man Best Ball Competition

Joe Perez ‘67 (left) and 1 Akira Inamura & Bill Reyes 67 Paul Leon Guerrero ‘69 2 Ron Schnabel & Fred Bamba 70 (right) lead the fiesta 3 Eric Mandell & Mike Castro 72 line. 3 John Rios & Jesse Palican 72 3 Brian Bamba & Santino Sgambelluri 72

Special Thanks to the Corporate Sponsors The organizing committee finds time to relax at the end of the two-day tournement. of the 2nd Annual FDMS Alumni Golf Tournement (L to R) Tony Rapadas ‘79, Fred Granillo, Frank Arriola ‘79, Sharon KUAM (Jon Denight ‘73) Lujan, Ray Schnabel ‘79, Rick Sablan ‘79, Dan Tydingco ‘79, Noby Northwest Airlines (Joe Cruz ‘82) Flores, John Benito ‘79, Galen Lujan ‘80, and Jon Iriarte ’80. DFS (Ron Schnabel ‘75) Calvo’s Insurance (Ray Schnabel ‘79 & Paul Calvo, Jr. ‘78) MidPac Liquor (John Calvo ‘75) East-West Rental (Jim Adkins) FHP (Vince Arriola ‘74) Pepsi Cola (Eddie Calvo ‘79 & Gus Sablan ‘87) Bank of Hawaii (Frank Camacho ‘85) BHP Gas Espress (James Martinez ‘78) BIC’s (Bic Singh ‘80) California Golf (Joe Cruz ‘82) Hyatt Regency (David Ying) MCI International (Roland Franquez) New Wave Video (Sonny Ada ‘79) Nissan Motors (Brian Downey & Frank Flores) Tag Heuer (Galen Lujan ‘80) Triple J (Jeff Jones ‘81)

6 The Phoenix Tradition Alumni News Stigmatine Era Remembered and Honored

Through a series of events held between events were Fathers Charles Egan, C.S.S. July 14 and July 24, 1995, many FDMS and Gerald Goggin, C.S.S., two of the alumni, students and dignitaries on Guam companions of Father Morgan who also FatherJoseph remembered and honored the Stigmatine taught at FDMS during its founding years. R. Morgan, priests who founded FDMS in 1948. 1916 - 1995, FDMS offers its special thanks to Joe R. was among the The idea for organizing the events came San Agustin ‘54 (coordinator) and the first five after many alumni of the 50’s and 60’s Executive Planning Committee who took Stigmatine received the sad news of the passing of the leadership in planning the program of Priests who laid Father Joseph R. Morgan, C.S.S., one of events. the foundation the founding Stigmatine priests of our of FDMS in Alma Mater. The honored guests of the 1948 Reflections on the Stigmatine Years

The Phoenix Tradition contacted Joe R. Fr. Egan & Fr. Goggin pose with alumni at a reception at the Government House. San Agustin ‘54 last month for an inter- (L to R) Manny Perez ‘61, Pete Guerrero ‘53, Fr. Bibi Arroyo ‘53, Fr. Egan, view regarding his rememberance of the Jose Apuron ‘54, Sen. Mark Forbes ‘71, Raymond Aguon ‘50, Jose R. San Agustin ‘54, Stigmatines at FDMS. Joe was instramen- Manny Q. Cruz ‘57, Joseph Barcinas ‘52, Juan Baza ‘53, Fr. Goggin, and Tony Aguon ‘59. tal in organizing the program of events honoring the Stigmatine priests this past summer. What follows are some of San Agustin’s reflections on the Stigmatine era: What years did you attend FDMS? I was 14 years old when I started my fresh- man year at FDMS in September of 1950. Is was the third year that the school had opened so it is pretty accurate to say that I was among FDMS’ pioneer classes. What are the names of the Stigmatine Baumgartner to staff FDMS, and he was There was discipline which was instilled in priests who taught at FDMS during the superior who sent out the original five us as the way in which to achieve great- your studies there? priests. He joined them the following year. ness, that unless a student is disciplined to I’ll go a step further in answering this do what he has to do to succeed in life, he question, and tell you who the original pio- Over the years that I was at FD (1950- will not. With discipline, of course, came neer Stigmatine priests were who came out 1954), Father Charles Egan returned to the rules which were imposed on us to follow. to Guam at the invitation of Bishop States in 1951, and other priests came to Viewed in today’s standards, these rules Baumgartner in 1948 to start FDMS. They join the staff at FD from that time to 1959 were strict, but to us in was part of our were: Fathers Gerald Goggin, Charles when the Stigmatines finally left the lives. Egan, Joseph Morgan, Ellsworth Fortman, school. Other priest who subsequently and Leo Geraci. Of these five, only joined the staff included Fathers Charles As seminarians we followed a regular rou- Fathers Gogin, Egan and Geraci are alive. Sinesi, Louis Antonelli, Arthur Cerino, tine of prayer, work, study and physical They are all now staying at their Nicolas Spagnolo, Joseph Mantia, Daniel activities. There was a time to play, a time Stigmatine retirement home in Waltham, Cernauskas, Robert Kenniston, and John to work, a time to recreate, and a time to Massachusetts. Ford. pray--and each segment of our routine was geared toward the development of a the When I entered FD in September 1950, Overall, how would you characterize the full man. Fathers Ellsworth Fortman, and Leo Geraci atmosphere at FDMS created by the Stigmatine? (Tense? Strict? Close There was definitly a community and a had already returned to the States. In their family spirit developed within our group. place, Father Paul Daly and Father Henry community?) The atmosphere at FDMS created by the We cared for each others successes and Linse had arrived in 1949, and Fathers failures. We rejoiced when some of us James Flanagan and Edwin Kelly had Stigmatines was neither tense nor strict, at least according to our standards. Perhaps, succeeded; we were sad when others joined the staff. There were 7 Stigmatines failed. on board when I came in 1950. compared to today’s generation, things were very strict and tense then. But to us How would you characterize the acade- Father Daly, incidentlally, was the who lived through it, it was part of our for- mic and spiritual atmosphere at FDMS? Stigmatines’ religious superior in 1948 mation. The academic atmosphere at FD during my when he was contacted by Bishop (continued on back cover)

The Phoenix Tradition 7 Alumni News Editor’s Note: The “Achievements” section is a listing of the latest news which alumni have sent into Father Duanas Memorial School. It is not an attempt to list all the acomplishments of all alumni. Please Achievements send in your news today to be included in the next issue..

Alfredo Garrido Quinones (‘67) retired 50’s from the United States Marine Corps GYSGT in 1988, accepted the position of Felix K. Yaoch (‘54) was ordained a priest Henry Sablan Assistant. Project Manager for the Bureau in 1967 and is currently the Local Superior ‘63 poses for a of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, and is of the Jesuits in Belau and Yap; the Vicar photo at The presently the Project Manager for the of Belau; and the pastor of Sacred Heart Doctor’s Clinic Bureau of Engraving & Printing, Public Church in Koror, Belau. in Tamunining. Sales Division. Estanislao Arriola Benavente (‘55) retired Gerald Andrew Taitano (‘67) is the Vice from the U.S. Army in February 1988 after President of the Human Resources 27 years of service and is presently an Management and Development investigator for the CNMI. While in the Henry Blas Sablan (‘63) retired from the Department at the Bank of Guam and the military service he was stationed in U.S. Army as a Chief Warrant Officer in Board of Directors President for the Guam Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, 1987. During his years of service he was Mass Transit Authority. Colombia and NATO-Italy. a member of the Special Forces (Green Berets), received the Bronze Star for Valor, John Flores Pangelinan (‘68) retired from and recognized as the U.S. Army Physician the Navy Ship Repair Facility on June 1, Assistant of the year 1983. 1994. 60’s Pedro Garcia Ofeciar (‘66) received the Anthony W. D. Perez (‘68) is the Electrical US DOJ/INS Certificate of Award on Systems Inspector Foreman (WS-12) at Frederico Weilbacker Mendiola (‘60) November 20, 94 and July 9, 1991. He is Mare Island Naval Shipyard (specializing retired from the U.S. Air Force as a Chief currently assigned to the U.S. Immigration in nuclear submarines). He started appren- Master Sergeant in 1987 and is presently a & Naturalization Service in El Paso, Texas ticeship on Guam at SRF after high school, Supply Administrator at the Port Authority and has worked for the INS since graduat- served in US Army from 1971 to 1974, on Guam. ing from the Immigration Officer Academy and continued federal service from 1974 to on November 28, 91. Pedro is also retired the present. Patrick S. Leddy (‘61) was enrolled in the from the US Army. “Who’s Who of Teacher’s in America” in Peter Charles Siguenza (‘69) is a Superior 1994. David Joseph Aflague (‘67) retired from Court Justice on Guam. He served as the the after 28 years of Chairman of the FDMS Board of Trustees Daniel Enrique Sablan (‘61) is currently service. He is now on a quest to “find the from 1991 to 1992 and also notes that his the Vice-Mayor of Sinajana and has held perfect wave.” class’ float, “FD ‘69 Mechanized the elected position since 1981. Battalion”, won best overall Float in the 50th Anniversary of Liberation Parade. He also wants to know: “Anyone else have an FD Tattoo?” Fr. Bibi Arroyo ‘53 conducts the 70’s Duenas Glee Club at a Veterans Day Noel Leonardo Concepcion (‘70) is a car- prayer service in diovascular surgeon with the Valley Heart 1965. Association in Modesto, CA. Oscar M. Sablan (‘70) is in private med- ical practice with his wife Marcia Eckelman, M.D. at Firebaugh, CA. He received his BA degree form Saint Louis Joseph Pangelinan Perez (‘62) retired Jose Santos Dela Cruz (‘67) retired as the University in Missouri and than went on to from the Government of Guam. Chief Justice of the CNMI Supreme Court earn his medical degree from the Previously, Joseph served in the U.S. Army on May 15, 1995 after 6 yrs. of service and University of Hawaii in 1980. and was a Wheel and Track Mechanic. was a member of the Conference of Chief Jose Santos Servino (‘62) recently Justices. Previously, he presided as Judge received the Department of Defense in Comm. Trial Court from 1985 to 1989. Civilian Meritorious Award and Medal for Outstanding Achievements from 1978 to 1994.

8 The Phoenix Tradition Alumni News Achievements

Frank Cruz San Nicolas (‘70) has served Victor Martin Perez (‘74) is currently in Gil Gofigan Quinata (‘76) is pursuing a 25 years in the field of law enforcement private practice as a Psychiatrist. He degree in Law . He received his BS and is currently a Ranger Superintendent received his BS degree from Yale degree in Criminal Justice Sociology in for the Department of Parks and University in 1978 and his MD degree 1983 and has done extensive graduate Recreation. He is also a Naui SCUBA from Yale University in 1983. studies in Public Administration. In addi- Instructor, paratrooper and a Vietnam vet- tion, Gil is a SCUBA instructor and is pur- Joseph Flores Artero-Cameron (‘75) is eran. suing a pilots license. currently the Director of the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Felino Anthony Amistad (‘78) is now the and the Executive Director top loan officer with Great Western Bank. of the Governor’s He is also a real estate broker and was for- Commission. Previously, merly a mortgage broker. Joseph was Chief of Staff of Ways and Means; Director Joseph Milton English (‘78) is currently pastor of Santa Teresita Church, Mangilao. Members of Class of Education at Pacific College; and Director of After his ordination to the priesthood on of ‘71after their April 28, 1990 he was also assigned to freshmen initiation Mental Health for the Goverment of Guam. parishes in Yona, Agana Heights, Santa Rita, and Piti. Benny Arceo Fegurgur Gerard Calvo Perez (‘78) has recently (‘75) is currently Executive moved to Utah to pursue a new career. Officer for regional Naval Previously, Gerard worked as Assistant Exchange Services in San Manager with Wal-Mart, Assistant to the Diego, CA. He graduated Central Manager with the U.S. Hotline, with a masters degree from Assistant to the President of the Guam the Navy Postgraduate Chamber of Commerce, and Program School in 1991 and also Coordinator for the Guam Department of served with the ComNav Commerce. Supplies Staff. Francis Bernard Guerrero (‘79) is cur- Dana Joseph Gumataotao rently the Power Systems Controller for Joseph Lujan Edquilane (‘71) opened a (‘75) recently opened a Guam branch the Guam Power Authority and he also new towing company, Towmasters, in office for Clarke Home Nursing and was owns and manages several small business- January 1995. promoted to Administrator/Director of es. His other accomplishments include: Home Health Aides. Previously, Dana was Antonio Artero Sablan (‘71) buys and membership in the Coast Guard reserve, a flight attendant for Pan American. “It’s sells real estate properties and is involved graduate of the U.S. Navy Apprenticeship great to be back and able to do something with real estate development, including Program, certified small arms instructor, for our community.” apartments and commercial buildings. Range Master, and anti-terrorist instructor. Michael Dwight Gunn (‘75) embarks on a Robert Correa Borja (‘74) teaches taek- Anthony John Perez Megofna (‘79) is an new career in law enforcement as a Deputy won-do in Germany as a social service to instructor in the Department of Physics at Sheriff of the San Francisco Sheriff’s the community, Previously, Robert was a the U.S. Military Acadamy, West Point. Department after fourteen years with South Major in the U.S. Army. He is currently doing research with lasers. Pacific Railroad. (Claims to be “constant- Andrew James Dominguez (‘74) is the ly looking out for green mangoes.”) Richard Patrick Sablan (‘79) is currently Senior Resident Engineer at 3M Life the vice-president of JR’s Micro Pacific Antonio Villagomez De Leon Guerrero Sciences Sector Pharmaceuticals Division Ent. Ltd. and owns a shipping agency and (‘76) recently accepted the position of in California. a marine equipment sales and leasing com- Dean of Professional Programs at the pany. Richard also assists in coordinating Andrew Brownlee Eusebio (‘74) is cur- Northern Marianas College, Saipan. At the the annual FDMS Alumni Golf tourna- rently a dentist at the Ordot Dental Clinic. college Antonio was the Director of ment. He received his dental degree in 1984 from Business and Hospitality, the Director of the University of Maryland. Tourism Program, and a tourism instructor. Brian J. San Nicolas (‘79) recently Antonio also held various management Vincent Victor Lizama (‘74) is currently received his MBA in Telecommunications positions at the Hyatt Regency in Saipan. practicing radiology at the Guam Memorial Management in August 1995 from the Hospital X-ray department. He received Golden Gate University, CA and returned his residency and fellowship at St. Joseph to Guam October 1995 to offer his exper- Hospital in Michigan. tise to the island.

The Phoenix Tradition 9 Alumni News Achievements


Adrian F. Cristobal (‘80) was ordained a priest on September 30,1989 and is cur- Noel Delgado ‘85 rently the pastor of San Vicente Church, Barrigada; Chancellor for the Archdiocese and of Guam; Co-director of Vocation; and Co- Fr. Joe Delgado ‘80 chairman of the Catholic Charities Appeal. Joseph A. Delgado (‘80) was ordained a priest on May 20, 1995 (his birthday) for the Diocese of San Jose, CA. He is cur- rently the Associate Pastor of Saint John Vianney Church in San Jose. Roger J. Kaneshiro (‘80) is currently an Pedro Bacalangco Joseph M. Diego (‘82) recently accepted orthodontist in private practice in Harmon. Clavero, Jr. (‘81) has completed 14 yrs of the position of Dededo Area Supervisor for He received his BS degree in chemical service in the US Navy and is currently the Farmer’s Home Admin., USDA. engineering from the University of recruiter in charge of NRS Vallejo, CA. Previously, Joseph was the Director of Southern California (‘85), his DDS degree Previously, he served two tours onboard Customs & Quarantine Agency; Deputy Nuclear Powered Fast Attack Submarines from (‘89), and his Director of the Department of Commerce; MS degree in orthodontics from State and one tour with the Navy “Brig” in San Diego, CA. and Bank of Guam Operations Assistant Univ. of NY at Buffalo (‘92). and Commercial/Loan Officer Mark Ivan Paulino (‘80) graduated from Johnny A. Fegurgur (‘81) graduated from the University of Hawaii with a BA degree New York University medical school and Myung Hwan Oh (‘82) is currently the in anthropology and is pursuing his mas- is currently in fourth year resident for vice-president of Marketing and Sales for ter’s degree. After completing his studies, surgery in Honolulu. Hudson International Conductors, a Phelps he desires to contribute to the research John W. Payne (‘81) received his masters Dodge Company. He received his BS being done at the Micronesian Area degree from Columbia University. Research Center at the University of Guam. degree in ELEC/ELEX Engineering in January 1995 and his thesis was published Stefan Marcel Wusstig (‘82) will soon be Ronald J. San Nicolas (‘80) is currently a in the Canadian Journal of Engineering. In transferring to sea command after his cur- Ph.D. candidate in Social Work; Lecturer August 1995 he accepted a position with of Social Work at the University of Air Touch Cellular in CA as RF Design rent assignment as training officer at the Hawaii; University of Guam Doctoral Engineer. In addition, John is submitting Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Fellow; and a National Institute of Mental two articles for Technical Journal of Engineering Readiness Center in Phoenix Arizona. Health Research Fellow. Phillip P. Santos (‘81) plans a career tran- Hernan T. Santos (‘83) finished college in Edward F. Ulloa (‘80) is the Producer & sition to Matson Navigation this year and ‘87 as an engineer, worked in the disk President of Crystal Sands Production, is currently an Account Exec. at American drive industry for three years, “got tired of Inc., a San Francisco based audio produc- President Lines; board member of the engineering,” and then went back to school tion company with offices on Guam and Guam Contractors Assoc.; board sec. of to earn an MBA degree from the Univ. of SF, and studio facilities in SF, featuring Crimestoppers; member of the Chinese California, Berkeley. He is now working album production, audio/video production, Merchants Assoc.; and Dale Carnegie in the San Jose, CA area as a production man- concert promotion & project management. graduate ager. Donald V. Calvo (‘84) is currently an Attorney-at-Law licensed to practice in Guam and California. Francis P. Camacho (‘84) was recently promoted to Assistant Vice-President/ Members of the Business Banking Officer of the Bank of ‘80-’81 school Hawaii’s regional banking center on Guam. newspaper staff James C. Diaz (‘84) is currently a U.S. Army Officer at Fort Hood, Texas. Commissioned Second Lieutenant in May 1986, James was deployed to Desert Shield/Storm in September 1990 to April 1991 and from June to October 1992 he served as Air Defense Officer.

10 The Phoenix Tradition Alumni News Achievements

Daniel C. Drilon (‘84) is the President of Vincent Cristobal Camacho (‘86) is cur- Melvin Aranzamandez Jose (‘87) is cur- Cosmos Corp. and the owner of a national- rently a management consultant at Deloitte rently the media planner for J. Walter ly acclaimed restaurant. He is currently & Touche. Previously he served four years Thompson and is working on the “Sprint” writing a novel and recently wrote a col- in the U.S. Army. Vincent received his BS account, an advertising campaign that fea- lection of short stories, some of which degree in accounting from San Diego State tures Candace Bergen and he’s “loving were submitted by request to PBS for pos- University. every minute of it!” sible collaboration. Joseph (Sang) Hui Lee (‘86) is the Paul Gerard Terlaje (‘87) graduated from John Rivera Onedera (‘84) is the Senior Investment Manager for American the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD Accountant for Deloitte & Touche and is a International Group and will be traveling in May 1991 and completed officer school Certified Public Accountant. He received to Korea to head the investment portfolio at Newport, RI. He is currently a lieutenant his MBA degree from San Diego State for AIG office, Seoul. in the US Navy serving aboard the U.S.S. University and his BBA degree from the Tortuga stationed at Norfolk, VA and has Antonio B. Pendon (‘86) is currently a University of Guam. completed two Mediterranean cruises, each respiratory therapist at Cedars Sinai lasting six months in Bosnia, Mogdiscio, Jeffrey C. San Nicolas (‘84) earned his Medical Center and specializes in the and other Mediterranean ports. master’s degree in private school adminis- Neonatal Respiratory Therapy. tration from the University of San Wally Tsui (‘87) is beginning a new career Anthony Wayne Cruz Taijeron (‘86) is Francisco in July 1995. He plans to con- in law enforcement as an F/T code currently a police officer for the Guam tinue his theology studies at Saint Patrick’s enforcement officer and P/T Police Officer Police Department and plans to pursue a Seminary in January 1996. (Reserve) for the city of Alhambra, CA. degree in criminal justice. Previously Previously, Wally worked in the occupa- John Hien Truong (‘84) received a fel- Anthony served in the military for five tional health and safety field. lowship for specialized medical training at years. Yale Medical School in the field of infec- David Sablan Duenas (‘88) accepted the tious diseases. Troung received his B.S. position of Engineer II at the Guam degree in chemistry from the Univeristy of Telephone Authority. Previously, David San Francisco and then went on to Temple was employed with Puget Sound Power University School of Medicine where he Mike and Light, ABB Phoenix Controls, and received his M.D. He completed his resi- Crisostomo General Electric. dency this summer at the University of ‘87 California, Irvine. Gerard Gedalanga Estoy (‘88) celebrated his first year of work at FHP in Guam on Noel Peter Delgado (‘85) graduated from June 10, 1995 as a laboratory assistant/ Rutgers University School of Law on May phlebotomist. 26, 1995. Alfred Flores Leon Guerrero (‘88) recent- Everard Quintanilla (‘85) is taking off on Michael William C. Crisostomo (‘87) will ly accepted the position of Assistant a new career in the U.S. Air Force and be ordained a deacon in December 1995 at General Manager at PACTOURS. plans to pursue his master’s degree in his home parish, San Vicente Church, Previously, Alfred was a Planner (II) for Human Resource Management. Barrigada. Mike is currently a student of the Guam Airport Authority. Previously, Everard was a teacher at theology at Saint Patrick’s Seminary. Bishop Baumgartner Memorial School as Franz L. Loriega (‘88) graduated Magna well as various other private and public Albert C. Esposito (‘87) accepted the posi- Cum Laude from Georgetown University schools. tion as volleyball coach & Sports in 1992. Information Director at Lees-McRae Jonathan Dehe Sakovich (‘88) is currently Felix Flores Ungacta (‘85) is an intern at College on July 1, 1995. Previouly, he Barnes Hospital, University of coached for three years at Saint Andrews training for the Olympic trials in March Washington. Felix received his medical College and was named Couch of the Year 1996. degree from Georgetown University in the Carolinas Conference in 1993. The David Michael Torre (‘88) is planning to Medical School and earned several distinc- Saint Andrew team won three consecutive enter graduate school in the Fall of 1996. conference titles under his leadership. tion while there, including: Cum Laude He is currently a member of the techincal honors, Alpha Omega Alpha Inductee, and Boris Thomas J. Hertslet (‘87) is the com- support staff at State of the Art. recipient of the Gregroy M. Chirikjian puter operator and accountant at T.A. Award in Biomedical Research. Felix Enterprises (a family business), and major- received his BS degree in Biology with ing in accounting at the University of honors from the University of Hawaii and Guam. In addition, he is building his was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. house in Windward Hills. Previously, he was the manager of Marty’s Restaurant in Tamuning.

The Phoenix Tradition 11 Alumni News Achievements

Bernardo Abano Solidum (‘93) is current- ly attending the University of Hawaii in the pre-medical technology program and was recently enrolled on the Dean’s List Karl Loriega ‘91 at for academic achievement. his commencement exercises at Yale Alvin De Los Reyes Alvarez (‘94) is cur- University poses with rently attending the University of Guam his brother Franz ‘88. and was enrolled on the Dean’s List for academic achievement the 1994 Fall semester. Dennis Ilustre Eucogco (‘94) completed his Freshman year (‘94-’95) at James Madison University in Virginia where he John Sablan Duenas (‘91) was selected to made the President’s List for academic achievement during the second semester. 90’s serve in the Midshipman Leadership pro- gram during his senior year at the U.S. Jesse Nievales Nasis (‘94) is currently Naval Academy in Annapolis and will be studying at the University of San Diego. Michael Loreto Cahinhinan (‘90) accept- going on to flight school in February 1996. ed the position of Financial Controller for He also lettered in varsity crew and repre- Robert Felipe Pangilinan (‘94) was Gerber Systems Inc. in Honolulu. sented the USA in France for the D-Day included in the National Dean’s List for Gabriel Aflague Jugo (‘90) graduated 50th anniversary. academic achievement at his college. (“...other than that my college is still pretty from Santa Clara University with a BS Karl Frederic Loriega (‘91) earned a BA degree in civil engineering and accepted much not as exciting as my high school degree in philosophy (Summa Cum Laude) achievements were—yet!”) the position of Structural Designer for from Yale University in May 1995 and was GK2 Inc. “Para Yu’os Yan Para Guahan” inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa society. Joshua John Paulino (‘94) is currently Jay Alberto Medina (‘90) is pursuing a Karl was also honored as a Edward attending the University of San Francisco master’s degree in International Business. Bouchet Research Fellow and as a 1991 Frank Peter Perez (‘94) is presently As a member of the Barangay Dance Presidential Scholar. attending the University of Notre Dame. Company of SF, CA and through personal studies he is working to preserve and pro- Ismael C. Perez (‘94) is currently attend- mote traditional Filipino folk dances and ing Tufts University. indigenous Filipino martial arts. Stuart Q. Suarez (‘94) is Joseph Lujan Rojas (‘90) graduated with currently working part-time honors from Portland State University with as a travel consultant at his a BS degree in Administration of Justice. family’s newly opened Jonathan Diaz ‘95 travel agency, Leilani He is currently an Assistant Manager at and Simon Apuron Electronics Boutique in Oregon. World Travel. He is also ‘95 after their attending college part-time. Sidney Corcino Sison (‘90) is the owner graduation and general manager of Sign-A-Rama, at the Agana Timothy Matthew Terlaje USA, a full service sign franchise compa- Cathedral-Basilica (‘94) is currently attending ny located in Harmon. Sign work includes the University of Hawaii. banners, window lettering, car/truck letter- I-lin Tsai (‘94) is currently ing, and lighted indoor and outdoor signs. attending the University of Carlo Reyes Dela Cruz (‘91) will be trans- Edward N. C. Sablan (‘93) is currently Washington. ferring to the University of Hawaii from studying in college but longs to return to his senior year at FD “If I were to go back Berndt F. Bittlingmaier (‘95) is currently Kapiolani Community College in January attending Western Washington University. 1996. and re-live my life, I’d have senior year at FD over and over again. That was the best Jonathan Blas Diaz (‘95) is currently time of my life...so far.” attending Saint John’s Seminary College in Joseph Scott Servino (‘93) is presently California. attending El Camino College in California, Joseph G. Camacho Muna (‘95) is cur- working towards a degree in Electrical rently attending Washington State Engineering. University.

12 The Phoenix Tradition Alumni News Passages

Walter Chris Perez (‘70) married Debra 60’s Eruson and they have two children, Kallen 80’s Marie (6) and Matthew Gregory (3). Joseph Pangelinan Perez (‘62) married Roger J. Kaneshiro (‘80) married Suzanne Frank Cruz San Nicolas (‘70) has one Victoria Cruz in January 1972 and they Sison and they have two children: son, Christopher James San Nicolas. have six children: Rosanne (Jan. 1973), Kimberly and Paul. Jose (Dec. 1973), Ismael (March 1976), Joseph Lujan Edquilane (‘71) is married Ronald J. San Nicolas (‘80) married Aaron (Jan. 1979), Raymond (Sept. 1981), and has two children: Joseph(13) and and Avice (Feb. 1983). Melissa Sablan and together they are Kayla(3). expecting their second child in Oct. 1995. Andriano Eustaquio Balajadia (‘66) is Antonio Artero Sablan (‘71) married Patti Edward Ulloa (‘80) married Elsa Payumo raising a family of five children, two of Untalan Sablan and they have three sons of Dededo, Guam on Feb. 12, 1994. whom are FDMS Alumni! Michael (22), Patrick (17), and Paul (10). Pedro B. Clavero, Jr. (‘81) married Jose Santos Dela Cruz (‘67) married Rita Andrew Brownlee Eusebio (‘74) married Lynette J. Jayobo of Agat in 1991 and they T. Sablan and they have three children: Cheryl Elliott and they now have two boys have one son, Christopher Ryan (2 yrs. old). Roxanne, Renee, and Rica Ann. Andrew Jr. and Cameron. John W. Payne (‘81) married Agnes A. Alfredo Garrido Quinones Payne and together they have a daughter (‘67) married Santa named Ashley and a second child who was Buenrostro from the due in August 1995. Dominican Republic and they now have five children Stephen Anthony Tanaka (‘81) married and three grandchildren. Michelle Dickie on July 22, 1995. Gerald Andrew Taitano Joseph M. Diego (‘82) married Terri L. (‘67) married Fances Duffy in August 1993 and they had their John & Arleen first son, Joseph Jr., in November 1992. Untalan Taitano (AOLG Onedera with ‘68) and they have two their son, John T. Meno (‘82) “and Kelley Jewell daughters: Aulii Lynette Jonathan Meno had a beautiful bouncing baby girl (AOLG ‘68) and Kiele Jael weighing 7.7lbs. at 7:00pm on Halloween (AOLG 2000?). night Oct. 31, 1993 - Tiana Jewell Meno is Anthony W. D. Perez (‘68) now 19 months and full of bubbly energy” has two children , Mark Myung Hwan Oh (‘82) married Jodi Lynn and Valorie, and one grand- Wu (a graduate of Columbia University child, Mari. along with Myung) in October 1993. Johnny Fred Quinata Hernan T. Santos (‘83) and Julia White (‘68) married Angie celebrated three years of marriage this Yamashita (AOLG ‘67). Together they Simon Apelu Sanchez (‘74) married year. “No kids yet.” Lourdes Torres (ND ‘72) and they have have two boy’s, Nick (14 years old) and James C. Diaz (‘84) married Mardea Matt (11 years old). two children Melinda (22) and Vince Charles Aflague (20). They also have one Lucuab of Pago Bay in 1989. Peter Charles Siguenza (‘69) celebrates 25 grandchild Nathaniel Justin Sanchez born Daniel C. Drilon (‘84) married Jennifer years of marriage to Joleen (AOLG ‘69) on on June 12, 1995. Smith in 1992. December 6, 1995. John Thomas Calvo (‘75) has two sons Mark D. Evangelista (‘84) married who are attending Father Duenas Memorial Michelle M. Quinata on December 17, School. 1988 at St. Joseph’s Church in Inarajan, 70’s Benny Arceo Fegurgur (‘75) married Guam. Together the have three children: Mary K. Kuntz and they have three sons, Mark Vincent (02-24-85), Maelani Lynn Noel Leonardo Concepcion (‘70) celebrat- (02-15-89), and Mason Joseph (03-16-95). ed 20 years of marraige to Beatrice Benito Ben, Brandon and Troy. this year. They now have three children: Michael Dwight Gunn (‘75) celebrated 15 John Rivera Onedera (‘84) married Arlene Ian (15), Joshua (12), and Banks (11). years of marraige in October 1995. Aquino (AOLG ‘84) in 1991 and they had their first child, Jonathan Edward, on May Jesse Flores Pangelinan (‘70) married 21, 1995. Elaine M. Pangelinan and they have two children, Hannah and Jessica. Ronald D. Reyes (‘84) is engaged to marry Michelle Palmario on December 29, 1995 in Manila, Philippines.

The Phoenix Tradition 13 Alumni News Passages

Joseph (Sang) Hui Lee (‘86) married Seung Ah Wi on October 29, 1995 and they have a new born child, Kyu-Bin. Peter C. Muna (‘86) married Cynthia. Antonio B. Pendon (‘86) is engaged to be married soon. Anthony Wayne Cruz Taijeron (‘86) mar- Ed & Eloisa Chan with ried Marcella, whom he met while in the their daughter, military. They have one daughter and have Edrienne plans to build their second home in the near future Kenneth Louis Carriveau (‘87) married Lloland G. Williams at Ft. Worth Texas in June 1993 and they had their first daughter, Katherine Luisa, in September 1994. Melvin Avanzamanfez Jose (‘87) is not married yet—Soon! David Sablan Duenas (‘88) married Lisa Gordon at Saint James Cathedral on July Jonathan Dehe Sakovich (‘88) is engaged Edward R. Chan (‘89) married Eloisa 10, 1993. They have a son, James Edward, to marry Angele Gravois on August 3, Albano on January 30, 1994. They are the born on May 1, 1995, 7 lbs-7 oz, 19 inches. 1996. proud parents of Edrienne Louise Chan (one year old). Gerard Gedalanga Estoy (‘88) celebrated David Michael Torre (‘88) married Mary 3 years of marriage to Malou on April 26, Paulino (ND) on August 20, 1994 and they 1995. They have twin sons, Stephen John had their first child, Kierin David, born on and Calvin James. May 16, 1995. Condolences to... In Memorium John Flores Pangelinan (‘68) on the Vicente Torres Martinez ‘50 Pedro Pangelinan ‘62 death of his son, John Charles Pangelinan, Juan Rosario Mesa ‘50 Galo Salas ‘62 on November 1, 1994. Augusto Cruz Paulino ‘50 Joseph Aguigui Cruz ‘64 Rudolph Guerrero Sablan ‘50 John Victor Cruz Okada ‘66 Godfrey A. Macaraeg (‘69*) on the death Pedro Sablan Leon Guerrero ‘51 Paul Flores Aguon ‘68 of his son, Godfrey Arthur Macaraeg Gil Torres Shinohara ‘51 Frankie R. Camacho ‘68 (‘87*), on October 10, 1995 Samuel S. Santos ‘52 William Anthony Perez Duenas ‘68 Ted Logan ‘54 Thomas Eclavea Perez ‘68 Everand Eric Quintanilla (‘85) on the Modesto Untalan Bautista ‘55 Richard E. Dickinson ‘69 death of his brother, Ron August Santos Randolph Calvo Carbullido ‘55 Jose D. Pangelinan ‘69* Quintanilla, on September 23, 1995. Pedro L.G. Santos ‘55 Antonio T. Perez ‘69* Jonathan Quan (‘89), James Quan (‘96), Cayetano Arrelano ‘56 Dave Joseph Santos ‘69 Derek Wegner (‘97), and Joseph Pereira Mariano R. Aquiningo ‘56 Anthony W. Tackney ‘69* (‘99) on the death of their grandmother, Jose Vidal Artero ‘56 Greg P. Abbate ‘71 Manuela Quan, on October 30, 1995. Gregorio Salas Guerrero ‘56 Alan Ted Aflague ‘71 Antonio Blas Ooka ‘56 Frank Arceo Fegurgur ‘71 Carlo Reyes Dela Cruz (‘91) on the death Frank Guevara Perez ‘56 Vicente Manglona Ayuyu ‘74 of his grandmother, Carmen Romualdez William P. San Nicolas ‘56 Ramon Borja De Leon Guerrero ‘76 Dela Cruz, on June 9, 1995. John Aguigui Aguon ‘57 Joaquin Guerrero Pablo ‘78 Joaquin Salas Guerrero ‘57 Vicente D. Pangelinan ‘78 Shawn Leon Guerrero (‘97) on the death Felix Artero Calvo ‘58 Eddie A. Santos ‘80 of his grandfather, Juan Siguenza Leon Rudolph Sablan Cruz ‘58 Michael A. Quitugua ‘82 Guerrero, on October 17, 1995. Jesus Untalan Arroyo ‘59 Michael Gerard Sevilla ‘84 Rafael Cruz Untalan ‘60 Frank C. Quan ‘84 Gregory G. Holbrook ‘61 Maynard Glen Sablan ‘86 Jesus P. Mafnas ‘61 Godfrey Arthur Macaraeg ‘87* Hermes Borja ‘62 Paul Aguigui Pangelinan ‘88 *Affiliate

14 The Phoenix Tradition Alumni News We’ve Seem to Have Lost Some Friends.

Do you know the whereabouts of any of the reunion class members below? If you do please let us know. We would love to keep in touch with them and assist in any way we can in their upcoming reunions. 1951 1966 1971 Jesus Crisostomo Aguon Pedro Tomas Aguon Andrew Michael Aflague Leonard R. Baza Chris S. Alberta Wilfrey Segismundo Santos 1956 Joseph Garrido Borja John Patrick Brandenburg John Lawrence Seigal Mariano R. Aquiningoc Vicente J. Cabrara* John Thomas Camacho Paul Joseph Souder Cayetano Arrelano Vicente Martinez Camacho Jose Muna Camacho Thomas Joseph Sykes Paulino Cruz Borja Richard Cassidy* Raymond Cruz Camacho Bayani Catindig Villacrucis Baldovino Esilion Castro Jesus Manalisay Castro Felipe Acfalle Candaso Roland Yanger Jesus Quitugua Charfauros Thomas B. Charfauros David Blas Castro 1981 Juan Duenas Leon Guerrero Timothy J. Collins Roque Raymond Castro Freddie D. Aflague Jose Lieto Norita John Cepeda Crisostomo Frank James Cruz Luis M. Cruz Francisco Torres Perez Anthony Cruz* Joseph Perez Cruz Robert J. Felix Frank Guevara Perez Frankie Cruz* Alvin J. Duenas Francis B. Guevara Peter Pangelinan Perez Joseph L. Cruz Jorge Agustin Orozo Emmanuel Jose A. Salas Vicente Torres Perez Lawrence Diaz Cruz John P. Flores Richard Seman Alfred Joseph Suarez William Cundiff* Walter Kung-wai Fung Andrew David Streng James Thomas Zeien Michael Czlonka* Charles Castro Guerrero 1961 John Douglas* Ernesto Ronaldo Guerrero 1986 Ignacio Duenas* Louis E. Hauer Franklin George Anderson Arriz Cedo Andulan John Duenas* Charles G. Homfeld David Joseph Arguelles Pedro Sablan Anderson Derwood Duncan* Brian Maury Jemison Henry Flores Blas Ronald G. Balajadia Ruben Eliana* Bruce Edward Kloppenburg Savatore Balsamo Peter Esteban Blaz Timothy Evans* George Stephen Leon Tomas Leon Guerrero Borja Frank Thomas Santos Blaz Benjamin Garrido* Richard Vincent Leon Rodey Agbada Cahinhinan Alfred Tenorio Camacho Joseph Eustaquio Garrido Edward Cruz Manibusan Gregorio Garrido Camacho Alfred Bitanga Camacho Amon Leon Guerrero Guerrero Luis Koston Martinez Raymond L. Castro Tito Ignacio Castro George Hartley* Anthony Gerald Mendiola Francisco Gogue Cruz Francisco Rosario Diaz Ronald Harry Peter Iaela Anthony Perez Pangelinan Carlito George C. Estrada Jesus Esteban Cruz Russell Jenkins* Abraham Mayores Paramal Francisco Romualdez De la Cruz Victor John Evangelista Richard George Le Francis Stephen N. Perry Francis Nicanor Flisco Michael Jerome Determan Anthony Leon Guerrero* Vincent Cruz Quitagua Francisco Blas Diaz Ernest C. Grant Alan Lovell* John Crisostomo Rivera Protacio Paciente Juarez Marvin Michael Dodge Gabriel San Nicolas Mansapit Michael Anthony Dwyre Robertson David Guzman Duenas Steven James Koski Jose Santos Martinez Vincent Mafnas Rosario Eloy Salas Lizama Luis Lujan Duenas David Mitchell* Nicolas Diaz Sablan Joaquin Finona Guerrero Renato Maniego Mabesa Michael Anthony Murray Edilberto Servilla Salvador Eugene Juadiong Provido Rafael S. Guerrero Jesse Cruz Navarro Richard Cruz San Nicolas Antonio Sablan Gumataotao Anthony Mesa Sablan John Marshal Obenchain Cassiano Ada Soram Richard Allen Salas Thomas Blas Guzman Clinton James Odiorne Charles Leonard Thomas Clarence M. Harris* Howard Gustaf Trapp Roderick Orson Ott Paul David Untalan Kenneth William Wagner David Santos Ignacio Richard Pablo* Francisco Cruz Lizama Benny Paulino* 1976 1991 Joaquin C. Lujan Jeffrey Pick* Edgardo Azurin Blancaflor Harry H. Chang Jesus P. Mafnas Edward Mata Quinene Fred Blas* Craig Badar Cotiangco John Marland Mahaffey Jesus Leon Guerrero Ramirez Felix Perez Camacho Dominic D. Cruz Joaquin T. Meno Antonio Reyes* Dennis Francis Charfauros Joseph Gerard Cruz* Jose Borja Meno Tomas Cruz Reyes Jose Pascual Chuidian Leandro S. Dalisay Edward Lee Morgan James Ryland* Claudio Donato* Kevin Carter Gaston William Aguon Nauta Edward Sablan* Michael Dolan Flynn Ryan Gumataotao Roni Martin Oliva John G. San Agustin Francis Leonard Gill Steven C. P. Hattori Edmond Pangelinan Paul Alexis Limtiaco Santos Peter Edward Gill Po Kyong Kim* Enrique Baza Pocaigue Joannes Taimanao* Richardo Charles Hardy Tae Chun Kwon* Cristobal Reyes Jerry Torres* Allen Mikel Hosie Chi Lun (Alan) Ng Daniel Mesa Sablan Francis Blas Tydingco Frank M. Huitema Paul Anthony Perez* Frederick Karl Santos Jose Untalan* Roy Joseph Kaneshiro Francis John Reyes* John Perez Santos Richardo Vergara* Don Kenzo Kunitomo Joel Perez Salas* Robert Garrido Sgambelluri James Edward Violett Galo Dumanal Lizama Lawrence Candelaria Tanghal Norbert Blas Tydingco Class of 1966 Felix Taisacan Manglona Jim Marvin Z. Terbio Antonio Reyes Unpingco Vincent Atalig Manglona Richard Y. Ybanez Joaquin Villagomez Reunion Planning Has Vincent George Murdock Antonio Cruz White Begun. Antonio Palomo William White For more information Call John Marin Rosenzweig Joseph & Donna Perez at William E. Ryan 646-9523 Anthony P. Sanchez *Affiliate

The Phoenix Tradition 15 Alumni News

Stagmatine Years Remembered (continued from page 7) years there was one of seriousness in our What do you appreciate most about for which FDMS had always been known educational pursuit. It was instilled in us your studies and life at FDMS with the will become fully evident. that we were there at FD to learn (and as Stigmatines? seminarians to prepare for the priesthood), • the fact that the Stigmatines took special I don’t know what it is now, but I remem- and unless we devoted ourselves to our interest in each of us, treating us as their ber in my days that if a student fails any educaitonal pursuit, we have no business own sons, and encouraging us (even in two subjects in any two successive quar- being there. individual cases) to pursue our chosen ters, he’s out! That might seem like a very careers; harsh criterion, but we were always taught Our spiritual life was filled with prayer at that “FDMS is a top-notch school whose • the fact that the Stigmatines didn’t seem scholastic standards are high, and where different stages of the day: meditation and to separate themselves apart from us like Mass in the morning; spiritual readings in you come to learn,” and if you can’t handle they lived in a different world than ours. it – sorry! the afternoons; rosary and Benedictions We played basketball together; we went before dinner; readings during the first part on picnics and outings together; we Many parents (in those days) sent their of our meals; spiritual reading and evening recreated together. They made them- sons to FDMS because of the discipline prayers before we retired; Vespers on selves as accessible to us as possible, yet that they knew will be instilled into their Sundays. maintaining a distance so as not to lose kids. I don’t know if that still exists today, Despite our heavy prayer life, our schedule the respect that they deserved from us; but I sure wish that the element of DISCI- also inculed lots of time for study and • the fact that they made themselves avail- PLINE is still foremost at FDMS. recreation. able to us for counseling and advice, I was always proud of being an FD student both scholastically and spiritually; The scholastic courses we took were col- in my day because everybody talked about lege preparatory courses, all geared toward We knew we had friends in them. how high-caliber a standard is set there. preparing us for further studies in college. Our professors (all priests) became not just What do you appreciate least about your our teachers, but our mentors as well. We We were taught Gregorian chant on the studies and life at FDMS with the side. looked up to them, and they inspired us to Stigmatines: greatness. I really can’t think of any! Basketball was the only popular sports at Are you still proud to be graduate of the time (not football), and baseball to a Are there elements of your experience of FDMS? lesser degree. Almost everyone whose FDMS with the Stigmatines that you Bet your bottom dollar, I am! I am health could stand it was encouraged to would hope has continued at FDMS even extremely proud of my teachers, their cre- participate in sports. until this day? dentials, their dedication, their friendship, I wish that the tradition of EXCELLENCE and their moral influence on me.

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