Jazz Bass Audi+ons Spring 2021 Submit a link to a single unlisted YouTube recording to
[email protected]. Record with camera placement that captures the en;rety of the fingerboard. Play all three pieces without pausing the video recording. Minimize ;me between pieces by having music and accompaniment cued in advance. Play the en;re audi;on on double bass. Audi;on Material: 1. Using this link to an Evidence play-along, play the Audi%oning Basses Evidently pdf. Observe the mul;ple repeats and vary between melodic reading, accompaniment, and improvisa;on as instructed on the pdf. hKps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEI7aoxSY4E 2. Using 1:35 to 1:55 in this link to Tommy Igoe's Groove Essen%als #79: Very Fast Swing, play two choruses of a blues in any key. hKps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjMRgT5dytM 3. Choosing a tempo that allows strong ;me and ar;cula;on, record 16th note reading 1 using a metronome set within the range of 72 to 120 b.p.m. Be sure the metronome is audible in your recording. Spring 2021 Jazz Ensemble Audi+ons: Jazz Guitar Your audi;on is to completed by recording a short video of you playing the following two tunes (3 min). Upon comple;on you will submit your video directly to me, Mac Himes,
[email protected]. 1.“Bag’s Groove” (Milt Jackson)- Video record yourself playing this tune with the aKached play-a-long en;tled, “Bag’s Groove” Blues Play-a-Long final mp3*. With the recording you will play the melody of “Bag’s Groove” 2 ;mes followed by you soloing on the chord changes for 2 choruses and then ending with the melody 1 ;me.