18/08/2012 21:10 Cuerpo E Pagina 1 Cyan Magenta Amarillo Negro E DOMINGO 19 DE AGOSTO DE 2012 Editor: FABIOLA GURROLA [email protected] Wen Xiayu ha sido la ganadora del más famoso concurso de belleza del planeta. EFE Ordos, China. Novedades La joven china Wen Xiayu ha sido la ganadora El concurso Miss Mundo 2012 presentó del más famoso concurso de belleza del planeta, varias novedades, como la primera Miss Mundo, que celebró hoy su 62 edición en la participación de representantes de Guinea ciudad de Ordos, en la región autónoma de Mon- Ecuatorial (Jennifer Riveiro, hija de padre golia Interior (norte de China). gallego), Gabón o el país más joven del Ante un público eufórico, Wen se convirtió planeta, Sudán del Sur, cuya bella en la segunda mujer del gigante asiático que ga- representante, Atong Demach, se llevó el na este certamen, después de que la modelo primer premio de la noche ‘Miss Top Model’. Zhang Zilin lo lograra en 2007, también compi- tiendo “en casa”. Wen, de 23 años, hereda la corona de la vene- zolana Ivian Sarcos, que ganó el concurso en “Conocí muchas culturas y mucha gente a la que 2011, y aunque en esta edición no hubo suerte pa- no voy a poder olvidar, es una experiencia única e ra las latinoamericanas, quedaron entre las quin- increíble que estoy contenta de haber vivido”, seña- ce finalistas la mexicana Mariana Berúmen, la ló a la concursante argentina, Josefina Herrero. española Aránzazu Estévez y la brasileña Maria- La española Aránzazu Estévez, segunda cana- na Notarangelo. ria consecutiva que representa a España, también La joven china, de 23 años y estudiante de mú- destacó lo bueno de la experiencia y dio las gra- sica, se posicionó ya como una de las favoritas en cias a los fans que la han apoyado en el grupo de los primeros instantes del certamen y sobre todo Facebook, y a toda su familia. sorprendió por su enorme talento como cantante, “Ha sido una experiencia única, me la voy a lle- con una voz de soprano que dejó mudo al público. var para toda la vida y se la recordaré a mis nie- La galesa Sophie Moulds, una de las favoritas tos”, señaló la española, quien reconoció que al para los expertos, quedó en segundo lugar del con- principio tenía un poco de reparo en si sabría de- curso y ganó el premio “Miss Beach Fashion”, fenderse en otros idiomas durante un mes en Chi- mientras que el tercer puesto fue para la austra- na, pero al final “todas las otras chicas -dijo- me liana Jessica Kahawaty. han ayudado mucho”. Se introdujo como novedad el llamado “Premio La venezolana Gabriella Ferrari no pudo repe- Multimedia” a la modelo que consiguiera ser más tir el éxito de su antecesora -aunque el país sigue popular en las redes sociales. siendo, con seis títulos, el más galardonado de la historia- y ella tomó su participación como un LATINAS, CON LAS MANOS VACÍAS aprendizaje. Las concursantes latinoamericanas se fueron es- “Me voy con las mejores energías para mi pa- ta vez sin premios, pero se mostraron contentas ís y nuevos proyectos, pues muchas niñas me han por la experiencia de haber pasado un mes en Chi- dado ideas que seguro me van a servir para el fu- na, conociendo la cultura oriental y a chicas de to- turo”, señaló la joven de 21 años, estudiante de co- do el mundo. municación social. AGENCIAS Imagen de las concursantes de Miss Mundo celebrado en el Es- tadio Dongsheng en Ordos (China). La joven china ha sido la ga- La recién coronada Miss Mundo, la china Wen Xiayu (c), posa nadora del más famoso concurso de belleza del planeta, Miss junto a las finalistas Sophie Elizabeth Mould (i) de Gales, y Jes- Mundo, que celebró hoy su 62 edición en la ciudad de Ordos, en Miss India, Vanya Mishra, sonríe al recibir el “Premio Multi- sica Michelle Kahawaty de Australia (d), en la final de Miss la región autónoma de Mongolia Interior (norte de China). media” en la final de Miss Mundo 2012. Mundo celebrada en el estadio Dongsheng, en Ordos, China. Estuvo cerca Se introdujo como novedad el llamado “Premio Multimedia” a la modelo que consiguiera ser más popular en las redes sociales, un galardón que estuvo a punto de lograr la mexicana Mariana Berumen, una de las grandes favoritas, aunque finalmente fueapararalaindia Vanya Mishra. www.elsiglodedurango.com.mx.
Of 2 19Th August 2012 Chorus Against FAC Members Gets Louder The
Chorus against FAC members gets louder The newly-constituted Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) by the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) has kicked up a controversy over the choice of two of its independent members, who have been alleged to have a clear interest in mining and hydroelectricity. It’s their conflict of interest that has led environmentalists to be up in arms against the duo’s selection. The FAC is the statutory body that decides on key issues related to diversion of forest land for road, mining and other development projects in the country. In a letter (dated August 20), written to Environment Minister Jayanthi Natarajan, a large number of environmentalists have urged her to immediately cancel the appointments of two of its members KP Nyati and Prof NP Todria as independent members of the FAC and reconstitute the committee. Human urine can be used to reduce pollution Apart from oceans, soil, rocks and trees, human and animal urine can also absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and help reduce pollution, says a Spanish researcher. Absorbing CO2 and other greenhouse gases in cities would require millions of tonnes of some naturally occurring substance. Urine is produced in large quantities and is close to the pollution hubs of large cities. “For every molecule of urea in urine, one mole (a unit to measure the quantity of a substance) of ammonium bicarbonate is produced along with one mole of ammonia that could be used to absorb one mole of atmospheric CO2,” said study author Manuel Jimenez Aguilar, the Journal of Hazardous Materials reports.
EDICIÓNDOMINGO > CENTRO SUR EL PERIÓDICO DEL PUEBLO ORIENTAL EL TIGRE, Do m i ng o 16 de octubre de 2011 WW W.ELTIEMPO.COM.VE AÑO V - Nº 1.924 PRECIO Bs.F. 3,50 EN T R E V I STA GOBIERNO > Gremio de comerciantes dicen que fiscalizadores deben capacitarse para evitar conflictos Ramón Muchacho (PJ): Chávez es un pitcher agotado y será relevado Usuarios van a vigilar + 1 2,1 3 TIEMPO LIBRE servicios y precios El directo nacional del Indepabis, Augusto Montiel, vino ayer a Anzoátegui para juramentar a 250 comités comunales que estarán presentes en los 21 municipios del estado, especialmente en Sotillo, Bolívar, Anaco y El Tigre, en donde, según el jefe regional, Arquímedes Barrios, se producen más denuncias de especulación y acaparamiento de productos +3 Divertidas piezas multicolores LA CORONA LA TIENE MISS SUCRE Los tacos interconectables creadas por Lego en 1949, combinan el ejercicio manual con el entrenamiento mental. Las piezas de armar figuras mantuvieron su auge hasta la década de los 90, y aún son compañeros de juego de niños y adolescentes. +26, 27 LOCALES N AC I O N A L E S Mejorar la calidad Dirigentes juveniles de vida mueve oficialistas buscan el trabajo comunal la supervivencia en Anzoátegui de la revolución +8, 9 +14 DE P O RT E S Alberto Pujols y Miguel Cabrera marcaron tendencia y adquirieron protagonismo + 36, 37 I N T E R N AC I O N A L E S Los indignados del mundo se unieron en una protesta Irene Esser fue electa anoche Miss Venezuela 2011.
SNAP GK QUESTION BANK - 2012 1. Templeton Prize established in 1972, to honour a living 2. The water requirements of coastal cities with person who affirms life’s spiritual dimension be it through inadequate alternative source of water will be met insight, or practical works, was recently conferred to- by adopting appropriate technologies that allow for (a) Desmond Tutu (b) Sri Sri Ravishankar the use of ocean water. (c) Aung San Suu Kyi (d) Dalai Lama 3. All the rivers of Himalayan origin will be linked to the rivers of peninsular India. 2. Name the first Indian to qualify for marathon in 36 years 4. The expenses incurred by farmers for digging bore- for Olympic 2012. wells and for installing motors and pump-sets to draw (a) Arun Bhardwaj (b) Ram Singh Yadav ground-water will be completely reimbursed by the (c) Sandeep Kumar (d) Kashinath Government. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 3. Which among the following statement is incorrect? (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (a) GDP = consumption + investment + government (c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 spending + (exports - imports) (b) GNP = GDP + Net income inflow from assets abroad 8. Which of the following retail Groups, in India, is the 50:50 or Net Income Receipts - Net payment outflow to partner of world’s largest retailer Walmart Stores Inc? foreign assets (a) Bharti Group (b) Reliance group (c) GNP: GDP + Income earned and received in foreign (c) Sara Group (d) Future Group countries - income received by foreign national in India 9.
04 ABRIL / 2014 アンヴィ ® www.en-vie-fashion.com ADELANTE CON LA MODA Den Un Vistazo Al Futuro Coloreame Suevemente Siga la tendencía primeveraniera de colores pasteles BOUDOIR Detras Del Objetivo Con La Nunca en Tierra Fotografa EVELIEN KOOTE LISS BOUWENS AZUCAR Un Diseñador Dinamico La Dulzura Que Se Recuerda Para Ti El Sonido de IKEBANA Mucho Más Todo más reciente Accessories para La moda mas actual Las noticias y la la temporada información COVER + FOLLOWING Photography / ALIXANN LOOSLE WWW.ALIXANNLOOSLEPHOTOGRAPHY.COM Stylist & Designs / ELIANA SMITH Floral designs, Creative, Artistic Director / KIM WATT SpEARS, Petal Pixie - www.PetalPixie.com mUa / laUren Fisher - laUrenFishermakeup.tUmblr.com Location / VINTAGE ScHOOLHOUSE in NORTH OGDEN, UT. Hair Stylist / JEN NGUYEN Models / ASHLYN KAY GRIFFIN & DANIEL ZALDIVAR BAckcOVER CREDITS Model / Daryl scanes MUA / stevie vincent Stylist / NIckI DERRIck Photography / MELLY STEWART (MellyS Photography) WWW.MELLYSPHOTOGRAPHY.COM 10 CONTENIDO 06 NOTICIas 08 La TENDENCIA 10 EDITORIAL Las bellas de Egipto 18 FOTOGRafÍA Adelante Con La Moda 22 LA INTRODUCCIÓN Boudoir 24 EDITORIAL Imperium Napoleon Aristokratie 29 La TENDENCIA Coloreame Suevemente 34 FOTOGRafÍA El Deseo Por las Ondas 38 La MARCA Existir, Pensar y llevar 38 43 La MODA La suerte de ser Lady 46 EDITORIAL Los Domingos Lentos 48 SWEET 48 ACCESORIOS El sonido de Ikebana Illustration & Concept ANNA BOURS 52 FOTOGRafÍA Puro Capricho WWW.ANNABOURS.COM 56 EDITORIAL La Reina de Corazónes 61 La MODA Take a Bow 64 FOTOGRafÍA La Bella Durmiente
Celsa landaeta y lilibeth morillo no Continue ❗ OF EXTENSIONS AND PASSPORTS RECEIVED IN FEBRUARY, JANUARY 2020 AND DECEMBER, AUGUST 2019❗ The Consular Section of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Peru repeats the lists of passports and extensions published above (February, January 2020 and December and August 2019) and makes available to our conferences that have advanced in Peru, following telephone numbers to agree the revocation of their documents as planned. Call hours From Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 18:00. 980 622 779 999 645 327 912 669 626 923 185 964 924 12 5 733 922 297 825 To reconcile your appointment they should appear in published lists and find the list number and order, in which they appear (Example: in case of extension, B1, No. 54; in case of obtaining a passport No. 178). The call will explain the requirements to be made. List of extensions received in February 2020: List of passports that arrived in January 2020: The list of extensions received in December 2019: The list of extensions that arrived in August 2019: Reportedly, the withdrawal of the document is strictly personal. For children and adolescents, retirement can be made by a parent. It is emphasized that no managers or processing is allowed. confirmed that in order to protect healthcare and ensure risky situations against COVID-19, the withdrawal of the document is due to the planned appointment in coordination with our consular officials. In this sense, the use of a mask is mandatory for the implementation of security measures, the arrival is strictly punctual at the time of your appointment and the visit of only the user who withdraws the document.
6271 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 2011-12 FIRST SESSION OF THE FIFTY-FIFTH PARLIAMENT ___________________ BUSINESS PAPER No. 101 THURSDAY 23 AUGUST 2012 ___________________ GOVERNMENT BUSINESS ORDERS OF THE DAY— 1 Budget Estimates and related papers 2012-2013; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Brad Hazzard, "That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers 2012-13". (Moved 14 June 2012—Mr Paul Lynch). 2 Courts and Other Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Greg Smith, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 14 August 2012—Mr John Flowers). 3 Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Greg Smith, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 15 August 2012—Mr Paul Lynch). 4 Succession Amendment (International Wills) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Greg Smith, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 15 August 2012—Mr Paul Lynch). 5 Crimes Amendment (Cheating at Gambling) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Greg Smith, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 22 August 2012—Mr Paul Lynch). 6 Committee on the Office of the Ombudsman and the Police Integrity Commission—Reference; consideration of the Legislative Council's message dated 29 May 2012. † Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council 6272 BUSINESS PAPER Thursday 23 August 2012 BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE – PETITIONS ORDERS OF THE DAY— 1 Petition—from certain citizens requesting immediate action to install lifts to the platforms at Redfern railway station.
04 APRIL / 2014 アンヴィ ® www.en-vie-fashion.com FASHION FORWARD Look into the Future Colour Me Softly Follow Spring's Pastel Trend BOUDOIR Behind the Lens with Photographer EVelIEN KOOte Never Land LIss BOUWENS AZUCAR A Dynamic Designer Sweet Remembered Sound of IKEBANA On you Accessories for the Season Plus all the Latest Fashion News, Info and Much More FASHION RUNWAY EXTRA! COVER + FOLLOWING Photography / ALIXANN LOOSLE WWW.ALIXANNLOOSLEPHOTOGRAPHY.COM Stylist & Designs / ELIANA SMITH Floral designs, Creative, Artistic Director / KIM WATT SPEARS, Petal Pixie - www.PetalPixie.com mUa / laUren Fisher - laUrenFishermakeup.tUmblr.com Location / VINTAGE ScHOOLHOUSE in NORTH OGdeN, UT. Hair Stylist / JEN NGUYEN Models / ASHLYN KAY GRIffIN & DANIEL ZALDIVAR backcover credits Model / daryl scanes MUA / stevie vincent Stylist / NIckI DERRIck Photography / MeLLY STEWART (MellyS Photography) WWW.MELLYSPHOTOGRAPHY.COM 10 CONTENTS 06 NeWS 08 TREND 10 EDITORIAL Egypte Beauties 18 PHOTOGRAPHY Fashion Forward 22 INTRODUctION Boudoir 24 EDITORIAL Imperium Napoleon Aristokratie 29 TREND Colour Me Softly 34 PHOTOGRAPHY Waves of Desire 38 LAbel To Be, Think, and Wear 38 43 FASHION Luck Be a Lady 46 EDITORIAL Lazy Sundays 48 SWEET 48 AccessORIes Sound of Ikebana Illustration & Concept anna boUrs 52 PHOTOGRAPHY Pure Fancy www.annaboUrs.com 56 EDITORIAL Queen of Hearts 61 FASHION Take a Bow 64 PHOTOGRAPHY Sleeping Beauty 66 EDITORIAL Patterned Perfection 70 PROFIle Azucar 72 EDITORIAL Summer Lovin' 74 PHOTOGRAPHY Witches from the South 76 PHOTOGRAPHY Let the
Letter from the Chairman Time has long been the measure of existence. After pondering over this universally debated notion that fascinates me personally, I came to the simple belief that time can be defined by three simple terms: Past, Present and the Future. Reflecting on the Past, I can only remember the ambition, the effort, the results, and achievements. I am very proud of the years that have passed, and particularly 2013, as RYMCO has outperformed once again with important successful milestones, awards, recognitions and certificates received in the last year. The first quarter of 2013 brought a leisure division, RYMCO Powersports, with a flagship showroom in the Mathaf area. We launched the location with several new brand models from Kawasaki and the introduction of Peugeot Scooters, a new brand acquisition for the company. Following this success came another one, the Pathfinder and Sentra event, which was the highlight of my year. We launched these prominent mod- els on the roof of our headquarters in Chiyah, completely transforming it into a venue that hosted over 400 VIP guests. In line with our long commitment to the environment, came the launch of the zero-emission Nissan Leaf as the pinnacle of the event. By the end of the year, we successfully launched the All-New Nissan Tiida in the latest RYMCO showroom in Verdun. Since its launch in 2006, the Nissan Tiida is the most established model in its category in Lebanon, selling more than 14,000 units to date. With its new design and innovation, I am confident that its numbers will continue to grow.
GENERAL AWARENESS 1. Who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the year 2012 for their work with light and matter at the most fundamental level? 1) Adam Reiss and Brian Schmidt 2) Adam Reiss and Saul Perlmutter 3) Serge Haroche and David J.Wineland 4) Charles K. Kao and Willard S. Boyle 5) Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov 2. Who was conferred with the prestigious Lata Mangeshkar Award by the Maharashtra govern- ment in September 2012? 1) Khayyam 2) Udit Narayan 3) Anandji Shah 4) Suman Kalyanpur 5) None 3. Vanuatu joined as the 157th me-mber of which of the following organizations on August 24, 2012? 1) IMF 2) World Bank 3) WTO 4) ILO 5) UNESCO 4. World Bank has appointed Onno Ruhl as the Country Director for India. He belongs to? 1) Moldova 2) Armenia 3) Nigeria 4) Netherlands 5) Germany 5. Which of the following statements about the 2012 ICC World Twenty20 is not true? 1) The fourth ICC World Twen-ty20 competition was held in Sri Lanka, first time in an Asian country, from Septemb-er 18 to October 7, 2012. 2) West Indies won the trophy for the first time defeating Sri Lanka in the final by 36 runs that was played in R.Prema-dasa Stadium in Colombo. 3) Sri Lanka have now lost four World Cup finals (two 50 overs and two T20s) 4) Marlon Samuels of the West Indies was declared the Man of the Match in the final. 5) Player of the Tournament is Chris Gayle of the West Indies.
{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~Download Gabriella by Alan Hardy Gabriella
{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~download Gabriella by Alan Hardy Gabriella. For other books by Alan Hardy, view Alan Hardy's Smashwords author profile page. It's possible you may find a newer edition of this book there. Alternatively, if you don't find another version, the author profile page may provides links to the author's web site and social media. You could try contacting the author there and ask them to return the book to Smashwords. For other books published by Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Ltd, view Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Ltd's Smashwords publisher profile page. It's possible you may find a newer edition of this book there. Alternatively, if you don't find another version, the publisher profile page may provides links to the publisher's web site and social media. You could try contacting the publisher there and ask them to return the book to Smashwords. Grey Wolf's Blog. Alternate History, Science Fiction, Poetry and Life. Author Interview with Alan Hardy. We bid a warm welcome to author Alan Hardy. I’m a director of an English language school for foreign students. Married, with one daughter. Poetry pamphlets: Wasted Leaves, 1996; I Went With Her, 2007. I’ve had poems published in such magazines as Orbis, Iota, The Interpreter’s House, Poetry Nottingham, Poetry Salzburg Review, Poetry Cornwall, and others. I have now written five novels. I would describe them as surreal novels exploring the nature of relationships, romantic and sexual, and Britain’s class-system, with liberal use of comedy and satire, creating original and riveting settings full of humour, romance, sex and adventure.
1187 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 2011-12 FIRST SESSION OF THE FIFTY-FIFTH PARLIAMENT ___________________ VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS No. 102 THURSDAY 23 AUGUST 2012 ___________________ 1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE The House met at 10.00 am pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker took the Chair, read the prayer and acknowledged the traditional owners, thanking them for their custodianship of country. 2 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL—FINES AMENDMENT BILL The Speaker reported the following message from the Legislative Council: Madam SPEAKER The Legislative Council having this day passed a bill titled “an Act to amend the Fines Act 1996 to make further provision with respect to fines and their enforcement” transmits the bill to the Legislative Assembly for concurrence. Legislative Council FRED NILE 22 August 2012 Assistant President Bill introduced and read a first time. Ordered by the Speaker, That the second reading stand an order of the day for a later hour. 3 NOTICES OF MOTIONS (GENERAL NOTICES) 1188 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thursday 23 August 2012 4 RETAIL LEASES AMENDMENT (MEDIATION) BILL Mr Paul Lynch moved, pursuant to notice, That a bill be now introduced for an Act to amend the Retail Leases Act 1994 to require mediation in connection with retail tenancy disputes. Question put and passed. Bill introduced and read a first time. Mr Paul Lynch moved, That this bill be now read a second time. Debate adjourned (Mr Daryl Maguire) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a future day. _____________ It being before 10.30 am, general business orders of the day (for bills) proceeded with.