Agenda Item 5 PLANNING AND ACCESS COMMITTEE MEETING: Monday 29 July 2019 SUBMITTED BY: Director of Rural Development and Planning APPLICATION NUMBER: 2018/0139/DET APPLICANT: Mactaggart & Mickel Homes Ltd Land to the North Of Gartness Road, Drymen, LOCATION: Stirling Residential development of 88 dwellings with access, public car park, hard and soft PROPOSAL: landscaping, drainage and associated infrastructure Ward 4 South East Loch Lomond NATIONAL PARK WARD: Drymen COMMUNITY COUNCIL AREA: Name: Caroline Strugnell CASE OFFICER: Tel: 01389 722148 E-mail:
[email protected] 1. SUMMARY AND REASON FOR PRESENTATION A planning application has been submitted for the development of 88 dwellings with access, public car park, hard and soft landscaping, drainage and associated infrastructure on land to the north of Gartness Road, Drymen. The land is allocated for housing development in the Local Development Plan (LDP) In accordance with the National Park Authority’s Scheme of Delegation, this application requires to be determined by the Planning and Access Committee because the application is for major development as defined under the 2009 Regulations; and the proposed development is considered to represent a material departure from the LDP. 2. RECOMMENDATION That Members: 1. APPROVE the application subject to the imposition of the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the report and the conclusion of a section 75 agreement/planning obligation incorporating the Heads of Terms summarised in Appendix 2. 1 Agenda Item 5 3. BACKGROUND The current planning application was submitted on 14 May 2018. The first submission was for 101 houses with access, public car park, hard and soft landscaping, drainage and associated infrastructure.