•Revaluation Boosts Grand List
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r i >■ ■ f .^-1?i a i r The weather .Ti-* Gear and cold tonight with lows ? . J®' Thursday with highs 1 j sunny Friday: cloudy Saturday; clearing Sun- oay. National weather map on For page 5B. ’.tVOPACBS , Homo Dollvory tSEI sscnoFts-.!sscnoNB - MA»«*Esi|al, wbdnbsda^, uaw^ C ua jkwi, Phono 647-9946 a?ca •Revaluation boosts Grand List 541,493 increase over last year. The By GREG PEARSON the revaluation was finished, the Directors when it seU the 19'.’8-79 District is as follows: Herald Reporter figure is still subject to adjustments Grand List increased two percent. town budget. Some changes have been made by the town’s Board of Tax Review. • Personal property - Town, $33,- during these hearings and have been The current Grand List will be tbe The largest increase in assessment The Town of Manchester’s The substantial increase in tbe 7J1,626; Eighth District, $4,634,500 included in the Grand List calcula basis of tax rates for the fiscal year was the real estate category, which revaluated net taxable Grand Grand List is due to the revaluation • Real estate - Town, $361,850,- tion Residents who are still dis beginning July 1. A substantial increased by $215,807,380 to $454,588,- List for 1977 increased by 74.3 of property values that is bein^ com 442; Eighth District, $92,738,417. satisfied may meet with the Board of decrease can be expected in the pre 859. • Motor vehicle - Town, $31,041,- pleted now by the assessor's office. Tax Review, which annually makes percent to $533,634,235, figures sent tax rate, which is 55,06 mills for Personal property increased by $6,- 950; Eighth District, $9,657,300, The assessment of most residential some adjustments to the Grand List. released by the tax assessor’s the General Fund budget. 847,694 to $38,346,126. Motor vehicles Residents have been meeting for properties more than doubled office show. increased by $5,247,885 to $40,699,250. the past few weeks with employees because of tbe revaluation, tbe first A resident who Is dissatisfied after That figure is minus $8,397,403 in How much the mill .rate decreases The breakdown of those net taxable of the assessor’s office to review the in Manchester since 1966, will depend bn policy and spending meeting with the Board of Tax permitted exemptions and is a $227,- categories between the Town of new assessments resulting from By comparison, last year, before decisions made by the Town-Board of Review may appeal the new assess Manchester and the Eighth Utilties revaluation. ment to the Court of Common Pleas. Dollar’s value at record low llnited Press International a leading Zurich money dealer. Families of American enlisted men - if f The dollar plunged to new lows in West Germany have been so hard today against four major world hit by the doliar’s decline against the currencies in a crisis of confidence. mark that some are said to be living It was worth less than two West Ger beiow the poverty level. man marks for the first time in For Americans at home, it meant history. higher prices for imported goods, It also fell to record lows against such as wine, clothes or cars, and the Swiss franc, Belgian franc and less for their dollar when they travel :*-W Dutch gilder. Kuwait said if the abroad. , „ W dollar continues to drop, it will ask In Kuwait, Oil Minister All Khalifa other oil producing nations to con As Sabah said Kuwaiti ruler Sheikh fe.il- sider oil price hikes. Jaber al Ahmed is deeply : u iS The crisis appeared caused by concerned over the drop in the European money dealers refusing to dollar's value and its adverse effect believe that Washington really wants on the oil incomes of members of the to halt the accelerating nosedive. Organization of Petroleum Expor “There simply is no confidence ting Counties. either in the dollar or in Ali said Jaber told him that “in the Washington's assertions it will act event that the current slippage of the forcefully to support the dollar," said dollar continues, Kuwait will take the initiative in calling for an emergency meeting of OPEC oil and finance ministers to discuss the posi Black lung tion of the dollar, as well as whether to continue the current freeze on oil hill signed prices or to decide on price hikes.” The historic low came as no sur ^Broadway Medley* at illing prise. Bankers, industrialists and WfASHINGTON (U P D - President Laurel Melody, left, and Cherie Wilbanks, students at Illing the annual school talent show in tho Illino anHifnrh.m Th« Carter today signed legislation that government leaders have said for makes it easier for coal miners weeks that Washington was not stricken with black lung disease to taking adequate steps to support the claim disability benefits and to dollar and Uey could foresee nothing reapfriy for aid which may have been that would halt its dive. denied in the past. Nevertheless, the dollar's decline Carter said the new act includes below two marks was a shock that Deadline set for MDC data “fair and just” provisions making brought home the American curren black lung benefits permanent, cy’s sad plight. liberalizing standards for disabled Germans fearful for their export By GREG PEARSON Jodaitis mentioned that Tuesday have a comparison between the cost consider proposals from the MDC. miners to receive them and industries hard hit by the rising value night was the third meeting the town of joining the MDC and the town Some of the options that included Herald Reporter simplifying the procedures for of the' mark wondered just how low has had with MDC representatives. making water improvements on Its joining the MDC were eliminated claims. the dollar could fall. West German Manchester’s Water Study Com- They received no more definitive own. originally by the committee. United Mine Workers President Economics Minister Otto ■mittee, concerned that it still has not answers than the first meeting, he “We’re going to have to come up 'Die committee proposed that some Arnold Miller was standing at Lambsdorff said Tuesday it could received cost estimates from the said. with a dollar figure,” Reinhom said. of its members meet along with MDC Carter's side during the signing conceivably hit 1.80 marks or even Metropolitan District Commission, Young said, "If you’re a The town has been planning to pre and Water Department workers to ceremony, but the president declined lower. set a 10-day deadline for the MDC to businessman and you can sell sent a November referendum ques try to draw up some cost com a chance to stump for ratification of -Switzerland has taken drastic produce such information. something cheaper, ypu want to put tion on water improvements needed parisons. the proposed UMW contractwhicb monetary measures to stop the Also, the committee at its Tuesday it out front and advertise it. You to meet new water quality standards. Bert Carlson, acting manager at could end the miners strike, now in dollar’s decline, imposing penalty night meeting received a four-part don’t want someone to have to go The Water Study Committee MDC, said this morning that the ten- its 85th day. fees on all large franc deposits held ruling from the town counsel's office. through a maze to find the answer.” originally approved a proposal to day timetable is a tight one, but Labor Secretary Ray Marshall, in Switzerland by foreigners and The letter included an opinion that Chairman Harry Reinhorn and locate a treatment plant in the Globe added, “We’ll certainly try to get asked if the miners would accept the restricting the amount of foreign the Globe Hollow swimming pool other members emphasized several Hollow area. The Board of Directors, them what they want within the time new three-year contract, said, “It's currency that may be brought into cannot be used as the site of the times that the, committee needs to however, asked the committee to —.See I'age Elglil-A looking favorable.” Switzerland. proposed water treatment plant without a passage of special legisla tion by the state Legislature. Three representatives from the MDC — Peter Revill, Bert Carlsbn State surplus to aid area Bolton board told and Albert Helt — met with the Water Study Committee. Again, the Manchester and its area towns are The breakdown of allocation to the bill, the towns wou.d get their money committee asked questions about the among 169 Connecticut cities and Manchester area towns is as follows: within seven days, according to cost to residents if the town joined towns to benefit from a snow Manchester, $65,484; East Hart Anthohy V. Milano, secretary of the to rescind action the MDC, a regional water supplier. removal aid bill approved by a 28-0 ford, $65,504; Andover, $6,690; Office of Policy and Management. vote by the state legislature’s Ap Bolton, $8,627; South Windsor, $28,- the ruling. The ruling gives the Again, the MDC representatives The governor could sign the bill By DONNA HOLLAND propriations Committee. The bill will 578; Ck)ventry, $21,103; Hebron, $14,- before the end of the month, Milano teachers binding arbitration. were not able to give specific Herald Correapondenl answers, a situation that did not divide $5 million among the towns. 214; Vernon, $39,057, and Tolland, said. At least two people are very happy The bill will be taken up by the $22,318. ' The Connecticut State Labor with the ruling, Ronald Cordilico, please the committee members or Appropriation Committee Relations Board has ruled largely in Water Department personnel pre House Thursday or Friday, and will Under the bill, the $5 million would Republicans expressed token opposi legal advisor for the Connecticut then go to the Senate where it is be divided in two ways.-llie first favor of the Bolton Education Education Association, and Patrica sent.