Economic Liberalism, Marxism and Critical Judgement Franz Josef Stegmann ST AUGUSTINE PAPERS Volume 5 Number 1 2004 Published and distributed by St Augustine College of South Africa. © St Augustine College of South Africa, 2004 ISSN: 1726-2895 First published by St Augustine College of South Africa PO Box 44782 Linden 2104 Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27-11-782 4616 Fax: +27-11-782 8729 email:
[email protected] Stups Printing 2 ABOUT ST AUGUSTINE COLLEGE OF SOUTH AFRICA The idea of founding a Catholic university in South Africa was first mooted in 1993 by a group of academics, clergy and business people. It culminated in the establishment of St Augustine College of South Africa in July 1999, when it was registered by the Minister of Education as a private higher education institution and started teaching students registered for the degree of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. It is situated in Victory Park, Johannesburg and operates as a university offering values-based education to students of any faith or denomination, to develop leaders in Africa for Africa. The name 'St Augustine' was chosen in order to indicate the African identity of the College since St Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) was one of the first great Christian scholars of Africa. As a Catholic educational institution, St Augustine College is committed to making moral values the foundation and inspiration for all its teaching and research. In this way it offers a new and unique contribution to education, much needed in our South African society.