EXPOSÉ: BillGates-COVID-19-ID2020-WHO-CDC- BigPharma-Gavi-Rockefeller: Connecting the Dots

Introduction to this Exposé

Hello everyone,

With this exposé, I will uncover and lay bare the multi-layered, multi-player plan that has been in the works for a very long time which aims to require each and every human being on this planet to wear some kind of permanent mark - the Mark of the Beast, some would call it, without which we will not be able to travel, transact, buy food, get access to basic services, and so on.

And all of this, of course, will stem from the COVID-19 crisis/pandemic which serves as the perfect excuse to implement such draconian and dystopian measures by these dark and evil powers which I intend to bring to the light.

I will devote entire parts to each of these major players so as to really give you a thorough and undeniable view of the nefarious activities and plans of each. I will do so by providing numerous "dots" for each which are points of exposure (all fully sourced).

And at the end of the exposé, I will connect the major dots from each and show you how they all tie into each other for the Greater Plan they have in store for us.

So, without further ado, let's begin with the one that is most "out there" recently showing his true colors for all to see - who has his hands woven in every aspect of this plan and who is at its center core.

But first note that this exposé will be segregated into the following parts (click links to go to the web pages):

PART 1 - Bill Gates + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation PART 2 - The CDC (Center for Disease Control) PART 3 - The WHO (World Health Organization) PART 4 - BIG PHARMA PART 5 - The Gavi Alliance PART 6 - The Rockefellers & The Rockefeller Foundation PART 7 - ID2020 under COVID-19 Conclusion & Call To Action

PART 1: Bill Gates + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Before I even begin to mention Bill Gates' absolute lack of health and medical science credentials, I will commence by offering a little-known fact about how he started his empire.

Contrary to popular belief, he did NOT create the first Operating System (MS-DOS) for Microsoft.

Oh no. He purchased SCP-DOS (developed from Gary Kildall for $50,000 and hired Tim Paterson to modify it to run on the IBM-PC. (Sources: 1, 2). The rest, they say, is history.

But, hey, we have to give Bill some credit though, as he did create, ironically, one of the first computer viruses. (Sources: 1, 2).

So, to put Bill Gates on the almighty pedestal of 'Computer Nerd Genius' would be a tad of an overstretch. Rather, he got a push in the tush from his daddy Warbucks-like eugenicist father who enabled him to rub shoulders with the rich and powerful American elite. Why does this story sound familiar?

I can think but no better video backgrounder on Bill Gates than the following produced by reallygraceful entitled Who was Bill Gates Before Microsoft?

With that aside, we can now turn to Gates' multiple degrees in health sciences, medicine, public health, immunology, infectious diseases, microbiology, and all the others that make him the ultimate world authority on vaccines, polio, and countless other diseases.

But seriously folks, who the hell made him the authority on these matters?

Especially with the current COVID-19 madness going on. Why are the Mainstream Media outlets all salivating to grant him air time to help push his dubious and highly questionable agendas - both for vaccines in general and for virus-related ones such as for COVID-19?

While Bill may come across as a very generous philanthropist who donates his billions to many causes, the benevolent superhero veneer he cloaks himself with far outshines the nefarious rot that lay beneath it.

Well, since this exposé is about connecting the dots, let me first offer to you some of the main dots (things) that you need to know about this very deceptive individual along with some of his partners at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. You can pick and choose which dots (or shall I dare to say 'Rabbit Holes') you'd like to explore by clicking on the sourced hyperlinks. So here we go...


• PROFITEERING: The Gates Foundation was described as a shell for tax avoidance by philanthropist and accounting expert, Sheldon Drobny. source. Techrights has documented a lot of evidence regarding the endeavors and dubious connections of the foundaton in their Gates Foundation Critique collage. This should give you a good starting point if you really want to know what the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is really all about. • MALPRACTICE/INJURY: Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously. (Sources: 1, 2) • MALPRACTICE/INJURY/MURDER: In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court. (Sources: 1, 2, 3 (PDF), 4) • MALPRACTICE/INJURY/MURDER: In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,949 children. But even more troubling is that, according to the Indian medical press, some 47,500 children had been paralyzed as a direct result of the polio vaccination campaign. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Image source

Supporting video from Truthstreammedia (4 min. 52 sec.):

• MALPRACTICE/INJURY/GENOCIDE?: In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO saying, “We must make this the decade of vaccines.” A month later, Gates said in a Ted Talk (Innovating to zero) that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) • In 2020, Bill Gates gave a TED Talk entitled ‘Innovating to zero!’ (see video below) Apart from fear-mongering the audience with the "26 billion tons of CO2" emitted yearly (just the fact that he doesn't even know that without CO2, life on earth would cease to exist; but hey, he's also been integral to pushing the Climate Change hoax as well), he shows the following equation:

Image source: screenshot from Bill Gates TED Talk 'Innovating to zero!

Notice the white “P” which represents the Population in the equation. Next, here is what he openly says (verbatim) starting at the 04:35 mark:

TED Video: Innovating to zero! | Bill Gates, Feb 20, 2010 https://youtu.be/JaF-fq2Zn7I

"Now the world today has 6.8 billion people that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services, we could lower that by about 10 or 15 percent.”

Let me highlight that once again:

There you have it from the horse’s mouth folks, he is openly calling for a reduction of the global population by 10-15% through vaccines, and tweaking ‘reproductive services’ (which essentially infers countless abortions – and keep in mind that his father was heavily involved in pushing such policies and Bill even called him the ‘head’ of Planned Parenthood which we know encourages, or at least facilitates a very large number of abortions in the United States).

Now let me ask you: Who the hell is he to make such a statement? Who appointed him as an almighty God who can determine the demise of millions of souls? Is this a person you should trust? Why would he explicitly state the use of vaccines for population control if it weren’t to render deaths? Please explain that to me.

• BREACH OF TRUST & DUTY: Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of steering WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases: clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development. The Gates Foundation only spends about $650 million of its $5 billion dollar budget on these areas. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal philosophy that good health only comes in a syringe. (Sources: 1, 2) • PROFITEERING/CONFLICT OF INTEREST: In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine. In his recent media appearances, Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on American children. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4)

The recent video referenced above demonstrates the kind of posturing Gates uses to position and promote his agendas of broad vaccinations. But what makes this increasingly worrisome is that he is doing so on the back of the current Coronavirus pandemic crisis (which, by the way, he has repeatedly "forewarned" would happen). The following "dot" gives us a glimpse into what Gates envisions a post-corona world would look like (at least, according to his wet dream).

• TYRANNY/USURPING INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY: In a very recent (March 24) interview with Chris Anderson (the curator of TED, the non-profit that runs TED Talks), Gates stated the following in advocating for vaccination certificates as a condition for international travel:

"Eventually what we'll have to have is certificates of who's a recovered person, who's a vaccinated person..."

"...Because you don't want people moving around the world where you'll have some countries that won't have it under control, sadly."

Once again, if you want to hear it verbatim from the horse's (Satan?) mouth, watch the following TED video from the 34:14 mark:

TED Video: How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic | Bill Gates, Mar 25, 2020 https://youtu.be/Xe8fIjxicoo

Why am now I starting to have doubts about TED Talks and how, yet another institution appears to have been infiltrated by these powers-that-shouldn't-be?

There have also reportedly been allegations made by Bill Gates' former doctor who claimed he didn't get his own kids vaccinated. The source article entitled Bill Gates’ Former Doctor Says Billionaire ‘Refused To Vaccinate His Children’ has mysteriously been scrubbed from the internet, but still appears in the Internet Archive. Here are some key excerpts from the article:

The physician who served as Bill Gates’ private doctor in Seattle in the 1990s says the Microsoft founder and vaccine proponent “refused to vaccinate his own children” when they were young.

“I don’t know if he had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children,” the physician said at a behind closed doors medical symposium in Seattle, adding “They were gorgeous kids, really smart and vivacious, and he said they would be OK as it was, they didn’t need any shots.“

While I am not able to independently verify this information, it would certainly be worhtwhile digging into the matter more deeply, as if it is indeed the case that Gates refused to vaccinate his own children, then what credibility whould he have in mandating it to other children?

Moreover, if he claims this is false or 'fake news' then why not get his children - who are now adults - to disclose publicly their vaccination records from when they were children and disprove this 'myth' once and for all? Bill? Are you willing to show us the documents and put your money where you mouth is?

In a recent interview posted on April 3 with a YouTube blogger named Trevor Noah, Gates stated the following when asked "What do you think needs to be done going forward?" about the COVID-19 Pandemic [watch starting at the 20:22 mark, Emphasis added]:

So, we'll have a lot of unusual measures until we get the world vaccinated. You know 7 billion people, that's a tall order But, it is where we need to get to.

If you want to confirm this for yourself, here is the video (watch from the 20:22 mark):

Video: Bill Gates on Fighting Coronavirus | The Daily Show, Apr 2, 2020 https://youtu.be/iyFT8qXcOrM

Can you believe the audacity and boldness of that statement? Where does he get the nerve to decide that every single human being on this planet will have to be vaccinated? How much money do you think he and his partners in crime will earn through 7,000,000,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines? What other, possibly harmful, ingredients (such as adjuvants) will be included in those vaccines? Many related questions need to be asked.

Oh, and let's not forget Bill's ties to the notorious Jeffrey Epstein, a well-known convicted pedophile and child sex trafficker. Epstein helped Gates funnel $2 million dollars to MIT for unspecified projects. Why the secrecy? Gates denied having met Epstein (despite records proving he indeed flew on his "Lolita Express" private jet to Palm Beach, Florida) and later had to admit so, meeting Epstein on at least three occasions. While no specific claim has yet to surface against Gates regarding the deplorable types of activities that went on in the circles of the abuser, one has to wonder. At the very least, this places Gates in a rather problematic light, given that he is championing for the health of children while rubbing shoulders with those who exploit and traffic them. (Sources: 1, 2, 3,4,5)

Bill Gates (fourth from the left) next to Jeffrey Epstein (third from the left). Image source: The New York Times

I could post countless other occurrences of Bill Gates' nefarious past (and ongoing) endeavors with regards to vaccines, promoting harmful GMO foods and agricultural practices from the Monsantos of the world and the like, but I think you can all get a pretty good indication about who William Henry Gates III really is and what he intends to do with his billions through his "philanthropic" foundation called the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

This story is far from over though. In fact, it can be seen as the beginning of a much grander plan. I will share more about Bill Gates' involvement in the ID2020 & Gavi Alliances further ahead in this exposé and how we should all, collectively, expose the truly diabolical agenda that this man (if we can even call him that) wishes to impose on every single person on this planet and prevent him from doing so.

End of Part 1 – Bill Gates & The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Part 2 - The CDC (Center for Disease Control)

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC for short, is an operating division of the 'Department of Health and Human Services'.

Among a myriad of functions, the CDC sets recommended child and adolescent immunization/vaccination schedules, issues travelers health advisories (including its Yellow Book guide) which includes recommended vaccinations for international journeys. (please make a mental note of this, as it will be quite pertinent to later revelations)

While I am certain that the majority of people who work for the CDC are very dedicated and committed to the health and well-being of citizens, its leadership component (past and present) have committed some serious breaches with regards their stated Mission, Role and Pledge as will be easily demonstrated below.

But first, let me be clear, my intent here is not to denigrate the dedicated personnel of the CDC, but rather to point out some blatant and careless practices - particularly with regards to vaccinations - in the miscarriage of their stated duty to protect the health of the masses, including the most vulnerable members of our society, namely our children and infants.

Before I commence with the first "dot" I must point out that its source comes from an organization called the Children's Health Defense; here is an excerpt from their Why We Do What We Do page:

The Children’s Health Defense Team is devoted to the health of people and our planet. Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

It is also worthwhile to note that its key member is none other than Robert F. Kennedy Junior (son of former US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy who was assassinated back in the 1960s along with his brother John, the 35th President of the United States). You can view his welcome message video here. Kennedy has been in this "fight" for a very long time and his persistence has helped so many.

Last year I wrote a post entitled RFK Wins Milestone Lawsuit against US Gov't for not requiring vaccine safety studies; here are a few highlights:

A true American fighter and hero - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (son of Bobby Kennedy) along with Del Bigtree, the founder of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) won a landmark case against the U.S. government by a filing law suit against the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for vaccine safety violations.

Image and article source

More from my post:

It turns out the federal agency [Health & Human Services, the parent of the CDC] has been neglecting their vaccine safety obligations for over 30 years. The lawsuit brought by RFK Jr. is evidence that “vaccine safety” as we know it is nothing more than a sham.

Despite being charged with the responsibility of investigating and improving vaccine safety DHHS has apparently failed to meet even the most basic aspects of this duty by failing to file a single report for the past thirty years.

Imagine. For 30 freakin years they have been in breach of duty, most likely causing hundreds, if not thousands, of vaccine related deaths, not to mention the countless suffering from the ill-effects of vaccines on our most vulnerable members of society along with their devastated parents.

I mean, how immoral and corrupt do the people at this government agency have to be? And one would ask, why have they done so? How many bribes did they take from pharmaceutical giants for this cover-up?

Well, we haven't even gotten to the first "dot" yet, and you can see under which type of organization (HHS) the CDC falls under. So, now it's time to dig in further to see what other filth and rot we can uncover.


• BREACH OF DUTY: A 2013 Institute Of Medicine Report concluded in their Summary, (bottom of page 5), that the entire Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Childhood Vaccine Schedule has never been studied for safety, we believe that, rather than trying to censor Children’s Health Defense viewership, we suggest WHO and CDC spend their money and time on real science and vaccine safety. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4)

Incredible, let me quote that once more: "the entire Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Childhood Vaccine Schedule has never been studied for safety"

This entirely corroborates the findings concluded in the the legal case brought forth by Robert Kennedy that I mentioned and documented above.

For three whole decades they have failed to study the safety (and efficacy) of vaccines. If that is not the most blatant example of a breach of duty, then I don't know what is. We are dealing with the health and safety of babies and children here.

Thus, it is not very difficult to surmise, here, that the focus and priority of the CDC with regards to immunizations/vaccinations lies not in health and safety, but rather in its close ties to the pharmaceutical industry - and even its very own production and profiting of vaccines which I will dot later.

• BREACH OF DUTY: The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has persistently urged HHS to perform such studies since 1991. HHS has assiduously refused. There is, therefore, no way to scientifically claim that a specific vaccine averts more harms, including deaths, than it causes. (Sources: 1, 2)

Let me post parts of the CDC's stated Mission, Role and Pledge hereunder [Emphasis added]:

CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats...

CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats.

To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise.

It states that it conducts "critical science" and I'm sure it probably does in many respects, but the facts (as clearly demonstrated above) certainly debunks that the CDC conducts any kind of critical science with regards to the safety and efficacy of vaccines. In this respect, the CDC is an utter failure and shame. It is breach of duty, pure and simple. Worse, it is fully negligent in all senses of the term: legally, ethically, and morally.

Let me as the following question: Have any of the CDC's directors and higher ups been personally indicted or prosecuted for these malfeasance? Have anyone of them served time in prison? Most likely, they have not. Why agencies are responsible for auditing and overseeing their mandates?

• PROFITEERING/CONFLICT OF INTEREST: From the Children's Health Defense article: And CDC, frankly, is a vaccine company; it owns 56 vaccine patents and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program, which is over 40% of its total budget. Further, Pharma directly funds, populates and controls dozens of CDC programs through the CDC foundation. A British Medical Journal editorial excoriates CDC’s sweetheart relationship with pharma quotes UCLA Professor of Medicine Jerome R. Hoffman “most of us were shocked to learn the CDC takes funding from industry… It is outrageous that industry is apparently allowed to punish the CDC if the agency conducts research that has potential to cut into profits.” (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Let me reiterate some of the salient points here.

"[the CDC] owns 56 vaccine patents"

"distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually"

Let that sink in for a minute. The CDC (which is suppose to be an independent agency) actually owns (through its patents), sells, and profits from the sale of vaccines. They "distribute" a staggering amount of vaccines each and every year - to the tune of a whopping $4.6 billion. That is $4,600,000,000. That is not chump change. This amount equates to a stunning 14% of the Global Vaccine Market if you go by the 2016 figures as reported by CBSMarketWatch. I am not sure what slice of that percentage is directly attributable to the CDC itself, but there's no doubt it's significant.

Without a doubt, there is a clear conflict of interest and breach of duty here, not to mention a highly unethical and immoral practice that continues unabated and unpunished to this day.

One needs to ask apart from the CDC, who else benefits? The answer is simple. Their colluding buddies at BigPharma (which I will also expose numerous "dots" below). Just look at their partner members listed on their very own CDC Foundation page. The page is essentially a hodgepodge repertoire of pharmaceutical companies. There are a whopping 635 companies listed there. While the majority of such kinds of partnerships can seem somewhat normal given the nature of the CDC's operations, it comes as no surprize that all top 10 vaccine manufacturers figure among the list.

• CONFLICT OF INTEREST: CDC & FDA Committee Members Have Financial Conflict of Interest with Vaccine Pharmaceuticals. A Congressional Government Reform Committee report criticized the FDA and the CDC for routinely allowing scientists with conflicts of interest to serve on two influential advisory committees that make recommendations on vaccine policy. (Sources: 1, 2)

This reports confirms that the malfeasance of the CDC goes all the way back two decades to at least the year 2000.

• PROFITEERING/CONFLICT OF INTEREST: A 2003 four-month investigation by United Press International (UPI) reveals yet more clear profiteering and flagrant conflict of interest between members of the CDC and other parties. (Sources: 1, 2) Here are some excerpts from the investigation [Emphasis added]:

It found a pattern of serious problems linked to vaccines recommended by the CDC - and a web of close ties between the agency and the companies that make vaccines.

"The CDC is a disgrace. It is a corrupt organization," said Stephen A. Sheller, a Philadelphia attorney who has sued vaccine makers for what he says were bad vaccines. "The drug companies have them on their payroll."

Since the mid-1980s the agency has doubled the number of vaccines children get, up to nearly 40 doses before age 2.

Members of the CDC's Vaccine Advisory Committee get money from vaccine manufacturers. Relationships have included: sharing a vaccine patent; owning stock in a vaccine company; payments for research; getting money to monitor manufacturer vaccine tests; and funding academic departments.

"When you take a look at the ever-increasing numbers of doses of vaccines babies have gotten over the past two decades and you see this corresponding rise in chronic disease and disability in our children, it is out of control," said Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, which does not accept money from vaccine manufacturers.

"The CDC has a very hard time investigating in an unbiased way what is happening to our children because of ideological and financial conflicts of interest," she said.

Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., who has been investigating vaccines for four years, said conflicts at the CDC are a problem, particularly on the vaccine advisory panel.

"This presents a real paradox when the CDC routinely allows scientists with blatant conflicts of interest to serve on influential advisory committees that make recommendations on new vaccines, as well as policy matters," Burton told UPI. "All the while these same scientists have financial ties, academic affiliations, and other vested interests in the products and companies for which they are supposed to be providing unbiased oversight."

• FRAUD/CORRUPTION/PROFITEERING/CONFLICT OF INTEREST: According to Children's Health Defense's CDC Scientists Expose Agency Corruption article: A letter sent by more than a dozen senior CDC scientists charging the agency with nursing an atmosphere of pervasive research fraud. The group, which claimed to represent scientists across the CDC’s diverse branches, calls itself SPIDER (Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research). The letter reveals that, for all intents and purposes, the CDC functions as a subsidiary of a rapacious pharmaceutical industry in partnership with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and numerous outside parties and rogue interests that all benefit from their endorsement of a highly profitable vaccine orthodoxy. (Sources: 1, 2) • CONFLICT OF INTEREST/UNETHICAL PRACTICES: A 2009 report by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Health and Human Services determined that CDC displayed a systemic lack of [ethics] oversight. Virtually all (97%) of the individuals sitting on CDC advisory committees, including Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), omitted relevant financial disclosure information from their required ethics form, and CDC rarely complied with the requirement to identify and resolve all conflicts of interest…before permitting [those individuals] to participate in committee meetings. (Source: 1)

• PERVASIVE FRAUD: A January 31, 2020 interview with John F. Kennedy Jr. entitled 'The CDC is actually a vaccine company' reveals the very disturbing magnitude and pervasiveness of the parasitical environment in which the CDC, HHS, FDA, and Big Pharma collude together to generate profits from the vaccine industry and how itevades any form of serious scrutiny and oversight by regulatory agencies. The video is a real eye opener and if this doesn't reveal to you just how corrupt and broken the system is, then I don't know what will. Here is the video followed by some highlights stressed during this interview:

Video: RT – 'The CDC is actually a vaccine company' – Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Jan 31, 2020


[00:32] Now when it comes to an organization like the CDC, we have the example of Julie Gerberding who was CDC Director from 2002 to 2009 and then went on to become the head of Merck Vaccines.

PHOTO SCREENSHOT: Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., screenshort taken from Merck.com on 2020-04-14. Note the second point President, Merck Vaccines, 2010-2014. See also the Merck page Julie Gerberding Honored as 2018 Woman of the Year.

Highly unethical and immoral at the very least, wouldn't you say?

[01:28] The head of CDC from 2002 to 2009...Julie Gerberding...she did a number of billion dollar favors for Merck. She silenced a whistleblower who was William Thompson who is still a scientist at the CDC who wanted to tell the public that testing of Merck vaccine showed that, particularly the MMR vaccine was causing autism in black boys and other people who got the vaccine on time and that the scientists had been ordered to destroy data showing that fact. And that they went ahead and published this study lying about it to the American people and to physicians. And Julie Gerberding did a huge favor to Merck by having that scientist punished and then silenced. She arranged for Merck to get the monopoly to the mult-billion dollar MMR vaccine and to make sure Glaxo could not sell its vaccine in this country. She approved the HPV vaccine Gardasil which is another Merck product...She [Gerberding] retired in 2009 and was made President of Merck Vaccines division in 2010 with a salary of about 2.5 million dollars I think 5 illion dollars in stock options.

Note that the HPV vaccine is a drug that is [supposedly] intended to prevent cervical cancer in girls. It is very well documented in the scientific community that the Gardasil HPV vaccine by Merck has caused numerous deaths and adverse health effects to girls who have taken it. You can read some related information provided from Vaccine Choice Canada: The Gardasil Controversy and The Troubling Truth Behind HPV Vaccines - full article available here which has 47 footnotes accompanying it. This article also refers to a documentary film called The Greater Good. The trailer for The Greater Good documentary can be viewed here:

Video: The Greater Good TRAILER, Sep 25, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxR8XQHc0A0&feature=youtu.be

[03:15] The CDC is actually a vaccine company. The CDC has a total budget of about 11 billion dollars a year. It spends 5 billion of that buying vaccines from those four companies...Then they distribute those vaccines to the American public. So, they're approving the vaccines, they're mandating them for the public, buying them from these companies who they're friends with, and then they're basically forcing 78 million people to take untested product.

[04:00] The CDC also owns patents on many of the vaccines. In fact across HHS, which is the mother agency, FDA [Food and Drug Administration], CDC, and NIH [National Institutes of Health] which all regulate vaccines...aare all parts of HHS. And those agencies are allowed to hold patents on the vaccines that their scientists work on and then collect royalties. And, in fact, officials in those agencies who worked on the vaccines can also own part of the patent and collect royalties of up to a 150,000 dollars a year.

[05:04] And these are zero-liability products. No matter how toxic the ingredients, no matter how grevious your injury, no matter how negligent the company, you can't sue them. They can do anything they want with the vaccine and you can't do anything about it. Now, the four companies that make all 72 of these vaccines - Merck, Sanofi, Pfizer, and Glaxo - are all convicted fellons. Those four companies in the last decade have paid over 35 billion dollars in damages and penalties and fines, criminal fines, for defrauding regulators, falsifying science, for lying to doctors, for lying to patients, customers, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

[08:28] These companies today are making 60 billion a year selling vaccines. And they're making about 500 billion a year, half a trillion dollars, selling the Albuterol Inhalors, the Advair for asthma, the Adderall and Ritalin and Concerta for ADHD [Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder], the diabetes medication, and the anti-seizure drugs, and all of these medications for chronic diseases that are caused by vaccines. That is a very good business plan for them, a very bad health plan for the United States of America.

You can just wonder how much $500 billion (half a trillion dollars) can buy in terms of bribes, coercion, silencing, legal teams, etc. That is what we call absolute power folks. That is the kind of power oligarchies hold over not only the United States, but every single nation on earth. And if you think that the health agencies and regulators in your country aren't behaving in this manner, then you have a lot of homework to do.

[09:14] INTERVIEWER: The UN's World Health Organization (WHO) says that anti-vaxxers are among the Top 10 Global Health Threats of last year (2019). What's your reaction to the movement against vaccinations, or rather unsafe vaccinations being characterized in this way? KENNEDY: Well, you know that's part of pharma's strategy to mandate vaccines for every man, woman, and child in the world. And to give us all IDs to make it so we can't travel. We can't drive a car, we can't get an education. We can't exercise our Constitutional Rights unless we coercively consumer, by force, their untested, zero-liability, medical products. The World Health Organization - that's really a misnomer - the World Health Organization is even more captured than the CDC is. The World Health Organization gets half of its budget from the industry. It is absolutely controlled from top to bottom by the pharmaceutical companies, and particularly the vaccine makers who use WHO to fabricate pandemics like the Swine Flu, H1N1, and make billions of dollars on pandemics that never happen and end up hurting a lot of people in the process.; and using the WHO to dump bad vaccines all over Africa and tell the African countries you gotta take these or you're gonna lose all your budget for your health departments and for HIV treatment and everything. The WHO is a, is just a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry; and that's part of the pharmaceutical industry's strategy to make us all take untested medical products.

End of Part 2 – The CDC (Center for Disease Control)

Part 3 - The WHO (World Health Organization)

The above quote comes from the interview Kennedy gave on RT which is referenced and highlighted above in this exposé.

Let's explore but a small sample of "dots", or misdoings that the WHO has been engaged in over the years which will demonstrate the true nature of their operations and their raison d'être.


• MALPRACTICE/BREACH OF DUTY: Dr. Peter Aaby, A highly regarded and well-known researcher with nearly 400 peer-reviewed published articles in NIH PubMed shared his concerns about the negligence of the WHO with regards to how its policies for the DTP vaccine is killing children. A short video portion of his presentation entitled This vaccine (DPT) is killing children held at the Symposium About Scientific Freedom in Copenhagen on March 9, 2019 can be seen hereunder with selected excerpts highlighted. (Sources:1, 2, 3, 4)

Video: Dr. Peter Aaby Announces, This vaccine (DPT) is killing children, May 3, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udbUKD28K28&feature=youtu.be

[1:48] That vaccine is actually killing children.

[2:04] Most of you have not been trained immunology is coming now, it's been developing for the last five to ten years that we forgot about the innate immune system that's the first line of defense. It's not about T-cells and B-cells; it's about innate immune system. And the innate immune system is changed when you get these vaccines.

[2:48] The WHO plans to introduce booster doses that we in the Western world have problems with...Therefore they want to introduce booster doses in the low-income countries that will have negative effects.

[3:32] (Talking about a Malaria vaccine) We are currently testing this...WHO is testing this vaccine in Africa in three countries (Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi) with 720,000 children. So, if there's anything to their own data, we are going to kill somewhere between 2,000-5,000 girls unnecessarily. So, I would argue that we have to do something about the DTP.

[4:05] WHO said that they would recommend non-specific, further research...but they also said they cannot study DTP.

Why can't the WHO study the DTP vaccine or have some of its affiliates or partners do so?

While most of these statements are quite troubling. I would like to re-iterate the second one where he explains to his peers (medical doctors who administer vaccines): "Most of you have not been trained immunology is coming now, it's been developing for the last five to ten years that we forgot about the innate immune system that's the first line of defense" and "the innate immune system is changed when you get these vaccines". Now, while I am not a medical practioner myself, I have come across some medical literature that suggest this is very much the case and that pharmaceutical companies, depite being cognizant of this, have chosen to ignore its ramifications and continue to recommend an increasingly toxic schedule of untested and ill- proven vaccines. In other words, they are complicitly involved in ruining peoples' own immune systems which is counter-productive to what their stated work is all about.

Dr. Peter Aaby's full video can be seen here

• BREACH OF DUTY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST: According to the Global Policy Forum (an independent policy watchdog that monitors the work of the United Nations and scrutinizes global policymaking), the WHO has repeatdedly violated several of its own guidelines, ethics, polices, norms and standards in their interactions with pharmaceutical and other enterprises along with how their contributions are allocated and spent. The instances are too numerous to list here, but you can view an exhaustive list of violations in their report. (Sources: 1, 2)

• BREACH OF DUTY/PROFITEERING/CONFLICT OF INTEREST: As recently as in the Fall of 2018, with the help of EFVV (European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance) over 120 groups and individuals from various health, advocacy, and medical freedom institutions penned and sent an Open Letter from International Organisations to the WHO on the Issue of Vaccine Safety (alternative link here which outlines numerous concerns regarding the funding, practices, profiteering, and conflicts of interests (among other problems) and their effects on overall health and safety, particularly with vaccines. (Sources: 1, 2) Here are some key highlights from the letter [Emphasis added]:

Vaccines are administered to healthy individuals to prevent targeted infections, but their long-term impact on the immune system and their potential role in chronic disease is not being evaluated.

In your previous meeting you advocated for less independent testing, considered ‘redundant’, in order to speed up the supply of products.

The funding of your organisation relies on important private donations, such as the GAVI alliance, a partnership with banks and industries. The fact alone that this very meeting is funded by a private investor, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is highly questionable.

Given this inherent conflict of interest, it is therefore absolutely imperative that independent studies and experts be involved in the approval and recommendation of vaccines and vaccine policies.

And if the WHO guarantees the safety of the vaccine it is pre-qualifying, it should also assume liability for adverse events following vaccination.

The members also call for improvements to current practices that are known to be problematic (for which the WHO are not addressing) such as:

• Extensive clinical trials conducted by bodies independent from the manufacturers • Provide studies on adjuvants and preservatives such as aluminium and mercury • The use of combined vaccines and the same-day administration of multiple vaccines be thoroughly investigated • The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link with autism

The four items listed above are but a fraction of concerns that the WHO and other health bodies have failed to address in breach of their stated duties.

I would also like to stress one of their more salient points:

The funding of your organisation relies on important private donations, such as the GAVI alliance, a partnership with banks and industries. The fact alone that this very meeting is funded by a private investor, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is highly questionable.

If you consult the latest available WHO - Voluntary contributions by fund and by contributor, 2018 PDF report and examine the numbers, you will indeed find that this is an accurate assessment.

Apart from country contributions (with the United States being the largest, with $281,063,159, you will find that the next biggest contributor (even bigger than the second biggest country donor) is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $228,970,196. The Gavi Alliance is also quite notable with contributions figuring at $158,545,964.

Information Source: WHO - Voluntary contributions by fund and by contributor, 2018

Combined, these two (Gates & Gavi) private investors account for more than $387 million dollars (for 2018 alone). Consequently, it is not too difficult to deduce that they hold a tremendous amount of power and influence as to where they expect their respective funds to allocated via WHO operations.

Just last week President Trump announced he was halting funding to the WHO until further notice. This currently leaves Gates & Gavi as the, de facto, primary funders of the WHO, larger than any single member country - the consequences of which remain a monumental concern.

• CONFLICT OF INTEREST/PROFITEERING: According to the Children's Health Defense: In 2010, the BMJ (British Medical Journal) and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism published findings of their investigation into the financial ties between drug companies and the WHO in the context of the 2009 influenza “pandemic”. The article revealed that some of the experts advising WHO had declarable financial ties with drug companies that were producing antivirals and influenza vaccines. (Sources: 1, 2) Just a few key excerpts:

Meanwhile drug companies have banked vast profits- $7bn (£4.8bn; €5.7bn) to $10bn from vaccines alone according to invest- ment bank JP Morgan.

Given the scale of public cost and private profit, it would seem important to know that WHO'S key decisions were free from commercial influence. An investigation by the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, published this week, finds that this was far from the case.

As reported by Deborah Cohen and Philip Carter, some of the experts advising WHO on the pandemic had declarable financial ties with drug companies that were producing antivirals and influenza vaccines.

• BREACH OF DUTY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST/PROFITEERING/ABUSE OF POWER: Deutsche Welle (a German media outfit focused on human right to freedom of expression, education and independent journalism) came out with am article entitled Who is really helping the WHO? which outlined the WHO's growing dependence on the pharmaceutical industry. (Sources: 1, 2) Here are some notable extracts from the piece, starting with the intended mission, scope and size of the WHO:

With more than 8,000 employees, the World Health Organization (WHO) is the United Nation's single largest special organization worldwide.

Its central mission is to fight disease and promote the best possible health care for all people.

Please keep the WHO's stated mission above while reading the rest of the points below.

The "People's Health Movement," a network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on health policy from more than 70 countries, has criticized the pharmaceutical industry's growing influence on WHO as well as the organization's increasing reliance on private donors.

According to NGOs engaged in the People's Health Movement, commercial interests have a growing influence on WHO's goals and strategies. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a prime example. "The lion's share of the $25 billion that Gates was able to invest in health programs around the world in the past 10 years stemmed from returns from well-known companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries whose business practices often run counter to global health efforts," Gebauer said.

"If Gates brings WHO to back such patented vaccination programs, both vaccine producers and their shareholders, like the Gates Foundation, stand to benefit," Gebauer said. This would come at the expense of people in the world's poor countries whose governments are unable to afford typically expensive vaccination programs.

Pharma industry influence: The H1N1 "swine flu" influenza showed just how much influence the pharmaceutical industry and its supporting foundations actually have. In June 2009, WHO was advised by its standing vaccination committee to issue its highest alert for the H1N1 pandemic. Among the members and consultants of the commission were scientists who had contracts with the manufacturers of Tamiflu and other "anti-flu" drugs.

The global vaccination program that WHO set in motion with its pandemic alert turned into a billion- dollar business for these companies.

For a "perfectly ordinary flu" to escalate into a dangerous pandemic, WHO lowered the criteria for pandemic alerts before the first case of H1N1 had been known, according to the Council of Europe. Also, health officials around the world committed contractually to purchases with vaccine manufacturers.

Read the point above carefully: The "WHO lowered the criteria for pandemic alerts before the first case of H1N1 had been known". This is a clear abuse of power. One has to wonder and can only think of one reason why they would do so - they either willingly or were coerced by their funders (Big Pharma, et al.) in order to position them for massive sales of H1N1 vaccines. While I don't have the figures for the sales of these, I strongly syspect that they figure in the hundreds of millions of dollars, if not ni the billions; if someone wishes to tabulate the figures and source them, I would be more than happy to append them to this exposé.

Continuing with the highlights from the article:

Another factor is that WHO's core public health policy and financing tasks have been outsourced and thus removed from the democratic control of its member states, according to Alison Katz, who had worked for 18 years in the WHO headquarters in Geneva.

Outsourcing is a common practice for governments (think of those related to the military-industrial-complex in the US, for instance) and corporations so as to distance themselves (ethically, legally, morally) and defer blame should something go afoul. But for the WHO to oursource its "public health policy" and place it in the hands of private interests where member country contributors have little to no say in the matter is, yet again, a major breach of trust and duty.

WHO's Botched Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak

Though the WHO didn't officially declare the novel coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic until the 11th of March, 2020 (see the Director General's speech details here and the official video here), the WHO's very own Dr. (Head of the Outbreak Investigation Task Force) stated on December 31st, 2019 that she suspected human-to-human transmission of the virus. (Sources: 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6)

You can listen to her declaration below in the following official video:

Video: WHO – Dr Maria Van Kerkhove on human to human transmission from the press conference on the 13 April 2020, Apr 21, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlFJOx7jv-I&feature=youtu.be

Specifically, Dr. Van Kerkhove said:

“Right from the start, from the first notification we received on the 31st of December, given that this was a cluster of pneumonia — I’m a MERS specialist, so my background is in coronaviruses and influenza — so immediately thought, given that this is a respiratory pathogen, that of course there may be human-to- human transmission,”

"And so, very early on we suspected that there would be human-to-human transmission because it's a respiratory pathogen."

Even though Dr. Kerkhove words ("there may be" & "we suspected") were carefully chosen, they nonetheless still indicated and implied a very high probability of human-to-human transmission; yet the Director General, Ghebreyesus, and other high level officials at the WHO chose to ignore or downplay this very critical information that, had it been taken more seriously, could have significantly mitigated the spread of the disease both within China and in other countries.

By ignoring this vital information and carelessly wasting precious time, they instead took weeks to admit human-to-human transmission as they blindly accepted China's non-factual assertion to the contrary without question or proper investigation.

Tweet from the WHO, January 14, 2020

Despite China having [officially and publicly] confirmed human-to-human transmission on January 20th and that cases were confirmed in countries outside of China (namely, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States) as of January 20-21, the WHO still dragged their feet and did not issue alerts or travel advisories for flights departing China, let alone Wuhan. Thus, tens of thousands of passengers departed from mainland China towards other countries possibly carrying with them the coronavirus. Worse, even much later on February 3rd, three days after President Donald Trump prohibited foreigners who had recently been in China from traveling to the United States, Tedros voiced opposition to travel bans, saying measures that would “unnecessarily interfere with travel and trade” weren’t needed. Tedros also went on a rant against countries and their leaders stating "We must stop stigma and hate." Thus, he seemed more concerned with not hurting the feelings of the Chinese leadership and with the flow of trade to and from China, rather than following his own organization's mandate to protect the world from the spread of disease. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, left, shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Jan. 28, Image source

This series of blunders demonstrates the WHO's breach of professionalism and duty along with their political subserviency with regards to their relationship with the Chinese authorities. Quite appalling to say the least.


Yet another reason to NOT TRUST the WHO:

New WHO Guidelines Encourage European Kids Under 4 Be Taught "Masturbation" & "Gender Identity" Excerpt:

WHO guidelines for sex education recommend that children aged 0-4 be taught about “masturbation” and “gender identity.”

The World Health Organization’s ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists’, advises children be taught about sexually pleasuring themselves and transgenderism before they’ve even fully learned to talk.

How utterly troubling by the WHO. I mean, really? Ages 0-4? WTF? How is there no push back on this?

How would these guidelines/measures be implemented and by whom exactly?

There's no sugar-coating any of this folks, this is child-abuse plain and simple.

Who is really pushing these agendas for the WHO and do you really think they have the best interest of you and your children at heart?

It's more than time for citizens across the globe to reject the WHO. After all, it remains that Bill Gates is currently the single largest contributor to the WHO ahead of any country in the world.

End of Part 3 – The WHO (World Health Organization)

Part 4 - Big Pharma

The Size & Scope of Big Pharma (a very brief backgrounder)

The pharmaceutical industry, responsible for the development, production and marketing of medications, is absolutely colossal. Just to give one figure that encompasses the scope of this industry reads as follows:

Source: Statista.com - Global Pharmaceutical Industry - Statistics & Facts

That's US$1.2 trillion of revenue (worldwide) for the year 2018 alone.

Here is a breakdown of the largest pharmaceutical companies in terms of their Prescription Sales and R & D Spending (for the year 2018):

Source: Statista.com - Top 50 global pharmaceutical companies by prescription sales and R&D spending in 2018

Once again, the numbers are staggering, with a range of US$17 - $45 billion (per annum) among the top 16.

With that kind of financial clout, the industry, as a collective, not only generates a ridiculous amount of profits for its various stakeholders and shareholders, but also holds a tremendous amount of power and influence over government, academia, as well as medical organizations and associations.

To give the reader an example of the enormity of the industry's influence, one need look no further than the millions of dollars it spends each and every year on lobbying efforts.

For the United States, the Big Pharma lobby spends more than any other group, including oil & energy. As of 2018, according to Investopedia.com the industry spent $3.9 billion over the past 20 years, the pharmaceutical and health products industry has far outpaced all other industries in lobbying spending. Moreover, according to Statista, they were the clear winners of the lobbying pack with a whopping $295 million for 2019 in 2019 - dwarfing the second place holder. (Sources: 1,2, 3, 4, 5)

Source: Statista.com - Leading lobbying industries in the United States in 2019, by total lobbying spending

Power & Influence of Big Pharma

The power and influence of Big Pharma is not limited to lobbying efforts in the congressional halls and five- start dining tables of Washington, D.C; but, rather, are systemic across the United States and in other countries around the world. And, frankly speaking, this is of grave concern given the nefarious practices that has been synonymous with the industry over the past several decades, particularly with regards to the Vaccine Industry.

Accordingly, and, without flooding the reader's mind with an inexhaustible list of industry misdoings, I will merely provide a selective and demonstrative overview of the nature of who we are really dealing with. This, in the context of reviewing the industry's credibility and track record with regards to develop vaccines and related medicines in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic that is sweeping across the globe - the consequences of which may prove calamitous for humanity.

So, here we go.

I think it best to begin my focus on an area in which the pharmaceutical industry has a tremendous amount of influence and does so in a stealthily and deceptive manner. Namely, I'm talking about how it employs countless tactics that subvert the very nature of the thoughtful practice of medicine by practitioners in the field of medicine and health care.


More specifically, I am referring to how individuals employed by the pharmaceutical companies and their respective associations design and write journal articles which are then "rubber stamped" and signed by highly reputable doctors and then published in the top medical journals which are then reviewed and taken for gospel by countless physicians across the health care sector.

If you think this practice sounds crazy, then keep reading. Firstly, on a personal note, my father was a Microbiologist and specialized in infectious diseases and had, on numerous occasions, told me about how this practice was pervasive systemic across the health care sector. Moreover, he also told me how common it was for pharmaceutical companies, through their representatives and sales people, to allot nice financial bonuses for doctors who participated in such unethical, immoral, and highly questionable deeds. Needless, to say I had always found these practices to be utterly disgusting and repulsive.

While I am not saying that this practice occurs in all instances, let's nonetheless look at some of the literature with regards to this practice.

Writing medical articles by pharmaceutical industry members is a practice known as ghostwriting. Here is a quick definition of the term and practice:

Ghostwriting is one primary method the pharmaceutical industry uses to manipulate the evidence base. This tactic involves misleading the scientific community and the public about who conducted a study. (Source: 1)

The description above comes from an article entitled The Pharmaceutical Industry and the Corruption of the Medical Evidence Base from Medicating Normal - a documentary that exposes such misdoings in the industry. They continue:

In this practice, employees of the pharmaceutical company are tasked with designing a study that will find a positive effect for their drug—a process which can involve several unethical or controversial research methods—and then writing a paper that spins any negative results into a positive finding.

Finally, influential academic psychiatrists but who had nothing to do with the study are asked to put their name on it – as if they had conducted and written it themselves. In some cases, they are not even allowed to see the actual data, even if they ask for it. The study is then submitted to medical journals with the name of the prominent psychiatrist as the authors.

They also note the following troubling characteristics of the practice:

A further problem is that the medical journals, and the peer review process, which are supposed to be the gatekeepers of science, also have serious conflicts of interest. Many of the doctors and researchers who do the peer review are also paid consultants of pharmaceutical companies.

The former editor of the top-tier medical journal, New England Journal of Medicine, Marcia Angell, has written a book and many editorials about this problem. The former editor of the prestigious British Medical Journal has also spoken out about medical journals cannot be honest gatekeepers.

In addition, here is but one way in which clinical trials can be biased by design and otherwise be used to provide unreliable information:

Publication bias is another problem that distorts the medical evidence base. Pharmaceutical companies finance most medical research but when the researchers find negative results, they simply don’t publish them. For instance, a company will finance ten studies of an antipsychotic drug, with slightly different trial designs. Let’s say seven of them find no effect of the drug, but three of them find a small positive effect. You simply send only the three positive studies to scientific journals for publication. The other seven studies just disappear. Doctors only read the three positive studies, and they believe the evidence is unanimously in favor of the drug!

As you can see by the Publication bias method alone, doctors get duped and deceived when they fail to realize that there can be a larger number of studies (unbeknownst to them) that actually reveal adverse effects to the given drug (or treatment) that they prescribe to their patients.

This is practice further corroborated by none other than the British Medical Journal as stated in their (03 October 2018) research study entitled Collaboration between academics and industry in clinical trials: cross sectional study of publications and survey of lead academic authors. Here are some troubling highlights from this article beginning with the Abstract section [Emphasis added in some instances]:

Objectives: To determine the role of academic authors, funders, and contract research organisations in industry funded trials of vaccines, drugs, and devices and to determine lead academic authors’ experiences with industry funder collaborations.

Design: Cross sectional analysis of trial publications and survey of lead academic authors.

Eligibility criteria for selecting studies: The most recent 200 phase III and IV trials of vaccines, drugs, and devices with full industry funding, at least one academic author, published in one of the top seven high impact general medical journals (New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, JAMA, BMJ, Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA Internal Medicine, and PLoS Medicine).

Results: Employees of industry funders co-authored 173 (87%) of publications; 183 (92%) trials reported involvement of funders in design, and 167 (84%) reported involvement of academic authors....The corresponding author was an academic author in 192 (96%) trials. The lead academic author had conflicts of interest with the trial funder in 165 (83%) trials.

Conclusions: Industry employees and academic authors are involved in the design, conduct, and reporting of most industry funded trials in high impact journals.

To summarize: the BMJ study examined 200 cases of Phase 3 & 4 trials (those include humans as subjects) from 2017 backwards (in time) and found that more than 80% of the time pharmaceutical companies (and other funders) were involved in the design and writing of the trial publications which found their way in the top seven medical journals.

Such numbers are quite astounding and worrisome to say the least, as they give an indication to the scale and scope of this practice that takes place between academics and the pharmaceutical industry.

More literature exist on the subject, but I will only emphasize one more, as it gives a specific example with Merck - a leading big pharma firm from the U.S. A 2007 study entitled Ghost Management: How Much of the Medical Literature Is Shaped Behind the Scenes by the Pharmaceutical Industry? which was funded by the Humanities Research Council of Canada sheds more light on the issue.

They begin with an example of how Merck employed this practice with their trial of a drug called Vioxx. Here is the related extract [Emphasis added]:

For example, as reported in The New York Times, an Annals of Internal Medicine article on Merck's “Advantage” trial of Vioxx omitted some trial participants' deaths. Distancing himself from the Annals article, first author Jeffrey Lisse said in an interview that “Merck designed the trial, paid for the trial, ran the trial…Merck came to me after the study was completed and said, ‘We want your help to work on the paper.’ The initial paper was written at Merck, and then it was sent to me for editing”.

So, let's be clear here. Merck not only wrote the paper for the Vioxx trial, but also omitted deaths related to the trial.

The study further reveals:

There are many reports of medical journal articles being researched and written by or on behalf of pharmaceutical companies, and then published under the name of academics who had played little role earlier in the research and writing process. In extreme cases, drug companies pay for trials by contract research organizations (CROs), analyze the data in-house, have professionals write manuscripts, ask academics to serve as authors of those manuscripts, and pay communication companies to shepherd them through publication in the best journals. The resulting articles affect the conclusions found in the medical literature, and are used in promoting drugs to doctors.

Such articles are “ghostly” because signs of their actual production are largely invisible—academic authors whose names appear at the tops of ghost-managed articles give corporate research a veneer of independence and credibility.

They are “managed” because those companies shape the eventual message conveyed by the article or by a suite of articles... a substantial percentage of medical journal articles (in addition to meeting presentations and other forms of publication, which are not the focus here) are ghost managed, allowing the pharmaceutical industry considerable influence on medical research, and making that research a vehicle for marketing.

To the last point above, the reader can see how effective the practice is as a marketing vehicle for the industry to push its questionable drugs and products to doctors who then prescribe them to their patients.

The study also shows additional occurrences of such practices by Pfizer, among others.

While I am not suggested that all trials are conducted in this manner, this should, nonetheless, have the reader question the real motivation behind the development of pharmaceuticals and how they are putting potential profits ahead of the lives of sick and suffering people.

Vaccine Makers Enjoy Total Immunity from Prosecution in the United States

Source: Cornell Law 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22. Standards of responsibility

With the complicit assistance of a very corrupt US Congress, Big Pharma enjoys total immunity from prosecution since the passing of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which completely shields them from liability when their vaccines cause injury or death of innocent babies and children – the most vulnerable members of society.

Other ill effects of this shameful act include a government-guaranteed market for this industry, much less rigorous safety requirements, and a tripling in the CDC’s vaccine schedule which greatly increases additional health risks associated with vaccines.

Congress also enacted the 21st Century Cures Act in 2016 which lowers pharmaceutical product licensing standards and deceitfully waives the requirement of informed consent towards patients in clinical trials – an abominable precedent that should not have any place in practice of medicine.

As such, it is quite apparent for all to see the sheer power of their lobbying efforts and stranglehold over spineless US politicians who have, undoubtedly, been rewarded handsomely while waiving their constituents' right to affordable and safer drugs, vaccines, and treatments.

Egregious Misdoings of Big Pharma

While there are way too many 'egregious misdoings' that have occurred over the last several decades by Big Pharma, I'd like to steer my focus on those that run the risk of affecting us all; namely, any drug, vaccine,

or treatment that they are currently developing that may be forced upon us by our own subservient governments and their respective health authorities.

Before I outline several troubling instances whereby large pharmaceutical giants have coerced health authorities and doctors to push their inadequately tested and harmful, sometimes fatal, products on the masses, let me first bring to light just how easily governments around the world are being fear-porned, duped, manipulated, and coerced into establishing pushing through draconian laws - whether they are forced lockdowns & quarantines, citizen-tracking through technology, or forced testing and vaccinations - all on the back of this COVID-19 Pandemic that has, in effect and on the whole, not produced more deaths than the seasonal flu.

One need look no further than the following two examples of government overreach:

DENMARK: Last March, Denmark's parliament unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police. (source)

Yes, you read that correctly - forced testing, treatment, and quarantine.

While we all know that the majority of governments around the world have issued some level of quarantine or lockdown upon their citizens, not that many have actually passed laws that would force their citizens to involuntarily submit themselves to forced testing and treatments. Here is a bit more on this from the article:

As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus.

Forced vaccinations. This is law in Denmark. And even though no COVID-19 vaccine is currently available, once it does become available it can be force injected into Danes against their will regardless of whether the vaccine-du-jour will be deemed safe.

CANADA: In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently stated: “We will not be coming back to our former normal situation; we can’t do that until we have developed a vaccine and that could take 12 to 18 months….. [and]….This will be the new normal until a vaccine is developed.” (Sources: 1, 2, 3)

One has to wonder whether Trudeau really means it when he says that we cannot return to "normal" until 12 to 18 months from now. Does that mean he is willing to keep the country shutdown for that long?

Even more worrisome, we have Canada's top Health Official who appeared in a recently resurfaced 2010 documentary in which she advocated using mandatory “tracking bracelets” for people who refuse to take a vaccine after a virus outbreak. Though this statement was issued in the context of a documentary, it is, nonetheless, very worrisome to say the least. You can watch the relevant video segment from the documentary via the following Twitter tweet from Resurrection Europa or via the YouTube video itself starting at the 56:50 mark:

Video: Dr. Tam and National Film Board of Canada predicitively program "OUTBREAK: Anatomy of A Plague", Feb 25, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtSgG6-96x0&feature=youtu.be

"I think the public has to know this is one of the worst case scenarios in terms of an infectious disease outbreak. And that their cooperation is sought. And if there are people who are non-compliant, they're definitely laws and public health powers that can quarantine people in mandatory settings. Its potential you can track people, put bracelets on their arms, have police and other setups to ensure quarantine is undertaken. - Theresa Tam

While I know of no law that currently exists in Canada which would encompass such forceful powers and measures, it is certainly in the realm of possibility that they could be developed and may already be in the works through bills as we speak.

Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam, part of Canada's the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force. Image source: The Globe & Mail

This woman has been assigned by Trudeau as a top member of the 'the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force' and can be seen recently advocating for the use of a COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, her power and influence has to be considered as significant. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4,5)

I am sure there are many other instances of plans for such overreaching laws in other countries as the two stated above. I have merely decided to show one for North America and one for Europe. And it will be up to citizens in their respective countries to keep an eye on such developing and overreaching laws that may impinge upon their rights and freedoms,

Now, with this context in mind, we can turn our attention back to the misdoings of Big Pharma who would be the ones providing (and profiting heftily from) such treatments and vaccines that they would supply and sell to governments.

Key Players in the Pharma space

As there exists hundreds, if not thousands, of pharmaceutical companies, I think it best to focus on those who are currently developing tests, vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 and who also have a not-so-saintly past with regards to dubious safety and and illegal practices.

So, who are they? Who are the "top" contenders poised to make billions from sales to governments and health care facilities around the globe? To help answer this we can begin by glancing a few articles and websites that list these drugmakers:

• CBS MarketWatch: These 21 companies are working on coronavirus treatments or vaccines — here’s where things stand (April 13, 2020) • STAT - NIH partners with 16 drug companies in hopes of accelerating Covid-19 treatments and vaccines (April 17, 2020)

From these sources we can consider the following as notable contenders (in alphabetical order):

• Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline, Inovio, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi, Takeda

And according to the Milken Institute, there are currently no less than 99 vaccines in development (See the full COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Tracker spreadsheet).

In aggregate, that's an astounding number of vaccines under development by pharmaceutical giants. Therefore, one can online surmise that they are in this race for profits galore from the hundreds of millions, if not billions, of doses they stand to sell to governments and health agencies.

So, for the purpose of this investigation, let's have a peek and see what we may be lurking in the dark closets of these very same pharmaceutical giants who spend, as demonstrated above, astronomical sums of money to lobby governments around the globe. Let's look at the dots.


• MERCK - PROFITEERING/COVERING UP VACCINE RISKS: As I detailed in Part 2 Merck colluded with the CDC Director Julie Gerberding to silence CDC scientist and whistleblower William Thompson who was confirming that Merck's MMR vaccine was causing autism in black children; the scientific evidence was purposely destroyed to hide this fact and Mrs. Gerberding was rewarded after becoming head of 'Merck Vaccines' with a salary of north of 2.5 million. (Sources: 1, 2, 3)

• MERCK - PROFITEERING/FRAUD/MURDER/INJURY/COVERING UP VACCINE RISKS: As I also outlined in Part 2 and is extensively documented in the scientific community (see sources listed hereafter), Merck knowingly pushed their Gardasil HPV vaccine upon girls causing numerous deaths and substantial adverse health effects to countless others for profit. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4) • GLAXOSMITHKLINE - PROFITEERING/COVERING UP VACCINE RISKS/INJURY/MURDER: As I referenced in Part 1, GSK (along with Merck) tested experimental HPV vaccines on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) • GLAXOSMITHKLINE - BRIBERY/PROFITEERING/FRAUD/MALFEASANCE/INJURY: Back in 2012, Glaxo was fined $3 billion after admitting bribing doctors and encouraging the prescription of unsuitable antidepressants to children to increase drugs sales in the United States. Their sales reps in the US encouraged to mis-sell antidepressants Paxil and Wellbutrin and asthma treatment Advair. GSK also published an article in a medical journal that mis-stated the drug's safety for children and Copies of the misleading article were given to sales representatives to pass on to doctors in the hope that it would secure more business, according to an article from The Guardian. (Sources: 1, 2) • GLAXOSMITHKLINE - BRIBERY/PROFITEERING/MALFEASANCE/INJURY: At the height of the swine flu pandemic in 2009-10, the Pandemrix vaccine was manufactured by Glaxo and administered to high-risk groups including children and adults with asthma, diabetes and heart disease. At least 800 patients and others in the UK and Europe suffered ill-effects from the vaccine which caused brain-damage, narcolepsy, cataplexy. Prior to its distribution, Glaxo had refused to supply governments unless it was indemnified against any claim for damage caused by the vaccine; and the UK government (i.e., their taxpayers) ended up footing the bill for the damages. (Sources: 1, 2, 3) • JOHNSON & JOHNSON - PROFITEERING/FRAUD/MALFEASANCE: Even Johnson & Johnson, you know, the maker of all those baby care products, has its fair share of profiteering, fraud, malfeasance, and injury. The third-largest-ever health fraud settlement, in 2013, forced Johnson & Johnson to pay $2 billion for violations involving, among other drugs, Risperdal. (see the US Department of Justice's Nov. 4, 2013 report with a sub-header Allegations Include Off-label Marketing and Kickbacks to Doctors and Pharmacists for details). (Sources: 1, 2, 3) • PFIZER - MALFEASANCE/DEATHS/PROFITEERING: Back in 2009, Dutch authorities pulled Pfizer's infant vaccine Prevnar (Prevenar in Europe) after 3 died within two weeks of receiving the shots. Though Pfizer only hatled the batch that was related to the deaths, no other Prevenar batches were suspended and infants in the Netherlands continued to be vaccinated; and apparently, no proper investigation of the deaths by the pharmaceutical giant were conducted. At the time, the vaccine was one of the most widely used in the world and generated sales for U.S. drugmaker Wyeth (who was acquired by Pfizer) of $2.7 billion in 2008. (Sources: 1, 2) • PFIZER / SANOFI - MALFEASANCE/DEATHS/PROFITEERING: Nine years ago, Japan’s health ministry halted the use of vaccines made by Pfizer Inc and Sanofi-Aventis SA that prevent meningitis and pneumonia following the deaths of four children. The infants died shortly after receiving the vaccines. The vaccines in question were Pfizer’s Prevenar and Sanofi’s ActHIB. As per the Reuters article on this event, three of the children also received a mixed vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus on the same day they received the other vaccines; which appears to have been a contributing factor. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4)

There's a wealth of scientific evidence that demonstrates that combination vaccines (such as the MMR vaccine) are much more likely to cause adverse effects and deaths in recipients, particularly babies and infants whose immune systems are simply overwhelmed and overloaded with heavy doses of diseases (vaccines) all at once.

Despite this, pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer and Merck have negligently failed to conduct related studies and issue adequate recommendations for the administration of their vaccines to their clients (i.e., doctors, medical practitioners, hospitals, and health care centers) in this respect.

Apart from this appalling practice of injecting combination doses of vaccines in babies and infants, the pharmaceutical giants have also continued to included dangerous ingredients and adjuvants - such as mercury, aluminum, and thimerosal - in their vaccines knowing full well that they render severe adverse effects (particularly neurological ones), significantly contribute to Autism and other severe health conditions. Med Science Research has and extensive database of thousands of published medical studies which document these specific issues in the industry. These appear in PubMed which has more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

The Scope & Pervasiveness of Big Pharma Fraud

To highlight the pervasiveness of the fraud and misconduct committed by Big Pharma companies (many that I've listed above), we need only have a glance at the following table which was produced for a March 2018 report entitled Twenty-Seven Years of Pharmaceutical Industry Criminal and Civil Penalties: 1991 Through 2017 (PDF) written by four medical doctors and published by Public Citizen to really get a sense of the size and scope of this systemic (and endemic?) problem. Here are the highlights preceded by a description:

Source: Table 4 from the Twenty-Seven Years of Pharmaceutical Industry Criminal and Civil Penalties: 1991 Through 2017 (PDF)

Over this time span (from 1991 to 2017) we are talking about $38 billion in total financial penalties from these 20 pharmaceutical giants alone and that, only in the United States - not including fines and penalties in other countries.

If anyone would dare to tally the aggregate for this 20 companies across multiple countries, the figure would undoubtedly be astronomical and quite indicative of their collective misdoings and profiteering.

Conclusion for this section

I have merely scratched the surface or chipped at the tip of the iceberg with regards to the orgy of fraud, profiteering, malfeasance, and outright criminality committed by Big Pharma.

I am not suggesting that these, and other, pharmaceutical companies are only out to make a profit and don't have good products that help countless patients improve and recover from their illnesses.

The point I am trying to illustrate, however, is that due to their proven track record of misdoings and profiteering at the expense of patients around the globe, we should not only question whether the vaccine, drug, or treatment they develop for the COVID-19 (or subsequent) disease will have been developed in an honest, open, safe, trustworthy way with the best interest of people in mind, or whether it will be merely for profiteering.

Time will tell.

Meanwhile, I suggest that we all keep a keen eye on these top pharmaceutical companies as they gradually start to introduce the masses and governments to their upcoming cures for the current pandemic.

We need to question who are they partnering with, who is helping to fund them, and what is their track record with regards to safety, efficacy, ethics, and relationships with industry practitioners, physicians, medical institutions, medical journals, and the like.

Are you willing to do our own homework, or will you leave it up to them and take their word for it all?


I just noticed that the fine work of @geke (on Steemit.com and Hive.blog) merits some attention. She is famous on the liberty-loving platform for her extensive work in creating Venn diagrams that document the inter- linkages between multinational corporations and the U.S. Government.

More specifically, she details the "revolving door" phenomenon that exists between Government and Corporations along with how their lobbyists get thrown into the mix.

This set of records offers yet another view into how Big Pharma works to usurp government policy with regards to health care and who gets rewarded in the process.

Here are but a few instances from the fruits of her labor:

General Pharmaceutical:

Image source


CVS Health:






Image source

End of Part 4 – BIG Pharma

Part 5 - The Gavi Alliance

Gavi Backgrounder

What is Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance? Well, according to a short description available from the World Economic Forum's website, we have:

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is a public-private global health partnership committed to saving children's lives and protecting people's health by increasing access to immunization in poor countries. It brings together developing country and donor governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry, research and technical agencies, civil society organizations and private philanthropists.

Their official website is www..org and you can read their About page.

The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation set up Gavi in 1999 with US$ 750 million. (source)

And as stated in this source, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a key Gavi partner in vaccine market shaping.

So, there is no doubt that Bill Gates and his foundation are at the head of this alliance both in terms of policy shaping and funding.

As for the others, well, let's have a look at Gavi's own graphic to this effect:

Image source

Looking at the constituents of the alliance from the graphic above, we can notice four key players of interest:

1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2. The WHO (World Health Organization) 3. The World Bank 4. Vaccine Manufacturers.

This exposé has already outlined how three of these players have demonstrated less than stellar and honorable practices with regards to promoting the health and well being of populations around the word - with particular attention to the way in which they have promoted and knowingly pushed dangerous vaccines upon vulnerable groups leading to countless injuries and deaths.

As for the World Bank, who helps to bankroll Gavi, they have their fair share of misdoings. And I have extensively documented these in another exposé I wrote a few years back entitled The International Banking Cabal. Part III of that series focused exclusively on the World Bank (and the IMF) which are organizations with a well documented track record of flooding nations with astronomical amounts of debts they are never able to repay while securing and plundering their natural resources and displacing their peoples in the process.

I encourage you to read that part of my exposé if you want to get an idea of what kind of partner The World Bank Group is really about.

The ICIJ's (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists) Investigation Evicted and Abandoned: The World Bank’s Broken Promise to the Poor. See also Explore 10 Years of World Bank Resettlement Data

In Part 3 of this exposé I also outlined how the WHO (World Health Organization) has failed miserably at adhering to its own mandate of promoting health and preventing the spread of disease across international borders during this COVID-19 Pandemic we are all currently experiencing and paying the price of.

As for the fourth group listed above - Vaccine Manufacturers - there is little doubt as to what their true intentions are with regards to vaccines. I've outlined their nefarious practices, misdoings, and outright

profiteering in Part 4 of this series called Big Pharma. So, I don't think I need to expand more on this parasitic group.

As for the other key players listed in the Gavi Alliance graphic above, we find that of IMPLEMENTING COUNTRY GOVERNMENTS, as they put it.

What they really mean are subservient governments that are all to willing to go along with their dangerous (and very costly) vaccination / immunization programs whether it be for annual flu shots, excessive & unconscionable vaccine schedules for babies, or other tyrannical absurdities.

I've already illustrated the example of Denmark being subservient in the passing of their recent legislation to force-vaccinate people against their will and also how Canada's top health official is also postering for similar measures against citizens of that country (see Part 4).

While it would be beyond the scope of this exposé to enumerate all the backdoor shenanigans and dealings occupying their various houses of parliament and government chambers, I will, nonetheless, focus on one country in particular - Canada.

I will do so, because it cannot be clearer for anyone to see just how subservient Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is with this agenda and the bad actors behind it, all at the detriment of the citizens of his own country whom he is supposed to be mandated to protect and serve their best interests. Let me go into detail a little bit later in this part.

Thus, in a nutshell the Gavi Alliance is no more than a front to push a slew of programs that are not aimed at promoting sound health, but rather in pushing endless vaccine programs so that their partners can not only make billions of dollars in profit, but also, rather nefariously, contribute to a reduction in world population (as was clearly outlined in Part 1 when Bill Gates openly advocated for it in his TED Talk).

Gavi Propaganda, Power, & Influence on Vaccine Policy

In this section, I will outline merely a few ways in which the Gavi Alliance machine uses its collective clout to elevate the Global Vaccine Agenda to dizzying heights and offer some more "Dots" to illustrate them.


• PROPAGANDIZING/POSTURING: One of the most powerful forms of propaganda is video. YouTube is the second most accessed internet site in the world, following only Google - its owner (actually Alphabet owns them both). So, it would come as no surprise that Gavi would have a channel and presence on that platform. While it is not a very popular site with videos having a rather small number of views, what is noteworthy, however, is that Comments are either disabled or completely deleted (or shadow banned), as I have failed to see any of them nor post or see any of my own. Here are a few screenshots:

Gavi YouTube channel: Samuel L. Jackson shows support for Gavi during ‘One World: Together at Home’ Special, 548 views, Apr 23, 2020, URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h67r-9wjWc

Here is another video entitled COVID-19: Gavi steps up response to pandemic:

Gavi YouTube channel: COVID-19: Gavi steps up response to pandemic, 267 views, Apr 14, 2020, URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjCOFn7o87M

Again, 0 Comments, as they are either disabled or purposely become invisible (shadow banned). And what is rather ironic, is that at the end of this particular video, they invite the audience to LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE. Yet viewers cannot comment. I wonder why. As with the ID2020 YouTube channel which also has comments disabled. Note that I will cover ID2020 in part 7 of this extensive exposé.

Thinking perhaps there are no comments due to the relatively minuscule number of views these videos have (that, in it self, should tell you how truly unpopular this alliance really is), I looked for a video that has more views and found the following one (narrated by none other than Bill Gates himself):

Gavi@20, 544 views, Jan 23, 2020 , URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_HG9TWIFH8

As you can see, this one also has the Comments turned off. Why would they do this? Wouldn't they want the world to give them praise for all they've do over these years? Or, are they afraid of what ugly truths might be revealed about them?

I will add a little section in the final part of this exposé explicitly demonstrating how YouTube and other Big Tech companies are purposefully censoring users as well as positioning and promoting these organizations at the very top of contents recommended to their user bases.

I almost forgot to mention that in that Samuel Jackson propaganda video shown above, the actor is part of a very large network of entertainers who are also pushing this agenda. You can see a logo for Global Citizen in that particular video.

This is an organization that has been custom-tailored to help propagate the ideas set forth by the Gavi Alliance and their partners. Last April, they held an online 'One World Together at Home' Festival to push their agenda.

Notice the WHO's (World Health Organization) logo on the poster.

They implored the gullible masses to beg to:

• Call on world leaders to step up funding for Gavi • Demand world leaders to invest in vaccines • Tell the World’s Richest Countries: Please Give Your Fair Share in Aid • Tell Athletes to Help • Call on Canadian leaders to pledge new funds to this critical global health initiative. • Tell Sweden: Funds Are Running Out! Pledge New Money for a COVID-19 Vaccine • Etc., etc., etc.

Get the idea?

It's incredible how the masses have been brainwashed. The extent to which they prey on fear and human emotions in their greed-driven agenda is astounding. But they are experts and adepts at it and know exactly how to use these emotions to get millions around the globe to act in concert.

On Global Citizens' Partners page they state: Together we are working towards a world free of extreme poverty by 2030. What they are referring to is UN Agenda 2030 If you are unfamiliar with UN Agenda 2030, I implore you to do some research, as it is yet another front of these globalist agendas which actually do the opposite of what they actually and benevolently claim. I could write entire exposés on UN Agenda 2021 and UN Agenda 2030, but perhaps I'll save that for another day.

• PROFITEERING (THEFT OF BILLIONS IN PUBLIC FUNDS): Gavi along with its alliance partners have been heavily lobbying and subverting government agencies and lawmakers to fund their vaccine machine. Here are but a few of those scary numbers to give you an initial indication of the breadth and scope of the funds they are looting from governments (i.e, from tax payers) around the world. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

• Global Citizen - US $7.5 billion pledged to Gavi set to vaccinate 300 million children • The Telegraph - UK pledges £1.65bn to support Gavi's vaccination efforts and protect Britain from Covid-19 'second wave' • Global Citizen - The UK Just Pledged to Protect Up to 75 Million Children Against Deadly Diseases Through Vaccines The funding is equivalent to £330 million a year over the next five years. • Global Citizen - German Chancellor Angela Merkel Pledges 600 Million Euros for Global Vaccine Efforts • Global Citizen - Indonesia Launches Nationwide Vaccination Program Against Pneumonia Key excerpt:Alongside private and corporate partners, Gavi is supported by donor governments, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Germany, India, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Gavi is currently in the process of asking for new funding, ... If the organisation is to reach its goal, it urgently needs another USD $7.4 billion. A replenishment pledging conference will be held in June 2020 in the United Kingdom.

The hundreds of millions of dollars in funding stated above merely come from 3 countries and are not a small number at all. I haven't even included and counted the funds Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, and India have committed to fork over to Gavi (as stated in the 5th point above) nor many other countries who have undoubtedly fallen into this trap. Should one care to tally the aggregate amount that the Gavi Alliance and its armies of lobbyist are currently seeking from governments worldwide on the back of the COVID-19 crisis, we could be looking at tens of billions of dollars more, not millions. Anyone up to the task?

Actually, if you look at Gavi's own funding data, you will find that Countries pledged US$7.6 billion and Proceeds to Gavi totaled more than US$7.4 billion for a combined total of over US$15 billion (period 2016- 2020). (Sources: 1, 2)

Gavi Funding: Country Contributions Pledged, Sources: 1, 2

Country Proceeds to Gavi, Sources: 1, 2

The $15b figure is for the 2016-2020 (actually through Dec. 31, 2019) time frame and I haven't tallied the figures for the preceding and upcoming periods where you can easily find more billions.

We are talking about looting on a massive scale folks. And those who seek to benefit from these investments are the vaccine makers, i.e., Big Pharma, Gates, and the rest of their pillaging cronies.

• PROPAGANDIZING/POSTURING: According to an October, 2019 article from Vaccine Choice Canada entitled The “One Size Fits All” Global Vaccine Agenda:

The key driver and ‘kingpin’ of the accelerating global vaccine agenda is the Bill and Melina Gates Foundation (BMGF), and their brain child GAVI or Vaccine Alliance, launched in 2000 to increase and improve vaccine delivery globally.

BMGF is the world’s largest private foundation with more than $50 billion in assets. It uses its vast financial resources to steer an elaborate network of “partner organizations”, including non-profits, government agencies and private corporations and is intimately tied to the pharmaceutical industry.

The above statements illustrate the extent to which Gavi (in essense the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation) is interconnected with government agencies, private corporations (which undoubtedly include members of the mainstream media), and Big Pharma.

In terms of their power and influence, it's a machine that about 90% of nations can't rival. Third world countries are particularly vulnerable to their dishonest and greedy practices, as we have seen with death and injury caused by mass vaccination campaigns which have been extensively referenced in this exposé.

The article continues:

The Gates Foundation’s $10 billion investment in the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ ushered us into the darkest period in medical history, now poised to eliminate our most basic human rights. Between 2010 and 2020, this obscene amount of money was intentionally directed at creating the vaccine propaganda machine that has got us to where we are today.

The propaganda ploys and techniques unleashed by the ‘decade of vaccines’ has inflicted incalculable harm on the people of the world by inciting hatred, marginalization, vilification and demonizing of vaccine resistors. It has silenced all dissenting voices in the media and imposed an ominous pall of censorship that forbids any questioning of vaccine safety.

It persecutes the scientists and researchers who are discovering mechanisms of vaccine injury and suppresses the new science that reveals how vaccines damage growing brains and the immune systems.

It censors all information that refutes the vaccines are “safe and effective” mantra. It has succeeded in the complete capture of governments, regulatory agencies and politicians.

It is during this ‘decade of vaccines’ that we have reaped the bitter harvest of philanthropic wealth wielding its power against the people, against truth, against honest science, and against health freedom.

I couldn't have stated any of this better than the author of this article already has.

To substantiate on the point of government influence furthermore, I will show you a recent (May 2nd) Tweet by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In it, Trudeau states the following:

COVID-19 is a global crisis that demands a global response from governments, the private sector, and foundations like he @GatesFoundation. I spoke with @BillGates and @MelindaGates today about that, the development of treatments and vaccines, and more.

Source: https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1256339577276715009

Firstly, to have the head of a nation seek the direct advice of Bill Gates who has no medical diplomas or qualifications whatsoever with regards to medicine, infectious diseases, and other health specialties, is troubling to say the least.

I will also illustrate how Gavi and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation used proxies to (in some instances illegally) influence Canadian officials and authorities.

But before I do that, let me share a little bit of good news with regards to Trudeau's infamous tweet - Canadians are not buying it! Before the tweet gets removed, I've taken the liberty to take a few screenshots from the first few pages scrolling from the top:

Now, let's dive in a little bit about how Gavi & Gates use their proxies to influence the government.

A website called CANUCK LAW (that describes itself through its headline: Research, Investigative Journalism, Independent Media (Redpilling Future Nationalists) has beautifully documented and outlined how this works in their following two recent articles:

1. CV #4: Gates Foundation Lobbied Trudeau (Using Proxies) Into Accepting Vaccine Agenda (April 13, 2020)

Key excerpts:

However, Gates did not (directly) lobby the Canadian Government. The (sic) used proxies to do this. The used proxies to do this. Specifically, here are the connections:

(b) GAVI sought the services of a lobbying firm called Crestview Strategy. Crestview used 2 of their employees, Jason Clark, and Zakery Blais, for the assignment.

(c) Clark and Blais have lobbied the Canadian Government on at least 19 occasions since 2018 on various “health” matters, on behalf of GAVI. One more was conducted by Jennifer Babcock, who appears to have left the firm. All of this can be immediately verified by looking up the records in the Office of the Lobbying Commissioner.

(d) Clark and Blais have connections to the Liberal Party of Canada. Clark volunteered in 2015 for Ottawa area Liberal candidates, and Blais is a former assistant to the (now) Attorney General David Lametti.

In section 5, they go on revealing the Crestview Strategy Lobbies For GAVI, particularly to "mobilize" public opinion.

Crestview Strategy effectively represents the interests of corporations, not-for-profits and industry associations to achieve results with governments around the world.

If you want to have a look at the gritty details you can do so here.

2. CV #0: Corona Planned-emic; Lobbying; Deleted Resources; CL Listings; Theresa Tam, Canada’s “Hoaxer Zero” (April 27, 2020)

In the first part of this article, they go over how Theresa Tam, Canada's top health official, insisted on enforcing "mandatory quarantines, using tracking bracelets" for people who refuse to take a vaccine after a virus outbreak in her appearance in a 2010 documentary film simulating a pandemic.

I've covered this particular instance in Part 4 - Big Pharma if you want to see the details.

Next, they provide extensive documentation about lobbying efforts at the provincial level, Theresa Tam's conflicts of interests and ties with the WHO along with her misleading roles, and an extensive array of Gavi misdoings pushing vaccines.

Dan Dicks from PressForTruth.ca did an excellent job in summarizing the findings of these reports in his video entitled PROOF: Gates Foundation LOBBIED TRUDEAU Into Accepting MASS VACCINATION PROGRAM!!! (alternate link via Bitchute, as YouTube is very likely to memory-hole this video and/or channel)

Video: Press For Truth – PROOF: Gates Foundation LOBBIED TRUDEAU Into Accepting MASS VACCINATION PROGRAM!!!, May 2, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWOrdfWG6Sc&feature=youtu.be

If you think the relationship between Trudeau and Gates is merely a recent one, have a look at the following photo op of the pair from 2016:

Bill Gates & Justin Trudeau at the Global Citizen Concert in Montreal, Quebec, Canada September 17, 2016. Image source: Yahoo! Finance

As I had previously stated in Part 4, Trudeau said the following:

“We will not be coming back to our former normal situation; we can’t do that until we have developed a vaccine and that could take 12 to 18 months….. [and]….This will be the new normal until a vaccine is developed.” (Sources: 1, 2, 3)

These are the kinds of shenanigans that Gavi and their proxies employ in developed nations. In developing and third-world nations, their methods are much more sinister.

The following "Dot" will provide one example in which they use their power and financial clout to get what they want - usually at the expense of their poor citizens of those countries.

One last Dot:

• COERCION/PROFITEERING/INJURY/MURDER: According to an April 23rd, 2020 Children's Health Defense article entitled The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted authored by none other than their Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Gavi, Gates, and and the WHO aggressively pushed the dangerous DTP vaccine program despite horrendous results. Moreover, they "strong-armed" African nations in the process. Here are some key excerpts from the article:

But Bill Gates and his surrogates, GAVI and WHO, made DTP a priority for African babies.

Dr. Mogenson and his team found that girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated kids.

For African nations, GAVI and WHO use DTP vaccine uptake to gauge national compliance with vaccine recommendations. GAVI can financially punish nations that don’t fully comply.

The researchers suggested that the DTP vaccine is killing more children than the diseases it targets. It’s possible that millions of children are adversely affected.

So, there you have it once again.

I could go on and on with countless other examples.

But, suffice it to say that the Gavi Alliance, its main funder the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, their partners at Big Pharma, their subservient sellout politicians, academics, and other cronies, are not exactly the pillars and purveyors of truth, honesty, and proponents of good health they claim to be.

Conclusion for this part

I can think of no better way to conclude this part of the exposé than to display the comment of a user called TheFreedomShip on a May 5, 2020 Gavi Alliance Tweet:

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance tweet from May 5, 2020, URL: https://twitter.com/gavi/status/1257568460852334601

Couldn't have said it better myself. hallelujah!

End of Part 5 – The Gavi Alliance

Part 6 – The Rockefellers & The Rockefeller Foundation


What may surprise the reader is the fact that perhaps no other single person or foundation – even that of Bill Gates and his Foundation – has actually had a greater impact on medicine, vaccines, population control, and the current predicament we collectively find ourselves in with this COVID-19 pandemic, or (which would be a much more appropriate term, as will easily be demonstrated in this and other parts of this exposé).

To introduce this section of my humble effort to help enlighten my fellow human, I’ve chosen a short video that captures the essence of what the Rockefellers and their so-called philanthropic foundation is really all about. Though it is only about about 3 minutes and a half long, it packs a punch and speaks to reason. It was published on YouTube by a Dr. Daniel Gonzalez and is titled How the AMA hijacked Medicine which can be viewed hereunder. I will highlight some key points in it [with emphasis added].

Video: Dr. Daniel Gonzalez – How the AMA hijacked Medicine, Jun 19, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK-9ttLPEfs&feature=youtu.be

Narrator: The fortunes of Carnegie, Morgan, and Rockefeller financed surgery, radiation, and synthetic drugs. They were to become the economic foundations of the new “Medical Economy”.

G. Ewdard Griffin: The takeover of the medical industry was accomplished by the takeover of the medical schools. Well the people that we’re talking about, Rockefeller and Carnegie in particular, came to the picture and said: “We will put up money!” They offered tremendous amounts of money to the schools that would agree to cooperate with them. The donors said to the schools: “We’re giving you all this money. Now, would it be too much to ask if we could put some of our people on your Board of Directors to see that our money is being spent wisely?”

G. Ewdard Griffin: Almost overnight, all of the major universities received large grants from these sources and also accepted one, two, or three people that I mentioned on their board of directors. And the schools were literally taken over by the financial interests that put up the money. Now, what happened as a result of that, is that the schools did receive and infusion of money; they were able to build new buildings, they were able to add expensive equipment to their laboratories, they were able to hire top-notch teachers. But at the same time as doing that, they skewed the whole thing in the direction of pharmaceutical drugs.

G. Ewdard Griffin: The doctors from that point forward in history would be taught pharmaceutical drugs. All of the great teaching institutions in America were captured by the pharmaceutical interests in this fashion.

Narrator: A drug industry grew out of the booming patented medicine business. The doctors changed educational standards and licensing regulations to exclude the empirics. Soon, only AMA-approved doctors could legally practice medicine.

A quick note about who exactly G. Edward Griffin is and why should we take any of what he has to say seriously.

G. Edward Griffin, image source

Edward Griffin is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island through which he has extensively researched and exposed the formation of the United States Federal Reserve system and how it has been plundering Americans since its inception in 1913. The book is a must read for everyone. Even long before the book was published in 1994, Griffin had been educating people on the subject and still does so to this day. Had more people been aware of his message in this book and about the Federal Reserve, perhaps we wouldn't be in such a dire financial predicament. What makes him particularly credible has to do with his researching skills through which he has also utilized in similar fashion with regards to the corrupt Western medical industry in the same manner he had done with the financial industry.

G. Ewdard Griffin: So now, the average doctor goes through school. He gets a great education. He has to be really smart to get through it. He learns all about drugs. He doesn’t know too much about basic nutrition…But they sure know their drugs. And if you go to your typical doctor today, I don’t care what it is, chances are you’re gonna walk out of there with a prescription. Why? Because that is what he has been trained to do.

The short video above not only demonstrates the foundation upon which the health industry has been taken over by large financial and corporate interests by these monopolists (disguised as philanthropists), but also illustrates the current world-wide epidemic of soaring medical costs, surges in diseases and conditions (all of which require additional drugs and treatments produced by these same players), not to mention a devastating opioid crisis.

So, let us explore and expand more on how the beloved philanthropist Rockefeller spend his billions for the greater good (much like what Bill Gates appears to be doing with his fortune).

Laying the Foundations Who was Rockefeller?

His full name was John Davison Rockefeller Sr. who founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870.

He was America's first billionaire and by the turn of the 20th century, he controlled 90% of oil refineries in the U.S. through his oil company, Standard Oil, which was later broken up to become, Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, BP, Marathon, and others. (Source: 1)

But now, John D. Rockefeller saw the tremendous potential in creating a pharmaceutical drug industry (whereby pharmaceutical drugs are synthetic/chemical compounds) much like he had with petrochemicals.

Traditionally, drugs were obtained through extraction from medicinal plants. (Source: 1)

In the oil industry Rockefeller benefited greatly from the fabrication of petrochemicals by securing patents for them.

A patent is a right, granted by the government, to exclude others from making, using, or selling your invention in that country; it is an exclusive right for the creator only. In other words, it is a monopoly on the fabrication, sale, and distribution of a good (such as a chemical compound) or process.

Rockefeller knew that he could also patent pharmaceutical drugs and gain exclusive rights on their sale which would lead to windfall profits.

However, there was still one major hurdle or obstacle to overcome from the rapacious billionaire who once said Competition is a sin.

That is to say, the competition.

At that time (in the early 20th century), natural and herbal medicines were very popular in America. Almost half the doctors and medical colleges in the U.S. were practicing holistic medicine (healing that considers the whole person - body, mind, spirit, and emotions - in the quest for optimal health and wellness), using knowledge from Europe and Native Americans.

Therefore, Rockefeller needed a way to change this "problematic" situation.

The Flexner Report

From the introductory video shown at the top of this part, G. Edward Griffin stated:

"The takeover of the medical industry was accomplished by the takeover of the medical schools."

Was that just hearsay or is there any evidence that would support that bold statement?

Actually, there is.

Here is where it will be demonstrated exactly how Rockefeller went about to usurp and turn the North American medical establishment in on its head.

Rockefeller was more than highly acquainted with another billionaire philanthropist - Andrew Carnegie - who had made his fortune in the steel industry. Through the Carnegie Foundation (which was a foundation established by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 to support education programs across the United States) they sent one of its staff members, Abraham Flexner, for an 18 month visit around the continent to report on the state of 155 medical colleges in United States and Canada. The result of this broad survey culminated in what is known as the Flexner Report (see PDF report here); and the way in which it was thence used was to metastasize into the single greatest impact on the health care industry, not just in the United States and Canada, but worldwide. (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Aftermath of the Flexner Report

Perhaps the best way to summarize the immediate aftermath of the Carnegie & Rockefeller sponsored Flexner report would be to offer some insights from two sources that have extensively documented the matter: World Affairs Blog in their How Rockefeller founded modern medicine and killed natural cures post as well as Beyond the Curtain in their work titled Follow The Money…Rockefeller And The Medical Conspiracy:

Not surprisingly, Flexner ‘found’ that any discipline that didn’t use drugs to help cure the patient was tantamount to quackery and charlatanism.

Medical schools that offered courses in bioelectric Medicine, Homeopathy or Eastern Medicine, for example, were told to either drop these courses from their curriculum or lose their accreditation and underwriting support. A few schools resisted for a time, but eventually most schools cooperated (or were closed down).

Needless to say, the report talked about the need for revamping and centralizing our medical institutions. Based on this report, more than half of all medical colleges were soon closed.

...the total number of medical schools in the United States went from 160 in 1906 (before the Flexner Report) to 85 in 1920 and further down to 69 schools in 1944.

Though the number of medical schools has since increased back to the original level of around 155, in the decades following the reorganization and standardization in the practice of medicine, it had provided ample time for the existing network to submit to practices that were largely drug-based.

A similar scenario was played out in Canada. It was attempted in England against Homeopathy, but it failed due to the personal intervention of the Royal Family who had received much relief and healing at the hands of Homeopathic healers in the 19th century.

To help with the transition and to change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to colleges and hospitals, and founded a philanthropic front group called “General Education Board” (GEB). This is the classic carrot and stick approach.

In a very short time, medical colleges were all streamlined and homogenized. All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine was all about using patented drugs.

Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cured diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then recreate a similar chemical –but not identical — in the lab that could be patented.

What the statement above is getting at is that many pharmaceutical companies are merely recreating synthetic compounds based on those found in medicinal plants and patenting them for the purpose of making profits.

The article Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way refers to this deceitful practice as Bio- Piracy which makes sense, as these pharmaceutical companies are, in large part, taking (stealing) credit for what nature and homeopathic healers have provided for centuries before these corporate interests entered the scene.

Here in America, a relentless campaign of misinformation, fraud, deception, and suppression of alternative therapies and healers has been in place for the better part of this century in order to keep highly effective alternative therapies from reaching any significant plateau of public awareness.

Control is exerted through “news items” and propaganda from pro-establishment organizations like The American Medical Association, The American Cancer Society, The Diabetes Foundation, etc.; local medical boards; and government agencies like the PDA, The National Institute of Health (NIH), and The National Cancer Institute (NCI), The National Academy of Science, etc. With the full cooperation of main-stream media of course.

Over the past decades, hundreds of caring, concerned, and conscientious alternative healers have been jailed and abused like common criminals for the “crime” of curing people of life-threatening diseases in an “unapproved” manner by heavy-handed government agents who swoop down on clinics with drawn guns, flax jackets, and Gestapo manners.

The medico-drug cartel was summed up by J.W Hodge, M.D., of Niagara Falls, N.Y., in these words: ‘The medical monopoly or medical trust, euphemistically called the American Medical Association, is not merely the meanest monopoly ever organized, but the most arrogant, dangerous and despotic organization which ever managed a free people in this or any other age. Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors’ trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs.

Every practitioner of the healing art who does not ally himself with the medical trust is denounced as a ‘dangerous quack’ and impostor by the predatory trust doctors.

Every sanitarian who attempts to restore the sick to a state of health by natural means without resort to the knife or poisonous drugs, disease imparting serums, deadly toxins or vaccines, is at once pounced upon by these medical tyrants and fanatics, bitterly denounced, vilified and persecuted to the fullest extent.

As was outlined in the later excerpts above, the impact of the Flexner Report on what we call "alternative" medicine proved monumental.

Here's an additional excerpt from the Everipedia entry for the Flexner Report [Emphasis added]:

When Flexner researched his report, "modern" medicine faced vigorous competition from several quarters, including osteopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine, electrotherapy, eclectic medicine, naturopathy and homeopathy. [17]

Flexner clearly doubted the scientific validity of all forms of medicine other than that based on scientific research,deeming any approach to medicine that did not advocate the use of treatments such as vaccines to prevent and cure illness as tantamount to quackery and charlatanism.

Medical schools that offered training in various disciplines including electromagnetic field therapy, phototherapy, eclectic medicine, physiomedicalism, naturopathy, and homeopathy, were told either to drop these courses from their curriculum or lose their accreditation and underwriting support. A few schools resisted for a time, but eventually all either complied with the Report or shut their doors. [18]

Briefly put, homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked, demonized and their practitioners labelled as quacks or charlatans in order to discredit them (much like the term 'conspiracy theorist' is used to demonize anyone who doesn't toe the party line and mainstream narrative). Rockefeller and Carnegie used their clout in media circles to ensure it.

Furthermore, it is not so difficult for one to entertain the notion that the way today's modern medicine is set up is, in large part, deficient in that if focuses on isolating and treating symptoms of a disease rather than its cause or causes which are almost always due to multiple factors and should be considered and treated in a holistic fashion (i.e., considering a patient's physical, mental, and spiritual state as an interconnected whole).

Sadly though, this medical mindset is not a coincidence, but the result of a very flawed design. The Follow The Money…Rockefeller And The Medical Conspiracy expresses this sentiment quite well in the following:

A disease condition is viewed by the orthodoxy as an isolated event, confined to the area in which it manifests itself (E.g. an ear infection, eye infection, gum infection, lung cancer, skin cancer, etc.).

Under this theory, for unknown reasons, microbes or tumors indiscriminately grow in the patient and must be cut (surgery), burned (radiation), or poisoned (drugs) out of the body.

Seeking to understand WHY the infection or disease condition appeared in the first place, is not seriously explored. The quick fix with a prescription for drugs to smother the symptoms is the typical orthodox ‘answer’.

One of the many flaws of the orthodox approach is that it focuses on the disease condition itself, rather than the patient.

The term wholistic (or holistic) originally sprang up to distinguish those physicians whose diagnostic gestalt considers all of the physical, emotional, and spiritual energies interacting with the patient.

There is, in truth, a concerted, organized agenda -concocted, planned, and contrived by the international pharmaceutical companies and organized medicine to suppress any and every alternative, non-drug therapy that WORKS.

Why? Because they want people to keep on coming back for more treatments and more drugs.

A cured patient is a lost source of income. A sick patient who is marginally “improved” is a manageable patient. Managing patients means routine office visits and renewing of drug prescriptions. Therefore, a manageable patient is a continuing source of income; a cash cow if you will.

I think those last points above pretty much summarize the motivation and ideological mindset of this industry.

Curing disease and patients is not nearly as profitable for players in the industry compared to "treating" repeat customers.

Murder By Injection, The Drug Trust

Book cover for Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins.

Similar in his research ability to G. Edward Griffin, author Eustace Mullins (who also wrote about The Secrets of the Federal Reserve) wrote the work Murder By Injection: The Story of the Merdical Conspiracy Against America published in 1988 by the National Council for Medical Research.

In this book, Mullins outlines in great detail the manner in which Rockefeller set up his foundation and essentially created a monopoly on Western medicine with all its shenanigans (as enumerated in the previous section), and including what he refers to as The Drug Trust.

In chapter 9, The Drug Trust, he begins:

In 1987, the eighteen largest drug firms were ranked as follows:

1. Merck (U.S.) $4.2 billion in sales. 2. Glaxo Holdings (United Kingdom) $3.4 billion. 3. Hoffman LaRoche (Switzerland) $3.1 billion. 4. Smith Kline Beckman (U.S.) $2.8 billion. 5. Ciba-Geigy (Switzerland) $2.7 billion. 6. Pfizer (U.S.) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's gives its sales as $4 billion). 7. Hoechst A. G. (Germany) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's lists its sales as $38 billion Deutschmarks). 8. American Home Products (U.S.) $2.4 billion ($4.93 billion according to Standard & Poor's). 9. Lilly (U.S.) $2.3 billion ($3.72 billion Standard & Poor's). 10. Upjohn (U.S.) $2 billion.

11. Squibb (U.S.) $2 billion. 12. Johnson & Johnson (U.S.) $1.9 billion. 13. Sandoz (Switzerland) $1.8 billion. 14. Bristol Myers (U.S.) $1.6 billion. 15. Beecham Group (United Kingdom) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's gives $1.4 billion in sales of the U.S. subsidiary—$2.6 billion pounds sterling as overall income). 16. Bayer A. G. (Germany) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's gives the figure as $45.9 billion Deutschmarks). 17. Syntex (U.S.) $1.1 billion. 18. Warner Lambert (U.S.) $1.1 billion

He continues [emphasis added]:

Thus we find that the United States still maintains an overwhelming lead in the production and sale of drugs. In the United States, the sale of prescription drugs rose in 1987 by 12.5% to $27 billion. Eleven of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United States; three in Switzerland; two in Germany; and two in the United Kingdom. Nutritionist T. J. Frye notes that the Drug Trust in the United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group in a cartel relationship with I. G. Farben of Germany. In fact, I. G. Farben was the largest chemical concern in Germany during the 1930s, when it engaged in an active cartel agreement with Standard Oil of New Jersey.

An interesting side note, in the 1920s and 30s Rockefeller arranged for his company, Standard Oil of New Jersey, to obtain a controlling interesting in a huge German drug cartel called I.G. Farben. (source).

I.G. Farben was a German chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate formed in 1925 from a merger of six chemical companies, one of them being Bayer (the pharmaceutical behemoth that recently acquired Monsanto). (source)

The investment relationship did nothing to quell the rumors about Rockefeller ties to Nazism, as I.G. Farben was heavily involved in conducting experiments (mostly drug and vaccine testing) on Jews during WWII.

In fact, few people are aware that Auschwitz was a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben. (source)

But back to that impressive laundry list of pharmaceutical giants stated above from 1987.

Though only a few decades have elapsed since then, we can still find the power players in Merck, GlaxoSmitKline (merged), LaRoche, Lilly, Brystol Myers Squibb (merged) , Johnson & Johnson, and Bayer - most of which I listed in Part 4 - Big Pharma of this exposé.

Needless to say, these very companies are at the forefront of drug production and vaccine development and hold tremendous power, as was also detailed in Part 4 - Big Pharma.

Though it is difficult to quantify the exact amount of holdings and shares the Rockefeller family, Rockefeller Foundation, and Rockefeller owned- and controlled-entities currently (in 2020) hold in these pharmaceutical entities, it is not far-fetched to surmise that they must remain, highly substantial.

But thankfully, researcher Eustace Mullins had done the leg work (at least pre-1988) and published the names of the various shareholders and board members of these pharmaceutical companies in his book Murder By Injection: The Story of the Merdical Conspiracy Against America (click on the hyperlink to consult the PDF version of this book and start reading from Chapter 9 -The Drug Trust on p. 136).

So, we do have a pretty good indication about the sheer pervasiveness of control that is derived from Rockefeller (and banker) interest.

In an interview that can be seen via another excellent researcher, James Corbett (The Corbett Report) - who also just so happened to produce an excellent exposé on the Federal Reserve and How Big Oil Conquered the World - Mullins enumerates all the other ways that Rockefeller used his tremendous riches, power, and influence to overtake the medical industry. He eloquently summarizes this in approximately 5 minutes in the following video (watch from the 28:26 mark to 33:32 mark)

Video: corbettreport – Rockefeller Medicine, Nov 2, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6J_7PvWoMw&feature=youtu.be

Moreover, the reader can gain additional insight on the matter by consulting a very detailed article entitled The Truth About the Rockefeller Drug Empire: The Drug Story which meticulously outlines other nefarious doings of Rockefeller such as:

• bribing the top medical universities such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and John Hopkins; • taking control of the press and muzzling anyone going against the Drug Trust; • usurping the [previously long established] American Medical Association (AMA) and using them as a front for the Drug Trust; • using American soldiers as Guinea Pigs for experimenting with dangerous drugs and vaccines; • "purchasing" public opinion with the acquisition of Time and Newsweek (among many others) to help push their propaganda; • corrupting Educational Boards, intellectuals, and the scientific community; • infiltrating China to corrupt and "westernize" their system of medicine.

In short, the level of pervasiveness, corruption, and greed by the Rockefeller empire has been nothing short of catastrophic not only in the United States, but elsewhere in the "Western" world.

Population Council & Control Programs

I'd also like to add another little-know aspect of the Rockefeller clan, namely the founding of the Population Council in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller the 3rd and how it was used as a launching pad for various depopulation efforts including the introduction of birth control pills and other contraceptive methods, abortions through Planned Parenthood / "Family Planning" programs, mass sterilization campaigns, sex research experiments, and eugenics programs which they largely funded.

Blogger @perceptualflaws has done some excellent work exposing these nefarious wrongdoings in his Agenda 2030 Culture Wars Part One: Population Control & The Sexual Perception Deception blog post from the end of 2019. Here are a few excerpts:

Darker elements connected with Rockefeller sex research include the Guatemala syphilis experiments The Rockefeller Foundation, the (Rockefeller connected) John Hopkins university and Bristol Myer Squibb are currently the subject of a $1 billion lawsuit for their connections to these historical abuses. the Rockefeller connections to eugenics both predates and inspired Nazi ideology. The Foundation helped fund the German eugenics program and even funded the early work of Josef Mengele. Until 1939 the Rockefeller Foundation were funding (alongside the interconnected Brain Institute) the racial sciences division of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics.

Source PDF: How Rockefeller Nurtured and Controlled the ZPG Plan for Depopulation

Note the sourced PDF article stated directly above is a must-read article, as it lays bare the 'Rockefeller Operation' (for depopulation) and the brute forced they exerted in implementing it via the United Nations, the WHO, and more.

You can read more on the subject here.

Fast-Forward to the 21st Century

More than a full century after the takeover of Western Medicine by the Rockefeller-Educo-Medico- Pharmaco establishment, we find ourselves in a practically irreversible predicament.

The tentacles of the multiple actors clutched into this web of medical oligarchy - lead in large part by Big Pharma leaves us vulnerable to their exploitation and to the ill-effects of their drugs, vaccines, and treatments for which they don't particularly have a stellar record, as I have documented in previous parts of this exposé.

For sure, there have been tremendous advancements and effective treatments along with countless doctors, nurses, and well-intentioned and caring health practitioners that have greatly contributed to patients health in the current Western medical system.

There have also been life-saving drugs developed by these same pharmaceutical companies. I am not trying to demonize or subvert any of the real progress made by these same actors, as there are absolutely brilliant and dedicated scientists in their respective fields. There is no question about that.

But rather, my intent is to pull back the curtain so that we can really see who is pulling all the strings, influencing medical schools and governments in negative and deceitful ways, all while disparaging non- mainstream healthcare practitioners in the process.

The overall objective of Health Care is to help cure patients, not to view them solely as repeat customers and cash cows.

The Rockefeller (and Gates) Crystal Ball

It's amazing how well the Rockefellers and Gates can predict the future - particularly with regards to Global Pandemics.

With Gates, it was just this past fall (in October of 2019) where there was a simulation of a coronavirus spreading around the world - only difference is that it originated in Brazil from a pig (instead of China with a Bat/Pangolin). The simulation was called Event 201 (click the link to visit the official website).

And, needless to say when you read and watch the simulation, you will see that it is eerily close to what is currently happening with the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.

What a coincidence.

As stated in the official website's Players page, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is front and center of this simulation both with regards to its funding and its response. Surprise, surprise.

Moreover, you can already see how Gates was postering and positioning for the "desired response"; specifically, you can have a look at their Public-private cooperation for pandemic preparedness and response - Call to Action page which issues a bunch of Recommendations that includes the following [Emphasis added]:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose the following:

Industry, national governments, and international organizations should work together to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) to enable rapid and equitable distribution during a severe pandemic.

The World Health Organization (WHO)...with contracts in place with pharmaceutical companies that have agreed to supply vaccines should WHO request them.

As one possible approach, this virtual stockpile model could be expanded to augment WHO’s ability to distribute vaccines and therapeutics to countries in the greatest need during a severe pandemic.

This should also include any available experimental vaccine stockpiles for any WHO R&D Blueprint pathogens to deploy in a clinical trial during outbreaks in collaboration with CEPI, GAVI, and WHO.

...Countries with national supplies or domestic manufacturing capabilities should commit to donating some supply/product to this virtual stockpile. Countries should support this effort through the provision of additional funding.

See how this is already taking place today?

Gates & Co. were already positioning themselves for stockpiling of vaccines - even experimental ones (who cares about safety anyway, eh?) and practically strong-arming governments to foot the bill so he and his Gavi & Big-Pharma buddies can benefit greatly. How wonderful.

Independent researcher and investigative journalist Spiro Skouras has created several articles and videos on the subject, including one entitled Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak? An Inside Look May Shock You! (click here for related video) and you can watch it hereunder:

Video: Spiro Skouras – Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak? An Inside Look May Shock You!, Jan 25, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx8xKcQMTRs&feature=youtu.be

Skouras also produced a highly-relevant piece entitled The U.N. & Central Banks: A Rockefeller & Rothschild Coup which also puts the plans of the Rockefeller (and other faux-philanthropists) in a larger context - one in which a new digitally-based monetary system is currently in the works to replace the current dying fiat based one. I highly recommend that the reader have a look at this one, particularly starting from the 9:02 mark where he goes through the history of how the Rockefeller's spearheaded the United Nations (under which the WHO currently falls under) and how it is used to push nefarious agendas.

But Rockefeller's Crystal Ball is much more powerful, or at least forward-looking I should say.

As his goes back much further to 2010.

Specifically, I am referring to a document entitled ‘Rockefeller Foundation: Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development’ that was originally published in 2010 which foresaw a global pandemic occurring eerily similar to what is happening this year.

On page 18 under the header 'LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback' you can find the following text (I've highlighted the particularly precognitive sections):

And, allow me to cite these relevant parts hereunder in case they are difficult to read on the image above:

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.

However, a few countries did fare better — China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near- hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter postpandemic recovery.

If that is not creepy as hell, then I don't know what is.

These predictions were 100% spot-on accurate.

How could that be?

Even war simulations and scenarios planning prepared by the Pentagon and miltirary organizations have yet to predict something with as much accuracy as has the Rockefeller Foundation with this particular exercise.

I am not the type to believe in such coincidences.

So, needless to say, I think it is best to lean on the cautious side of things with regards to these "foreshadowings".

Rockefeller 'National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan': - A Digital Medical Tyranny, forced Tracking, and Vaccinations

I congratulate the reader if s/he has made it this far in this part, for what comes next will really show you what the decades of "hard work" of the Rockefellers and their accomplices ultimately have in store for us.

One month ago (on April 21, 2020), the Rockefeller Foundation issued a white paper titled “National COVID- 19 Testing Action Plan — Strategic Steps to Reopen Our Workplaces and Our Communities.”

Image taken from cover of the white paper document (PDF)

The document is 29 pages in length and in lieu of highlighting the important and relevant parts page by page which I think it would prove confusing to the reader, rather, I prefer to present citations from the Plan (document) in what I would categorize as the following MAJOR OBJECTIVES of this plan, at least as I see and interpret it. Accordingly, I will feature these important citations in the following 4 areas:

1. Profit motive: Positioning their Corporate Partners (Testing & Vaccine manufacturers)

2. Tagging & Tracking motive

3. Centralizing Medical Records (of all citizens)

4. Creating a Response & Enforcement Arm

Please note that I am adding emphasis to certain words and phrases from the original text.

I will also add my assessment and interpretation of these key passages under each relevant section.

1. Profit motive: Positioning their Corporate Partners (Testing & Vaccine manufacturers)

Perhaps the main arc or theme that is somewhat omnipresent in this Plan is that of Testing (for COVID-19 now, but perhaps for others later on).

The Foreword (on p. 2) to the plan, written by the President of the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, includes the following from the introductory paragraphs:

(p. 2) In the face of an ineffective nationally-coordinated response, insufficient data, and inadequate amounts of protective gear and testing, we need an exit plan.

(p. 2) Testing is our way out of this crisis.

Hence, the tone of the plan is laid bare right off the bat. He continues:

(p. 2) Our National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan lays out the precise steps necessary to enact robust testing, tracing, and coordination to more safely reopen our economy – starting with a dramatic expansion of testing from 1 million tests per week to initially 3 million per week and then 30 million per week, ...

(p. 4) The goal of the Action Plan is to build a state-led national program of Covid-19 testing that supports reopening the economy through the goals of workforce monitoring, early detection of recurrent outbreaks, and diagnostic and home testing.

(p. 6) The number of tests needed to successfully prevent recurrent outbreaks while allowing some relaxation of social distancing will depend on the vigilance of contact tracing. With the kind of high-precision contact tracing used in South Korea, just 2.5 to 5 million tests per day would be required.

(p. 8) The effort will ultimately grow to billions of dollars per month although innovations in testing technology should eventually drop costs.

(p. 12) According to some epidemiological analyses, halting the epidemic entirely while allowing nearly everyone to return to work requires testing between 20 million and 30 million people daily.

(p. 22) Fully controlling the Covid-19 epidemic requires that we test the majority of the population weekly.

Firstly, note that by 'testing' the document specifies not one, but two kinds of tests:

1. a molecular SARS-CoV-2 test for the infection itself; and 2. a separate serological blood test to detect antibodies.

In short, according to this report, the number of tests that would be administered ranges in the astounding range of 30 million per week up to 30 million each and every day!

Moreover, they even state that they would test the majority of the population weekly basis. And according to their own rough estimates, these would cost in the "billions of dollars per month".

Thus, one can easily see the tremendous profit motive derived from this plan.

And who would most likely stand to benefit from mass producing and selling these test kits? Though it is not specifically mentioned in this document, it is safe to assume that their "key" partners would most likely firms in which they have financial positions or share ownership in.

2. Tagging & Tracking motive

(p. 6) Digital apps and privacy-protected tracking software should be widely adopted to enable more complete contact tracing.

I probably don't need to introduce the concept of contact tracing to the user. But, it essentially means tracking all the people you have been in contact (or in proximity) with via "digital apps" (i.e., your smartphone).

(p. 6) Whenever possible, incentives should be used to nudge the voluntary use of these apps rather than require them.

Funny how they use the term "nudge". For some reason, the image that pops into my mind is the proverbial, Orwellian 'Boot stamping on your face' kind. But, this nudging would only be reserved for those pesky non- conformists, otherwise you can simply willfully submit.

(p. 20) There is a need to develop a real-time common data-sharing platform to better understand available testing capacity.

Here, the key term is real-time which means they would have the ability track and locate you in 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

(p. 20) The integration of diverse data sets from public health systems, social media, and mobility data into a shared platform with open-source modeling tool development and appropriate security and compliance controls will accelerate the experimentation and development of prediction algorithms that power the monitoring and decision-making components of the digital platform.

This part sounds pretty scary, as "integrating" your personal, medical, mobile/smartphone, and private data all at once from a single source is beyond comprehension. This level of overreach on anyone's personal information is just to egregious to imagine.

(p. 21) Companies like Apple and Google are leading the way by engaging directly with privacy advocates, allowing individuals to opt-in to new tools,... Apple and Google are working on a contact-tracing app to alert people – on an opt-in basis – if they’ve been in touch with someone known to have the novel coronavirus. An active symptom-checker app is in development.

Two red flags here folks. First, Apple and Google - particularly the latter - don't exactly have a respectable record with regards to user privacy, as numerous data breaches have occurred in the last several years.

Secondly, it is stated that their contact-tracing app (which has already been in development for months, I must add) would work on a "opt-in" basis. But we all know that even if you opt-out they always find a way to screw you - either by changing their policies (you know the ones where you click "Ok" so you can proceed with your life) or simply ignoring your directive and blatantly disrespecting it (as they have done on countless occasions in the past). It's a lose-lose situation folks.

(p. 21) Apple and Google have announced a joint effort to bolster contact tracing by building software into smartphones that relies on Bluetooth technology to track users’ proximity to one another. Facebook is participating in a similar effort led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ditto for Facebook x 10, as we all know that Facebook is even more careless in this regard (case in point: Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal)

3. Centralizing Medical Records (of all citizens)

(p. 6) A national system to track Covid-19 status must be created.

(p. 6) At least 100,000 people and perhaps as many as 300,000 must be hired to undertake a vigorous campaign of test administration and contact tracing, and they must be supported by computer systems networked with regional and national viral datasets and as many electronic health records from local hospital systems as can be provided.

A "national viral dataset". I believe what they mean by this is a centralized/national database of the "infected". We also have to keep in mind that once such a database is commenced, there will be no turning back. If COVID-19 dies out what other diseases or medical conditions will they "track" in such a database? Where is the limit? Who decides?

(p. 6) Policy makers and the public must find the balance between privacy concerns and infection control to allow the infection status of most Americans to be accessed and validated in a few required settings and many voluntary ones.

This is codeword for we will lobby/bribe/coerce/brownstone any politician we want to support and vote for any legislation that will be drawn up to take away yet more privacy rights away from you. Funny how they use "and validated in a few required settings" - what exactly does that mean? Simple enough to deduce: by force. I really just can't believe their choice of words sometimes.

(pp. 17-18) Those screened must be given a unique patient identification number that would link to information about a patient’s viral, antibody and eventually vaccine status under a system that could easily handshake with other systems to speed the return of normal societal functions.

I think THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE MOST SCARIEST PASSAGE in the entire National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan document.

A "unique patient identification number" - one could easily see how this "ID number" can be used not only for health reasons, but also for a person's right and freedom to participate in "societal functions", as they put it. More on that in a second...

But first, they are implying that a "patient" would be databased with 3 important identifiers: viral status + antibody status, and vaccine status.

We know they want to test you for the first two.

As for the latter, the vaccine, it is not beyond suspicion that they would use this (vaccination) as very powerful leverage over people. In other words, while they may not force you to take the vaccination, they could easily and surely make your life a living hell should you decide to "opt-out" of having that syringe stabbed into your body (with God knows what in it).

Don't think this could happen? Then, why would they state "but also for a person's right and freedom to participate in "societal functions"? It is clearly delineated in the document that such "societal functions" would include and not be limited to being able to access: schools, business/buildings/workplaces, travel (by plane, train, subway, etc.), venues (such as cinemas, concerts, sporting events, and the like). The same would likely be the case for receiving governmental benefits, pensions, obtaining a driver's license. And so on.

It would be quite easy for them to justify the denial of these functions/services to anyone deemed "infected" or "potentially infected" all in the name of keeping everyone else "safe".

(p. 18) Schools could link this to attendance lists, large office buildings to employee ID cards, TSA to passenger lists and concert and sports venues to ticket purchasers.

(p. 18) This infection database must easily interoperate with doctor, hospital and insurance health records in an essential and urgent national program to finally rationalize the disparate and sometimes deliberately isolated electronic medical records systems across the country.

(p. 18) On March 9, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released two long-awaited final rules that would prohibit information blocking in health care and advance more seamless exchange of health care data. But publication in the Federal Register, necessary to activate the rules, has been inexplicably delayed. This delay must end.

4. Creating a Response & Enforcement Arm

(p. 2) The plan also includes: launching a Covid Community Healthcare Corps so every American can easily get tested...and a Pandemic Testing Board, ...

(p. 2) Enacting it will require strong leadership and collaboration: across states, cities, and federal government, and from businesses, nonprofits, universities, community groups, and individuals.

(p. 8) Coordination of such a massive program should be treated as a wartime effort, with a public/private bipartisan Pandemic Testing Board established to assist and serve as a bridge between local, state, and federal officials with the logistical, investment and political challenges this operation will inevitably face.

A "wartime effort". Where have we heard that kind of rhetoric before? Oh year, WWI, WWII, 9/11, Gulf War, and so on. This is the same kind of posturing to get the masses on board as has previously been done.

Remember that the USA Patriot Act - the single most destructive act of Congress when it comes to stripping away rights and freedoms of Americans - was written before the events of 9/11. But since good-hearted Americans widely accepted the new "Fight on Terrorism", it can now be paralleled that we are facing yet another formidable, this time invisible enemy. So, we must all band together.

See how the deception works folks? Rinse and repeat. Different crisis, same tactic.

(p. 17) Rapidly hire an additional 100,000 to 300,000 people using existing hiring authorities: ...needed to provide all essential services...The Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency that oversees Americorps, the Senior Corps and the Volunteer Generation Fund, could be used. The National Guard can fill gaps, and nonprofits can provide volunteers.

Notice "National Guard" can help fill the gap here. They really mean that should volunteer groups prove inadequate, then these armed forces could be mobilized to accomplish matters in a more forceful and intimidating manner.

(p. 17) Some privacy concerns must be set aside for an infectious agent as virulent as Covid-19, allowing the infection status of most Americans to be accessed and validated in a few required settings and many voluntary ones.

(p. 17) But vaccine development and manufacture could take years, and when it comes certain populations may be excluded from receiving it for health reasons. In the meantime, infection status must be known for people to participate in many societal functions.

(p. 19) The Rockefeller Foundation’s Equity and Economic Opportunity and Health Initiatives is piloting a Community Health Workers Corps (CHW’s) in Baltimore. Investing in the launch of a health workers corps would allow every community to not only have testing and contact tracing capability but also have a “social distancing/public health workforce.” CHW’s could undertake everything from sanitizing spaces to enforcing separation to spraying sanitizer on people’s hands regularly, particularly where crowds gather. Pending some approvals, the target launch is June 1, 2020.

Notice how they always tend to pilot these programs in poor and under-privileged areas, as they do with vaccines in third-world countries (and as I will further demonstrate in Part 7 'ID2020 under COVID-19' of this series). People from these spots tend to be more vulnerable and weaker and will usually offer less resistance. It's quite disgusting how they prey and target these vulnerable souls.

(p. 18) Similarly, The Rockefeller Foundation has been working with The Community Organized Relief Effort (CORE) in Los Angeles to scale up testing in LA County, statewide, and ultimately nationwide through the training of volunteers to administer tests and record results.

Another pilot city - Los Angeles. But, here notice how they then append statewide, and ultimately nationwide meaning their intention is to roll this out across the country. They always test out these things in pilot cities first to assess the level of resistance they get. If they get a low or manageable level of resistance, then they usually proceed in larger fashion.

(APPENDIX: Proposal for a Pandemic Testing Board, pp. 27-28) While stay-at-home orders are working to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the reopening of the economy and society could be achieved more safely and more swiftly under the following conditions:

(1) deployment of a vaccine, which is projected to take 12-18 months, in which time there will be significant costs to the economy and harm to the social wellbeing of individuals and communities, or (2) a regime of almost universal testing. Widespread testing for both presence of the virus and for antibodies – in the order of millions of tests per day will enable those who have antibodies or are not infected to re- enter the economy. It will also make it possible to quarantine only those who have been infected or who have been in contact with the infected,

I've covered these troubling points a bit earlier; so, for the sake of brievity I won't repeat myself.

(APPENDIX:) Further, travel and commerce will not truly be able to reopen unless there is sufficient global production and deployment of tests and ultimately vaccines.

My question here is: Who gave them the authority to decide whether travel and commerce can reopen? And notice the important word here - "global" - which indicates that their intention with this plan is to ultimately have it beyond the borders of the United States to the world at large. Quite ambitious, wouldn't you say?

(APPENDIX:) We therefore propose the creation of a Pandemic Testing Board (PTB), akin to the War Production Board that the United States created in World War II, in order to massively scale up production and deployment of testing.

(APPENDIX:) and would be tasked with two projects:

(1) Pandemic Testing Supply Initiative. ...and the power to mandate production or services, akin to authorities in the Defense Production Act. (2) Pandemic Testing Deployment Initiative. In order to deploy testing at scale, there will need to be sufficient personnel to test individuals outside of hospitals and doctors’ offices. The PTB would:

• Craft recommendations for states to use the national guard to deploy testing in conjunction with business, labor, nonprofits, and academia. • If necessary, be authorized to create a Pandemic Response Corps

So, in the 'Proposal for a Pandemic Testing Board' (pp. 27-28 of the document) they are proposing the formation of what would be an extremely powerful entity that would have powers that, in essence, can only be understood as a form of MEDICAL TYRANNY.

The first project - 'Pandemic Testing Supply Initiative' would enjoy the power of 'mandating services' related to the testing (of people for the virus and antibodies). In other words, they really mean to force this "service" on unwilling participants when deemed necessary. This assertion of mine is further substantiated by the fact that they directly state "akin to authorities in the Defense Production Act". Akin means like. And the Defense Production Act is a wartime-like act that enables a country and its leadership to suspend existing laws all in the name of "national security", similar to Martial Law. The act has recently been put into effect by President Trump in the context of COVID-19.

Their second project - 'Pandemic Testing Deployment Initiative' is pretty much as stated. The choice of words - deployment - is quite clear and telling, just as when you deploy troops for battle/war. Once again, they refer to the possible use of the National Guard for such enforcement.

(APPENDIX:) The Pandemic Testing Board could be designed in one of two ways:

• Nationalist Model: The board would consist of no more than 9 members, chosen either by the President or the director of the NIAID, • Federalist Model: Congress would pass a law authorizing the states to create an interstate compact. The lead states would select a board of no more than 9 members

Here, the first key think to note is that there would be only 9 members on this very powerful board. Only 9 members could impose their will on hundreds of millions of citizens. Seems fair.

Next, we can see that they are positioning themselves with two options: a "Nationalist" one and a "Federalist" one. I think that what they are getting at is if President Trump goes along with their plan, it will be all copacetic. But if he is against it, they will go their usual way - by co-opting Congress to do their bidding.

And notice how they say the "lead states" would select the board members. As we know, by "lead states" they are referring to those who would most likely go along with the plan, namely the "blue" or Democratic states as can be easily observed since these are the states that are currently imposing the harshest lockdowns in the country (in contrast with the "red", or Republican states).

(APPENDIX:) Appropriations: We recommend Congress appropriate sufficient resources to fund the Board and massively scaled up testing production and deployment.

(APPENDIX:) Author info: [4 authors in all including] E. Glen Weyl, RadicalxChange Foundation, Microsoft Office of the Chief Technology Officer

The last point I want to make with regards to the document itself is that one of the four authors of this 'Proposal for a Pandemic Testing Board' includes a fellow named E. Glen Weyl. Upon further scrutiny, we can see that Mr. Weyl is the CTO Political Economist & Social Technologist for Microsoft and founder and chairman of the RadicalXChange Foundation that is also pushing an almost identical plan (called “Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience: Massive Scale Testing, Tracing, and Supported Isolation (TTSI) as the Path to Pandemic Resilience for a Free Society,”) to that of the Rockefeller Foundation.

The fact that he is a higher-up at Microsoft leads me to suspect that it would be this company, of course Bill Gates' puppy, that would be mandated in developing this greater system of a centralized database for testing and health repository for COVID-19.

In other words, Microsoft, Bill Gates, Gavi, Big Pharma, and their buddies would likely all have access to the private health data of all the citizens found therein.

Doesn't that sound re-assuring?

Just imagine how this private health data could be compromised and used for egregious endeavors.


To conclude this lengthy, but highly important part of this exposé, I would just like to emphasize that we should not underestimate the power and reach of the Rockefeller Foundation, its partners, and the influence they have over nations' political and governmental circles.

They are much more "covert" than the Bill Gates'es and thus would appear benign to the average citizen. Yet, the power their yield over the lives of billions of people on this planet is (and has been for over a century) tremendous and not to be belittled.

Like a nearly invisible virus and disease such as COVID-19, the biggest threats are usually the ones we can't see.

End of Part 6 – The Rockefellers & The Rockefeller Foundation

Part 7 - ID2020 under COVID-19


We may indeed be just at the beginning of the implementation of ID2020 — which includes forced vaccination, population reduction and total digital control of everybody, on the way to One World Order; and global financial hegemony — Full Spectrum Dominance, as the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) likes to call it. - Peter Koenig

The quote from above is quite poignant and relevant to our times, to say the least.

If you don't know who Peter Koenig is, he is a migthy fine researcher, economist and geopolitical analyst.

He writes extensively for various publications and many of his articles can be accessed via GlobalResearch.ca.

In fact, it was his article entitled The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020” that inspired me to write this exposé. It's a tremendous piece of reporting; and I'd encourage the reader to have a look at it.

In the title of Koenig's article, he makes reference that the real danger posed is that of "Agenda ID2020". And I couldn't agree more.

So, what I will attempt to do in this part of my exposé is to lay bare this precise "agenda" in its broader scope, its main participants, the way they are going about to implement it, and its potential implications on our basic rights and freedoms.

ID2020 What is ID2020?

Firstly, I think it is critically important to mention that ID2020 should first and foremost be viewed as an OVERARCHING STRATEGY to gain complete control over individuals' lives via the introduction of a permanent, inescapable, ID system which will remove any bit of freedom and sovereignty we have.

Such kind of a system has often been described as a "Mark of the Beast" one, and with good reason. Revelation 13:15-16 of the bible does indeed prophesized as much:

The second beast [...] forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads - (Revelation 13:15-16)

While bible prophecies are up to much debate, the idea to remember here is that of the mark and the beast (i.e., who is imposing/imprinting it). Hitler was the beast during WWII when he literally marked millions of Jews for extermination.

Today, the beast doesn't refer to a single dictator the like of Adolf Hitler, but rather is an amalgamation of a group of parasitical "elite" class who see themselves as superior to us and who wish to impose their will and control over every aspect of our lives.

They go by different names:

• the Elites, • the powers-that-be (though I and many others prefer: powers-that-shouldn't-be), • the oligarchy, • the Deep State or Shadow Government, • the banksters, or • International Banking Cabal, • and technocrats, among others.

They and their subservient puppets are embedded in nearly all countries and societies, i.e., in governments (national, state/provincial, and local), organizations, NGOs, multinational corporations (including Big Pharma), foundations (such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & the Rockefeller Foundation), and countless others.

They are also highly present in powerful supranational organizations such as the United Nations, the WHO (World Health Organization), The European Union, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - all of which exert a tremendous amount of influence over nation states.

The powers-that-shouldn't-be are using the COVID-19 Pandemic as an excuse or cover to implement this sinister plan.

With the current global financial and fiat monetary regime coming to its inevitable end, they wish nothing more than to merge the new international financial/monetary system (which is most certainly already developed and practically ready-to-go) with that of an international biometric identification system for which they intend to not leave a single human soul out of.

Therefore, I equally think it is also important that we keep the upcoming financial/monetary system in mind when examining the biometric ID system, as they are both being designed to function as a greater system.

What are the specifics of ID2020?

Firstly, I must state that, though planning for ID2020 started much earlier, it really hit center-stage this past January in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum. The power players that attend this annual meeting not only comprise the "elites" I mentioned earlier, but also their puppets who follow their marching orders and are tasked with implementing them. These include the likes of the Vaccine God himself, Bill Gates (source), and organizations such as his vaccine alliance Gavi (sources: 1, 2) just to name a few.

Prior to the WEF event, there was a ID 2020 Summit that was announced and held on September 19, 2019 in New York city. Interestingly, this was less than a month prior to the infamous Event 201 planned simulation of a global coronavirus pandemic which also took place in New York city (on Oct. 18, 2019). Nice coincidence, eh?

Image source: Off-Grid Healthcare ID2020 Alliance: Global Mandatory Vaccinations + Biometric ID Integration

From its own website id2020.org, the alliance states the following [emphasis added]:

For the one in seven people globally who lacks a means to prove their identity, digital ID offers access to vital social services and enables them to exercise their rights as citizens and voters and participate in the modern economy.

For the "one in seven" [billion] people, they are referring to those from impoverished and underdeveloped nations. Stated differently, those who are not easily connnected to their control-grids nor have bank accounts in their names.

Then they say that these people need to "exercise their rights as citizens and voters and participate in the modern economy".

Really? they can't participate in the economy without a digital ID? Haven't they been doing so for thousands of years already? What an insane statement and assertion. They are simply using the "modern economy" in this statement as a pretext to get them "on-grid" where they can ensure their exploitation along with the rest of us slaves.

But doing digital ID right means protecting civil liberties and putting control over personal data back where it belongs...in the hands of the individual.

Really? Protecting your "civil liberties"? Which ones exactly? And more importantly, how?

They state that "control over personal data" should be put back in the "hands of the individual". This is absolutely absurd, unless they literally mean as a mark on their hands (or wrists). We all know that this critical data would NOT be placed in the hands of those individuals, but rather in a centralized database under their control and which could easily be vulnerable to hacking and exploitation by other parties. I mean, really? Do they really think that we are all that stupid? Does this stem from their superiority complex, or do they merely see us as sheep?

Every day, we rely on a variety of forms of identification to go about our lives: our driver’s license, passport, work badge and building access cards, debit and credit cards, transit passes, and more. But technology is evolving at a blinding pace and many of the transactions that require identification are today being conducted digitally. From e-passports to digital wallets, online banking to social media accounts, these new forms of digital ID allow us to travel, conduct business, access financial and health records, stay connected, and much more.

They are correct in that technology is evolving at a blinding pace and that a lot more of everything we do is being accessed and recorded in a digital fashion. However, many of these systems (such as passports for travel, cards for banking, transit passes, etc.) still, arguably, work perfectly fine as is.

Moreover, a lot of these needs and functions can be more honestly (and securely) stored on 'decentralized open-sourced '. Case in point, this expose is stored on the HIVE and accessible via the hive.blog website as well as on the STEEM blockchain and via Steemit.com; while these websites could one day dissapear, the record on their respective blockchains are permanent and thus cannot be erased or destroyed by anyone (as could easily be the case with social medial giants like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter).

But, as it is the case in China and Silicon Valley, they much prefer a centralized environment which is much easier to control, censor, and corrupt.

So, why digitize everything?

Simple, by digitizing everything, it can all be inter-connected through CENTRALIZED systems even though individual parts are scattered across different ones (e.g., national ID, work IDs, driver's license, health records, etc.). In other words, it can give the ability to whomever is developing these centralized systems to access it all seamlessly.

We see this now with COVID-19, as they want to centralize health records so they can be cross-checked to grant access and permission for international air travel, returning to work, returning to school, accessing public transit, accessing certain venues, etc. (exactly as I described in the section Rockefeller

'National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan': - A Digital Medical Tyranny, forced Tracking, and Vaccinations from Part 6b of this exposé)

Most of the current tools are archaic, insecure, lack appropriate privacy protections and commoditize our data. But that’s about to change and ID2020 is leading the charge. We are businesses, nonprofits, governments and individuals...working in collaboration to ensure that the future of digital identity is, indeed, # goodID.

So, let's take a look at these nonprofits and partners who will make all this magic happen.

Who are the Partners of ID2020?

Screenshot taken on 2020-05-30 from https://id2020.org/overview

As we can see from the image above, we can see the usual suspects, namely: Bill Gates via Gavi and Microsoft and, notably, The Rockefeller Foundation, among others which I will expand upon later in this part.

The strategic/technical partners who appear on the image above comprise merely part of the larger alliance.

Of course, for such a grand digital ID plan to materialize (especially on a global scale) would require the participation of governments, supranational organizations, multinational corporations, and others. As the article ID2020 Alliance: Global Mandatory Vaccinations + Biometric ID Integration from Off-Grid Healthcare puts it:

An alliance of multinational companies, global consulting firms, including Gavi or Vaccine Alliance, Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, etc. has been formed to provide a “holistic and market-based approach” to help governments of the world provide a “good national ID” to “prove who you are” because it is “a fundamental and universal human right.”

They will do this in conjunction with government-funded mandatory vaccinations. What could possibly go wrong?

Mandatory vaccinations. I believe this is a hidden, or unstated, part of their digital "Good" ID agenda. One that is more than troubling, to say the least given all that has been revealed in this comprehensive exposé.

I must not forget to add an "honorable mention" in that of an organization that is quite central to this grander plan, yet is barely receiving any attention or coverage, namely that of CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations). Highlighting a few points from an excellent article entitled After the Lockdown: A Global Coronavirus Vaccination Program… by a brilliant journalist (Prof. Michel Chossudovsky from GlobalResearch.ca) will serve this purpose [emphasis added]:

What is the next step in the evolution of the COV-19 Crisis? The lead entity for the novel coronavirus vaccine initiative is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) an organization sponsored and financed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Note the chronology: The development of the 2019 nCoV vaccine was announced at the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) a week prior to the official launching by the WHO of a Worldwide Public Health Emergency (January 30) at a time when the number of “confirmed cases” Worldwide (outside China) was 150 (including 6 in the US).

The pandemic was launched by the WHO on March 11. And five days later, barely covered by the media, the first tests involving human volunteers were conducted in Seattle on March 16.

CEPI is seeking a “monopoly” role in the vaccination business the objective of which is a “global vaccine project”, in partnership with a large number of “candidates”. It announced funding for its existing partnership with Inovio and The University of Queensland (Australia). In addition, CEPI confirmed (January 23) its contract with Moderna, Inc. and the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) headed by Dr. , who has been instrumental in waging the fear and panic campaign across America: “Ten Times Worse than Seasonal Flu”.

The article goes on in great detail about how Gates and the other bad actors such as Big Pharma (including GlaxoSmithKline) are integral to this plot. I strongly suggest the reader have a look to get a more detailed perspective of CEPI's role in this whole plandemic.

Just think how easy it would be to strong-arm individuals into getting a vaccination, for without it he or she would be deprived of all societal services listed earlier.

See how seamlessly these all get tied together?

Now, while some would argue that such a nefarious plan would be nearly impossible to pull off since it would require the complicity of governments and other key institutions, not to mention the masses of people themselves, that is exactly what they are doing. I will shed further light on this, as the 7th part of this exposé continues to unravel hereunder.

Which Biometric ID Systems are currently in the works? Who is developing them? And which countries are facilitating and getting ready to impose them on their citizens?

As was showcased in Part 6 (The Rockefellers) of this exposé, these powers-that-shouldn't-be often go to great lengths and use a myriad of agents to implement their agendas.

They do so over the course of decades, sometimes centuries.

So, we should expect the same with this current agenda (of a Biometric ID System for all).

Of course, they cannot implement such grandiose plans all at once, for citizen push back and political hesitancy would prevent them from doing so.

Rather, their approach is one of step by step, brick by brick. For example, which each crisis they acquire more and more power. We've seen this with the events of 9/11 and the USA Patriot Act. As the former mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel once said:

With the events of 9/11 (which contrary to the "official" narrative is an event any critical mind would view as preplanned) Americans rights and freedoms were largely eroded, many irreversibly lost forever. The same can be said about other nations even though the "attacks" did not take place on their soil. The whole crisis was a manufactured one to create the "War on Terrorism" that would be used to justify these egregious thefts of peoples liberties, rights and freedoms, not to mention the enriching of the Military-Industrial-Complex who benefited from it all at the expense of the US taxpayer.

My point is that whatever is missing for them to complete their agendas, they fabricate crises in order to get what they want. This is classic PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION. The Solution is what they want; and the way they achieve it is to create the Problem in the first place that will foment a Reaction by the masses (who will subsequently demand a Solution). There are many examples in my previous exposé on Mind Control Techniques used by the Elites.

While it is debatable that the COVID-19 Global Pandemic is a fabricated crisis or whether it is not, that is not what is paramount anyway. What is, however, is the RESPONSE of governments and others (such as Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, and the WHO, the British Government, to name a few) around the world.

It is not that difficult to see how these parties respond to the crisis. One simply needs to look at their actions, whose narratives they are parroting, who they are partnering with, and what rules and laws they are changing and enacting.

For the purpose of this section, we will focus on the partners. In other words, who they are using to develop these Biometric ID systems of centralization and control.

As they know there will be push back if a single entity is tasked with developing such a system, their preferred modus operandi consists of getting multiple parties involved with its development, similar to how they are doing so with a COVID-19 vaccine.

So, with all that out of the way, let's finally have a look at who is in the mix for this new beast system.

The Contenders

For each of these contenders, I will also list the companies, governments, organizations, and universities they are affiliated with in order to provide a clear picture and understanding of where they may be implemented.

I will also provide links to sources/references so that the reader may learn more about each in a more detailed context, as for here I want to keep it as brief as possible so as to not confuse the reader.

Contender #1: COVI-PASS (Vcode)

• COVI-PASS, https://www.covipass.com/ • also called a Digital Health Passport, or ePassport. • In their own words: - biometrically accessed on a mobile phone, or held on a key fob or RFID; - Digital Health Passport which displays your Covid-19 test history and immunoresponse and other relevant health information • Characteristics: - To track Covid-19 test history and immuno response (which I infer as antibodies - which I referenced in Part 6b). - A Vcode stores: passport & national I.D. information, health records, Work ID, travel tickets, event tickets, payment methods, a crypto wallet, and more • Affiliations: British cybersecurity firm VST Enteprises, UK Government, European Commission (awarded 'Seal of Excellence' from), United Nations (projects) • Additional Sources & References: 1 • Images:

Contender #2: iRespond

• iRespond, https://www.irespond.org/ • In their own words: - iRespond is an international non-profit dedicated to solving the identity problem using a privacy protecting digital biometric identity solution.; - the iRespond digital identity solution primarily relies on iris biometrics; - other modalities, such as finger or face can be used instead, or in combination with iris; - an encrypted biometric template is created from their iris scan and a randomly assigned 12-digit number. • Characteristics: - focus seems to be on third-world countries, as many projects are being conducted there; - tracking of those vaccinated for Covid-19. • Affiliations: ID2020, WHO, CDC, Microsoft, John Hopkins, and more • Additional Sources & References: 1, 2, 3 • Images:

Contender #3: ID2020

• ID2020, https://id2020.org/manifesto/ • In their own words: -ID2020 alliance partners work together – through a transparent governance model - to set technical requirements, fund and implement digital identity projects, and develop the supporting evidence required by policymakers, regulators, companies or individuals.; -Identity is vital for politcal, economic, and social opportunity.; -The ability to prove one’s identity is a fundamental and universal human right.; - digital ID offers access to vital social services and enables them to exercise their rights as citizens and voters and participate in the modern economy.; • Characteristics: - a hub for establishing technical parameters of the Biometric identification program; - provides a substantial amount of funding from partners to various governments (at all levels), suprationational organizations (such as the WHO, United Nations); - Currently has trial/pilot programs in Bangladesh, with refugees, and in Austin Texas (for homeless people) using a digital identity platform called MyPass.; - Accenture's prototype identity systems runs on Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform and is designed to use fingerprints and iris biometrics, among other means.; - seems to be in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9. • Affiliations: Gavi, the Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, Accenture, Simprints, Hyperledger (blockchain), the United Nations, University of California (Berkeley), and others. • Additional Sources & References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 • Images:

Contender #4: Simprints

• Simprints, https://www.simprints.com/ • In their own words: - the site is actually quite vague in what they do and offer but seem to focus on ID systems for "humanitarian" use • Characteristics: - Identification tool consists of a biometric fingerprint scanner device added to a mobile phone; also has facial recognition scanning from phone; - vaccine tracking; - seems focused on third-world countries such as Bangladesh • Affiliations: Gavi, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Microsoft, USAID, UKAID, Google UK, Trinity College, and many more. • Additional Sources & References: 1, 2 • Images:

Contender #5: OnFido

• Onfido, https://onfido.com • In their own words: - We digitally prove people’s real identities using a photo ID and facial biometrics.; - Onfido is the new identity standard for the internet. Our AI-based technology assesses whether a user’s government-issued ID is genuine or fraudulent, and then compares it against their facial biometrics. • Characteristics: - has a track & trace app that is under serious consideration by the UK Government; -strong focus on scanning of personal documents (such as passport, national identity card, driver's license, etc.) with biometric verification with many use cases and KYC (Know Your Customer compliance programs.; -Onfido Working with U.K. Government on Biometric ‘’; - secured over $100 million in funding for its New Identity Initiatives.; - has an Identity Verification & KYC APP available for download and installation. • Affiliations: Microsoft's Venture Fund, the UK Government, University of Oxford, and many more. • Additional Sources & References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. • Images:

Other Contenders:

• Health Pass, https://www.clearme.com/healthpass, United States • Yoti, https://www.yoti.com/, more info: 1, 2 • IDnow, https://www.idnow.io/, more info: 1, 2 • iDenfy, https://www.idenfy.com/, more info: 1

Rather than offerring my thoughts and analysis on each of these contenders, I will refrain from doing so for now. I want to give the reader the opportunity to have an objective look at these in the broader context which I have presented in this post and explore each through the sourced links provided for each (as well as through their own sources).

Final Thoughts for this section

In the final part of this comprehensive exposé's Conclusion & Call To Action, I will offer my thoughts and analysis about the contenders listed above and how they tie into the grander scheme of things. I will also connect some major/important "dots" to give the reader a clearer view of what I believe is happening with this broad based plan.

To conclude this part, I'd like to mention that the development and implementation of a Biometric Identification System is not one that is exclusively geared towards COVID-19 tracking, but will be one that will also serve as a means to database and track every single citizen so as to exert yet more power over their lives, particularly with their involvement in society, work, school, the financial system, travel, leisure, and so on. The idea being, to essentially strip them of their rights and freedoms.

I'd like to re-iterate the powers-that-shouldn't-be do not implement such systems in a one-shot fashion.

Rather, with each and every crisis, they take the opportunity to leverage more power towards their goals.

In other words, while they may not see their desired national or global Biometric ID systems put into effect this year or next, you can rest assured that they will nonetheless pilot these systems in third-world countries were they will face less resistance and even attempt to do so in developed countries such as in the UK.

They will meticulously measure the levels of push back by citizens, levels of cooperation by governments, academia, and other organizations in order to more easily pass their desired measures upon the next crisis-du- jour.

End of Part 7 – ID2020 under COVID-19

Conclusion and Call to Action

A heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU to the reader for making it this far down my little rabbit hole, for I can only surmise that your spark of curiosity has driven you so.

A quick thought on Information and Truth

There's no doubt we are living in an information age.

Truth is not only becoming more difficult to come by, but remains a lonely warrior in the arena of information warfare. Truth is treason in an empire of lies, a wise man once said.

Truth is dangerous; it can shackle you. But it can also set you free.

Truth is truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it.

As history is repeated itself, human liberty and consciousness are once again being challenged and assaulted to their core.

Our senses are constantly being bombarded with stimuli and oceans of information to sift through. The complexity of it all can be quite overwhelming and perplexing, not to mention emotionally exhausting. Our capacity for reasoning, forming clear, original, and rational thoughts is challenged by the presence of dark clouds. Yet these innate abilities of the human mind and soul remain within us all. They are always there and can never be taken away from us.

Our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, as we struggle to get along with our hectic daily struggles.

Since our precious time is scarce, we seek news and information mostly from sources we deem reliable and credible, often from those which satisfy our confirmation biases.

With so much out there, our ability to think critically is constantly put to the test. There's information, news, fake news, disinformation, misinformation, lies, propaganda, and so on.

When you think about it carefully though, there is no such thing as fake news, disinformation, misinformation, etc. It's all information. It's what we do with it that matters. We simply need to see it as such and use our wits to dissect it, discern it, analyze it, question it, cross-check it, challenge it, and so on.

We should question everything.

I invite the reader to question and challenge everything I have written, cited, and referenced in this exposé.

The beauty of the internet lies in its predisposition to serve as a public forum. It can also provide anonymity for privacy-oriented individuals. Sadly though, many fora have become cesspools and breeding grounds of hatred

and division. Twitter is a prime example. The powers-that-shouldn't-be have designed these platforms with that very purpose in mind (perhaps not entirely, but at least partially).

Big Tech: Ministries of Truth

In addition, tech giants have, illegally I must add, taken it upon themselves to police, strictly control, and censor these public fora to a degree that is growing exponentially and becoming more dystopian by the day.

They have crowned themselves as the arbiters of truth.

A Ministry of Truth à la George Orwell, if you will.

They decide what are deemed legitimate sources of information, what consists of so-called "fake news", what constitutes hate speech, or what is considered politically incorrect. And they employ these fallacies not only to oppress their own users, but also to serve their masters - the "elite" who have funded them, placed them in their positions of power, and regiment their policies, procedures, and punishments.

Without going into great detail regarding their litany of offenses, I will, nevertheless, showcase a few examples as they relate to the COVID-19 Plandemic.


Google-owned YouTube has openly stated that it would only promote so-called "authoritative" sources regarding any videos related to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Apart from the major MSM (Mainstream Media) outlets, it has designated the World Health Organization (WHO) as the only reliable source for COVID-19 information even though it has clearly been demonstrated in this exposé and elsewhere that the WHO has provided conflicting, politicized, and highly questionable information about the virus and related measures and recommendations.

Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube even stated publicly:

Anything that goes against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy. (Sources: 1, 2)

You can hear her state this and other absurd YouTube policies on CNN's "Reliable Sources":

CNN - Inside YouTube's 'numerous policy changes' during the pandemic (click the link to visit the article and watch the video)

In addition, she stated her platform - the second most visited site on the internet after Google - would remove any information that is "false" and "medically unsubstantiated".

Who the hell made her Goddess of Truth?

And who granted YouTube the authority to determine and constitutes viable information related to COVID-19?

Moreover, please explain to me when exactly did these tech executives become the ones who get to determine what is deemed medically "false" or "unsubstantiated"?

The power they have grasped has proven extremely significant and highly consequential. This is extremely troubling and worrisome that a tech giant such as a video-sharing platform has suddenly rendered itself the gatekeeper of health and well-being of billions across the globe.

When millions, if not hundreds of millions, of individuals seek information about COVID-19 (or other health-related information) and YouTube decides which videos get shown, recommended, or not get shown, it can have a detrimental effect on people's ability to do research and make informed decisions.

Why don't they leave it ALL out there so that individuals can ultimately decide for themselves?

YouTube which boasts the second highest amount of visitors in the world combined with the extremely powerful medium that is video makes for a situation in which a handful of people can steer and shape the views of billions. That kind of overarching power should not exist!


Regarding the current COVID-19 Pandemic, Facebook has been banning the promotion of any kind of anti- lockdown protests events or anti social-distancing rhetoric on its platform.

Facebook removed posts intended to organize rallies protesting unconstitutional (at least in the United States) government stay-at-home orders. A Facebook company spokesperson confirmed that: events that defy government's guidance on social distancing aren't allowed on Facebook.

A recent RealClear Politics article entitled Facebook's COVID-Protest Ban Renews Censorship Concerns on the matter astutely pointed out the following:

"That a private company can now unilaterally decided to simply delete the promotion of protests it deems unacceptable is a remarkable expansion of its power over what was once sacrosanct and constitutionally protected freedom."

If Facebook is taking it upon themselves to ban the promotion of protests related to COVID-19, what then restrains them from doing so for any other kind of protest?

Do you see how, they capitalize on these crises to acquire more and more power? Never let a good crisis go to waste!

With over two billion users worldwide, you can easily see how significant that level of power which a sole private company holds is crushingly detrimental to people's rights of expression and assembly.



Along with its Silicon Valley behemoth outfits mentioned above, Twitter is perhaps the worst offender.

It's recent policies and guidelines have dramatically changed what is now deemed "acceptable speech" during the pandemic as well as which thoughts and commentaries it allows.

What we are currently witnessing is straight out of George Orwell's 1984. There is little room on this platform for any kind of wrongthink.

Another recent article from RealClear Politics highlights the madness. Twitter bans posts that "actively encourage people to not socially distance themselves" and also prohibits the "denial of established scientific facts...or guidance from global and local health authorities despite these so-called "authoritative" having been repeatedly wrong in their predictions and own science.

For example, early in the pandemic, the WHO was encouraging individuals to NOT wear masks.

Source: https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1234095938555260929

And another one from the US Surgeon General – a local health authority:

Source: https://twitter.com/Surgeon_General/status/1233725785283932160

And we must not forget one from the CDC:

Source: https://twitter.com/CDCgov/status/1233134710638825473

So, the CDC also didn’t recommend the use of facemasks. Consider the timing of this tweet – February 28. So, if a U.S. traveler in Asia or China had followed these guidelines they could have exposed themselves to the coronavirus which had become rampant in that region at the end of February and the beginning of March.

So, let me get this straight. A “official” health “authorities” are suggesting to people not to buy masks (to protect themselves) and this is the kind of guidelines that Twitter endorses? Go it Jack; you’re policy makes perfect total sense to me now!

I know that some may argue that at that time (late February) that the virus was not perceived as a significant threat. But neither those making this argument nor Twitter could rebuke the fact that the WHO's very own Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove (Head of the Outbreak Investigation Task Force) stated on December 31st, 2019 that she suspected human-to-human transmission of the virus. (I have cited 6 sources to this effect in Part 3 of this exposé). To that effect, the logic of not wearing masks could easily be seen as a careless and harmful recommendation for an organization that is purposed in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Same goes for the local (CDC and the U.S. Surgeon General) authorities in the United States.

I must ask about Twitter, how the heck will they assess health-related "facts" and "guidance" which differ between local and global authorities? What will Twitter do when they provide conflicting information or guidelines? You see how such broad rules get impossible to manage?

It’s absolute ridiculousness and folly.

With over 2 million cases and more than 114,000 deaths in the United States (and 7.6 million cases and over 425,000 deaths worldwide),

COVID-10 Cases and Deaths confirmed worldwide, as of June 13, 2020. Source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

COVID-10 Cases and Deaths confirmed in the United States, as of June 13, 2020. Source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html don’t you think that Twitter’s policy has not only been an utter disaster, but has in fact undeniably contributed to a portion of these infection and deaths? In other words, had people NOT followed these guidelines by these health “authorities” but rather from other (less compromised) ones with a modicum of common sense, many souls would have been spared.

Twitter has no business dictating such absurd policies, as can be deduced from any simple form of logical reasoning.

To conclude this stretched section on Twitter’s disastrous “Health Authority” experiment, we can easily see that it has been an utter and abject failure.

Countless other instances of their COVID-19 policies have also led to detrimental consequences.

Lastly, the whole, unfortunately ongoing, experiment also illustrates a notable level negligence of the so-called global and local health authorities.

Final Conclusion: Connecting it All Together

This exposé has been rather long and detailed. So, I think it would be best to summarize the salient points for each of the major participants that have been featured in this work and then show how they are in fact meshed into a single cohesive force working in unison to further enslave us all.

Bill Gates & The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The fact that the billionaire is using the vast majority of his foundation's funds towards [mostly harmful] vaccination programs rather than for food, sanitation, and habitat endeavors in the third-world countries it operates in demonstrates his true intentions; these being population reduction as he so bluntly stated in his TED Talk:

• His all-out blitz and recent efforts of developing and pushing for COVID-19 vaccines and 'Immunity Passports' has been rather troubling and worrisome for those who want nothing to do with it and even fear that their respective governments or health authorities will play along and subject them to mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations which they fear with good reason, as was thoroughly demonstrated throughout this work.

Don't think this could happen where you live? Here is a very recent - and most troubling I must add - case regarding forced immunizations (vaccinations) in Colorado:

ZeroHedge - Colorado Bill Requires "Re-Education" For Parents Who Refuse The COVID-19 Vaccine (alternate link here) A few highlights [emphasis added]:

Colorado has introduced a bill that would “re-educate” parents who refuse to vaccinate their child with the coronavirus vaccine.

The bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe it would not be in that child’s best interest. The bill’s current version, however, does not list any sanctions or punishments for medical staff that refuse, according to Life News.

The bill just passed through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children (making vaccines mandatory). This bill offers “online education modules” for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the state demands.

And from a related article on Lifenews.com:

Currently, New York, California, Mississippi, West Virginia, and Maine deny all vaccine exemptions based on religious belief. Legislators in Illinois are also pushing a bill to eliminate all religious exemptions.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took mere minutes to sign a bill that passed the legislature last year stripping all religious exemptions to vaccinations in his state.

It’s time to remind our governors and legislators that our Bill of Rights says nothing about “public health,” but it says a lot about the liberty Gov. Cuomo is so quick to discard.

Regardless of whether you desire vaccines—or if you have serious concerns about them—freedom-loving patriots need to express solidarity in protecting the liberties of those who reject mandatory vaccines.

Making vaccines mandatory is a direct attack on our God-given, constitutionally protected religious liberty. And it is spreading across our nation far faster than the coronavirus!

Major international leaders are giving support, too. In the Philippines, students are banned from returning to school without a vaccine.

Radicals are demanding that they be able to inject your children and grandchildren with whatever comes out of the tests as “approved” from companies with hundreds of billions of dollars at stake.

Liberty Counsel Action is on the cutting edge of exposing these issues and raising warnings to open the eyes of freedom-loving Americans.

At least there is some opposition and push back against the bill called SB20-163 School Entry Immunization (see sources: 1, 2, 3, 4)

Are you looking forward to when this kind of legislation is passed in your neck of the woods?

As you can see, MAJOR PUSH BACK is required against these puppet legislators who have been lobbied and coerced by Big Pharma.

• Lastly, Bill Gates numerous investments in Big Pharma and more specifically in vaccine manufacturers highlights his unethical, immoral, and most likely illegal conflicts of interests and profiteering motives. In short, it is clear to see for all that he has ulterior motives for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine, and they are not of the benevolent kind.

The WHO (World Health Organization)

• With the Trump administration currently putting its funding to the WHO on freeze due to its political and other questionable practices, its current largest funder/contributor ahead of any country is that of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This is an important dot connected here folks, as the WHO is currently regarded as the leading global health authority with regards to COVID-19 (and possibly for future pandemics and outbreaks); the mere fact that Gates is their primary funder indicates that he would undoubtedly hold tremendous power over their policies and guidelines. So, needless to say we can easily see the amount of power and clout the billionaire's foundation has over this global health organization that is at the epicenter of the COVID-19 Pandemic response. And as has been clearly outlined in this exposé (and elsewhere), the outfit has demonstrated an abundance of misjudgment with regards to both its recommendations and actions - many of which have proven politically motivated so as to not offend China, despite its numerous cover-ups and misdeeds with regards to the virus itself and its overall response to the pandemic. Bearing all these considerations in mind, the WHO's credibility and authority going forward should not only be questioned, but also more severely challenged.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control)

• With respect to this investigation, two factors emerged as critical in relation to the current crisis. The first is related to the trustworthiness citizens should grand the health authority, particularly with regards to its vaccine recommendations. The second, has to do with the blatantly obvious conflicts of interests enshrined in the CDC's relationship with Big Pharma and the CDC's own vaccine patents through which they profit heavily from (to the tune of roughly $4.6 billion per year).

• In short, the CDC has left us with a clear impression as to what its motives would be with regards to an upcoming COVID-19 vaccine, related testing and measures; namely, hefty profits from its Big Pharma cronies.


• The offenses committed by Big Pharma would prove even too difficult to summarize. But, for the sake of brevity, I will simply state that the bad actors involved here are primarily driven by greed and will use their vast power to lobby governments and deceive and strong-arm health institutions, medical academia, and health practitioners to push their harmful drugs upon the masses. The historical record overflows with such evidence.

The Gavi Alliance

• The focus of this part of the exposé was to exhibit the nature of Gavi's relationship with Big Pharma as well ass the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (major dots connected) and how the latter has been the driving force behind its aggressive vaccination programs around the world, particularly in third- world countries with very vulnerable and unwilling participants. • In addition, it has also been demonstrated through this work that Gavi uses its clout and lobbying power to strong-arm governments - even so-called first-world ones such as Britain and Canada - to impose aggressive vaccination programs. All of this, of course, to enrich themselves and their Big Pharma buddies while they position themselves for future mass testing and mass vaccinations by all-too-willing sold-out (and soul-less) governments.

The Rockefellers and the Rockefeller Foundation

This part of the exposé was the longest for a reason.

It exhibited the monumental efforts as well as the pervasive and devastating effects the Rockefeller Plan has had on Western medicine; particularly, with regards to how it has corrupted and poisoned health care systems, academia, and practitioners in a model that primarily promotes the use of pharmaceutical drugs which greatly benefit their Big Pharma interests and investments.

In other words, the mechanisms through which health care is administered in Western nations are the ones that have the most significant influence on the afflicted and are believed to be the best, leaving little room for homeopathic and natural cures (which they have ostracized as quackery).

With such a dominant medical establishment in place, it proves quite easy for them to push certain medical agendas such as mass vaccination programs, but to name a single instance.

• When programs such as mass vaccination campaigns are propagated and implemented into their system through countless agencies such as the CDC (click the link to read related details), medical centers and other health care facilities, it has been clearly outlined in this and other works that their intentions have been largely driven by profiteering and other nefariously-driven agendas such as population control/reduction. Such instances have been widely documented. • More specifically related to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, we can see that the Rockefeller Foundation has been [and seemingly continues to be] heavily involved in policy response even though they have done so in a more more stealthily and hidden manner - in stark contrast to the Bill Gates' endeavors which have been nauseatingly overt and in-your-face. Usually, the ones who operate in the dark behind the scenes are the ones we should most be worried about.

• Finally, the Rockefeller Foundation's National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan as meticulously dissected and revealed clearly shows the extent to which they are using their numerous tentacles in the Western medical apparatus to push forward very aggressive testing, vaccination, tracking, and centralization of private health records. In other words, they are going for it ALL - total and absolute control over our medical lives, sovereignty, and ability to participate in society.

We cannot afford to let them succeed in this endeavor.


In part 7 of this exposé, I showed how a project named ID2020 is currently in the works to basically mark and track every single citizen on this planet with an irreversible mark of tyranny.

• Exactly which biometric marking-tracking system(s) will be used remains to be seen. There are several in the works with three of the top contenders being COVI-PASS, iRespond, and ID2020 itself. • Britain will be a country to keep an eye on for this beast system, as all of the bad actors have gone all-in on the country that is host and snakehead to the International Banking Cabal, namely in the City of London.

I mentioned the banking cabal because we cannot exclude them from this whole equation for total enslavement and control over our lives.

They have already usurped the power of the issuance of currency in almost every single country on earth. They also exert a tremendous amount of power and stranglehold over governments and their policy- making.

As the current global fiat monetary system is approaching its end, there is, without a doubt, a new system that is in the works and almost ready-to-go.

And it will be one that will also digital and centralized, in nature. In other words, everything will be in the same system - all your banking information, health status, travel movements, you name it.

Therefore, I think that the reader should not exclude this recent point from above when assessing the current COVID-19 Pandemic response agenda.

Call to Action

That's about it with regards to the longest exposé I have ever written.

But, one final thought, if I may. I currently believe that there is strong enough awakening to significantly impede this nefarious agenda. The good news with this crisis, as that there is a large chunk of the global population that has had time to ponder the measures and responses of their respective governments; and I presume that they have started questioning whether they really have their best interests at heart. Accordingly, I don't think their plan will succeed in the near term. But what remains extremely dangerous is the level of additional power and change they have increasingly acquired on the back of this Plandemic.

I sincerely hope it can make a difference to counter this nefarious agenda which is targeting us all.

I thank the reader once more for your kind effort in making it all the way here.

Truth, information, and wisdom is worthless unless it is followed by ACTION.

Therefore, my call is for you to do one or more of the following:

• Spread the word. Share the link to this exposé:

EXPOSÉ: BillGates-COVID-19-ID2020-WHO-CDC-BigPharma-Gavi-Rockefeller: Connecting the Dots, URL: https://hive.blog/informationwar/@libertyacademy/expose-billgates-covid-19-id2020-who-cdc- bigpharma-gavi-rockefeller-connecting-the-dots

• Share the single document PDF of this exposé (link will be added shortly) with your family members, friends, colleagues, and others. • Keep an eye on the policies that are being formulated with your local and national legislatures and health agencies. Do they have mandatory testing, tracking, vaccinations, and centralization of health records bills (proposed laws), rules, or guidelines in the works? Are your political representatives working in your best interest, or for those of the nefarious parties listed in this work? You can even use a pre-written template letter to fax to your legislator like the one from Liberty Counsel Action. Other template letters exist on the internet, or you can write your own personalized letter. Alternatively, you can telephone them, email them, tweet them, send a message on their Facebook pages, etc. • Keep pushing back against Big Tech tyranny, censorship, and all their nonsense. Keep posting and tweeting your disagreement and call them out; upload videos you wish to upload; demand that they scale back on their absurd policies and guidelines. • Hold your doctor and local health care practitioners to the best standards of care. Ask them if they have any ties or linkages with pharmaceutical companies. Ask them if they are aware about how Big Pharma ghost writes articles in medical journals so that they can give false impressions regarding the safety of their drugs and vaccines. • Contact your airline and tell them you will not stand for ridiculous 'Immunity Passports' or any other kind of proof of COVID-19 (or other) vaccinations. • Do the same with your employer and the schools to which you send your children • MOST OF ALL, don't ever feel obligated to submit to forced vaccinations or testing, as you are completely sovereign and there is no law on earth that supersedes your inalienable natural birthright to be the sole decider of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. You and only you are in the position to accept what goes into your body and those of your children.

May God Bless you All!

Ain Soph Aur

In Peace & Liberty,


PDF URL (this document): http://liberty-academy.org/documents/The_Grander_Plan_Exposed.pdf

Exposé URL: https://hive.blog/informationwar/@libertyacademy/expose-billgates-covid-19-id2020-who-cdc- bigpharma-gavi-rockefeller-connecting-the-dots