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An updated reporting of rhodolith deposits in the offshore of (Gulf of , Italy)

Conference Paper · October 2020


1 author:

Gemma Aiello Italian National Research Council Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR)



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An updated reporting of rhodolith deposits in the offshore of Ischia (, Italy)

Gemma Aiello1

1 CNR-ISMAR of Naples, Calata Porta di Massa Porto di Napoli 80133 Naples Italy, [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract –In this work, the occurrence of rhodolith significantly contribute to the carbonate production, deposits on the sea bottom of the Ischia offshore is playing a significant role in the carbon cycle [18; 25; 33]. highlighted on the base of sedimentological data The maërl facies looks like a deposit of whole and/or coming from samples collected during the marine fragmented thalli of calcareous algae, which are often geological mapping of the Ischia Island. These sea collected in the concavities of the substratum [37]. The bottom samples are rich in bioclasts mainly gravelly term “maërl” was documented by Crouan & Crouan [38] sands in size. These deposits prevail in the eastern as a Breton word for unattached, branched corallines, Ischia offshore, on the relict volcanic edifice of the living or dead, loose-lying, often occurring in extensive Ischia Bank and on the genetically related parasitic deposits or algal gravels found off the northwest coast of vent and in the Ischia Channel. Subordinately, these France (maërl beds or banks) [3]. deposits occur also in the northern Ischia offshore, This note provides an updated report on the rhodolith where they unconformably overlie debris avalanches deposits present in the offshore island of Ischia (Gulf of and on the top of the Forio Bank. Seismo- Naples, Italy); it is based on data coming from sea bottom stratigraphic data on the Ischia Bank show that samples collected during the CARG project aimed at the rhodolith deposits correspond to a wide wedge-shaped realization and informatization of the marine geological unit occurring on the top of the volcanic edifice, cartography of the geological sheet No. 464 [39]. unconformably overlying the volcanic rocky The island of Ischia represents the emerged part of a substratum. In the Ischia Channel they are probably large volcanic field, which extends from the island of inter-layered in the highstand deposits. Procida to the submerged volcanoes of the western offshore of Ischia [39-41]. The occurrence of rhodolith I. INTRODUCTION deposits in the Gulf of Naples was highlighted by some Rhodolith or maërl deposits are represented by either previous studies. The sedimentological analysis of the sea alive or dead aggregations of coralline algae, which cover bottom samples, together with the realization of large coastal areas in the present-day oceans [1-3]. These geological cartography at the 1: 10.000 scale has allowed deposits represent common facies in carbonate platform to give an updated report on the rhodolith deposits environments, in some cases indicating the transition occurring in the Ischia offshore and representing both from bioclastic-to-rocky sea bottoms [4-5]. The relict deposits and zones of active carbonate sediment rhodoliths are the main components of the rhodalgal production. Although qualitatively, the seismo- skeletal assemblage that characterizes the carbonate stratigraphic data allowed for the calibration of the production in the oligophotic zone of Cenozoic and rhodalgal deposits on previously interpreted seismic modern carbonate platforms [5-10]. Sparker profiles [41]. Since Early Cretaceous calcareous red algae Previous studies focused on rhodolith deposits in the (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) live in the photic zone [11-13] marine areas surrounding Nisida-Posillipo (Nisida Bank from warm, tropical and temperate regions, to cold, polar and La Cavallara saddle) and the Gulf of and subpolar ones [5; 14-18]. The colonization of red (Miseno Bank), while only a single sample came from the calcareous algae occurs both on the rocky substratum and Ischia Bank [42]. Otherwise the present work is based on on the mobile sea bottoms. Their growth-form varies a dense network of samples collected in the Ischia from encrusting forms to erect, articulated or free forms offshore. Moreover, the recognition of bioclastic deposits from the rocky substratum [12; 19-25]. on some Sparker seismic profiles let us to perform a Red coral algae play an important ecological role in qualitative calibration of data coming from sampling. marine ecosystems as habitat builders and produce Rhodolith deposits have previously been reported in the important biodiversity peaks [3; 26-29]. The mäerl / offshore of Ischia. In particular, Toscano et al. [42] have rhodolite layers [30-33] and the coralligenous [34-36] shown the variability of the rhodalgal facies in the Gulfs represent important examples. Furthermore, these algae of Naples and Pozzuoli, which is closely connected with the location of the platform, with the morpho-bathymetric together with samples, were acquired during the structure, with the morphology of the sea bottom and realization of sheet n. 464 "Ischia Island" of the new with the hydrodynamic conditions on the submerged geological map of Italy. volcanic banks (Nisida, Miseno and Pentapalummo On the Ischia Bank, a large volcanic edifice located in Banks; Ischia Bank). The top of these submerged the south-eastern offshore of Ischia, an extensive meadow volcanic banks is located at water depths of -28 / -30 m in Posidonia oceanica covers dark brown heterometric and is overlain by the Posidonia oceanica meadow, bioclastic sands (sample B1794) interpreted as rhodolith growing up to water depths of -35 / -40 m. In the marine deposits due to the presence of living coralline algae. The areas where the Posidonia meadow is lacking, the action sands cover a pebbly deposit consisting mainly of shells of the currents has controlled the formation of large fields of mollusks, with fragments of echinoids, widespread on of sandy ripples . the Posidonia oceanica meadow. A low percentage of The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge on mud fraction occurs in these deposits. The rhodolith the rhodolith deposits of the offshore of Ischia based on deposits were also found on the parasitic vent, genetically sedimentological, geological and cartographic data, connected to the main volcanic edifice of integrating the previous data, which mainly concern the the Ischia Bank (sample B1797). Here bioclastic sands ecology of these deposits, with a little attention paid to with glassy fragments, bryozoans and coralline algae their location and classification within the Quaternary have been found in a muddy lithoclastic matrix with a geological structure of the offshore of Ischia. volcanic component. Rhodolith deposits were also found in sample B1799, located on the same adventitious cone, II. MATERIALS AND METHODS in which these deposits are associated with mollusk The geological and geophysical data were acquired in shells, small gastropods and scarce bryozoans. Rhodolith the framework of the realization of the geological map n. deposits occur in the Ischia Channel, where they were 464 "Ischia Island" at the 1:10.000 scale [39]. Detailed recovered by sample B1800. Here the rhodolith deposits geological maps, showing the distribution of sea bottom are covered by an extensive meadow in Posidonia sediments, were built on the basis of the previous oceanica. Coralline algae are associated with fragments geological survey. Furthermore, the new sedimentological of mollusks, small gastropods, rhizomes of Posidonia analyses of sea bottom samples allowed to reconstruct the oceanica and branched bryozoans, as well as with small facies distribution of the sea bottom and to compare the slags and volcanic glass. Rhodolith deposits were also obtained sedimentological and geological results with the found in the offshore of Casamicciola (Ischia north; previous ones [42]. The stratigraphic framework of the sample B1813). Here these deposits grade laterally to investigated area is based on both high resolution seismic sandy and muddy sediments and to the debris avalanche profiles calibrated by cores and on high resolution deposits present in Casamicciola. In the western offshore sequence stratigraphy). Geological and geomorphological of Ischia, rhodolith deposits occur at the top of the data collected at the 1: 10.000 and 1: 5000 scales have volcanic edifice of the Forio Bank, where they are been reported on the 1:10.000 geological maps of characterized by coarse-grained sands and bioclastic Campania in order to later produce national geological pebbles in a scarce pelitic matrix. These deposits are maps at the 1: 50.000 scale. The previously interpreted completely analogous to those found on the Ischia Bank, Sparker seismic profiles available around Ischia [41], given that the fundamental genetic analogy between the were the subject of a new detailed interpretation focused two volcanic edifices. on the Ischia Bank and Ischia Channel areas, aimed at the The sampling data on rhodolith deposits have allowed identification of bioclastic deposits and at the definition to review previous interpretations of seismic lines in the of their stratigraphic relationships with the volcanic and offshore of Ischia [41]. On the Ischia Bank, the rhodolith other sedimentary seismic units detected in the offshore deposits are probably inter-layered within a wedge- of Ischia. The location of the samples analyzed to shaped unit located at the top of the volcanic edifice, highlight the rhodolith deposits in the Ischia offshore was which unconformably overlies the volcanic rocky superimposed on the Ischia Digital Elevation Model substratum, which characterizes the bank. This unit crops (DEM; Fig. 1). out at the sea bottom and can be interpreted as a unit consisting of bioclastic and partially rhodolith deposits. III. RESULTS Sedimentological analyses were performed with the aim of showing the main compositional and textural IV. DISCUSSION characters of sediments sampled at the sea bottom in The bioclastic deposits of Ischia have been discussed Ischia (Fig. 1). The sediment fractions recognized at the and compared with similar deposits that have been found sea bottom based on particle size analyses include gravel in adjacent marine areas, referring to the rhodolith layers. sands, sands, silty sands, muddy sands, sandy silts and They represent detrital facies deriving mainly from in situ silts. Multibeam, Sidescan sonar and seismic data, re-arrangement processes of organogenic material on rocky sea bottoms. These deposits are composed of typical of a facies association of "détritique còtier" [45] medium-coarse-grained sands and bioclastic gravels in a (Fig. 2). The occurrence of these latter deposits represents scarce pelitic matrix and crop out at the sea bottom in a an important difference with what was found for Ischia, portion of the inner shelf located at water depths between where this facies association has not been mapped. - 20 m and - 50 m, characterized by a prevalent carbonate In the Ischia offshore the rhodolith deposits were found sedimentation. Other significant outcrops are found on in a similar bathymetric range, these deposits have shown the morphological thresholds (Ischia Channel) and at the how in different geomorphological and hydrological top of relict volcanic edifices, both in Ischia (Ischia and environment the coralline algae facies have different Forio Banks) and in Procida (La Catena, Il Pertuso and structures. Moreover, the topography of the seafloor has Vivara ants). Below water depths of - 30 m the bioclastic controlled the stratigraphic architecture of the rhodolith deposits are rhodolith, characterized by gravels and deposits, which appear to be concentrated in lithoclastic sands, whose the biological component is correspondence with the relict volcanic edifices, the made up of fragments of shells of mollusks (gastropods morphological thresholds and the rough topographies and lamellibranchs), echinoids and corals. Rhodolith controlled by the development of debris avalanche deposits are often found near the Posidonia oceanica deposits. meadows and/or in protected areas near the rocky outcrops. In particular, the Ischia Bank represents an excellent V. CONCLUSIONS natural laboratory for the study of rhodolith deposits. On The Ischia Bank is characterized by an active carbonate the Ischia Bank, below the Posidonia oceanica meadow, factory dominated by coralline algae, which have both bioclastic sands immersed in a muddy matrix and colonized an area where suitable environmental volcaniclastic gravels were sampled. The type of conditions have been established for the deposition of bioclastic sedimentation present in this area is native and living rhodalgal deposits. The rhodalgal characteristic, since the most of the carbonate shells, deposits are locally abundant and are mostly deposited in which come from the overlying meadow, settle at the net situ with a centimeter thickness. In the Gulf of Naples the limit between the meadow and the sea bottom, where rhodolith deposits were controlled by the interactions sands and bioclastic gravels crop out. Both the mollusk between morpho-structures at the sea bottom and shells and the volcaniclastic fragments, where the hydrodynamic conditions, which have influenced the contribution of the silty and sandy fractions is lower than resulting variability of the depositional facies. 20%, were colonized by some species of red algae, while Although in the Ischia offshore the investigated in the marine areas with a low gradient a maërl facies was deposits were found in a similar bathymetric range, these deposited. deposits have shown how in different geomorphological The bioclastic deposits of Ischia have been correlated and hydrological environments the coralline algae facies with similar bioclastic deposits, which have been mapped have different structures. Moreover, the topography of the at the sea bottom offshore of the islands of Procida and sea bottom has controlled the stratigraphic architecture of Capri, which are the other two significant islands of the these deposits (relict volcanic edifices, morphological Gulf of Naples [43-44]. tresholds, rough topographies controlled by the In Procida, the bioclastic deposits are mainly development of debris avalanche deposits). represented by bioclastic gravels and sands in a scarce In the Ischia offshore the best developed rhodalgal pelitic matrix (psgb) [44], which crop out from the seabed carbonate factory has been found on the outermost bank at water depths below - 30 m. These deposits represent a (Ischia Bank), lacking of the fine-grained fraction and facies association typical of "détritique còtier" in a maërl subject to an intense action of the currents at the head of facies [45] (Fig. 2). Large outcrops of these deposits have the adjacent tributary channel, where a part of the been found in correspondence with the volcanic edifices biogenic sands are locally transported towards the head of of the Ischia Channel (La Catena, I Ruommoli and Vivara the Magnaghi canyon. Palimpsest deposits or partially ants) and protected coastal areas (Corricella inlet, Procida remobilized deposits have been found on some other Island). banks (Miseno and Nisida - La Cavallara), where the In Capri, the bioclastic deposits crop out at the sea fine-grained fraction or the geomorphological bottom at water depths ranging between - 60 m and - 90 characteristics have prevented for the formation of an m [43]. These deposits consist of bioclastic sands and active carbonate production by red algae. The Forio organogenic gravels, genetically linked to the facies Bank, located in the western offshore of Ischia, has association of “détritique còtier”[45] (Fig. 2). The main shown rhodolith deposits similar to those ones found on elements are composed of rhodoliths and other algal the Ischia Bank, but to a smaller scale, having more fragments, fragments of bryozoans, mollusks and limited dimensions with respect to the Ischia Bank, as echinoids. Moving toward offshore, bio-detrital deposits suggested by Multibeam bathymetric data. immersed in a prevalent muddy matrix have been found, Although qualitatively, the correlation between the sampling data and the interpretation of seismic profiles, previously interpreted and reviewed here, has suggested that the rhodolith deposits are interlayered within large seismic units, cropping out at the sea bottom or sub- superficial. In particular, on the Ischia Bank these deposits are interlayered in a wedge-shaped unit located at the top of the volcanic bank. This unit unconformably overlies the acoustic rocky substratum, representing the main stratigraphic bulk of the bank. Although not documented by the seismic profiles, but only through sea bottom samples, the rhodolith deposits were also found at the top of the parasitic vent, genetically connected to the main building of the Ischia Bank volcanic edifice. In the Ischia Channel the rhodolith deposits are Fig. 1. Onshore-offshore DEM of presumably interlayered within the highstand deposits, Ischia reporting the sample location. represented by a thick seismic unit partly cropping out at the sea bottom. This unit overlies volcanic seismic units of a probable pyroclastic nature, which are deposited within depressed palaeo-morphologies and are probably correlated with the yellow tuffs of Solchiaro, cropping out onshore in Procida. In the northern sector of Ischia (Casamicciola) the seismic data have suggested that the rhodolith deposits and, as a general rule, the bioclastic deposits have Fig. 2. 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