The Haverfordian, Vols. 3-5, 1881-84
SIACJt, THE LIBRARY V."V \ OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE 'Haverford, Pa.) THE GIFT OF SlqAJX MO \0 - °\ 190 £ Accession No A ^ ^ ^ NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBHAEY. 1/ VoL-4, HAVERFORD COLLEGE P. 0., MONTGOMERY CO., PA., OCTOBER, 1883. Ner44^ PORTER & COATES' NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Largest Old Book Store in America THE POETRY OF OTHER LANDS. A Collection of Trans- lations into English Verse of the Poetry of other Languages, Ancient and Modern. Compiled by N. Ci.emmons Hunt. Containing GENERAL INVITATION. translations fro m the Greek, Latin, Persian. Arabian, Japanese, Turkish, Servian, Russian, Bohemian, Polish, Dutch, German, Italian, French. If you want a book, no matter when or where published, Spanish and Portuguese languages. lJmo. Cloth extra, 82.4 0. call at our store. We have without exception the largest THOMAS' COMPREHENSIVE BIOGRAPHICAL DICTION- collection of Old Books in America, all arranged in Depart- ARY. l2rao. Cloth extra, $2.50. ments, each department under the charge of an experienced The aim of the publishers in issuing this work is to present in convenient size and at moderate price a comprehensive dictionary of biography, embracing to infor- person, who is always willing and ready give any accounts of the most eminent personages in all ages, countries and profess ons. mation in relation to our immense stock which our customers During the last quarter of a century so many important events have been enacted, such as the Civil War hi America and the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, may desire. Any person having the time to spare is per- and such great advances have been made in the line of invention and scientific fectly welcome to call and examine our stock of two to investigation, that within that period many persons have risen by superior three hundred thousand volumes, without feeling under the merit to conspicuous po-itions; and as the plan of this work embraces accounts of the living as well as of the dead, many names are included that are not to slightest obligation to purchase.
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