iz PUBLISHED BY THE LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO, LTD. JANUARY 17, 1946 The refinory Christmas de- corations that add to the holiday spirit here have hard Lago Employees Receive Extra Million work behind them. Shown at left is one of the toughest jobs, putting the 10-feet And a Half Fls. in Thrift Plan Accounts lighted star on the tip-top of the Cat Plant, 22 stories up and with no place around to hang a block and tackle. An additional contribution of nearly a Empleadonan di Lago Ta Ricibi Holding the gin-pole is cor- million and a half guilders was granted poral Sabino Ferres of the Millén y Mei Florin Riba Labor Department; others by the Lago Oil & Transport Company on the job (some not visible) Cuentanan di Thrift Plan were laborers Anastac! and the Esso Transportation Company Guerra, Rafael Mendoza, December 24, to all employees in the Pedro Mujica, Luiz Teixeira, Dia 24 di December, Lago Oil & Trans- and Luis Navarro, and clec- Thrift Plans and Provident Fund. This tricians Tony Federle and port Company y Esso Transportation Vandyke Jacobs. is in addition to the amounts contributed regularly by the companies to each par- Company a duna un contribucidn adicio- ticipant’s thrift account, and is the nal di casi milén y mei florin na tur em- largest extra contribution made since pleadonan cu ta den Thrift Plannan y Provident the plan began. Fund. Esaki ta ademas di e sumanan cu e companianan Over 6,000 employees benefitted by ta contribui regularmente the distribution of extra credits, includ- na cuenta di thrift di cada empleado, y esaki ta ing both refinery and marine personnel e contribucién extra in the Thrift Plans and Marine Provident di mas grandi desde cu e plan ta existi. Adornonan di Pascu den Mas di 6,000 empleado tabatin bene- refineria cu ta aumenta at- Fund. Each participant's account is ficio di créditonan extra, mosfera di e dianan di fiesta credited with a fixed sum, plus a percen- cu ta inclui aki ta resultadonan di trabao personal di refineria y marina cu ta par- duro, Na banda robez nos ta tage of the total amount he contributed mira un di e trabaonan di ticipa den Thrift Plannan y Marine Pro- to the plans over the past year. mas trabahosa, esta pa pone vident Fund. e strea ilumina di 10 pia ri- While these extra contributions are Cuenta di cada participante ba top di Cat Plant, 22 piso ta worde aumenta cu un suma halto y sin ningun lugar cu not guaranteed in the provisions of the fiho, mas nan por pone un catrol pa plans, they have been made every year un percentahe di e suma total di loque ¢1 por hisa e strea facilmente. a contribui na e plan durante Esun cu ta tene e palo ta in varying amounts for the past eight. e anja cu Sabino Ferres di Labor De- a pasa. partment; otronan cu a traha The majority of the employees Aunque e contribucionnan ey riba (algun no a sali riba benefitted are in the Lago Thrift aki no ta e portret) ta Anastacio garantiza den condicionnan di e plannan, Guerra, Rafael Mendoza, Foundation, where 5,073 will receive Pedro Mujica, Luiz Teixeira toch cada anja na a tuma lugé cu suma- y the extra credits. For this group (88 Luis Navarro. Encarga cu nan variable durante iluminaci6n di e strea tabata per cent of those eligible) the addi- e ocho anjanan. Tony Federle - Vandyke tional contribution amounts to a Jacobs. credit of Fls 25 to each of their E mayoria di empleadonan cu tin bene- accounts, plus 60 per cent of their ficio ta esnan cu ta den Lago Thrift Caribbean Commission These Ideas own contributions to the Plan be- Foundation, pues ey tur 5,073 partici- Trip tween November 1, 1945 and October pantenan lo haya crédito extra. Pa e Sees Plant in Aruba grupo aki (88 por cientodi esnan eligibel PAID 31, 1946. The Thrift Plans pa tuma parti aden) e contribucién adi- Members of the Caribbean Commis- and Provident Fund In November C.Y.I. enable employees who participate cional ta monta na un crédito di Fls. 25 sion visited the refinery last month in Awards to | save riba cuenta di cada un, mas 60 por ciento the course of an inspection trip to Aruba. money regularly, not only for self- support di loque nan mes a contribui na e Plan \ The group met in Curacao December 15, Juan Maduro, Fls. 15.00, install airline in later years, but (in the Thrift manifold Plans) entre November 1, 1945 pa October 31, and included Aruba in its side-trips to at northwest corner of Cir- as a cash reserve that can be bor- rowed from 1946. see the Netherlands West Indies. culating Pumphouse at No. 8 Rerun still. at low interest in times of emergency. The Commission is an advisory body Manohar Lall and Thomas Eastwood, A participant allots a per- centage with members from the Netherlands, Fls. 15.00 each, install rear view mirrors of his wages to the plans, and Thrift Plannan y Provident Fund ta a on three-wheel scooters. the companies add a certain percentage duna empleadonan cu ta participa opor- —— United States, Great Britain, and Francis Guevara, Fls. 15.00, install a of his contribution. Not only do the plans tunidad pa spaar placa regularmente, no ee France, the chief powers with interests provide in the Caribbean. Their stated purpose is bulletin board in the Storehouse office. a means of saving regularly, but solamente pa sostene nan mes despues Mariano Garrido, the employees’ savings di tempo, to promote cooperation between these Fls. 50.00, additional are increased pero tambe (den Thrift Plan- support substantially powers for the improvement of social for pedestal of bulldozer cylin- by the amounts added by nan) como un reserva, di cual por fia na der. the Company. and economic welfare in the area. ora di emergencia, pagando un interes Their program includes a customs Andrew Vanterpool, Fls. 15.00, install Employees who are not yet taking masha abao. Un participante ta contri- handles on garbage advantage of the Thrift bui un percentahe union which would abolish or fix very cans. Plan’s oppor- di su sueldo na e plan, low import duties; the establishment of Hendrik Chin, Fls. 35.00, install feed tunities can get full details about it at y e companianan ta pone acerca un cierto meter the Personnel industries in the islands; and studying in No. 12 Aviation debutanizer Department. percentahe di su contribucién. No sola- social conditions in the West Indies. overhead line to feed drum of the H.O.S. mente e plannan ta duna oportunidad pa & S. Plant. Their immediate aim will be to increase Spaar regularmente, pero tambe loque Hacinto Windward Islands Group the population’s earnings through fishe- Ras, Fils. 15.00, improved empleadonan ta spaar ta aumenta sub- method of ries, tourist business, trade, and home inserting thermometers in Starts New Publication stancialmente cu e sumanan cu Compania industry. cork. ta pone acerca. Hermanos Euson, Fls. 15.00, relocate Empleadonan cu ainda no ta tuma A few days before Christmas the first gauge board of tank No. 205. ventaha di oportunidadnan di Thrift Professors Visit Apprentices issue of "The Voice of the Windward Alexander Gumbs, Fls. 20.00, install Plan por haya detayanan completo na Islands’ made its appearance. It is 2% gal. fire extinguishers on wooden Personnel Department. Early this month Professors I. D. the new bi-monthly publication of the buildings at Colorado Point. Dresden of Delft and P. J. Goudrian of Netherlands Windward Islands Welfare James Seymour, Fls. 25.00, install 1” Hilversum visited the refinery as part of Association, which was founded here in bypass with valve around 4” steam inlet a survey they are making of the Curacao June, 1944 to promote the welfare of blockvalves to Nos. 1 & 2 stabilizer Territory’s economic status. The plan, Saba, St. Eustatius reboilers, and St. Marten. backed by Netherlands and Curacao The first issue of the paper contains Edgar Leysner, Fls. 15.00, install 114” government and by business interests, is introductions to the society by Leon Bell valve in airline to electric whistle at to find means of furthering the economic of Electrical, and to the paper by editor No. 11 Crude still. welfare of the territory. While here the E.M. Bell, sports and social news, and Michael Alexis, Fls. 20.00, protection professors took a particular interest in reports from committees. These include of A & B foam lines between Gasoline the apprentice training program, since a building committee that is planning a and Utility Docks. they regard gducational advances as an clubhouse and a ladies’ unit that has Miss Nydia Ecury, Fls. 25.00, run important part of Aruba’s growth. a started a nursing class organized by "Children’s Page” in the Aruba Esso Lilian News. van den Arend and instructed by Mrs. Kingbeil. Ernest Tulloch, commendation, extend fire sprinkler system Aruba-U.S. Telephone Service to new additions to In an election of new officers for the Starts Storehouse building. with Xmas Greetings ———— eee association January 8, Leopold Illidge, one of the founders, was named presi- Telephone calls to New dent. Claudius York, Los the Company’s New York office. Elis of Electrical is the Angeles, or any other point new vice-president, in the United The service proved a boon Charles Wilson of States to many with long-distance connections Lagoites who the Dining Hall is secretary, and Milton took opportunity to tele- "Best in Show" prize on the Amateur Night are now possible by wireless-telephone Peters of the Boiler Shop was elected phone their families in the United States Program at the Lago Club December 21 went to service.
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