Acta Scientific Biotechnology Volume 1 Issue 8 August 2020

Review Article

Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames Iliana Ilieva* Received: University of Forestry, Sofia, Published: *Corresponding Author: February 10, 2020 Iliana Ilieva. July 30, 2020 Iliana Ilieva, University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria © All rights are reserved by


The article deals with epithets formed from the names or surnames of famous scientists, researchers, historical, mythological or religious characters. The main types of epithets regarding their grammatical form are shortly represented illustrated by several examples each one. The epithets are arranged alphabetically and accompanied by a short note pertaining to the particular person or mythological hero. Each specific epithet is followed by a list of the in which it is present together with their Common English name. When a species is found in official literary sources only with Scientific name in Latin, such name is referred to as Accepted name. The names that have not yet been officially accepted due to the lack of enough arguments whether the name should be treated as accepted or not are designated as Unresolved name. Names whose validity is not completely clarified are indicated as Unclear name status. - The binomial names where the current specific epithet has been signifying a subspecies or variety in earlier taxonomic interpreta tionsKeywords: are listed in the second part of the article. Specific Epithets; Botanical Nomenclature; Eponyms; Derivative Names


practice since epoch to the present days. Famous e.g.: For Example; etc.: Et Cetera; i.e.: That Is; NB!: Nota bene (Latin scientists and researchers, notable contemporaries of the author phrase meaning “Note well”, “Pay attention”); sr.: Senior; subsp.: who described for the first time a species, historical, religious and IntroductionSubspecies; var.: Variety mythological characters become eponyms within many binomial botanical names. Good knowledge of these epithets broadens and deepens the knowledge of the species itself by adding sometimes - asclepiadea The present article is a part of larger research pertaining to additional information relating to particular features and uses of Anthemis sancti-johannis binomial botanical denominations. It is dealing with specific epi the plant - for example, refers to a possible thets derived from personal names and surnames. The research is medicinal application of the species, is a based on “Conspectus of the Bulgarian vascular flora: Distribution possible reference to the time of plant blossoming etc. maps and floristic elements”. Fourth revised and enlarged edition. According to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature BSBCP, 2012, Sofia. - (ICBN), Chapter III, Section 4, Article 23 A.1. “The names of persons - In the process of investigating different types of specific epi and also of countries and localities used in specific epithets should thets, it was established that the naming of species in honour take the form of nouns in the genitive (clusii, porsildiorum, saha of persons, real or borrowed from mythology, is an often-used Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

22 - nus drenowskyi grisebachianus grisebachii halleranus halleri sibthorpianus sibthorpii velenovskyanus velenovskyi rae) or of adjectives (clusianus, dahuricus)”. https://www.iapt-tax / ; / ; / ; Composite names/ ; / etc.

The linguistic analysis of specific epithets, derivative from the - names of persons allows differentiating of several groups. emilii-popii ferdinandi-coburgi, gregorii-bakurianii An adjective which is agreed grammatically with the generic They include hyphenated name and surname, or title and ep immanuelis-loewii borisii-regis ferdinandii-regis, regis-borisii name onym’s name: , , sancti-johannis tzar-borisii tzar-ferdinandii , , , anus (beckeanus, degenianus, , , . hartwissianus, lerchianus, marianus, pancicianus, robertianus malkarmayorum The most often used is the suffix - eus asclepiadeus, jacobaeus, or- - etc). Interesting is the specific epithet - it is given phanideus, tillaeus icus archangelicus, ligericus Onosma malkarmayorum There are used also the suffixes - ( in honour of the three scientists based on whose collections is di ), - ( ). agnosed the new species . The epithet is orum formed from the first three letters in the name of each of them - The adjectives in this research are represented with their basic H. Maliki, R. Karl, H. Mayrhofer. The ending - is a form of the cupanianus, a, um (dictionary) forms, i.e. the full form of masculine followed by the genitive plural in the second Latin declension. endings of feminine and neuter e.g. . The form Stellaria cupaniana of the adjective in each particular binomial name depends on the Several names formed by surnames of Bulgarian scientists are Stellaria davidoffii - davidovii jordanoffii - jordanovii gender of the generic name - (the generic name represented with doublet forms due to a different transcription of stojanoffii - stojanovii - stojanowii urumoffii - urumovii velchevii - is feminine so the adjective is also feminine). the particular name: , , A noun in the genitive case (this is usually the eponym’s family velcevii - welcevii. , , name) - - er ii achtarowii, From male surnames ending in a consonant (except for the end Among the binomial names with a specific epithet derived from bueckii, linaresii, stojanovii er ing - ) the form is obtained by adding an ending - ( a name or surname, one group can be differentiated, where the cur a i guentheri, keller- etc.); in names ending in - or a vowel rent specific epithet has been signifying a subspecies or variety in eri, pichleri, bocconei, urvillei - (except the vowel - ), to the name is added just - ( earlier taxonomic interpretations. These names are listed in the etc.): this is actually a form of the geni second part of the current research. a e brandzae, colum- tive singular in the second Latin declension. In the names ending in nae, otrubae, pontederae The presence of some epithets that need further clarification the vowel - , to the name is added the ending - ( and determination is important to be also noted. etc.), that is, a form of the genitive singular List of epithets in the first Latin declension. e boevae, petrovae

In female surnames is added the ending - ( ): a 1. achtarowii - in honour of Boris T. Achtarov or Achtaroff form of the genitive singular in the first Latin declension. (1885• - 1959), a BulgarianAccepted botanist name and plant collector. - • Alchemilla (synonym of ; Bulgarian endemic). There are several cases of specific epithets which are forms of is - ajacis Ajax, Ajacis m dioscoridis Dioskourides, the genitive singular in the third Latin declension and have there • CentaureaAccepted ( name Cyanus achtarovii). is m timoleontis Timoleon, Th fore the ending - ( ), ( ( ). ), ( .). stefco 2. adamovičii - dedicated to Lujo Adamovič (1864 - 1935), a • Unresolved name One exception has to be noted - the specific epithet which Croatian botanist from Dalmatia. represents an indeclinable noun, formed from the proper name Verbascum ( ) The record derives Stefan. from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03- - 26) which does not establish this name either as an It is often met the practice to use specific epithets derived from accepted name or as a synonym with original publi - one surname but formed through different word-forming methods cation details: Fl. Bulg. Suppl. 1: 207 1898. aucheranus aucheri cupanianus cupani drenowskya- (derivative adjectives in the nominative case or nouns in the geni tive case): / ; / ; Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

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3. ajacis - named after Ajax: Greek mythological hero who par 10. aucheranus, a, um - dedicated to Pierre Martin Remi Aucher- ticipated• in the siege of Troy (ajacis - Gen. sg.). Éloy• (1792 - 1838),Unresolved a French pharmacist name and botanist. Consolida (Doubtful knight’s spur). Onosma ( ) The record derives - from Tropicos (data supplied on 2012-04-18) 4. ambroseae - dedicated by the botanist Leslie (Larry) Charles which does not establish this name either as an accept Leach to Mrs M.N. Ambrose who from 1969 to 1971 collected ed name or as a synonym (record 4002445). • for him in ZimbabweUnresolved and nameMozambique. 11. aucheri - dedicated to Pierre Martin Remi Aucher-Éloy (1792 Dryopteris ( ) The record derives - 1838),• a French pharmacistAccepted name and botanist. from IPNI which does not establish this name either as Gaz. (U.K.) an accepted name or as a synonym (record 17550210- Hypericum ( ). 11(5): 338 (1977) 1977 1) with original publication details: 12. aznavourii – dedicated to Georges Vincent Aznavour (1861 – . 1920),• an ArmenianAccepted botanist. name 5. ancevii - in honour of Мincho Anchev, a Bulgarian botanist Veronica ( ). (1943).• Accepted name 13. baldaccii - in honour of Antonio Baldacci (1867 - 1950), an Hieracium ( ). Italian botanist and geographer who collected plants in the Angelica Balkans• and .synonym of subsp 6. archangelicus, a, um - archangelic: Angelica’s highest degree - (tweeter). The name , according to a legend, refers to Stachys ( Stachys recta . baldaccii). the appearance of Archangel Michael to a physician from Man 14. balfourii - in honour of John Hutton Balfour (1808 - 1884), a tua to suggest that the tweeter can cure the plague; according Scottish• botanist. to another hypothesis, the blooming period of the tweeter in Impatiens (Balfour’s touch-me-not). May• coincides with the Feast of Archangel Michael. - - 15. barrelieri - dedicated to Jacques Barrelier (Latinized: Jacopus Angelica (Wild celery): the specific epithet in this bino Barrelierus) (1606 - 1673), a French botanist who collected mial denomination is an adjective agreed with the ge plants• in Mediterranean . • neric name by gender, numberAccepted and case. name • Anchusa (Barrelier’s bugloss, False alkanet). Laserpitium archangelicа ( ) - the specific La- epithet in this binomial denomination indicates either • Euphorbia (Barrelier’s spurge). serpitium archangelica an error in the agreement because the generic name Veronica (Barrelier’s speedwell). is a noun of the neuter gender, or 16. baumannianus, a, um - named in honour of Helmut Baumann is perceived as a noun, possibly a plant name (in this (1937• - 2014), a German botanist. case the epithet should be considered as apposition of the generic name). Dactylorhiza (Baumann’s marsh orchid). 7. aschersonianus, a, um - dedicated to Paul Friedrich August 17. baumgartenii - dedicated to Johann Christian Gottlob • Ascherson (1834Accepted - 1913), name a German botanist. Baumgarten• (1765Accepted - 1843), name a German physician and botanist. - Inula ( ). Veronica ( ). 8. asclepiadeus, a, um - the epithet is given in honour of Aescula 18. beckeanus, a, um - named for Günther Beck von Mannagetta pius (Greek: Asclepius), a hero and patron deity of medicine in und• Lërchenau (1856Accepted - 1931), name an Austrian botanist. ancient• Greek religion and mythology. Stachys ( ). Gentiana (Willow gentian). 9. aubertii - named for Edgar Aubert de la Rüe (1901 - 1991), a 19. bellardii - dedicated to Carlo Antonio Lodovico Bellardi (1741 • French• geographer and geologist. - 1826), a botanist in Turin. Fallopia (Silver lace vine, Russian vine). Plantago (Hairy plantain). Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

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20. benekenii - dedicated to F. Beneken (1800 - 1859), a German 31. boissieri - in honour of the Swiss botanist, explorer and math pharmacist• and florist. ematician• Pierre EdmondUnresolved Boissier name (1810 - 1885). Bromus (Denver brome). Convolvulus ( ) The record derives from IPNI which does not establish this name either as 21. berchtoldii - in honour of Friedrich von Berchtold (or Bedrich Nomencl. Bot. [Steu- an accepted name or as a synonym (record 265926-1) Všemír von Berchtold) (1781 - 1876), a physician in Bohemia del], ed. 2. 1: 407 1840 and• a scholar of applied . with original publication details: • synonym of. - Potamogeton (Small pondweed). Hypericum ( Hypericum rochelii; Balkan en 22. bertolonii - in honour of Antonio Bertoloni (1775 - 1869), an demic). - Italian• botanist. Accepted name 32. bоndevii - dedicated to Ivan Bondev (1927 - 2001), a Bulgar - Alyssum ( ). ian• botanist. Unresolved name 23. besseranus, a, um - named for Wilibald Swibert Joseph Gott Medicago ( ) The record derives - lieb von Besser (1784 - 1842), an Austrian-born botanist, who from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) • Accepted name - worked mostly in Western Ukraine. which does not establish this name either as an accept Izv. Bot. Inst. (Sofia) 15: 157 1965 Goniolimon ( ). ed name or as a synonym with original publication de 24. biebersteinii - dedicated to Friedrich August Marschall von tails: . Bieberstein (1768 - 1826), a German explorer in Southern 33. borbasii - dedicated to Vinczé von Borbás (1844 - 1905), a Russia.• Hungarian• botanist. • Centaurea (Spottedsynonym knapweed). of Sorbus (Borbas’s rowan). Colchicum ( Colchicum triphyllum). 34. borisii-regis - in honour of Boris III, Tzar of Bulgaria (1918 - 25. bielzii - dedicated to Eduard Albert Bielz (1827 - 1898), an 1943), during whose reign the new species was described - • Austro-Hungarian• Accepted scientist. name 1925. - Sesleria ( ). Abies (King Boris fir, Bulgarian fir, Macedonian fir). 26. bilykianus, a, um - dedicated to Gavriel Ivanovich Bilyk (1904 35. bornmuelleri - dedicated to the German botanist Joseph Fried - 1985),• a RussianAccepted botanist. name rich Nicolaus Bornmüller (1862 - 1948), a plant collector in the Balkan Peninsula and in many other places in Europe and Minuartia ( ). outside.• Accepted name 27. bivonae - in honour of Antonio de Bivona-Bernardi (1774 - Potentilla ( ). 1837),• a Sicilian botanistAccepted and name bryologist. 36. borzaeanus, a, um - in honour of Antonino Borzì (1852 - 1921), - Colchicum ( ). an• Italian botanist.synonym of 28. blagayanus, a, um - in honour of Slovenian Count Richard Ur Alyssum ( Alyssum obtusifolium). sini• of Blagay (1786 - 1858). - 37. boucheanus, a, um - the epithet is used for species dedicated Daphne (Blagay’s daphne). to Peter Carl Bouché (1783 - 1856) or his son Carl David Bou 29. bocconei - in honour of Sicilian physician and botanist Paolo ché• (1809 - 1881), both German botanists. ‘Silvius’ Boccone (1633 - 1704), explorer of the Mediterranean Ornithogalum (Bouché’s star of Bethlehem). - flora.• Trifolium (Boccone’s clover). - 38. brandzae - dedicated to Dimitrie Brândză (1846 - 1895), a Ro manian• botanist. synonym of 30. boevae - dedicated to Ana Boeva, a Bulgarian botany research er• (further clarificationAccepted needed). name Agropyron ( Agropyron cristatum - Crested wheat grass). Verbascum ( ).

Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames


39. broteri - dedicated to the Portuguese botanist Félix da Silva 50. crantzii - dedicated to Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von Crantz Avellar• Brotero (1744 - 1828). (1722• - 1799), an Austrian botanist and physician. Daucus (Brotero’s carrot). Potentilla (Alpine cinquefoil). 40. buekii - in honour of Johannes Nicolaus Buek (1779 - 1856), a 51. csereii• - the epithet needs further clarification. • German botanist. Silene (Balkan catchfly). - Carex (Buek’s sedge). 52. cupani - dedicated to Francesco Cupani (1657 - 1710), an Ital 41. burnatii - dedicated to Emile Burnat (1828 - 1920), a Swiss ian• botanist, clericAccepted and • engineer and botanist.Accepted name Allium ( ). Aconitum ( ). 53. cupanianus, a, um - dedicated to Francesco Cupani (1657 - - 42. buxbaumii - named for Johann Christian Buxbaum (1693 1710),• an Italian botanist, cleric and physician - 1730), a German physician, botanist, mycologist and ento Stellaria (Cupani’s chickweed). mologist.• 54. cyrilli - dedicated to Domenico Maria Leone Cirillo (1739 Carex (Buxbaum’s sedge, Club sedge). -1799),• an ItalianAccepted physician name and botanist. 43. callieri - dedicated to Alfons S. Callier (1866 - 1927), a German Allium ( ). botanist• who collectedAccepted in name the Crimea. 55. dalechampii - dedicated to Jacques Daléchamp (Daléchamps) • Accepted name Festuca ( ). (1513• - 1588), a French physician and botanist. Thymus ( ). Quercus (Dalechamp’s oak). - 44. cesatianus, a, um - dedicated to Vincenzo de Cesati (1806 - 56. davidii - dedicated to the missionary Father David (Jean Pierre • Accepted name 1883), an Italian botanist. Armand David) (1826 - 1900), naturalist and discoverer of nu Cuscuta ( ). merous• species. 45. chaixii - dedicated to the French cleric Dominique Chaix (1731 Buddleja (Summer lilac, Butterfly bush). • - 1800), an amateur botanist. 57. davidii - dedicated to David Lee Anderson (1938), North • (Broad-leaved meadow-grass, Broadleaf bluegrass). American• botanist, a specialist in the vegetation of arid areas. Verbascum (Nettle-leaved mullein). Euphorbia (David’s spurge). 58. davidoffii - in honour of Bozhimir Davidov (1870 - 1927), a 46. cherleri - named for Johann Heinrich Cherler (1570 - 1610), a Bulgarian• botanist.Accepted name Swiss• botanist. Verbascum ( ; Bulgarian endemic). Trifolium (Cupped clover). 59. davidovii - in honour of Bozhimir Davidov (1870 - 1927), a 47. clusii - dedicated to Charles de l’Ecluse, Latinized as Clusius Bulgarian• botanist.synonym of - (1526• - 1609), asynonym French professorof of Botany in Leyden. Anchusa ( Anchusa officinalis - Common bu Cytinus ( Cytinus ruber). • gloss; Bulgariansynonym endemic). of subsp - 48. coppoleri - in honour of Stefano Coppoler (1799 - 1830), an Centaurea ( Centaurea nervosa . davi Italian• botanist.synonym of • dovii; Bulgariansynonym endemic). of Allium ( Allium pallens). Colchicum ( Colchicum szovitsii; Bulgarian 49. cornuti - dedicated to Jacques-Philippe Cornut (1606 - 1651), • endemic). Unresolved name a • French physicianAccepted and botanist. name ( ) The record derives Plantago ( ). from WCSP (data supplied on 2012-03-23) which does not establish this name either as an accepted name or Opred. Vissh. Rast. Bulg. 786 1992 as a synonym (record 451714) with original publication details: . Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

26 - 60. degenianus, a, um - in honour of Árpád von Degen (1866 - 70. drenowskyanus, a, um - in honour of Alexander Dryanovski 1934),• a HungarianAccepted biologist name and botanist. (1879 - 1967), a Bulgarian entomologist, botanist, palaeon • synonym of subsp - Centaurea ( ). - tologist. 61. degenii - in honour of Árpád von Degen (1866 - 1934), a Hun Dianthus ( Dianthus gracilis . dre garian• biologist and botanist. nowskianus). - • Knautia (Degen’sAccepted scabious). name 71. drenowskyi (drenovskyi) - in honour of Alexander Dryanovski (1879 - 1967), a Bulgarian entomologist, botanist, paleontolo • Onobrychis ( ). gist.• Accepted name • Accepted name Papaver (Pirin poppy; Bulgarian endemic). • Erysimum ( Accepted). name Seseli ( ). Fritillaria drenovskyi ( ; Balkan endemic).-

62. delipavlovii - in honour of Dimitar Delipavlov (1919 - 2000), a 72. elwesii - in honour of Henry John Elwes (1846 - 1922), an Eng Bulgarian• botanist.Unclear name status lish• botanist and entomologist. Amygdalus ( ) - Galanthus (Elwes’s snowdrop, Greater snowdrop). 63. detommasii - dedicated to C. A. De Tommasi (early 19th cen 73. emilii-popii• - to define.Accepted name • Accepted name tury). Potentilla ( ; Balkan endemic). Potentilla ( ) 74. fenzlianus, a, um - named for Eduard Fenzl (1808 - 1879), an 64. dieckianus, a, um - in honour of Georg Dieck (1847- 1925), a Austrian• botanist.synonym of • Accepted name German entomologist and botanist. Koeleria ( Koeleria macrantha - Crested hair- Verbascum ( ; Balkan endemic). - grass). 65. dillenii - in honour of the German mycologist Johann Jacob Dil 75. ferdinandi-coburgi(i) - named for Ferdinand Maximilian Karl len (Latinized as Dillenius) (1687 - 1747), professor of Botany Leopold Maria of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1861 - 1948), the - at• Oxford. - second monarch of the Third Bulgarian State (1887 - 1918); known also as an author, botanist, entomologist, and philat Oxalis (Southern wood-sorrel, Slender yellow woodsor elist.• rel). • SaxifragaAccepted (Ferdinand’s name saxifrage). 66. dioscoridis - named for Pedanios Dioskorides (~ 40 - ~ 90 AD), physician, botanist and pharmacist of Greek origin who Arabis ( see ; Bulgarian endemic). • practised in Rome at the time of Emperor Nero. 76. ferdinandii-regis• - synonym ferdinandi-coburgi(i). of sub- - sp Valeriana (Italian valerian). Hieracium ( Hieracium naegelianum 67. dodonaei - dedicated to the Flemish botanist Rembert Do . ferdinandi-regis). doens (Latinized as Dodonaeus) (1517 - 1585), professor of 77. finazzeri• - to define.Accepted name Medicine• and Botany at Leiden. Centaurea ( ; Balkan endemic). Epilobium (Dodoens willowherb). 78. formanekii - named for Eduard Formánek (1845 - 1900), a 68. doerfleri - in honour of Ignaz Doerfler/ Dörfler (1866 - 1950), Czech• botanist. Unresolved name an• Austrian botanist.Accepted name Verbascum ( ) The record derives • Accepted name Colchicum ( ; Balkan endemic). from WCSP (in review) which does not establish this Reliq. Forman. 415 1909 Schivereckia ( ). - name either as an accepted name or as a synonym with original publication details: . 69. dollineri - dedicated to George Dolliner (1794 - 1872), an Aus trian• botanist. Accepted name Thesium ( ) Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

- • Accepted name 27 - 79. forskahlei - dedicated to Peter Forsskål (1732 - 1763), a Swed • Alopecurus (Accepted( name).. ish explorer, orientalist, naturalist and a disciple of Carl Lin • Bupleurum ) naeus.• Juncus (Black needle rush, Saltmarsh rush, Blackgrass). NB! The name is sometimes spelt Pehr Forsskål, Peter • Forskaol, Petrus Forskål or Pehr Forsskåhl. 89. gmelinii - in honour of Johann Georg Gmelin (1709 - 1755), a German• physician, naturalist, geographer, and botanist. Salvia (Indigo woodland sage). Limonium (Siberian statice). - 80. forsteri - named for Johann Georg Adam Forster (1754 - 1794), 90. gregorii-bakurianii - in honour of Gregory Bakuriani, a promi a • German explorer and naturalist. th nent• Byzantine armyAccepted commander name of the 11 century. Luzula (Southern wood-rush). - Hieracium ( ). 81. freynii - dedicated to Josef Franz Freyn (1845 -1903), an Aus trian• botanist. 91. greuteri - in honour of Werner Rodolfo Greuter (1938), a Swiss• botanist. Accepted name Dianthus (Freyn’s carnation). - Epipactis ( ). 82. friesii - in honour of Elias Magnus Fries (1794 - 1878), a Swed - ish• botanist and mycologist. - 92. grisebachianus, a, um - named for August Heinrich Rudolf Grisebach (1814 - 1879), a German botanist and phytogeog Potamogeton (Fries’ pondweed, Flat-stalked pond rapher.• Accepted name weed). Viola (see ; Balkan endemic). 83. frivaldii - named for Dr. Emerich Frivaldszky von Frivald (1799 • synonym of subsp - - 1870), known as Imre Frivaldszky, a Hungarian botanist and 93. grisebachii - grisebachianus. entomologist.• Hieracium ( Hieracium sparsum . grise • Accepted name Gymnadenia (Frivald’s gymnadenia).see bachii). • synonym of sub- 84. frivaldszkyanus• (friwaldszkianus),Accepted name a, um - frivaldii. Moehringia ( ; Balkan endemic). sp • ChamaecytisusAccepted ( name ; Bulgarian endemic). Pedicularis ( Pedicularis brachyodonta • . grisebachii).Accepted name • Marrubium (synonym of ). Veronica ( ). Micromeria ( Clinopodium frivaldszkyanum; 94. grossekii• - further clarificationAccepted name needed. • BulgarianAccepted endemic). name Campanula ( ). Silene ( ). 95. guentheri - named for Johann Christian Carl Guenther (1769 - 85. gallinyi - dedicated to Franz Galliny (1794 -?), a pharmacist 1833),• a GermanAccepted botanist. name from• Lugosch.Accepted name Rubus ( ). Silene ( ). - 96. gussichiae• - namedAccepted for Frau name Baronin Mary Gussich-Schmucker. 86. ganiatsasii - probably named for Ganiatsas, K., (further clarifi Fritillaria ( ; Balkan endemic). cation• needed).Accepted name 97. gussonei - dedicated to Giovanni Gussone (1787 - 1866), an Viola ( ). Italian• academic andAccepted botanist. name 87. garckeanus, a, um - named for Christian August Friedrich Thymelaea ( ). Garcke• (1819 - 1904),Accepted a German name botanist. - 98. halleranus, a, um - in honour of (Victor) Albrecht von Haller Sr. Minuartia ( ). (1708 - 1777), a Swiss physiologist, naturalist and poet, pro 88. gerardi(i) - in honour of Louis Gérard (1733 - 1819), a French fessor• of Botany in Göttingen. physician and botanist. Carex (Haller’s sedge).

Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

28 see • Accepted name

99. halleri• - halleranus. • Crataegus ( Accepted name). • Primula (Long-flowered primrose). • HieraciumAccepted ( name ). Pulsatilla (Haller’s anemone). • Jasione ( ). 100. hallersteinii• - futherAccepted clarification name needed. Pinus (Heldreich’s pine, Bosnian pine). Lathyrus ( ). 111. heuffelii - dedicated to Janos (Johann) A. Heuffel (1800 - • synonym of subsp 101. hartmanii - in honour of Carl Johan(n) Hartman (1790 - 1857), a Hungarian botanist and physician. 1849),• a Swedish botanist. Chamaecytisus ( Cytisus austriacus . • Accepted name Carex (Hartman’s sedge). heuffelii). • synonym of 102. hartwissianus, a, um - named for Nicolai Anders von Hartwiss Ferula ( ). (1791• - 1860), a Russian botanist. • Hieracium ( Pilosella petraea). Quercus (Strandzha oak). • Jovibarba (Hen-and-chickens).Accepted name 103. hauptianus, a, um - in honour of Ernest Gottfried Haupt • PolycnemumAccepted ( name ). • Accepted name (1795 - 1862). Silene ( ). Puccinellia ( ). 112. hoefftianus, a, um - dedicated to F. A. Hoefft (1837 - ?); further 104. haussknechtii - in honour of Heinrich Carl Haussknecht, 1838 clarification• needed.Accepted name • - 1903), a German pharmacist and botanist. Erodium ( ). - th Betonica (synonym of Stachys officinalis subsp. 113. hoermannianus, a, um - named for Hoermann (late 19 cen haussknechtii; Balkan endemic). tury),• an Austrian Acceptedofficial in name the Balkans. 105. hayekii - in honour of Adler August von Hayek (1871 - 1928), Pedicularis ( ). a• Viennese botanist.Accepted name 114. hoppeanus, a, um - dedicated to David Heinrich Hoppe (1760 Ranunculus ( ). -• 1846), a German botanist. - 106. haynaldianus, a, um - dedicated to the Hungarian cardinal • Hieracium (Hoppe’sAccepted hawkweed). name Stephan Franz Ludwig (Lajos) Haynald (1816 - 1891), bota nist• and collector.Accepted name Taraxacum ( ). Potentillasee ( ). 115. horanszkyi - in honour of András Horanszky (1928 - 2015), a Hungarian• botanist.synonym of 107. haynaldii• - haynaldianus.Accepted name Molinia ( Molinia caerulea - Purple moor- Colchicum ( ). grass). 108. heckeliаnus, a, um - named after Dr Édouard Marie Heckel 116. hornungianus, a, um - named for Ernst Gottfried Hornung (1843 - 1916), a French botanist and medical doctor, director (1795• - 1862),synonym a German of scientific writer.var of• the MarseilleAccepted Botanical name Garden. Arabis ( Arabis hirsuta . hornungiana). Rosa ( ). 117. horvatianus, a, um - in honour of Ivor Horvat (1937 - 1974), 109. heldreichianus, a, um - in honour of Theodor Heinrich von Yugoslav• botanist.Accepted name Heildreich• (1822 - 1902), a German botanist. Festuca ( ). Trifolium (Heldreich’s clover). - 118. hostianus, a, um - dedicated to Nicolaus Thomas Host (1761 • 110. heldreichii - see heldreichianus. - 1834), botanist and personal physician of the Austrian Em • Acer (Heldreich’sAccepted name maple). peror• Francis I. Alcea ( ). Carex (Tawny sedge).

Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

• Unresolved name 29 -

119. immanuelis-loewii - dedicated to Immanuel Löw (1854 - Myosotis jordanovii ( ) The record de 1944),• a HungarianAccepted rabbi, namescholar and politician. rives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012- - - 03-23) which does not establish this name either as an Centaurea ( ; Balkan endemic). in Fl. Nar. Republ. Bulgariya 9: 506 1989 accepted name or as a synonym with original publica 120. janevii - named after Asen Janev (further clarification need • tion details: Unresolved name . • ed). Unresolved name - Poa jordanovii ( ; Bulgarian endemic) Minuartia ( ) The record derives - The record derives from Tropicos which does not es from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) - tablish this name either as an accepted name or as a which does not establish this name either as an accept synonym (record 25525462) with original publication ed name or as a synonym with original publication de • details: 1983. Unresolved name tails: Fitologiya 48: 6 1996. Verbascum jordanovii ( ) The record 121. jankae - in honour of Victor Janka von Bulcs (1837 - 1890), an derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012- • Accepted name - Austrian-Hungarian botanist. 03-26) which does not establish this name either as an Feddes Repert. 90: 408 1979 • Centaurea ( synonym of). accepted name or as a synonym with original publica • Unresolved name • ChamaecytisusAccepted ( name Cytisus jankae). tion details: . • Vicia jordanovii ( ) The record derives Hieracium ( ). - from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) • Accepted name - Lilium (Janka’s lily). which does not establish this name either as an accept Phytol. Balcan. 8: 3 2002 • Moehringiasynonym ( of ; Balkan endemic).subsp ed name or as a synonym with original publication de Thymus ( see Thymus praecox . jankae). tails: . 122. jankaeanus,• a, umAccepted - jankae. name 126. jundzilii - in honour of Stanisław Bonifacy Jundziłł (1761 - 1847),• a Polish-Lithuaniansynonym of priest, botanist, educator. Verbascum ( ; Bulgarian endemic). Rosa ( Rosa marginata). 123. javorkae - in honour of Sándor (Alexander) Javorka (1883 - 127. kablikianus, a, um - named after Josephine Ettel Kablick • Accepted name 1961), a Hungarian botanist. (1787• - 1863), aAccepted Czech botanist name and palaeontologist. Rhinanthus ( ; Bulgarian endemic). Petasites ( ). - 124. jordanii - named for Claude Thomas Alexis Jordan (1814 - 128. kalopissii - named after Kalopiss, a Greek botanist; for fur • Accepted name 1897), a botanist from Lyon. ther• clarification. Viola ( ). Dactylorhiza (Kalopiss’ dactylorhiza). 125. jordanoffii/jordanovii - named for Daki Jordanov (1893 - 129. kellereri(i) - named for Johann Kellerer (1859 - 1938), an • Accepted name - 1978), a Bulgarian botanist. Austrian• botanist. synonym of - subsp Alkanna jordanovii ( ; Bulgarian endem Centranthus kellereri ( Centranthus longiflo • synonym of sub- ic). • rus . kellereri; BulgarianUnresolved endemic). name - sp Anthemis jordanovii ( Anthemis cretica Veronica kellererii ( ) The record de • synonym of subsp . tenuiloba). rives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012- - Brassica jordanoffii ( Brassica nivalis . 03-23) which does not establish this name either as an Magyar Bot. Lapok 10: 111 1911 • jordanoffii; Bulgarian endemic).Accepted name - accepted name or as a synonym with original publica tion details: . Campanula jordanovii ( ; Balkan endem ic). 130. kernerianus, a, um - dedicated to Anton Joseph Kerner von Marilaun• (1831 -Accepted 1898), an name Austrian botanist. Centaurea ( ; Bulgarian endemic). Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames


131. kerneri - dedicated to Anton Joseph Kerner von Marilaun 141. kovatsii - in honour of Julius Kovats von Szent-Lelek (1815 - (1831• - 1898), Acceptedan Austrian name botanist. 1873),• a HungarianAccepted botanist. name • Carduus ( ). Thlaspi ( ). Rumex (Kerner’s dock). 142. kozhucharovii - named after Stefan Ivanov Kozhucharov • Uncertain name status 132. kitaibelianus, a, um - named for Pál (or Paul) Kitaibel (1757 - (1933 - 1997), a Bulgarian botanist. 1817),• a HungarianAccepted botanist name and chemist. Oxytropis ( ). • Carex ( ). 143. kralikii - dedicated to Louis Kralik (1813 - 1892), a French • Viola (Dwarf pansy). botanist (from Alsace). 133. kittaniae• - namedsynonym for Kit Tan of (1953), a British botanist.subsp - Fumaria (Kralik’s fumitory). th Ranunculus Hieracium ( Hieracium bifidum . kitta 144. krapfii - in honour of K. von Krapf (18 century), an Austrian • Accepted name niae; Bulgarian endemic). physician and botanist, explorer of the . 134. kochii - named for (Carl) Karl Heinrich Emil Ludwig Koch Laserpitium ( ). (1809 - 1879), a German botanist, professor of Botany inI 145. krumovii• - to clarify. • synonym of Berlin. Veronica (Bulgarian germander speedwell). subsp Ornithogalum ( Ornithogalum orthophyllum 146. lachenalii - dedicated to Werner de Lachenal (1736 - 1800), a . kochii). Swiss• physician and botanist. - 135. koehleri - in honour of Johann Christian Gottlieb Köhler or Rubus Oenanthe (Parsley water-dropwort). Koehler (1759 - 1833), a German physician, botanist, re - searcher• of theAccepted genus name. 147. laxmannii - dedicated to (Erik) Erich Gustavovich Laxmann (1737 - 1796), traveller and amateur botanist of Swedish ori Rubus ( ). gin.• Accepted name 136. koenigii - in honour of Johann Gerhard König (1728 - 1785), a • Ajuga ( ). Baltic• German botanist.Unresolved name Typha (Graceful cattail). Pirinia ( ) The record derives - from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) 148. ledebourii - in honour of Carl Friedrich von Ledebour (1785 - • Accepted name which does not establish this name either as an accept - 1851), a German-Estonian botanist. ed name or as a synonym with original publication de Jurinea ( ). tails: Preslia 56: 162 1984. 149. leithneri - in honour of Joseph Baron von Leithner (1809 - ?), 137. kostovii• - to clarify.synonym of - an• Austro-HungarianUncertain botanist. name status Sedum ( Sedum grisebachii; Bulgarian en Hieracium ( ). demic). 150. lerchenfeldianus, a, um - in honour of Joseph Radnitzky von 138. kotschyanus, a, um - in honour of Carl Georg Theodor Kotschy Lerchenfeld• (1753Accepted - 1812), name an Austrian botanist. • Accepted name (1813 - 1866), an Austrian botanist and explorer. Silene ( ). see Centaurea ( ). 151. lessingianus, a, um - in honour of Christian Friedrich Lessing 139. kotschyi• - kotschyanus.Accepted name (1809• - 1862), a Polish-born German botanist. • Achillea ( Accepted name). Stipa (Lessing feather grass). Valerianella ( ). 152. ligericus, a, um - dedicated to the French agronomist Louis • synonym of 140. kovacevii - named for Vassil Todorov Kovachev (1866 - 1926), Liger (1658 - 1717). a• Bulgarian botanist andsynonym zoologist. of Carex ( Carex colchica).

Chamaecytisus ( Cytisus kovacevii; Bulgarian endemic). Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

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153. linaresii - dedicated to Vincenzo Linares (1804 - 1847), an 161. mantoniae - in honour of Irene Manton (1904 - 1988), a Brit Italian• journalist,Accepted writer andname theatre critic. ish• botanist. synonym - Romulea ( ). - Polypodium ( : Polypodium interjectum x P. vul 154. lipskyi - named for Vladimir Ippolitovich Lipsky or Volody gare → Polypodium x mantoniae Rothm). myr Ipolytovych Lypsky (1863 - 1937), a Ukrainian scientist, 162. marantae - in honour of Bartolomeo Maranta (~ 1500 - botanist.• Unresolved name 1571),• an Italian physiciansynonym andof botanist. Onosma ( ) The record derives Cheilanthes ( Paraceterah marantae). - from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) - 163. margaritae - in honour of Margarita L. Markova (1932 - which does not establish this name either as an accept 2004),• a researcherUnresolved on the Flora name of Bulgaria. ed name or as a synonym with original publication de Myosotis ( ) The record derives tails: Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk - from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) S.S.S.R. 15: 241 1953. - which does not establish this name either as an accept 155. lloydianus, a, um - in honour of James Lloyd (1810 - 1896), a ed name or as a synonym with original publication de • Accepted name French botanist of English origin. tails: Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 28: 279 1993. Rubus ( ). 164. marianus,• a, um - the name is dedicated to Our Lady. 156. lobelianus, a, um - in honour of Mathias de Lobel, or de L’Obel, Silybum (Marian thistle, Saint Mary’s thistle, Milk thistle Latinized as Matthaeus Lobelius (1538 - 1616), a Flemish - according to the legend, the specific whitish colouring • botanist. of the leaves is due to the Virgin Mary’s milk dripping Veratrum (White hellebore). - on them as she was fleeing to Egypt to save Jesus from 157. loeselii - dedicated to Johannes Loesel (1607 - 1655), a Ger Herod persecution). man• botanist. - 165. markgrafii - dedicated to Friedrich Markgraf (1897 - 1987), a • synonym of Liparis (Fen orchid, Yellow widelip orchid, Bog tway German-born Swiss botanist specialized in Balkan flora. • blade). Aegilops ( Aegilops caudata - Cretan hard- Sisymbrium (Small tumbleweed mustard). grass). • synonym of subsp 158. ludovicianus, a, um - ambiguous interpretation of the epithet: 166. marotii - to clarify. of or from Louisiana (U.S.), or dedicated to Louis (Lodovico, Hieracium ( Hieracium lazistanum . Ludwig, Luigi, Louis, Alvise, Aloisio, Clodoveo or derivative to marotii). • synonym of define). 167. marschallianus, a, um - dedicated to Baron Friedrich August Avena ( Avena sterilis - Sterile oat). Marschall von Bieberstein (1768 - 1826), a researcher of the • synonym of 159. malkarmayоrum - an abbreviation of the names of the three flora of the Caucasus. researchers who contributed to the study of this species: • Centaurea (synonym of Psephellus marschallianus).subsp - • Unresolved name Hans Maliki, Rainer Karl, Helmut Mayrhofer. Corydalis ( Corydalis cava . marschal Onosma ( ) The record derives liana). see - from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) • - 168. marschallii - marschallianus.Accepted name which does not establish this name either as an accept Phyton (Horn) 48: 118 2008 ed name or as a synonym with original publication de Corispermum ( ). tails: . - 169. mattfeldianus, a, um - dedicated to Johannes Mattfeld (1895 • Unresolved name 160. mannagettae - in honour of Günther Beck, Knight of Mannag - 1951), a German botanist. etta• and Lerchenau (1856 - 1931), an Austrian botanist. Hieracium ( ) The record derives - Centaurea (Pirin centaury). from TICA which does not establish this name either as an accepted name or as a synonym (record AC08D 6DC-304E-4758-92F8-05CD3B211DCF) with original Citation: . Acta Scientificpublication Biotechnology details: 383 1928.

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames


170. matthioli - dedicated to (1500 - 1577), 179. molinerii - dedicated to Ignazio Bernardo Molineri (1741 or from• Siena, doctor synonymand botanist. of sub- 1750• - 1818),Accepted an Italian name gardener of Turin. sp Cardamine ( Cardamine pratensis Poa ( ). • Accepted name . matthioli). 180. montbretii - named for Antoine Francois Ernest Conquebert • Accepted name Cortusa ( ). de Montbret (1780 - 1801), a French botanist. • Cicer ( Accepted). name 171. menziesii - named for Archibald Menzies (1754 - 1842), a Scottish• botanist and naturalist. Hypericum ( ). -

Pseudotsuga (Douglas fir). 181. moorei - in honour of David M. Moore (1808 - 1879), a Scot tish• botanist. 172. merxmulleranus, a, um - named for Hermann Merxmüller Equisetum (Moore’s horsetail). (1920• - 1988), a GermanUncertain botanist name status and taxonomist. - 182. mougeotii - dedicated to Jean Baptiste Mougeot (1776 - Hieracium ( ). 1858), a French botanist, bryologist, algologist and mycolo • 173. meyeri - ambiguous interpretation, probably named after gist.

Carlth Anton Meyer or Ernst Heinrich Friedrich Meyer (both Sorbus (Vosges whitebeam, Mougeot’s whitebeam). 19• -century GermanAccepted botanists). name 183. mutelii - in honour of Pierre Auguste Victor Mutel (1795 - Limonium ( ). 1847),• a French botanist.

174. michaеlae• - for furtherUnresolved definition. name Orobanche (Mutel’s broomrape, Dwarf broomrape).

Myosotis ( ) The record derives 184. naegelianus, a, um - dedicated to Carl Wilhelm von Naegeli - from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) (1817 - 1891) from Zurich, a botanist in Munich and founder - • Accepted name which does not establish this name either as an accept of the systematics of the genus Hieracium. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 29: 375 1994 ed name or as a synonym with original publication de Hieracium ( ). tails: . - 185. neiceffii - dedicated to Ivan Neicev (1871 - 1913), a Bulgarian 175. michelianus, a, um - probably dedicated to Pier Antonio Mi botanist.• Accepted name cheli• (1679 - 1737),synonym an Italian of botanist in Florence. • Centaurea ( Unclear name). status • Dichostylis ( Cyperus michelianus). Chamaecytisus ( ). - Trifolium (Balansa clover, Bigflower clover). 186. nicicianus, a, um - in honour of Đ. Ničić (1856 - 1920), a Ser - bian• botanist. synonym of subsp 176. michelii - dedicated to Pier Antonio Micheli (1679 - 1737), an Italian botanist in Florence, a founder of the Florentine Bo Euphorbia ( Euphorbia seguieriana . tanical• Society,Accepted which namelater became S.B.I. niciciana).see Carex ( ). 187. nicicii• - nicicianus.Accepted name 177. milanii• - to define.Accepted name Potentilla ( ; Balkan endemic). Stachys ( ; Balkan endemic). 188. noeanus, a, um - in honour of Friedrich Wilhelm Noë (1798 - 1858),• a Germansynonym botanist ofand pharmacist. subsp - 178. mitrushii - named for Ilia Mitrushi (1904 - 1986), an Albanian botanist.• Dianthus ( Dianthus petraeus . noe anus). NB! In the “Conspectus of the Bulgarian vascular flora”, • the specificsynonym epithet of is spelt “mitruschii”. 189. noltii (misspelling of the epithet noltei) - in honour of Ernst Ferdinand Nolte (1791 - 1875), a German botanist, professor Koeleria ( Koeleria lobata). at• the University of Kiel. Zostera (Dwarf eelgrass). Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

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190. nuttallii - in honour of Thomas Nuttall (1786 - 1859), an Eng 202. pancicianus, a, um - in honour of Josef Pančić (1814 - 1888), lish-born• botanist, ornithologist, explorer and plant collector. a• Serbian physician,Accepted agronomist name and botanist. Elodea (Western waterweed, Nuttall’s waterweed). Festucasee ( ). 191. oederi - dedicated to George Christian Edler von Oldenburg 203. pancicii• - pancicianus.synonym of - Oeder (1728 - 1791), a German-Danish botanist, medical Angelica ( Angelica sylvestris - Wild angel • doctor, economist. • ica). synonym of - Pedicularis (Oeder’s lousewort). Cicerbita ( Lactuca pancicii; Balkan endem 192. ognianoffii• - to clarify.Accepted nam • ic). Accepted name Centaurea ( e). • Lathyrus ( Accepted name; Balkan endemic). 193. oliviеri - dedicated to Guillaume Antoine Olivier (1756 - • Orobanchesynonym ( of ). • Accepted name 1814), a French explorer, botanist and naturalist. Senecio ( Jacobaea arnautorum). Crocus ( ). 204. pavichii - dedicated to Anton Pavich († 1853), a doctor in 194. ooststroomii - named for Simon Jan van Ooststroom (1906 Croatia• and florist.Accepted name • Accepted name -1982), a Dutch botanist. Hieracium ( ). - Taraxacum ( ). 205. pavlovii - named for Nikolai Vasilievich Pavlov (1893 - 1971), 195. orphanideus, a, um - in honour of Theodoros Georgios Or a• Russian botanist.Unclear name status • Accepted name phanides (1817 - 1886), a Greek botanist. Onosma ( ). Campanula ( ). 206. pawlowskii - in honour of Bogumil Pawlowski (1898 - 1971), 196. orsinianus, a, um - in honour of Antonio Orsini (1788 - 1880), a• Polish botanist.Accepted name • Accepted name an Italian pharmacist and botanist. Alchemilla ( ). - - Malcolmia ( ). 207. pelisserianus, a, um - dedicated to Guillaume Pellicier or 197. otrubae - named for Josef Otruba (1889 - 1952), a Czech bota Pellissier (1490 - 1568), a French diplomat, prelate in Mont nist.• pellier,• and scholar of botany. Carex (False fox-sedge). - Linaria (Pelliser’s toadflax). - 198. paczoskianus, a, um - in honour of Józef (Jyzef) Konrad Pac 208. penzesii - named for Antal Pénzes (1895 - 1984), a Hungarian zoski (1864 - 1942), Russian and Polish botanist and ento botanist• and mycologist.Accepted name • Accepted name mologist. • CardamineAccepted ( name ). - Allium ( ). • Festuca ( synonym of ). 199. pallasianus, a, um - in honour of Peter (Pyotr) Simon von Pal Koeleria ( Koeleria nitidula). - las (1741 - 1811), a German botanist, biologist and zoologist, famous• for itsAccepted explorations name in Russia. 209. petrovae - named after Ana Petrova (1943), a Bulgarian bota nist.• Accepted name Linumsee ( ). Hieracium ( ). 200. pallasii• - pallasianus.Accepted name 210. petteri - in honour of Franz Petter (1798 - 1853), an Austrian • Accepted name Crocus ( ). botanist• and geographer.Accepted name Seseli ( ). Fumaria ( ). - 201. pallisiae - named for Marietta Pallis (1882 - 1963), a Greek- 211. pichleri - named for Thomas Pichler (1828 - 1903), an Aus • Briton ecologist and botanical artist. trian botanist. Fraxinus (Pallis’ ash, Balkan ash). Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

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• Asyneuma (synonym of ; Balkan endemic). 222. reisseri• - to clarify.Accepted name Centaurea ( Cyanus pichleri). Alyssum ( ). 212. pignantii• - to clarify. 223. rendlei - dedicated to Alfred Barton Rendle (1865 - 1938), an • Trifolium (Pignant’s clover; Balkan endemic). English botanist. 213. planchonianus, a, um - in honour of Jùlès Émile Plánchón Alopecurus (Rendle’s meadow foxtail). (1823• - 1888),Accepted a French name botanist and pteridologist. 224. richeri - in honour of Pierre Richer de Belleval (1564 - 1632), • Celtis ( ). a French physician and botanist. - 214. plumieri - in honour of Charles Plumier (1646 - 1704), a Hypericum (Fringed St John’s wort). French botanist, explorer and illustrator, a scholar of Ameri 225. rionii - dedicated to Arthur Rion (1809 - 1856), a naturalist can• flora. synonym of in• the Valais. Accepted name Cicerbita ( Lactuca plumieri - Hairless blue- Ranunculus ( ). - sowthistle). 226. rivinianus, a, um - in honour of the German pre - Linnaean 215. pontederae - dedicated to the physician and botanist of Vi botanist Augustus Quirinus Rivinus (pseudonym of August cenza• Giulio Pontederasynonym (1688 of - 1757). subsp Bachmann,• 1652 - 1723). Dianthus ( Dianthus giganteiformis . Viola (Common dog-violet). pontederae). 227. robertianus,• a, um - in honour of Robert. 216. probstii - in honour of Rudolph Probst (1855 - 1940), a Swiss Geranium (Herb-robert): ambiguous interpretation - • synonym of botanist. probably in memory of Robertus (San Roberto, † 1067), Chenopodium ( Chenopodium album - White a French clergyman who founded the Carthusian Order; goosefoot). or derived from Rupert, archbishop of Salzburg († 717); • 217. rechingeri - named for Karl Heinz Rechinger (1906 - 1998), or Riberto, Duke of Normandy (1000 - 1035) or others. an• Austrian botanist,Accepted phytogeographer name and herpetologist. Gymnocarpium (Limestone fern, Scented oakfern): Paronychia ( ). named for Gaspard Nicolas Robert (1776 - 1857), a French pharmacist, botanist and horticulturist. 218. regis-borisii - in honour of Boris III (1894 - 1943), originally Boris Klemens Robert Maria Pius Ludwig Stanislaus Xaver, 228. rochelianus, a, um - named for Anton Rochel (1770 - 1847), • synonym of subsp Tsar• of Bulgaria fromsynonym 1918 of until his death. subsp - an Austrian surgeon and naturalist. see Anthemis ( Anthemis cretica . tenui Centaurea ( Centaurea jacea . banatica). • loba; Bulgariansynonym endemic). of 229. rochelii• - rochelianus.synonym of var - Potentilla ( Drymocallis regisborisii). - Chamaecytisus ( Cytisus austriacus . ro • Accepted name 219. reichenbachianus, a, um - in honour of Heinrich Gottlieb Lud chelii). wig Reichenbach (Rchb. 1793 - 1879), a German botanist and Hypericum ( ). • ornithologist. 230. roemeri - in honour of Johann Jacob Roemer (1763 - 1819), a Viola (Earlysee dog-violet, Pale wood violet). Swiss• doctor,Accepted entomologist name and botanist. 220. reichenbachii• Accepted - Silene ( ). Iris ( ). 231. roeseri - dedicated to a Roeser or Röser of which there is no • synonym of subsp 221. reinholdii - named in honour of an eminent 19th-century detailed information. Athens• doctor.Accepted name Cerastium ( Cerastium brachypetalum . Ophrys ( ). roeseri).

Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

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232. rostkovianus, a, um - in honour of Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb 241. schrammii - probably named for Johannes Augustin Sch Theophil Rostkovius (1770 - 1848), a Prussian physician and ramm (1773 - 1849), a Silesian naturalist or for Alphons botanist.• Schramm (1823 - 1875), an Alsatian government official and • Accepted name Euphrasia (Eyebright, Eyewort). botanist (further clarification needed). 233. ruprechtii - dedicated to Franz Josef Ivanovich Ruprecht Fumaria ( ). (1814• - 1870), a German-bornAccepted name Russian botanist. 242. schultesii - named for Josef (Joseph) August Schultes (1773 - • synonym of Hieracium ( ). 1831), an Austrian botanist. 234. sancti-johannis - according to some sources, the name is due Solanum ( Solanum decipiens). to the flowering at the beginning of the summer, during the 243. schultzianus - in honour of Carl (or Karl) Heinrich Schultz period when Saint John the Baptist is celebrated (June 24th); (1798 - 1871), or Carl Heinrich ‘Bipontinus’ Schultz (1805 - he is believed to have worn a girdle of this plant while in the 1867),• German physicianssynonym and of botanists. subsp - wilderness. The holotype, however, was collected by Boris Hieracium ( Hieracium sparsum . Stefanoff on the first of August 1926 in Bulgaria and, accord schultzianum). ing to other sources, the authors (Stojanov, Stefanoff and Turrill) would have dedicated this species to Ivan Rilski (927 244. schurii - in honour of Philipp Johann Ferdinand Schur (1799 - • Unresolved name - 968), also known as Saint John of Rila, patron saint of the 1878), an Austrian-German botanist and chemist. - great• and famous Orthodox Rila Monastery, Bulgaria. Koeleria ( ) The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2012-03-23) which re Anthemis (St. John’s chamomile). Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 60: ports it as a synonym (record 421741) with original 90 1968 235. sartorianus, a, um - in honour of Joseph Sartori (1809 - 1885), publication details: • Accepted name a Greek physician, pharmacist and botanist of German origin. . • Accepted name Hieracium ( ). 245. schuttleworthii - in honour of Robert James Shuttleworth Ranunculus ( ). - (1810• - 1874),Accepted an English name naturalist. 236. schachtii - named for Hermann Schacht (1814 - 1864), a Ger Typha ( ). • Accepted name man pharmacist and botanist. 246. scopolii - named for Giovanni Antonio Scopoli (sometimes Crepis ( ; Bulgarian endemic). Latinized as Johannes Antonius Scopolius) (1723 - 1788), a Tirol-born• physician and naturalist. 237. scheuchzeri - dedicated to the Swiss botanist Johann-Jacob Scrophularia (Italian figwort). Scheuchzer• (1672Accepted - 1733). name 247. sebastianii - dedicated to Francesco Antonio Sebastiani Campanula ( ). (1782• - 1821), anAccepted Italian physicianname and botanist. 238. schleicheri - in honour of Johann Christoph Schleicher (1768 Trifolium ( ). -• 1834), a SwissAccepted botanist. name 248. seguierianus, a, um - named for Jean-François Séguier (1703 • FumariaAccepted ( name ). - 1784), a French archaeologist, epigraphist, astronomer and botanist.• Rubus ( ). Euphorbia (Seguier’s spurge). - 239. schmidtii - in honour of Franz Willibald Schmidt (1764 - 1796),• a BohemianAccepted botanist. name 249. sendtneri - in honour of Otto Sendtner (1813 - 1859), a Ger man• botanist.Accepted name Hieracium ( ). Silene ( ). 240. schraderianus, a, um - in honour of Heinrich Adolph Schrader (1767• - 1836), a Germansynonym botanist of and mycologist. 250. sherardianus, a, um - dedicated to William Sherard 1659 - 1728),• an English botanist. Chenopodium ( Dysphania schraderiana). Malvella (Sherard’s mallow). Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

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251. sibthorpianus, a, um - dedicated to the English botanist Hum 260. spruneri - in honour of Wilhelm Spruner von Mertz (1805 - phrey Waldo Sibthorp (known as Humphry, 1713 - 1797), 1874), a German botanist and explorer, who collaborated in professor of Botany at Oxford, or his son John (1758 - 1796) Boissier’s• studiessynonym on the offlora of the Balkans.subsp • synonym of subsp who succeeded him in the chair and continued his work. • Anchusa ( Accepted nameAnchusa stylosa . spruneri). Buglossoides ( Buglossoides arvensis . • Astragalus Accepted( name ). • sibthorpiana).synonym of Saxifraga ( see ; Balkan endemic). Bupleurum ( Bupleurum falcatum - Sickle- • Accepted name • leaved hare’s-ear). 261. sprunerianus, a, um - spruneri. Echinophorasee (Tarhana herb, Turkish pickling herb). Ranunculus ( ). 252. sibthorpii• - sibthorpianus.synonym of 262. stefanoffii - dedicated to the academician Boris Stefanov (1894• - 1979), a Bulgariansynonym of botanist and dendrologist. • OrnithogalumAccepted ( name Ornithogalum sigmoideum). Hieracium ( Hieracium georgieffii). - Thymus ( ). - 263. stefco - in honour of Boris Stefanov (1894 - 1979), a Bulgar 253. simonkaii - named for Lájos Simonkai (1851 - 1910), a Hun ian• botanist and dendrologist. garian• botanist.synonym of Sedum (Blushing stonecrop). - Koeleria ( Koeleria glaucovirens). 264. stojanovii/stojanoffii/stojanowii - in honour of Nikolay An 254. sintenisii - in honour of Paul Ernst Emil Sintenis (1847 - dreev• Stoyanov (1883 - 1968),Accepted a Bulgarian name botanist. - 1907),• a German botanist. Alkanna stojanovii ( ; Bulgarian endem Iris (Sintenisa iris). • ic). Accepted name 255. sirjaevi(i) - named for Grigorij Ivanovič Širjaev (1882 - 1954), • Cirsium stojanoviiAccepted ( name ; Bulgarian endemic). a• Czechoslovak botanist.Accepted name • Crepis stojanovii ( Unresolved name; Balkan subendemic).- Alchemilla ( ). Festuca stojanovii ( ) The record de 256. skorpili - in honour of Václav Hermenegild Škorpil (1858 - - - rives from Tropicos (data supplied on 2012-04-18) 1923), a Czech-Bulgarian archaeologist as well as a geologist, which does not establish this name either as an accept botanist, architect and librarian, or of his brother Karel Vá • ed name or as a synonymsynonym (record of 50044103). sub- • clav Škorpil (1859Accepted - 1944). name sp Minuartia stojanovii ( Minuartia setacea • Accepted name Fritillaria ( ). • . bannatica). Unresolved name - - Silene ( ). Onosma stojanoffii ( ) The record de 257. spiridonovii - in honour of Zheko Spiridonov (1936), a Bul rives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012- - garian• lawyer, scholarsynonym ornithologist of and botanist. 03-23) which does not establish this name either as an Feddes Repert. 106: 528 1995 publ. 1996 Epipactis ( Epipactis atrorubens - Dark-red accepted name or as a synonym with original publica • Accepted name helleborine). - tion details: . • synonym of 258. spitzelii - dedicated to Anton von Spitzel (1807 - 1853), a Ba Ranunculus stojanovii ( ). varian• forester.Accepted name Silene stojanovii ( Silene saxifraga - Saxifrage • catchfly). Accepted name Orchis ( ). • Thymus stojanovii ( ). 259. sprengerianus, a, um - in honour of Carl Ludwig Sprenger Viola stojanowii (Stojanov viola). (1846• - 1917), a German botanist. 265. stribrnyi - named for Václav Stříbrný (1853 - 1933), a Picris (Bitterweed). Czech• botanist Acceptedwho worked name since 1885 in Bulgaria. Alkanna ( ). Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

• Accepted name 37

• Alyssum ( synonym of ). subsp - 274. tillaeus, a, um - in honour of Michelangelo Tilli or Michaele • Anthemis ( Anthemis macedonica . stri Angelo Tilli (1655 - 1740), an Italian physician and botanist. • brnyi; BulgarianAccepted endemic). name Crassula (Mossy stonecrop, Moss pygmyweed). - • Dianthus ( Accepted name; Balkan endemic). 275. timoleontis - dedicated to Theophile Antoine Timoleon Ter • Accepted name • Fritillaria (Accepted name). nisien (1804 - 1879), a French botanist. • Saxifraga ( Accepted name). Poa ( ). Tragopogon ( ). - 276. tommasinianus, a, um - dedicated to Muzio Giuseppe Spirito de• Tommasini (1794 - 1879), an Italian botanist. 266. tabernemontanii - named for Jacobus Theodorus Tabernae montanus (around 1522 - 1590), a German physician and Crocus (Woodland crocus, Early crocus, Tommasini’s see pharmacist,• professor of medicine and botany. crocus). • synonym of Schoenoplectus (Softstem bulrush). 277. tommasinii - tommasinianus. 267. tenoreanus, a, um - in honour of Michele Tenore (1780 - Hieracium ( Hieracium tommasinianum). 1861),• an Italian synonymbotanist. of subsp 278. tournefortii - named for Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (1656 - • Cerastium ( Cerastium brachypetalum . 1708), a French physician and botanist. tenoreanum). Celtis (Oriental hackberry). 268. thalianus, a, um - dedicated to Johannes Thal or Thalius 279. triumfetti - in honour of Giovanni Battista Trionfetti (1656 (1542/3• - 1583), a German physician and botanist. - 1708), an Italian naturalist who has been a director of the • synonym of Arabidopsis (Thale cress, Mouse-ear cress). Botanical Garden of Rome. • 269. theophrasti - in honour of Theophrastus of Eresos Anthemis ( Cota triumfetti). (Θεόφραστος) (371 - 287 BC), the successor to Aristotle Centaurea (Squarrose knapweed). in the Peripatetic school and author of important works of 280. turrillianus, a, um - named for William Bertram Turrill (1890 Botany.• -• 1961), an EnglishAccepted botanist. name • Abutilon (Velvetleaf,Accepted name Velvet plant). Veronica ( ; Balkan endemic). Hesperis ( ). th 281. tzar-borisii - in honour of Boris III, originally Boris Klemens 270. thirkei• - in honoursynonym of Dr. Thirke of (19 century). Robert Maria Pius Ludwig Stanislaus Xaver (1894 - 1943), • Unresolved name Centaurea ( Cyanus thirkei). Tsar of Bulgaria from 1918 until his death. th 271. thoermeri - dedicated to O. Thoermer (19 century), who Verbascum ( ; literally: Mullein of Tzar Boris; Bulgarian endemic) The record derives performed extensive floristic collections in Russia in the - • from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-26) years 1835 - 1836.Accepted name - which does not establish this name either as an accept Carduus ( ) ed name or as a synonym with original publication de 272. thomasii - in honour of Charles-François-Louis-Alexandre tails: in Fl. Nar. Republ. Bulgariya 10: 50 1995. Thomas (1784 - 1823), a Swiss, forest ranger and director of 282. tzar-ferdinandii - named for Ferdinand Maximilian Karl a• rock salt mineAccepted in the Cosenzaname area. Leopold Maria of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1861 - 1948), the - Juncus ( ). second monarch of the Third Bulgarian State (1887 - 1918); 273. thuretii - in honour of Gustave Adolphe Thuret (1817 - 1875), known also as an author, botanist, entomologist, and philat a• French botanistsynonym and mycologist. of subsp elist. Fumaria ( Fumaria petteri . thuretii).

Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

• Unresolved name • synonym of subsp 38 -

Jurinea ( ; literally: Jurinea of Tzar Thymus ( Thymus praecox . polyt Ferdinand; Balkan endemic) The record derives richus). - from TICA (data supplied on 2012-02-11) which does 289. velchevii/velcevii - named for Velcho Velchev (1928), a Bul not establish this name either as an accepted name or garian• botanist. Unresolved name as a synonym (record B4A11F7F-CCA3-4388-B471- Salix velchevii ( ) The record derives 1E4184E58B05) with original publication details: 1909. - from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-26) - 283. uechtritzianus, a, um - in honour of Rudolf Karl Friedrich von which does not establish this name either as an accept • Accepted name Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae 75: 145 2006 Uechtritz (1838 - 1886), a German botanist. ed name or as a synonym with original publication de • Bupleurum ( synonym of). • tails: synonym of . Lepidotrichum ( Aurinia uechtritziana). Silene velcevii ( Silene saxifraga - Saxifrage 284. urumoffii/urumovii - named for Ivan Kirov Urumov (1856 - catchfly). - 1937),• a Bulgarian botanist.Accepted name 290. velenovskyanus, a, um - in honour of Josef Velenovský (1858 • Chondrilla urumoffiiAccepted ( name ; Balkan endemic). - 1949), a Czech botanist, mycologist, pteridologist, and bry ologist.• (synonym of • Dianthus urumoffii ( Accepted name). Silene see Silene sendtneri). • Hieracium urumoffii (Accepted name ). - 291. velenovskyi• - synonym velenovskyanus. of Oxytropis urumovii ( ; Bulgarian endem • synonym of • ic). Anchusa ( Anchusa officinalis). • synonym of • Tulipa urumoffii (Urumov’sUnresolved tulip). name - Centaurea ( Cyanus velenovskyi). • Accepted name Verbascum urumoffii ( ; Bulgarian en Cerastium ( Cerastium gracile). demic) The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data • Galium ( ). subsp supplied on 2012-03-26) which does not establish this • - Fl. Bulg. ed. 2: 911 1933 Hieracium (Hieraciumsynonym of djimilense . velenovskyi).subsp name either as an accepted name or as a synonym with original publication details: . Scutellaria ( Scutellaria albida . vele • novskyi). Accepted name 285. urvillei - in honour of Jules Sébastien César Dumont d’Urville (1790• - 1842),Accepted a French name explorer, botanist and cartographer. Trifolium ( ). - Sedum ( ). 292. villarii - in honour of Domínique Villars or Villar (1745 - 1814), a French botanist, pteridologist, mycologist and al 286. vaillantii - dedicated to Sébastien Vaillant (1669 - 1722), a gologist.• French• botanist, a precursor of Linnaeus. Dryopteris (Rigid buckler fern). Fumaria (Few-flowered fumitory). 293. virgilianus, a, um - in honour of Publius Vergilius Maro (70 - 287. valerandii - named after Dourez Valerand (~1530 - ~ 1571), 19• a.C.), Latin poet and naturalist. a• French botanist. Quercus (Virgil’s oak). Samolus (Seaside brookweed, Water cabbage). 294. visianii - dedicated to Roberto de Visiani (1800 - 1878), an 288. vandasii - in honour of Karel (Karl) Vandas (1861 - 1923), a Italian• botanist.Accepted name Czech• botanist. Accepted name Onosma ( ). • Centaurea ( synonym of ). subsp 295. wagenitzianus, a, um - named for Gerhard Wagenitz (1927 - Hieracium ( Hieracium lazistanum . 2017),• a German Unclearbotanist. name status • vandasii).synonym of Centaurea ( ). Muscari ( Muscari neglectum).

Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames


296. wagneri - probably named for János (Johannes) Wagner 307. wolffii - in honour of Karl Friedrich August Hermann Wolff (1870• - 1955), a HungarianAccepted namebotanist and dendrologist. (1866• - 1929), a GermanAccepted veterinarian name and botanist. Rhinanthus ( ). Hieracium ( ). - 297. waldsteinianus, a, um - in honour of Count Franz de Paula 308. zeleborii - in honour of Johann Zelebor (1819 - 1869), an - Adam Norbert Wenzel Ludwig Valentin von Waldstein-Wart Austrian• naturalist, illustrator and zoologist. enburg (1759 - 1823), an Austrian soldier, explorer and natu Sempervivum (Hen and chicks). ralist.• 309. zollikoferi - dedicated to Caspar Tobias Zollikofer (1774 - see Salix (Waldstein’s willow). 1843),• a Swisssynonym botanist andof pharmacist. - • Accepted name 298. waldsteinii - waldsteinianus. Sedum ( Sedum annuum - Annual stone Silene ( ). crop). Synonyms with specific epithet used formerly as a subspecies 299. wanneri - probably named after Atreus Wanner (1852 - or variety 1938),• an American palaeontologist.synonym of - synonym of subsp Symphyandra ( Campanula wanneri - Wan 1. Anchusa spruneri ( Anchusa stylosa . ner’s harebell). spruneri). synonym of 300. webbianus, a, um - in honour of Philip Barker-Webb (1793 - subsp 2. Anthemis stribrnyi ( Anthemis macedonica 1854),• an EnglishAccepted botanist. name . stribrnyi). synonym of var - Scabiosasee ( ). 3. Arabis hornungiana ( Arabis hirsuta . hor 301. webbii• - webbianus.synonym of nungiana). synonym of subsp Allium ( Allium flavum - Small yellow onion, 4. Avena wiestii ( synonymAvena barbataof . wiestii).sub- Yellow-flowered garlic). - sp 5. Betonica haussknechtii ( Stachys officinalis 302. welcevii - named for Velcho Velchev (1928), a Bulgarian bota . haussknechtii). synonym of subsp - nist.• Accepted name 6. Brassica jordanoffii ( Brassica nivalis . jor Erysimum ( ). danoffii). synonym of - - subsp 303. werneri - probably in honour of William C. Werner (1851 - 7. Buglossoides sibthorpiana ( Buglossoides ar 1935), United States florist and plant collector (further clari vensis . sibthorpiana).synonym of Cardamine fication• needed). synonym of subsp - subsp 8. Cardamine matthioli ( pratensis

Hieracium ( Hieracium sparsum . wer . matthioli). synonym of subsp neri). 9. Centaurea davidovii ( Centaurea nervosa . 304. wierzbickii - in honour of Piotr Pawlus Wierzbicki (1794 - davidovii; Bulgarian endemic).synonym of 1847),• a botanistAccepted from Banat. name subsp 10. Centranthus kellereri ( Centranthus longiflorus Alyssum ( ). . kellereri). synonym of subsp 305. wiestii - in honour of Anton Wiest (1801 - 1835), a German 11. Cerastium roeseri ( Cerastium brachypetalum physician• andsynonym botanist. of subsp - . roeseri). synonym of - subsp Avena ( Avena barbata . wiestii - Wi 12. Cerastium tenoreanum ( Cerastium brachy esti’s barbed oat). petalum . tenoreanum).synonym of subsp 306. wilmottianus, a, um - named for Alfred James Wilmott (1888 13. Chamaecytisus heuffelii ( Cytisus austriacus -• 1950), an EnglishAccepted botanist. name . heuffelii). syn- onym of var Astragalus ( ; Balkan endemic). 14. Chamaecytisus rochelii ( Cytisus austriacus . rochelii). Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

synonym of subsp synonym of subsp 40

15. Corydalis marschalliana ( Corydalis cava . 36. Thymus jankae ( Thymus praecox . jankae). Conclusion marschalliana). Dianthus subsp dre- nowskianus 16. Dianthus drenowskyanus ( gracilis . - synonym of subsp The specific epithets derived from names or surnames form an ). - important part of specific epithets at all. They do not just pay hon 17. Dianthus noeanus ( Dianthus petraeus . our to one or other person but often enrich and deepen the knowl noeanus). synonym of edge of the species through additional connotations and details. subsp 18. Dianthus pontederae ( Dianthus giganteiformis The synonymous names, in which these epithets formerly used to . pontederae). synonym of sub- mean a taxon of a lower rank, also contribute in this regard. The in- sp 19. Euphorbia niciciana ( Euphorbia seguieriana depth follow-up of the stages in the development of the naming of a . niciciana). synonym of subsp given species supplements the information and the overall concept of this species [1-30]. 20. Fumaria thuretii ( Fumariasynonym petteri of . thuretii).- subsp 21. Hieracium ferdinandii-regis ( Hieracium naege That is why is important and useful to be paid attention to the lianum . ferdinandi-regis).synonym of sub- specific epithets derived from names and surnames along with the sp 22. Hieracium grisebachii ( Hieracium sparsum Bibliographyothers that reveal particular details and features of the plants. . grisebachii). subsp et al

23. Hieracium kittaniae (Hieracium bifidum . kittaniae; 1. Assyov B., . “Conspectus of the Bulgarian vascular flora: Bulgarian endemic).synonym of subsp Distribution maps and floristic elements”. Fourth revised and enlarged edition. BSBCP, Sofia (2012): 490. 24. Hieracium marotii ( Hieracium lazistanum . synonym of marotii). 2. Brummitt RK and Powell CE. “Authors of plant names. A list subsp 25. Hieracium schultzianum ( Hieracium sparsum of authors of scientific names of plants, with recommended . schultzianum).(synonym of standard form of their names including abbreviations”. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1992): 4, 732. 26. Hieracium stefanoffiisynonym of Hieracium georgieffii).subsp 3. Castiglioni L and S Mariotti. “Vocabolario della Lingua Latina”. 27. Hieracium vandasii ( Hieracium lazistanum . Loescher Editore - Quarta edizione, Torino (2007): 2272. - vandasii). Hieracium subsp - 28. Hieracium velenovskyi ( djimilense . vele 4. Clifford H Trevor and Peter D Bostock. “Etymological Diction ary of Grasses”. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2007): novskyi). sub- 319. sp 29. Hieracium werneri (synonym of Hieracium sparsum . werneri). synonym of - 5. Glare PGW. “Oxford Latin Dictionary”. Glarendon Press, Oxford lum subsp (1982): 2126. 30. Ornithogalum kochii ( Ornithogalum orthophyl . kochii). synonym of - 6. Kitanov B. “Botanicheski rechnik”. Izd-vo “Petar Beron”, Sofia subsp (1994): 144. 31. Pedicularis grisebachii ( Pedicularis brachyodon ta . grisebachii). synonym 7. Kozhuharov S. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. VIII. Izd. BAN, Sofia 32. Polypodium mantoniae ( : Polypodium interjectum x (1982): 520. - P. vulgare (P. x mantoniaesynonym Rothm.). of subsp 8. Kozhuharov S. “Flora na Republika Balgaria”. Т. X. Izd. BAN, So 33. Scutellaria velenovskyi ( Scutellaria albida . fia (1995): 431. velenovskyi). synonym of 9. Kuzmanov B. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. IX Izd. BAN, Sofia 34. Sedum kostovii ( Sedum grisebachii; Bulgarian (1989): 541. endemic). s subsp - 10. Kuzmanov B. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. VII. Izd. BAN, Sofia 35. Stachys baldaccii ( ynonym of Stachys recta . baldac (1979): 530. Citation:cii). . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41. Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames

41 Assets from publication with us 11. Peev D. “Flora na Republika Balgaria”. Т. XI. Izd. BAN, Sofia (2012): 525. • • Prompt Acknowledgement after receiving the article 12. Peev D. “Chervena kniga na Republika Balgaria”. T. 1. Rastenia • i gabi. IBEI - BAN & MOSV, Sofia (2015): 887. Thorough Double blinded peer review - • Rapid Publication • 13. Strasburger’s Textbook of Botany. Longman Group Ltd., Lon Issue of Publication Certificate don (1976): 877. Website:High visibility of your Published work Submit Article: 14. Yordanov D. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. VI. Izd. BAN, Sofia Email us: (1976): 592. Contact us: [email protected] 15. Yordanov D. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. I. Izd. BAN, Sofia (1963): 509. +91 9182824667

16. Yordanov D. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. II Izd. BAN, Sofia (1964): 426.

17. Yordanov D. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. III. Izd. BAN, Sofia (1966): 638.

18. Yordanov D. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. IV. Izd. BAN, Sofia (1970): 748.

19. Yordanov D. “Flora na NR Balgaria”. Т. V. Izd. BAN, Sofia (1973): 444. th 20. Zander R. Dictionary Plant Names. Plant Press. 19 Edition (2014): 990.

21. Acta Plantarum, from 2007 on - “Etimologia dei nomi botanici e micologici” (2020).

22. Dave’s Garden.

23. Encyclopedia of Life (2018). -

24. iNaturalist, a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sci ences and the National Geographic Society.

25. Les Jardins dy Gué.

26. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

27. The Bulgarian flora online.

28. The International Plant Names Index (IPNI) (2008).

29. (TPL). Version 1 (2010). - - 30. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). Elec tronic version of the original English text. adopted by the Sev enteenth International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria (2005).

Citation: . Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Iliana Ilieva “Specific Epithets Derived by Own Names and Surnames”. 1.8 (2020): 21-41.