PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Martinsburg, WV Reston PERMIT #86 Attention Postmaster: Time sensitive material. Requested in home 01-15-09 Small Businesses Defy Recession News, Page 4

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Faith, Page 7

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Calendar, Page 11

Arjun Nowlakha, the owner of Metro Printing Center in Reston, will celebrate his 20-year anniversary for the printing company this year.

Opinion, Page 6

Stream Restoration

e L. Plummer/The Connection Plans Adjusted News, Page 3 More Ways to Have Fun Entertainment, Page 10

Photo by Janell Photo

www.ConnectionNewspapers.comJanuary 14-20, 2009 ❖ Volume XXIII, Number 2 Read us online at connectionnewspapers.comReston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 Reston Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-917-6451 or [email protected] Stream Restoration Plans Adjusted Howell Goes WSSI attempts to To Richmond minimize tree removal. Senator discusses bills ollowing public outcry over the number of trees that were taken she plans to introduce. Fdown during the restoration of the tate Sen. Janet lower portion of the Snakeden Howell (D-32) Watershed, Wetland Studies and Solutions S headed to Rich- Inc. (WSSI) has revised plans for the pend- mond Jan. 11 for the ing restoration of the Glade Watershed. 2009 General WSSI president Mike Rolband said plans Assembly session. The were adjusted to save as many trees as pos- following are a few of sible. “I’m trying to find the most palatable the bills she plans to solution,” he said. introduce in the state Plans for restoration of the first three of legislature. Howell the Glade’s six “reaches” will be up for ap- proval by the Reston Association’s Design “No Excuse” Absentee Voting – A bill Review Board Jan. 27.

Contributed that has been publicly backed by Gov. Tim Kaine (D), this legislation would allow THE COMPANY conducted a wildlife habi- people to vote early at in-person locations tat evaluation of the watershed and has without having to “qualify” for an absentee adjusted the limits of construction to avoid ballot. Currently, residents must provide one important habitats as much as possible, of 10 stated reasons — such as being away Yellow space around the streams indicates the limits of construction on Rolband said. Also, he said, the company at school, sickly or stationed with the mili- Glade reaches 1 and 1A. The map on the left is the original plan and the has delineated its exact access routes and tary overseas — to vote in-person before map on the right represents the revised plan. The construction area was construction areas and marked all trees that election day. shaved from 2.9 acres down to 2.1 acres. are to be removed so that citizens will know Howell said she has introduced this bill what to expect. Where water comes from in the past, but feels it will have more trac- drainpipes, the streambed cannot be raised popular with fireflies. “We were going to Snakeden Watershed had protested when tion this year, given Kaine’s support and the as is being done elsewhere, so workers will go there because there are no trees, but workers at first used the trails there, he said record-breaking number of residents who now put up walls around the ends of those because of the fireflies we’ll now not go that neighbors of the Glade seemed to prefer voted absentee in the November 2008 elec- pipes rather than widening the streambed direction and use a different access route,” closing the trails to taking down trees. tion. to accommodate the flow. And a couple of Rolband said, noting that workers instead Rolband noted that restoration of the the bridges that are being replaced are to would simply “truck it a lot further.” Glade watershed would never have re- Tobacco Tax Increase – In another be moved, so as not to disturb trees that On Reach 2, the company eliminated sembled the sort of large-scale work that measure supported by the governor, Howell have grown up around them since their plans for a section that was some dis- was done along the badly eroded lower will introduce legislation that includes a 30- original construction. tance away from the main stream, in or- reaches of the Snakeden. “It’s just a totally cent tax increase per pack of cigarettes, Along the first reach, WSSI now plans to der to avoid clearing a lot of trees for an different scale,” he said. bringing the total tax up to 60 cents per use the swimming pool and tennis court access route, and a planned construction Asked if he had encountered such oppo- pack. parking lots to house equipment, rather entrance and stockpile area were ad- sition from residents before, Rolband said According to the state senator, Virginia than clearing an area. “Originally, people justed to avoid a spot where lady slip- he had never run up against such resistance would still fall well below the national av- didn’t want us to shut the tennis court park- pers grow. as he has in Reston in the 18 years he has erage for a cigarette pack tax, which is ing lot down,” Rolband said, noting that a been in business. But, he acknowledged, $1.11. The measure is meant to raise $147 few people still were not pleased with the THE MOST SIGNIFICANT change, par- “We are in people’s backyard and it’s dis- million to help cover health-care costs in arrangement. ticularly along the third reach, Rolband said, concerting to have change.” the state budget. Plans for another stockpile area, as well is that workers will now close down exist- He also said WSSI had received “an amaz- Howell expects challenges to the legisla- as an access route, around Reach 3 were ing trails and use them for access whenever ing number” of phone calls and e-mails from tion, particularly from Republicans in the also struck after residents pointed out that possible, rather than clearing access routes. Reston residents who supported the project. House of Delegates. the place planned to house equipment was Although some residents around the — Mike DiCicco “The speaker has already said it is dead on arrival in the house,” said Howell. Assessment Increase a ‘Compromise’ Gun Show “Loophole” – The bill would require all people selling guns at gun due to the current economic downturn, the association is anticipating less of a payoff shows to perform a background check on Reston Association rate would have had to rise to $500 to keep from its investments than it expected a year the person purchasing their weapon. Cur- raises planned assess- all other expectations on track. ago. Also, falling real estate assessments rently, only licensed dealers must perform After long debate at a meeting on Dec. mean more households will qualify for the background checks before selling a gun at ment to cover losses; 18, the Reston Association Board voted to Reston Association’s reduced rate, and a a gun show. compromise, and raised the assessment to rising number of foreclosures could impact Survivors of the Virginia Tech shootings reserves take a hit. $491. A two-thirds vote was required and collection of the dues. and the families of the victims have pushed the motion passed, with a 6-3 vote. At the meeting, board member Joe hard for this measure, even though Seung- By Mike DiCicco Leighton (At Large), who opposed the in- Hui Cho, the shooter, bought his gun from The Connection THE ASSOCIATION is anticipating rev- crease, pointed out that any increase would a licensed dealer and not at a gun show. enue losses on a number of fronts, presi- represent the first time in the association’s This legislation is perennial and typically ore than a year ago, when the dent Robin Smyers explained in a later in- history that the second year of a two-year fails to pass out of committee. However MReston Association set its bud- terview. Subsidies from the federal Depart- budget was amended before the year be- Howell said there has been some more get for 2008 and 2009, the an- ment of Housing and Urban Development gan. movement toward negotiations by people nual “assessment” due from residents was for the Hunters Woods and Lake Anne Fel- “I think we’re being proactive,” Reston who typically vote against it. to rise from $475 in 2008 to $483 this year. lowship Houses and the Tall Oaks assisted Association chief financial officer David However, with a budget shortfall projected living facility are to fall by $57,300. The See Assessment Page 15 — Julia O’Donoghue Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 3 News Small Businesses Defy Recession Metro Printing Photo by

Center celebrates L. Plummer Janelle 20 years in Reston.

By Janelle L. Plummer The Connection

rjun Nowlakha is no /The Connection stranger in Reston and A the recession is not hurting him at all. Nowlakha, the owner of Metro Printing Center in Reston, will cel- ebrate 20th anniversary for the printing company this year. From left, Jana Zacharova, manager, Arjun Nowlakha, “I care about my customers,” the owner of Metro Printing Center, and Sabina Skulska, Nowlakha said. “They are here for assistant manager, work together on a printing project a purpose and my job is to make Thursday, Jan. 8. sure they get what they want.” Nowlakha said everyone is Total Body Design is an aware that the economy is “To survive in the endermologie and natural body weakening. He offers tips for shaping studio with a focus on survival. stressful economy is to holistic health, according to the “To survive in the stressful company’s Web site. economy is to make adjust- make adjustments.” Bauer said the incoming ments,” he said, “and being pro- — Arjun Nowlakha Obama-Biden administration ductive not too back off on will not do anything within 18 marketing is the key to success.” Development Program, Town of months. Herndon, the World Health Orga- “Truthfully, I think this is going NOWLAKHA said, take a look at nization, The Medical Team and to take a long time,” Bauer said. McDonald’s: They are always of- The Dental Arts Center. “People that have a lot of money fering something new. Nowlakha also does printing for will get wealthier. It is hard to turn “That’s my philosophy, to follow Vice President Richard B. Cheney’s the Titanic around. Small busi- McDonald’s marketing strategy,” office in Washington, D.C. He said nesses like this will drop like flies.” he said. he hopes he will continue print- Nowlakha said he is the only ing for the incoming Vice Presi- ANDREAS DIMITRIOU, the print shop survivor left in Reston. dent-elect Joe Biden. owner of Mykonos Restaurant in He said at least nine print shops Nowlakha’s neighbor at Total Reston, said the economy can only have opened and closed over the Body Design Center said people get worse in a short run. last 20 years. are cutting back on luxury ser- “It’s going to get better,” “I feel the next six months is vices. Dimitriou said, “but it’s going to going to be bad for everyone,” he take awhile. I would say a couple said. “Mr. Obama has some great LISA BAUER, the owner of Total of years.” plans. The effect will come six to Body Design Center in Reston, said Dimitriou said overall his busi- eight months from now. He is do- phones are not ringing at her busi- ness is doing well. He said because ing his best to boost the economy.” ness. of where he is located the reces- Metro Printing Center has a va- “It’s no surprise,” Bauer said. sion has not affected him that riety of customers, which include “Luxury items go first, unless you much. local businesses in Reston. Some are super wealthy. The first thing “We have to continue to give of his clients include Northrop and you learn in business is to cut back good food, good services and take Grumman, the United Nations on disposable spending.” care of our clients,” Dimitriou said.

4 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 Opinion THIS IS “PERCY” A Rex rabbit, neutered male. Percy is the General Assembly Underway softest rabbit you will ever feel. He likes to By Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum For the past three explore and hop State Delegate (D-36) years I have led a around. With some campaign to require am in Richmond for the annual session of the the recording of votes love and patience General Assembly. In the odd-numbered years in subcommittee. he will make a Ithe state legislature is required by the consti- Nearly a third of leg- wonderful pet. tution to meet for 30 days. In the even-num- islation introduced in bered years the session is 60 days. The constitution recent years has been HUMANE SOCIETY provides that sessions may be extended in length. defeated in subcom- OF FAIRFAX COUNTY The short session is always extended; this year it will mittees without re- Hours: Monday-Friday 10-4 and Saturday 10-3. be 46 days. With the volume of work corded votes. This 4057 Chain Bridge Rd., Fairfax, VA 22030 • 703-385-7387 Richmond that is done, it is surprising for many year I enlisted the Report to realize that prior to 1971 the state support of nearly a lawmaking body only met every other hundred statewide or- year. ganizations and I live in Richmond during the weeks of the session groups who sup- in a small apartment in historic Church Hill. I get ported the effort to Now! Complete Print Editions home most weekends. The legislative days are bring transparency to the legislative process. I am lengthy starting sometimes as early as 7 a.m. but pleased that the Speaker of the House has announced Online! every day I am in my office no later than 8 a.m. and that recorded votes will be required in subcommit- most days earlier. The work day often extends into tees this year. My thanks to the organizations and The full print editions of all 17 the evening and every evening there are many so- groups that joined in this effort. Connection Newspapers are cial events. Even the social events are important to To contact me in Richmond during the legislative now available on our Web Site the process as they provide a place for members to session, please write to me at P.O. Box 406, Rich- informally discuss issues and share information. mond, VA 23218. You can continue to phone me at in PDF format, page by page, During the session this column space will be de- 703-758-9733, as my Reston phone will be forwarded identical to our weekly voted to highlighting major issues. It in no way can to my Richmond office, or leave me a message on newsprint editions, including be a running commentary on the legislative session the Constituent Viewpoint line at 1-800-889-0229. print advertising. Go to as the pace is so fast and complex. Follow the legis- E-mail me at [email protected]. I really appreciate lative schedule by going to hearing from constituents. and click on “Print Editions.” Week in Reston MPRINT EDITIONS


Security camera footage of the robbery.

Robbery at BB&T Bank A 52-year-old Ashburn woman working as a teller at the BB&T Bank, 11100 South Lakes Drive in Reston, was robbed, Friday, Jan. 9, shortly before 6 p.m., when a man produced a handgun and demanded money, according to police. An undisclosed amount of cash was handed over and nobody was injured. The suspect fled on foot through a pedestrian tunnel that crosses under South Lakes Drive. The suspect was described as a 5-foot-7-inch black male with a thin build. He was wearing a black, hooded jacket, tan pants, white tennis shoes, a knit hat and a scarf covering his face. Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411-TIPS/8477, e-mail at or text “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131. Armed Robbery in Reston A 17-year-old Reston boy was robbed at gunpoint Monday, Jan. 12, according to police. The victim was on a path around 8 p.m. near , 11400 South Lakes Drive, and saw five men walk- ing toward him. As he passed by, one of them reportedly pushed him to See Week in Reston, Page 19 Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 5 Opinion Newspaper of Reston An independent, locally owned weekly It’s Not Grade Inflation newspaper delivered to homes and businesses. instead of an A; it takes a 94 for an A, and a 64 and these small differences can have a dramatic Fairfax and Loudoun 7913 Westpark Drive to pass. affect on a student’s college experience. McLean, Virginia 22102 While most comparable school systems of- Giving extra weight for the extra rigor and should change to NEWS DEPARTMENT: fer extra points for Advanced Placement, In- work of AP and IB classes is also critical for To discuss ideas and concerns, ternational Baccalaureate and some honors our students. Call: 703-917-6444 10-point grading, add Fax: 703-917-0991 classes, Fairfax has not been doing so. Fairfax County also should ensure that its e-mail: weight for advanced Will changing the grading scale mean that graduates arrive at college with the most col- [email protected] more students from Fairfax County will head lege credit possible for their college level stud- Kemal Kurspahic classes; over 90 to Harvard? Not at all; many top colleges make ies in high school. Students taking IB exams Editor ❖ 703-917-6428 their own adjustments to applicants’ grade should also take the most similar AP exam. In [email protected] percent is an A. point averages, but not all. While it’s easy for many cases, no additional preparation is re- Justin Fanizzi Editorial Assistant some to dismiss this push on helicopter par- quired. While IB courses are just as rigorous 703-917-6437 ents who would do anything to further the as AP classes and should result in college credit [email protected] airfax County Public Schools, along success of their gifted children, there are some for the students who have successfully com- Mirza Kurspahic Community Reporter with Loudoun County schools, have important issues at stake. pleted them based on test scores, many col- 703-917-6452 Fbeen grading students in a way that There is no question that a lower grade leges do not yet recognize IB test scores for [email protected] puts them at a disadvantage for schol- point average as reported by an applicant’s credit. Julia O’Donoghue Education & Politics arships, college admissions and college credit school can result in fewer opportunities for But a student who scores well on the IB test 703-917-6433 compared to other similar school systems. merit scholarships. Given the cost of college will likely score just as well on the most simi- [email protected] Right now there is a proposal on the tuition and the economic challenges lar AP test, and almost every college will give Ken Moore table in Fairfax that would remedy facing all families right now, putting credit for high AP scores. Courts & Projects ❖ 703-917-6417 Editorial [email protected] many of these concerns, and the school Fairfax students at a disadvantage for Again this is not a nicety for parents to brag Rich Sanders board should take this opportunity to scholarship money is unfair and un- about or students to put on their resumé. Ar- Sports Editor ❖ 703-917-6439 do so. wise. riving as a freshman in college with college [email protected] Fairfax has been grading students on a six And at the margins, how the schools calcu- credit gives students a leg up on more ad- ADVERTISING: point scale, meaning that a student scoring late and report a grade point average could vanced coursework, and can in some cases re- To place an advertisement, call the ad more than 90 points out of 100 could get a B department between 9 a.m. and affect which colleges accept a given applicant, duce the cost of college by a semester or more. 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. Display ads 703-821-5050 Classified ads 703-917-6400 Relax, Exhale, Revel in Bigger Picture Employment ads 703-917-6464 Winslow Wacker Display Advertising Reston 703-917-6473 Detailed plans for at considerable ex- tastefully planted. Andrea Smith Town Center never pense, since they The RA staff’s and the Classified Advertising, 703-917-6401 founder reflects [email protected] could have been pre- could not be pulled contractor’s reaction to the ex- Barbara Parkinson on stream resto- pared in 1963 when out without uproot- pressed outrage could not have Employment Advertising Reston’s Master Plan ing the trees and been more encouraging. Rather 703-917-6418 [email protected] ration debate. was submitted for ap- therefore had to be than going on the defensive, they proval; Town Center clipped at ground have pledged to provide more in- Editor & Publisher Mary Kimm plans were started level. teraction with those closest to the 703-917-6416 f ever there was an example over 20 years later. 4. Comments that work on successive sections of the [email protected] While concept plans I actually heard at a streams. Iof the saying, “You can’t Editor in Chief please all of the people all of for the entire project meeting on Dec. 16: It is timely for us to relax, ex- Steven Mauren By Bob Simon Managing Editors the time,” it is the $70,000,000 have been submitted “Fire the RA staff!” hale, and revel in the bigger pic- Steve Hibbard, Michael O’Connell, Reston stream restoration project. and approved (analo- Founder “Fire the contractor!” ture, our very good fortune in hav- Kemal Kurspahic Photography: As far as I know, no one has ques- gous to Reston’s Mas- “Follow the money!” ing our streams get the work es- Robbie Hammer, Louise Krafft, tioned the necessity to counter the ter Plan) detailed Such hysteria is sential to restore them at effec- Craig Sterbutzel Art/Design: serious erosion of these streams. plans for the last phase of stream shameful, particularly in view of tively no cost to us. We and future Zohra Aslami, Geovani Flores, And no one can possibly fail to be restoration will only come years the contractor’s exemplary creden- generations of Restonians are the Laurence Foong, John Heinly, John Smith, Stu Moll, grateful for Chuck Veatch having from now, taking into account the tials, meticulous preparation, and beneficiaries of this arrangement. Wayne Shipp arranged for the provision of those then existing conditions that will availability to concerned citizens, Production Manager: funds by a source outside of undoubtedly differ from today’s not to mention the years of dedi- Jean Card Reston. conditions. cated service by RA staff. CIRCULATION: 703-917-6480 The uproar on the subject by 2. The project should not have As to the valid criticism: A stand Write Circulation Manager: Linda Pecquex members of our community has been started without objective, out- of mature trees was clear cut. In The Connection welcomes [email protected] stemmed from about how the side analysis and should not con- order to get the heavy equipment views on any public issue. work has been done to date and tinue without responsible supervi- in that would be needed to carry The deadline for all CONNECTION NEWSPAPERS, material is noon Friday. L.L.C. how it will be continued to be sion. Not only has RA’s staff been on the work at this particular lo- Peter Labovitz Letters must be signed. President/CEO done in the future. The criticisms intimately involved every step of cation, either trees would need to Include home address and the way, but Federal, State and be sacrificed or a section of paved home and business numbers. Mary Kimm have ranged from worthy of atten- Publisher/Chief Operating Officer tion to outlandish. I should like to County representatives have re- pathway would need to be torn up. Letters are routinely edited 703-917-6416 for libel, grammar, good [email protected] deal briefly with some of these viewed the plans and the work In retrospect, the wrong choice taste and factual errors. Send criticisms. with care and fulsome praise. was made; the trees were cut to: Jerry Vernon Executive Vice President First, the outlandish … 3. Each newly planted tree should down. It will take years for newly 703-917-6404 1. The project should not have be encircled by wire guards against planted trees to replace those that Letters to the Editor [email protected] The Connection been started and should not be al- foraging deer. Best information is were cut, whereas the pathway Wesley DeBrosse 7913 Westpark Drive Controller lowed to continue until detailed that such guards do more harm could have been restored when the McLean, Va. 22102 Call: 703-917-6444. Debbie Funk designs for the entire project have than good. Some time ago, a equipment was removed. It is truly National Sales, 703-518-4631 Reston community objected to unfortunate, but now done. Nev- By fax: 703-917-0991. [email protected] been submitted and approved by ap- By e-mail: propriate authorities, the same pro- such guards that had been in- ertheless, with the work finished, [email protected] John Lovaas cedure as was followed for the de- stalled in neighboring woods. Ac- the scene will be beautiful with the Special Assistant for Operations velopment of Reston. This is wrong. cordingly they were removed and stream restored and the open area 6 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 People

Laurence Malone of Reston turned 100 on Jan. 3. Malone stated that his wish was to have “pan fried oysters from McCormick & Schmick’s” for his birthday. So, McCormick & Schmick’s general manager, Melody Casbarian, and Chef Franklin Campos, went to the Malone home where they prepared and presented two dozen oysters and a com- memorative menu to Reston’s latest centenarian.

Reston resident Raymond Roy Muriuki Kago is among the 283 stu- dents named to the fall 2008 Home Improvements and Repairs that Always Get an A+ Dean’s List at The University of Fully Insured Class A Contractor Virginia’s College at Wise. Students named to the Dean’s List earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale with no grades below “C” and were enrolled in at least 12 credit hours.

Milton Matthews was appointed by Gov. Tim Kaine (D) to serve on the Virginia Common Interest Community Board. Matthews has been Reston Association’s CEO since the fall of 2004 and has an extensive background in city management, administration, opera- tions and finance for communities ranging in size from 23,000 to more than 1 million.

Kristen Mancini of Reston was named as a recipient of the Freedom Alliance Scholarship for children of U.S. service members who have been killed or permanently disabled in an opera- tional mission or training accident. Mancini, a senior at American Univer- sity, is pursuing a degree in psychology. Mancini is a recipient of the Freedom Alliance Scholarship for the fourth straight year.

703-691-7999 Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 7 The County Line Candidates Look at Raising Tax Rate houses up and selling them. Bulova, Herrity take different approaches on other budget issues. The foreclosure crisis has a direct impact By Julia O’Donoghue on the county budget since Fairfax County PATRICK HERRITY (R) SHARON BULOVA (D) The Connection acquires the bulk of its revenue through Age: 48 Age: 60 Current Home: Clifton/ Current Home: The residential real estate taxes and those col- oth major political party candi- Centreville Cloisters of Fairfax lections are linked to home value and as- Hometown/Grew Up In: Hometown/Grew Up In: sessment. dates for Fairfax County chairman Springfield, Va. Pikesville, Md. agree the Board of Supervisors Education: Virginia Tech., Education: University of B B.S. in Accounting Virginia (classes via Fort HERRITY, who is one of just two Republi- will have to at least consider rais- (1982) Belvoir extension campus), cans on the Board of Supervisors, is more ing homeowners real estate tax rate to ad- Family: Wife Nancy and Northern Virginia dress the locality’s looming budget crisis two high school children Community College, critical of the way Fairfax has handled its next year. Professional business management budget crisis. experience: chief (1977) The county should have been more will- “When we adopt a budget, there will be financial officer at Arrowhead Global Solutions, Family: husband Lou DeFalaise, two adult a reconciliation to close the projected short- government contractor (2005- present) children, three grandchildren ing to make cuts in its current budget cycle fall and it will include a discussion of a tax Political experience: Springfield District Professional experience: book keeper, sales as soon as next year’s financial picture be- Supervisor (2008-present) and office manager gan to look so dire. Instead, Bulova and rate adjustment,” said Braddock District Civic experience: former executive committee of Political experience: Braddock District Supervisor Sharon Bulova, the Democratic Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce, former Supervisor (1987-present), former aide to other supervisors opted to wait until the nominee for the position. board member of Northern Virginia Technology Annandale District Supervisor Audrey Moore situation got worse, he said. Council, youth athletics coach (1984-1987) Herrity has called for more budget trans- The Republican nominee, Springfield Dis- Civic experience: founding member of Virginia trict Supervisor Patrick Herrity, said it is Railway Express Operations Board (1989 – parency. He proposed a county “blue rib- likely the county will have to raise the tax CAREY CAMPBELL (I) present), Governors Commission on Rail bon” budget commission, where a group of st Age: 52 Enhancement for the 21 Century (2004 – citizens would provide advice on how to rate. But Herrity also committed to lower- present) Current Home: North adjust Fairfax’s budget. Herrity also wants ing the actual amount of taxes most resi- Springfield dents pay, a promise Bulova did not make. Hometown: North to put details of county expenses online for This year, real estate assessments will Springfield CHRISTOPHER DECARLO (I) residents to peruse, he said. Education: University of Age: 50 When it comes to budget cuts, Herrity has have dropped significantly for many house- Maryland, B.A. Current Home: Fairfax holds, enough that the county could raise (European Division) Hometown: Greenwich, proposed scaling back Fairfax County’s af- the real estate tax rate but not the actual University of Freiburg, Ct. fordable housing program – which has re- Germany Education: Georgia ceived over $20 million annually in recent amount of taxes paid by citizens, according University of Kentucky – Institute of Technology, to Herrity. business and accounting coursework toward years. He wants to limit the scope of Fairfax “Due to the extent of the shortfall, it is Professional experience: Accountant electrical engineering County’s housing program to focus only on Political Experience: State Chairman, degree; George Mason people “really in need,” such as those with likely the tax rate (but not the actual taxes Independent Greens of Virginia; National University coursework paid by homeowners) will need to be in- Chairman, Draft Michael Bloomberg toward business mental disabilities or development chal- creased this year,” he said on his Web site. Civic Experience: North Springfield Civic administration degree; lenges that would make it difficult for them Association Board Member, North Springfield North Virginia to take care of themselves. PTA member, past vice president of the Fairfax Community College THE TWO major political party candidates County Federation of Civic Associations Family: wife Kathleen and The county currently offers housing to will face Independent Green Party candi- five children, ages 2 years old to 10 years old some people near or below the county’s Professional Experience: president of DeCarlo median household income. The Springfield date Carey Campbell and Fairfax business technology] and economic development,” Enterprises Inc., which sells propane gas to over owner Christopher DeCarlo in a special elec- said Davis, about the 1994-1995 county 1,000 customers in Fairfax County. supervisor also voted against the board’s de- tion for county chairman Feb. 3. budget. cision to purchase foreclosed homes. The previous chairman, U.S. Rep. Gerry With a voter turn out of 17.8 percent, the in the past, said Bulova. “The increase in “We are competing with the private sec- Connolly (D-11), vacated the position ear- Democrat, Providence District Supervisor demand and spending in these areas has tor. … We need to focus on the people that lier this month to join the U.S. Congress. Kate Hanley, beat the Republican, Spring- nothing to do with inflation,” she said. truly need help,” said Herrity. Fairfax County government’s leadership field District Supervisor Elaine McConnell, In terms of cuts, Bulova said she hopes to Over the long term, Herrity hopes to help has to close the $650 million funding gap to become county chairman that year. take actions similar to the 1990s when there the county budget by increasing Fairfax’s in Fairfax’s $3.3 billion budget for fiscal year Davis said this year’s special election for was a major downturn in revenue and board commercial tax base. Commercial property 2010, which starts July 1. The financial hole chairman could be a referendum on the su- members eliminated services like satellite owners tend to contribute more money in is larger than the combined budgets of the pervisors’ approach to the budget, especially tax offices and small “storefront” library real estate taxes than they use in county police, fire and rescue, sheriff, library, parks since Bulova has been intimately involved kiosks, she said. services, he said.Currently, only 17 percent and recreation and health departments. with the county finances as the board’s bud- Without seeing county executive Tony of Fairfax’s tax base is commercial. Herrity “This is the most serious get committee chair for Griffin’s budget proposal, would like to increase that number to 25 downturn I have experi- more than a decade. the supervisor could not percent, he said. enced since I have been on “When it comes to the point to specific cuts she In addition to educa- the board,” said Bulova, “We need to focus budget, voters will get a would support at this “This is the most tion, Herrity said he is who was first elected in on the people that say very early on because time. serious downturn most concerned about 1987. of the election,” he said. “It’s still a little bit early. cuts to the public safety The circumstances sur- truly need help.” The two major political We need to give the I have experienced budget. rounding the county county executive his op- — Pat Herrity party candidates, Bulova chairman’s special election and Herrity, agreed that portunity to put some- since I have been AS FOR the two inde- are similar to 14 years ago the integrity of Fairfax thing on the table first,” pendent candidates, when, in 1995, the sitting county chairman, County Public Schools, which normally re- she said. on the board.” Campbell said keeping Tom Davis (R), left the Fairfax board to join ceives more than half of Fairfax’s annual Bulova is pleased with — Sharon Bulova, Fairfax County Public Schools “strong” would be the U.S. Congress, triggering a February spe- budget, should be a top priority. the way county officials elected in 1987 cial election to replace him. and the board addressed his number one priority. Just like the Democrats in 2008, the Re- BULOVA said human services would also the county budget crisis so He would also focus on publican Party had made significant gains another budget priority if she were to be- far. Fairfax started hosting community meet- trying to build one lane of light rail on the at the national and local level in 1995 and come county chairman. ings about the budget in the early fall and Capital Beltway. appeared to have the advantage in Fairfax has seen a greater demand and has engaged residents earlier than the DeCarlo, who announced his candidacy chairman’s race. Fairfax County’s budget need for human services programs, espe- county usually does, she said. Jan. 10, said the county’s main problems and economic situation, like today, was also cially since the region started to face a fi- The supervisors recently implemented were “outrageous taxes” and over-regula- tough and residents had just endured a nancial downturn. With the faltering more programs focused on preventing home tion. He also said elected officials had ceded round of cuts to county services. economy, it is likely people will need even foreclosure and purchased 10 foreclosed control of the government to special inter- “I cut everything except [information more from those programs than they have properties, with the intention of fixing the est groups. 8 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 News Drunk Driver Kills Drunk Driver Jury recommends three-year sentence in death of Reston man.

By Ken Moore day trial last month. The Connection About 20 minutes past midnight on March 15, 2007, Anton Stefan Fairfax Circuit Court Sjostrom, 27 of Reston, was stand- jury convicted a drunk ing outside his 2004 Toyota Camry Adriver for killing an on the right through lane of west- other drunk driver who bound Route 7 near the intersec- caused a different accident on tion of Georgetown Pike in Great Route 7 moments before. Falls. Gordon E. Brightly Jr., 50 of Sjostrom had rear-ended an- Leesburg, is scheduled to be sen- other vehicle and was inspecting tenced in late March in Fairfax the damage and waiting for police County Circuit Court. The jury, to arrive when Brightly, driving a which convicted Brightly of invol- white Dodge pickup truck in the untary manslaughter, recom- right lane, hit Sjostrom and mended that he serve three years Sjostrom’s vehicle. in prison. Sjostrom died at the scene and “This case is about a young man Brightly was transported to Inova whose life came to a tragic end Fairfax Hospital. because of the defendant’s selfish Brightly initially refused to give actions to drive when he was dan- a sample of his blood for testing. gerously intoxicated,” Assistant But when police explained they Commonwealth’s Attorney Faraji would obtain a search warrant to A. Rosenthall told the jury during authorize the blood test, Brightly opening arguments of the three- See Awaiting, Page 15


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Jan 17 - Feb 21, 2009 April 25 - June 6 July 25 - August 29 October 17- November 21

FEE: $60 for 6-week program

TO REGISTER: Call 703-391-3783 Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 9 Country Run in Lake Fairfax — just take the mind off the heat and the to name a few. While membership humidity, several regular pick-up Join the Search for our is not required to join in group games usually get started after New Music Director! runs, it is recommended. Visit normal working hours, around 6 Presenting Daniel Meyer, Finalist or call the p.m. Ballers interested in practic- hotline, 703-437-FOOT. ing the old jump shot should find Jennifer Frautschi, Violin a local court and watch for the Program: regulars. Competition varies. Call • Bernstein: Three Dance Episodes from On the Town Swimming Like A the Reston Association at 703-437- • Bruch: Violin Concerto 9580 to find the nearest court. Fish • Brahms: Symphony No. 1 Jim McDonnell 1-and 2- Mile Lake Help us choose! Provide your feedback after the concert. Swims, Learn about Nature Lake Audubon, Reston While it is usually illegal to swim Walker Nature Education Center GMU’s Center for the Arts 11450 Glade Drive, Reston the lakes of Reston, there are a few Saturday, January 17, 2009 8:00 p.m. The Walker Nature Education Free ConcerTalk by Daniel Meyer 7:00 pm exceptions — like the Jim Center is Reston’s own nature edu- Photo by McDonnell Lake Swims held at Tickets from $25 cational facility. Operated by the 888-945-2468 or Lake Audubon and sponsored by Reston Association, it provides the Reston Masters Swim Team. classes and courses for children of Part two of “fun things to-do” in Ben Leatherwood Usually in late May, this event of- all ages, as well as summer camps,

Photo by fers both one-mile and two-mile Herndon, Reston area series. teacher workshops, adult and se- Authorized Agent of roped courses. Registration is $35 nior programs, service projects, Theater spected for producing enthralling for one event and $60 for two and is open for birthday and other Carpet & events. Proceeds from the swims Same Location Since 1969

shows with talented actors. Per- Robbie Hammer parties. Situated on 72 acres of for- Hardwood On the Stage forming throughout the school year, benefit the Lymphoma Foundation estland, the Walker Nature Educa- of America. The event starts bright On Sale The Reston Community Players their productions are as entertain- /The Connection tion Center has on-grounds 1 mile 2310 Colts Neck Road, Reston ing as they are varied. For more in- and early and First through Third of trails, a wildflower garden, a The Reston Community Players formation on upcoming shows, visit Place Awards are given. Visit campfire ring, a meditation area, Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repairs In Our Plant for infor- have been performing live shows a sundial, and a picnic pavilion. Wall-to-Wall Carpet Cleaning for more than 40 years. An all-vol- /The Connection mation about registration. Ground was broken in November In-Home or Office • High Rise a Specialty unteer organization, the group for construction of Nature House, Master Weaving • Restoration • Pet Odor Removal puts on four major productions a Attend Herndon a facility that will house the • Woolgard • Water Damage Experts • year, which has included “Joseph Play Pick-up Gregory May, a stilt walker, takes a quick rest on the center’s library and equipment to FREE Pickup & Delivery for Rolled & Ready Rugs and the Amazing Technicolor High School Play shoulder of John Quick on his way down Market Street Basketball facilitate nature education. The 681 Spring Street, Herndon • Under same ownership for 45 years Dreamcoat,” “The Foreigner” and Herndon High School Reston Association Basketball Courts center is always looking for volun- Around the corner from the Ice House • Across the street from the Fire Station 700 Bennett St., Herndon during the Reston Festival in 2008, celebrating the Same block as Jimmy’s Tavern “Seussical.” The players are also teers, as well as guest lecturers. Opportunities are abound for tak- The South Lakes Black History Society Dance Team opened community’s 44th birthday. Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 9-6 members of the Arts Alliance of “I got next,” is the phrase of Visit Wed: 9-5 • Sat: 10-3 ing in a top-notch stage play with- with an exhibition performance to start the No Half Steppin’ Reston, the Northern Virginia The- 22.3-mile bike ride and a 10K run. run in December, the Women’s Dis- choice for new arrivals at one of p_nature_ed_center.html. 703-471-7120 out leaving town as Herndon High All work done by our Employees atre Alliance, the Arts Council of in ’08 Step competition, held at South Lakes last March. Choose to compete or pick a spot tance Festival 5K held in June, and the many outside basketball courts School’s award-winning drama de- Fairfax County and the Greater along the course and cheer on your a Thanksgiving Day 5K Cross in Reston. During the summer, to More Next Week partment puts on two mainstage Reston Chamber of Commerce. Take the little ones for twice- Town of Herndon Parks & Recre- neighbors. Visit plays and as many as three smaller, Their performances take place at weekly entertainment on the his- ation Department, it has presented one-act plays stretching from fall to the CentreStage Theatre at the toric Washington Plaza. Clowns, such shows as “Alice in Wonder- spring. The mainstage perfor- Reston Community Center, Hunt- magicians, singers and more per- land,” “Rapunzel” and “The Marvel at Nation’s Lunch for $20.08 mances include dramatic plays in ers Woods. Visit form free half-hour shows every Emperor’s New Clothes.” See the fall and musicals in the spring. Tuesday and Thursday morning Bikers Those looking to keep up with the from June through August. For Reston Town Center Grand Prix What a Great Catch… drama department’s works can take Reston Town Center, Reston Watch a Fight more information visit Sport & Fitness in the smaller one-act plays that dot The Noble Blades at Reston Town Center! the calendar throughout the year. The Sticky Wicket The Reston Town Center Grand The Noble Blades are an off- For information on upcoming per- Prix is an annual bike race held in Lake Fairfax Park Newly Opened PassionFish shoot of the Reston Community formances, visit Herndon High Watch Elden Street Reston featuring the top men’s and 1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston women’s racers from the Mid-At- by Chef Jeff Tunks is Celebrating Players and are the Washington School’s drama department on-line You may not know what a lantic region. The event is hosted D.C. area’s top professionally at Players “Wicket Maiden” is, but that All Throughout January 2009! by the Reston Bike Club and Evo- trained theater-based fight group. Elden Street Players doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the lution Cycling, a Northern Virginia- They perform a variety of differ- The Industrial Strength Theatre spectacle of a Cricket match. Part Begin with Soup or the Community or Caesar Salad, Dramatic Readings 269 Sunset Park Drive, Herndon based competitive riding club. Evo- ent martial arts for many events of an inter-Fairfax County league, The Hub Theatre Visit the Elden Street Players, lution Cycling has national and in- then Go Fish…Choose Any Main Course and are based in Reston. Along Lake Fairfax hosts weekly games with performances around the Herndon’s volunteer theater group ternational champion racers on the Enjoy an evening of spectacular and is the home field for the FCC1, area, the Noble Blades also conduct for top notch stage entertainment. team and is one of the premier Monday through Friday dramatic readings with Reston’s lat- the Hunters, and the Cosmos. Bring classes, workshops and demonstra- Seasonal plays are staged each clubs in the Mid-Atlantic region. 11:30 am-2:30 pm est dramatic organization, the Hub a picnic dinner and watch until tions. They use a variety of differ- year. Actors and volunteers are With thousands of dollars and cash Theatre, started by Reston’s residents sundown as each team tries to best ent weapons including daggers, sought for each play. Auditions and prizes in races for all ages, the as a way to encourage the creation the other. Visit knifes, and swords. For more infor- with the Elden Street Players are Reston Town Center Grand Prix is of arts in the community. Readings for mation on performance dates, held well in advance of the sched- Evolution Cycling’s largest event. are conducted at either The Reston more. workshops and classes, or booking uled shows. Between 30 to 100 Used Book Shop at Lake Anne, be- information, visit volunteers are needed for every ginning at 3 p.m., or at the Greater show. For more information go to Swim, Bike, Run Run Throughout Reston Arts Center at Reston Town For The Reston Triathlon Reston Seahawks in the Center, beginning at 6 p.m. Recent ticket reservations call 703-481- 11654 Plaza America Drive, Reston readings have included “Big Love,” 5930. The Reston Runners Every year local residents com- Spotlight “A Christmas Carol” and “Act a Lady.” pete in the Reston Triathlon, a race It doesn’t matter if you do mara- South Lakes High School For more information on the sched- which takes participants through thons or just the occasional power- 11400 South Lakes Drive, uled readings and on the Hub, visit Child’s Play Reston lakes, woods and more than 20 walk, the Reston Runners will have Elden Street Players miles of roadway. The race also in- Drama, Musicals, Variety — The The Industrial Strength Theatre a program that’s right for you. A South Lakes Theatre Arts Depart- 269 Sunset Park Drive, Herndon cludes the rare opportunity to swim community of more than 800 ment does it all. Under the long- Something for the Elden Street Players also oper- across Lake Audubon. In Septem- members, the group welcomes run- time leadership of director Maria ates the ESP Theatre for Young ber 2008 the Reston Triathlon cel- ners and walkers of all levels. Harris, the high school theater de- Children Audiences, offering live theater for ebrated its 25th event. The Along with group runs, they also partment has achieved much area Children’s Shows at Lake Anne children. A joint venture between Triathlon is held in early Septem- sponsor a number of activities in- 11960 Democracy Drive Reston, VA 20190 success and remains highly re- Lake Anne Village Center The Elden Street Players and the ber and includes a one-mile swim, cluding the “Fall Into Winter” 10K (Corner of Democracy Drive and Explorer Street) 703.230.FISH (3474)

10 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 11 Calendar

Send announcements to [email protected] or call 703-917-6437. Deadline is Thursday for the following week’s paper. Photos/ artwork encouraged. For additional list- ings, visit

SATURDAY/JAN. 17 MLK Tribute. The Reston Community Orchestra and the MetroSingers honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at 6 p.m. in the Reston Community Center, 2310 Colts Neck Road, Reston. Admission free; donations accepted. Call 703-476-9181 or visit

MONDAY/JAN. 19 Jim Vance, weekday an- Book Club. The Book Club will meet at chorman of the 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in Reston’s Used Book 11 p.m. editions of News4 Shop, 1609 Washington Plaza, on WRC-TV in Washington, Reston. Call 703-435-9772. DC, will deliver the keynote address during Reston’s WEDNESDAY/JAN. 21 24th Annual Dr. Martin Stress-Free Life. Kirk Martin is hosting a workshop entitled “10 Keys Luther King, Jr. Day Cel- Bill Emerson & Sweet Dixie will perform bluegrass music Saturday, Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m., at to a Stress-Free School and Home ebration on Monday, Jan. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1090 Sterling Road, Herndon. $12/person; call 703-435-8377. Life” at South Lakes High School, 19, 12-1 p.m. at the Reston 11400 South Lakes Drive, Reston, 7-9 Food & Drink Community Center, 2310 Herndon, 2-3 p.m. Each performance p.m. Celebrate Calm specializes in also offers alternative activities such working with intense children, Colts Neck Road, Reston. as Dominoes, Backgammon, Mon Ami Gabi, 11900 Market St., ing Tuesday, Jan. 27 at Edibles In- including families affected by Vance will reflect on the Monopoly or Parcheesi. Call 703-437- Reston, is holding a special brunch credible Desserts, 11900 Market St., opening Monday, Jan. 19, 11:30 Reston. 20 flavors of homemade fudge Anxiety, Sensory issues, celebration theme, “Are We 9101 or visit Aspergers,ºAutism, ODD, OCD and parks/fpp/. a.m.-3 p.m. The brunch, honoring Dr. will be available. AD/HD. Keeping the Promise?” Martin Luther King, Jr. includes a make- your-own Bloody Mary bar, mimosas, Il Fornaio, 11900 Market St., WEDNESDAY/JAN. 28 blueberry French toast, and a “Little Reston, is hosting a wine tasting SATURDAY/JAN. 24 Senior Movie Day. “PS I Love You” Frites” menu for children. Lunch menu featuring six wines and assorted anti- Chili Cook-Off. First Baptist Church of will be shown in the Multiplex Jan. 20 SUNDAY/JAN. 25 also available. Call 703-707-0233, pasti Tuesday, , 6-8 p.m. and a Herndon, 681 Elden St., will hold its Cinema at Reston Town Center, wine dinner featuring seven courses annual chili cook-off from 6-9 p.m. Raise the Rafters. Raise the Rafters, a 11900 Market St., at 10 a.m. paired with wine Tuesday, Jan. 27, 7 Being your favorite chili recipe or be free jazz music series, opens with a Refreshments and door prizes Celebrate National Chocolate p.m. Cooking class Saturday, Jan. a taster. Visit show from Project Natalie at Frying provided prior to movie. Free for Day with complimentary fudge tast- 24, 12-3 p.m. Call 703-437-5544. or call 703-437-3620. Pan Farm Park, 2739 W. Ox Road, those 55+. Call 703-435-6530.

12 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 Community Center Elects Chair, Officers

he Reston Community behalf of the board to the public. 1980s under the leadership of the County educator of 25 years. She Center board of gover “The RCC is a unique institution late Elfriede Walker. In 2007-2008, worked for nine years as the prin- Tnors has elected Carol and I’m proud and honored to be she served as vice chair on the Fi- cipal at Reston’s Terraset Elemen- Ann Bradley as selected to chair the RCC’s board nance Committee and the Person- tary School. In addition to her RCC board chair, replacing outgoing at this critical time … especially nel Committee as well as a mem- board service, Bradley currently chair William G. Bouie at the No- as it turns 30 in May 2009,” Brad- ber of various other board commit- serves as a member of numerous vember meeting. As chair, Bradley ley said. “The center has played a tees; she also served as the board’s organizations including the Global presides over board meetings, major role in the life of Reston resi- community liaison for Reston In- Camps Africa Board, the Giving works with the board members dents and employees and has been terfaith and was the board’s liai- Circle of Hope’s “Kids Club” at the Contributed and the executive director, Leila a focal point for community events son to the Dr. Martin Luther King Embry Rucker Community Shelter Gordon, to enhance the services and activities since it first opened Jr. Day Planning Committee for and the National Council of Ne- that RCC offers to the residents of in 1979.” the very successful 2008 celebra- gro Women where she was also a Small District 5 and further its Bradley has been a board mem- tion. former chapter president. mission as well as speaking on ber since 2006 and also in the Bradley is a retired Fairfax See Officers, Page 15 Carol Ann Bradley

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Discover the LANK Advantage OPEN HOUSE Call Ahead to Schedule LANK is dedicated to providing top quality Preschool, Pre-K, and Full Day January Kindergarten education in a caring and stimulating environment. 14th– 9:30 am & 1:30 pm 22nd– 9:30 am & 1:30 pm 12021 North Shore Drive, 29th– 9:30 am & 1:30 pm Reston 703.437.0035 Kindergarten Information Session January 16th – 10 AM

Herndon/Reston 2557 John Milton Drive Fox Mill Shopping Center next to Glory Days Grill 703-391-0123 Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 13 Obituary Faith

Faith Notes are for announcements freshments are served. Call 703-860- week when they may be away from their Dillard Thomas, 90, Dies and events in the faith community, in- 4515, Ext. 127. The guest list is as regular church. All baptized Christians cluding special holiday services. Send to follows: are welcome to receive the Sacrament [email protected] or Jan. 27: Rabbi Leonard Cahan, Jew- and all who have not been baptized may illard Thomas, call 703-917-6437. Deadline is Thurs- ish Marriage Customs receive a blessing at the Altar rail. Call father of Reston day. Feb. 17: Rabbi David Kalendar, The the church Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m.-3 D Jews of Uganda p.m., at 703-437-3790 or visit resident Kittie The Hazak Active Retirees Chap- March 17: Dr. Louis Blumen, Jew- Thomas, died at the age ter of Congregation Beth Emeth, 12523 ish Medieval Medicine of 90 this past October in Lawyers Road, Herndon, presents Rabbi April 21: Steven Gross, The Holo- Knitters needed the first and third his hometown of Hous- Leonard Cahan for a discussion of the caust in Hungary Wednesdays of the month, at 7 p.m., ton, TX. Dillard was born origins of Jewish marriage customs May 19: Speaker from Embassy of at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1 p.m. Rabbi Cahan Israel 432 Van Buren St., Herndon. The in Cleburne, Texas along will explore rituals in the many differ- June 16: Year-end Luncheon church’s Shawl Ministry is offering free with seven brothers and ent societies in which Jews have lived knitting instruction while providing sisters. When Dillard was and the rich symbolism that has made Washington Plaza Baptist shawls, blankets and other knitted items 7, his mother died, and a them so appealing and enduring. Free. Church, 1615 Washington Plaza, for people in need. No cost and yarn can Call 703-860-4515, ext. 127. Reston, welcomes their new pas- be provided. E-mail shawl@saint- year later, he lost his fa- tor, Rev. Elizabeth Hagan. Pastor or visit the Pastoral Care ther. Dillard and his sib- Congregation Beth Emeth, Hagan has received preaching recogni- page at lings were placed in the 12523 Lawyers Road, Herndon, will tion from several Baptist and Masonic Home orphanage host a Yiddish Club on the first ecumenical organizations and was se- Nondenominational Christian Tuesday of each month, starting lected to participate in the Young Clergy businessmen meet for prayer, Biblical outside of Ft. Worth, Jan. 6. Members will engage in a vari- Preaching Conference at the National discussion and fellowship every Fri- Texas, where they were ety of activities that utilize the Yiddish Cathedral in 2007. Visit day, at 7 a.m., at Anita’s, 1051 Elden raised and schooled until language, including reading stories, lis- or St., Herndon and every Thursday at they graduated high tening to music and radio broadcasts, call 703-471-5225. noon at 555 Grove St., Suite 200, reading Yiddish newspapers and more. Herndon. Call 703-795-1257. school. Dillard went on to Free. Call 703-860-4515, ext. 127. Every Wednesday, at 12:15 p.m., graduate from Rice Uni- Dillard Thomas St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Adult Sunday school will be held versity as the valedicto- Congregation Beth Emeth 432 Van Buren St., Herndon, offers a every Sunday, at 9:30 a.m., at the Hazak Chapter, 12523 Lawyers Road, lunch-time Healing and Holy Commun- Washington Plaza Baptist Church at rian of his class, receiving a de- Herndon, hosts prominent speakers and ion service. This half-hour service is Lake Anne Village Center. The group is gree in mechanical engineering. Falls Church; his great grand- entertainers on the third Tuesday of offered to all and allows people an op- studying the Gospel of Mark. Services He married Aline Rosenthal in daughter, Deja Rothschild- each month, at 1 p.m. Free light re- portunity to worship during the work follow every Sunday at 11 a.m. 1941, and in 1948, their only Payne of Reston; his sister (the child, Kittie, was born. oldest of all the Thomas chil- Volunteering Dillard is survived by his wife dren and who just celebrated Become a volunteer stream Newton Square, Reston. Contact Ha viduals. Volunteers contribute a few of 67 years, Aline Thomas; his her 101st birthday), Celeste monitor and help Reston Association Brock, Volunteer Coordinator, at 703- hours weekly during tax season to help daughter, Kittie Rothschild of Etter of Cleburne, Texas; nieces assess the health of our streams. Assist 435-7986. prepare tax returns, or serve as greeters, Patsy Kelly and Linda Pearson with stream monitoring at several loca- screeners, site coordinators and inter- Herndon; his granddaughter, tions throughout Reston during all The Volunteer Income Tax Assis- preters. To register as a volunteer Jodi Rothschild of Reston; his of Austin, Texas; and nephew season. tance Program is seeking volunteers contact James Do at 571-749-7838, TTY grandson, David Rothschild of Mike Thomas of Austin. A training workshop will be held to deliver free tax preparation services 703-533-5316, or Feb. 11, 7:30-9:30 p.m. at 1930 Isaac at no cost to working families and indi- [email protected].

Photo Galleries Now! Thousands of pictures of sports, gradua- tions, current events and more— never published, but posted on the Web. Free for evalua- tion, avail- able for prints.

Connection Click on “Photo Gallery”

14 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 News

Concerts Kick Off Celebration OPEN SUN.1/18 1-4 Reston celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy. wo free concerts will kick off Reston’s 24th there will be a reading of one of King’s memorable TAnnual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday speeches. Celebration Weekend on Saturday and Sun- At 4 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 18, The “Voices of Inspira- day, Jan. 17-18. tion” 15th Anniversary Program sponsored by The At 6 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 17, the Reston Commu- Martin Luther King Jr. Christian Church will feature nity Orchestra will present its third annual King Cel- musical selections and tributes to King. Participating ebration concert as part of the community’s full week- churches from the Reston faith community include end of events honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Washington Plaza Baptist Church, United Christian Luther King Jr. under the direction of conductor Parish and Reston Unitarian Universalist Church. The Dingwall Fleary. Special musical guests will include concert will be held at the Northern Virginia Hebrew two Reston talents, chanteuse Beverly Cosham, and Congregation located at 1441 Wiehle Ave., Reston. RESTON $380,000 dramatic soprano Jasmine Muhammad. In addition, For more information visit www.reston Immaculate 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, garaged Townhome backs to woods & the choral ensemble, MetroSingers, will return and has a spectacular renovated Kitchen with granite & custom cabinetry, 2 story Family Room with Fireplace & a wall of windows overlooking the woods, all bathrooms updated, new heat pump & furnace, custom Levolor wood blinds, Dining Room with glass door to deck with a view, Awaiting walk out to Patio and the trail - upgrades worth over $23,000. Stop by Association Raises and see for yourself why this contemporary abode should be yours. Sentencing Shirley Mattam-Male, From Page 9 Planned Assessment REALTOR®, ABR, GRI told officers, “Do what you have From Page 3 Smyers said there had to be 571-220-9481 to do. I am [screwed] anyways.” [email protected] Hours after the fatal accident, Hopkins said, noting that the some increase or the association association was considering would be forced to make a large Brightly’s blood alcohol content Real Estate Expert on Designed to Sell on HGTV was tested to be .16, twice the le- making changes in order to hike sometime in the future. gal limit to drive, said Rosenthall. avert a future problem. Brightly’s defense attorneys, Few on the board supported IN THE END, the $491 assess- public defenders Vernida Chaney an increase to $500. ment was passed and the “R&R” and Robert Frank, argued that the “These are unfortunate eco- reserve funds will take the hit. two cars in the earlier crash were nomic times. Everyone in every “It’s not the full boat, but it’s in the travel lane and Brightly had sector is being asked to cut a compromise,” Mark Watts (At little opportunity to avoid the col- back,” said board member Ri- Large) said, agreeing that some lision. chard Chew (At Large). “I don’t increase was needed in order to Sjostrom’s blood alcohol content think we can honestly sit here keep the association function- COMMUNITIES OF WORSHIP was .28, more than three times the tonight and not think about ing while still being sensitive to legal limit for driving, said Chaney. ways to reduce our expenses.” its members’ financial situa- The medical examiner did not Cheryl Beamer (Hunters tions. “If we’re going to sacri- b Woods/Dogwood) said that fice something, it’s got to be the b prepare an autopsy in the case, according to the defense attor- while $17 or $25 would not put R&R, though that pains me to neys. people out of their homes, it the 10th degree.” Brightly was arrested for a sec- could make a big difference in Some of the reserves will still ond charge of driving under the the community. If chief execu- be funded. influence in Loudoun County tive officer Milton Matthews Watts noted that the 3.3 per- while awaiting trial, said were asked to rewrite the bud- cent increase approximately Rosenthall. get based on a $483 assess- paralleled the rate of inflation. ment, Beamer said, “We’re go- Matthews pointed out that ing to ask him to do his job by the increase was not increasing Officers squeezing staff and squeezing the association’s purchasing From Page 13 services and that does not serve power, but was only covering its Bradley holds a bachelor’s de- the community.” projected losses. gree in education from Jersey City Progressive & Welcoming State College in Jersey City, N.J., and a master’s degree from North- ST. ANNE’S eastern Illinois State College in EPISCOPAL Chicago, Ill. CHURCH- Reston The new 2008-2009 officers and Sunday Communion Services board committee chair positions 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. b were appointed as follows: Will- 11:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. iam G. Bouie, vice chair; Colin The Rev. James Papile, Rector Mills, secretary; Cathy Vivona, The Rev. Jacqueline Thomson treasurer; Beverly Cosham, Build- The Rev. Denise Trogdon ing Committee (as needed); Colin b 703-437-6530 Mills, Community Relations Com- mittee; Cathy Vivona, Finance b 1700 Wainwright Dr., Reston Committee; William G. Bouie, Child care provided at later morning services Long Range Planning Committee (as needed); Colin Mills, Person- To Highlight your Faith Community nel Committee (as needed); Will- iam Keefe, Program Policy Com- Call Winslow at mittee, and William Penniman, Preference Poll Committee (as 703-917-6473 needed). Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 15 Reston Connection Sports Editor Rich Sanders Sports 703-917-6439 or [email protected] Seahawk Girls Shake Off First Defeat Fourth-year South Lakes head behind early and could never get “That was supposed to be our Following coach Christy Winters Scott said back in it. The Saxons led 29-14 [special] trip for the seniors,” Win- setback to her team played outstanding at halftime before the Seahawks ters Scott said. “It was very frus- against Woodson. worked their way back to within trating.” So the Seahawks had not Saxons, South “That was a special display of nine points during the third quar- been recently tested when they what South Lakes basketball is all ter. But South Lakes could get no took on Langley last week. Lakes gains wins about,” Winters Scott said. “I had closer after that. “I think the lack of games we a pretty good idea of how we’d “We’ve had some slow starts in had over the break really hurt us over Woodson, come out Friday night because we games [this season],” Winters [against Langley],” said Winters had some tough practices after the Scott said. “I wasn’t real concerned Scott, who said her team did prac- Jefferson. Langley game. It was a beautiful because we’d done that before and tice hard over the holidays. “Game game. That was the best I’ve seen pushed through it. But I didn’t pace is a different level then prac- South Lakes play since I’ve been have that same sense [against Lan- tice.” By Rich Sanders here.” gley].” South Lakes had been allowing The Connection The Seahawks received numer- The Langley game was the first only 39 points per game prior to ous contributions in the win over Photo by Craig Sterbutzel serious game action South Lakes the Langley game. But the he South Lakes High Woodson as junior guard Jasmine The Connection had seen in some time. The Seahawks struggled on the defen- girls basketball team Jones (6 rebounds), senior guard/ South Lakes’ Kelcyn Seahawks played and defeated sive end against the Saxons and had the right remedy T forward Kacey Liscomb and senior Manurs. district opponent Madison prior to were not as aggressive overall as for its first loss of the guard Kelcyn Manurs each had 11 Christmas on Dec. 16. Then, over usual. season last week — to come right points. Manurs also contributed “That was the holidays, South Lakes com- “We were reacting instead of at- back and get into the win column. nine rebounds and eight assists. peted at the Elite Holiday Tourna- tacking,” Winters Scott said. “Our The Seahawks (9-1 overall, 3-1 “She was threading the needle supposed to be ment at Skyline High in Front mantra all season has been to at- ) experienced their and making the right pass at the Royal. But that tournament did not tack on both [offense and de- first setback when they fell to vis- right time,” Winter Scott said of our special trip for live up to expectations for the fense].” iting district opponent Langley, 60- Manurs’ good distribution. Seahawks as one of the teams in Manurs was the Seahawks’ top 39, last Tuesday, June 6. But they Other good games against the seniors. It was the four-team field was a late drop scorer in the loss to the Saxons followed that up with a bounce- Woodson came from senior for- out. South Lakes easily handled with 12 points. Wallace added back district win over visiting ward Lachelle Wallace (10 points) very frustrating.” Chancellor High (Fredericksburg), seven. South Lakes will have an- Woodson, 54-42, last Friday. Then and junior forward Natalie Kendall — Christy Winters Scott, 61-28, in its first game in Front other chance against Langley the following night, South Lakes (8). South Lakes girls Royal on Dec. 29, but had no op- when the two teams meet again won a district makeup game at In the following night’s win over basketball coach ponent to play in its next sched- on Jan. 30 in Great Falls. Jefferson, 40-26. That game had Jefferson, Liscomb led South Lakes uled game the following day. Win- South Lakes was scheduled to originally been set for Dec. 19 be- with 18 points. gley,” Winters Scott said. ters Scott was disappointed for her play district games this week at fore work improvements on “Playing back to back like that six seniors especially that the tour- Marshall on Tuesday and at home Jefferson’s home court resulted in was definitely going to be a chal- IN THE LOSS to Langley ear- nament did not prove to be as against Stone Bridge this Friday the rescheduling. lenge after the game with Lan- lier last week, South Lakes fell worthwhile as hoped. night. Sports Roundups Registration is now open for experience is needed. There is only record to 6-1 with a 6-4 win over the Reston Little League 2009 one hour of practice a week and Westfield. Just a minute and a half Spring Season. Reston Little one game per weekend, so that into the game, Stone scored the League is open to boys and girls players can play flag football while first of his goals off a pass from ages 5 to 12 years old who live in continuing to participate in other senior defenseman Andrew the greater Reston and Herndon sports if they choose. Games will Norman. A few minutes later, areas. Registration will be open be held at Langston Hughes Stone picked up an assist when he between Jan. 13 and Feb. 7. Middle School in Reston and be- set up a score by junior linemate Reston Little League is committed gin in April. Questions can be ad- Ville Rutanen. Stone then scored to providing a fun, learning and dressed to his second goal of the period after positive sports environment for all [email protected]. he tipped in a blue-line slapshot its parents and players. Come out from Norman. The Bulldogs pulled and get into the game. Reston The South Lakes High Ath- within one in the second period Little League has been providing letic Booster Club is announcing a after the Hornets found them- an outstanding baseball experi- fun-filled night of basketball when selves killing off a series of penal- ence since 1972. Register on-line the Harlem Wizards will play the ties. However, by the end of the at coaches of the South Lakes boys’ period the Hornets had re-estab- and girls’ teams. The event will lished their two-goal lead after has an take place on Saturday, Jan. 31 at Stone assisted on a goal by opening for the head varsity girls’ South Lakes High School’s Wendell Norman, and then scored his third tennis coaching position. For more G. Byrd Gymnasium. Advance tick- of the game on a combination of information, contact Oakton direc- ets cost $10 for students and $15 passes from Rutanen and junior tor of student activities Pete for adults. Tickets at the door will Max Kortegast. Westfield again Duperrouzel at 703-319-2763 or cost $15 for students and $20 for pulled to within a goal of tying the at [email protected]. adults. Purchase tickets at score in the final minutes of the third period, but another goal by Registration for Reston Youth Stone in the closing seconds sealed Photo by Craig Sterbutzel/The Connection Association Coed Spring Flag Foot- Led by four goals and two the Hornet victory. Junior goalie South Lakes High boys’ basketball player Brandon Price, ball is now open. Please visit assists by junior Sam Stone, the Bryan Kadlec turned away 34 Bull- with a big crowd behind him, holds the ball during the to register. Herndon Ice Hockey Club ex- dog shots in the Hornet win. Seahawks’ earlier season game against Herndon. South The fee is $60 and the league is tended its Northern Virginia Scho- Herndon next plays Loudoun Lakes (7-4) will be at Stone Bridge High this Friday night for boys and girls, ages 5-to-18. No lastic Hockey League (NVSHL) Valley on Jan. 23. for a Liberty District contest. 16 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 703-917-6464 703-917-6400 Zone 1: • Reston Employment Zone 1 Ad Deadline: Zone 1: • Reston Classified Zone 1 Ad Deadline: • Herndon • Loudoun Tuesday 4 p.m. • Herndon • Loudoun Monday Noon

21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Need an Extra $500 - $1000 MA/LPN per mo. to pay Bills ?? FT/PT. Needed for Pediatric office in TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE Call Sue @ 703-451-5864 Sterling. Experience desired. OF VALUABLE OF VALUABLE Call: 703-433-1555 or Email: [email protected] IMPROVED REAL ESTATE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Fax resume to: 703-759-0105 Improved by the premises known as Improved by the premises known as

1237 Summerfield Drive, Herndon, Virginia 13430 Elevation Lane, Herndon, Virginia TELEPHONE TELEPHONE A great opportunity to A great opportunity to In execution of a Deed of Trust from Manuel Reyes, dat- In execution of a Deed of Trust from Joel C. Amundsen ed April 15, 2005, and recorded April 19, 2005, in Deed Book and Sarah E. Amundsen, dated July 21, 2005, and recorded WORK AT HOME! WORK AT HOME! Immediate openings for outgoing 17189 at page 111 among the Land Records of Fairfax Coun- July 22, 2005, in Deed Book 17544 at page 6 among the Land NATIONAL CHILDRENS CENTER NATIONAL CHILDRENS CENTER ty, Virginia, the undersigned substitute trustee will offer for sale Records of Fairfax County, Virginia, the undersigned substitute No sell! Salary + Bonus + Benefits! No sell! Salary + Bonus + Benefits! individuals to promote our products in at public auction at the front entrance of the Judicial Center for trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the front entrance stores. Flexible hours. No phone work. Fairfax County, at 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia, of the Judicial Center for Fairfax County, at 4110 Chain Bridge 301-333-1900 301-333-1900 on Road, Fairfax, Virginia, on ☎☎ Weekdays 9-4 ☎☎ ☎☎ Weekdays 9-4 ☎☎ PT & possible FT. Call 800-379-8310. EOE M/F/D/V. Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. the following property being the property contained in said P/T MEDICAL BILLER Deed of Trust, described as follows: the following property being the property contained in said Experience with Allscripts or VETERINARY RECEPTIONIST Deed of Trust, described as follows: Lot 50, Section 1, Four Seasons as the same appears duly GE Centricity necessary. Flex hours. F/T or P/T position for experienced, re- dedicated, platted and recorded in Deed Book 3792 at page Lot 140, Section 10E, Franklin Farm, as the same appears du- Herndon location. Opporty for growth. sponsible person. MUST have excellent 463, among the Land Records of Fairfax County, Virginia. ly dedicated, platted and recorded in Deed Book 5822 at page 1686, among the Land Records of Fairfax County, Virginia. Please fax resume and salary customer service skills, computer friend- Commonly known as 1237 Summerfield Drive, Herndon, Vir- requirements to: 703-406-0350 ly and want to work as part of a dedicat- ginia 20170. Commonly known as 13430 Elevation Lane, Herndon, Virginia ed team. Approximately 20-35 hrs week. 20171. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $35,000.00 or ten per- May send resume to cent (10%) of the sale price, whichever amount is less, in the TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $35,000.00 or ten per- form of cash or its equivalent will be required of the purchaser cent (10%) of the sale price, whichever amount is less, in the NURSE RN/LPN [email protected] or call: at the time and place of sale; the balance of the purchase mon- form of cash or its equivalent will be required of the purchaser CLIFTON-CENTREVILLE ANIMAL CLINIC ey being due and payable within fifteen (15) days after sale, at the time and place of sale; the balance of the purchase mon- Group IM practice, Centreville, has time expressly being of the essence, with interest at the rate of ey being due and payable within fifteen (15) days after sale, opening for Triage nurse. Flex hours. 703-830-8844 5.75 percent per annum from date of sale to date of time expressly being of the essence, with interest at the rate of settlement. Provided, however, that if the holder of the se- 5.875 percent per annum from date of sale to date of settle- Electronic office, duties include admin cured promissory note is the successful bidder at the sale, no ment. Provided, however, that if the holder of the secured tasks/phone triage. cash deposit shall be required, and part of or the entire indebt- promissory note is the successful bidder at the sale, no cash Email to [email protected] edness, including interest and costs, secured by the Deed of deposit shall be required, and part of or the entire indebted- Trust, may be set off against the purchase price. ness, including interest and costs, secured by the Deed of or fax 703-449-9890. 2009 EXPANSION Trust, may be set off against the purchase price. Any defaulting purchaser shall forfeit the deposit and stand the risk and cost of resale. Any defaulting purchaser shall forfeit the deposit and $17.00 Base-Appt. stand the risk and cost of resale. Sale shall be made subject to all existing easements EARN PAID TIME OFF! Immediate Openings. Ideal for and restrictive covenants as the same may lawfully affect the Sale shall be made subject to all existing easements CNA’s/Companions/Live - Ins real estate. Sale is further subject to mechanic's and/or materi- and restrictive covenants as the same may lawfully affect the students/others. Customer alman's liens of record and not of record. The property will be real estate. Sale is further subject to mechanic's and/or materi- Needed immediately to help with daily sold subject to all conditions, covenants, restrictions, rights of alman's liens of record and not of record. The property will be redemption of federal lienholders or encumbrances, and agree- sold subject to all conditions, covenants, restrictions, rights of meals, errands, chores, laundry, etc. Sales/Svc. Flex Schedules. All ments of record affecting the same, if any. redemption of federal lienholders or encumbrances, and agree- Flexible schedules - work when you ments of record affecting the same, if any. ages 18+. Conditions apply. In the event the undersigned trustee is unable to con- want. Paid training, double time for hol- vey to the purchaser good title, then purchaser's sole and ex- In the event the undersigned trustee is unable to con- idays. PT/FT. Call now 703-766-4019. Call 703-359-7600 clusive remedy shall be in the refund of the deposit paid at the vey to the purchaser good title, then purchaser's sole and ex- time of sale. clusive remedy shall be in the refund of the deposit paid at the time of sale. The subject property and all improvements thereon will be sold in "as is" condition without warranty of any kind. Pur- The subject property and all improvements thereon will chaser shall be responsible for any and all building and/or zon- be sold in "as is" condition without warranty of any kind. Pur- P/T, RECEPTIONIST & Employers: ing code violations whether of record or not of record, as well chaser shall be responsible for any and all building and/or zon- Are your recruiting ads not as for all unpaid and enforceable homeowners' or condomini- ing code violations whether of record or not of record, as well P/T, PET BATHER um owners' association dues and assessments, if any. Pur- as for all unpaid and enforceable homeowners' or condomini- Groom ‘N Glory Pet Salon in Centreville working in other papers? chaser also shall be responsible for obtaining possession of um owners' association dues and assessments, if any. Pur- the property at his/her expense. Purchaser shall assume the chaser also shall be responsible for obtaining possession of seeks responsible, caring, & motivated risk of loss and shall be responsible for any damage, vandal- the property at his/her expense. Purchaser shall assume the individuals for P/T Receptionist & P/T Try a better way to fill your ism, theft, destruction, or the like, of or to the property occur- risk of loss and shall be responsible for any damage, vandal- ring after the time of sale. Conveyance will be by special war- ism, theft, destruction, or the like, of or to the property occur- Pet Bather positions. Tues-Sat. Must employment openings ranty deed. Conveyancing, recording, transfer taxes, notary ring after the time of sale. Conveyance will be by special war- love dogs. Exp preferred, but will train. fees, examination of title, state stamps, and all other costs of ranty deed. Conveyancing, recording, transfer taxes, notary conveyance are to be at the expense of purchaser. State and fees, examination of title, state stamps, and all other costs of North conveyance are to be at the expense of purchaser. State and Call: 703-830-5574 Potomac local taxes, public charges, and special or regular assess- Rockville ments, if any, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and there- local taxes, public charges, and special or regular assess- Lansdowne 5 after shall be assumed by the purchaser. ments, if any, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and there- Ashburn Cascades Sterling after shall be assumed by the purchaser. Potomac Chevy The undersigned trustee unconditionally reserves the Great Bethesda Chase CNA’S/COMPANIONS 1 Herndon Falls right: (i) to waive the deposit requirement; (ii) to approve or dis- The undersigned trustee unconditionally reserves the Reston Dulles approve the creditworthiness of any bidder and/or purchaser; right: (i) to waive the deposit requirement; (ii) to approve or dis- Become a Joy in a Senior’s Life Airport South McLean (iii) to withdraw the property from sale at any time prior to ter- approve the creditworthiness of any bidder and/or purchaser; Riding Vienna (iii) to withdraw the property from sale at any time prior to ter- Immediate Positions Available Oakton 6 mination of the bidding; (iv) to extend the time for bidding; (v) Arlington mination of the bidding; (iv) to extend the time for bidding; (v) Chantilly to reject any or all bids; (vi) to postpone or set over the date or 4 Washington, to reject any or all bids; (vi) to postpone or set over the date or •Weekly Pay •Vacation Pay Centreville D.C. time of sale; and (vii) to extend the period of time for settlement Fairfax time of sale; and (vii) to extend the period of time for settlement hereunder. •Merit Increases •Over time Pay North hereunder. Clifton Historic Burke •Need Own Car Clifton Fairfax Springfield 3 Additional terms and conditions of sale may be an- Additional terms and conditions of sale may be an- Station Call for interview 2 nounced at the time of sale. nounced at the time of sale. Laurel Old Dominion Home Care Hill DAVID N. PRENSKY DAVID N. PRENSKY Substitute Trustee Substitute Trustee 10366-C Democracy Lane, Fairfax, VA 22030 • Target your best job candidates FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: 703-273-0424 where they live. David N. Prensky David N. Prensky Chasen & Chasen Chasen & Chasen Reach readers in addition 5225 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. #500 5225 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. #500 • Washington, D.C. 20015 Washington, D.C. 20015 Administrative Assistant to those who are currently (202) 244-4000 (202) 244-4000 looking for a job. 703-917-6464 Accounting firm in Reston seeks Zone 1: • Reston Employment Zone 1 Ad Deadline: Proven readership. • Herndon • Loudoun Tuesday 4 p.m. individual with strong knowledge of • Word and Excel for full-time • Proven results. administrative assistant position. Internships Available Word processing is primary Unusual opportunity to learn many aspects of responsibility. Some billing and the newspaper business. Internships available in mailing. Attention to detail and reporting, photography, research, graphics. accuracy are important. Excellent 703-917-6464 • Fax 703-917-0992 Opportunities for students, and for adults consid- salary, benefits, and flexibility. ering change of career. Unpaid. Call John Lovaas, E-mail: [email protected] 703-917-6405 or email E-mail cover letter, salary range, and Great Papers • Great Readers • Great Results! internship@connec resume to: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 17 703-917-6400 Zone 1: • Reston Classified Zone 1 Ad Deadline: Home & Garden • Herndon • Loudoun Monday Noon

116 Childcare Avail. 116 Childcare Avail. 116 Childcare Avail. 4 RE for Sale 101 Computers ASPHALT ASPHALT INVESTOR SPECIAL! Employers: Thosands below market value HDI 703-439-7144 EASY COMPUTER SOLUTIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS Are your Need to Fix Your 21 Announcements & SMALL BUSINESSES JENNIFER O. SMITH recruiting ads Driveway? Steel Buildings COMPUTER CONSULTANT not working in Call 703.582.2110 Super Discounts ➣ TRAINING Complete: Foundation, ➣ INSTALLATION other papers? Asphalt, Concrete and Brick Permit Plans ➣ Residential and Commercial Can Erect TROUBLE- Try a better way SHOOTING Resurfacing, Repair, Resealing Source: #0DE ➣ LET US TAME THAT to fill your Sidewalks, steps, Patios 571-277-4904 BEAST FOR YOU employment Serving Area Since 1995 7AM – 11PM • 7 Days/wk openings Check Out my website 26 Antiques (703) 765-2222 [email protected] North Pete’s Driveways Potomac We consign/pay top $ for Rockville antique/semi antique furn. Lansdowne 5 Ashburn Cascades 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Sterling including mid century & Potomac 116 Childcare Avail. Chevy danish modern Teak Great Bethesda Chase 1 Herndon Falls furniture, sterling, mens Reston ABC Montessori home care Dulles watches, painting/art glass, Airport GUTTER GUTTER South McLean now enrolling CPR cert 5 yr Vienna clocks, jewelry, costume Riding exp.FT $225 PT $185 Oakton 6 jewelry, etc. Call Schefer Arlington Loudoun County pky & Ryan Chantilly 4 Washington, Antiques @ 703-241-0790. Centreville D.C. Rd. 703-474-7418 Fairfax North Clifton Metro Gutter Historic Burke Clifton Fairfax Springfield 3 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Station 2 Clean/Install/Repair Laurel • Wood Replace & Wrapping • Pressure Washing Hill • Chimney Sweeping & Repair •Target your best job 20 YEARS EXP. candidates 703-354-4333 where they live. •Reach readers in addition to those who are currently looking for a job. PINNACLE SERVICES, Inc. •Proven readership. • LEAF REMOVAL 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements •Proven results. • GUTTER CLEANING 703-802-0483 703-917-6464 • Fax 703-917-0992 GROUP RATES AVAILABLE E-mail: [email protected] FREE EST Great Papers • Great Readers • Great Results! HANDYMAN HANDYMAN 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Hand and Hand Handyman General Remodeling Residential & Commercial Specializing in: Kitchen/Bathroom/Basement Remodeling Plumbing • Electrical • Custom Carpentry Doors Windows • Hardwood Floors Crown Molding • House Cleaning 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Interior/Exterior Painting • Brick/Stone Work Ceramic Tile • Decks, Fences, Patios HOA Maintenance, Granite Counter Tops Realtors Work and Much More Licensed and Insured Serving Northern Virginia 703-296-6409 IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS M. C. Lynch Home Improvement 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Family Owned & Opererated Rotten Wood, Wind Damage, Trims, Windows, Doors, Deck, Stairs, Vanity, Basement Framing, Garbage Disposal, Painting, Power Wash, Siding Repairs. Licensed, Bonded, Insured 703-266-1233 R.N. CONTRACTORS, INC. Remodeling Homes, Flooring, Kitchen & Bath, Windows, Siding, Roofing, Additions & Patios, Custom Deck, Painting We Accept All Major Credit Cards Licensed, Insured, Bonded • Free Estimates Phone: 703-887-3827 Fax: 703-803-3849 E-mail: [email protected]

18 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 Week in Reston Home & Garden 703-917-6400 Zone 1: • Reston Home & Garden Zone 1 Ad Deadline: From Page 5 The suspect was described as black, 5 feet • Herndon • Loudoun Monday Noon the ground while another suspect pointed 2 to 5 feet 5 inches tall with a thin build. a gun at him and ordered him to stay down. He was wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt, CLEANING CLEANING CLEANING LANDSCAPING They took his backpack and cellular phone blue jeans, white sneakers and a black mask then fled on foot. The victim did not require covering his face. A CLEANING ENGLISH-SPEAKING A&S medical attention. Anyone with information is asked to con- SERVICE ONE-WOMAN HOUSE LANDSCAPING The suspects were described as black, in tact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411- Since 1985/Ins & Bonded HOUSECLEANING. CLEANING Planting • Mulching • Sodding Quality Service 14 Years Experience. SERVICE Patios • Decks • Retaining Walls their late teens to early 20s and between 5 TIPS/8477, e-mail at at a Fair Price Exc. Refs., Have Own Fall Clean-Up • Drainage Solutions Satisfaction Guaranteed Honest, reliable, Supplies (optional), feet 10 inches and 6 feet 2 inches tall. One or text Comm/Res. MD VA DC loves animals. Flexible Hours 703-863-7465 of them was about 6 feet tall, 170 pounds “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/ Reasonable rates. 703-433-2023 703-892-8648 703-855-3302 and wore a green sweater. Another suspect 274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703- GUTTER ANGEL’S was about 5 feet 10 inches tall, 150 pounds 691-2131. TREE & HEAVY TRASH HAULING and wore a black, puffy jacket and winter IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS PINNACLE SERVICES, •Mulch hat. •GUTTER CLEANING •Clean-up Grounds HOME REMODELING •SMALL REPAIRS •Leaf Removal Anyone with information is asked to con- Recycle Outdated KITCHENS, BATHS, TILE, TRIM, INT. •SCREENING 703-863-1086 tact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411- ALTERATIONS, all HOME REPAIRS! •POWER New#- 571-312-7227 TIPS/8477, e-mail at Electronics Steve’s Remodeling WASHING 703-802-0483 PAINTING or text Cox Communications, 3080 Centreville LIC. • INS. BONDEDCall Steve Paris OWNER OPERATED GROUP RATES AVAILABLE “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/ Road, Herndon, is holding a free electronic (703) 830-5681 - 703-932-0270 FREE EST 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE • FREE ESTIMATES 274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703- recycling event Saturday, Jan. 17, 10 a.m.- HAULING 691-2131. 2 p.m. The event provides an opportunity for the public to recycle electronic devices STRONG PACE CONSTRUCTION www.Patriot 15 Yrs Class A VA Lic. ANGEL’S TRASH HAULING Robbery in Reston in an environmentally responsible way. To • Additions •Kitchens Construction Debris, Deep Winter ensure that all items are properly collected Residential, Office • Basements •Comm Offices A 23-year-old Reston man was robbed and safely processed, Cox is partnering with & Tree Removal Discounts on Monday, Jan. 5, shortly before 7 p.m. in PC Recycler Inc., a government approved •Decks •Painting •Drywall 703-863-1086 Free Est. • Satisfaction Guar.! the 11100 block of Saffold Way, according recycling and data destruction contractor. New#- 571-312-7227 Lic./Ins. Int./Ext. •Windows & Wood Repairs to police. The victim parked his car and was Participants can remain in their cars while 703-644-5206 • 703-750-0749 703-502-7840 walking toward his home when a man ap- volunteers unload their outdated electronic AL’S HAULING Cell Junk & Rubbish 571-283-4883 proached, produced a handgun and de- devices. Residents attending the event are Concrete, furn.,office, manded money. The victim had no cash, but required to complete a computer recycling yard, construction debris A&S Construction Low Rates NOVA ROOFING eventually handed over his coat and cellu- form, which will ensure an accurate account 703-360-4364 • Basement Finishing lar telephone and was not injured. The sus- of the collected items for government agen- • Retaining Walls • Patios Roofing & Siding pect fled on a red bicycle. cies that track the quantity of recycled ma- • Decks • Porches (incl. (All Types) The suspect was described as a black terials. IMPROVEMENTS Soffit & Fascia Wrapping screened) • Erosion & New Gutters male, 25 to 30 years old. He was about 6 PC Recycler can process nearly any elec- Grading Solutions Chimney Crowns feet 3 inches tall and weighed between 180 tronic item including computers, laptops, The Leaks Repaired • French Drains • Sump Pumps No job too small and 200 pounds. He was wearing jeans, a cell phones, printers, CRT monitors, televi- • Driveway Asphalt Sealing HANDYMAN A DIVISION OF NURSE CONSTRUCTION 703-975-2375 brown leather, hooded jacket and a tan ski sions, radios and stereos, DVD and VHS 703-863-7465 HOME INSPECTION LIST cap. players and more. Visit LICENSED REPAIRS, CERAMIC TILE, TREE SERVICE Anyone with information is asked to con- cox to download a computer recycling form PAINTING, DRYWALL, ANGEL’S tact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411- or view a complete list of acceptable items. LAWN SERVICE LAWN SERVICE CARPENTRY, CUSTOM TREE & HEAVY TIPS/8477, e-mail at WOOD REPAIR, LT. PLUMBING & TRASH HAULING •Mulch or text ELECTRICAL, POWER WASHING •Clean-up Grounds “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/ Absentee Voting for J.E.S Services Since 1964 •Leaf Removal 274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703- LANDSCAPE & CONSTRUCTION We Accept VISA/MC 703-863-1086 691-2131. Chairman 703-441-8811 New#- 571-312-7227 •Patios •Walkways A special election will be held Tuesday, ROOFING ROOFING Feb. 3, to fill the vacant chairman of the •Retaining Walls Attempted Robbery in county Board of Supervisors seat. Absen- •Drainage Problems St. Joseph’s Roofing, Inc. tee voting, including those who will be •Landscape Makeovers Reston working and commuting for 11 or more “For the discerning homeowner A 34-year-old Reston woman and a 61- hours between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Feb. 3, Call: 703-912-6886 set on getting their roof right” year-old Sterling man working as clerks at may submit an absentee ballot or vote in Free Estimates 10% OFF tree removal service the 7-Eleven store located at 2203 Soap- person at the county government center stone Drive were robbed, according to po- Monday-Friday through January 30, 8 a.m.- PAINTING PAINTING Licensed, Bonded, Insured • Class A #020751A lice. A man entered the store shortly after 6 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 31, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE Estimates! 703-716-7663 11 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 6, produced a hand- For details, visit 1000’s of local references at WWW.SJROOF.COM FALL SPECIAL gun and demanded money. Before the clerks eb/upcoming.htm 10% to 20% OFF All Services could respond, a customer drove into the and CALIBERCALIBER ROOFING parking lot and the would-be thief fled with- absentee.htm. For information about the Nuance Painting Inc. •Cedar Shakes •Shingles out taking anything. The victims were not candidates, visit and Family Owned and Operated injured. Serving Northern Virginia for Over a Decade •Repairs •Reroofs Winner of American Painting Contractors Residential Top Job Award •Flat Roofs Schools Residential and Commercial Services • Interior and Exterior Painting Licensed & Bonded The League of Reston sity, for the summer or fall performance at the state • Faux Finishing Artists (LRA) announced the 2009 term. Completed appli- championship tournament • Drywall Hanging, Finishing and Repairs 703-968-9871 opening of their 2009 scholar- cations must be received by held at James Madison Univer- • Interior Moldings Crown-Chair Rail-Shadow Boxing ship program. The the LRA at P.O. Box 2513, sity. Team members: Steven • Exterior Trim Repair/Replacement scholarships are open to aspir- Reston, VA 20195-2513 by Anderson, Andrew Barrett, • Decks cleaned and Sealed • General Contractor Services ing artists who are seniors at Feb. 28. Visit Ryan Barrett, Patrick Keefer, • For Evaluation and Consultation Call any Fairfax County high Joshua Kobayashi, Julia Mor- school. Applicants must be an for details. gan, Mia Rickenbach, Natalie 703-437-3037 art/photography student at Schauer, Amaani Sirajuddin, Licensed Insured his/her high school and must The Lake Anne Elemen- and Brentan Walter. The team On the web at have applied to, or been ac- tary First Lego League is coached by Wally Walter, We Accept cepted at, an art school or team, The Sea Monsters, John Barrett, Kim Schauer and E-mail: [email protected] program at a college or univer- won first place in robot Siraj Sirajuddin. Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009 ❖ 19 20 ❖ Reston Connection ❖ January 14-20, 2009