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1+1 National Library National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 of Canada du Canada ,\cquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographie SelVices Braneh des selViees bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. fue Wellmgton Ottawa, Ontario Ollawa (Ontario) K1AQN4 K1AQN4 NOTICE AVIS The quality of this microform is La qualité de cette microforme heavily dependent upon the dépend grandement de la qualité quality of the original thesis de la thèse soumise au submitted for microfilming. rnicrofilmage. Nous avons tout Every effort has been made to fait pour assurer une qualité ensure the highest quality of supérieure de reproduction. reproduction possible. If pages are missing, contact the S'il manque des pages, veuillez university which granted the communiquer avec l'université degree. qui a conféré le grade. 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Canada • THE KING AND THE GENERAL: Survival Strategies in lordan and Lebanon BASSEL FAWZI SALLOUKH Department of Political Science McGiIl University, Montreal • August 1994 A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Masler's of Arts. • (cl BASSEL FAWZI SALLOUKH, 1994 National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographie services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington onawa.Onlario Ollawa (Onlano) K1A QN4 K1A QN4 THE AUTHOR HAS GRANTED AN L'AUTEUR A ACCORDE UNE LICENCE IRREVOCABLE NON-EXCLUSIVE IRREVOCABLE ET NON EXCLUSIVE LICENCE ALLOWING THE NATIONAL PERMETTANT A LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LIBRARYOF CANADATO NATIONALE DU CANADA DE REPRODUCE, LOAN, DISTRmUTE OR REPRODUIRE, PRETER, DISTRIBUER SELL COPIES OF mSIHER THESIS BY OU VENDRE DES COPIES DE SA ANY MEANS AND IN Am FORM OR THESE DE QUELQUE MANIERE ET FORMAT, MAKll-lG TffiS THESIS SOUS QUELQUE FORME QUE CE SOIT AVAILABLE TO INTEIŒSTED POUR METTRE DES EXEMPLAIRES DE PERSONS. CETTE THESE A LA DISPOSITION DES PERSONNE INTERESSEES. THE AUTHOR RETAINS OWFERSHIP L'AUTEUR CONSERVE LA PROPRIETE OF THE COPYRIGHT IN iI!~r.ffiR DU DROIT D'AUTEUR QUI PROTEGE THESIS. NEITHER THE THESIS NOR SA THESE. NI LA THESE NI DES SUBSTANTIAL EXTRACTS FRO~' IT EXTRAITS SUBSTAN'flELS DE CELLE­ MAY BE PRINTED OR OTHERWISE CI NE DOIVENT ETRE IMPRIMES OU REPRODUCED WITHOUT mSIHER AUTREMENT REPRODUITS SANS SON PERMISSION. AUTORISATION. ISBN 0-315-99932-2 Canada FOR L1BRARV USE: SHORT TITLE M.A. THESIS BV BASSEL FAWZI SALLOUKH THE KING AND THE GENERAL: SURVIVAL STRATEGIES IN JORDAN AND LEBANON. • FORHASHEM • • • ABSTRACT Thi:' study is a comparaIive analysis of the survival strategies of two regimcs: Jordan's King Hussein and Lebanon's Fu'ad Shihab. It is an exploration of the domcstic determinants of forcign policy behaviour, and the relation betwecn foreign policy bchaviour and rcgime consolidation, Icgitimation, and survivai in small, wcak statc aetors located in a permeable regional system. The study advanees an hypothesis of four explanatory variables to explain the success and failure of Hussein and Shihab's respective strategies. Husseinism's 'suceess' - as opposed to Shihabism's 'failure' - may be explained by a successful insulatory regional poliey, the historical process of state formation, the availability of cconor.lic resources under state control, and the ability of the state to use its coercive resources without hindranee. This enabled the Hashemite regime to restructure state-society relations to consolidate social • control, mitigate the effects of trans-national ideologies on the domestic arena, and achieve an acceptable level of national integration among the different segments of the society gaining the state allegiance l'rom a sizcable number, or l'rom strategic sectors, of the population, • • RÉSUMÉ Cette étude est une analyse comparative des stratégies de sunic th: deux régimes: ccux du Roi Hussein de Jordanie et du Président Libanais Fu'ad Shihab. Cet essai explore les déterminants dmnesti'lul's de la politique étrangère, de même que la relation entre la politique étrangère, la l:onsolidation du régime. la légitimation, et la survie de petits acteurs étatiques, faibles et situés dans un système régional perméahle. L'étude avance une hypothèse consistant de quatre variables explicatives qui élucident, alternativement, le succès ou l'échec des stratégies respectives de Hussein et Shihab. Le 'succès' du Husscinisme - par opposition à 'l'échec' du Shihabisme - peut être expliqué par le succès d'une politique régionale isolatrice, d'un processus historique de formation étatique, de la présence de ressources économiques à la disposition de l'État, et de la possibilité du recours sans entraves à des ressources coercibles. Ceci a permis au régime • Hashemite de restructurer les relations État-société en vue de consolider le contrôle étatique, mais aussi de mitiger l'impact des idéologies trans-nationales sur l'arène domestique, et d'atteindre un nive:1lI acceptable d'intégration des différents secteurs de la société, avec pour résultat l'allégeance nationale d'une large partie - ou des secteurs stratégiques - de la population. • • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1should like to thank Professor Rex Brynen for his generous assistance and intellectual guidance throughout the writing of this study. My friends and colleagues at McGiIl transformed Montrea!'s coId winters into pleasurable and productive months. They ail deserve my appreciation and gratitude. 1 am grateful to Joelle Zahar for translating the Abstract into French, and to Yusuf Arafat and Ziad Kurjieh for lheir help in locating some of the references used in this study. My greatest debl of gratitude is due my family: Fawzi, Hind. Zeina, and Hashem. My parents' love and support has sustained me throughout this solitary and arouons enterprise. Some time ago, when 1 was a young high school sludent, my sister Zeina allempted to explain to me why Lebanon's political system is dubbed a 'consociational democracy.' She then swiftly dismissed its viability. 1hope Zeina finds • my similar objections persuasive. My brother Hashem has bt'en my Iife-Iong companion, and has taken care of me since the day 1 set foot on this continent. 1 shoula Iike to dedicate this study to him as a small token of my great debt of gratitude. • • TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. PLURAL SOCIETIES: DEFINITION, DlLEMMAS, AND MODELS 1.1 Plural Society: A Definition 4 1.2 The Weak State Syndrome: Diagnoses and Dilemmas 9 1.3 Stability in Plural Societies: Models and Strategies 18 2. STATE FORMATION, CLEAVAGE INSTITUTIONALIZATION, AND REGIONAL PERMEABILlTY: JORDAN AND LEBANON 25 2.1 State Fonnation in Jordan 25 2.2 State Fonnation in Lebanon 38 2.3 Regional Penneability, Domestic Politics. and Foreign Policy Options 52 3. KING HUSSEIN'S SURVIVAL STRATEGY: HUSSEINISM 60 3.1 The Extra-Regional Umbrella: Protecting the Hashemite Kingdom 60 3.2 The Regional Diplomacy of Survival: Between Accommodation • and Confrontation 69 3.3 Domestic Sources of Survival: Symbols and Techniques 79 3.4 The Success of Husseinism 89 4. FC"AD SHlHAB'S SURVIVAL STRATEGY: SHlIlABISM 91 4.1 The 1958 Civil War: The 'Asabiyya Dilemma Exposed 91 4.2 Regional Accommodation and Extra-Regional Neutrality: Insulating the Shihabist State 96 4.3 Domestic Engineering: Building al-Mujtama' al-Jadid and al-Dawla al-Haditha IlKI 4.4 The Failure of Shihabism III 5. CONCLUSION: EXPLANATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 117 5.1 Husseinism and Shihabism: Explaining 'Success' and 'Failure' 117 5.2 Definitional and Theoretical Implications 120 • BIBLIOGRAPHY 128 • /11 Ille acliolls of011 mell, alld especially prillces, wllere Illere is 110 courl ofappea/, Ille elld is 011 11101 coullls. LeI a prillce Illell cOllcem IIimself willl I!le acquisilioll or I!le mailllellallce of Ille slale; Ille mealls emp/oyed will a/ways be cOllsidered llOlIourab/e alld praised by ail ••• Machiavelli, T!le Prillce. • • INTRODUCTION • Survival in power is the paramount objective of ail state !l'aders. 1'0 be sure. tlll' methods employed to guarantee survival differ. with dramatic consequences for the population. l'ct the objeeti"" is often invariable. ln the developing world. where political survival is often closely rl'lated 10 physieal survival. the leader's tenure at the helm acquires added urgency. In this case. survival reqnir,'s th,' acquisition and maintenance of the state, anù the legitimation and consolidation of rule. This study is a comparative analysis of the survival strategies of two regimes: Jordan's King Hussein and Lebanon's Fu'ad Shihab. lt is an exploration of the ùomestic determinants of foreign poliey behaviour. and the relation between foreign policy behaviour and regime maintenance and survival in small, weak state actors located in a permeable regional system, ln part, the study attempts ta complement, but move away from, the two dominant intellectual traditions in the analysis of foreign poliey behavinnr in the Middle East: the realist and the psychologicallperceptual approaehes. 1 Instead of looking III slales • or the deeision-making l'lite, this study looks ill/o states, particularly at the domestic faclors and politieal dynamies that constrain and determine foreign poliey behaviour, and consequently. at the instrumental use of foreign policy for purposes of regime legitimacy and consolidation. The purpose of this study is to explain the success and faiIure of Hussein and Shihab's respective survival strategies, Both regimes devised roughly simiIar survival strategies in response to the same national problematic, Since independence.
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