Tuesday 1st January

It was 10:00am when I got up this morning and had a little breakfast and then went down to HP (Hyde Park Corner) . Had a little dinner and then cleaned up and got my few things and came up home. I cooked my tea and then got ready for bed. I wrote a letter to Mollie tonight. Things are going along very quietly.

Wednesday 2nd January

I was up in good time and made my breakfast and then set of down. The Sgt was not back as he went into Division HQ last evening (2nd Division) . I got a cup of tea and then went down through Romion (Romarin) and got a bath and change of clothes; it went well. It was a long walk there and back and it was very cold. (This was a round trip of approximately 6 miles!) It is thawing a little and getting very muddy. I came back and got my rations then home and cooked my tea. There are new boys in here tonight but things are going well.

Thursday 3rd January

I was out in good time this morning and cleaned up and went down to where some of the boys are in a cosy little home. I got a good fire going and had a good wash and then did some washing and hung it up. I went down to HP (Hyde Park Corner) and got dinner. My mate and I did some testing on a line but it came right after a while; the lad got a little funny with a drop of rum. I set off and dried a towel by the fire at the other place and then off home. The lad went up to U.R with some books, he was very amusing indeed. I got home and cooked my tea and turned in early.

Friday 4th January

I was cleaned up in good time this morning and commenced to do a little testing but didn’t take long as something else had to be done. I went down and had dinner and got my rations and got the remainder of my clothes. The boys are getting their pay today. Some of the boys are up and starting on a buried route. I helped my mate to carry up his gear to UR as he is relieving one of the other boys and then I came back and up to my own place and cooked my tea. The weather is very mild but continues to be misty so is very good to be getting out in all directions.

Saturday 5th January

Things are going along very well. I was up in good time and cooked my breakfast and then got my things straightened up and then went down to BG, I then went down to BN with another Corps linesman. Went down and got a little dinner and then my rations and then off home again and got tea. I do not feel like writing as am expecting mail any day but it seems a long time coming along. We are very cosy down in the cellar and get along well with the boys.

Sunday 6th January

I was up early and got some breakfast and cleaned up. I was ready when my mate came up and we went up forward to one of the test panels and connected through on a good line then we had to go and bridge another strip. We then went overland across the route. We got on to the railway and down round the left Battalion of our sector and had dinner with our mates at UR test box. It’s a nice little post in a pillbox. We set off back about 2:00pm and went along where the boys are doing the buried job; they were working on the cable. I went down to HP (Hyde Park corner) and got my rations and then off home. I got down to a good tea as I was in great form.

Monday 7th January

Was up in good time and got cleaned up and was down about 10:00am. We had a job to do till dinner time getting the cables ready to go on the board. I got away soon after 12 and gave Mc (?) a ring and he met me down the road then we set off down to some of the camps and found the old Battalion. Found some of the boys; several were away on leave in Blighty the others were all doing well. We could not stop too long as it gets dark early and it is a long way to walk. It was thawing a lot today and very muddy getting about. I called in and got my rations and came home just as it was dark. Got my tea and wrote a letter to Mollie in the evening.

Tuesday 8th January

I was up about 8:00am and got my breakfast and cleaned up. We had a very heavy snowstorm this morning and freezing also. We tested both our routes from here this morning and were late getting away. We went down quick and lively as it was still snowing. Got down and had some dinner and didn’t stop long. I got my rations and also got a dozen letters and 3 papers; it was October mail (1917!) . I got 3 letters from Mothe r and 3 from Mollie and a couple of Post Cards from Sydney . I also got my diary back from Mollie . Got home and had tea and then did a little writing.

Wednesday 9th January

I had to be up early this morning as one of my mates came up and we went on up to the US test panel and had to test a line and could not right it. So we went across to another panel and from there back further still to another called MB and we bridged through another line. From there we went back to HP (Hyde Park). It was a lovely clear morning and plenty of planes up but it was blowing very hard and cold. A heavy snowstorm came on in the afternoon; I came home in it, things were very quiet. I got an Auckland Weekly from home and I wrote a letter to Mother and one to Rosie. The boys changed over tonight, some of the lads that came in were here before.

Thursday 10th January

I had a good sleep in this morning. It was about 9:00am when I got up and had breakfast and cleaned myself up. It was 12 o’clock when I left here and Fritz was putting some stuff around us. I got down to HP (Hyde Park) in time for dinner and got my rations. Then I went in and saw the boys in BG and got a good fire on and had a good wash and did a little washing. It was after 4:00pm when I set off home and shells were still flying round; I got home very lively. I got a letter from Geo (George) Singleton and another Auckland Weekly from home. It rained a lot during the night and the snow has all disappeared so things are very slippery indeed.

Friday 11th January

I had the usual sleep in this morning. Got my breakfast and then cleaned up and set of down to HP (Hyde Park) , Things were quiet this morning and the weather was very mild but very muddy getting about. I did not stop long; put in a little time with the other boys and went with them up to a test box as they were identifying the new route. Set of for home soon after 4:00pm and then cooked a good tea. I wrote a letter in the evening to Geo S (George Singleton) . I have got plenty to read now with all the New Zealand papers.

Saturday 12th January

I was up at the usual time this morning and got my breakfast and cleaned up then set off. I called in at some test strips and then got as far as BG station and had a cup of tea. I then went down to HP (Hyde Park) and got my dinner; the rations don’t come down until after dinner. We went down to the Canteen but couldn’t get much. I got 3 more papers today. I got my rations and then came up here. It’s still very muddy and hard work getting about in it all. I expect a job now for a couple of days up forward on the route at FZ fixing up some new strips.

Sunday 13th January

Had a good sleep in this morning it was 10 o’clock when I got breakfast. I went down to the boys close on 12 o’clock. I got dinner and then tried to have a bath but could only get a change of clothes. I got my rations and then came home. The boys went out this evening and a 6th Brigade is here now and they soon got settled. (Transcribers Note: The 6th Brigade consisted of all Victorian Battalions: 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th) I wrote a couple of letters in the evening. It was very cold again tonight.

Monday 14th January

I was up at the usual time this morning and got things cleaned up. There was a very heavy fall of snow last night and everything is nice and white today. I went down to HP and had dinner. Did a roam round and got my rations. I did a little washing down there and came home about 4:00pm. It came over very misty tonight and it was very thick. Got my tea cooked and had to fix up several lines tonight. Things were a little lively for a while.

Tuesday 15th January

Got a great surprise this morning as all the snow had thawed and it was very cold out and raining so heaps of mud about. I went down about dinner time to HP (Hyde Park) but did not stop too long. Called into BG on my way up and it was raining hard. The trenches are in a bad state all slipping in. Most of the dugouts are leaking but we are pretty right in our little cellar as the ceiling is very good. It is running fast into our kitchen but I got my tea cooked. A lot of water running through the bottom of our place but we are high above it all. I wrote a couple of letters tonight as I received 3 today; one from Doug and the other from NZ.

Wednesday 16th January

I was up at the usual time this morning. Not too many planes out this morning; mud everywhere. It was close on 12 o’clock when I went down this morning. Some of our Officers were out this morning and we got our pay. I drew 20 Francs. We had some dinner then I went for a bath and had to take some sandbags up to UR for a job up further and came across home then cooked my tea. It was showery at times. I got a couple of letters today. We expect to be going back to the stables any day now as a relief is coming out for us.

Thursday 17th January

I was up in good time this morning; got cleaned up and got my breakfast. I was out at the test station UR soon after 9:00am; it was snowing very heavy and very misty. My mate and I went out to FZ and identified both sides of the cables of the new ones that we have on the new strips. We were finished about 1:00pm and then had dinner. We got frozen as it was very cold out in the open and it was raining then. I went down to HP afterwards and got my rations. I got a card today from Lilly Mc. The rain cleared off but it is still very misty. I came home and got my tea and then got in amongst the blankets early. I also got some papers from Uncle.

Friday 18th January

I had to be up early this morning and away round to the UR and then 3 of us had to do a bit more to the job. We were to disconnect the main cables but they were too deep down with too much water and mud. We got the water out and then could not get through the mud. So we had to leave the job and come in until things were a little drier. We went down to HP (Hyde Park corner) and had dinner. I got my rations and then 2 of us had to go up on the right route. It was a long tramp. We tested back as we went forward and eventually got to US . Fritz was a bit lively and got some stuff about us. The line was ok and then we set off back down the trench and it was in a bad state and we had a hard passage back. I fell in a hole and got wet through and all my rations were spoilt. I got home and stripped off. I got a letter from Mother and one from Mollie. The boys were very lively in our little possie tonight.

Saturday 19th January

I was not at all inclined to get up this morning. (Transcribers Note: After the experiences of the previous day who could blame him for feeling this way?) I cooked some breakfast and got word to pack up all my things. I set off about midday down to HP (Hyde Park corner). The other boys to relieve us were there with horses. We had dinner and put our gear on a spare horse and set off. I had a rough ride as I had a couple of sandbags so had to take it easy. I got home back at the stables just after the others and got my tea and soon settled down. I met Sid Graves . He came up here after they sent all the Aussies away from Abberville. (). I got 9 letters when I got back. I did not go out in the evening as I wrote a letter to Mollie.

Sunday 20th January

I did not get up this morning but breakfast was early. I got cleaned up for the next parade but not very much to do. We were finished when we had fed the horses. I had dinner and then went up to Divisional HQ for a walk and came back in time for tea. Went up the town in the evening and did a little shopping and came home early. Things are going along very quietly.

Monday 21st January

I was out on the early parade this morning but very little to do. I had breakfast and cleaned things up and then we were finished. There are only 2 of us Sappers here in the stables as all the others are out forward. We had a little job to do in the afternoon. There were a dozen reinforcements here for the Company this afternoon. I got a letter from Fan this afternoon and she is settled in a NZ hospital outside London . I wrote 3 letters tonight, one home to Mother. Young Sid Graves went off this afternoon to join up with his Brigade.

Tuesday 22nd January

I was up in good time this morning but didn’t do much. We went on with our little job after breakfast and were finished by dinner time. I did a little washing after and later helped with the harness. Things are going along in good style; very easy going. A mate and I played off in the Euchre Tourney and won. We got 16 Francs each. I wrote 3 letters tonight so have not many more to answer now. I had a good night’s rest in a good bed.

Wednesday 23rd January

I was up on the early parade and then got breakfast and cleaned up. I got a leave pass for the day. It was rather showery but I set off for Erquinghem (Erquinghem-Lys) . I went round and tried to find the boys of the Battalion (17th Battalion) but found they had gone into the line last night. I went through Nieppe and then through Armentières. I got to Erquinghem (Erquinghem-Lys) and went to Madams and had dinner; she seemed very pleased. I did a roam round and went and saw an old mate’s grave, Jim Owens (378 Private James Owen, died of wounds 14 April 1916 and is buried in the Erquinghem-Lys cemetery extension. Private Owen was allocated to A Company, 17th Battalion, as a signaller. Sadly he died just over a month after arriving on the Western Front with the Battalion.), in the cemetery. I said goodbye to Madam and came off home; it was a long ride and got here about 4:30pm and had my tea. I went to bed early as I was tired and had a good night’s rest.

Thursday 24th January

I was up early this morning but I didn’t do much; just the usual old doings. I helped one of the boys with harnesses to put the time in. We did a little more after dinner and then went up the town for a bath then got home for tea. We went up the town in the evening but our luck seemed to be out as the concert hall was full and then the pictures went bung. So we had to come home. We expect to move in a few days now. It was a nice day.

Friday 25th January

It was very misty this morning but cleared up nicely and was a treat to be out but of course very muddy under foot. I did a little cleaning up this morning by cleaning some mud off some limbers and greased them. I got 4 letters this afternoon; one from Mother and one from Ve but it was October (1917) mail. After tea several of us went up to the ANZAC coves (?) in the village hall it was fairly good entertainment and a great crowd there. I sent my diary to uncle by registered post today. When I came home I wrote a letter to Mollie in reply to one I got from her today.

Saturday 26th January

It was another dull and misty morning and rather sharp. I was out exercising the horses at the next parade and put the morning in well. In the afternoon we greased up the limbers and it was a very dirty job in the mud. I got a couple of letters today; one from Una and one from Ted Saunders . I also got a nice little parcel from Mrs Brookes that contained lots of nice things. Jack L came in from the line today as a couple of them are to go on Paris leave. I had a good bath tonight at a private place and then later wrote a couple of letters later.

Sunday 27th January

It was another very misty cold morning and it remained about all day. I did a little on the first parade and had breakfast then got things cleaned up. Got it all finished just before dinner time. Several old boys came back from Blighty ...... sick etc. A. McFarlane was one of them; he is in the wireless section. I went off this afternoon for a good roam round in a motor wagon and away through Locre. I did not meet any NZ’s that I wanted to see. I got back home in time for tea. I got word today that I was to go on leave in a couple of days so hope I will miss the move. I got a couple of letters today; one from Ted S and also one from Mrs Miner .

Monday 28th January

I was at the usual time this morning and did a little before breakfast then cleaned up afterwards. I then helped to load up the wagon until dinner time. I got my pass after dinner and then cleaned myself up and went up to the HQ to see about some pay but the field cashier had moved so I got nothing. I saw one of the boys and he asked me to do a little business for him. One of the boys lent me £1 to see across. All the boys came in tonight from up the line so it was pretty lively. I went down the street in the evening for a walk. I got 3 papers today from home.

Tuesday 29th January

We were all up very early this morning on account of the move at 6:00am. I packed up all my things and got them on the wagon. There was plenty of work to do getting everything packed. I just brought a few things across with me. We all left soon after 9:00am. I got my train at Bailleul and a light lunch at the Aussie Comforts Stall there. The train left at 11:30am and we moved some. We arrived at Calais about 2:30pm and had a good march to the rest camp. We were well looked after and got a good hot dinner. We had a good feed and saw the remains of a Fritz Gotha plane on exhibition. Got home then a raid commenced and there were bombs in all directions. A couple went very close to the camp.

Wednesday 30th January

We were up early this morning, got our breakfast; cleaned up and fell in at 10:30am. It was very misty over the water and uncertain if we could sail. It was just on midday when we left and had to go very slow for a start but went some later on. It was 2:30pm when we got to Dover and got in our train. It was a rather slow ride up to London. We got to Victoria Station just on 6:00pm. We were all marched round to the HQ and they very soon fixed us up. Got what clothes we needed and had a good hot bath then set off to find a place to stop. A mate and I went to the Ivanhoe Hotel, had supper and out for a walk. Came home and then to bed. I drew £1 at the HQ. It was a very swell place; one couldn’t get too much to eat.

Thursday 31st January

It was still very misty this morning. Got up, had a bath and then to breakfast. We paid our way then left our things in a cloakroom. We got a lot of little odds and ends fixed up and had dinner at Peel House. I left my mate as we went off in the tube. I went out to Bayswater . It was a terrible thick fog and had a job to find my way but found Mollie. She was doing well; we went down the road for a stroll. She was going away in the evening for a few days. So I left her and came out to Brixton to Uncle John’s. I brought my few things and they made me very welcome. Katie, his niece, is here also. So things are going good. I had a good supper and a good bed.

Friday 1st February

It was 8:00am when I got up this morning and it is still misty but it is nice inside with a good fire and plenty to read. I went down to Brixton with Katie and did a little shopping. Came back for lunch and I went into town in the afternoon and did some more shopping for some of my mates. It was about 7:00pm when I got back. I got a letter from Mollie . Uncle came in and we had dinner. I wrote a few cards, one to Mother and then off to bed. I got £1 from Uncle this morning and told him I would be off up north tomorrow.

Saturday 2nd February

I was up in good time this morning and went out and did a few little odd jobs and after lunch I said goodbye. I then went into Victoria Station and then a tube out to Ealing Broadway to see one of my mate’s wives. I had a fine walk out to their place; they were very nice people. Mrs Pashmer was very homely. I had some tea and left just before dark. I got back to Victoria Station a little after 6:00pm so went to a theatre to put in the time and it was very good. I made for Kings Cross Station to get my train for Edinburgh and left at 10:30pm; lots of our boys going up. I made mates with a NZ boy and we had a gay time together. I got £10 from Uncle today.

Sunday 3rd February

We had a fairly good sleep in the train and got up here soon after 8:00am. We went to Ramsay Lodge, a Soldiers Club, it was a fine place. Got a wash, a cleanup and then went out on a tram and then had a good walk over some fine hills called Arthurs Seat. We picked up a gentleman and he took us all round and then home by train and got a good dinner. Food is so very much better up here. Went over the Edinburgh Castle and had a good ride round in the afternoon. Princess Street is very fine with nice gardens on one side and fine shops on the other. Went out in the evening and met some girl friends and had some great yarns, There are crowds of girls about and very nice too.

Monday 4th February

Got cleaned up this morning and went down to the city and went through St Giles Cathedral . I sent several views and post cards home. After dinner we went out to the Firth of Forth Bridge by motor bus. It was a nice ride and a great sight; its 1¾ miles long. The country is very pretty all round. We got back to town and had our tea and went to a theatre in the evening. We had a supper on the way home. The weather is fine and very mild. The smoke and mist hangs over parts of the town. The city is situated on hills and down in the valley as well. The railway runs up in a sort of gorge and some very large bridges cross.

Tuesday 5th February

We had a roam round Holyrood Castle (Palace) this morning and over some hills and then did a little shopping. I sent a few articles home and registered them. We went home and got dinner and our few things and then down to the station and got the train to Aberdeen , it left just after 2:00pm and went over the big bridge. It was a nice trip in the daylight. We went across the Firth of Tay , which is a very long bridge, then through Dundee . Got to Aberdeen about 6:00pm and found a nice place to stay. Had tea and went out for a walk. We got a surprise with so many girls about and we had some sport with a couple of them. It was getting late when we got to bed.

Wednesday 6th February

We were up in good time this morning and cleaned up then set out to have a roam round. Did several trips on the trams and out to the granite quarries. Went out to the River Don and the River Dee and its very picturesque. I had a look round the Grand College, it’s a fine building all made of stone; it’s all so pretty being all built of stone. Things are so clean, a great number of churches about and all so lofty. I was home for tea and then we got on a suburban train out to Dyce . We went to see a couple of little girls and spent the evening with them at the house. They gave us a good time playing and singing etc. We had a long chat then supper and then we set off home.

Thursday 7th February

We rode round the suburbs in the trams this morning then got a few cards and views and posted them away. We went round about the docks and everyone seems so nice and homely and so agreeable. There seems to be so very few boys about though a lot of our lads are here. The girls are always smiling; one very seldom sees a face without a smile. It was a bit showery in the afternoon. We had tea and a walk and went to the station and I got the express to Kings Cross (London). We left at ¼ past 8pm. My mate did not come back with me and I had a fairly good sleep as there were only 4 of us in the compartment. But it was a weary ride.

Friday 8th February

It was very late when we got in, 10:30am. I went round to Victoria Station and sent a wire to Mollie . I then went up to Peel House got my dinner and a bed and then cleaned up. I went out to Bayswater at 2:00pm, had a walk round and met Mollie . She gave me a great surprise as she had Ted & Ern with her for me to meet. (Transcribers note: I assume this is 662 Pte Ernest George William Peatfield & ??? I cannot find a Ted [Edward] Saunders). It was great and we all did talk. We met Lily after and she is a lively little sort. The 5 of us went and had tea then Ern left us. Later we went to the pictures then went home with the girls to Baker Street. They both have the weekend off and are staying with their friends. I was glad to get to bed tonight.

Saturday 9th February

I was up in good time this morning and cleaned up. I met the boys at 10:00pm and we had a good roam round the city and then down on the embankment. We had dinner and then off up to Charing Cross at 3:00pm to meet the girls, we waited for an hour but they didn’t turn up. Then we went up to Baker Street but couldn’t find their digs so didn’t get any news of them. We had tea and went to the Wax Works in the evening and it was rather interesting. We went off home soon after 10:00pm and we were very tired with all the walking we had done.

Sunday 10th February

I had a real good sleep and a good bath this morning. The boys came up here to stop and we all set off to Baker Street and hunted round and at last found the flat but all were out. So we went for a walk and came back and saw one of the others and left word we would call back later. We had dinner and Ern went down into the city to meet the other boys. We went round to the flat and just got settled when the 2 girls came back then we all went up to Trafalgar Square to meet the others. Then we all went round through the Park and eventually landed at the flat; there was some noise too. We had a nice tea and some games, it as a gay party. We had some supper and all started off for home. It was after midnight so no trains. There were 5 couples and the girls came part way home with us. It was a long walk and we were tired.

Monday 11th February

I was up in good time and cleaned up this morning. We had a roam round and then out to Uncles. He was out but Katie was home and busy but she treated us well. We stopped for dinner and then set off. I took my things away and went home to Peel House and then up to Baker Street. We went away out to a park close to a lot of munitions factories and then back to the flat for tea. The 10 of us left for the theatre at 7:30pm but the show was not up to much. I had a good yarn with Mollie tonight; she is such a sensible sort. We all said goodbye to Lily after the show as she went home to Croydon. We 3 boys saw the 4 girls home and had some great yarns. We managed to get a train tonight.

Tuesday 12th February

We were about in good time this morning and did a few things and went down to Uncles and stopped an hour. Said goodbye to them all as Uncle’s sister was there as well and another sister of Katie . I said goodbye to Hilda. I got a couple of £ from Uncle, he was very good to us all. We all went up to Euston ; met the girls and went and had a little lunch. We then went and saw Ern off on the Manchester train. Then we went up to Baker Street and said goodbye to Nora and Mollie and then us 2 boys went to meet Fan at Charing Cross and met her there. (Transcribers Note: As with some of the other diaries Sapper Hill refers to notes at the back of the diary for certain days. The note entry for 12th February reads: She is just the same old sport and plenty of talk. We went round to Victoria and she was telling me lots of funny tales and wanted to know as many. Then we came back to Charing Cross and had tea. Fan had to catch the 5:30pm train. We all had a great yarn together and heard all the latest. We said goodbye to Fan and then we went and walked down past Peel House and got our coats. We then went to the early show at Victoria Palace theatre , it was very good. Around 9:00pm we went up to Baker Street and had a long talk with Mollie . As it was my last night it was very hard saying goodbye to such a little sport. Ted and I had supper and then to bed. )

Wednesday 13th February

I was up at 6:00am, got my few things together and also had breakfast. Ted came down to Victoria Station with me to see me away. He leaves 2 days later. There were several train loads of boys returning to and it did not take us long to run down to Dover and then we got on the boat. I met my mate who came over with me. It was a showery day but we soon ran across the Channel and landed at Calais. We got up to our camp about 3:00pm and had a good dinner. I had a roam round and put in some time at a YMCA concert, it was real good. Got tea and went and had a sleep. We had to be up at 11:00pm; got supper and then fell in to march off to the station. The train left at about 2:30am.

Thursday 14th February

We got out at Hazebrouck and found we had come too far; should have got off at St Omer. So we went back on another train at 1:00pm to St Omer and were billeted in the details barracks in the town for the night. We got tea and were given leave for the evening. I came down to the Church Army hut and did some writing. There are lots of the 5th Brigade boys up here on leave. We got one blanket each for the night. It was a chilly night but slept well for all the changes and being on the floor.

Friday 15th February

We were up about 7:00am and got breakfast then got our things together. We went off to the station at 8:00am and got our train just after 9:00am which took about an hour to run down. A couple of us got out at Neilles (Nielles-lès-Bléquin) and we were told where Div HQ (2nd Division HQ) was and walked a little way and found it. I reported at our Orderly Room (2nd Division Signal Company) and then went off to the Section and found all the boys doing really well. A great lot had gone on leave since I had been away. I had dinner and found most of my things and got settled in a nice little billet. The boys are out in all directions and enjoying themselves but it’s only a little tiny village. I wrote a long letter to Mother tonight and also one to Mollie. I got several letters that were waiting for me; 2 from home, things were going along well.

Saturday 16th February

I had a good night’s sleep and didn’t get out on the first parade. Everything is done in style out here and everyone is so smart and clean. 3 of us went off in the motor wagon to a little town called Dreves (Desvres) and had to put in a line from the Motor Transport column to the Post Office. Had a real good dinner out there and got the job finished about 5:00pm. It was very cold all day and dark when we got back and had a wash and got our tea. I am very comfortable by a nice little fire. I got back in time yesterday for a pay, I drew 20 Francs. (Transcribers Note: I can appreciate Sapper Hill not getting the spelling of French towns or villages quite correct. A disused railway runs from St Omer through Nielles-lès-Bléquin to Desvres. It was in this area in late 1917-early 1918 that the 5 Australian Divisions were resting and training and then became the Australian Corps).

Sunday 17th February

Had a good sleep in this morning and went out on a little exercising at the next parade. I didn’t get far as I had to bring the horses back to the farrier. There was no parade in the afternoon so I got a bike and set off for the Battalion (17th Battalion) and found them about 4 miles away. Met all the boys and they are doing well. B. Starr (671 Bertie George Starr MM) is on Brigade now Ern was A1, I also met young Alf Beverley (6781 Alfred Edwin Beverley) from Hornsby. There was a football match on and I saw lots of the old boys that have been away a long time. I had tea with the boys and came home in the evening. It was a lovely evening with a full moon but a little frosty.

Monday 18th February

I was out exercising the horses this morning and it is a good job. We came home about 11:00am and did a little about and then were finished. I didn’t do much in the afternoon. After tea one of the boys and me went down and got a parcel each. Mine was from Mrs Oldfield and contained a nice big cake. I also saw Bert Sash (?) and had a good yarn with him and a walk. I wrote a letter to Una later on. Lots of the boys are going on leave to Blighty and Paris.

Tuesday 19th February

I wasn’t up very early this morning but cleaned up a little for parade. Several of us had to clean down the big wagon getting it ready for painting, but we had a good time on the job. We chopped up a good lot of wood at dinner time as there is plenty about these parts. It has been a lovely day, frosty at first but nice out in the sun. I received several papers from home yesterday but very old ones. Two boys from this little billet moved out to a private place so I am on my own but have a good fire going.

Wednesday 20th February

I had a great night’s sleep on a good bed. It was very sharp this morning. We were on cleaning down some of the limbers as they have to be painted and it’s a cold job but we had a good time of it. It was inclined to be showery this afternoon but did some washing down and got a supply of wood in afterwards, This quiet life does me as I have a lot of writing to do but only wrote one tonight; made some supper and then to bed.

Thursday 21st February

It rained a little last night bit it was not too bad this morning. All the ice was gone so was very sloppy in places. One of the horses got its leg through a hole in the floor last night and died it was a fine old horse too. Did a bit more cleaning down this morning and did a little to digging a hole to bury the horse in the afternoon. One of the boys found ½ dozen letters of mine. Someone had been looking after them and lost them. Put in for a day’s leave tomorrow. I wrote several letters tonight as it’s very mild. The fields are very pretty to see all the snowdrops out in them. Just reminds one of daisies out in our parts.

Friday 22nd February

It was blowing very rough today and no leave passes were issued as we have to have musketry instruction and then go to the range tomorrow morning. We had the instruction in the morning and put the afternoon in over at the stables and did a little painting. It was inclined to be showery but didn’t get much rain. Things are going along very quietly. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening

Saturday 23rd February

About half of the section went down to a miniature rifle range this morning not far out of Nielles (Nielles-lès- Bléquin) and we all put off 15 rounds. It was a bit of sport, we did grouping and then application and then rapid. I didn’t do any good at rapid but didn’t make any odds. I suppose we all passed. We played a game of football in the afternoon against Div HQ staff. It was a good match and they just beat us by 1 point. Tom Mc and Harry Titchen (?) collided and both got nasty cuts about their eyes and had to get them stitched up. Had bath in the evening but felt very stiff. Had a yarn to McC and a mate over their trip to Paris . I came home and had a real good sleep.

Sunday 24th February

I felt very well again this morning. Not much doing just cleaned up about the stables and put in the time until midday. Nothing doing this afternoon; did a little washing and got some wood in so am very comfortable. Bert S is back from the stores so is in the billet with me. We expect to be on the move any day now. The weather is very mild, some of the boys still going to Blighty and also Paris. It came over very cloudy in the evening and started to drizzle with rain.

Monday 25th February

It turned out a very wet morning but cleared off a little. I put in for leave to have a day down at Boulogne (Boulogne-sur-Mer) , went down to the Orderly Room and got my pass but had to wait until 11:30am for the motor wagon but there were not enough of us going so I came home and had a little dinner. I did some cleaning of neck chains in the afternoon They are forming a Signal Company for the Aussie Corps and I put in for a job but don’t know if anything will come of it. Got a good lot of wood after tea and then wrote a letter to Uncle.

Tuesday 26th February

It was very sharp this morning with a white frost; I never got up for the first parade so doing very well. I got a good fire going so it is very nice in our little hut. Went out with the horses this morning and had a good ride round though it was blowing a little cold, came back and then it was dinner time. I did some painting in the afternoon. I have not heard anymore about moving but expect it to come off any day. Things are going along very well here as we are not bothered very much. This is the best spell I think we have ever had. I have not received any mail yet; something wrong with the communications no doubt.

Wednesday 27th February

It was a fairly good morning and things are going along very quietly. I did a little cleaning up and a little painting until dinner time. We then had a half holiday and a couple of us went for a walk down to Nielles (Nielles-lès-Bléquin) and saw some of the boys, got a few things and then home for tea. We managed to get a little wood to keep our fire going. It came over very showery in the evening. I got a letter from Mollie but it had been a long time on the way and I wrote a letter tonight.

Thursday 28th February

It was a bit sloppy this morning but fairly fine. A few of us had to go down to the Orderly Room about our recommendations for a job on Corps to go as airline men but there is nothing definite about it yet. (Transcribers Note: The Australian Corps was being formed at this time. An airline man was what we know as a telephone linesman responsible for putting telephone lines on poles). I did a little cleaning to a limber in the afternoon. We expect to move about the 4th (March 1918) that is all we know at present. One of the boys came up this evening and had a chat for a while and then we went down the road for as walk and back home to bed.

Friday 1st March

It was very cold this morning with a lot of snow falling and made things unpleasant all day. A lot of the boys had to be inoculated this morning; the rest of us had little to do. There was very little done in the afternoon as we were paid early and I drew 20 Francs. It came over very rough at night so didn’t stir out. I got a couple of letters, one from Richmond and one from Hilda. I went to bed early and had a good sleep.

Saturday 2nd March

It was very cold and windy this morning. Several of us had to go down and get inoculated in the village by the Divisional Doctor. We came home about 11:00am and finished then. There was no parade in the afternoon. My mate was a bit crook with his arm. I got some wood and made things very comfortable and nice and warm. I had a good tea and went to bed early. I got a letter from Jess today and one from her mother.

Sunday 3rd March

I was not feeling too good his morning as my arm was a bit sore. I did not go out on parade but there is not much doing. It was a rather miserable day and we did not stir far. I went to bed in the afternoon and felt better for it about tea time. I got a good number of letters today, some from home and all round. I also got one from Mollie and wrote one in the evening. We expect to move on Tuesday.

Monday 4th March

It was a very cold and bleak morning. We had to get the limbers greased and put some of the gear on them this afternoon. There is a terrible lot of mud about and drizzling a lot. We got the day in alright and got plenty of wood in for the last night. I got several papers today and sent a few whiz bangs off as we are moving off tomorrow. No mail for a few days. Several of the Sappers are going straight into the line; same part as we came out from. I don’t know if I am going forward

Tuesday 5th March

We were up very early this morning and got all our things packed up and put on the wagons, it was rather muddy and overcast. We got on the road at 9:00am but it was very chilly. We had a few spells along the road and stopped at one little [place for lunch. We went through Lumbries (Lumbres) and then round the outskirts of St Omer and got to Ronescure (Renescure) where we were billeted at a farm for the night and were very comfortable. It is the same place as the Section was at for several weeks last year. (Transcribers Note: See the 1917 diary) . I went down the village in the evening but it’s only a tiny place. It was cold in the evening but it seems like being fine.

Wednesday 6th March

We were up in good time and got everything packed up again and commenced off at 9:00am, it was nice and fine but very cold. A lot of the boys stayed behind as they were going to the line; so not so many of us travelling. We had a very bad road for part of the way. We went through Hazebrouck and got to our little village Streezel (Strazeele) at 1:00pm and got settled in a good billet in a big barn. We just straightened things up and were finished for the day. Went out in the village in the evening but it is a very small place.

Thursday 7th March

We were up soon after 6:00am but not much to do. 2 of the detachments and some Mounted men moved off about 9:00am to a different camp so we had very little to do. I helped the boys clean some of the harnesses, it was a grand day. We got tea early and then 3 of us set of for Castre (Ca ёstre) about 4 kilometres off. We went to a Canteen and then went on to some other villages. I went with one of the boys to Steenvoorde (Transcribers Note: This was a further 10 kilometres away) to see some friends. They were real fine folk and spoke very good English. It was good riding in the evening and the roads were very good. We got home about 9:00pm. (Transcribers Note: It never fails to amaze me the distances the Australian Forces travelled either for tactical reasons or for enjoyment. This particular bike journey was a round trip of just over 20 kilometres. The journey from Nielles-lès-Bléquin to Strazeele by wagon was approximately 40km.)

Friday 8th March

We were up on good time and got our things packed on the wagons and had a little breakfast. I felt a bit off colour; must have got a cold last night. I felt a bit crook and cold and didn’t enjoy the move but we did not have far to go, only about 8 km to Bailuel (Bailleul). We got to our old stables about midday. We had dinner and then cleaned all the gear off the wagons into the store. It was a lovely sunshine day and I enjoyed lying out in it. We got settled in the huts and I went down the street in the evening and got a good hot bath and felt much better for it. I got some photos from Aberdeen .

Saturday 9th March

It was a little sharp getting out this morning. We got word to be packed up at 10:00am. 8 of us are to be ready to move off to the Australian Corps Signals Company . We came down in the motor wagons to Flete (Flêtre) to the Camp where they are going to put us through some training as we are to relieve the Imperial Engineers. It’s a lovely day, we are camped in tents and there are plenty of parades going here. No parade this afternoon so we came down to a little YMCA and did some writing. It should be a good camp as everything is nice and clean. They put the clocks on an hour last night.

Sunday 10th March

We didn’t get out till 7:00am and did a check parade before breakfast. The next parade is at 9:30am. We then went to a Church parade and then to Castre (Ca ёstre) to a YMCA and were home again in good time. We had the afternoon off and I wrote several letters; one to home. I did a stroll round the camp, things are very regimental but not a bad life at all; does me. They took our particulars as regards what work we were used to. We had to be in at 9:00pm.

Monday 11th March

We were out bright and early this morning on the parade and then to breakfast. On the next parade we were put in our various sections and I was into the airline section and should turn out a good job. We did a little march round and then got onto some poles and arms, set them up and undid them all for practice. We got a pay today and I only drew 15 Francs. We did a little more in the afternoon and were finished at 4:00pm and then got tea. We get fairly good rations here. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening. They have entered the transfer in my pay book to the Australian Corps Signal Company. (Transcribers Note: Sapper Hill’s Record of Service shows the official date of his transfer from 2nd Division Signal Company to Australian Corps Signal Company was 9th March 1918. This was the date he arrived at his new unit) Tuesday 12th March

We were out in good time this morning and 20 of us were tasked to go out on a job. We had breakfast then away. It was out on a little air line job that runs back to a small resting area through Streezel (Srazeele). We were out on the motor wagons and on the job all day till 5:00pm. We had a dusty ride home and then a good hot tea and then had a good clean up, wash etc. I got a letter today from George Singleton (Transcribers Note: Possibly 4645 George Henry Singleton who also served in WWII. Therefore I cannot access his WW1 records. The other 2 George Singleton’s WWI records do not indicate they were in hospital at this time) he was back in hospital again in England.

Wednesday 13th March

It was rather a good day today, not so sharp in the morning. We did all sorts of pole work that have been erected by the camp. It was a bit hard for a start with climbing etc and doing a lot of binding in on a low route. We put the day in well as it is very interesting. Several more boys came down from the old Company and they need to be detailed. I wrote a couple of letters down at the YMCA tonight. I met one of the old Sigs from the Battalion (17th Battalion) as he is in the Australian Corps Signal Company now. He has been away since Poziers (Pozières) (Transcribers Note: The 17th Battalion were in the line at Pozières on the 25th July 1916) . It came over very mist and seemed like a change.

Thursday 14th March

It was raining this morning and made things unpleasant. We had the usual inspections and then went in several tents doing wiring joints etc until dinner time. In the afternoon we went off for a bath. It was a good walk as it was only a tiny place in one of the reinforcement camps and only ½ of us could get a bath. We came home across the fields in quick time just in time for tea. I got a pass for the evening and went to Castre (Ca ёstre), got a few things and was home in good time and to bed. It cleared up nicely towards evening.

Friday 15th March

It was blowing rather cold this morning. Had the usual inspection and then out on our wiring job but it was too cold to be nice. Fritz has been putting a few big shells into the back areas around Bailuel (Bailleul) the last few days so many are on the move away back. Put in the afternoon and it cleared up nicely towards evening. I was down the village in the evening and met one of the boys of the old Battalion Section. He had been away sick and was joining up again. The boys are in the line at present. (Transcribers Note: The 17th Battalion at this time were in the line in southern Belgium)

Saturday 16th March

It was a very nice sunny day. We were out on our job and put the morning in well on different jobs amongst the poles and wires. We had no parade in the afternoon, it was good to be free and do as we liked. I got a letter from Mollie today and answered it and also wrote to Fran. I went down to the village for a while in the evening and was in bed fairly early.

Sunday 17th March

We had to be up early this morning and had breakfast as two sections of us had to go out on the lines. We went round Meetren (Méteren) in the motor wagon as we had to run a line to an Australian Casualty Clearing Station which had just come up from Steenwerck (Steenwerck). We were finished by midday and were home by 1:00pm. Had some dinner and went out and watched the boys play Aussie rules football, our boys won easily. I got 7 letters today; 4 were from home and a couple of papers. I did not go out after tea; it was a lovely warm day.

Monday 18th March

It was a very mild morning so not so bad getting out first thing. We put the day in on the poles and wires and it was nice and sunny. They have split us up into our Sections now. I am with several of the other boys I know in No.1 Section, air line. We do not know how long how long they are going to keep us here training but it is a very good life so we cannot complain. I went down in the evening and wrote a couple of letters. It came over very misty later on and seemed like a change.

Tuesday 19th March

We were out on the early parade and it had rained a little but it came on very steady later on. We did not stir out again as it was too wet the rest of the day. I wrote a couple of letters and went for a stroll in the evening but the rain is not all over yet. It rained a lot during the night but things seem to be lively up the line.

Wednesday 20th March

We went out on the first parade but it is still a trifle showery. We fell in on the next parade and had the usual inspection then went back to the tents as it is very muddy about but seems to be clearing. We went out and did a little in the afternoon so put the time in well. I also managed to get a couple of letters written and also got a photo done up to send home. We went down to the village (Flêtre) in the evening for a walk. Several of the boys of our Section have gone off to different points.

Thursday 21st March

It was a nice fine morning though a little mist for a start. We were out on our job amongst the poles and wires having more experience and the time goes very well. Expect there will be plenty of work to do shortly as there are a few routes to build. Did a little air line for practice in the afternoon and it went off well. Went down to the village in the evening for a roam round. Fritz is livening up considerably and putting a lot of big stuff away behind in the villages. Most of the French folk are on the move (Transcribers Note: This would have been part of the preliminary bombardments to the great German attacks in 1918 to try and split the British and French forces.)

Friday 22nd March

I was out on the first parade and it was a lovely morning and nice and warm during the day. We were doing all sorts of jobs out on our training ground and put the day in very well. I did not stir out in the evening as my feet were a little sore but nothing wrong with the life. Fritz comes over every night as it is such good weather but he is generally very high. It is very lively up around Bailleul these times; getting knocked about.

Saturday 23rd March

It was a very fine morning and we were on a nice job wiring the arms on the poles for the earth wires. There was no parade this afternoon as our boys are playing football. I went down and saw the match; it was a fairly close game but our boys managed to win. I came home in time for tea and went down the village in the evening. I got a letter from Marie K tonight also a paper from Vee.

Sunday 24th March

We were out this morning and I got cleaned up and we went of sudden at 9:00am to our YMCA church down through Caestre (Ca ёstre) . It was a good service and came back about 11:00am and did a little writing. I wrote a couple of letters in the afternoon and then got tea early. I had a wash and went out for a walk. I saw the 13th Canterbury Company going away. I met Harry Jarman (?) and had a chat. They went off in the train and I came up to the village and met Doug Ross (?) and had a great yarn, they were moving late at night by train. I left him after 10 PM and got home.

Monday 25th March

I was up and about this morning and it was sharp too. We went on with our job from Saturday of wiring the arms and got them finished by dinner time. In the afternoon several of us did a little air line practice putting it up and pulling it down again and so put the time in. It was blowing very cold. I went down the town or village in the evening for a walk and home to bed. We got a little news today of the big advance of Fritz. He seems to have a wedge in and on the road to Albert on the and a very fierce battle is raging.

Tuesday 26th March

It was a bitterly cold morning, a section of us were out on the job of permanent route, I was digging post holes and kept myself warm. We came home to dinner and also got a pay I drew Fr.20. We went out again in the afternoon and commenced to get the lines up. Came back about 5pm and we were all quite satisfied with our day's work. I felt a little tired. The news we have is not too good, so far lots of Aussies are on the move so no doubt there will be a lot of dirty work doing. Several Fritz planes were over tonight.

Wednesday 27th March

I was up to go out to work this morning but all No.2 Section went out instead. We did little March as it was very dull and Chile. Several of us were detailed to pack up to go out to test bases. We got our gear and rations and went up to Corps HQ in the wagon but it was cancelled so we came back home. We hear now that we are all moving to the Somme . Things seem very busy now with so many on the move. I wrote a letter to uncle and also a couple of Field Cards and to Mollie . Several of the boys in the section have received stripes.

Thursday 28th March

Things are going along in good style. It was inclined to reign today in very cold but we did some running about am also got the stores all packed up. We did some squad drill in the afternoon as our officer is very keen on the section. We all get along very well. I went down to Flêtre in the evening and had a bath it came onto rain but it was showery for the rest of the evening. They are taking a more letters now.

Friday 29th March

It was a little better this morning. The other section went out on the instruction job today. We did some rifle drill and also an inspection. We did an inspection in the afternoon for closed and shortages then we had some physical drill and running around. We went down to the village in the evening for a walk and then home to bed. Things are getting settled again as we hear no more about moving. Things are still very serious around about Albert but it is said Fritz is held now.

Saturday 30th March we were out this morning on the lot of our section went out on the new route and put the day in on it and nearly got it finished. It came on very wet in the afternoon and we got a little damp in the rain kept on very steady. We had our lunch out on the job as our officer got us bread and butter in a farm house and it was very nice. We came home and got a good tea. News is very scarce in these times, have had no mails from Blighty so wonder what has happened.

Sunday 31st March

We went out this morning but it was still showery and it was a bit muddy. We got all our lines run out and have only to get them all strained up now. We went in at 12 o'clock and got our dinner when we came back. I was on fatigue job in the afternoon and had to go down the line to get some signal stores from the Army depot then back to Flêtre and then to deliver it to the Divisions. We went to St Jans Cappel (Saint-Jans-Cappel) . The wagon then went down to Bailleul and I got out and went down and saw the boys at the horse lines. They were all well. (Transcribers Note: I assume this to be the 2nd Division Signal Company horse lines) I then got the wagon back home. I got a letter from Mollie and answered it tonight.

Monday 1st April

We were out and got breakfast in good time and out to the job on the wagon. We started to strain up the lines and binding in. We got word at 12 o'clock to go back in so got back to camp and got dinner. Then we all went up to St Jans Cappel (Saint-Jans-Cappel) in the motor wagons, got a good bath and came home and had an inspection for clothes. I got a new pair of breeches. We had tea and I wrote a letter to mother and then we went down the village for a walk. There are lots of troops about all on the move.

Tuesday 2nd April

We got our breakfast in good time this morning and out onto the job. We were on the same job straining up. We boiled the Dixie for dinner and had our lunch then at it again in the afternoon. We got word to go in about 4 pm so went in and got a wash and our tea and then had to pack up all the stores on our wagon. We were finished about 7pm and went down the village for a walk. The 2nd Division are all on the move but I haven't managed to see the old Battalion. (17th Battalion) We expect to move to the Somme tomorrow.

Wednesday 3rd April

We were up a little early this morning and packed up all our belongings then got breakfast. Had a parade and got our things on the different wagons. We left the camp at 9am and went through Hazerbrouck (Hazebrouck) and many other fine villages. It was a very good ride as the dust was settled by the rain we had last night. We arrived at St Pol (Saint-Pol-sur Ternoise) just on 1pm and stopped for an hour and had lunch. I went to the town and got some coffee. We had a good ride through and then the roads were very congested with all sorts of traffic. We got to about 5pm and out to a comfortable camp. We got tea and had a walk around and down to bed. It was a little showery all-night and some other boys were on guard duty but we had a good night’s sleep. (Transcribers Note: I can only assume the journey from Flêtre to Bernaville was made by motor wagons)

Thursday fourth April

We breakfast and then cleaned up and got word to pack up. We got dinner early and then our Section moved off to our HQ at Villers-Brocage. It was raining hard and we could not get in our billets as there were lots of troops in them. So we had to put the time in India wagons. Then several of us had to come back to our old camp at Bernaville to get rations but had to wait till 10pm when the rations are arrived. We had a load up the wagons and left soon after 11pm. We had a slow ride and it rained a little. It was 3am when we got our load off and made our bed.

Friday 5th April

We had a good sleep in then got our breakfast. I lot of the section were out working on the job, some came home to lunch in the afternoon. Several of us cleaned out our billets and it was a rather dusty job. It was showery during the day. We are getting nicely settled we had a good tea and went out around the village for a walk. We may get word to move any time. We get very little news and it's difficult to hear how things are going.

Saturday 6th April

We had a good night’s sleep and were up and got breakfast. We had to stay handy to the billet but were not wanted though a few were out working. We got word we were to move to another billet. We had a good dinner and packed up then spent the afternoon fixing up the new billet and were finished in good time. We went out for a walk to (Transcribers Note: The wonderful Chateau Bertangles became General John Monash’s Corps HQ in early 1918. It was also here that he was knighted in the field by King George V in August 1918) a village 3 kilometres off. Had a look around and came home in a car. It is a showery night but not so cold as it was very sharp this morning. No mail about and we can write again now.

Sunday 7th April

We were out in good time this morning and got our gear on the wagons and had to repair a small pole route. It was in a pretty bad condition but we had a good job as it turned out a nice day. We had lunch out and made a dixie of tea and it went very well. We came in soon after 4:00pm and got tea. We went for a walk in the evening out to a couple of villages, was one of them, it was a good walk but we managed to get a ride home in a wagon. I got a letter this morning from Hilda.

Monday 8th April

It rained a lot during the night and was very cold this morning. We went out on our job about 10:00am as the wagons had to be inspected first. We got out but it rained very hard but we kept going. We got in a little hut for dinner and the rain kept off a little better in the afternoon. We got a little more done and came in about 4:00pm and had our tea. It continues to be showery and cold so are not going far tonight. I got several letters tonight, a long one from Ida; one from Adelaide , the others from Blighty. We have a job to get our mail censured as they are too busy to take it.

Tuesday 9th April

We were out in good time this morning but it was very foggy and cold and was dull all day. We were out on out route all day and fairly solid going carrying the poles across the paddocks. We came home in good time and got tea. I had a roam round the village looking for a mate but didn’t drop across him. I wrote a letter to Marie tonight to her London address as she expected to be back before this.

Wednesday 10th April

We went out on our route in good time this morning and I was arming poles, it was a good job as it was a nice day and a pleasure to work. We are getting across the fields but it will take us a couple of more days yet. We always enjoy our dinner out in the open round the tea dixie. There are a lot of our 1st Division billeted round about these parts. I got a letter from Mollie today. We have not heard anything about pay so far. The cable Sections all seem busy as there are lines in all directions. We got told today the Fritz had broken through around Messines (Mesen) but there are no particulars yet.

Thursday 11th April

We were out on our job this morning and got some more work in on the route. We are right in Flesselles with it now. It would have just about been finished but we had some bad luck straining up as one of the poles was pulled over and it meant a lot of extra work. We got word to come in a little early. So we got home and it was hurry up and clean up as General Birdwood was inspecting us. (Transcribers Note: Lieutenant-General Birdwood, “known affectionately as “Birdy”, commanded the Australian Corps until it was taken over by the newly promoted Lieutenant-General John Monash on 1st July 1918) He came along at 5:30pm and had a look at the various Sections. He had a word with several of us as he went round but it didn’t take long and then we got tea. After I did my washing and then had a good wash down. Friday 12th April

It rained a little during the night but it was a lovely morning and turned out a warm day. We were out on our line tying in all morning. In the afternoon a couple of us had to come back to the home end and put in a couple of new poles. We put in till just on 4:00pm, got cleaned up and had tea. It was a lovely evening and I sat outside and did some writing until it got too dark. Fritz has been over of an evening dropping a few bombs about now it is so fine, I saw an account in the paper where Fritz had made a good advance from Messines (Mesen) up to La Bassie (?) and got through to the River Lys.

Saturday 13th April

We were out in good time this morning. 4 of us went out on our route and put in 2 more angle poles to strengthen it where we left off last night. We were home just before midday and got dinner. A few of us had the afternoon off, the others were out working. It was a rather dull day. I went for a walk round the village in the evening and then had a look through the Church, it’s very nice inside. It was blowing very cold tonight. We got a pay tonight and I drew 20 Francs.

Sunday 14th April

We were out at the usual time this morning. We were all in a short cable length across the road from the Maire (Town Hall) . It was terribly cold out in the wind. We are on the job till dinner time and then all back to dinner. All hands had to go out on a cable job and get it up on the poles around the village, it was done by tea time and several of us had to tighten up some cables that go in to the HQ. We went for a walk into Flesselles in the evening, only French troops there now. I got a letter from Mollie tonight and also answered it. Fritz seemed to be still pushing up about Messines (Mesen) and has got through a good distance about Bailleul.

Monday 15th April we all went out on the one job today, it was very cold but we had to work to keep warm. We commenced on a new small pole route going from Flesselles to but by the end of the day we had made a good show. I was in an arming party in the morning and wiring in this afternoon. We were a bit late coming into night. Got tea and then went for a walk to get something to eat as the coal whether seems to make most of its very hungry. We managed to get some little pieces of bread and had a good fill for supper.

Tuesday 16th April

We were going at good time this morning and our gang got on the wiring but we had to cut a terminal poll and fed up as we had to get things ready to put in the short length of cable under the railway. We got onto the polls again on the other side. We had a long walk to dinner as the wagons were running round but eventually got a fire going and had a good lunch. We made a good show in the afternoon; it was late when we got home. We had to come home all on one wagon and we hanging on in all directions. I got a couple of letters tonight then went out for a little walk and wrote a letter later.

Wednesday 17th April

We got our sudden this morning were still on the wiring job and going well. We got right up to the forward party by lunchtime. We had a good lunch and got on to a little more butter heavy shower came on and we had to make our wagons, it lasted about an hour. We went back and did little more and then made a home but it took us a long time as we had to go round a long way to pick up some of our boys. It was late when we got home. But we had a good meal so feeling well. Things are very lively and in the home tonight, lots of arguments.

Thursday 18th April

We were out on the same job this morning but only our own little gain. There was a bitter cold wind blowing all day and ended us a little as our poles were very tall. We got the day in although it was very threatening all day. It was about 6 PM when we got home. I got a postal order to send to Aberdeen , only 6/6. We all got to bed early tonight as it is very cold. Fritz seemed to be still moving a little around our old front.

Friday 19th April it was a very cold morning but we got out on the job and not very much to do as we are on the finish of it. We ran a length of cable into the office at Vignacourt. I had a roam round the village and had a look through the Church, it was lovely inside. We finished up at dinner time and went down to the Flesselles end of the route and connected it through, had to run a short line. It was late when we finished up. I got a packet of letters tonight from the Base PO, 14 of them, 3 from home and they were all well at the time of writing.

Saturday 20th April We went out on a little job this morning and had to put up a short route into the Montevillers () Chateau. We got it all finished about 5 PM. It was a lovely fine morning and frosty but came over very cloudy about midday, but the rain kept off but turned cold. Fritz was over last night and drop the bomb very close to the village but did no damage. We hear that the “Yanks” are here in good force and up on the front where all work is busiest.

Sunday 21st April We were up at the usual time and got ready but we had to be handy as it was rumoured that we might move, but nothing eventuated. So about 9:30am we got word to go out to our various jobs. 5 of us went out to Vignacourt and put up a length of aerial cable. We were on it all day and it was just after 6 PM when we got home. I did my washing and then wrote a couple of letters, it was a fairly good day but a little chilly. Fritz was over early this evening and rock day few bombs.

A Signaller doing air line work during WWI Monday 22nd April We were out this morning and went on to a job on the Flesselles road running out an aerial cable. Most of our section was on it all day. We got home in good time tonight. It seemed a fine day but not too warm. I wrote a letter home and also one to Una . I got a letter from Doug and also one from Ted S tonight, I have plenty of writing to do now to get them all answered. I also wrote a letter to each of the boys tonight. Tuesday 23rd April we were away in good time this morning on the same job as yesterday laying an aerial cable. We got a just on the outskirts of the village but it has to go right through the village yet. We had a couple of little mishaps during the day which delayed us a little but we worked out all our material as it was so got home nice and early and cleaned up before tea. We went out to Vignacourt and a mate and I went to the Casualty Clearing Station there and got several articles of clothing which will do to change for new ones one of these days. It was a good bike ride about 9 km each way so I was a little stiff when we arrived home. Wednesday 24th April all our gang were on a different cable job this morning, we had just got going nicely and the boss took us all off on to a breakdown along the main road. Fritz had dropped a couple of bombs last night alongside the Road and knocked things about a little. We had lunch down there and came back to another job at the Bertangles and put a couple of hours in on that and then home in good time. There has been a stunt up about Albert way with lots of wounded coming through. We also hear there is good news from North. Thursday 25th April We were out on our cable job at Bertangles this morning and got going well on it. I connected it up on the strips on one end. We had dinner and then finished up the job now later. We went off on another job at Montevillers (Montonvillers) Chateau and got a few lines running got home at a decent hour. There is a break down gang left home every day now, they were home all day and went out at tea time on the small job on the Amiens road. It was a nice fine day but we got a shower in the evening and got I did a little writing.

Friday 26th April I was one of a break down gang left home but we didn't have long off as we got word to go out about 9am. We went out in the big wagon down the Amiens road in round the city to the left on the main Querreui () road. It was a big job for a few of us but we got half of the by the time we left at home. We were late but had to get some lines through. Lots of the houses are empty along the Road in the folk have left everything behind. I got a letter from uncle tonight but nothing else. Saturday 27th April we went off in the same breakdown job today then we went out with another party through Amiens. They had to fix up some other work. We had all our work finished when our wagon came for us and it was getting late. We got home just as it commenced to rain. We got a pay and I drew 20 Francs. Things seem to be getting a little quieter as regards our work. I expect a holiday tomorrow or rather we all do. I wrote a letter to uncle tonight. The city has been knocked about here and there and is almost deserted. (I assume this refers to Amiens). Sunday 28th April we got word this morning another job was in and had to leave in a hurry, just our luck, the Road was very greasy this morning. Our job was on a new loop pole route not far from Allonville. We got all our gear out by dinner time and after dinner we commence wiring and when along well. By evening we had made a great show, we were a little late coming home as it's a good journey. I got a packet of letters sent on, it contained five, one from home dated February and all are well at home and also a letter from Mrs Brookes in Sydney It came on showery this evening just as we came home. Things seem to be lively up the line and some very heavy fighting up north around Hamel Hill.

Monday 29th April We were out in good time this morning. We went out the main road through the outskirts of Amiens . I was on tying in all day and was fairly good job though the poles were very tall and slender. We came home and had a good time had tea and a good wash down and felt all the better for it. It came on showery in continued most of the night. Tuesday 30th April we were out and about early this morning but four of us had the stopping to go to another job. Then we went out on the cable job and had to run it out from the Maire (Town Hall) to the HQ in the Chateau. It was a very wet job and we got a little damp. We were home for lunch and it was wet for a while in the afternoon but we got our job finished and put the lines on the strips. We were home in good time but the other boys were very late after finishing their job. They brought home a lot of stuff from a deserted house. No mail these last few days from Blighty stop Wednesday 1st May We were out in good time this morning and went out to Flesselles and finished at the cable job, we put it into a test box the other side of the village. We were just finishing when one of the boys met with an accident. One of our light cars was coming along the road very fast and as he stepped out on the road it hit him swung him around with a bad knock on the shoulder and ribs; he was much shaken. Hartson was the lad and we took him to the Casualty Clearing Station. We were home in good time. 10 of the boys were home today and went from bath. I wrote a letter tonight. (Transcribers Note: There may be a sad sequel to the Hartson accident. The only Hartson I can locate was 13016 Pte J. Hartson who possibly enlisted in the AIF but later transferred to the New Zealand Forces. His father lived in Toowoomba, Qld. If it is the same J Hartson he was wounded slightly on 23 July 1918 but remained on duty. He was accidently killed on 10 November 1918 the day before the end of hostilities!) Thursday 2nd May We got word this morning that 10 of us were to have the day off. I wrote a letter first thing and went off in the wagon to about 10am and had a bath. We were home about 1pm and got dinner. I passed a lot of the various Battalions of the Division on the move back. I went and did a little help on a test line afterwards and then did some more writing. It was a nice fine day to be out in. The old Signal Company came down to Bertangles today. My mate and I went down on the bikes after tea and saw the boys, they were all well. I got a couple of letters today, one from Sydney the other from Aberdeen.

Friday 3rd May We were out in good time this morning, we or rather most of us, went out on the wagons. We went through Coisy and on a job from Cardonette () forward putting up 4 pair on an old route. We got as far forward as we had to go by dinner time. So after dinner we were back and got all the arms on. We got home in fairly good time and had tea. I went for a run round in the light car after with some of the boys round to the canteen, but items are very scarce. It was a great ride and we went to St Saviour (Saint-Sauveur) a village a good way off. I wrote a letter tonight and also received 4 from the Base PO, all Aussie mail. Saturday 4th May It rained fairly heavy during the night which was a surprise after the hot day. We went off on the same job this morning and got going and made it look sick by dinner time and just had to bind in after. We were all on it and it didn’t take long. Then we had to wait till our wagon came to pick us up and then we set off for home arriving about 5:00pm. Got tea and cleaned up and was outside. We got word of a break down and 8 of us went out, it was on the Flesselles road by the Aussie aerodrome. A plane coming home got caught in it and broke about 8 lines. We got it fixed up and home again by 9:00pm and had a cup of tea.

Sunday 5th May We got word this morning we had to start on a new permanent route. We got a lot of big poles and the different requirements loaded and started it off the Amiens road past Polainville () to go across country. All No.2 Section and ½ our men were on the job. We had a lot of heavy work laying out across the crops and ploughed fields. We put the day in very well and came home in good time. We got word this evening that Corps was moving to Bertangles , us included, so we packed up some of our stuff. I got a letter tonight from Ted (Edward Saunders?) and a Field Card from Cyril Ellis (Possibly 16363 Sapper Cyril Charles Henry Ellis of 2nd Division Signal Company) .

The Chateau at Bertangles where the Australian Corps HQ was located in 1918

Monday 6th May

We were about bright and early this morning and got all our beds etc packed up and got the stuff on the wagons and came down to the village (Bertangles). The billets were very rough so we pitched our tents in a nice spot in a wood and will be very nice in fine weather and got all fixed up. After dinner it was a very busy time as so many lines had to be changed over. A mate and I had to go out and strain and to change a cross over and it took us till after 6:00pm to finish and it was late when we got home. Got some tea and they have things fairly well fixed up. It’s a job to get water here as we have to carry it so far, the boys are all busy making bunks etc.

Tuesday 7th May

It rained a lot during the night and there was a heavy bombardment all night. We went out in good time but it was still raining. We got all loaded up then got word to stay home so that suited us. The wagons went out later on in the morning with all the materials. We did a cable job in the afternoon about the Maire (Town Hall) . The boys also made the tea and we had dinner though we had nothing at home as rations are very scarce; can’t even get enough biscuits to eat. We were finished in good time after tea. I went to Allonville on a bike to see the old Battalion (17th Battalion) and found all the boys well. Ernie was doing well I also saw Alf Bev. The roads were very muddy.

Wednesday 8th May

We were out on the permanent route and put in a good day and got through a lot of wiring. It was a little showery today. We made a little bed between us for me and I slept very well in it. I got a pair of socks and tobacco from Una last night. A very heavy bombardment has been going on these last few nights. We are getting the camp nicely cleaned up now bit it takes all our time to get enough to eat and the Section is very dissatisfied. Thursday 9th May

We were all up a bit late this morning. We went out on a cable job this morning up at the Chateau in Querrieu . It was late when we got out there as we had to wait for wire. The 2nd Division were all moving up into the line today and it was very busy all day. I met lots of old mates going through. I also met Cyril Ellis as the Artillery were out; also met Alf Pendleton, he is in the 5th Detachment of the 2nd Division Machine Gun Company, a fairly good job. We were home in good time and had a really good meal and did some cleaning up.

Friday 10th May

We were out on a small hop pole route connection between two permanent routes. We only had to put in six polls and run a pair of lines and we were just finished by dinner time. We had dinner on the wagon came and we went up to Querrieu but didn't do much as the others were up there and there was not much to do. I did all the soldering on one poll and it was just after 6 PM when we got home and we got paid as soon as we had our tea. I drew Fr.20 and did little more to the home after. I wrote a couple of letters one home and one to Una and also one to Marie.

Saturday 11th May

There was not much doing this morning but we went over some hop pole routes from Bertangles to Flesselles and then on to Vignacourt . We put in some stays and did a little straining up. We had lunch then went through Vignacourt and called in at the Canteen and got a few things in the edible line. We got home in good time but very dusty. Got cleaned up and we all went out to the pictures at the aerodrome and they were very good and we put in a fine night; it was just on 11:00pm when we got home. I got a letter from Mollie tonight; she had been very busy so accounted for not writing.

Sunday 12th May

We had to go out and do a little this morning but it was 9:00am when we left. We went out to Vignacourt and put on a few stays and did a little straining but we didn’t have very much to do. We had a good time and did a cruise round then had lunch and did a little more. We came home early, got back at 4:00pm and had tea. I then did a little washing and had a good wash down. It’s been cold today but seems much clearer tonight. We got word that we are having a holiday tomorrow.

Monday 13th May

We didn’t get out so early this morning. We cleaned this home up a bit and later on we had a kit inspection by our Officers who took note of our shortages. We cleaned ourselves up and it came on showery. We had a good midday meal and went down to Allonville in the afternoon with the boys as they played the 3rd Division Signal Company in football and it continued showery. The ground was wet under foot with the long grass. The motor drivers were all funny as they had a little jollification, our team lost the game. We got a cup of tea down there and then came home. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening.

Tuesday 14th May

We got out to Allonville this morning and had to put on some arms and a couple pair of lines up to the Signal Office, we had a good day. We could not get very much done as it was along the road with so many different cables to cross also trees etc. We were home in good time and got cleaned up and went to the picture show at the aerodrome. It was a real good programme and it was on 11:00pm when we got home so was a little on the sleepy side I got a letter tonight from Hilda.

Wednesday 15th May

We were out again at Allonville today, some of us put in the day there. Several of the boys went off in the afternoon to another job on the Amiens road. We were finished up but had to wait till late for the others to pick us up. It was just on 7:00pm when we got home. We cleaned things a bit as we had everything outside as it was a grand day, nice and warm in the sun. I met W Bateman (?) at the 3rd Division Signal Company and he was doing well. A lot of troops are coming back today for a spell.

Thursday 16th May

We went out this morning but not much doing, we were not in hurry. We went to a terminal pole on the Amiens road through Allonville and did a few odd jobs until dinner time. Then we came back and finished off a stay at Allonville. It was a very hot and dusty day. We came home in good time. Several of the boys stayed home today. We saw a grand sight last night; 2 Fritz planes were over us and the search lights were on them and they got a lively time. We are getting lovely evenings now. I wrote a letter home tonight.

Friday 17th May

We were up in good time this morning. After breakfast several of us got word we would be staying home today as an emergency crew for break downs. It was a lovely fine hot day. I had a good wash and then did my washing. I went out on the ration wagon after dinner and got rations and water. We have to stop home of an evening as 7 of us are on the emergency crew in camp. We have one evening on and two off. But there is very little to do of an evening except write. We had a good tea tonight as all the boys were home early. I have a little writing to do and wrote a couple of letters.

Saturday 18th May

After breakfast our gang were told off to standby for emergency work so we didn’t stir out. We just did a bit of work about the camp, they others were all out working on other jobs. We put the time in well. After dinner I went out on the ration wagon and got water. I wrote a letter in the evening. We also got some items from the Comforts Fund; dinkum Aussie tobacco, cigarettes, some chocolates, Aussie biscuits and a tin of cocoa and milk each. So we did real well from the Comforts Fund. We had a pass for the evening so we spent it up at the pictures, they were very funny.

Sunday 19th May

We were up at the usual time this morning. We then went out on a job on the main road at the rail head. We had to raise the lines up on arms as they were up both sides of the French poles. It took some time as they were a little twisted up. We got home about 6:00pm and it’s been a real hot summer’s day. Fritz put a few big ones over on a dump and knocked some of the lines about so the emergency gang had to go out. I got a couple of letters tonight from Blighty and things are all going well.

Monday 20th May

The planes were very busy all night. We had a good sleep in this morning as we were to stop in today. It was 8:00am when we got up for breakfast then cleaned things up and most of us set off in the big wagon to Ailly- sur-Somme and had a good swim in the Somme River. We also went to a YMCA there and got a cup of tea and some other things. We got back about 1:00pm and had dinner. The we went out in a field for a game of cricket, our section played against the HQ and we beat them by about 20 runs. It was a real hot day and very warm out in the sun. Our gang was ready for tonight. I wrote a letter to Marie.

Tuesday 21st May we were up at the usual time as we were on the emergency breakdown crew. We cleaned up things about the camp. We had to go up to the headquarters signal office and do some lines and cables about the polls there. It didn't take us long we put in the time till midday and came home for lunch. I went off on a ration wagon in the afternoon and helped to get some water. When I came home the other boys were out doing a little more. We had passes for the evening and went to the aerodrome but there were no pictures on and we saw a lot of planes returning, they had been out chasing Fritz.

Wednesday 22nd May

We went out this morning down on the main Amiens road near the rail head and strained up a few lines. Then we went down a little further and fixed up a pole with steps. We had dinner and had a good spell as there was very little do. We came up near home and put some steps on another pole then came home and it was just about 3pm. So we got cleaned up, it was a lovely hot day it came over very dull in the evening and a thunderstorm, it looked like rain but it kept off. We went to the “ANZAC Coves” entertainment up the aerodrome tonight, though it was very good though I had seen a lot of the items before.

Thursday 23rd May

The gang on emergency standby had to go out at 3am as Fritz dropped a few bombs about Querrieu and they were out till about 3 PM, but had a rotten spin. All the rest of rest of us went out on the big wagon up through Allonville on the main Amiens road. We had to put in a buried line across the road to cut out the overhead, it was hard work cutting up the main Road but we got it through. It came over very rough and windy, the dust was blowing a treat and it came on very cold. We came home in good time and didn't stir out as it turned like winter. So we went to bed very early.

Friday 24th May

Our gang was on the emergency breakdowns last night and today. We had a very quiet day at home and it was cold showery and very breezy so we put in some of the time in bed as that's the warmest place. We have been expecting some mail any day but nothing so far, some of the boys have received theirs. I wrote a letter today far home but am not posting at till tomorrow. We are getting in amongst the blankets early. I also wrote a letter to Mollie tonight.

Saturday 25th May

It was a fairly good day but a little chilly and it came out warmer in the afternoon. We went out on a job on the main Amiens road a little past Poulainville , it was a big route. We cut out three bays and it has a buried the crosses the Road as it is for safety. We had to make the connections on the strips etc and on the lines. We then cut out the aerial lines. We got home about 5:30pm. We got a pay in the evening and I drew Fr.20. I got a couple of letters from Mollie tonight and also wrote one in return and I finished off the letter home.

Sunday 26th May

We were out this morning on the Amiens/Albert road and cut out the aerial lines for a short buried and put the day in very well. It was fine but not as warm as it had been and got home in good time. I have not got any home mail yet. I got an Auckland weekly tonight from home. We are on emergency duty tonight. Several boys have gone out to test stations so not so many in the section here. It was a little noisy tonight as some of the boys had had a little jollification.

Monday 27th May

We did not stir very early as it turned out we got the day off. We cleaned things up a bit and I had a wash down and then did my washing. The boys went down to Ailly-sur-Somme and had a swim. I didn't go as I had to stand by for emergency duties, but nothing eventuated and I had a sleep in the afternoon. I got my mail from the Base PO today. I got 10 letters, two from home and they were all doing well so I have got plenty to answer now. We went to the pictures in the evening. Tuesday 28th May

We went out this morning on the Amiens road a little past Poulainville and finished off where the aerial lines were cut out and the buried substituted. We also talk a couple of poles with us and had an easy day. We got home soon after 4pm. It was a good fine day; very little doing at present by all accounts for us but no doubt things are busy in the line as Fritz is expected any time to try a move. I wrote a couple of letters tonight.

Wednesday 29th May

We went off in good time this morning. We went out to the Amiens test box and went out over a line but it was not working so we came back and put them through on another route. We commenced on a route that was blown out with bombs and Fritz put some shells very close about us as he was scattering them about in many parts of the city, so it was lively for a while. We had dinner by the side of the canal in an area that is called . There were a grand lot of vegetables growing there and we roamed about and got a lot of lettuces, cabbages and onions. We were late getting our job finished and it was just on 7 PM when we got home. I got a couple of letters tonight and also wrote a couple.

Thursday 30th May

We went out this morning just onto the main Road and ransom lines back and had a good easy time; it was a nice fine day. The weather seems settled again. I got my photos tonight from Scotland also a letter from Doug and answered it, also wrote another. By all accounts Fritz is making a push down on the French southern line. British troops are there also. We came home at 4pm today; it's a lovely morning now.

Friday 31st May

We went out his morning on a small job through Allonville and we put in till dinner time on it. Afterwards we went to the Amiens test and finished the route we were on the other day, it did not take very long but we just had to put in the time. Some of the boys got a little merry on some salvaged champagne. We got home and had tea. I was doing some writing when we got word of a breakdown and 8 of us had to go out to Querrieu as a car had run into a pole and broke it off. Most of the lines were still good except for a few. We had to put in a new pole and transfer the 7 arms. We were home soon after 10:00pm then I wrote a letter home.

Saturday 1st June

We went out this morning and put an arm on a few poles near Allonville and ran 2 pair. We had a very easy day. Fritz had been putting a few big shells about Allonville a couple of nights ago and there were some casualties in the Battalion that was billeted there. We have heard very little news the last couple of days. Leave has commenced in this unit now but very slow as only 2 a week can go. I went up to the pictures tonight.

Sunday 2nd June

We went out as usual this morning but very little to do. We were out on the Amiens/Albert road almost up to Querrieu. There had been a blow out, a bomb had exploded right under the route but they had been put through temporarily with cable. We had to run the wire and strain it up and had it finished soon after dinner. On our way back we had to put a stay on a pole and solder some crossovers. It was a very hot day and I wrote a couple of letters tonight.

Monday 3rd June

We had a sleep in this morning on the strength of a day off but it was a busy time in camp. We got word we had to put an embankment around our tents. Most of us went for a swim in the morning down at Ailly-sur-Somme and it was lovely. We had a cup of tea at the YMCA and then home for dinner. We then got to work; it was hard work digging down as there were so many tree roots. We dug out 18 inches and it gives us a lot more room. We got things all straight again by evening but didn’t stir out as I went to bed after a little supper.

Tuesday 4th June

We made a mistake and were not out too sudden this morning but not much doing. 4 of us went out with the big wagon right through Amiens city to a big Compound, or rather once was. We salvaged a YMCA hut and bought it home in sections. We had big load and had dinner out there. We also got some bunks and bought them all home; it was about 3:00pm. Then we cleaned up about the camp, most of the boys have been home all day. It looked very much like rain but kept off.

Wednesday 5th June

This morning we loaded all the timber on the big wagon again and took it out to our job. There was plenty to do to get all the nails out of the timber and then we got the blocks in. All the boys arrived about 2:30pm and helped a little. We were told later on that the hut would have to be moved as it was right in the way of a water point so we came off home. There was an accident on the corner in the afternoon. 2 motor bikes had collided and one of them had a side car with 2 officers in it. They went right over and were knocked out but only a little bruised when they came to. I went up to the “ANZAC Coves” show on Tuesday night and it was a good show.

Thursday 6th June

I did not stir out last evening but managed to write a letter to Fan. We went off on the wagon this morning and went out to Montières again to the old prisoners camp and got some more timber for our hut. We got back to Petit Camon (Camon) about 11:00am and the Boss arrived. We had to all move the hut bodily, we picked it up off the blocks and carried it about 100 yards off. We made good progress during the afternoon and worked at it a bit late as it was after 6:00pm when we arrived home and got a good tea. The weather still continues very hot and dry. Fritz has been busy of late over bombing at nights.

Friday 7th June

We went out to our hut this morning and had it shipshape by this evening. The other boys were putting in a buried cable all day and it was a very warm job. We came home in good time and had tea. I got a letter from Ted C (?) tonight and wrote a letter home this evening. It came over very black and looked like rain but expect it will all pass over. Things seem to be very quiet up about the line but they don’t know at any time if Fritz will take a fit in his head again. (What a great saying!).

Saturday 8th June

We went out this morning and finished off the little hut. In the afternoon we finished off all the cable that had to buried and filled in again. Then we went off home though it was terribly dusty. We drew pay this evening and I got 20 Francs. I got cleaned up and went to the aerodrome and saw the show. The ANZAC Coves were on again and we put in a pleasant evening.

Sunday 9th June

We were out at the usual time this morning and terminated 2 of the routes that are being put through the test hut; they are all ready to be cut out behind now. Some of the boys took a small pole from the job and put it down about Allonville. We got home in good time tonight. We had a shower of rain and looks like more tonight. I wrote a letter this evening and going to bed early.

Monday 10th June

We had a good sleep in this morning and it was rather rough, chilly and showery so a very good day to be at home. I went off on the big wagon to 80 shoes some as we had to get load of polls from the rail head. I went to the Wye M see a there but could get very little. We got back just after dinner and I did some washing and wrote a couple of letters, one to unit. We got cleaned up later on after tea and went to the pictures at the aerodrome, it was a good program. The terrible crowd were there all waiting to go in. We saw a grand sight, three different squadrons going out just like birds from the various little aerodromes.

Tuesday 11th June

It cleared off in the morning and looked nice. We went out to finish the job on the terminal poles at Petit Camon (Camon). We had a very easy day but the time went well. We came home in good time this evening and I got three letters today, one from Mollie and also an old one from Doug . It had had a rough time as it had been in the water through enemy action and was readdressed. I got a nice little bunch of snaps from one of my mates taken 12 months ago. Some of the Aussies did a local stunt last night up about and advanced about 1000 yards and also got a couple hundred prisoners.

Wednesday 12th June we were all ready to go out this morning when three of us had to go over a route that was said to be down. We went down the main Road to kill Bill on the bikes are cross-country along the route but didn't find the trouble. We came out on the Amiens career Road near they are wrong. We put in the time well and then went down to the Amiens test station and run G up all. We went for a ride up past river ready and got some strawberries. Went back to the test station and came back to camp. It was a stiff ride on a rough road. Had some dinner and then cleaned up things. We went to a concert in the evening at the aerodrome given by Leslie Henson and party they were champion. There was a terrible crowd there and it was late when we got home just on midnight.

Thursday 13th June we were a little late in getting up this morning but not very busy. We went out to petite came on but just kept busy on the various terminal poles, did not have to hustle all we would have been out of a job. We came home in good time. I got another letter from Doug tonight I got three papers last night to from home and one from Louis. The days are very pleasant at present are not too hot. Some good accounts of the cyclone through the main trunk line on 19th March and very big bushfires.

Friday 14th of June we went out this morning as usual to petite came on test box and did all more Littlemore there. After dinner we put all the leaves on the permanent and sold them. I see lots of the second division coming back from the line but have not dropped across any of the old Battalion yet. We got home about 6 PM and did not feel very much inclined to stir out, so went to bed early. Several of the boys have received their Aussie male so should get some any day now.

Saturday 15th June went out to the petite came on test again this morning. Four of us stop there and the rest went off on another job and came back to dinner. We finished the rest of our job at the test and then Down most of the overhead bridging is, cables et cetera and clear them away. We came home in good time and got cleaned up and we went to the Anzac coves in the evening it was a good show though I had seen several of the items before. It was a nice clear evening, I suppose Fritz will soon be making his appearance at nights as the moon is coming up. Sunday the 16th June went out as usual this morning but we were just repairing a French route out on the Road to Bessie, plus in brackets around one line to work with another which was already up. We worked right back to the army on is test, had a real good day of it and was home soon after 4 PM. It threatened rain several times a day and was very chilly but seems very clear again this evening. I got my home mail tonight from the base PO got eight letters and plenty of news. Things were going well at home. So I have some answers to get away, I wrote a letter home also enclosed one for Mrs Oliver.

Monday the 17th June

We had a good sleep in this morning. It was a dull and chilly day so no one was on for a swim. I had a wash and there did my washing so put the morning in well. At 11:30 AM we got word that there were two breakdowns so both gangs had to go out. But 4 of us were left home; I went to bed as I was feeling a little out of sorts. It came over very overcast and thundered but we got very little rain. It was after 6pm when the boys came back off their jobs.

Tuesday 18th June were out at the usual time this morning. Both wagons set off for the one job though we were a little behind the other wagons as we took at the corporal and two men to the plot petite camel test with their kids, it was some load. The job we were on was near query are, a little length of permanent route instead of it going through the village wary it gets a rough time. We were putting out all the material and got several up by the end of the day, there is only 12 poles. We saw Fritz dive out of a cloud and bring down one of our observation balloons, one of the observers came down well and the other one was wounded. It was very much like rain this evening but is cleared off.

Wednesday 19th June it was very showery this morning and we did not go out to the job till after dinner, so we had an easy time. The key cleared up nicely but we had a couple of showers. We put up a few poles and left again about 4:30 PM for home. We got tea and cleaned up and went to the show at the aerodrome. It was the Anzac coves troupe and they had a fine orchestra and it was a grand show. I got a letter from uncle also a paper; he was expecting another draft from dad for me. I also got a letter from Mollie .

Thursday 20th June

We slept in a wee while this morning as we were a little late last night. It was still dull this morning we went out to the job this morning all in the big wagon and made a good show during the day. So we should finish it tomorrow. It's quite a change to travel in a wagon and no dust. It seems very much like rain again tonight. Everything looks so nice and fresh again now. I wrote to uncle and Mollie this evening, I also got a letter from fan and also a couple of papers from Hilda.

Friday 21st June

It was rather dull this morning when we went out to the same job at Korea but we could not do very much as the angle pole where we are testing on the old route was in a bad position and took a lot of straining up. But we had it going well by knock off time. We came home in good time and got tea and then had a game of cricket with some of the Tommies just down the road, but it came on very showery and spoilt things little but it was a good game though it got a little sloppy at the finish. They just bet us by one run. I got a letter from Aberdeen , it was very showery all-night.

Saturday 22nd June It was fairly bright this morning and we went out on the same job and finished running our wire. It was a slow job as there was such a lot of traffic about, just a few more to strain up and bind them in. It cleared up well in the afternoon, but was fairly windy and drying things up considerably. We were home in fairly good time and we drew a pay this evening and I got Fr.20. Things seem to be going along very well at present but everything is quiet. I wrote a couple of letters tonight to Jess and Mabel .

Sunday 23rd June

It was a fairly good day. We went out to our job and career are but not very much to be done, not many of us out as one of the lads was sick. The boss came out and took the sergeant back to look over another job. We got all the work done soon after dinner, it was about 4pm when we set off a home and things had dried up a lot. I got some more mail tonight sent on from the Base PO. 2 were from home, things were going well and I got 8 letters altogether. So wrote a letter home and also one to route, so got plenty of answers to get away.

Monday 24th June

We had a good sleep in this morning as a holiday was on the boards. So we got breakfast and cleaned things up. I had a good wash and then did my washing. No.2 Motor Airline Section came down to have a game of cricket with us. It was a good game though we beat them by a good many runs. It was just after 1pm when we finished so there was nothing else to do so I got cleaned up and after tea and I went to Coisy and saw the boys in the old section. (2nd Division Signal Company.) They were doing well though a lot of new lads are in the company now; it came on very showery in the evening.

Tuesday 25th June

We started off this morning at the corner of the Amiens and Bertangles roads putting one arm on the French route down past the railhead just through good and had. We ran 4 wires but it was not good going as there was so much traffic all long and other lines to cross etc. We got it all finished as both gangs were on the job and were home just after 5pm. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening. I got a small tin of sweets from either this evening. It came over very showery in the evening but we didn't get much.

Wednesday 26th June

We set off on another job this morning from the corner of our mill and the tangles Road but along the coisy raid and put one arm on each poll and ran the two pair. Then we went off to a hop poll route which we put up down to an anti-aircraft battery. Both gangs were on the job were finished early on home just after 5 PM. It was a good fine day though cloudy. We played a game of cricket against the Tommie ASC. It was a good game and they just beat us by two runs, then we came home just before 9pm.

Thursday 27th June we went out this morning on hop poll route from some correction to French court. We did a little arming with the other gang and then went on wiring. It was heavy working in high crops and very hilly country. We did the binding in and it was very late when we got home. But we harried up and got tea and cleaned up. In the evening we went up to the aerodrome to see the American Engineers concert party, there was a big crowd there. The show was pretty good. I got a letter from Mari tonight. Things are said to be very busy in the air today, several failed to return to the aerodromes in this area.

Friday 28th June several of us went out this morning in the big wagon and got a hut from the R E dump and took it out to period where we are erecting it in the fields. Around where the present test parties they get some shells and they are running the roots to the new hut. We had a fairly rough job but made ends meet as regards material, but it is very small. We came in about 5 PM. I got a letter from Maggie see and told me that that any Mac and some Marconi were married at Hamilton on 10th April. We have had word that we are to be in every other night now in case of a breakdown.

Saturday 29th June we went out to the test at a query are again this morning and went off and got some timber from another heart. By the end of the day we made the hut looked rather presentable. The boys that are going in to the heart are going to put on and addition. The other section put in a Short buried from one route into the hut. We came home in fairly good time and I got a paper from uncle tonight. I didn't go out as I wrote three letters tonight and have a few more to answer.

Sunday the 30th June we went out on an arming job this morning and commenced from the corner of the Army all bleak coisy Road and went right round the outskirts of the village on towards card and that. We finished up all material we had out with us and came home about 4 PM. We got cleaned up and earn peat field came over this seamy. He had tea here and walk round and we set off home again. I went down as far as Corndale with him. He is camped near camel towards Lumb, all the boys are going strong. Art Beatson, the sergeant of the Sieg is in the old Battalion, has gone away seek.

Monday first July

Fritz was over about midnight in strong force and dropped a lot of bonds about and not one of our lines on the other gang had to go out at midnight and put it through. We had a good sleep in this morning it was 9 AM before we had finished breakfast. I got a fire going and heated some water and had a good wash and then did my washing and cleaned up things till dinner time. After dinner we set off in the big wagons sue a serious all and had a great swim, the water was good. Then we went to a little town called picking the with a lot of shops there and bought a few little things and then off home. I did not stir out this evening so wrote a letter home and a couple of others, it was a lovely hot day.

Tuesday second July

we went out this morning on the same job arming the route to Alan Bill, the other gang helped us after dinner and we had finished a little after 3 PM. Then we went to the teat came on tightening up the arms on a route and came home about 5 PM. It's been a lovely warm day. I got an Auckland weekly tonight but no other male yet. Several boys have gone out to the show at the aerodrome to see a lot of Yanks. Our third division is moving towards the line and there is a lot of talk about us stunt in a few days. I wrote a couple of letters tonight.

Wednesday the third July we went out this morning on the Road in Outlook on a three arm hop poll route. We went almost as far as this and curriculum, we had dinner out there and had a good spell. Nothing else doing as there is no wire to finish our big route so we went back to petite camel and put an hour in there and then went home. We got back just after 4 PM so got cleaned up before tea. We had a game of cricket with the Tommies in the evening but most of their best players are down with influenza, we managed to beat them. It was rather dull first seeing it turned out nice and warm.

Thursday fourth July we went out on our old job this morning as the wire came up for it. We commenced at the corner of the coisy a meal is Road and went right through with it but it was slow work at times with all the traffic. We used up all our wire by 5 PM just outside of Alan Bill when we knocked off. Not very much more to do tomorrow. It was very dull first in this morning but came out nice and fine. There was a heavy bombardment early this morning and our boys and Yanks word over and gained all the objectives and we saw about 1300 prisoners come through here. Fritz was over a little before midnight and drop several bombs. Some were at Carter nett and broke a few pair on our route and our number to section put them through temporarily.

Friday fifth July we went out this morning and finished up our job into Alan Bill we saw lots of Yanks there. Then we went back along the route and soldered all the joints, we had dinner and continued on. It was just about 4 PM when we had finished so home in good time to tea. Cpl S went on Paris leave yesterday and G Taylor relieved him so it is a little quieter for us about our camp. I did not doubt in the evening and no mail to answer yet.

Saturday the sixth July went out this morning on a nice little job and armed a few polls off the Abba Bill – petite Cameron Road into the Australian heavy artillery and ran the two pair. We had the job just finished on dinner time and had a good spell and finished off by 3 PM then came home. So I lit a fire and had a good wash and there did my washing. I got a letter from South Australia and also a couple of papers from Blighty. I expect the other male tomorrow as most of the boys have received some from the base PO. It is being a good fine day I have not heard from Mollie for so long so am wondering what's wrong.

Sunday seventh July were up in good time this morning and most of thought most of us thought it was our day off. We got word the big wagons were leaving early for the sports at free a court, several of us decided to go so we had to get a move on to a breakfast and cleaned up et cetera but we managed it before 9 AM. There were nine of us from our section on some from headquarters, some had to stop home in case of breakdowns. We were down there at 10 AM and roamed all over the town, some nice buildings and we did little shopping. Founder place to dinner and went to the fourth Army our tea seeks sports. It was a good turnout, one of our mates 1/2 mile race there were all sorts of events and canteen and sideshows. It was after 6 PM when it finished we will let with the wagon at 8:30 PM and was home a 10 PM it was a very warm day. I got three letters tonight.

Monday eighth July we went out this morning a little late as we had commenced to do our tools up. We were on salvaging a route from come on forward. Both sections are on the job and we were up through long you and has been a good route that knocked about in places. It was a good and warm day. We got a good lot of wire down today and roll did up and got the arms of the polls. Fritz was very quiet. I got another pack of letters from the base PO and also one from Ted and it gave me a lot of news I got three letters from home and also several others, so will have to get busy now and answer them. I wrote a letter home and also one to Mollie.

Tuesday night July we went out this morning to the same job and went on with our salvaging work. We were older a lot of wire and got all the arms and polls down and had gone a good distance by the end of the day. We got home and just finished tea one we got a nice shower and it will do a lot of good I got a letter tonight from Mrs Brooks's friend Mr Mac. Things seem to be going along in the quiet old way.

Wednesday 10th July

Everything seems so nice and fresh after the shower last night. We went out again on the same salvage job and we are getting fairly close to the line as Fritz was putting a few shells along the roadside first thing but it clouded over and didn't trouble us anymore. We had a heavy shower during the afternoon. We got a good lot down today and took it all home with us. It’s very overcast night with some more rain about no doubt. We had a good tea tonight and then had a game of cricket with the Tommies ASC and managed to beat them. I got a couple of letters tonight from Mrs Bell be and Louis so have got lots to answer now

Thursday 11th July

We went out again to the same job this morning and it was very dull and cloudy so managed to get what the Road as there are no observation balloons up. We went a good distance though the wire was mostly all down; we rolled it up very rough but will all count. Fritz didn't put any shells near us all day; we finished up just as we got to the wood, picked up all our gear and came off home. We had a very heavy downpour on the way though it was only local. We were home about 5:30pm and it was showery the rest of the evening. I got a couple of parcels from Mollie tonight they had been done up all in one but it was too heavy so had to make two. I wrote to her in the evening.

Friday 12th July the same job this morning though it was showery when we left. We got out through long you and found things lively as the French have made a local advance early this morning and Fritz was sending them over. It was putting them into the ward so we waited till dinner time and then went off back on another route which the second section was dismantling up on the villa breath and no road but we didn't get far as it was very showery. So after a while we had done a little and picked up all the gear and came off home, it was just on 4 PM when we got here. I wrote a letter to June before tea. Several of us went up to the fifth Aussie troupe kookaburras and it was a real good show.

Saturday 13th July we went out this morning and got right up in the wood as it was very cloudy so there was no observation. We worked along the Road right through the wood called hen guard would and just commenced out on the other side and found we were getting to close to the front line and might bring stuff over on the French troops. So we finished at that and went back down in the hollow and had dinner and then set off out on the other road working towards villa breath and no and went a fair way. We brought a fair load of stuff home with us and it was still showery. I wrote a letter in also received one from fan and also some papers from Hilder.

Sunday 14th July it was dull again this morning and I didn't go out on the dismantling party. I had to help run a line with a couple of the others to call and veal from the poll at the corner of the army or – good song were road, it was a good job. We came home for lunch and just had to do a little bridging over on a couple of polls in the afternoon and then home but it was showery. Things are going along well. I got a letter from a pale, Ted S tonight, he was in Blighty and had been accidentally shot in the leg.

Monday 15th of July we had a good sleep in this morning, had breakfast and had to get cleaned up as there was a short parade on during the morning afterwards. I did my washing and then went down to an issue song in the afternoon and had a good swim. Then we went on to be Kearney and were able to buy a few things and then came home and got tea. I didn't go out in the evening as I wrote a couple letters to some that I owed. I got a paper today from uncle.

Tuesday 16th July it came over very rough towards the early morning was a very heavy thunderstorm. There was a heavy bombardment during the night. It was raining hard and everyone slept in till 8 AM and then we got breakfast and it had cleared off so we went out to work. We got out on the old job dismantling the old route towards villa's Brett no, there were a few shells about. I also met a couple of my old pals at the brigade headquarters. We have got a little way to go past them. After dinner we got word we all had to go across to career as some polls were broken. Went across country through Lucy. We put in polls alongside the old ones to keep them up it was very hot and sultry during the afternoon. We went and had a swim it was just on 7 PM when we got home.

Wednesday 17th July we went up on the same job again this morning, villa rector no road. We worked along the Road in things were very quiet. We didn't go very far after dinner as the polls were knocked about in places. We gathered up all the dearest is we came back and had a good load. We stopped at came on and had a good swim there as there is great stretches of lakes, canals and swamp. We were home soon after 5 PM. We had a game of cricket against the Tommies in the evening and managed to win and I just managed to get home before a heavy shower. I got a couple of letters tonight from London.

Thursday 18th July we went out this morning on a little job running a pair of bobbins on the core year Road. We got it through in good time. It was showery in the evening as well as this afternoon but we got home in good time. We see a lot of gangs moving about on the way to the front lines. Went up to the kookaburras concert in the evening and it was a fine show. They are moving elsewhere now. We heard some good news of the French and UNIX today. I got a couple of papers this evening from H. I got a parcel from Maggie Cal tonight, it was okay as it contained a cocoa and sugar.

Friday 19th July we went out this morning on more dismantling work but only salvaging arms and wire offer route going from Lucy through day or is on the Corby Road. We went along well on it and had a swim in the afternoon in in a canal of the Somme River. We picked up all our gear on the Road home and had a great low. We were home in good time. It's been very overcast this afternoon and no doubt more rain about. I wrote a couple of letters this evening.

Saturday 20th July we went out on a new hop poll job this morning took all the material and all the wagons had a big load. It was fairly late when we got to Lucy and had to lay out all the material as it's going to be easy. After dinner we commenced putting down potholes and it was good digging. A very heavy shower came on and we went to the wagons and that was the end of the day's work as we waited a while and then decided to go home. We got tea and then went up to the aerodrome in the evening to a concert troop put on by a London division. They had a record crowd and they were very good. The girl and two comedians were champions.

Sunday 21st July we had a good sleep in this morning as we are having Sundays off now in the future. It was very showery last night and was very dull for a while this morning. We had to be cleaned up, rifle et cetera as the Boss inspected us at 9:30 AM and we got paid afterwards but I didn't draw any. It came out nice and fine later on in the day and we cleaned up our home and I did my washing before dinner. I just worked about on some sure cases in the afternoon. I got a letter from unit today also some papers from uncle. I wrote a letter home and also one to unit.

Monday 22nd July we went out to the hop poll job this morning. We went on a wrecking till dinner time and then ran some wire in the afternoon but didn't get very much done. It was about 6 PM when we got home. I got a letter from Ted tonight and he told me he had made a match of it with Mollie. It was a fairly good day it came over clad in the morning. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening. G Taylor our mate out of the tent went on Paris leave today.

Tuesday 23rd July went out on the same job but it came on very showery justice we got there. So there was not very much work done. We also got a couple of showers in the afternoon but managed to get a fair lot of wire run and are getting down towards the city now. It took is a fair while the get home as the roads were very greasy. I wrote a couple letters tonight and it was showery again later in the evening.

Wednesday 24th July we went out again this morning on the kitschy route. All our gang went on wiring and we got it over pretty well. In the afternoon we had to run over a role a line and route and then afterwards had to cross a couple of canals and it took some doing as there was a lot of traffic on the roads as well. We had a swim afterwards in the canal and it was good. We came home in good time and after tea we had a game of cricket against the Tommy ASC. I got a letter and a cake from Hilda tonight. It was showery again later on in the evening, so had a very peaceful night.

Thursday 25th July

We went out on the same job again this morning. Had more wiring to do and not too easy a job through a lot of trees and horses lines etc. we got it all run by dinner time up to the divisional headquarters and in the afternoon we put on the cable into the signals office and sold it at all. Some of them went on tying in and we have it all finished up now. We were late in getting in tonight. I got an Auckland weekly from home.

Friday 26th July we went out on the same job this morning and went to the divisional end where we commenced the route and put in a buried armoured cable to the signals office. We all got on to it lively and had it all finished by dinner time. Then we went down the route towards Lumb and picked up some spare gear. It was just after 3 PM then we set off home, it was a little showery after dinner for a while but dried up nicely. We were home very early and got tea and went to the pictures in the evening and it was an enjoyable program. It rained heavy for a while and also during the night.

Saturday 27th July we went out to Alan Bill this morning and had to transfer route from one side of the road to the other. We put in five polls, it was showery at times but we worked while it was fine. We got that job all finished about 4 PM so home in good time. I got a couple of letters tonight, one from Doug and he was going strong I also got one from Mollie. I answered both in the evening. We got word lasting tonight that will we have the day off tomorrow as we had word early there was a job to be done.

Sunday 28th July we had a good sleep in this morning, breakfast at 8:30 AM. It kept very dull all morning but came out nicely in the afternoon and things dried up a little. We cleaned up about the home and I did my washing but was very lazy in the afternoon. I did nothing and only wrote a letter home in the evening.

Monday 29th July we got word last thing last night we had to be about a little earlier than usual. We had to have wrecked first by 7 AM and got our wagons loaded up as we have to take out the material for a hop poll route from greasy to St Nicolas near Bow this. Both sections are on the route as it has to be done in two days. We commenced on the glitzy and and had made a good show by dinner time. It was a nice warm day but the very thick haze about. We were running wire in the afternoon but it didn't go to grand as we broke off the straining poll. We made it all temporary for the night and got home by 6 PM.

Tuesday 30th July we went out at the usual time this morning. Got all our polls up this morning and did little wiring till dinner time. We finished the wiring in the afternoon but it was slow going for a while crossing a route and the cables along the two roads. Then we went on tying in and it was about 5 PM when we had finished. We went home through come on but had a swim in the lake just outside come on. We got home about 6:30 PM, had tea but we were too late to go out to the concert. I wrote a letter to Maggie.

Wednesday 31st July we went out this morning on a repair job on a route between come on and long you, all the section was on it. We put a hole in where it had been blown out and run a few bays of wire. We got it all finished up in good time and had a good swim in the lake there and it went well. We all enjoyed ourselves a little after 6 PM when we got home had tea and had a game of cricket against the Tommy a SC and managed to beat them, there was plenty of fun over it. I got a letter from Hilda tonight and also wrote one.

Thursday first August we were up at the usual time and after breakfast we heard there was nothing to do. So we just cleaned up about the camp and The Times soon went. After dinner a couple of ice went off in the two wagons to freak war to get a load of material. It was a long ride there and back then very warm job, we were back about 5 PM and got tea. I was going to a concert but found it was off. I got a letter from uncle on also one from Mollie and wrote to her during the evening. G Taylor arrived back from Paris leave today he had a roaring time.

Friday second August we were just up this morning when it came onto rain and kept a steady all morning. But we went out this morning as we had loaded up our wagons to commence on the new route from the headquarters signals office to prove and route that runs off the army or road. It was too wet and hazy to peg the route out and we went from one end to the other uncertain where to start. The other section bought up the polls had there was nothing done in the morning. We came back and had dinner and took more material out and got it laid out. It was showery on off all day. I got some papers from Hilda and it rained a lot during the night.

Saturday third of August we were up at 6 AM this morning and loaded up our wagons with polls another rupee reels then had breakfast. We went out to the job added had rained a lot and it was terribly wet going through the crops. By dinner time we had made a good show had a lot of polls up by midday. We had several yanks working with us learning a little about the job. By night all polls were up and we had done some wiring but left it for the night. I got a letter from uncle though it was a long while on the way. I went up to the Wye M see a and wrote to uncle in the evening we had some rain later on that night.

Sunday fourth August we up soon after 6 AM this morning and got breakfast so as to get a good start. We got word there would be a lot of work from now on as something big was expected in the next week or so and lines will be needed forward. Our gang went out on the present as job and the other gang whether way forward running several pair on the old French railway route. We did a good day's work and got all the wire run and it was just after 7 PM when we got home but even then we were first. We had a heavy shower in the afternoon which held us up but while. I got a letter from Ted tonight and I wrote a short letter home tonight and asked mother to send me a draft for £15.

Monday fifth August we went out on the same job this morning to the army on the Road near the landfill. We started off tying in by three of us. Some were putting on Tuesday, it was showery all day but we dodge the worst of it. We were tying up till just on 5 PM and it was rather damp then but finished it up and off home. It was raining most of the evening. The other gang were late getting home and were wet also. They finished up their job putting a few pair through along the railway route up to brigade on the Villers Bret and no road. There are a lot of tanks making their way up to the front line. I wrote a short letter toUna.

Tuesday sixth August we started on the same job again this morning and had to put on another arm and run to pair. We got all the material out and put some stays on during the morning and also got word there was another arm to go on so that made it five altogether. We started off wiring after dinner in the shower came on and then we got word we had to go out to day or is on a breakdown. The tanks had knocked a couple of polls about. We put one new poll in and this day beside another the wire had been run when we got there by the other sections. Everything is very busy with traffic going up continually. It was 6 PM when we got home but nice and clear. I had a good wash and did my washing but still seems like a lot of rain about.

Wednesday seventh of August the sections were out in good time this morning but six of us from our gang with our sergeant had the Rolo blankets and get ready to go forward to busy with our wagon. We took a tent with us. We camped near the division as we had a line on and got things a little settled then had dinner. The Sgt and one of the boys went up to the cutting on the Villers Bret and no road that was another divisional headquarters. Our job is to patrol the route from VCE along the railway up to the cutting. We cooked our tea and did very well at it as there is plenty of wood about. We turned into bunk early as we expect to be up as soon as the stunt commences. It was fairly quiet all night.

Thursday eighth August we woke at 4:30 AM, we didn't put over a barrage as such a lot of tanks were going over, it was very quiet. Fritz retaliated hotly for a while but the boys soon got past his guns and caught them all by surprise. Things seem to be going along the splendid. We had to do a patrol on some airline which goes along a wry way line up to do the cutting which is a divisional headquarters. It turned out a fine job as Fritz didn't put over one all day. My mate Mac and I did the first patrol, we were up there till just after 9 AM and were relieved and came back for breakfast. We put the day in doing our cooking et cetera and went up again after tea. Saw great sites with all sorts coming back. Had a good nights sleep as things were very quiet.

Friday night August we were up again early this morning as we were moving the camp from the Tonga and moving all our gear up to busy. We had breakfast and a couple of the boys went back with the wagon. The big wagon came up with most of the boys and material, then they went up to their job on the Hop Pole route from the cutting up to Villers Bret no. We got a good billet in the village, a little different to our wood camp. In the afternoon a couple of us had to go out on the cable line from divisional headquarters in a chalk quarry, I a few hundred yards up into Villers Bret and no to another divisional headquarters. We could not locate the fault so came back and got tea and did a little more to the billet and made things very comfortable it is said there is to be another stunt late this afternoon but had heard nothing so far. I got a couple of papers, Auckland weeklies from home tonight.

Saturday 10th August we went out on the same job this morning. We had to get to pair through in a hurry. We were hung up for a time waiting for material but eventually got the job finished up to Villers Bret and no. It was 7 PM well we got home had tea and then a couple of us went with the wagons and got water. By the time we got back it was bed time. Fritz was over in all directions bombing. Everything seems to have gone well with the stunt though some of the troops are held up on our left. We see a good number of Fritz prisoners coming through and also their field guns. It was a very warm and dusty day.

Sunday the 11th August we went down to the dump and got some more material this morning from do ours and went up on the same job. We put another arm on and ran two pairs of wire, went halfway as the rest of the section are on the other end. There we commenced wiring back on the further, it was a real hot dusty day but we put the day in well as we were going some. Things seem to be settling down a little up at the front line though a lot of wounded coming back. The hospital trains got right up to Villers Bret and no. It was quick work getting a line all fixed up. One of the divisions are coming out for a spell but only for a few days. The male arrived today and I got 12 letters, four from home and they are all well, nothing from Sydney. I had a good wash tonight and did some more washing.

Monay 12th August we went out again this morning on the same route. We were running wire and had to put a few arms on and it went well till dinner time. We did some tying in after and the sergeant had to go away and we got word the route was not too important as the imperial engineers were coming along the same route putting up a big permanent line. We just filled in time and came home about 4 PM and then went down to the canal and had a good swim as it was a hot dusty day. The news is still very good, still moving on this front and getting guns and prisoners along with the French. I got a letter from Marie tonight and also a snap. I wrote a letter home and also to Hilder but cannot post them at present as Corps is on the move.

Tuesday 13th August we went out on the same job this morning and had to finish up the path that the other gang had left. We went right into Villers Bret no with it. After dinner several of us went right forward on another job that our other section had commenced. After dinner several of us went right forward on another job that our other section had commenced which had holes et cetera. We went on pegging out the route and got a good way and then got word it had been decided to put it in another direction. We toured round a lot as it was over in Fritz is front line until a few days ago. There was all sorts of his material lying about even big guns on the role way. The villages were all badly Shell buyout fire. Then we came home and had a good tea.

Wednesday 14th August

We were all up early this morning as there was a big job to be done today. We went out of finished our job to the route on the Villers Bret and no row. It was all put through to the divisional headquarters there. Then we went on forward up through wharf see to Bailey on villas, we didn't do anything before dinner had a look round some of the souvenir guns and wagons et cetera. There was a big crowd on the job, the other section and also the cable section. We were running wire after and had it all finished soon after 4 PM. We had to put them through on to some cables then we set off a home, it's a long ride in the dust and it was a little after 6 PM when we got home. There was to have been the stunt in the morning but it's all off. The French have made very good progress.

Thursday 15th August

There was not any important work on this morning, our gang went out up to the chalk cutting and had to complete a light airline route the Royal engineers were doing. We ran a few bays of wire and put a cable down to the strip. We worked back then put a varied cable across the railway. It was a good easy day though we didn't finish it. We came home at a very good time and it's been nice and warm today. Things seem to be going along well. I got a couple of letters tonight, one from Doug and one from Beth, Doug is doing very well. Fritz comes over here about these parts every night. We get no chance to have a read by candle as they have to be outed. Friday 16th of August

The whole section went out on the route from the headquarters here to be see. Our gang started this end and the other gang the other in. We had many difficulties to content with through the wood and then across the canals and then over the railway and up the hill. We had dinner and soon met the others coming along. Then we came back tying in, it was a terrible hot day and we got back and had a good swim before tea, the water was lovely. I got a couple of letters today. Mr Watson had been carrying them about with him for a week, one was from Mollie and one from Doug. I wrote to Mollie in the evening.

Saturday 17 August it was a very quiet night and we went out this morning on the light airline route and strain it up in places and tied it in. It was much cooler this morning and that kept us going till about dinner time. There we commenced soldering the terminals, we started one end and the others went up in the wagon and it worked back. We just put in the time is nothing else was doing. We came home soon after 4 PM and got cleaned up. We had a little excitement for a few minutes, some of the curtains got on fire and some cordite burst out on us and burnt a couple of us. I got it about the knee and it is rather sore. I got a letter from Mollie tonight. (Transcribers Note: This is an interesting incident as to future developments with Sapper Hill’s knee.)

Sunday 18th August were out as usual this morning, no chance of an easy day. We commenced laying out a permanent route from the headquarters here but don't know how far it goes. We were doing all sorts in the afternoon, several of us were digging holes and some of the others erecting. There was not very much material available but went home in good time, it was a hot day though overcast. I did my washing in the evening. I also got a letter from fan and one with it from Ken and a couple of her home letters. I wrote a short letter home. I also got some papers from Wahroonga.

Monday 19th August

It was cloudy and very much like rain this morning. We didn't go on with the new route but went down on to one of our old big routes off the Army all road to Berlin Hill. We commenced to dismantle it really all wire up and it's a fairly good job. We put in the day well and the rain kept off. Quite a change to get down that parts again on the grass is very high as most of the crops are cut now. We had an easy day and came home in good time. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening.

Tuesday 20th August

It was very much like rain again this morning but cleared off as the day progressed. We went out on the same job dismantling the old route we spent the whole day and it went well, it's a good job and we take our time. We came home in good time, it takes a long time to wind up every line but we have three winders going now. We came home in good time through Damien's. The city is looking very busy with lots of the folk returning and crowds of workmen on different works. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening and it was a very clear night.

Wednesday 21st August

We were up and about early this morning but it was very hazy till dinner time. We went out on the new route, it was a hurry up job. We took out the route that was run from Hammell to Bayonne till line for the divisions. There was the other airline crew and also a cable section and things got a little mixed up but we didn't have too much to do. The others did most of it and we did a few bays of wiring them in. Things for a little mixed up but we got it all right. It was late when we got home being such a long way and it took us until 7 PM. It was terribly hot day and we went down for a swim after tea. Thursday 22nd August we were up at the usual time this morning but word went round at breakfast we were getting the day off, though we could not get away anywhere. It was a very hot day and we didn't settle down to anything. We cleaned things up a little. I wrote a letter in the afternoon and after tea when off on a bike to Alonville to see some of the boys. I called in to the teat came on test and saw the boys and then found this signal company stables and saw several of my mates, they are all going well but the brigade and the Battalion are out way so I found out. I got home by 9 PM. I got a couple of papers from Hilder tonight.

Friday 23rd of August we were up as usual this morning. We had the standby button job didn't come off. The other gang went out dismantling the big route. Sgt M went to Paris on leave yesterday. Were busy doing all sorts of little jobs for ourselves but in the afternoon we went on getting the polls in the yard here already to arms. It was another very warm day, afterwards I went with a lorry to get some material at long new station. We did a couple of loads and we see lots of gags about that way. After tea I got a bike and went off to find the Battalion, they were just outside of call be at few day. I found Ernie and he is doing well and also saw Alf Burr and lots of others though don't know how long they will be there. I had a great yarn and it was just on 10 PM when I left but had a good ride home.

Saturday 24th August there had been a stunt this morning and the ambulances were very busy. We went out this morning on the dismantling job and made a good show for the day. The weather seems to have changed as it's just nice and mile. There was good news in the papers today as we seem to be pushing in so many places. There has been some very heavy bombardment is going across our front line.

Sunday 25th of August we went up on a jobless morning along a route from call be two Bray. A few pair has been run along the old route, it was broken in several places which we had to strain up. Buy dinner time we got forward where all the route was broken down and had to put in new polls and run the wire. We got several polls in by the time we left our home. It is a long way back to greasy and very dull and dusty. Then he came down in the evening and I walked back part of the way and there was a heavy thunderstorm but didn't get much rain. I got a letter from Hilder tonight.

Monday 26th August we went out again this morning on the same job on the call be – Bray route and there were many different sections up on the job. It had to be got through temporarily so everything was put up on the light air line polls. All hands got a long way in the afternoon and we went up a good way forward and I worked within 2 km of Bray. There was lots of small stuff coming over but not too close to us. Lots of troops going up in all directions. We worked until just on 6:30 PM and it took a long while to come home being such a long way. I got my knee hurt today while out working. (Transcribers Note: This again becomes an interesting statement in relation to Sapper Hill’s knee considering later developments.)

Tuesday 27th August there was to have been a holiday today but something turned up for some of the boys and the others had to clean up about the billet. I went on sick parade with my knee, the doctor told me to keep off it for a couple of days so just had to take things easy. I did my washing and other little odds and ends and then wrote a couple of letters, one home. It came over very rough in the evening and a little rain. There was a lot of troops on the move during the night we could hear the bands playing along. Wednesday 28th August

I was up as usual this morning but didn't go out on the wagon as I stopped home, but the knee feels pretty good. I did little running about, the boss was grand. I had a good easy time did some writing and got a couple and. I got six letters this evening so will have some more to answer, got one from home. Corps is expecting to move any day now as things are going ahead by all accounts and Fritz is pulling back.

Thursday 29th August

I went out this morning as my knee felt pretty good. We went out on a black-and-white airline route along the main Road side. We went through a big dump that had been ours. Fritz had it for a while but had burnt a lot of it before he left. We got just past a junction Road, Fran Villas just on the right going toward? We were late getting home and it was after 7 PM, my knee had swelled up. I got a couple of letters. We heard we would be moving in the morning.

Friday 30th August

We were astir early this morning got our things packed up and loaded up the wagons after breakfast. We went off at different times when loaded. We had a break at Mori call at the YMCA there then went up to Mori Corps Siew Somme. Most of the boys got a job on some cable, but not me as my knee is a little swollen. We got our camp away from the remains of the village, an old camp of Fritz is and made ourselves very comfortable, all good shelters will on the side of the hill. In the afternoon three of us had to put in the cable line down to the office from our section. I got a letter from Mollie.

Saturday 31st August

I put in a bad night with my knee and it was skyhigh in the morning so I didn't stir out only to go down to the cooks three times and gave it are real good hot bathing, it did in good. I was to have gone to the doctor but he didn't arrive up from glitzy to the new headquarters until very late. But I couldn't settle down to do anything but just lie down. The boys were out busy all day on a new light pole route.

Sunday first September

I was up and about but my leg was no better it is still very much puffed up. I went down in the car with the boss and he found the MO and put me down as accidental wound septic. (Transcribers Note: Refer back to the incident on 17th August. I suspect that when the cordite caught fire there may have been some type of explosion and possibly Sapper Hill got a piece of metal or wood in his knee. Then again on 26th August he says he got his knee hurt while out working. As Sapper Hill seems to be a very stoic man, and very honest with his diary entries, I very much doubt what his medical records state are actually correct. His medical records state that he was diagnosed as suffering a gunshot [GSW] wound to the right knee. I suspect the original injury occurred on 17th August and he aggravated it somehow on 26th August.) I was then sent through the 1st Australian Field Ambulance on to the 37th Casualty Clearing Station at Bussy. There was a great crowd coming in, mostly all wounded. We had to wait a long time for our turn to get dressed etc. And then had a good weight up there as everyone was sent off by train as fast as they came in. We went to the hospital train about 6 PM and it was just on dark when we moved off. I got very comfortable in the top birth it was a long ride but we got a little supper and had a good sleep and got a snack before we left the train at real war.

Monday second September it was close on 7 AM when we arrived and they took this up to the number six hospital in motor buses. We were allocated to our different wards and I am in a tent. We got cleaned up and had a Bath just in time to see the MO. things went off well until dinner time, I was just going to make a hole in a nice dinner of meat, vegetables et cetera and then it was "stop you are for the table this afternoon". I got all my knee shaved and ready and told we would go about midnight and got an injection for the purpose to help the anaesthetic.

Tuesday third September

I've worked this morning to find things just the same as they had been too busy during the night. So all I got was just a drink from breakfast which is the usual meal for those that are waiting for an operation. The doctor came round and my knee had gone down nicely. So just put me off the operation and on hot form invitations and a good chance for Blighty so the sister said, but don't know when. So a good dinner was highly enjoyed. Several the boys are going out to convalescent camp. Several waiting to go across to Blighty. I wrote a letter to Mollie and also won to uncle early this morning, must also write to Mac and the boys, wrote later on in the evening.

Wednesday, 4 September

I got word late during the night that I was for Blighty, they got me my clothes. Had a good night and things are still very rushed though they can't take any more in as they have not got the operations through. The doctor was round this morning and my knee is doing well. He marked several more of the boys for Blighty and a phew went off today. It was very slow putting in the time the boys in the tent are a very quiet crowd. I wrote a letter and had a sleep in the afternoon. I got word in the evening I was due to go in the morning. It was very hot and close and had a restless night.

Thursday fifth September they woke me about 3 AM and I got dressed and had a little to eat though they didn't take me out till just on 7 AM. They sent me off as a stretcher case, so very lucky. We went down to the train and got bored and we set off very comfortable in. It was a slow ride down to Le Harve and we went right down onto the wharf. We left about 5 PM and stopped out in the stream, that covers it will be about 9 PM before we leave, had a good tea being very hungry. The ward on the boat is very comfortable and we are all in nice bunks, very close and warm inside. We set off as soon as it got dark and it was as smooth as a pond.

September 6th September we went across QuickTime, about five hours, had a good sleep. We were up and about in good time, washed and then had a good breakfast. We were in the stream till just on 8 AM as it was very foggy then we birth. The Aussies were got first and into a train. We didn't have long to wait and we set off in a nice train bound for Plymouth it turned out. We were treated real well, plenty of Smoke some papers and had a good dinner. They put off some walking cases along the route. We got tea cakes and fruit at Exeter and it went real nice. We had tea and arrived at Devonport just on 7 PM and they soon got a soft the train and up to the different hospitals. I came to ward B12 at camels head and seems a nice place. I had a wash and to bed and had a good night.

Saturday seventh September we were well treated this morning and had a good breakfast and got things cleaned up nicely. The doctor, a lady, came round before dinner. The knee is going on well. She seems very amusing in her old-fashioned way, the nurses are all grand and seem a fine lot. I had a champion dinner as much as I could eat. I have been doing some writing so have a lot of letters to get away. This place had been a school, 8 of us in the ward and it's like bachelors quarters. Everything is done in the ward and all our eating utensils are kept in here but seems to be a good home.

Sunday eighth September

It was a wet night and Sharon this morning by cleaned up during the afternoon. I put the day in bed doing alright but the doctor doesn't trouble us as much. It was a little busy today as several local patients came in and a couple of little Sunday schoolgirls came round and gave us all and they each and some flowers. I wrote a couple of letters also one to uncle. Time goes alright but will get very monotonous if in for long.

Monday 9th September it was very dull again today and reigned at intervals. The doctor did not trouble me this morning but I am sure I will get a shock one of these days no doubt. Its very little news about here is everyone seems to think bed is the best place. This afternoon it continues showery. The day passed very quietly I wrote a letter and managed to get a few of them away now.

Tuesday 10th September things were just the same this morning, the weather still continues to be very dull. The doctor was round this morning but didn't have much to say and we got an injection later on those not very painful but swells up. I wrote a couple of letters today then there was a twist drive on tonight but I didn't go. It didn't quite finish as a convoy came in about 7 PM but it consisted of African duckies and caused a lot of excitement to see them amongst white sheets. I was up most of the day.

Wednesday 11th September was up as usual this morning and got things all cleaned up and got my dressing done. Also drew a pay 3/6 but is, it comes every week. I also got a letter from uncle this morning with one pound enclosed and also a letter from Mollie. It is still very dull though fine. Most of the boys are out this afternoon. I want some of my close to arrive now as I could go out of an afternoon. We got word later on there was an invitation for a lot of us to a concert and tea at the Methodist church. I got round and borrowed a few things and got fitted out and went as it wasn't very far to walk. They gave us a great time and a good tea with as much as we could eat. There were a good lot of girls and plenty of songs and games.

Thursday 12th September the weather still continues very dull. I got a letter from Hilder and also a parcel from Mollie, sent some jellies. I wrote a letter home and also did up a few old cards and odds and ends to send home. I didn't stir out all day as it is getting very much colder now. I had a fine bath in the evening and things are very quiet. One of the nurses left night and the boys gave her a nice little plated kettle on a stand.

Friday 13th September things are going along in the same old style. Very dull and cold this morning I got some papers from Hilda. The doctor has been a wafer a couple of days and things are going. There was a concert on downstairs this afternoon given by a troupe from town and they gave us a fine entertainment. There were 4 young ladies amongst them. I went down to Devonport in the evening with a couple of the boys, walked down and came back in the car. I had a good roam round. Some fine big buildings of the naval bases and offices and quarters and then the dock on the way down to the town.

Saturday 14th September things are going along in the same old style, my knee was almost healed up again this morning. Just put on dry dressings as the doctor had a look at us all this morning and then put a split up behind my knee and it’s very awkward getting about with a stiff legged. Had a sleep in the afternoon. One of the old boys came up and after tea we went down to Devonport for a walk. He is in hospital a few miles out of Plymouth. It was very showery and rained all day. I came home and there was a concert in the evening at 7 PM downstairs given by South African Department boys as their base is quite handy here. Sunday 15th September it was showery gain this morning but cleared up in the afternoon. I went to church services morning. After dinner three of us went out and got a car writing to Plymouth and it seems very nice. We went round the promenade and on to the pier it is a lovely view of the sea. Crowds are out walking and it was a gay site and we came back again to tea. I wrote a couple of letters today. Some good news still of the advances but expect the wet weather will make it very hard going. There was a short service downstairs this evening with a good singsong.

Monday the 16th September it was very overcast again today, things are going along in the same quiet way. I went down to Devonport in the afternoon managed to get hold of vote a few packets of cigarettes and matches, they are so scarce as you have to go from one shop to another enquiring, went to a lot of but will only sell one or two. I was home to tea. We have a scramble about to get enough bread and often by some, put in the rest of the time reading.

Tuesday 17th September it was inclined to be rough this morning, just the same old routine. The head sister was around this morning just doing an inspection. I still have the splinter, they would like to get rid of it. We got a pay this morning and I drew three and six. We went out in the afternoon and went down to a picture show at 3 PM, it was a good long program. It was raining when we came out and late so didn't go back to tea. Had a good tea downtown and went to Devonport after for a walk as it cleared up again. Came home soon after 7 PM. I got a small parcel from home, it contained cakes and cigarettes et cetera and was in good condition.

Wednesday 18th September it was rather showery this morning, things are going along in good style. I got a mail in this morning and the small bundle which had been to France. One from home and things seem to be going quite well. Three from Sydney and some others. One from MAC day and the boys they seem to be very busy but doing well. Also got letter from Hilder. The boys have got a parcel of mine from Mrs Oldfield and a good cake by all accounts, so must do a little writing now. Went off for a walk in the afternoon out a little in the country and got some blackberries. There was a fine tee going in the hall by the Baptist churches in this neighbourhood and we had a fine tee and everyone I think had a great feed. They gave a concert in the evening.

Thursday 19th September it was raining a lot during the night but nice and fine this morning. We went out in it for a while and it was good outside. Some of the boys are expecting to go out. Our clothes are not down yet from our depot so I suppose we cannot go out till they arrive. Went down to Devonport in the afternoon and had a roam round and put in the time well and came home to tea at didn't stir out afterwards. I wrote a letter home in the evening and said a few cards with it.

Friday 20th September it was raining a little first thing but came out nice and fine afterwards. Things are going on in the quiet style. I got some papers from Hilder was morning and a letter from Mollie and also an invitation from Mrs Hill at Devonport to go out. They are friends of Jim Mac. I sat out in the Sun and wrote a letter to unit and later on a couple more. I didn't go out in the afternoon and it came onto rain later. Had a good read in bed after tea it was a very rough night.

Saturday 21st September It was rather dull this morning and things are very quiet. Just the same old usual. I couldn't borrow any boots this afternoon so I had to stop home went to bed and had a good read went down the town in the evening for a walk and got a few smokes.

Sunday 22nd September things were just as usual this morning. I wrote a letter to Ted and then went to church service. Its very dull again this morning but think the rain will hold off. I could not keep my appointment to see Mr Hill as they could not borrow any boots. So went to bed and had a good read. We went out after tea for a walk down the town and got some smokes for some of the boys. Got home and it was a little showery. I went out this afternoon and went round and saw M and H and family they are fine folk and had a nice tea and lots of music. It was raining when I came home I made a mistake about not going out I just remembered.

Monday 23rd September were out and about as usual this morning. It was showery most of the day. I got some boots for the afternoon within go out as a sister asked me to go and watch one of the boys who was very ill. He was to keep on getting out of bed. Went out after tea for a little fresh air but it rained so came in and had a read. A convoy came in later on during the night. The Aussie Red Cross lady was around today and we got several small items which came in very handy.

Tuesday 24th of September it was rather chilly this morning and got everything cleaned up and then went out for a walk up to the village of St good though. It was just a nice walk I came back and got the dressing done. I got 4 letters this morning from 3 of the boys over in France and 1from Fan . All the news is good leave is going and also some to Australia. We got our smokes this morning from Aussie comforts. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening then went to bed. I got a letter from Hilda tonight.

Wednesday 25th September it was a nice sunny morning, got things all up and then went outside in the sun. I wrote a couple of letters also one to home. A South African heavy artillery lad died at midday from pneumonia, he had not been sick many days. We got our boots and hacks this afternoon. We got word after dinner that no patients were to leave the hospital but am not told the reason. We put it down to the strike is such a lot of railwaymen are out. It was a nice afternoon. We had a little fun in the ward after tea things were very noisy but went on all right, I had a Bath in the evening. I wrote a letter home.

Thursday 26th September it was rather a cold night but things are going along all right. I don't expect to be in here many more days. Its very dull again today. We had a busy time this morning all the clean linen was to go on the beds and we cleaned up things in general. I got a bundle of letters this morning, eight of them, to from home and one from Ve, things seem to be going along well. I also got a couple of old letters from Hilder, they had all been out to France. So I will have to get busy now and do some more writing. We went for a walk down to town in the afternoon but it was very showery the whole time. I wrote a letter in the evening to home or rather percent a set of local postcards.

Friday 27th September it was a rather cold morning and got things all cleaned up. We got word to parade at 10 AM as all the Aussies had to go up to Ford hospital and draw our clothes and got back before dinner time. The clothes are very rough and all to small but the overcoat will hide at all till I get to London and get changed. I got a couple of letters, one from Mollie and one from Doug. I wrote to Mollie in the evening and also to Ted S. We went out for a walk after dinner and then back to a concert in the hall, it was a very good show and everybody enjoyed it. We went out for a while after tea but it was very chilly and then came back and had some supper and then to bed.

Saturday 28th September it was a good fine morning but came over dull at times. We went out in the sun after we have got all the cleaning up finished. It was nice and warm outside out in the wind. The doctor was round this morning but didn't say much, heard on the quiet that a lot of us may go out in a couple of days time. I went out in the afternoon with a couple of the boys and had a roam round and then went round and saw my friends Mr Hill and the girls. They gave me a nice tea and we had a yarn and then I went home. There was a concert down in the hall given by some girls, it was very amusing.

Sunday 29th of September it was bitterly cold and raining hard this morning. I went to the church service and I got another letter today from Doug. Didn't stir out all day it was so wet so I put the time in bed reading and sleeping till teatime. I wrote three letters afterwards and got to bed again it was so cold. Some very good numbers are still coming forward from the different fronts.

Monday the 30th September we had a next hour in bed as the clock was put back. We cleaned up this morning and went down in the Sun for a while but still very overcast and more rain about. I got a card from Jack M just to let me know he arrived in England and also I got a letter from Hilder. I wrote to Hilder later on and also to Jack. The doctor was around this morning but I didn't see her, there is no more about getting away from here. I drew a pay this morning three and six, supposed to be last weeks. I went into Plymouth in the afternoon and saw a dentist about a tooth. I came home to tea and then went out for a walk afterwards but it was showery.

Tuesday first October it was cloudy and chilly this morning but I was down in the Sun for a while then it came onto rain. I got a couple of letters this morning, one from Marie and also from Jess. There is good news that Bulgaria has given in but nothing definite yet. I got away soon after dinner and went to the dentist in Plymouth and got a tooth on the old ?, It cost me 10/6. I came back home in time for tea. The news has been confirmed of Bulgaria’s unconditional surrender. Things look very bright on the different fronts. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening, there are no signs of getting away yet.

Wednesday second October things are going along in the old-style. It was a dull day but the rain kept off. We went out after dinner and went to some pictures in the town and put in the time very well indeed. The other boys went home and I went round to Mr Hills and had tea and enjoyed it. I had a pass but not very late. I got home to the hall in time for a concert, it was very good indeed and gave us some fine items. I wrote a couple of letters during the day, so we were a little late getting to bed.

Thursday third October we got things cleaned up as usual this morning. I got three letters this morning, one from New Zealand, roof and one from Doug. I also got a letter from Miss Bishop, Ernie P's young lady. She lives a little way off down in Cornwall, and was enquiring if you should come up on Saturday. We got a pay this morning and I drew 3/6. Went out in the afternoon and got a few things and went on some pictures, it was a good program and came out a little after 5 PM. So I just managed to get home in time for tea. I got a letter from Mrs Brooks this afternoon and she also invited me up there for a few days. I had a Bath in the evening and went to bed. Friday fourth October things are going along in the same quiet way. It looks like being a nice day. I got a letter from Ted S this morning. It turned out a lovely afternoon so a mate and I went down along the channel waterfront. A naval officer took us across to the other side in the launch and put us ashore at Crewe Mule. We had a roam round through the Naval training grounds and across the fields and then went up round the hill that overlooks the sea. It was a very pretty sight to see lots of forts all about. We came back and caught the ferry boat back to Stonyhurst and walked up to Devonport and got the tram home by 5:30 PM.

Saturday the fifth October it was a rather dull morning but the rain kept off. We had to get the ward cleaned up as there was an inspection by a general and a staff officer just before dinner time. I went out soon after dinner and got a late pass. I went off down to Mr Hills and I waited a while for them. There were the two Miss Hills and Mr Hill and myself. They took me for a little outing. We went across in the ferry to criminal and had a long walk up over the hills across to 2 very old Cornish villages. They were in a lovely day and we had a lovely view of the Plymouth Breakwater right across the bay. We had tea at a little shop and then walked back, it was a good 5 mile walk for the afternoon and we got to 6 PM ferry back. I then went up to their home with them and had tea and enjoyed myself greatly. I left about 7:30 PM and got home and saw the tail end of a concert and it was rather funny.

Sunday sixth October it came over very rough during the night and blew a guard held with heavy rain but it had cleared off this morning. I got a letter from J mine are this morning and he was up in London on leave. Went down to the church service in the hall all this morning. I got letter from uncle yesterday. I went out in the afternoon but it was blowing rough but nice and fresh. I went in to the park for a while and through the town then home by tram and had tea. I found some friends of Mrs Brooks had been to see me but luckily left their red dress. I went to bed early and wrote a letter home.

Monday seventh October there was another fine day but rough and we got a little rain in the evening. I asked the doctor to mark me out but got knocked back she said I would have to have the splint on for a few more days. I went down to the town in the afternoon and had a good read up in the YMCA and came home to tea. I got a letter from Mollie and answered it tonight. I then went to a whist drive down in the hall and spent a good evening. The news is still very good but heavy fighting going on and the Aussies are well in it.

Tuesday eighth October it was a nice fine morning and we got things all cleaned up. I got a letter from Phil that this morning and she is off home at North. The lady was round without comforts and I got several items and also some good cigarettes this morning. I went to the funeral of an Aussie boy this afternoon he died of wounds and was in the fourth Battalion. We had a very long walk out to the cemetery out to Compton it was a good 3 miles. It was a very impressive service with a firing party and buglers. I had a good walk back and caught a tram round to Devonport. I went and saw Mrs Gartner as Mrs Brooks had given me their address as they are old friends of Walters. I got an invitation to visit them again on Sunday afternoon. I came home and got tea.

Wednesday ninth of October

it was a very wet morning and continued so all day. The doctor was round this morning and marked me out but do not know when I shall get away. I got a letter from Miss Bishop and she is coming up on Saturday afternoon. I went down to the town after dinner and went to the YMCA to the pictures till 4 PM I came home and there was tea and a concert down in the hall by the local Baptist churches and everyone enjoyed. I didn't go downstairs for tea but they bought cakes etc round to the wards. I went down to the concert afterwards

Thursday 10th of October it's very dull again this morning and it continued showery all day. The doctor was round again this morning and I have to have the splint on a gay. I went down the town and went to the YMCA and had a read and then went down to Mr Hills place for tea. Miss E was half being on the sick list. I enjoyed myself well and I also made me supper before a left. I got back just at 9 PM and then straight to bed. I wrote a couple of letters today, by all accounts I will be going out on the Monday.

Friday 11th October it was much right of this morning and things are going along in the quiet old style. We got a pay this morning and I drew 3/6. I got a pair of socks from the Aussie comforts fund. I went out in the afternoon and it was nice and fine though dull. I went for a walk and then to the YMCA for a read and we came home in good time. I wrote a letter to Mollie in the evening. Things are going good night have to get about here with the splint on and it is rather awkward but I manage. Got the good oil I would be going out on Monday. There was a convoy into night and we got some yanks in. Lots of the boys went down into the tents.

Saturday 12th of October it was a lovely bright morning and I was out there for some time. I wrote a letter home. Went down to the town in the afternoon then I went on to the North Road station and met Miss Bishop and her brother. Then went up on to the co-for a walk, became over showery. I went down and saw them off on the train at 4:15 the was also another friend with them. I got word from her the attorney was across gas but at shrews be, it was bad but he is doing well on it now. I came home got my tea and got a packet of letters tonight, two from home and plenty of news, the others from different ones. It is very cold tonight.

Sunday, 13 October it was a lovely morning and I was moved into another ward so as to let someone else have my bed. I went to the services morning it was a harvest thanksgiving service in the hall was full up. Had all manner of fruit and foodstuffs on display. I got my kitbag and then got my pass at 11:30 AM and then went down to Mr C Gardiners house. They made me very welcome and we had a real old-time dinner. In the afternoon we all went for a walk with the baby. I left them at four o'clock and went down to Mr Hills house. We had tea and a yarn the time scenes bed and I had to say farewell to them all, they had given me such a good time.

Monday, 14 October

I was called up this morning and got my khakis, such as it was. I then got breakfast and handed in my other clothes and got away at 7:30 AM. 18 of us left and went by motor wagon down to the Plymouth station and got our train to London which left at 9 AM. It was a very showery day and coal, we got a London just after 2 PM. We went by tube to AIF headquarters were we got a cup of tea and waited about till just on 6 PM and they gave us all in one pound for the night and told to report back in the morning. I went out and got a bed at Peel house had a wash and then some tea. I am one of my mates went to the Victoria Palace, it was a good show and we came back, got supper and then to bed.

Tuesday, 15 October

I was up in good time this morning got cleaned up and wrote in a note to Mollie after breakfast. I went down to the headquarters and after a little weighty got my pass and went and got fixed up about clothes and then drew my ration money which amounted to £2.16.0. I also went and got my old pay books and got my tunic fixed up. I had some dinner and went down to Bayswater. I was a little late but Lily was in the street to meet me as Mollie couldn't get out there. Lil and I had a roam round and we got a cup of tea. We met Molly at 6:30 PM and had a walk through St James's Park and Lil went off home by bus Mollie and I went for a long walk along the Serpentine in the park and had a great old yarn and walked home soon after 10 PM. I got the tube home and then to bed.

Wednesday the 16th October

I was up early this morning after breakfast went down to the Strand and background Trafalgar Square which is all done up to represent the battlefield and it looks well. It's an attraction for the sale of war bonds. After dinner I went down to Bayswater and met Molly and we went for a long walk through Kensington Park pass the old Palace where the old Queen was home. We had a long yarn and I saw Molly back soon after 5 PM. I came back and had tea then got some might things and set off for Brixton. I got down there in time to dinner and had a little. There was quite a crowd there, uncle was well. Katie had a couple of friends and fan and Miss Naylor was there but I didn't have much time to say very much. I had to go out and see fan who was also over on leave from France. I got £10 from uncle and came off home just before 11 PM.

Thursday 17th October

I was up early this morning as I got called at 6 AM. I got cleaned up and had breakfast and then down to Victoria by tube to use to I got to the station found my train was cancelled the Dublin as it goes at night only. So I came back and had a roam round then did a little writing. I went up to the Strand and came back and had dinner in the afternoon I went to Sloane Square and saw the play “Damaged Goods”. I went with several boys on a free ticket, the play has a great moral to it. I went back to the club and met George Taylor who has just come over on leave. (Transcribers Note: Again there are notes at the back of the diary about this particular date. We had a good yard and got all the news of the boys. They were out for a spell. We had tea and I went for a walk with him and left. I came back and got my things and saw in the pictures at the club. I had supper and then down to Euston. I got my ticket to Dublin which cost 30/-and got my train which left just after 11 PM )

Friday 18th of October

I slept most of the way down and we got to Holyhead about 6 AM and lined up onto our boat and it left at 7 AM. It was very choppy and cold and got rough as we got out. The seas were coming over but I didn't go downstairs as it was so crowded. It took us four hours to do the trick and I was frozen. We landed at North Wall right in Dublin. I walked up to the city and went round to the club. I went to the YMCA after and got put in to a private house to stop at and then got a bed. I had my tea at the YMCA and met a New Zealand lad and we had a roam round. I went out to Phoenix Park and it's a lovely place. I came back and went to a theatre "The Story of the Rosry". I went off home to my digs and put in a very fine night being so sleepy.

Saturday 19th October it was a nice day and at 11 AM I went with several others through the Guinness brewery. It was a great sight to see all the mould in the different stages of fermentation. We went all round and out on the jetty where it is all loaded onto the launches on the river to take it down to the steamers. We had dinner and then climbed to the top of the Nelson pillar which is 100 feet high. Then my mate and I went out to Kingston by tram and had a good roam round to doll K and back by tram. We meet lots of fine folk roaming about and all eager to have a chat. The male Street is somewhat of a wreck from the efforts of the rebellion of Easter 1916. (Transcribers Note: More notes from the back of the diary. The buildings had to be knocked down all set on fire to get the rebels or Sien Fein out. In the evening we had a walk round and made a few Irish lads. They were great lads and amused us immensely; I got off home about 11pm.)

Sunday 20th October it was very dollars morning and had been raining and it was also very foggy. I met my mate soon after 10 AM and we had a roam round. They're we went out to the cemetery it's a great sight. There were crowds of funerals this morning and to see all the cabs and morning cars out, there must have been 1001. We went round many of the old monuments and it was a very interesting. We came back to town and had to wander round to get a dinner being Sunday so many shut up. We went out to the gardens after and all the varieties of plants in the hothouses, besides those outside is enormous. Came back and got some tea and in the evening we had a roam round of the young to a couple of friends.

Monday 21st of October

I was up early this morning and got my breakfast about 8 AM and then went down and got a tram to the Knightsbridge station. I got a ticket to cull ani with 15 shillings and the train left at 9 AM. It moves along some, not many stops as it's the mail to Queenstown. Lot's got out as we went along. We had to get out at Mallow, the junction, it was 12:30 PM. We got some dinner and went in to the village. The train to cull ani left at 2:15 PM and it was rather a slow trip as it stopped at all the stations. We reached the town's soon after 4 PM and went round to a hotel and got fixed up with a bed and then had some dinner and cleaned up a little. Then four of us went out on a trip in a jointing car, it was lovely. (Transcribers note: More notes from the back of the diary about this day. The trip went round by a nice road through a big estate. It was all bridges in several places which is the only connections of the three lakes. We called in at Dinis Cottage. The scenery is magnificent going along the water's edge in places and then the great deep lake and the high hills just behind which were clothed in all loveliest hues of foliage as the leaves are falling. Then all this is reflected in the lake. We had all the interesting features explained to us and pointed out to us. It was about a 12 mile drive and it got dark before we had finished. We then had some supper and a roam round down the Street. There are lots of our boys about and also some New Zealanders. We passed the Muchross (?) Abbey on this trip.)

Tuesday 22nd October

I was up in good time this morning as we had to be ready to leave at 10 AM on our trip. Six of us set out and we drove in a wagon net down to Kate Carney cottage about 6 miles away. We had a little refreshment and then set off on our ponies. They were very funny and we had our photos taken. It's the entrance to the download gap. We had some gays sport all along the Road as it was very rough with streams and small lakes beside the road and the lofty rugged hills on either side. We stopped at St Patrick's cottage and had a nice lunch with home- made bread and butter and good tea. Then we went on and it was a 6 mile ride and we enjoyed it. We walked a short distance and got our boat. We had four men to Rohit up through the upper lake. We had lunch as we went along the 5 miles of winding river. (Transcribers note: more notes from the back of the diary. We then went under a rustic bridge and shop the rapids which is also the meeting of the waters of the three lakes. We then went into the middle lake and was soon across that one as it was very smooth, not a ripple on the water. Then under the weird bridge and into the large, or lower, lake and a fine sight and it has many islands in. Went round a couple of the islands and then straight across to a wee landing at the ruins of Ross Castle. We got there just before 4 PM and climbed over the ruins then into our grey and arrived home we were then ready for a good tea. We were out for a roam round in the evening.)

Wednesday 23rd of October

I had a good sleep in this morning and had breakfast after 9 AM. I got my few things together and went out for a good walk around as it was a lovely bright morning. I got my two photos and some others of cull ani and put them all together with the old and use and posted them home by registered mail. I got my dinner and fixed up with the hotel people which was 33/-. I then went down to the station and got the 1:30 PM train to Mallow. I had a lovely trip on the train amongst the folk and got a ticket to Cork which cost 2/10d. I got down here about 3 PM and got a bed at the club and then some tea. I then had a ride out to Black Rock in the tram and back and had a good walk round. Seems a very fine club but I've not seen many Aussies about. Thursday 24th of October of about in good time this morning but it was very faulty. I went for a walk but could see very little and put in the time well till dinner. I got my few things together so set off by train back to Dublin. I left Cork at 2:30 PM and it was good fast run right up to Dublin and got in there at Knightsbridge at 6:45 PM. I got a tram up to the club and met a friend in the evening. We went for a long walk and put in the time very well. I went back and got a bed at the club about 11 PM and had a good sleep and had to be called at 5 AM to catch the boat in the morning.

Friday 25th of October

I was a very early in went down to North Wall to get a boat but there was a great crowd going across. They took a few soldiers and we were told to come back at 10:30 AM. So I went back to the club and got breakfast and cleaned up. I then went for a walk down the street to say some farewells then back to the wharf.. There were more there this time but after a lot of lining up et cetera eventually got on the boat. We left at 12 o'clock and it was very calm going across and made ourselves comfortable. We got to Holyhead at 4 PM and got a train which was already waiting. It left at 5:15 PM and it was a long ride to London but very few stops. I got out at Euston Station 11:30 PM and a mate and I went and got a bed and supper at the YMCA in Euston Square.

Saturday 26th October

I got up in good time this morning and got a bus down to Victoria. I got cleaned up and went to the AIF HQ and drew £2 and also met George T there. I sent a wire to Mollie . I had dinner with several pals and went out to Bayswater and met Mollie about 2:30pm. We went out in the gardens and had a great yarn. We also had tea out and spent such a long time talking it was too late to get a seat at any of the shows. We had to content ourselves with a picture show. I walked home with her and then went back to Peel House for the night. It came over very dull and misty in the afternoon and some old London Volunteers were training in the Park and it was very amusing.

Sunday 27th October

I had a good sleep in this morning and it was also threatening with rain but it kept off. I got cleaned up and went down to the Aldwych YMCA hut to meet a few pals but they had gone. I was to have sent a wire to Lilly but it would not have been delivered. So I took it down to Croydon where she lives but didn’t see her. It was a long ride there and back and I was late getting back. I had my dinner and went out to Bayswater and met Mollie and we had a walk through Kensington Gardens till it was dark. We went and had tea at down at Victoria and came back to the Marble Arch to meet some of the other girls but we were a little late and just missed them. Lilly didn’t turn up either. I listened to several speeches at the entrance of Hyde Park then walked through and got a bus home, or nearly back. I came off early and got some supper and then to bed.

Monday 28th October

I was up in good time this morning and cleaned up then went down to The Strand and met several of the other boys. We had a walk round and then I had to be off. I came out to Bayswater and met Mollie . We walked up to Baker Street then got a tube to Fenchurch Station and then we went and had some dinner and came back to the station and had a long yarn till my train went off. I had to say goodbye to Mollie . I went by train to Hornchurch to see Fan and Ken, also met several of the boys out there, it’s a fine hospital. I had a chat with Fan in her ward for ½ an hour and Ken came back to the train with me at 6:00pm. I got the train and changed for a tube at Victoria Station and out to Uncles at Brixton. (Transcribers note: There is an entry at the back of the diary for this date also. There were a lot of visitors there but had a good chat with them. They all went off home or to bed. Uncle showed me all sorts of photos and views. It got late so I had to get off home as it was well after 11:00pm so I had to say goodnight all round. I got back to Peel House and got a bed. It was a very mild night.)

Tuesday 29th October

I was up in good time this morning and got all my things together but didn’t have much time after breakfast. I met Harold McCarthy and brother just over here on leave. I had to go to AIF HQ at 10:00am to report. They checked us all off and we had to wait about for an hour then we set off by tube for Paddington . We got a cup of tea there and our train left about ¼ past 12. We had a good run down to Warminster and got out to our camp, No.1 Command Depot, about 4:30pm. We drew a few things such as blankets etc and got a good tea. We are camped in a good hut and everything seems very comfortable. We had our medical inspections. I saw Ted Saunders about but we haven’t had a yarn yet. (Transcribers Note: There is another short entry at the back of the diary. He is in another Camp near the railway station. I wrote a letter tonight to the Base PO and also to Mollie.)

Wednesday 30th October

We were all sorted out this morning and had a Dental inspection then a Medical. I don’t know what I was marked. We were then inoculated and got a ticket of exemption off parade for 2 days. I had a good dinner and didn’t do much in the afternoon. I got cleaned up after tea and went down to Warminster to the Australian Service Corps depot and met Ted S ( Edward Saunders) . He was doing well and on a good job. We had a long yarn and he showed me some snaps he had just received. We had some supper out and I came home, it was rather showery out. I was home soon after 9:00pm. I got a letter from McK (?) , it had been a long time on the way.

Thursday 31st October

I went on sick parade this morning as I have a bad cold but they didn’t do much for it but I am off for the rest of the day. My arm is not too bad. I wrote a long letter home today and gave them all the news of my travels. It is very showery this evening and I have written a letter to Una. We seem to get champion food here; the best I have had in the Army. I wrote a line to the Base PO so expect some mail in a day or so. I also wrote to Mollie.

Friday 1st November

I was up just in time to get breakfast and went on parade at ¼ to 9. I was away back on the list as my grade is B1B, fairly low down but will only be that for a week till the next classification. A crowd of us went and did a little shooting on a miniature range and put in the morning very well. It was very showery. I got a job in the afternoon in the Orderly Room as a runner and a good steady job; it will do me. I just take the orders to the different Camps. I wrote several letters in the evening down at the Aussie YMCA hut, it is very nice and comfortable there. I had a little supper and home to bed. It was a very rough night with wind and rain.

Saturday 2nd November

It was showery this morning but cleared up nicely in the afternoon. I was on the morning shift but had the afternoon off and on again in the evening. I met a lad from Waitara, Ken Summerville, he was doing well. I did some writing in the afternoon and sent away a lot of Post Cards to home. I also registered some photos and my old pay book. Things seem to be going well in France; the boys are still out spelling. I am expecting some mail any day from the Base PO.

Sunday 3rd November

It rained a lot during the night and was dull first thing this morning but cleared up in the afternoon. I went to the Church Parade this morning in the Wesley Hut and we were off till after dinner. I went across to the Orderly Room and took out a few items in the afternoon but not much to do. I went to the hut early as tea was early. I then went down to the YMCA and wrote a letter to Ida. I went to a Lantern show there during the evening. It was real good and showed many fine country items of Aussie and also put on illustrated Hymns.

Monday 4th November

It was a very rough night and has been wet and rough all day. I was on the job this morning and was out for a while. I was in the hut in the afternoon and wrote a few cards to Bella Vista (?) and came over to the Orderly Room in the evening. It was a very wet night and nothing to be gained by being out in it. I got a new pay book this afternoon and also got the particulars taken if we had a job to go back to in civilian life.

Tuesday 5th November

It was very rough all night but came out nice and bright. I got word this morning, with several others, to get all our shortages made up and got word that we were to go to Weymouth any time. We had an inspection in the afternoon by the Medical Officer. I went on the job in the afternoon in the Orderly Room. There was a big funeral during the afternoon from the Australian Hospital for the Matron from there with a great procession following. I went down to Warminster in the evening but didn’t see Ted S ( Edward Saunders) as he was out. I came home and wrote a letter to Jim Mc (?).

Wednesday 6th November

I was up in good time this morning and got things all packed up. After breakfast we had to put in our blankets etc and then report to the Orderly Room. We had a lot of waiting at different offices. They took our kits down in a wagon and we went off about 10:00am to Warminster; saw a big draft off there for France. We got 4 Jam pies for dinner. We then went down to Westbury and had to change trains and left soon after 1:00pm and had a good run down to Weymouth arriving about 3:00pm. We had a cup of tea and drove off in cars up to Little Camp; we were all B1B men. I got fixed up in a hut for the night. I met Geo S (?) there waiting to go home. I wrote a short letter to Uncle and also to Base PO.

Thursday 7th November

It was a very cold night with a white frost this morning. I got cleaned up and ready for the first parade at 8:30am but it was nice and bright in the sunshine. Got all sorts of particulars taken and went up for a classification before a Major but haven’t heard the result. In the afternoon we were put into a Company and the Doctor had a look at us. We were put into another hut and it is full up but with beds and is comfortable. I went down to Weymouth in the evening and commenced on a short cut but there was too much water about. I eventually got there at 6:00pm and had a roam round for a while. They have a lovely long promenade all along the water front. I came home about 8:00pm.

Friday 8th November

I was up in good time this morning, got breakfast and then had to parade to get some shortages from the QM (Quartermaster) . I did no more till dinner time. I am still marked B1B and will be graded again next week. I went on parade in the afternoon but nothing much to do as most of the boys are on dressings. I had a bath, did my washing and got cleaned up. I wrote to Mother , sent a few postcards and also wrote to Una . I wrote to Elsie and Mollie in the evening. The news is good tonight and they may cease firing any time.

Saturday 9th November

It was a fairly cold night everything was nice and white this morning. I went on parade at 8:30am there were a few fatigue jobs going but things go very easy. A couple of us were on doing some gardening until 11:00am, just dug up a few weeds. Got cleaned up and after dinner Geo S and I went down to Weymouth across the hills, it was a nice walk. We had a roam round the town, things are all very nice. Everywhere is crowded with Aussies; gets on ones nerves. I met a couple of old lads out of the Battalion (17th Battalion) who are going home any time. We had tea round at a Club and came back in the evening. It was a little showery but got home without getting wet.

Sunday 10th November

It was very mild this morning and we had to parade soon after breakfast. We waited about awhile then went off on Church parade. The Padre was a very fine and easy sort and it suited the boys well. It was very threatening in the afternoon so I came to the YMCA and wrote a couple of letters and came back again after tea and wrote 2 more. Some got a lot of letters away. There has been a lot of excitement all day waiting to hear of the turn of events but everything points to the armistice being signed. I had some supper and went to bed. It rained a little in the evening and was very mild out.

Monday 11th November

It came on showery this morning and there was no parade first thing. I had to report to the Dr for inspection with several others as we were picked out for a job of carpentering. We were marked B1A1 and have got to report in the morning. The news came through about 10:00am of the armistice being signed. It caused a little excitement and put everyone in a good humour. There was a big crowd of us picked out for (piquet) for tonight but it didn’t come off. There was a parade after dinner but not much doing. I did a little more writing but didn’t go out this evening as crowds of the boys are going into Weymouth. I wrote a couple more letters to Mollie and Jim Mc (?).

Tuesday 12th November

I had to report this morning with all the others of the same classification as we were put in a hut together as we have to move out in the morning to Westham Camp. There was another muster parade on this morning and the Adjutant read out all the Armistice terms and then we were dismissed, everyone is in high spirits. I had to go over to the carpentering job but got off it, didn’t have any more to do. I got some mail in the afternoon; one from home and different ones. I also got a letter from Hilda and she told me of her brother’s death in Canada. I also had a letter from Ernie P. He was not doing too well on it yet. I went down the town in the evening, a big crowd about but very quiet. I didn’t stay out very late.

Wednesday 13th November

We had to be up early this morning and got our breakfast early and had a parade at 7:30am. We went off about 8:00am to a small station at Upwey and got a train to Weymouth then we marched up to Westham Camp. (Transcribers Note: Westham, now a suburb of Weymouth in Dorset, UK, was an ANZAC Camp during WWI. The local historical society is trying to find some of the camp building foundations). It was a mile away through the streets. A lot of decorations hanging everywhere; the Camp is very handy. We all had our particulars taken which took up most of the morning; we also got a lecture as regards keeping down the Flu. We had a holiday in the afternoon. I went down to the town and met Geo there were crowds about and a few little processions. There was a band out and some artists from one of the theatres. We came home for tea and went down again in the evening. I went part of the way home with Geo and came back and wrote a letter to Hilda in the YMCA Hut.

Thursday 14th November

I was up at the usual time this morning and on parade. I got warned I would be going back to Sutton Veny tomorrow. I had to go to the stores and get a couple of things. We had a parade after dinner and I was on a fatigue party for a while and then finished for the day. We sat round the fire as it was blowing very cold. I went to a concert in the evening, the party didn’t turn up. The boys tried to run it but couldn’t get the talent out of the audience. I wrote a letter to the Base PO tonight.

The YMCA Hut at Westham Camp – 1918

Friday 15th November

We were up in good time this morning and got our things all packed up. We did a couple of parades and also had a medical inspection and came out and waited about til 11:00am. We got a little bag of sandwiches for our lunch and then went off to the Weymouth station. We got to our train and had awhile to wait and left at 12:15pm. We had a good run up to Westbury where we had to change trains and soon got a train to Warminster . A wagon took our gear up to the camp and we walked up. They took off and we got a good hot tea and then they drafted us up after for the different camps. I came back to the same K Company and got nicely settled. I was down at the YMCA in the evening and met some of the Hornsby boys.

Saturday 16th November

It was a terrible cold night and a very white frost this morning. I was up and had a good bath. We had the usual classification this morning by the Dentist and then the Doctor. I found I was marked B1A2 so still going up. I did a little washing and went out for a walk in the afternoon down through the country but it was cold. I had tea early and went down to Warminster to see Ted S but he was out. I had a walk round and came back and wrote a couple of letters; one to Ve and also one to Nell.

Sunday 17th November

It was dull but cold this morning. We didn’t have to hurry ourselves as it was bitterly cold out all day. I went on Church Parade and it was a Thanks Giving Service and nothing else doing so we sat round the fire. I came down to the Green Hill YMCA and wrote a letter to Louise and also some cards home and back for tea as we have tea early on Sundays. I went down to the YM in the evening and Reverend Davies gave a very interesting address combined with a Thanks Giving Service; such a splendid speaker. I came back and had a little supper and to bed. It is not so cold tonight.

Monday 18th November

I was up in good time this morning it wasn’t so cold but very dull. We went on parade and after a lot of sorting out went off to another parade ground and did some exercises and jerks but it warmed us up. We put in the morning well on it and then did a little march. We had a couple of spells for smoko and finished up at 11:30am until after dinner. We did another 2 hours and finished at 3:30pm, got our tea at 5:00pm. I got a couple of letters today, one from Mollie and Eveline, Ernie’s girl from Callington. I came up to the Australian YMCA in the evening and wrote a letter. We got the news tonight that London is out of bounds.

The YMCA “Green Hill House” at Sutton Veny. The facilities here provided a tennis court, lawn bowls and a large garden area for the soldiers to relax. There were numerous rooms that provided refreshments and areas for writing letters.

Tuesday 19th November

It was a dull cold morning. We had just the usual parade waiting about till all the various ones are got out for all the different appointments. Those of us that are left go out on the big parade ground and get in various grades and the “Jerk Kings” take over. We went for a march in the morning and did some jerks. In the afternoon we all went for a route march but didn’t go too far; had a good spell and came back to camp. I met an old pal, Bob O’Brien (974 Sapper Robert John O’Brien. He was originally 17th Battalion but transferred to 4th Field Company, Australian Engineers) we were tent mates together at Liverpool when we enlisted and had a good yarn. I got a couple of letters but didn’t go far in the evening.

Wednesday 20th November

It was cold and very foggy this morning. I went out on the usual parade and then went out for a good march and it kept our selves warm. We had some games this afternoon and put in the time well. By all accounts London is in bounds again now. I got a letter today from Hilda she is very ill with the Flu. I came up to the YM tonight and did some writing; wrote a couple of letters. I have not had any news of the boys lately but by all accounts they are going forward to the Rhine with the 4th British Army.

Thursday 21st November

It was very cold again last night but not too bad when one can get about and it keeps one warm. We went out and did some jerks and a little marching. In the afternoon we went for a route march but our class didn’t go very far down the road as it was blowing rather cold. We came home and got nice and comfortable in the hut. I got a letter from Mollie telling me Ted was over on leave and wanting me to go up for the weekend but I couldn’t get up. I wrote in the evening to Mollie and also to Maurie . I was down at the YMCA.

Friday 22nd November

It was a very white frost this morning and I had an early morning bath. We were up for classification this morning and I got the same grade again so am right for another week. I had a good walk round for the rest of the morning. I got a pay in the afternoon and drew £1. I went over to the PO and got a parcel from Mrs Oldfield, it contained a nice cake and some sweets. I was down at the YM in the evening at a concert given by some of the boys and it was very amusing.

Saturday 23rd November

It was very much milder this morning. About 6 of the boys went on leave last night so it is not so crowded in the hut and plenty of food now. Went out and did a few jerks this morning but it was only a short parade. I had a roam round and got cleaned up and did my washing. I went down and wrote a letter at the YMCA this afternoon. We had tea early then a mate and I walked into Warminster in the evening. I went and saw Ted S at his camp, he is well. We had a walk round and came home, it came on a little showery in the evening. I got an old letter from Hilda today.

Sunday 24th November

It was very mild but dull first thing and then came onto rain very lightly. It was coming down very constant at Church Parade. I went to the Non-Conformist Service in the hut quite handy by the side of our Parade ground. The Padre gave a good service; it had cleared up after so I went for a walk. I got 10 letters this afternoon from the Base PO. There were 3 from home and other parts. It was all August mail so fairly old. There was also a long one from Hilda . Things were well at home so I got a lot of news. I went down to the YMCA in the evening; the Padre gave a presentation on his work in the South Seas Islands and was very interesting.

Monday 25th November

I got warned late at night for a fatigue over at another camp so had to be up earlier. It was just for meal for meals times over there and one would be finished so could come back. I get a real good feed over there. It was a nice fine mild day. I had to go across again at dinner time and also tea time, it was a good job. Things seem to be going along in the same old style. There was a calling for a lot of fit men today to go to different depots as storemen and clerks but not being rushed in these times. I wrote to Una and Hilda tonight and was over in the YMCA tonight.

Tuesday 26th November

It was a very dull day and showery at times. I did some jobs in the shed and put the day in well. Everyone seems to be of a free and easy mind now that so many of low categories are to go home. I got a letter from Ernie and also from Jim Mc. Things are going well with the boys over in France with plenty of work to do. I was down at the YMCA tonight and there was a service on given by Captain Paton about his life in Korea doing mission work and it was very interesting. There was a good sing song also.

Wednesday 27th November

It was dull again this morning but only one heavy shower. All the Company had to go off on different fatigues. I got a party of 4 lads and we had to go to a camp close by and wheel coal about. It put in the morning well. 2 of us got a job in the afternoon over at the Depot Post Office. We moved our things over as we live on the spot and it is a good steady job. I have to do a little running about to collecting mail from several handy boxes and then go down to the other Post Office. I got a letter from home and one from Nelson. It was raining a little during the evening. All the “C” class lads are to be off home in a few days.

Thursday 28th November

It was a very wet showery day. I did my rounds and just keeps one going at times and will be good when one gets into the way of things. I do some sorting at times. I wrote a letter to Ernie and Jim Mc tonight. A good lot of boys are here. I do a late run about 8:00pm and collect it up and sort it out then run it to the Sutton Veny Post Office. I do not expect to hang on here long as all our different categories are to be off within a month as I am AA.

Friday 29th November

It was a rather dull day but the rain kept off. I put the day in very well and going along on the little job good and steady. All the “C” class men are getting away and crowds are getting leave so I expect all the trains will be crowded and London the same. I went to a concert for a while in the YMCA and then had to do the mail round to gather some in and sort it up and down to the Civvy Post Office (Sutton Veny) with it. I wrote to Jim Mc or rather to Uncle

Saturday 30th November

It was much colder this morning but dull and foggy. I had just the usual work to do this morning and a little in the afternoon and nothing doing this evening. I got a letter from Uncle and also Hilda today. After tea I came down to Warminster to see Ted S but he was so I went to the local YMCA and wrote a couple of letters; one to home and one to Mollie. I had a good walk home and then turned in.

Sunday 1st December

It was dull again this morning and things went along very quietly. I went and did the usual morning work and got the mail out. I went and collected the boxes after dinner and got it all away and then finished. I didn’t go out in the afternoon but went to the YMCA in the evening at Green Hill. There was a short service and some singing. I came home at 8:00pm and had to do the rounds and got finished up close on 10pm. We got a big lot of Aussie parcels in today and made a big show with them.

Another view of Greenhill House, near Sutton Veny, just before it became the Australian YMCA

Monday 2nd December

A day of the usual variety; with things going along in the same old style. They are still shifting all the C class men into one camp and getting them all together ready to go home. I do a good lot of walking about on this job. I went out this evening round the camp for a while; nothing else of note to mention. Tuesday 3rd December

It was the usual dull day though not much rain. I did the usual work with the postal job. There is a lot of Aussie mail coming in. By all accounts they expect to get all the B1A1 & A2 to move along out to follow up all the C class men. It is said a big convoy is sailing. I got a letter from Mollie today. I went and had a bath at the Aussie YMCA tonight.

Wednesday 4th December

It is just the usual dull weather all day. I got a knock back about my weekend leave as I am of the A2 class and have to be ready to move out at any time. I got a letter from Uncle and wrote to him tonight and asked him to write me a letter to try my luck for special leave. The boys are getting very keen on the moving out stunt for home. I also wrote to Mollie & Jess tonight. The department hope to get us on the way home before Xmas.

Thursday 5th December

Just the same old daily routine on this job but it keeps one busy; perhaps just as well. The same dull weather but I am not out in it much so it doesn’t interfere with me. There is still a lot of shifting of the boys about the camp getting them ready to depart but nothing definite yet when they are to go to Liverpool. I wrote a letter to Hilda tonight as I got one from her and also wrote to Eveline. There was a real good concert on in the YMCA tonight and I had a look in for a time.

Friday 6th December

It was the same daily routine with a lot of Aussie mail coming through and crowds of parcels. It was fairly dry but showery again at night. I got a bundle of mail tonight; 2 from home, things were going well there and they had just heard I had got to England with a crack in the knee. There was also letters from many different ones. There are also some parcels on the way but don’t know if they will arrive before I leave the Depot but there is a lot coming in now.

Saturday 7th December

Things are going along in the same steady way. It’s a very busy job when the mail comes in and then getting it sorted; there is a great crowd of parcels coming along now for the boys. I had the evening off as there was no mail collection. I went down and got paid this morning and drew £2. I went down to the YM in the evening and wrote a letter home and also one to Elsie. I met Geo D (?) and had a yarn with him he is at OTB (?).

Sunday 8th December

It was dull this morning but came out very clear in the afternoon. I got the morning mail out and did the collection after dinner and was finished till the night was due to be collected. I did my washing and some writing in the afternoon. I wrote to Alice and also to Mollie . I went down to the YMCA to a service in the evening and there was a good sing song. I then did the rounds collecting the mail and got it all sorted and finished up early as I had a couple of lads to help me.

Monday 9th December

Things are going along in the same good old style. Business was very light on today so got through things in good style. I have another lad on the job with me. I got a short letter from Hilda . It was a little showery. We got through things in good time tonight as I had several of the boys helping and it does not take very long.

Tuesday 10th December

There was a fair amount doing today. I got a letter from Uncle and I also wrote to Fan and Mabel in the evening. I got word today I had to go on parade in the morning to be classified. It was a nice clear evening but rained later on during the night. I got a couple of letters today; one from home dated Oct 8th and also one from Maggie , things were going well. The first batch left tonight for Liverpool for the boat Saxon and a lot of excitement when they left.

Wednesday 11th December

I went on parade this morning and had to see the Dr and to be boarded. The Dr told me I had a little fluid on the lungs and said it most likely will always be so. I put in till 11:00am on that and came back and gave a hand with the mail. I then saw the OC (Officer Commanding) K Company about some leave and got it fixed up in the afternoon by the furlough Officer but only for 48 hours and was lucky to get that. I got a letter from Jim Mc and an invitation from Elsie to go down to Devonport for Xmas and also got a wee packet from Millie tonight.

Thursday 12th December

I didn’t go out on any parades today. I went and got my ticket in the afternoon and it was a showery day. I got along alright on the mail job and got through the work good. I wrote a couple of letters in the evening; one to Mollie and also one to Rose M. Another big crowd left last night for Liverpool, A couple of the boys went from here. I also dropped a line to Fran. There does not seem so much mail through from this end of the camp now as so many are going down to the embarkation Camp.

Friday 13th December

I did the old usual job this morning with the mail and got through with it well and the returns sorted out. I got cleaned up after dinner and went off about 3:00pm to the office and got my leave pass and walked down to the station. The train didn’t leave till 5:30pm but we had a good run up to London and got in on time. I got a tube to Mollie at Bayswater and found them all well and lively as ever. Lilly was there and also a friend lively with Mollie, Marie and Colleen. We had a good supper and Lill went off home and we sat and yarned for hours looking at the snaps and photos of Ireland. I stopped the night there and it was early morning when we went off to bed.

Saturday 14th December

I was up soon after 8:00am and got breakfast Mollie having gone and Marie and I left together I went into town (London) and went and ordered several AIF photographs and got it charged to my pay book. I had dinner and went to Paddington to enquire about the departure of the trains. I then went down to Uncles and found them all well. We had tea early as Uncle went off to the theatre and I stayed home and kept Katie company. We had a good super and I went off to bed as I was very sleepy. It was a very wet day and also Election Day.

Sunday 15th December

I was up about 9:00am, got cleaned up and had breakfast and didn’t move out as it was very showery. I got my few things together and tied them up and had dinner at 12:30pm and left there at 1:30pm. I said goodbye and Uncle saw me to the tram as I had to catch a 2:40pm train from Paddington . I then met Ken R at Victoria Station and had a few minutes yarn, he was with a pal. I went round to the girls but no chance of getting away as Lilly was there and Mollie came in. We had tea and went and found out about a train at 10:00pm but I would have a long wait at Swindon . We had a nice supper and I left at 9:30pm. Mollie came and saw me off. I had a good run down to Swindon in 2 hours and then had to wait till 5:30am for my next train.

Monday 16th December

I had a sleep till 5:00am and it was a slow run to Warminster and got in just before 8:00am and got up to the Camp and handed in my pass in time. I went over to the Field PO and gave a hand with the morning mail and went on parade in the afternoon. I met Kentwell from the Corps section and he is also here with a bad knee. I didn’t do any good on the parade; I would like to get away as soon as possible. I got a letter from Fan today and also a packet from Jim Mc sent on to me from France.

Tuesday 17th December

I went on the parade this morning but didn’t gain anything by it so came away home. I did a little when the mail came in, it was a little busy. I went on parade in the afternoon and after a long wait at the pay office I eventually got a pay of £1 and took my book to send up to the HQ. I came back after in time for the afternoon mail and got it sorted up. After tea I walked into Warminster as I had some shopping to do. I came back to Camp about 8:00pm. It was a lovely clear night.

Wednesday 18th December

It was rather cold this morning. I went on parade and then went through the QM store and handed in all my extra stuff so I am now ready to go into a Camp and await a boat. I gave a hand with the mail in the afternoon. I got several letters tonight from Sydney up till 27th October I also received several cards for Xmas; things were good out there. I wrote a letter to Mollie this afternoon and also sent several cards off tonight to friends in England.

Thursday 19th December

It was a very bleak cold day with several hail storms. I went across to both parades but nothing doing at all so I came back to my mail job. Things are going along well with plenty of parcels arriving but we can’t handle them all so they have just got to wait. Several of the boys are going off now on Xmas leave. I did up my parcel tonight and put most of the items in a tin box and sewed them up.

Friday 20th December

I didn’t go over this morning for parade as there was nothing doing but went over in the afternoon for a few minutes. I sent off my parcel this morning, it was too much to register so sent it parcel post. I only registered the diary and a map. There was a big mail in today. I got a letter from Ernie; he is down at a Camp in Weymouth and expects to be off home any day now so I wrote to him by return mail. I also sent a couple of cards to Marie C and Mrs B.

Saturday 21st December

It was cold this morning with almost a frost but was nice and clear most of the day. I went across on parade but there was nothing doing so soon came back and went on with the daily routine. There has been a lot of mail in lately though a lot has to go back as there is no trace of the boys. We got the afternoon stuff away then had tea early and the mail out. Sam C and I went into Warminster and it came over dull and showery. We bought a few things and came back and had supper in the YMCA. I said goodbye to Sam as he is going off early in the morning for the boat via Devonport.

Sunday 22nd December

It was 8:00am when we got up this morning and didn’t go on parade; it was very showery and muddy again. We got through the mail this morning as usual. I got a letter from Marie C and also several cards. We had a lot of stuff going out this afternoon and got it all away then I got cleaned up and it was tea time. I came down to the YMCA and wrote a letter home and also one to Mollie. I then went to the service here and came back for the usual evening mail.

Monday 23rd December

It was a very cold dull morning and plenty of mud about. I went over on parade and got told off on the next boat roll. Then we all went down to No.2 Camp and got on a hut roll and then drew blankets and crockery. I came back again over to the PO and did a little bit as it was just on dinner time. It was very cold all day so I stopped here. I do not intend going over to the hut to sleep but will stay here. There was not very much mail today. I got a letter from Hilda and wrote one to Uncle and wrote to Marie and Fan in the evening.

Tuesday 24th December

I went down to the other Camp this morning and there was a parade at 9:00am but nothing doing at all. They gave a few orders about no leave etc. and things will be easy for a couple days during the holidays. I wrote a letter to Hilda this afternoon and got a letter from Mollie and card and letter from Elsie. It’s been a nice fine day. Things seem as though they will be very quiet for Xmas in the Camps as the majority of the boys are away, or will be away, in a few days time.

Wednesday 25th December (Christmas Day)

It was a very cold day and frost but kept clear and fine. There was not very much mail in this morning and soon got rid of it all. We got a surprise for dinner; poultry, baked potatoes and cabbage then some good pudding and some beer to finish up with. I didn’t do much in the afternoon as there was no mail in. I went down to the YMCA after tea and wrote some letters; a couple to New Zealand and one to Mollie. We had to do the mail in the evening and it was rather cold.

Thursday 26th December

It was cold stirring out this morning; the tap was frozen; it was the coldest we had it for some time. There was not much doing today as there was only one mail in. I had the afternoon off so went out for a walk and to some pictures in the evening. I got a letter from Uncle also £4 from him and also a letter and card from Lilly. I wrote a letter to Una tonight. It was very dark and rough with more rain about. There were sports this afternoon in the depot.

Friday 27th December

I went over to the Camp this morning and did the parade but it didn’t last long so came back to my mail job. I went over again in the afternoon and there was a few wanted for fatigues but otherwise things were alright. There was not much going through in the mail so not too busy. I went and had a bath in the evening. I wrote a letter to Mollie and sent her a couple of £ to but a little article for herself. I got my pay book returned to me today.

Saturday 28th December

I went across to the parade this morning. We were all lined up and then went over to go through the performance of inoculations. I had a long wait as I was right on the bottom of the list. I eventually got fixed up and it was just on dinner time when I got back. I didn’t bother to go across in the afternoon. I went down to the YMCA in the evening and wrote a few post cards to different ones in New Zealand and also wrote to Uncle.

Sunday 29th December

It was a very cold and wet morning. I went down on parade and they read out a few orders to us and they were to check us all in the huts but I didn’t stop as I came over to my abode at the PO. I got the mail out and all cleaned up. I wrote a letter home this afternoon. After tea I went to the YMCA and wrote a couple of letters to Elsie H and also to Mrs Brookes. I went to the service and came home and helped with the mail.

Monday 30th December

I went across on parade this morning but not much doing. I had to fill in a demobilisation paper and came across all the lads who have to sign their board papers. There was not much mail in today. I got a letter from Mother today; it had been a long time on the way. I went down to Warminster in the evening and met Ted Saunders and we had a yarn then went to a concert in the YMCA there. It’s been very wintery like. I got a nice iced cake from Maggie C and it was lovely.

Tuesday 31st December

I went across to the parade this morning but nothing doing so I came over here again. I got a letter from Mollie this morning and also Marie C. I went on parade this afternoon and we were all split up into Sections. I am in about the last one. There has been a very cold wind blowing all day. I got a couple more letters this evening from Uncle and Hilda . I went down the village and did a little shopping but things seem to be very quiet about here for New Years Eve.

(Transcribers Note: As in some of the other diaries there are some addresses and a note on spare pages at the back of this diary. Interestingly they are NOT in Sapper Hill’s handwriting. They read:

HOUGHTON Ltd Mr Ramsey 88 High Holborn

“If you have not already delivered my order please hand it over to bearer. Oblige. 4469 Sapper A Jobson”

1 bottle Rytol Developer 3 No.2 Brownie Kodak films

Mr S J Cole 10 Fort Street PETERSHAM SYDNEY

(dads) 77 Market Street SYDNEY “Red Star” Pharmacy

‘Clinton’ Smith Street WENTWORTHVILLE


Sapper Charles Rowland Hill departed England on 2nd January 1919, 2 days after this last diary entry, on board His Majesty’s Transport “Karmala”. “Karmala” was a P&O liner used as a troopship during WWI. Unfortunately at the time of transcribing these diaries there is no photograph available of “Karmala”. He arrived in Melbourne on 15th February 1919 then proceeded to Sydney arriving on 22nd February 1919. His discharge from the Army became effective in Sydney on 26th April 1919.

There is a slight twist to the story of Sapper Charles Rowland Hill. In the history of the 17th Battalion there is a list of members who served under assumed names. Sapper Hill’s name is not so listed. However, he wrote to the Army Records Office in 1936 stating his correct name is Charlie Rowland BRIGHT.

This photograph appears to have been taken the day Sapper C R Hill (Bright) arrived home in Sydney. Note the Kit bags just behind him to his right.

Transcribers Notes: It has been the utmost pleasure to read and transcribe the 4 diaries. The diaries are in excellent condition and it is a credit to the family that they have been preserved over all these years in such wonderful condition. I am very privileged to have read them whilst transcribing into this typed format. Personally I feel I got know him, through his writings, as if he was one of my own family.

I am sure you will agree that Sapper C R Hill was a most stoic person. He, like so many others, was a prolific writer. Of course this was their only means of communicating to loved ones and family at any length.

I wonder who MOLLIE was and what became of her? Obviously he was very attracted to her. Uncle John must have been a wonderful generous man. owyergoin?