8 zhanjiangspecial MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2014 CHINA DAILY Huguangyan National Geopark’s lake was once a volcano caldera. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Zhanjiang’s allure as holiday hotspot In search Historic architecture, beaches, of foreign tropical islands and warm welcome expertise By WANG SHANSHAN HOW TO GO in Zhanjiang, Guangdong By WANG SHANSHAN
[email protected] By air: Zhanjiang has an airport in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province with direct fl ights to and from
[email protected] Zhanjiang, the coastal city in the Hong Kong and Beijing as well as southwest of Guangdong, is on track other cities in China. Foreign engineers, urban plan- to become the “Miami of the Orient”, By road: A fi ve-hour drive from ners, teachers and agro-scientists according to a top city o cial. Guangzhou, the provincial are on the top of the recruitment capital. The city boasts a dozen beaches list in Zhanjiang, said Mayor Wang including one that stretches for 28 Zhongbing, who will lead a delega- kilometers. which emerges from the water when tion to meet businesses and insti- “We want foreign tourists to come the tide ebbs. tutions in Germany in late June. for holidays and enjoy the nature and Boats run from the city to five “Zhanjiang is undergoing the tranquility of our historical city,” islands around Zhanjiang Bay, which rapid industrialization and there said Mayor Wang Zhongbing. makes island hopping a popular is a serious lack of skilled and Direct ( ights link the city to Hong choice for visitors. experienced professionals,” said Kong and Beijing and it is about a 0 e longest beach in China, which Wang.