
ITEM NO: 34.00

Development No weeks on Parish Ward Listed By Management day of Ref No committee 0/2012/2483 PPA Wescott Major Development Proposal

Applicant The Nike Group of Companies Location Amen Corner, Road, , Postcode RG12 8SZ Proposal Outline application with means of access to be determined for the development of approximately 30 hectares of land at Amen Corner (of which 4 ha are within WBC) to provide 550 dwellings; a neighbourhood centre of up to 2500sqm (comprising accommodation within use classes A 1, A2, A3, A4, D1 or D2; construction of a new road between London Road and Cain Road; construction of new junctions with the existing local road network at London Road, North View, South View and Beehive Road to provide vehicular access to the site; the creation of new accesses to the Coppid Beech Hotel I Ski Centre from the site together with replacement car parking spaces and the reconfiguration of existing car parks; provision of associated public open space; children's play areas; Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG); Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDs); internal roads, paths, car parking and landscaping. Type Outline PS Category 1 Officer Connor Corrigan

FOR CONSIDERATION BY Planning Committee on 20 August 2014 REPORT PREPARED BY Head of Development Management and Regulatory Services

SUMMARY 1) The site is located to the east of Wokingham directly south of London Road and adjacent to the Bracknell ski centre. The majority of the development site including the main developable area comprising housing, commercial development, roads etc. is located within Bracknell Borough's administrative boundary however the western edge of the development is located within Wokingham Borough. This area comprises open space land located adjacent the A329(M). As such a cross boundary application between. both Local Planning Authorities (Bracknell and Wokingham) has been submitted for assessment. ·

2) It is noted that the application site at Amen Corner South (and the site Amen Corner North located adjacent) is allocated for development within the 's Core Strategy (Policy CS4) while the part of the site within Wokingham has been is identified within Wokingham's Core Strategy and MDD (Local Plan) as being retained for the green gap between the two (Policy SAL04).

3) Planning permission within Wokingham borough is therefore being sought for laying out of an area of Public Open Space on land to the west of the development site however consideration must be given to the impacts the development is likely to have upon residents, infrastructure and services within Wokingham borough.

4) The main issues for consideration are the impact upon neighbouring residential amenities located adjacent the site, the impact on the highway network in terms of traffic generation and congestion and the quality of the open space being provided. Bracknell Forest will assess the main development site issues such as scale, drainage, highway junctions etc.

80 S) Given the site is allocated for development and for retaining the green gap no objection is raised to the principle of the development at this location. It is considered that there are no significant impacts but in fact benefits to Wokingham residents from the proposed development, in particular the area of open space and SANG elements. The open space is considered acceptable and in compliance with planning policies subject to appropriate landscaping along the boundaries with the adjacent residential properties.

6) The transport assessment submitted in support of the application demonstrates that the development will not have significant impacts upon the local highway network within Wokingham borough. The proposals include highway improvements along on London Road and it is noted that the Coppid Beech roundabout improvements are being undertaken by Wokingham in advance of completion of the proposed development which will help facilitate this and other developments. On this basis there are no highway objections raised against the development.

7) With respect to the open space, Wokingham Countryside and Parks Service have advised that they have no objection to Bracknell Forest managing the open space given its location and as it is being provided as part of the new development.

8) As such the proposed development is considered acceptable as it would have limited impacts upon the residents, services and infrastructure of Wokingham borough.

PLANNING STATUS • Within North Wokingham Strategic Development Area • SKM Thames Basin Heath SPA • Landfill Consultation Zone I Landfill site • Aerodrome Safeguarding for Wind • Tree Preservation Order


A. That the committee authorise the Head of Development Management to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions including:

Conditions to follow. As this is a cross boundary application with only the Open Space element located within Wokingham's administrative boundary, officers are currently co-ordinating conditions with Bracknell Forest Planning Authority to ensure consistency. lnformatives 1. You are advised, in compliance with The Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) () (Amendment) Order 2000, that the following policies and/or proposals in the development plan are relevant to this decision:

Adopted Core Strategy: CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CPS, CP6, CP7, CPS, CP9, CP10, CP11, CP13 CP14, CP1S, CP17, CP20, CP21 and Appendix 7.

Managing Development Delivery Development Plan Document (MOD Local Plan) February 2014: CC01, CC02, CC03, CC04, CCOS, CC06, CC07, CC08, CC09, CC10, TBOS, TB07, TB08, TB21, TB23, TB2S, SAL04 and SALOS.

North Wokingham Strategic Development Location SPD adopted October 2011. Infrastructure Delivery and Contributions SPD for the Strategic Development Locations adopted October 2011. Sustainable Design and Construction SPD adopted 2010.

81 Wokingham Borough Council Design Guide: Borough Guide Design SPD June 2012. Affordable Housing SPD adopted June 2011.

2. Mud on the Road Adequate precautions shall be taken during the construction period to prevent the deposit of mud and similar debris on adjacent highways. For further information contact Corporate Head of Environment on tel: 0118 97 4 6302.

3. On-Site Engineering Works (S38 Adoption) If it is the developer's intention to request the Council, as local highway authority, to adopt the proposed access roads etc. as highway maintainable at public expense, then full engineering details must be agreed with the Corporate Head of Environment at the Council Offices, Shute End, Wokingham. The developer is strongly advised not to commence development until such details have been approved in writing and a legal agreement is made with the Council under S38 of the Highways Act 1980.

4. The applicant is advised that the Council seeks that employers or developers within the borough commit to using local labour I contractors where possible. This should include:

• Advertisement of jobs within local recruitment agencies I job centres; • Recruitment, training and apprenticeships of residents from the local area; • Seek tender of local suppliers or contractors for work.

PLANNING HISTORY The site forms part of the development locations set out within the Bracknell Core Strategy. There is no recent olanninq historv related to the site.

SUMMARY INFORMATION Site Area Approx. 28 ha I 4.3ha within Wokingham Number of residential units 550 Site within WBC 4 ha SANG 13.4 ha (Big Wood and Riggs Copse)


• Bracknell Forest BFC are recommending approval of the scheme and have confirmed they will be contributing directly to WBC for the Coppid Beech roundabout improvements.

No objection subject to condition on an archaeological investigation. Archaeology: The Environmental Impact Assessment Archaeology and Cultural Heritage chapter demonstrates the site to have archaeological potential. This report identifies that the proposed works are likely to have an adverse impact upon any heritage assets present on the site.

Advise that archaeological evaluation is carried out over the majority of the site prior to reserved matters applications being submitted, to ensure that the impact of the development is mitigated in the most effective manner.

Recommend that the applicant, their agent or archaeological consultant makes contact with Berkshire Archaeology in order to devise a suitable scheme of works to ensure that the impact of the development is mitigated in alignment with local and national planning policy.

82 • Countryside No objection subject to conditions on reptile habitat. Officer (Biodiversity) and This scheme proposes that the area within the borough boundary is to Public Open be converted from derelict land/agricultural land to Public Open Space. Space: Whilst the submitted phase 1 habitat survey report does not identify these fields as especially interesting botanically it does suggest that they provide suitable reptile habitat. However the submitted reptile was unable to survey the southern most portion of the land with Wokingham Borough due to access issues.

Condition recommended for full details of a protected reptiles contingency to be provided.

The submitted ecological information for the parts of the site beyond the borough boundary aside from a general assessment of the quantity of SANG proposed have not been assessed.

• Countryside The development would not have any effect on Wokingham's public Access I Public rights of way or access to the countryside for WBC residents. Rights of Way: Satisfied the POS I SANG areas can be managed by BFC given their location and their provision is associated with the development in Bracknell.

• Environmental No objections - only a small part of the site which will be used for open Health: space will be located within WBC. However as site is former landfill site and is located adjacent residential properties conditions are recommended relating to construction hours of work, contamination risk assessment and validation report, conditioning of submitted Construction Environmental Management Plan and Site Waste Management Plan.

• Environment No objection subject to conditions relating to flood risk, contamination Agency: and scheme to dispose of surface water.

• Highways and No objection - the modelling takes into account all development in drainage Bracknell. BFC are contributing to the works at Coppid Beech roundabout. No significant impacts upon Wokingham highway network.

• Highways No objection to the part of the proposal within Wokingham Borough and Agency overall no objection to the wider development as there will be no significant impact upon the safe and efficient operation of the SRN. Concern remains over the cumulative impacts from developments within Wokingham and Bracknell on J10 M4 and requires need for continued engagement.

• Housing No comments - Development is located within BFC.

• Education No objection - With respect to secondary schooling, St Crispins admits a significant number of Bracknell children (mainly from the Binfield area). Current admissions arrangements group St Crispins with 3 other schools (Emmbrook, Holt and Forest) to serve the Wokingham Town, and rural south (excluding ) areas. As applicant numbers rise in this area (from 2014/15 onwards), expectation that children from Wokinqham will take an increasinqly qreater percentage

83 of St Crispins places. Bracknell residents can access these places if they are not needed locally.

• Landscape and No objection subject to conditions relating to additional information Trees: being submitted regarding landscaping and trees on the public open space.

Site should be enhanced through additional tree planting especially on the site boundaries. Proposal will help retain the strategic gap between Wokingham and Bracknell. Area can be enhanced through additional tree planting especially on the site boundaries.

A Landscape and Tree Report in accordance with the requirements of BS5837:2012 for the site will help formulate the constraints of the site and assist with the design process.

The proposed Public Open Space and the retention of existing trees within that space are an essential component of the scheme in terms of limiting the visual impact of the new housing as the land rises to the north. Additional strategic planting within this space but also reinforcing green corridors throughout the site will be a key component of the development.

A detailed tree survey and Arboricultural Implications Assessment identifying the landscape features of note that will be retained with clear drawings showing retention and removal of trees within the site is required. A Landscape Strategy should form part of the Masterplan, clearly showing how the SAN G's and Public Open Spaces are linked by strategic Green Infrastructure.

• Land Use and The part of the application lying within Wokingham Borough where Transport open space is proposed is allocated by Policy SAL04 of the adopted Managing Development Delivery (Local Plan) as open space to serve development at Amen Corner as allocated by Bracknell Forest's Core Strategy (Policy CS4).

It is therefore necessary to consider if appropriate secure legal mechanisms are envisaged to ensure that this open space is delivered alongside the development in Bracknell Forest.

a) Part of the Big Wood SANG (south of the railway line) lies within Wokingham Borough. Whilst there is no policy objection to the use of this land as SANG, is there an appropriate secure legal mechanism in place to ensure that this land is retained in such use for an indefinite period?

• Urban Design No objection - Proposed scheme does not appear to have any and Conservation significant implications for above ground heritage assets within WBC. The listed buildings located at Peacocks Farm and Pope's Manor are located within Bracknell and will be assessed by BFC.

• English Heritage No comments at time of writing.

• Natural England: Withdrawal of objection - Following submission of updated Proposed SANGs Management Plan (BSG ecology, 19th March 2014).

However this does not necessarily mean that all natural environment

84 issues have been adequately addressed, but that NE are satisfied that the specific issues that were raised in previous correspondence relating to this development has been met.

It is Natural England's understanding that the following elements are now met by the proposal, since our last response was issued on the 23rd January 2013 our ref: 12/00993/0UT. Where appropriate, these elements should be secured through an appropriately worded s106 agreement. • Adequate SAMM contributions will be collected in advance of each phase commencing. • A 2.4 km circular walk will be in place at occupation of the first dwelling. This will be in Big Wood and Peacock Meadow. Big Wood will be brought forward in its entirety (10.?ha) and enhanced to the SAN Gs standard in advance of the first occupation of any dwellings, so that a functioning SANG is in place in accordance with the Natural England SANGs Quality Guidance (June 2008). • Bracknell Forest Council will take on the management of the SANGs for in perpetuity. • Enhancements will be made to the routes to the SANGs from the proposed development site. These include enhancements to the underpass route beneath the A329, the provision of the new steel fence where the footpath adjoins the A329, and enhancements to the existing public footpath together with the provision and signposting of the 'Alternative Pedestrian Link'.

NE would also draw attention to the following:

• Comments on Amen Corner South SANGs Management Plan (Julie Gil, Bracknell Forest Council, version 19 March 2014) and, • Email from Daniel Carpenter, Bracknell Forest Council, re: Amen Corner South SANG Management Plan March 2014, to Julie Gil and Trevor Yerworth, 24th April 2014.

Natural England is supportive of both sets of comments respectively.

• Property Services No comments at time of writing report.

• Royal Berkshire No comments at time of writing report. Fire and Rescue Service:

• Sport England No comments at time of writing report.

• Thames Water: No comments at time of writing report.

• Thames Valley No comments at time of writing report. Police (RPS): • Waste Services No comments at time of writing report.

• Access Officer No comments at time of writing report.

• Scottish and No comments at time of writing report. Southern Energy

• Southern Gas No comments at time of writina report.

85 Networks

• RSPB No comments at time of writing report.

REPRESENTATIONS Three letters of representation received; one supporting the application on grounds that:

• Enhance area; • Creation of employment and jobs within the local area; • Proposal could enhance parking and layout of the site; • House designs should fit into area - possibly look at using alpine design • Opportunity to improve traffic and congestion by improvement of junctions and London Road.

And two letters raising concerns advising that;

• Environmental Statement fails to consider full impacts of development; • Drainage issues; • Application site includes land that is not within the applicant's application site or within the highway boundary. This relates to land on Beehive Road. • Parking I dropping off for the school should be contained within the school grounds.

Other non material planning considerations were also raised.

Wokingham Town Council - Objection on the following grounds: • If large retail units are approved for the neighbourhood centre they will take trade away from Wokingham. There should be a 150m2 limit on unit size and a condition to prevent the future combination of units;

• The proposed development will create an unacceptable increase in traffic on Wokingham's Road network, especially London Road which is already at capacity during peak times;

• The proposed development should include a new secondary school to reduce the inevitable demand that it will create for more places at St Crispin's School.

PLANNING POLICY National Planning Policy Framework

Adopted Core Strategy: CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP5, CP6, CP7, CPS, CP9, CP10, CP11, CP13, CP14, CP15, CP17, CP20 and Appendix 7.

Managing Development Delivery Development Plan Document (MOD Local Plan) February 2014: CC01, CC02, CC03, CC04, CC05, CC06, CC07, CC08, CC09, CC10, TB05, TB07, TB08, TB21, TB23, TB25, SAL04 and SAL05. Appendix 2 (Car Parking Standards).

North Wokingham Strategic Development Location SPD adopted October 2011. Infrastructure Delivery and Contributions SPD for the Strategic Development Locations adopted October 2011. Sustainable Design and Construction SPD adopted 2010

86 Wokingham Borough Council Design Guide: Borough Guide Design SPD June 2012 Affordable Housing SPD adopted June 2011.

Bracknell Forest's Core Strategy: Policy CS4, SA8

PLANNING ISSUES The Site and Surrounding Area

1) The application site comprises approximately 28 ha, of which 4 ha are located within Wokingham Borough. The site is located to the east of Wokingham to the south of London Road and to the east of the A329(M). The majority of the development site is located within Bracknell Borough with only the proposed open space element on the western edge located within Wokingham Borough. The site is separated from Wokingham town by the A329(M).

2) The site consists of a mixture of land types, agricultural land, derelict land and land in commercial use. It has been indicated that some of the land was used for landfill in the past. The site comprises hedgerows and a mixture of trees in terms of age and type on the site. The topography of the site is varied, the general landform slopes down from the London Road to the north towards the railway land and land beyond in the south, a fall of around 25m from north east to south west of the site.

3) Public access is presently limited however there is a public right of way running across the site.

4) To the north eastern corner of the site but not included within the application site are three houses along London Road which are located within Wokingham borough.

5) The development also includes the use of Big Wood SANG, which is located to the west of the A329(M), part of which (south of the railway line) lies within Wokingham Borough. This is linked to the application site via a footpath and underpass.


6) The proposal is for a mixed use outline application with means of access to be determined only for the development of approximately 30 hectares of land at Amen Corner. This will comprise:

• 550 dwellings a neighbourhood centre of up to 2500 sq metres (comprising accommodation within use classes A 1, A2, A3, A4, D1 or D2);

• Construction of a new road between London Road and Cain Road;

• Construction of new junctions with the existing local road network at London Road, North View, South View and Beehive Road to provide vehicular access to the site;

• Creation of new accesses to the Coppid Beech Hotel I Ski Centre from the site together with replacement car parking spaces and the reconfiguration of existing car parks;

• Provision of associated public open space, children's play areas, Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), Sustainable Drainage systems, internal roads, paths, car parking and landscaping.

7) Originallv a new primary school and playing fields with access from Beehive Road 87 was included with this application but this has since been withdrawn from this scheme and a separation application is to be submitted.

8) There are a number of proposed junctions works, including a new access into the site from London Road, linking to Coppid Beech roundabout, A329(M) and Wokingham. There are also proposed junctions works at Beehive Road and Way.

9) As the proposal is in outline application form, details such as building design, height, scale, massing, landscaping and layout I sitting will be determined as part of the reserved matters application at a later date.

10) As only part of the application site is located within Wokingham, that is the public open space element, the issues for consideration are limited to the impacts upon the residential amenities of Wokingham residents and the impact upon infrastructure and services within Wokingham. There are three main considerations:

• Impacts to the residential amenities of the adjacent residents located to the north of the site on London Road; • Implications to Coppid Beech junction and the local highway network within Wokingham borough and; • Quality of the open space being proposed.

11) The Public Right of Way which runs through the site linking with Wokingham borough will be retained and enhanced, as will the footpath link to the Big Wood SANG as part of the proposals.

Policy and Principle of development

12) As stated the development site is principally located within Bracknell Forest and does not form part of the requirement for new housing within Wokingham Core Strategy Policy CP17, which seeks the delivery 13,230 new homes by 2026 within four Strategic Development Locations.

13) Bracknell Forest Council (BFC) undertook the same approach to the provision of new houses and Amen Corner North and South sites were identified as two locations for their large strategic sites. The Amen Corner site is allocated by Bracknell Forest's Core Strategy (Policy CS4) for housing and commercial development.

14) As advised only part of the application site is located within Wokingham Borough, this is identified under MDD (Local Plan) Policy SAL04 for;

"New open space associated with residential development within and adjoining the Borough". This policy seeks that; "Planning permission will be granted for open space on the following sites defined on the Policies Map.

Proposals for other uses on these allocated sites will be permitted where it is demonstrated that:

a) adequate open space to meet both the overall and specific requirements of Core Strategy policy CP3 - General Principles for development (criteria g), as amplified by Policy TBOB: Open Space, sport and recreational facilities standards for residential development or Bracknell Forest's Core Strategy policies CS4 Land at Amen Corner (Parish of Binfield) and CS6 Limiting the Impact of Development and Site Allocations Local Plan Policy SAB Land at Amen Corner (South), Binfield is available for the related site; or

88 b) it ensures high quality development is achieved on the related site (including the advice in Appendix 12) in line with Core Strategy policies CP1 and CP3.

15) Given the proposal within Wokingham boundary is for open space which is compliant with the above policy, on this basis the principle of development in this location is considered acceptable.

Highway Impact

16) The parking associated with the development, highway layout and proposed new junctions are all located within Bracknell Forest borough and will be assessed by their highway team. Therefore the only issues which need to be considered by Wokingham are with respect to the impacts from the development is likely to have upon Wokingham highway network in terms of traffic and congestion.

17) Policy CP20 and CP21 of the Core Strategy seeks improvements to transport capacity along the A321 and A329 and the provision of Northern Distributor and Southern Distributor Roads (NOR I SOR). The proposed NOR route, as outlined in the Masterplan runs from the A329 (near the M4 over-bridge I Forest Road) in the west through the SOL development and eventually linking with London Road and Coppid Beech Roundabout. The SOR links into the existing highway network on London Road, close to Plough Lane junction and will eventually link through with Road.

18) The developments at North and South Wokingham and Amen Corner South and North will put additional pressure on the A329 (London Road), A329(M) and Coppid Beech roundabout and as such some junction improvements are required, principally at Coppid Beech junction to ensure the junction still functions within capacity. The Council has therefore undertaken modelling and design work to assess what work required and work is due to commence in early 2015 on Coppid Beech roundabout to increase the capacity of this junction. The works are being undertaken by Wokingham and part funded by a grant and part by the developments in North and South Wokingham. Bracknell has advised they will contribute to the funding of the works directly and will seek to recoup these from the Amen Corner applications and any other relevant schemes within their boundary.

19) In support of their application the applicant has submitted a Transport Assessment which looks at the traffic impacts upon the local highway network. This includes modelling of traffic along London Road and onto the A329(M). The proposals include a new junction onto London Road and improvements to the carriage way along London Road. The statement also considers the impacts of Amen Corner North development and the extant Hewlett Packard development comprising approximately 27,000 sqm of new commercial floorspace, on the network and in particular Coppid Beech junction.

20) In terms of the impacts to the wider highway network, the proposals demonstrate that the development will not result in significant cumulative impacts on traffic across the highway network. Although, it is acknowledged some additional traffic will result upon London Road within Wokingham, this will be within the capacity of the network following improvements required by the developments at North and South Wokingham. As such no significant harm will result. For this reason no contributions are therefore required for further highway improvements towards London Road within Wokingham borough.

21) With respect to the impacts upon Coppid Beech roundabout, a scheme for the improvement of this junction which increases capacity to accommodate the additional develo ments comin forward within both Wokingham and Bracknell has

89 been designed. The works will be partly funded by the Department for Transport with the remaining cost being made up by contributions from developers. These works comprise additional lanes and the installation of full time traffic signals, including widening of the carriageway on both the Wokingham and Bracknell sections of London Road (from 2 to 3 lanes towards Wokingham and 2 to 4 lanes towards Bracknell) and also the slip roads off the A329(M).

22) As advised Bracknell Forest Council has committed to contribute towards funding the improvement works, which will be undertaken by Wokingham and will be completed in 2015. As such there are no objections to the proposed development with respect to the impact upon Coppid Beech roundabout.

23) It should be noted that the roundabout works will also incorporate improvements to pedestrian I cycle links which will provide improved and safer links between Wokingham and Bracknell.

24) The development will promote sustainable travel via a Travel Plan which is being assessed by Bracknell Forest, the aim of which will be to reduce to private car usage through encouraging people to travel by bus, walk or cycle and improving local infrastructure and services. It is acknowledged that the proposed development, in connection with the Coppid Beech junction works, will help improve sustainable links between Wokingham and Bracknell.

25) The parking for the SANG is now proposed on site and at Riggs Copse. This was originally located on Old London Road outside of the application site but following officer concerns this part of the proposal was amended. This is addressed under SANG section below.

26) Traffic associated with construction and operation would be controlled via a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP).This will help to limit congestion and disruption on the highway network as associated with the development.

27) On this basis officers have no objections to the proposals.

Relationship with nearby properties located within Wokingham Borough

28) The application is an outline scheme proposal and therefore the exact location and height of buildings is not being considered at this time. However the plans demonstrate that the development will not be significantly detrimental to the amenities of any of the adjoining three residential properties located within Wokingham. The houses to the north west of the site are set in large plots and back onto the proposed public open space area and therefore there are no significant issues with respect to loss of privacy or amenity subject to appropriate landscaping I boundary treatment along the boundary with these properties.

29) Any new landscaping should also not adversely affect the amenity of these properties or their garden areas and should be managed to ensure this. As such no objection is raised.

Open Space I Ecology

30) The proposed public open space for the development is made up of two main areas, the SANG area to the south east which is located within Bracknell and the main Public Open Space (POS) area located to the west which is within Wokingham borough. As such the area for consideration under this application relates to the POS.

90 31) This area is made up of agricultural land and commercial use. The applicant has not undertaken a detailed contamination of this area and as such remediation may be required following further detailed site investigations before a landscaping scheme can be implemented. This can be addressed by condition.

32) The submitted habitat survey report suggests that the environment could provide suitable reptile habitat however the ecology team was unable to survey the site fully, in particular the part within Wokingham Borough for reptiles.

33) The Countryside I Ecology Officer has therefore advised that this land may also be an appropriate habitat for reptiles and as such monitoring will be required and if necessary, suitable mitigation to ensure no harm results to protected species from the development. This can be controlled by condition.

34) The open space to serve the development will be accessed primarily from the main development site. There is also a Public Right of Way running through the site which crosses the site and links via a rail overpass and A329(M) underpass to land to the south of the railway I A329(M) into Big Wood SANG and onto Wokingham town. The proposals seek to improve this route and means that Wokingham residents will have better access to this area and to Bracknell.

35) Located adjacent to the proposed public open space is proposed a formal play area (LEAP). This will be located within Bracknell borough and therefore will be managed by BFC.

36) As the proposal is an outline application, the overall quality of the area and linkages with the public open space will be considered under reserved matters applications. These will need to be of good quality and it is recommended that a Landscape Management Plan is required to assess and monitor the planting within the open space. This approach is considered acceptable and the landscaping can be secured via condition.

37) The applicant has advised that the SANG land will be transferred to the ownership of the Council with adequate maintenance commuted sums. The Council's preferred method is normally that all the open space be transferred to the authorities ownership with a commuted sum sufficient to provide for maintenance of the site in perpetuity. This would need to be secured via S106 but in any case given the location of the site, the Countryside and Parks team have advised that they would be agreeable for this area to be managed by BFC should the open space be transferred to the Council as it serves the development within their area.

38) In summary the proposed area of public open space is considered acceptable subject to adequate ecological and contamination surveys and appropriate landscaping. It is considered that the proposals will provide benefit to Wokingham residents by improving linkages and the character and appearance of the area. The proposals will also help to promote ecology in the local area over the long term.

SANG -Adequacy of the SANG provision

39) Given the sites location within 5km of the Special Protection Area, the development is required to mitigate the impact of the new residential development on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA), which is a requirement of Habitats Regulations. In mitigating developments impacts, larger developments should provide a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) to encourage residents not to travel to the SPA. In order to do this, these should be of high quality and of a sufficient size.

91 40) As advised, land to the south will comprise the SANG land; "Riggs Copse" and "Big Wood" which will provide adequate mitigation for the impact of the new residential development on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA). This is primarily located within Bracknell Forest and as such for both Natural England and BFC to determine. It is noted that part of Big Wood SANG is located within Wokingham however the impacts to this area are limited.

41) Natural England originally objected against the proposals however their objections have been withdrawn. The objections related to the delivery and management of the SANG in perpetuity and poor access to the SANG from the development site.

42) WBC officers were originally concerned with the location of parking and access to the SANG as there is no parking proposed at Big Wood SANG and parking was proposed along Old London Road, outside of the application site on highway and third party land and over a km from the SANG. Officers advised they would not support car parking on highway land.

43) In response the applicants submitted an updated SANGs Management Plan which responded to the concerns. This revision identified that:

• Adequate SAMM contributions will be collected in advance of each phase commencing. • A 2.4 km circular walk will be in place at occupation of the first dwelling. This will be in Big Wood and Peacock Meadow. Big Wood will be brought forward in its entirety (10.7ha) and enhanced to the SANGs standard in advance of the first occupation of any dwellings, so that a functioning SANG is in place in accordance with the Natural England SANGs Quality Guidance. • Bracknell Forest Council will take on the management of the SANGs in perpetuity. • Enhancements will be made to the routes to the SANGs from the proposed development site. These include enhancements to the underpass route beneath the A329, the provision of the new steel fence where the footpath adjoins the A329, and enhancements to the existing public footpath together with the provision and signposting of the 'Alternative Pedestrian Link'. • Removal of parking from London Road.

44) On this basis, officers have no objections against the SANG proposals and again it is considered that the proposals will be of benefit to Wokingham residents.

Other Issues

Infrastructure associated with Proposal

45) The applicant has advised that they agree to contributions for the provision of infrastructure and services (where they are in accordance with Community Infrastructure Levy Regulation 122) to mitigate against their proposals.

46) As the majority of the development site lies within Bracknell Forest Authority, the public open space and SANG areas will serve the development and given the sites location, that is separated from Wokingham borough by the A329(M), it has been determined that Bracknell Forest will be the instructing authority in terms of the S106. BFC will manage the development and associated infrastructure and services with the exception of Coppid Beech roundabout improvements which will be undertaken by WBC. As advised BFC will be contributing towards these works. As such no planning obligation (s106) contributions are being sought by WBC.

92 Community and Social Infrastructure Delivery

47) The proposal includes a new neighbourhood centre comprising shops and services within the development to serve the new community. Given the sites location, in that the A329(M) segregates the site from Wokingham, it is likely that future residents will use these local services in the first instance. However these facilities are also likely to benefit residents living to the east of Wokingham town.


48) The development will provide a new primary school on the site although not as part of this application. As such there are no significant implications to primary school places within Wokingham Borough.

49) In terms of secondary schooling, St Crispin's Secondary School is the closest school. WBC cannot refuse children from attending secondary schools in Wokingham but BFC has confirmed that there is adequate capacity within their existing secondary school system to accommodate the new developments residents. This is important as the North and South Wokingham SDL developments are likely to take up capacity at St Crispins. In any case Wokingham residents will have preference to places within St Crispins.

Affordable Housing

50) In this instance, the housing is located within Bracknell and therefore for their consideration. The proposals will comprise a mix of housing tenures and as such officers have no concerns.

Design, layout and sustainability

51) The proposal is for an outline application and therefore these issues are not for consideration at this time. In any case this would be for Bracknell Forest to determine.

Landscape Character

52) As part of the Environmental Statement the applicant has undertaken a character landscape and visual impact assessment for the site and surrounding area which states that the site is generally well enclosed by the surrounding landscape, contains derelict buildings, storage, scrap in addition to ancient woodland (Riggs Corpse), species rich hedgerows and mature trees. This accompanies an arboricultural survey and impact assessment.

53) The Tree and Landscape officer has identified that the site consists of a number of tree belts, scrub land and a paddock and that they have no objection to the public open space area which is located within WBC boundary. This should however be enhanced through additional tree planting especially on the site boundaries. This will help to retain the strategic gap between Wokingham and Bracknell which is identified in the Core Strategy on the Core Strategy (Policy SAL04).

54) Although a Landscape and Tree Report has been submitted in support of the application, this contains a tree survey which only refers to the trees near to the proposed new road across the site, although some form of broad categorisation is given to trees on the remainder of the site. This is not sufficient to determine the overall impacts to the area. Therefore the remaining trees will need to be fully surveyed to help inform the constraints of the site and assist with the design I master lanning rocess. This can be controlled via condition.

93 55) The retention of existing trees, hedgerows and new planting within the public open space area will also help to limit the visual impact of the new housing given the land rises to the north. It is also considered important to install additional planting within this area and to reinforce the green corridors throughout the site to link the individual areas of open space.

56) In summary subsequent reserved matter applications will need to provide a detailed Tree Survey, Arboricultural Implications Assessment and Landscape Strategy identifying the landscape features of note that will be retained and clearly demonstrate the trees to be retained, removed and the proposed planting scheme.

57) On this basis there are no objections against the principle of development in terms of landscaping.

Comments on the Environmental Statement

58) Given the scale of development on the site, the application is supported with an Environment Statement (ES). This informs the key parameters for the location of development on the site and its height and looks at the wider impacts such as visual implications, air quality, flooding, noise and vibration, transport, contamination and ecology upon the local area. The ES has been reviewed by officers from WBC, BFC and the Environment Agency (EA). Highlighted below are the key considerations which impact upon Wokingham.


59) The applicant undertook a Flood Risk Assessment which determined that the site is not within areas shown to be at risk of flooding, as indicated by Flood zone 1 on the Environment Agency's Flood map.

60) As the proposal is an outline scheme no detailed assessment of drainage has been included however it is envisaged that the development will incorporate Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) which are generally considered to improve site drainage issues by slowing water run off. It is noted that due to the site typography drainage is likely to run towards Bracknell.

61) The CEMP will also incorporate means of controlling water run-off and drainage during construction phases to prevent flooding or pollution.

62) Given the scheme is in outline form and neither the Environment Agency or WBC drainage officers have not raised any significant concerns at this stage, it is considered that there are no significant issues regarding flood risk or drainage subject to conditions. Moreover given the main development is located within Bracknell, these issues will be principally determined by BFC as part of the reserved matters applications.

Land Contamination

63) A ground conditions I contamination report has been submitted in support of the application which shows some evidence of contamination. It is noted that parts of the site have been used for commercial purposes including the storage of materials and scrap while the area for the proposed open space is on the site of a former landfill site. As such the EA and Environmental Health have recommended that a contamination risk assessment would be required and where necessary mitigation measures included for the proposed end use. Where remediation is required, a validation re art would also be required rior to public access bein allowed. On this

94 basis no objection raised.


64) Given the scale of development there is potential for adverse impacts on the environment during the operation and construction processes, from dust, pollution, mud on the roads and noise. The applicant is required to provide a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) prior to construction to identify the issues and minimise any impacts. On this basis, no in principal objection is raised.


65) The Archaeology and Cultural Heritage chapter within the ES demonstrates that the site could have archaeological potential and that the proposed works are likely to have an adverse impact upon any heritage assets present on the site.

66) As such the Berkshire Archaeology officer has recommend that a condition requiring an archaeological investigation is attached to any planning permission to mitigate the impact of the development.

Retail Impact

67) It is noted that concern has been raised regarding the size of the proposed new retail development as part of this application and the implications this may have upon trade within Wokingham town centre. However the proposed new retail is intended to serve the site and surrounding local area only. Given the population increase, location of the retail and the scale of the proposals, this is likely to have only limited impacts to shops within Wokingham if any at all. As such this is not considered a significant issue and would not warrant refusal of the scheme on this basis.

CONCLUSION The proposed development, although significant in scale is principally located within Bracknell Forest and it is considered would have limited impacts upon Wokingham borough or its residents subject to further detailed work. The proposed area of Public Open Space which is located within Wokingham is considered acceptable in principal as it would provide benefit to the local area and Wokingham residents and would help retain and reinforce the green gap between the two urban areas in accordance with planning policy. The development will also not impact significantly upon the local highway network within Wokingham borough.

On this basis the proposals are considered acceptable in principal subject to conditions and the subsequent reserved matters proposals.

NB All reports seek to identify environmental, community safety, customer care and equal opportunities implications. Consultation with residents and organisations which has or is about to take place, will also be reported

CONTACT DETAILS Service Telephone Email Head of Development 0118 974 6451 [email protected] Management and Reoulatorv Services

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96 Connor Corrigan

From: Mike Dunstan Sent: 07 February 2013 13:33 To: Connor Corrigan Subject: Re: 0/2012/2483 Amen Corner

Thanks Connor.

The Town Council's comments on this application are as follows:

Objection on the following grounds:

• Iflarge retail units are approved for the neighbourhood centre they will take trade away from Wokingham. There should be al 50m2 limit on unit size and a condition to prevent the future combination ofunits

• The proposed development will create an unacceptable increase in traffic on Wokingham 's Road network, especially London Road which is already at capacity during peak times.

• The proposed development should include a new secondary school to reduce the inevitable demand that it will create for more places at St Crispin 's School.

On 7 Febrnary 2013 12:03, Connor Corrigan wrote:


Not a problem, I am intending on responding to Bracknell next week. Presentation was simply an update and not much in it but see attached.


Connor Corrigan

Principal Planning Officer

Development Delivery Team

Development Management

Wokingham Borough Council

PO Box 157

Shute End 97