On the Uprise the Scandal That Shocked the Nation

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On the Uprise the Scandal That Shocked the Nation A PUBLIC FORUM FOR NEWS, OPINION, AND CREATIVE THOUGHT OF THE GOVERNOR’S ACADEMY December 9, 2011 Volume 53, Issue 4 On the Uprise INN T HIS ISSSUE JOE BENSON ‘13 Th e men’s varsity soccer team cel- Kyle Vincze, class of 2013, and talked ebrated its fi rst victory in two years Sebastian’s, it is evident that the boys with him about how the addition of as- E DITORIALSS on Tuesday September 27, 2011. Gov- have augmented their tenacity for the sistant coach Manny Brito has aff ected ernor’s prevailed over St. George’s 2-1 game. In subsequent games, Governor’s the team. Kyle said, “Considering that Educating the Whole Person...........2 down in Middletown, RI. Th is Coach Lincoln is a defensive-minded Th e Paradox Of Politics ...................2 triumph indicates that the team player, Manny is the complete opposite is rebuilding and that it has taken and brings a diff erent element of attack its fi rst steps down the road of im- to the team.” It seems that Coach Bri- provement. to’s off ensive-mindedness has helped OOPINNION I sat down to have exclusive drawn a clear distinction between interviews with a number of play- last year’s team and this year’s team. Political Debate .................................3 ers from the team aft er the win Striker Ryan Scarfo, class of 2013, is a over St. George’s. When mid-fi eld- newcomer to the team this year. “Well FE AATT URRES er Jeremy Barrand, class of 2013, you know, I just wanted to bring en- was asked about how this crucial ergy and intensity to the team and help Mind of Myles ...................................4 victory has impacted the team ACTION PHOTOS the team collect some wins. I’ve always thus far he replied, “It’s given us been a competitor and I love to win.” Sadie Hawkins Dance ......................5 a lot of hope for the rest of this increasingly exhibited fl uid ball move- Ryan watched the team go winless season and for seasons to come.” Aft er ment and threatening scoring chances. last year from the sidelines. He came Black Friday .......................................5 watching one of their games against St. I also sat down with center-midfi elder to preseason this year at the begin- Faculty Spotlight ...............................6 ...Continued on Page 4 Mr. Mason .........................................7 Alfriddles ...........................................7 The Scandal that Shocked the Nation MAYA MARTIGNETTI ‘12 As time goes on, the truth about the Plaintiff was unaware that Ask Ali ...............................................8 Jerry Sandusky, as well as other others had been harmed by San- child abuse cases, is being revealed. dusky, and he decided to take ac- Philosophy .........................................8 On Saturday, November 5th, 2011, tion only recently because of the Science ...............................................9 the investigation of Sandusky as other stories that were becoming well as the involvement of many of public. Th is is the fi rst of what Fashion ...............................................9 his Penn State coworkers was made people think will be many lawsuits public. Four days later, legendary against Sandusky. Music Mashups .................................9 football coach Joe Paterno, as well Directly north of Pennsylva- as University President Graham nia in the state of New York, Syra- Kasey’s Korner ............................... 10 Spanier, was fi red from Penn State cuse University has been forced for failure to report the information to handle a version of Sandusky’s Movie Review .................................10 he knew about Sandusky. Th e pub- abuse scandal. But instead of a lic was horrifi ed by the news that football coach being accused, it Soccer .............................................. 11 HTTP://WWW.COLLEGEBOUND.NET/BLOG/WP-CONTENT/ Jerry Sandusky had been sexu- UPLOADS/2011/11/LARGE_PENN-STATE.JPG is basketball assistant coach Bernie Music Review ................................. 11 ally abusing young boys since he allegations, and have either been put Fine. ESPN was informed sometime started his charity project, “Th e Sec- on administrative leave, or have been in mid-November that Fine had been Th ankful ..........................................12 ond Mile,” in 1977. Th e establishment terminated from the institution. Mike continually molesting two former ball is a communal foster home for helping McQueary was the graduate assistant boys from 1984 to about 2000. Bobby Th is I Believe .................................. 13 troubled teenage boys. Eight victims in 2002 who reported an incident he Davis, one of the ball boys who worked have been identifi ed as being abused witnessed involving Sandusky and a at Syracuse for six years, said that Christmas Cheer ............................14 by Sandusky between 1977 and 2002, young boy in a Penn State locker room the sexual abuse took place in Fine’s when Sandusky was fi nally banned to Paterno. Aft er realizing that Paterno home, at Syracuse’s basketball facili- Photos ............................................. 15 from bringing children onto the Penn and his superiors were not acting with ties, as well as on road trips with the State Campus. the information they were given, he re- team. Th e other victim was Davis’ BACKK PAGE As terrible as it was that Sandusky ports that he went to the police, but au- stepbrother, Mike Lang. Fine, who was was abusing the boys, no one pursued thorities disagree with his claim. Mc- fi red on November 27th, said that the stopping him. Tim Curley, the Penn Queary is also on administrative leave, accusations were “patently false.” Head State athletic director, Gary Schultz, as of November 11. Basketball coach, Jim Boeheim’s job is senior vice president for fi nance and Recently, another suit has been still in question at this point. He has business (who was in charge of the uni- fi led against Sandusky, saying that he denied that he had any knowledge of versity police), and Joe Paterno, Penn “threatened to harm [the] Plaintiff ’s what his assistant coach had done, and State Football coach since 1950, have family if Plaintiff told anyone about the University is still investigating as all been charged with hiding abuse the abuse,” Th e lawsuit also states that to whether he is telling the truth. ...Continued on Page 8 : O: T ND N E SE THE GOVERNOR 2 THE GOVERNOR The Paradox of Politics A PUBLIC FORUM FOR NEWS, OPINION, AND CREATIVE THOUGHT OF THE GOVERNOR’S ACADEMY JOHN DAMIANOS ‘12 December 9, 2011 Volume 53, Issue 4 EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Jaicey Bang ‘13 Erin McDavitt ‘14 Rachel Cabitt ‘12 Kasey Carollo ‘12 John Damianos ‘12 MASTHEAD: Ryan Gill ‘13 In 1787, a bunch of men came to- is a misnomer. Th e word is derived Hansika Vijayaraghavan ‘15 Lauren LaBrique ‘12 Abby Matses ‘11 gether in Philadelphia and composed from Aristotle’s ta politika “aff airs of Ali Cusack ‘14 MANAGING Jimmy Monroe ‘13 a document outlining how the then state,” and is defi ned as the science of ADVISORS: Molly Fulton ‘13 EDITORS: NONE Lindsey Harrigan ‘13 new United States of America was to government. But science is fi lled with Mei Li Johnson ‘13 Alfred Cerrone ‘12 be governed. Well, not exactly. Unfor- logic and every problem has a set an- Tina McGrath ‘12 STAFF WRITERS: Neil He ‘13 tunately, it’s not that simple. Ever since swer. Water will always be composed Myles Badger ‘13 Andrew Coleburn ‘12 Alex Curran-Carderelli ‘14 Joe Benson ‘13 Imogene Robinson ‘13 the last signature was inscribed upon of two hydrogen atoms covalently PHOTOGRAPHY Ali Bozzuto ‘13 Natalie Sullivan ‘13 the Constitution’s immortal parch- bonded to an oxygen atom; mass will EDITORS: Abby Katz ‘15 Kim Uggerholt ‘12 Th is issue of Th e Governor is ment, the words contained thereupon always tend to move to the lowest pos- Christine Lee ‘12 printed on 50% recycled paper. Jean Bower ‘13 Maya Martignetti ‘12 became the source of controversy. sible state of potential energy. But in From the day of ratifi cation to today, politics, however, there is never a clear the Constitution has been interpreted answer, there is no set mathematical in various ways, creating diff erent algorithm that can regurgitate correct Educating the Whole factions, called parties, each with its answers. No, politics is not a science, own views and opinions on what the but a game, a game on the chessboard Founding Fathers meant. of democracy where the parties spar Person From the beginning, two diff er- mercilessly, until one places the other’s TINA MCGRATH ‘12 ent lenses emerged through which one king in checkmate. When we think back on what we will serve us for the rest of our lives. could decipher the Constitution: strict No president is perfect. Wash- have learned in high school, many dif- Our school takes a holistic educa- and broad constructionism. Th e for- ington came pretty close, as he tried ferent pieces of information may come tional approach. Not only does it pre- mer holds that the Constitution must his best to avoid party politics and to mind. Perhaps we recall the diff er- pare us to take SATs and AP exams, be read pharisaically, that the “let- foreign entanglements. (Although his ences between mitosis and meiosis, the but also it teaches us how to write, ter of the law,” so to speak, is sacred, negotiation of Jay’s with Britain was laws of exponents, or dates of impor- how to interact with others, and how and thus must be interpreted literally. vastly unpopular.) Even the much- tant events in United States history. to clearly express ideas. By encourag- Th e latter, on the other hand, believes revered Lincoln was fl awed; in fact, Certainly through all the reading we ing students to participate in Special it to be a living and breathing docu- he didn’t even win the majority of have done and lectures we have heard Olympics and other community ser- ment, whose interpretation cannot be the popular vote! He was also – con- we have gained a lot of knowledge, vice activities it trains us to recognize relegated to the words on the page, but trary to the popular belief that he was but consider this question: what are our place in the world and give back to rather formulated around the varying some Christ-like abolitionist – a rac- the most important things you have the larger community.
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