The Ceylon Government Gazette
THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE- No. 10,418 — FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1952 Published by Authority PART .VI-LIST OF, JURORS AND ASSESSORS- (Separate paging is given to each Part in order that it may he filed separately) WESTERN CIRCUIT 17 . 33 De Zoysa, Richard Gerald Leslin, General Merchant and Mill Owner, Maradangaha- WESTERN PROVINCE—Negombo District mula, Divulapitiya 34 LIST of persons m the District of Negombo qualified 18 35 Fernando, Edgar Ignatius Felix, Landed Pro to-serve as Jurors and assessors under the provisions of prietor, Mam Street, Negombo Ordinance No. 15- of 1898, as amended by Ordinance 36 Fernando, Hilton M., Teacher, St. Mary’s Col No. 13 of 1938, for the year July, 1952 to June, 1953. lege, Negombo - , ' JV B —The jurors numbered in a separate series on 19 37 Fernando, Ilakuttige Aloysius, Superintendent the left of those indicating ordinary jurors are qualified of Works, M. C., Negombo to serve as Special Jurors. 38 Fernando, Kurukulasuriya Joseph David Lancelot, Electrical Foreman, M. C , ENGLISH-SPEAKING JURORS Negombo 1 20 39 40 2 Alahaltosn, Don Peter, Landed Proprietor, 21 41 Fernando, Mihindukulasuriya Joseph Martin. Swarnagiri, Madampella, Katana Hill House, Katana 3 Alfred,.KaIubowilage Don, Talahena, Negombo 42 Fernando, Osmond Adrian, Clerk, Mirigama 4 Road, Negombo 2 . 5 Arunachalam, Seevaratnam, Manager, Paper 43 Millsr Kakkapalliya 22 44 2a . 6 Appiah, Velupillai, Head Clerk, P. W. D , 45 Fernando, Warnakulasuriya Marukku Sebas . Negombo tian, Proprietory Planter, Kattuwa, Negombo 7 Austin, H S., Mahayaya Estate, Dagonna, 46 Fernando, Warnakulasooriya Oswin, Clerk, 3,‘ Minuwangoda Kundanwila Road, Negombo 2b . 8 Cassiere, Mass Noor Thason, Assessment Clerk, 47 M.
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