The Judicature Act.Pmd
Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h w;s úfYI The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka EXTRAORDINARY wxl 2108$33 - 2019 ckjdß ui 29 jeks wÕyrejdod - 2019'01'29 No. 2108/33 - TUESDAY JANUARY 29, 2019 (Published by Authority) PART I : SECTION (I) — GENERAL Government Notifications L.D.B. 19/78(iv) THE JUDICATURE ACT, No. 2 OF 1978 Order under Section 3 By virtue of the powers vested in me by Section 3 of the Judicature Act, No. 2 of 1978, I, Thalatha Atukorale, Minister of Justice and Prison Reforms in consultation with the Chief Justice and the president of the Court of Appeal, do by this Order amend the Schedule of the Order published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 1679/40 of November 10, 2010 as amended time to time as follows :- (i) by the deletion of the words and numbers “Yatawara G.N.Div. No.620, Yatawara Kandagama G.N.Div. No.621, Ihala Yatawara G.N.Div. No.622, Udurawana G.N.Div. No.598, Doragamuwa G.N.Div. No.600, Bogahakumbura G.N.Div. No.626, Deegahawathura G.N.Div. No.623, Mahakumbura G.N.Div. No.624, Aluthgama G.N.Div. No.625, Walpaladeniya G.N.Div. No.602, Puwakgahadeniya (G.N.Div. No.599, Wattegama G.N.Div. No.594, Wattegama North G.N.Div. No.595, Gunembill G.N.Div. No.596, Eriyagasthenna G.N.Div. No.597, Pitiyegedara G.N.Div. No.642, Yatirawana G.N.Div. No.641, Meegammana G.N.Div.
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