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• 2 October'89 , ______1, Contents-0, • _ - Sommario

OUobre -• October A vele spiegate ...... •...... P 5 Nuova Energla...... '" ? .....' .. P 6 A New Bible ...... •...... p 7 \ Musica -.. - p14 The Postman .•...... ••...••...... p25 " , Gaetano Scirea ...•..•....• _ ...... p34 , • Italian Tennis...... •..•. .• . p35 •


• Due Parole •.•...... •,; ....•...... P 4 • .. The Hill...... •...... •..•...... p10 l Matrimoni. _ p15 Cronaca della Comunita' _ p16 - CIBSE e Henry Cooper - Un Saluto,Affettuoso - Songs'of Praise • - Per i Marchigiani .... - The Road to Anfield Dall'ltalia .. ·.. ..-. _. . ,- ., ...... ·.. p19 Uno spenacolosuITal1!igil Eurofocus ". ., . .-. .... " . ••••• · p23 I grandivelieridelmondosisono trovatia londra. Vedetepagina5

Buon Appetito ...... •....• ·...... p27 .. ' •• r Arena Musicale...... •. p28 Toadiniriise in BACKHILLwrlteto: , . <" . ' . I Theatre •...... • p29 , Sportlight ...... •. p32 Arlha ItalSport ,...... • p34 Advertising Department Mamma's Rice'tta ...•...... _ p38 Backhill Magazine < 4 Back Hill .. , , ' • ." ...... ,,- .<_---1 London ac.t Notices'E'Awisi; • ~ '" ·. " .- - ,~ OH37.1966

, Chiesa di San Pietro •••• •• • • • ...... p20 COPYRIGHT 1989 BACKHILL Calendario • •• ••• • ••• • • ••• • ...... p39 136 Clerkenwell.. Road, London E.C.1 Noticeboard • • • • •• • • • •• • • _ ...... p40 PrintedbyStedingPnnting Ca Lld. 78Bounds GreenRoad, LondonN.1.2EV

.. , ~. . -.

OClobcr89 3 ! ,, DueParole DonRoberto Russo

CarlAmlc;, ,Questo profondissimo, intimo rap- crocffisso.e che 'noi 10 vogliamo . . .porto che awiene fra me e Gesu' seguire. ' . Quando entriamo in queste Due Parole segnano I~. 'Cristo quando, io ricevo la Corn­ Chiesa e prendiamo I'acqua santa ripresa dell'altivita' normale della unione; e da questa Comunione e' preghiera Quando entriamo in Chiesa e della Comunita'. Piu' 0 pa~e t!.!lta I~ n.ostr~, p.reghiera Cliiesa e ci sediamo, vediamo i ~.. ~ - . . . meno stlamo ritomando dalle sariti, la Madonna, I; vasi, i fiori, le "vacanze. candele; vediamo che tlrtto in I E vero" che non tutti siamo andati Chiesa parla di adorazione a Dio e I via,. 0 in Italia 0 in qualche altra di preghiera, Salutiam,o la gente che e' con noi e intomo a noi; e' iI , parte, ma la maggior parte di noi si • , e' mossa Sono state vacanze per \ saluto dei fratelli che si incontrano andare a trovare i nostri vecchi, 0 i • in qhiesa per pregare 10 stesso nostri parenti e gli amici. Nelle Dio Padre che ci ha reso fratelli in vacanze noi abbiamo portato noi Gesu' Cristo. c _ stessi, ,cosi' come siamo, con i Forse noi abbiamo iI desiderio di nostri desiceri, le nostre speranze, La preghiera e' un momento in cui io mi incontro con Dio e gli dico pregare meglio; e questa e' vera­ le nostre difficolta' e forse i nostri mente una bella cosa, e questa e' dolori. tutto quello che voglio e come voglio. Parlo con Dio come mi pare vera preghiera. Diventiamo affet­ Ritomiamo qui cosi' come siamo sentendolo davanti e presente; tuosamente, con gioia, a vedere , falti, ,con ql!ello che abbiamo nel sentendo che mi risponde. Ogni quanto e' presente. Dio in noi e c!J0r~. AIIora ho pensato di dedi­ preghiera e' personale - la mia non intomo a noi; 'nella famiglia, nel care, queste ,Due Parole alia pre- 'Iavoro,fra;gli amici, nalle feste, nei ~ e' uguale alia, tua, la risposta che - . " , ghiera - cosi' come la intendeva il Dio da a me non e' uguale a quella momentl dolorosi, ma principal­ mente in noi stessi. nostro fondatore San Vincenzo che Dio da a te., La preghiera cl - -. Pallolti (abbiamo la sua statua in porta'. per ,una strada, che e' la Sara' bellissimo", scopriremo Chiesa) e secoMo la bellissinia strada di Dio, ma noi non,sap­ meglio la nostra vita, la vita di Dio spiegazione di San Francesco piamo come sara'. Lo sa solo la dentro di noi e intomo. a noi. Ad Amoroso (che e' stato Parroco di misericordia di Dio. Forse noi pen­ ogni modo, possiamo sempre questa Chiesa per alcuni anni",siamo che non sappiamo pregare; ani:lare avanti nella preghiera, reci­ come vi ricorderete). tu, io, noi diciamo che nessuno ci tando iI Padre nostro e j'Ave Maria, ha insegnato a pregare - come si 11 Padre nostro ce 10 ha insegnato Questi pensieri, note 0 appunti . . fa a pregare? proprio Gesu'; e Gesu' ci sa dire sulla preghiera, forse non seguono come si prega. L'Ave Maria e' nata sempre un ordine logico. Molto propria dalla vita della' Madonna. sara' lasciato alia nostra medita­ Ma, cari miei, non c'e' una Quindi sono preghiere che' pos­ zione e riflessione. Questo awerra' Universita' che ce 10 insegna, siamo recitare. principalmente quest'anno che e' 'perche' la preghiera e' una vita , ' I'anno dell'Eucaristia, cioe' del piu' profondamente personale. Quando Allora cominciamo e ci daremo altri profondo rapporto personale tra ci facciamo iI segnodella Croce, pensieri nei prossimi' numeri 'di • ognuno di noi e Gesu' Cristo. noi ricordiamo che Gasu' e' morto BACKHILL

Dear Young Friends,· this is indeed a very important message, for as I come along anyway, Remember that you can also go to know ,I have already mentioned to you preViously, your local English church, Try,to take part in one way or it is the year of the Eucharist, another in the life of the Church, ,a life which started in your being baptised. Do not end the relationship with During this coming year we will be examining the God that is within you - your life on this earth will end profound and intimate relationship that exists one day, that's a certainty, but what will remain will 'be between ,ourselves and Jesus Christ. We are , , • • your relationship with God. united with through communion, through prayer, , in faith and in mutual love. ' Live this life of yours to the fullest. Live it with prayer, tlirough the Mass, and by the receiving of Communion. We invite you therefore to come to Mass regUlarly on Sundays, even if you do not understand it all,

4 October'89 L- • A vele spiegate F. Spirito

Circa centoquaranta dei grandi, quelle piu' recenti appena della storia britannica e europea velieri del mondo si sono radunati dell'anno scorso. net Porto di Londra iI weekend del Siamo lieU 'di presentarvi a1cune 7/8Iuglio,1989. La prima gara ebbe luogo nel fotografie di questo awenimento luglio del 1956, "idea di un awe- spettacolare e a questo riguardo desiderav'kringr~iamo ~aul Sono arrivati da vari porti del cato inglese iI quale di cuore 5ig. I mondo (dalla Russia, dalla Polonia, rievocare quella grande epoca Piacenti.. \ dal 6elglo, dalla Svezia, , dall'America, perfino dall'Oman • , " .. , .. , .. ma, purtroppo non dall'ltalia), per o. .. j " , , , • partecipare .alia famosa gara j " , -_... "Cutty Sark Tall Ships Race", E' -. " ' "';--. - --.".:.-0"""".. - --;;'"- __•• -"' -- anche giusto che tale. gara avra' .f,.,_ .-,.-;~-••• _ .-~","---, " ~ ~. " luogo a Londra dove, per oltre due . .' , ,,, .,...... mila anni, navi e barche navigano .. ,'. quell'autostrada di acqua che si chiama iI Tamigi. Oal Tamigi i, velieri hanno passato nel Mare del Nord per pol dirigersi verso Amburgo. E' interessante notare che fra questi velieri si trovavano tra i piu' grandi del mondo- lunghi oltre centoventi metrl con I'albero alto circa sessanta metri! La barea piu' vecchia era dell'anno 1871 e

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Ottobre 89 , , ' 5 •

NUQvaEn.ergia? Gabrie/e Speri

• In recenti mesi abbiomo letto della grande, scoperta della FUSIONE FREDDA dai scienziati Flaischmann ,e Pons. Inquesto articolo cerchiamo di spiegare facilmente quello che puo' apparire un argomento complesso. ,

In seguito alia recente scoperta Cinquanta 0 poco piu';sono quindi Ma come if, fuoco ,puo' essere della.Fusione Fredda, si e' fatto un gl'anni che abbiamo cominciato a usato per bruciare e devastare i gran.parlare'di risoluzione·dei pro. conoscere quel mondo che sta boschi oppure per scaldare, la I ble,mienergetici senza sapere nell'infinitamente piccolo. propria dimora, anche questa esattamente _'di che genere di grande scoperta poteva essere Per avere un'idea delle dimensioni ricerca si trattasse. usata nel male (come accadde J di questi atomi si pensi che con­ I purtroppo con la grande disgrazia I • Per capire qualcosa, bisogna ritor· siderando una goccia d'acqua , , di Hiroshima e NagasakO. nare indietrodi 2500 imni, quando grande quanto ,d~ ~' ...... ,. ~,,,"~ ..... ~ . ~ ~'d~," .-' #~ ..... __ , >'.'~"~ Democrito e gli antichi filosofi greci :; , iI mondo gli atomi .", ",', ,~ .~ " '. • "" ,~. cecarono di 'capire di cosa fosse ., ." . . . che la costituireb- , .. "': '.. ", ,. ' ,".' .. :. '.n',':'"' costituita la materia che ci cir­ ... ~.' ...'", .'.'.~ • > bero sarebbero 'c'~~~~~,j ,,' .• '" conda. ~~~r~d~ci~~~~r~~~ m~:': Essi ritenevano che fosse formata , co' da un numero infinitamente elettroni ed i neu· .. ,., , .. grande di particelle invisibili ed tr'o,ni die > , indivisibili chiamate ATOMI (dal quest'ultimo non ;' .'. ' .. , greco = indiVisibile). sarebbero visibili. ,, ' .. Bisogna poi lasciar trascorrere E' chiilro quindi circa 2450 anni per arrivare al che come esiste • primo convegno di fisica nucleare I'infinitamente del mondo, che si tenne aRoma grande nel 1931 (sotto la spinta del regime .nell'universo che ci fascista). circonda cosi' esiste I'infinita- Nelbene 0 nelmale? A tale convegno parteciparono i mente piccolo nell'atOmo che ci La fissione nucleare consiste,in migliori scienziati del tempo tra cui cornpone. L'uomo quindi sta in sostanza,nell'energia liberata da Bohr, Rutherford, Fermi che con i mezzo tra I'atomo e I'universo. un'atomo di un tipo che si tras· loro studi riuscirono a dimostrare forma in un'altro; e' come se col· '. ' Nel 1938,.Enrico Fermi riusci'per la che quella particella che gli antichi pendo una mela con un proiettile • greci chiamavano atomo era in prima volta ad estrarre energia da • • questa diventa una pera liberando realta' composta a sua volta di questo mondo infinitamente pie· inoltre una grande energia. piccolissime particelle dette elet· colo producendo la Fissione troni,neutroni e protoni. Nucleare che si verifica nella Nella FISSIONE NUCLEARE infatti bomba atomica e nelle ,attuali cen· atomi di URANIO (mele) vengono • trali nucleari. colpiti da neutroni (proiettilO che li trasforma in Palladio(pere) E' nota che in natura esistono un ottenendo da cio' enormi energie. centinaio di tipi diversi di atomi che uniti in miliardi di differenti corn· Si pensi ancora che facendo la binazioni costituscono ogni cosa fissione nucleare di 10 grammi.di che ci circonda !'l' iI nostro corpo URANIO si ottiene un'energia pari stesso nel miracolo divino che e' la a quella che si avrebbe da tonnel­ vlta.• • . late di petrolio. Fermi e gli scienziati del suo Purtroppo,come ben sap­ tempo intuirono genialmente· la piamo,non e'facile controllare i grande forza Cli questo piccolo proenili che spariamo causando iI mondo e scavarono a fondo fino a pericolo di esplosioni di vere e scoprire I'enorme tesoro contenuto proprie bombe atomiche ed inoltre Ernes!Ru!hedord negli'atomi. le sostanze che si ottengono,cioe' " ,_. , 6 October 89

-, 0 •

iI Palladio, sono radionive per,cen­ quadriennio che va dall'84-88 riella tinaia di anni e qUindi pericolose ricerca llella Fusione, cosiddelta per I'uomo. 'Calda':, e' chiaro quindi che una scoperta che ritenesse Possibile La FUSIONE NUCLEARE invece e' tale, fuslone a temperatura I'inverso deila fiSsione cioe' dalla ambiente (Fusione FREDDA) con unione di due atomi di un tipo se poche centinaia di milioni di lire ne oniene uno di un'altro tipo creasse tanta confusione. assieme a grosse quantita'd'ener­ gia. Come ogni grande scoperta della storia, quest'ultima ha creato note­ I Prendendo quindi due atomi di , voU squilibri politici, ad economici Idrogeno e "unendoli" tra loro si \ all'intemo della cosiddelta Scienza oniene Elio ed energia;inoltre tale Ufficiale,ora divisa in due parti. ,i reazione non crea pericoli di esplo­ , sioni 0 di sostanze radionive. Molti scienziati infalti, da anni im· pegnati con ingenti finanziamenti E' questo che awiene nel sole e nella ricerca di una fusione calda, neile steile; e' per questa reazione ritengono 'le recenti scoperte di, che esse Iiberano luce e calore. Flaischmann·Pons e Jones degli Prima della senzazionale scoperta errori veri e propri; ma sembrano lagrande disgrazia diHiroshima di fine marzo di quest'anno si piu' preoccupati a salvaguardare i riteneva che tale Fusione si propri interessi che la Scienza Owiamente quest'ultima via di potesse onenere solo per mezzo nella sua essenza. ricerca e' solo agli inizi e solo iI di milioni di gradi di temperatura e Altri ',studiosi, 'in minoranza, pro· tempo unito allo studio umile degli quindi quasi iinpossibile da realiz-' , seguono, non senza difficolta', le scienziati potra' darci qualche zare. loro ,ricerche, per confermare in nuova eccezionale energia • Cinquemila miliardi di lire sono maniera piu' completa la teoria di stati spesi In Europa durante iI una fusione fredda.

English Bible NewAndRevised

Why the need for and I did not wrap it in newspaper. point and inspiration and it is So it is with the Bible - the greatest undoubtedly the most influential revision? treasure of all must likewise be and Important book ever written. presented worthily". These are the After 15 years of intensive pre-, The most important function of the words of Lord Coggan, former paration, The Revised English Bible is to speak clearly to Chris­ r Archbishop of Canterbury and Bible is to bl:j published by Oxford tians and if the Bible's language head of a Joint Committee of all I and Cambridge University Presses. becomes too difficult, then the ~ the principal Ghristian Churches in Churches run the risk of losing The main impetus behind the com­ the.British Isles. touch with their congregations. missioning of the Revised English The Revised English Bible will with· Bible was the wish, for a linguisti­ out doubt be acclaimed as a living cally "updated" Bible - a Bible The Bible today whose, style related, lesS to the and forthright declaration of the vocabulary of a 19th century coun­ The role of the Bible throughout Christian faith. • try clergyman and more to the the Christian world is a central one needs of a 20th century congrega­ - a book at the heart of every The Revised English Bible has tion. As a result, antiquated forms Christian community. Its basic pre· been planned and directed by, of address such "thee" and "thou" cepts have been handed down amongst others, The I'l0man Cath­ were abandoned. through the ages to form the olic Churches of England, Wales, foundation of legal codes and Ireland and Scotland. It is available "When my wife and, I celebrated moral practice throughout the civil· from Sue Bond' Public Relations, our 4Ot!l wedding anniversary' I ised world. For ,Christians, the 46 Greswell Street, London, SW6 bought her a piece of jewellerY Bible represents both reference 6PP. Tel:01-3811324. Cost £8.95.

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• Ottobre 89 9 I ------_.--

The, Hi.11 MargaretMoloney

• Gently Close the Door kitchen not so far away. Tucked headdress, they were well'known away in these courtyards and and respected in the district. wedged between 'factories and Every morning in the early dawn high brick walls were wooden Our readers will, no doubt be there came to their door a'dozen doors that opened into homes. In interested to know that Margaret or more of London's unfortunates. Moloney who taught at SI. ~Peter's Bundled up in layers of old coats, School from, 1930 has pUblished their cracked boots stuffed with I her memories in a book entitled newspapers, and matted hair half Gently Close the Door. We are concealing their features it was

sure that many of our readers will often difficult to tell their age or • remember Miss Moloney who .sub­ ~red sex. Each received a parcel of • "'4~~ ~oc.c;r sequently became headmistress of thick cut sandwiches - bread, mar­ the school under its later name, St. garine, dripping or pastie and a Catherine Laboure'. We present In'17n n- mug of tea. This they ate sitting on below an extract from the book the church steps speaking hardly which, can' be obtaJned from the at all, silent; withdrawn in a world publisher:' . • of their own. As long as supplies lasted no one was refused. Excalibur Press, Newmark Edi­ tions, 37b New Cavendish Street, Opposite the school rose a block London, W.1. Tel. 01 486 5353. of Victorian dwellings. The only some cases the ground floor was • water ran from communal taps and used as a shop or cafe. Behind it a sinks on the'staircase. where also dark passage-led to a steep, and were three ,lavatories which had to rickety staircase giving on to tiny be .kept locked since they were "Out into the World" ~ airless rooins where families lived open to access from"'-'the streets. without indoor taps or .Iavatories. • These, shared of course, would be As I look now at the tattered rags Margaret Moloney'is about to enter found in the filthy yards ,that ran of curtains that flap at the broken th~ heart of "Ultle Italy". among these 'dwellings. From the windows I remember the families "I. was barely 20 andl1ad .just left doorways would· come the ice who lived there once. They were • • • college. Jobs were hard to come cream carts and fruit barrows the usual mixture: good, bad and by so I was.delighted to be asked which many of the men wheeled indifferent. The amazing thing is to go 'on supply' for two weeks to away daily into the broad streets of the number of good ones there a school in the heart of the city. My the city. On fine $ummer evenings were, clean, kind, courageous, in­ father took me to spy out the land chairs would be put out in the alley telligent and loving. and didn't like what he saw. "You ways and the women would polish • can't go there" he said, "it'll kill the rosy apples on the sleeves of you". "It's only for a couple of their black dresses while. the chil­ • weeks Dad" I coaxed. Dear. Dad. I dren played around the lamp hope he can see me now - 60 posts and in the cobbled gutters. years on. There was Netta, the best monitor I ever had. She was the eldest, of • Occasionally a wedding. round the With only a roof playground and corner would cluster at the bottom, seven and had a slight hip defor­ no surrounding yard or gates, the of the steps of the nearby church mity which made her limp a little. • school rises straight from the nar­ whose deep toned single bell She'd done two or three hours row pavement hardly distinguish­ recalled to many their Village work before she turned up each able from the grimy tenements and homes in Italy. Beside the church morning early and smiling to help. factories that are its neighbours. It stood the convent, a tall, narrow "Must earn me wages Miss" was . ' stands at the corner of an alley building where five or six nuns her invariable greeting.. She mar­ which 60 years ago twisted 'and ried an Amiercan soldier and passed a spartan. and self-sacrific­ • turned among a maze of court­ ing existence, teaching in the writes to me often. Last December yards through which indeed, the school, tending the sick and visit­ I received a photo of herself and Artful Dodger might have run for ing in the parish. With their full family sitting before their Christmas Dickens set the scene of Fagin's blue skirts and wide white winged tree and the colour t.v. set. 10 October 89

• I remember Terry. Silent, courte­ occasions her daughter, Rosa, and so often an accident would occur ous and utterly uncommunicative. later her grandchildren appeared and with an ominous crash one or He was a genius at maths. music In clothes fit for royalty. Many were more containers would spill out on and art. He secured a grammar the elves. fiaries. witches, shep­ to the pavemems filling the air with school place and went to Oxfor. herds, angels and pirates dressed the ghastly smell of rouen eggs. Now he's in India studying San­ by her skmul fingers for our school This, if the wind was in the wrong scrit for a Ph.D. His school reports plays for, caught in the right mood, quarter, would mingl.e with the were glowing, but always tinged she was the soul of generosity. odours from the tobacco and with a note of regret that he brewery firms just round the cor· steadily refused to play any part in Then there was Usa Poor Usa ner. Franticlly we would rush to the community • would be neither She seemed to have been born shut all windows and to quell the old. Her round. beady eyes, \ bolder spirits who saw possibilities devoid of all imelll· of welcome diversions from normal •• • gence, gazed uncom­ routine. "Miss ain't it awful". "Miss , prehendingly at the • I've got a headache...Miss can I go world of school. She home..... "Cartainly not", I would couldn't read a word declare sternly....;..if I can stand it and her writing you can. Now get out your writing resembled letters boo" ks...... seen in a mirror but • • her memory was Despite its disadvatages it was a phenomenal. Tables, wonderful neighbolJrhood. A short spellings, prayers, walk in any direction brought us to poems, lists of rivers some of the most famous streets prefect. captain nor head boy. He and countries, catechism answers and buildings in the world; started a flourishing opera society, - she could reel them all off per· libraries, museums, art galleries all but faded oUt of it as soon it , as faclly, understanding none of lay on our doorstep and within a was successful. Occasionally I meet his Dad. "And how's Terry" I them. Several years • ago I met her, married enquire knowing full well the now and with three answer for it'never changes. "Sure children. all alas, "in Miss he's great...an odd one for sure Miss". His family are care". She spoke with extremely proud of him, but he great affection of the puzzles them as he did us all. "old school". "You were so good to me" "Can't think where he came from at all Miss". she said. Alas. all we mamaged to do was There were the others. The to give her a little Romanos, two branches of the one warmth and shelter from her slum exis· , family and deadly enemies: the fair I Romanos with hair of titian gold tence. and the black Romanos, swarthy r Next to the school stood the grey stone's throw were the colour, as Moors and with tempers to prisonlike headquarlers of a big vitality and· excitement of busy match. Heaven hlep child or tea­ 'printing business. Its high windows street markets. Always worth a visit cher who crossed swords with looked. down into ours and we these came into their own at Mrs. Romano on her off days. were much plagued by the ribald Christmas when, packed with Medusa locks f1yings, she'd ram­ comments of the young goods and crowds, they swirled page through the school calling employees who seemed to have a with life. Lit by flares in the dark down vengeance on us all. Retreat , great deal of spare time on their winter days and loud with bustle , was the only policy. But her rages , hands. "Go to it, Miss", they and noise, they were a great were short-lived and were soon I encouraged. "hit 'im Miss". "Look temptation to play "hooky". ,I followed by a peace offering. It , out Miss, she's putting her tongue "Where's Jimmie?", I would usually took the form of fruit as her out". She usually was tool enquire as I called the register. husband worked in the market. It "Up the market· Miss" came the might however be a lovely piece of But our most dangerous neigh­ chorus and • hopefully • "Miss handmade lace for Mrs. Romano bour was a dim and dusty factory shall I go and find him..:' 'was a first. class needlewoman that used some kind of acid in employed in the work rooms of a great quantities. It arrived in huge We may have been cold, poor and world famous firm. On special carboys swathed in straw. Every cramped, but we were never dull.

• Ottobre 89 11 THEITAtIAN'SPECIALIST, .



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, . - .... -_ .. _- ..---_.,~.,.~._- .' 12 October 89 , • • r -Cotechino ocn Lenticchie e con Fagioli loosely translated ; means sausage with len ,'I : ils or with beans, it is raditionalltalian dish th original recipe of which required a long laboriou , - preparation; Negroni h aken the hassle- awa j and produced·a ready made meal- which on ,I -needs a few minutes t : be served. e attractive box con ains two' aluminium foi · pouches each compris ing of 2 ponions of cote chino and beans/lentils. e product does no _reqUire refrigeration, and has a shelf·lffe of 1 f -,' . months and, therefore, '- ,. '-- '" can be stored in larder as a reserv • ' or....rainy days or....V1P ~ . k~....n ..... l ,,-guests. Coruhino afette ~OntmJO; ._ e cooking instruction --'~. t are very simple and gra phically shown on th . ,box. Just place th pouch or pouches in • ater, bring to the boil, ; and simmer for 1 .; I minutes. Remove from ater, cut open th • pouch and empty th i ontents on a hot dis • • I and serve. For your VIP ·guests, serve with mashed potatoes and : uncork that vintage bot ! le of red wine that yo ! have been saving for ju uch a special occasion.

- Ottobre 89 13

• ------

- Musica Giovanna SerVini in CardeDi

Michael Cavalli well' worth reading, echoing The humility 0.1 this stripling, yet -Michael's owri succinct sentiments again manifesting _itself. Oh, yesll Part 3· and my own contribution both He certainly has this most essen· written and. spoken. On the tial of virtues in full measure. strength _of. these frank, well aired My dear friends in music, I have comments in such a popular The organisers or the "Festival di just returned from.a glorious three rivista, Michael was invited to Santa Margherita Ugure" had read weeks holiday in Italy, indisputably Rome to appear on the' highly the article, heard the interview and I the most beautiful and breathtak· popular Maurizio Costanzo show. promptly 'phoned "Spaghetti House", those loyal, good and ing' in all aspects, .of· all mother The usual questions re: family,. generous sponsors of Michael countriesLwhere we had two of the ambitions, etc., etc., were asked , most marvellous surprises awaiting and answered. Cavall!ontheroadto ItalY us • La Traviata, at l'Arena di Ravenna, and Forze del DeStino at l'Arena di Verona. CHE ROBAIlI But this must wait. First things first, I am now back to myoid "brim­ ming over with emotion" self, thank God. My last articulate explosion (BACKHILL • July) was one I.hope never have call to repeat (but the hurt, anger and bitterness of the revelations therein will remain with the subject of those articles forever). The reason for my present elation of soul and spirit is the always expected but also incredibly speedy develop­ ment of ,the, .Michael Cavalli story, tile third chapter of Which I am' .about to unfold as best I can (1st ari9 2nd chapters, BACKHILL, .Dece'mbe'r .'88.January' "89 and July/August. .' ~89 respectively). • O'ne can ifken the Michael I have just left, fUll of wide.eyed bewilder. ment, excitement and joy to a little boy who has just been given the biggest ice·cream cone ever. After my talk with Michael following the -disastrous presentation of his "Inno alia Repubblica" at the Festi­ val Hall, 28th May, he was inter-, viewed by a representative of the A.N.SA, who, in her turn, saw and What struck me most in my con· from the very start, for further heard Michael in all.his pain and versations with Michael, was the information. Without much more bitterness, just as I had done. simplicity and awe of his reaction ado, Michael has been invited to From this followed yet another to all that was happening to him. attend the entire festival on the interview with a critic of "La' He kept reapeating "Just think, 21st September, where his "La Repubblica", who happened to be this is me, a nobody, actually Grande Anomalia della Natura" will in London on another assignment. sitting in the same chair as so be'performed by the Conservatorio Her subsequent article in -this many cel~):>rities, such as Buzz Orchestra di Genova, under the iI , popular Italian magazine of July, is Aldrin, who' walked on the moon". baton of Maestro Trenti, in the

.- - ". -, - -. .'., ."--, - 14 October 89 ••

auspicious presence of. Luclano Michael,quite obviously in his deafness" of those.who refuse" or Berio, regarded by. the lovers .of ~o . - , .- seventh heave(l, is still laying car· simply just cannot b.e bothered,' contemporary music as one the pets; he certainly has his very hear and to see, wrapped up In three greatest living composers. sensible feet firmly planted on the their own prejudiced cocoon: solid ground beneath. Nothing has Wake up, ye gentlemen of music, There's morell there's morell In gone to his head, nothing ever will. indeed of all the arts, before it is piu' Michael has been commis· , This is why I know he will make it. too late to salvage anything. My sioned to compose the music for a earnest wish is that before not too film directed by Philip Ridley. Great How sad don't you think that long, you will be biting your finger· interest has been shown by a 'notice of and interest in Michael nails in retarded despair and . musical organisation in Venice, has to come from across the regret (double entendre fully inten· • who .also propose to perform channel in Italy, and from across ded).' • l Michael's work, and he is also the Atlantic in the U.SA? currently working on a project with My earnest prayer is that may all an American T.V. company • but In fact, the young promising, up God,given, truly great, honest, sim· more on all this at a later date. and coming conductor, 'Simon Phipps, who impressed me so pie and above all humble young How about all that then? progress? much when he conducted talent in all aspects, be given its interest? recognition? opportunity? Michael's 'first work, has been chances, its opportunities and its luck? chancel fate? destiny? or commissioned as a conductor by rightfUl place in this wonderfully simply the Hand of the Almighty the Germans for a year. Why have beautilul world 01 ours, for all of us , .. Himself weaving a musical tapestry these much gifted lads, and no to enjoy, to find happiness, solace in His own good time, in whom'our doubt, ,countless others, been and peace. Happy listening, happy Michael, Heaven be praised, has allowed to leave these shores, viewing and God Bless you all my such implicit and simple faith. because of the "blindness and very dear friends.

Matrimoni'o Stefano e Tina,ProieUi

Domenica 3 seltembre, nella sposa Annette Stark, una chiesa lialiana di San' Pietro, arnica della sposa. Eva Pro­ hanno:contralto iI loro matrimonio ietti cugina delle sposo·,' e Stefano Proielti e Tina Elizabeth Susan Morgan, cugina Squillario, ambedue di origine' ita. della sposa hanno svoilo il Iiana. ruolo di damigelle. Ha benedetto le nozze 10 iio dello Le preghiere del fedeli sono . , .. - . sposo Don Mario Proietti,die Padri state'recitate in inglese, ita· , - ~ . Pallottini, venuto da'Roma per le liano e gallese. TUlla ,la circostanze, asslstito' nelia con· cerimonia se e~ svoila con • celebrazione 'dei, Padri della particolare solennita' ed im- Chiesa Italiana Padre Roberto peccabile perfezione sotto RUsso e Padre Carmelo Di Gio­ la guida dei fratelli ed amici vanni. AI termine della cerimonia e' d egli sposi. stato letto un telegramma dal Dopo la cerimonia religiosa Santo Padre Giovanni Paolo 11, che gli sposi hanno incontrato i ha inviato una speciale benedi­ parenti ed amici al "The zione ai novelli sposi. Greenery". Erano presenti al sacro rito i geni. tori, i fratelli e le none degli sposi, Ai tanti auguri di felicita' oltre un gran numero di'parenti ed pervenutl, numerosi da a.micl, venuti da varie parti dell'ln· vane• partl,••SI agglungono• ghilterra, 'dal Galles e dall'ltalia. con tanta' simpalia per i Sono stati testimoni: per 10 sposo iI novelli sposi anchequelli fratello gemello Bruno e per la del nostro giornare.

Ottobre 89,.~ .- 15 • Cronaca attivita'de/lacomunita'

Henry' Cooper, invitato, a parlare' al -. Dinner-Dance della CIBSE (Char­ tered Institution of Building Ser­ I vices Engineers), ha dovuto sce­ - gliere' una "charity" alia quale , donare iI ricavato della lotteria Henry ha gentilmente scelto la. Chiesa di San Pietro e nella foto­ • gra(ia vedete la presentazione dell'assegno di £2,000. Henry Cooper ass;eme a Padre Russo ed ;1' S;g. Ne;h ClarkdelCIBSE, So£. Reg;on

ALMA, poetico per anima, e' iI nome del periodico dei marchigianl nel Dopo quattro anni di servizio come mondo.,ALMAderiva'dall'acrostico deile parole: Associazione Lauretana Console Generale a Londra, il Dott. Tra I Marchigiani - di cui e' Presidente iI Monsignor Ignio Ragni - ed ha R. di Leo e' tornato in Italia alia la sua sede centrale a Roma in via dell Fornaci 24. Direzione Generale del Personale presso iI Ministero degli Esteri. 11 mensile d'interesse vario .vuole essere iI punto d'incontro del marchigiano, specialmente di quello cM per ragioni di lavoro vive in Rlcordiamo la partecipazione del altre regioni italiane 0 all'estero come residente temporaneo 0 emigrato Don. di: Leo. e la gentile signora nei paesi piu' vari e lontani nel mondo. Luciana alle attivita' della com· . .. - unita1 italiana e non parliamo sol­ L'ALMA ha yarie redazioni specialmente nelle Americhe ma mancava riel tanto di dinner e dance e feste! Regno Unito.- Finalr'nente questa lacuna e' stata colmata e I'indirizzo della redazione inglese e': ALMA, Clal Centre, New Cross Gate, Auguriamo dunque al Dott. di Leo London, SE14 5AA. Tel. 01·639 7772; 3581224; 639 9300 e alia sua signora, ogni bene per II loro futuro aRoma. Nominato direttore e" iI Sig. Franco Binn!, un marchigiano di Fabriano residehte a Londra da oltre 26 anni dopo aver soggiornato in Francia e negli Stati Uniti. Franco Binni ha in passato collaborato a vari giornali italiani. Attual­ mente e' Addetto Stampa e Pubbliche Relazioni della casa di spedizioni Merzario ed ha - sempre a I:ondra - lavorato con la crr e le compagnie del gruppo FINMARE. '

• • 11 nee direttore confessa che nella sua vita trascorsa in Inghilterra non si • • e" mai incontrato con un gruppo di. marchigiani superiore a tre, facendo con questo capire che iI marchigiano non e' un tipico uccello migratore. "Ma con I'aiuto dell'ALMA - aggiungespero di reperire tutti I miei coterranei che, uscendo dall'anonimato, si uniscano per formare I'ALMA inglese sullo stile di tante altre fiorenti associazioni italiane". "Marchigiani, inviate il Vs indirizzo completo e numera telefonico alia redazione dell'ALMA" e' iI messaggio di Franco Blnni in tutto iI Regno Unito. Noi gli auguriamo un grande successo...•

16 - October 89 Ha lasciato Londra anche iI Console For those of you who missed the clips of this year's Procession on ' Dolt. Giorgio Guglielmino, destinazione the the television programme 'Songs of Praise' we publish the I'ambasciata italiana a Nairobi, Kenya. letter of thanks received from the BBC. Questa rivista (e senz'altro anche la • "Dear Father Roberto, , comunita' italiana), riconoscente per la sua cordialita' e disponibilita' durante I'm writing to than~ youand all members of the Italian Church most questi ultimi anni. warmly for, your contribution to Songs of Praise from Islington which is to be trasmitted this Sunday. , We felt most welcomed and helped during the filming 'of your maNellous Procession and I think we convey the feeling of ,, excitement and Christian witness of the day. Would you particularly thank Peter Bertoncini, the organiser of the procession for accommodating our demands on top of his already crippling wor!< load an~ Pino Maestri for his help at the editing stage. ' With best wishes, Yours sincerely, Accompagnano lui e la'sua signora i CHRISTOPHER MANN nostri piu' cordali saluti. Producer, Songs of praise" TELEVISION ,

With pride and courage rathe than field by a bull! But the greatest stepping into the Hillsborough a great deal of sense, Renato enemy wasn't the bulls or dehyd• ground, chatting in the evenings to • Solari, Joe Bracken, Dave Bennelt ration· it was boredom. "We ran' friendly northern faces. There were and Sergio Marmo set off 'from out of things to say at Central London on a warm June Milton Keynes" and day. Setting off for where? there was no need to, Being keen football supporters, say morale was low. though lacking in possible~ taste, 'l:he temptation to, (one of the boys' is reputed to be stop was constant, of a Southampton supporter),the tra· slowing down, inces­ gedy of Hillsborough struck home. sant. "People were relying on us and Ser· • Sergio insisted their sympathy with gio's powerful oration the Hillsborough victims didn't end kept us going". there. It didn't take much effort for him to convince the other three to But they all survived. walk to Anfield as a personal All four reached tribute and practical help to the Anfield by way of victims and their families. Hillsborough. In the process the boys It took the four lads 12 days 'to raised.·an incredible ThelourladsatAn/feldwiththecheque cover the 230 mile trek through SI. £5,000 for the Hills· no buses, no bikes, no cars, just Albans, Birmingham,'Stoke and borough appeal. Crewe. our .feet, our determination, our "My memories", said Renato "are pride and Sergio's inspiration. Runcorn, I'm sure will hold a spe· of the pain, the depression, the However hard we got there and I cial memory • if that's what you blisters and the constant changing experienced a sense of achieve· can call being chased' through a of plasters and more o~ bulls, ment of a lifetime". Ottobre 8!? 17 ~ - < --

. " . connazionali ed amici siete invitatialla I della FAIE Domenica 22 Ottobre 1989 ore 12.t5 Celebrazione Eucaristica presso la Chiesa di St. Pietro - 136 Clerkenwell Road London ECl • " . 6.30 p.m. Grande Serata Danzante • con I1 Grande.R~pertorio di Balletti Classici e Folkloristici Della Compagnia

. " \,.,-: CHDU "-l'V CHDU· • • BAllET COMPANY




" Entrata solo con BigIietto- Ottenbili Presso- Le Associazioni Federate 0 Comm. G. Giacon 837 1966 . Comm. B. Longinotti 834 7066 Cav. Uff. F. Rizzi202 6667 •

18 October 89 Dall'ltalia news from Italy

ue banditi sono stati uccisi tephen Warren, uno degli ,olice raided shops and res· dopo aver tentato di studiosi' della sacieta' in· taurants at more than 120 D rapinare un furgone porta· S glese Waiter Research, che' P camp sites in northern Italy volori sull'A3, nei pressi di Mileto ha contribuito ai programmi di and confiscated van loads of unfit (Catanzaro); altri tre banditi, torse risanamento del Tamigi e del porto meat, fish and vegetables. feriti, sono riusciti a scappare. di Hong Kong, ha incontrato a Charges are to be brought against L'assalto e' stato sventato dal pro­ Rimini i tecnici della nave aceano­ 73 traders. , vividenziale passaggio di un pull. grafica della Regione Emilia jorn Borg married the Italian man di allievi agenti di polizia, che Romagna. Secondo Warren e' ' pop singer, Loredana hanno aperto il fuoco. • possibile mettere a disposizione Berte, at Milan's city hall. del risanamento dell'Adriatico i sis­ B 'Alitalia sta studiando I'ipo- The fIVe minute ceremony was 'L temi informativi gia' adottati per iI tesi di vietare pipe,' sigari e preceded by a brawl between the sigrette su tutU i voli Tamigi. nazionali con durata di circa ' olice in Rome arrested a un'ora. La decisione seguirebbe a Palestinian alleged to belong un sondaggio effenuato su alcuni P, to the Fatah Revolution voli "no smoking" della compag. Council, and three suspected nia; iI 76% dei passeggeri si e' members of the Red Brigades in detto favorevole all'iniziativa. an international operation they said showed links between Pales­ survey in Italy has'revea­ tinian and Italian terrorists. led that organised crime A earned the mafia £91,500 enice has voted in a refer·' million tax free last year, making it endunl against breaking by far the biggest business in the V away from its ugly main· country. land industrial neighbour, Mestre, and to stay together under a single produttori di vino della Fran· city council. ciacorta hanno eletto la corn· ,I 'missione di controllo prevista olice, arrested a 29.year.old dallo statuto, organismo che svol. Italian who injected his 77 • gera i compiti di vigilanza affidati P year-old grandmother with dal ministero dell'Agricoltura al heroin to ease her headache. He couple's security guards and Consorzio di tutela dei vini bres. was charged with drug·pushing reporters and photographers bar­ ciani DOC per la Franciacorta. after Ripalta Paglieri was sent to red from the ceremony because hospital suffering an overdose. an Italian magazine had been accia aperta 17 senembre Mrs. Paglieri sa,d her grandson given exclusive rights to the story. in tutta Italia, escluso iI Pie­ C meant no l1arm. "He's a good boy. monte, con oltre un milione You. just ilave to know how to opo I'inspiegabile arresto e mezzo che alle prime luci del handle him", she said. del ciclo biologico nella mattino si sono mossi alia ricerca D maggior parte degli alleva· di svelvaggina. Anche quest'anno resident Gorbachev is to menti del Nord Italia, che ha pro· la prima giornata e' stata funestata hold a meeting with the Pope vacato danni per 1.5 miliardi, i da un morto e da alcuni feriti. La P when he visits Italy in bachi di seta del Veneto hanno vittima, un falegname aretino di 36 November. It will be the first time a ripreso a filare. anni, Bruno Nepitella, e' stata col· Soviet leader has had talks with pita dallo ,sparo partito accidental­ the head of the Roman Catholic Milano, i vigili urbani dov­ mente dal fucile del fratello. 11 piu' Church and it is expected to pave ranno controllare dopo 90 grave incidene, awenuti in Emilia· the the way for a Papal visit to the A giorni che gli alloggi Romagna e' quello che ha coin­ Soviet Union. Mr. Gorbachev, who liberati per necessita del locatore volto Ivo Ciucci, 57 anni, che e' revealed that both he and' his wife siano elfeltivamente adibiti allo stato colpito da una scarica di Raisa had been baptised Chris­ scopo dirchiarato. La ha deciso la pallini al volto, al torace e tians, asked for the meeting in a Giunta comunale, su proposta all'addome, esplosa dal fucile del private letter delivered to the Vati· dell'assessore all'Edilizia pubblica cognato. can. Angleo Cucchi.

Ottobre 89 19 --~------:--- -


Chiesa- di San Pietro La,vostra Chiesa, /vostrfSacerdoti Your Church, yourPriestsinthe , ' nella vita dellanostraComunita' lire orourcommunity

• When you enter St. Peter's Italian Church, take a look to the left of the main altar. There you will find a· lovely white, marble statue of our founder, Saint Vincenzo Pallotti, a Roman. It was he who wanted this Church. and this Church 'is the first Italian Church built anywhere in the world outside of Italy. This is a first, therefore, which fills .us with great joy. Saint Vincenzo Pallotti also founded the Societa' < dell'Apostolico. Cattolico, i.e. we Pallotine Fathers and Sisters. It is over 150 years since our foundation, anct we would like to take this opportuniy of telling about just some of the work we undertake . ' both with and for you. With'amities We share in your'lives and your problems. seeking to giVe you a helping hand 'to walk together towards God. Withthe e/derIYandthesick We visit as often as we can, never neglecting them· they come before • • all else. With thepoor We offer a helping hand, showing concern for all. Stiamo nella loro cella parlando di Dio e della vita Withprisoner.; ConI drogatleconc%rachesoffrono We sit in their cells talking about God and about life. Vogliamo che insieme a noi sentano che Dio e' With drugaddicts • I"unico ragione della vita We want them to feel. that as it is with ,us, God Con/uul should be their only reason for living. Vogliamo che con noi sentano la bellezza e la gioia With evelJ'one del Vangelo. la Croce e la Risurrezione. " . We would like to share the beauty that is the I sacerdoti di questa Chiesa infatti hanno una solo Gospel, the Cross an'(j the ResurreCtion. We want vita fra di 10ro, in comunita' - la vita di Dio. people to understand,that this is a living Church that • speaks the living word of God, where God calls us. Ecco, que"sto e' 10 spirito che ci ha lasciato San We priests have on~ life together in community, the Vincenzo,Pallotti. Venite e state con noi, Padri life of God. Pallottinl; vi sentirete meglio. Venite, e ci aiuteremo a vivere la parola di Dio, come ci ha insegnato iI nostro Come, spend some time with us. Let us help ona fondatore San Vincenzo Pallotti. Vi ricordiamo iI another to live the word of God. Our address, just to nostro indirizzo: remind you is: 4 Back Hill. London EC1 Tel: 01 8371528/8379071 4 Back Hill, London E.C.1 Tel: 01 837 1528/837 9071

, . • 20 October 89 avvlsidella nos/raparrocchia

Sono nati aliavita di Dio conil Santo Battesimo Salvatore Mirabile Daniel Hughes Roberto Reale Giovannl Mendonea Paolo Merrifield Domenieo Monk Cristiano Scalise Stefano Cirillo Josh Kelly Fablo Citro Nieola Doyle Andrew Cox Sara Falcone Emily Pisano Enrica Yoon Natalie Carfora Victoria Peat Sergio Esposito Miehaela Mare Hayley Redfem Stefano Solari Calogera Venniri Stefano Dellini Rosie Maneini Lauren Maneini Allie Maneini

Hanno unito le loro vite davanti a Dio nel Matrimonio Calogero Tona - Deborah Fowler Mario Davoli - Maria de Lurdes Costa Giuseppe Castiglione - Vineenza Giambrone Alessandro Cordani - Franeesea Manzi Giuseppe Santamaria - Antonietta Receo Miehele De Lueia - Elena Di Fede Terry Eleftherios - Anna Aserio Salvatore D'Angela - Angelino Bertolino Antonio Marenghi - Ann Cassidy Lueiano Volpini - Karen Croai Andrew Coughlan - Antonietta Dalaimo Weislaw Wieteska - Andreino Cembo Glen Woodward - Alfonsina Contatto Filippo Sardo - Maria Caitagirone Paul Tropea - Anna Pemiei Loizou Urbano Brugioni - Linda,Lyddiatt Pasqualino Risitano - Rosa Guaitieri Antonio Neeehi·Ghiri - Fina Fuseo Antonio Coitelli - Trudy Del Pino

David Stevenson • Antonella Giudiel Mareello Cordiviola, - Catherine Gorham Stefano Proietti - Tina Squillario Dino Morena - Giuseppina Spagnuolo

• Riposano nella Pace del nostro Signore Bruna Del Veeehio Vineenzo Barone Notizie Parrocchiali

Inizio el Catechismo ta per eomineiare iI Cateehismo per la Prima Comunione e per la Cresima. • i rieordiamo ehe bisogna avere la Cresima prima di sposalVi.

Le Messe ai Cimiteri abate 14 ottobre alle 11 am diremo la Messa per i nostri eari defunti nella Cappella de imitero di ~t Mary:s. Kensal Green, Harrow Road, London NW10. Tel. 969 1145 e poi abate 28 ottobre alie 11 am nel piazzale davanti alia Cappella Cattoliea nel Cimitero d t. Paneras, High Road, East Finehley; London N2. Tal. 683 1231.

Ottobre 89 21

• - . ""'."


@} , ITALIAN RESTAURANT • 150 Southampton Row London WC1 w 01-8374584/5837 < Open 11.30am until llpm. SaIa dI120posrIpersposaI.iz.i r.icev.imeor.ie 'Parr.ies.

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• 1st/2nd/3rd.. . CHEFS, VEG COOKS,. KITCHEN PORTERS, SNACK BAR COUNTER HANDS AND SfAFF ETC" ------UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT "------22 October 89 Eurofocus•• notizie del/a CEE

l'ltalia sui banco degli Eurocheques international: iI prin­ settore, dal commissario europeo cipio degli Eurocheques 0' incaricato del mercato intemo, c'e' imputati appunto che ogni assegno sia ancora mottissimo da fare per abo­ pagato nella sua totalita', se e' lire i controlli alle frontiere. 11 com· stabilito nella valuta del paese di missario Martin Bangemann, ha Ogni anni, milioni di turisti corrono accoglienza e se non supera le infatti qualificato come "preoccu· verso iI sole della penisola italiana: somme garantite (circa 200 Ecu). panti" i ritardi in tre settori: i , una vera e propria invasione e gli controlli .delle persone alle fron- Italiani, memori forse di quelle che tiere, i controlli veterinari e la un tempo causarono la caduta fiscalita' (cioe' i tassi IVA). dell'lmpero Romano, vi si Mercato Interno: Secondo Bangemann, non tutti i oppongono come possono. Per ministri europei hanno lavorato esempio; attraverso i· sistematici preoccupanti i ritardi ugualmente bene. I ministri dei controlli delle "carte verdi" di cui Dodici specialisti del mercato ogni automobilista deve munirsi quando si reca all'estero e persino Dopo i sei mesi della presidenza intemo sono stati i piu' diligenti, in un altro paese della Comunita\ spagnola del Consiglio dei ministro come anche' i 'Ioro colleghi dei Dodici. "progetto del dell'economia e delle finanze. Ma gia' dal 1972, una direttiva iI 1992" I europea ha stabilito che non e' grande mercato e' indubbiamente ministri dei trasporti hanno realiz­ affatto necessario esibirla, a con­ progredito motto. Tra iI primo gen· zato progressi apprezzabili, ma· dizione beninteso, di essere in naio ed il 30 giugno di quest'anno, sono accusati di "differire le deci· regola con I'assicurazione.· ('Italia e' stato adottato circa iI 10% del sioni" nel settore del cabotaggio. sembra non sentirci bene da programma "mercato intemo", iI Le orecchie d'asino, invece. toc­ quell'orecchio, visto che non ha che porta la propol2ione della cano ai ministri dell'agricottura, i risposto al parere motivato che la misure ormai acquisite a piu' del cui dossier resterebbero bloccati. Commissione europea la ha inviato 50%. se non ci fossero i loro colleghi iI 27 gennaio scorso: questo le e' E' sopratutto nel settore delle bar· responsabili del mercato intemo valso I'apertura della procedura riere tecniche agli scambi tra i ad occuparserne... davanti alia Corte di Giustizia della Dodici che i progressi sono i piu' I capi di Stato e di governo dei Comunita'. spettacolari; iI 70% delle misure. Dedici. che hanno fatto iI punto al La Corte, non rischia certo di necessarie e' gia' stato ildottato. vertice di Madrid sullo stato di restare. con le mani in mano, visto Questo significa che i Dodici avanzamento del "progetto 1992", che l'ltalia ha appena ricevuto un hanno trovato un accordo senza hanno auspicato che i loro ministri altro parere motivato della Corn­ troppe difficolta' sull'armonizza-' trovino un accordo sull'IVA e le missione, per la tassa discrimina· zione delle norme tecniche, sui attre tasse al consumo prima della toria che applica a tutti gli assegni mercati pubblici e sulle banche. fine dell'anno. 11 problema dei con­ stranieri superiori alle 50.000 lire. Ma. come e' stato sottolineato i114 trolli delle persone alle frontiere e' La procedura e' stata aperta a giugno scorso davanti ai ministri nelle mani dei "coordinatori" dei seguito della denuncia da parte di dei Dedici responsabili di questo Dodici. MUSICA PER OGNI OCCASIONE Sposalizi, balli, parties etc. ... JJ ~ Ramon Gallo ed il suo Complesso Ravello si eesibito con grande successo alla Royal Albert Hall nel ballo 'La Veneziana' e 'The Orient Express 1985' ed a '11 Festival di Musica' ~ Henley per Martini Rossi 1986. • . . Prezzi ragionevoli <$-\~ C3' . ~\of'oe M usica tradizionale e moderna: italiana, inglese, continentale. CIl-{(\~ . e'>~ :..:..-',l._{\C"~ Tel: Ramon Gallo 01-888 4666 • Ottobre 89 23 High speed colour Look out printing for next Artwork and Plate­ month's Design making


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24 October 89 - • • The Postman An/honyFulgoni

Santa has managed to persuade her husband, Lulgl, to retire as postman of Bard!. They plan to have their friend,Mario. take his place. But before they get a chance to break the news•••

Mario and Mariella's life was as Ha still \(ept silent and a terrible Mariella, still sitting on the stone happy as the times between the thought came to her head. Had floor, loo\(ed up at him. two World Wars would allow. But something happened to one of "Very well," she said. "Tell me all now something was to happen their son's? Had they had some about it and why we will have to that was to change the whole accident? Panic seemed to ta\(e live on bread and cheese for the course of their lives. It happened hold of her and gripping Mario by next few years." li\(e this.•• the shoulders she shouted at him. "PleaSe don't.by like, that, listen Mariella was at home doing the ''Tell me! Has something hap· and I will tell you all about it. For once a wee\( ritual of bread ba\(· p~ned to any of our boys? For years," he began. "I had to watch ing. Today she was sharing the God's sake tell me!" communal oven with her friend, day after day while the farmers Santa. Mariella was, as usual, in bought their little animals to me to the little \(itchen, flour up to her be \(illed. Oxen, beautiful oxen. elbows as she busily \(needed the Pigs. Lambs. Kids. For years I did dough. Loo\(ing up through the just that. I killed and killed and for window she could see Mario wal\(· what? So that. some rich family in • ing up the hill towards the house. 'Parma or Milan could sit down to a meal of the meat of an unfortunate There was something about him animal I had killed the day before!" that did not seem right. He loo\(ed tired and very miserable as if He was silent for a moment. something dreadful had happened . Mariella, gripped his hands tightly. at war\( today. She noticed too that "What used to get me down," he was carrying'the leather bag continued Mario. "Were the young that held his butchers \(nives. She He loo\(ed down at her, wiped calfs. They .were pulled into the stopped \(neading, wiped the flour away the tear that was on the yard, protesting as they always from her hands and said half point' of running down her chee\( did, but still they were pulled..... aloud: and said. He stopped for a moment. She "Strange? He never brings his "No, my dear. It's nothing to do placed her hand on his shoulder. \(nives home with him. As if for with our boys. It's me. I've given • She knew that at any moment he some reason he got fired". up my job. I couldn't bear it any would,start to cry again and when , longer. She chased the thought from her he did she let him. After a while he mind. After all these were not the gradually calmed down and loo\(· Mariella, now feeling more at ease ing down at his wife said. times to be out of wor\(. There but still wanting some explanation must be another reason for Mario from her husband, said rather "It was the calfs that did it. I knew to be coming home at this time of severley. that even after all these years a the day. He erne in, wal\(ed past butchers life wasn,t for me. They her, sat down at the table, put his "Why in the name of God did you would be dragged into the yard, head into his hands and quietly decide to leave now? How are we smell the blood of their brothers began to cry. going to live through the winter if you have not job?" that I had killed only a few minutes before. They would start to move Mariella puzzled at all this and for He too\( her hand in his and around, in a way that I really can't a moment n, not \(nowing what to whispered; describe, as if they knew they were do, moved over to him, \(nelt on' "Don't worry, we'll find a way. But going to their deaths. Yet how did the stone floor beside him, too\( his they know? No-one had ever told hands away from his face and said I had to leave before it was too late. Let me tell you all about it and them about pain., or death. How ..Mario, Caro. What is the matter? see if you can see my side of the did they \(now? What has...happened today?" story." Continued next month Ottobre89, 25 FREE EXTRA UPTO FIAT'S BRIGHTEST &NEWEST 0% Delivery £1.500 MIN. FINANCE LOW No. PJ..tu DEPOSITS Ro.dT•• PART DEALERSHIP IS OFFERING Sun Roof EXCHANGE FREE ONE FREE FREE PETROL YEAR'S 3 Ye., W.".nt)' R.dio/S.c,co INCREDIBLE OPENING DEALS FOR fREE & 6 Year C.ucttc Plqc, 10.000 SERVICING Anti.Pc,for.tiolll' Pcrson.li,.d MILES W.".nty Body Sttipu ON 'G' REG FIATS' V_."-'",,.t>.n••f ...... ;1.\.1__.1 ridu". Y.P.. CARS LTD. 22-26 Cricklewood Broadway, London NW2. ,. ' • Sales 01 450 1311 Service 01 4505195 Opening Hours 9a.m. - 9p.m. Monday to Friday. 9a.m. - 6p.m. Saturday. 10a.m. - 4p.m. Sunday



, . ' • • HOTEL & CATERING DOMESTIC STAFF VITIORIO E FRANCO sono 'lieti • MANAGERS • AU-PAIRS di darvi tutte le quotazioni • HEAD CHEFS • HOUSEKEEPERS • HEAD WAITERS • CLEANERS/DAILY HELP per i vostri Matrimoni - Parties • COOKS • COUPLES • PriineComunioni • ASS. MANAGERS • NANNIES • BARMEN • MOTHER'S HELP • WAITERSITRESSES • CHAUFEURS • COUNTERHANDS' • BABYSllTERS • COMIS WAITERS • KITCHEN PORTERS • 3, Southampton Row WC1 - TeL 405 6230 • CLOAKROOM AlTs. • • QUI SIPARLA. ITALlANO Vicino alia Chiesa di S. Pietro 38 BUCKINGHAM PALACEROAD, • .. LONDON SW1 ' Clerkenwell Road. 01-931 9428 or 01-931 9429

• 26 October 89 Buon Appetito la Signorina

Pino TraUoria cini. what better way to end a sonable prices. As hs name sug­ meal?1 gests Pappagalli's is famous for hs 178 Aylesbury Street, Clerken­ pizzas. The come as a wholemeal well, London EC1 In between,serving !lis other.cuStQ­ or wMe crust in sizes for 2 or 34 mers:Pino Cavaciuti kept us enter­ Tel: 01 253-6194 persons" You have a choice of 9 tained and then shared a cup of different specialhies or can "build coffee whh us whilst he told us • your own favourhe" from a variety some amusing anecdotes. It was a Yes, I know it's been aeons since of ingredients (75p to £1.50 per first visit for me but h won't be !1ly portion) onto an original ~ase I've written an article. Some gentle last as the warm welcome given to nagging on the part of other contri­ (£6.95 or £10.95). Standard PI~as all of the customers., the efficiimt include intriguing thles such as butors to BACKHILL has led me to wahe~ yet friendly service a! .the Manhattan Meatpacker, 'Ole put together this feast for food plus the excellent CUISine make it, Smokey. Brooklyn Hammer to lovers. So you get riot one excel­ an ideal, place for that special, name but three. lent venue for gourmets but two. meal. Give it a try! Yes, I'm back with a vengeancel If pizza is not your thing there are Our first stop. is Pino's which I 8 varieties of pasta sauces which visited with Pina Bosco on a very you can add to any of 5 varieties inclement evening. The rain was of pasta But to my mind. where pouring down as we ran from, the Pappagalli's Pizza this establishment el$cels is in hs car to Pino Trattoria. As we des­ 7-9 Swallow Street, Piccadilly, wonderful Salad Bar (the best I've cended to the basement res­ LondonW1 ever seen or tasted!) and its taurant down. some steps, we scrumptious ice cream sundaes received a warm welcome from the Tel: 01 734-5182 '(from £2.60) which .are simply owner Mr Pino. Cavaciuti. The res­ divine. Pappagalli's has something taurant is small and intimate with for everyone! On a recent visit my pale walls and brown wooden fea­ Now on to Pappagalli's Pizza, now sister and I plus 2 male escorts tures. The menu is that of any under the management of Fred (nephews aged 7 and 9) had a good Italian restaurant. But deci­ Rizzi and his delightful daughters terrific meal which' everyone enjoy~d. ~o Pa~pa­ sions were not made easily! So Amanda and Gisella Whilst having So make a visit should it be 'one of the antipasti nothing in common with the galli's but do make a' reservatIOn, (from £1.0 - £3) or a zuppe (£1.70) lamented "Peier Mario" restaurant h's really popular as you'll find out! or Risotto Ai Funghi (£3.20)? Then neverthelesS this is a must· for And like me you'll return again and on to the main course - Pesce excellent food (of hs type) at rea- again! (Trout, Scampi or Plaice) or Came. How about Bistecca Bordolese (£7.50) or Piccatina di Vitello al Limone or ai Funghi? (from £4.80). Pina Bosco recommended the Pic­ catina ai Funghi and it was deli­ cious - tender veal and juicy mUSh­ rooms in a really gorgeous sauce. We chose courgettes and saute' potatoes to accompany. Delicious!

We then felt the need for a sweet and again the choice was hard to make and was narrowed down to fresh strawberries. or trifle or marinated oranges. We chose the' trifle. This was a little stodgy for my taste but this did hot stop me from managing to eat most of the ample portion with the cream that I was given. Next some delicious capuc~

Ottobre 89 -= =- - 27 ~------


Arena Musicale Mario. . Renzullo

It's .be!!n a long time since 'Italy Horne, she has a.true Italian Then there:s ~ascagni:s Caval­ had any young Mezzos of. note on sound. In the aria "pensaalla' leria. Gigli is in his.element as the horizon. Well here is a young patria" from L'ltaliana, where lsa­ Turiddu, Una' Bruna Rasa• as• an• lady on whom we pin our hopes. bella turns to Taddeo for laughing exciting Santuzza plUS, a spoken As you will note from the rather at her plan to escape back to Italy, intro by the composer to mark the sassy photo below, Cecilia Banoli Banoli one feels, is really angry fiftieth binhday of the opera - it's is a young Miss, (or Ms if you are a with .this. man. The way she spits enough to make you rush out and sens~ive women's Iibberl), 22 in out the. words, "Sciocco tu ridi?"; buy a CD playerl In the last two fact. She hails from Rome and I've never heard any ottJer singer sets Gigli is pannered by Maria boih' her .parents were opera deliver this phrase like this. What is Caniglia. Her lovely spinto voice sing'ers, so .it's definitely hi the missing from this record is just that beginning to go as she was sing­ blood. She studied at the S1. . ' . last spark of fire that Marilyn Horne ing roles that were far too heavy Cecilia Academy and has been' has. Horne's voice has a much for it. BUt what passion she brings championed by Ricciarelli no.less higher range than Banoll, her· runs to her singing! If only we had her (her ears 'seem to be·better than andtrills are a thing of wonder. On like today. She Is the Amelia to her voice - thank God). her Rossini disc (Which is the best Gigli's Riccardo in Verdi's Ballo in Rossini recital available Maschera Their love duet fairly - Decca 421 306-2) pops out of the, speakers. It's like she tackels soprano having them In the room with you. arias• with such ease. And just listen to Gigli sing the aria, Compare both these "Ma se m'e' forza perdeni'" from artists versions of aCt three. To think he was already "Mura felici" from 53 at the time of recording. He .Donna del Lago and sounds like a man half his' age. Home wins hands The baritone is Gino Bechi. Again down for sheer flair what a voice. Uke oak in its sound. and sparkle. But it Dark and rich. would be unfair of me The last set is Giorando's Andrea .to 'forget Banoli was Chenier, said to be Gigli's favourite only 22 when she role, and after hearing him sing the recorded this album. In improwiso from act one yOU'll time she will find her understand why. What sheer joy own special way ·with. there is in this singing. The last act these things. She is duet with Caniglia is a lesson in already 70% there. true verissimo. Add to all this Bechi' Yes, Italy can count as one of the best Gerard's on itself lucky. again: record and you have a Chenier They've go a mezzo of • that has to be bettered. The trans­ note in Banoli. Do hear fer is wonderful; you'd hardly know Banofi'Sproudvoice her. their taken from 78s. Essential She has been speedily making a Now to an Italian tenor of whom buying. name for herself as a Rossinl Italy will always be proud- Gigli. Please, EM I, please, please, Mezzo and her first recital is an all EMI, at long last, liave released please can we now have Gigli's La Rossini disc (CD and tape only). four of his opera recordings onto Boheme and Verdi's Requiemll mid price CD sets. Two COs per The voice, on disc, is a warm set. We have the great man in mezzo that· extends in range over Butterfly, with Tote Dal Monte. Del two and a half octaves. The runs Reference numbets: Monte is the youngest· sounding' .for the mC?st pan are fluid and at Butterfly on record. At times the Cecilia Banoli Decca 425 430-2 times there is a slight Latin vibrato. .Butterfly, Gigli EMI 769902 Her trill is secure. voice grows shrill, but what depth and charization! Add to this Gigli in Cavalleria, Gigli EMI 769982 As' to characterization she is no Un Ballo, Gigli EMI 7699932 a. role that might" have been written supervia, but she does know what' from him and you have aWinner of Andrea Chenier, Gigli...... EMI it's all about and unlike Baltsa arid aButterfly. . 7699962 • 28 October 89

, Theatre, Mirella Oavighi

Miss Saigon leaving Kim behind. Three years All the cast gave a good perfor­ later, he has gradually rebuiit his mance, though Jonathan Pryce, Theatre Royal. Drury Lane life with the help of his wife Ellen making his musical debut, deserves a special mention.

An unexpected treat came my way The direction, design, lighting, last week when I was asked if I sound and costume team (who would like to see the preview of also worked together in 'Les Mis­ 'Miss Saigon', When I heard that it erables') created an excellent was the latest work of Alain Boubil atmosphere and special effects, and Claude-Michel Schonberg, I especially in the Fall of Saigon didn't hesitate. I had thoroughly scene. enjoyed their last musical 'Les Miserables' - would 'Miss Saigon' I like all the songs, in particular come up to the same high stan­ 'Sun and Moon' and 'TIle Last dard? I was not disappointed, Night of the World' both sung by Kim and Chris. Also the marvellous The story, a modern day Madame • • DirectorTrevorNunn 'American Dream' sung by the Butterfly, is set in Saigon, just before the city falls to the North (Claire Moore). Kim, however, Engineer. Vietnamese. Chris (Simon Bowan) believes that one day she will be All,in all, an excellent production is a Marine who 'falls in love ,with reunited with her love and is deter· ,and a very enjoyable evening. Kim (Lea Salonga) orie of the good mined. to take their son, Tam, to 'Miss Saigon' is currently at the lime girls employed by the America to live with his father. The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Engineer (Jonathan Pryce). When story reaches its conclusion when Aithough booking is already for the Americans pull out of Saigon, .••.•• (sorry the Editor won't let February 1990 get your' ticket • Chris is forced to return home, me give the game awayI) don't miss a hit.

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Ottobre89 29 • " .- , ~. , "

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. Head Office , 329/331 GRAYS' INN ROAD LONDON WC1X 8BZ TEL: 01-278-8628/1308/6014 also at





Ottobre 89 31 • • Sportlight Richard Evans

, Cricket sidered good enough for the side should have persevered with, him and Gooch is now regarded as the and is now paying the price for not man to lead English cricket

32 October 89 By the same token, the claims of this instance. There can be no At the end of the day, I. did not Peter Roebuck to captain the side do ubting his ability and seriously quibble with eleven out of would have been enhanced had experience. Nevertheless, he has the sixteen - uhimately selected he written last week's article in the demonstrated a disturbing, vUlnera· which is perhaps a higher percen· Sunday Times a month earllier. He bility in the slip/gully area and tage that in previous, seasons. advocated a radical policy saying whilst he may have scored more > that conventional tactics cannot runs than Gooch, this summer, possibly hope to" secure a victory cannot be counted upon to score in the Caribbean. So the side consistently against the West In·, should have been packed with dian pace attack. His omission batsmen who will grind the opposi. enables the choice of burgeoning tion down and bowlers who will talent in Hussain of Essex. There is make run scoring difficult. The idea experience enough now in the would be to secure draws in all middle order with Lamb and Robin matches save for the Trinidad Smith but I am critical of the match where with two spin bow· choice of Wayne Larkins as the lers, the tourists might then sneak only other opener with Gooch in a victory. Whether one agrees with the party. He has had ample this view or not, it demonstrates opportunity to make a break· the sort of ,innovative thinking through in the test arena but has which England require in order to failed to do so. One hopes that all restore some prestige to its crick· that will now change b!!, my own eting image•• preference would have been for Chris Smith of Hampshire. As much as I have doubted Gooch Oexterpayingtheprice in the past, I have supported 'the cause of David GoY/er. I applau· I am also of the opinion that ded his wins in India and in the Botham should tiave been selec· Soccer following Ashes series and thought ted. Whilst it may be preferable to more use could have been made pick an extra batsman or an extra of his captaincy skills in conjunc. bowler rather than pick an allroun· It will not surprise you that I was tion with Mike Gatting. Further· der wh'o does not came up to not terribly impressed with Eng· more, Gower has,a reputation for scratch in either dep'artment (as land's performance in Sweden. It being, quite simply, a nice man, may be the case with CapeQ. there now looks as nthey will qualify for Italy but it does not look to me as and in the words of Kipling "one can be no doubt that, Botham n the side will be any better pre· who meets with Triumph and Dis· would give a balance to, the side , ' aste~ and. treats thos two impos. even with ,his diminishing powers. pared than for past tournaments. ters Just the same." He has been unfortunate this sea· The perseverance with two son V;ith injUry and faith should wingers demonstrates an There has been a great outcry, have been shown in him. We may obstinacy and short·sightedness in therefore, that he has been be asking a' lot of Capel by plung· Robson's tactics which have been " wrongly discarded. and should ing him in at the deep bUt this is commented upon at inordinate " , have been picked, at least, as a his big chance and let us hope'he length in these columns. Italy will player for this tour. It may surprise makes the breakthrough. Per· be at Wembley in November and you, therefore, to learn that I am sonally. I would have taken him perhaps tliat will teach Robson a not one of those backing Gower in AND Botham. much needed lesson.

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aetano Scirea, ex capitano rionfo dena Ducati, nella della Juventus e Mondiale prima e nella seconda G in Spagna nel 1982, e~. T• manche (dove e' arrivto tragicamente perito in ,uno scontro secondo . l'italianoFalappa su automobillistico avvenuto in Bimota) del monctiale Superbike ill Polonia dove si· era recato per Germania. Autore dell'impresa 11 conto della "sua Juve". Era con· 'franceso Raymond Roche. Classi­ siderato "i1 piu' grande Iibero che iI fica dopo 8 gare: 1.Mertens calcio italiano abbia mai avuto". (BeQp.195; 2.Merkel (USA) 192; Almeno 50,000 persone sono sfi· 3.Roche (Fra) 172; 4. Pirovano (Ita) ,late davanti alia sua bara e al suo 165. fiJnerale c'erano tutti: Da Angelli a ostantino Rocca, ex centra­ Trappattoni, da Mattarese a Vicini · '"anti nella prima divisione con tutti i suoi compagni di ieri e di del. calcio, ha vinto sui oggl,< con i '~duri'" come Tardelli e C campo dell'isola di Albarella iI Gentile .che offrivano sirighiozzi P.GA, campionato italiano profes~ strazianti.....Mahcava solo iI vec· . , . . . sionisti, aggiudicandosi oltre a 13 chio Commissario Tecnico Bear­ milioni di lire di premio 1 trofei zot...... Mi e' venuto a mancare un Allegri per iI record del percorso, figlio, 'e' piu'forte di me, non ce la Alitalia per ir vincitore,.Club Medi­ faccio";cosi' si e' scusato iI vec­ terranee per iI miglior terzo giro. AI chic Commissario del Mundial di St:lreaconla CappaNand/ale Spagna. secondo posto. Bolognesl, terzo Locatelli. L'Albarella Pro-Am e' E' da segnalare che nella sua Capitolo nazidnale. Anche qui, stata vinta da Ferruccio Crotti. AI lunga carriera calcistica. il buon tante pagine stupende. L'esordio Golf club Le Betulle nella finale del Gaetano non era mai stato e' del 30 dicembre 1975, a Firenze trofeo .Olivetti Personal Computer espulso dai ca'mpi di gioco per contro. la Grecia La 78esima e,. successo dl Stefano Costa· comportamento scorretto. ultima partita porta la data del. 17 Roberto FerraresL nei prima cate­ giugno '86: e' .. Francia-Italia dei goria e di Massimo Asti-Luca Fer­ Aveva compiuto 36 anni iI 25 , . Mondiali messicani, con gli azzurri rero nei seconda. maggio scorso. Era nato'in provin- sconfrtti 2-0 ed eliminati. Scirea e' • cia'al Milano, ma la sua carriera si , ,- - stato campione dei mondo nell'82 · athy Caver'zasio, the un· e' sempre svolta lontano dal capo- in Spagna. Ha seganto due gol. seeded 16-year-old Italian, luogo lombardo. Eccola, in cifre, la C put up a brave fight before carriera'del campione: . 'ormai leggendaria coppia falling 7-5, 6-2, 6-2 'to the sixth Due stagioni all'Atalanta, dal '72 al dei fratelli Carmine e Giu­ seed 'Czechoslovakia's Reg.ina '74. Esordio in serie '72. L seppe Abbagmile si e' im· Rajchrtova, in the semi-finals of the posta, ,ancora una volta; davanti Paris women's tennis tournament. Quattordici stagioni alia Juventus. alia Romania e Jugoslavia, ed ha 11 bilancio: 377 presenze e 24 gol. lain Prost edged closer to vinto la medaglia d'oro dei "due clinching the 1989 For­ Ha vinto sette scudetti e due Con" nella finale del campionato coppe Italia.. A mula One Driving Cham· mondiale di canottaggio svoltosi pionship with a second ,place on, Ha vinto tutte le coppe inter· recentemente rialle acque di Bled the hot tarmac in Portugal. He was nazionali che si potevano vincere: in Jugoslavia. beaten by the man he is to replace "Campioni" nell '85; "Coppe" L'equipaggio italiano dei "quattro in the Ferrari team; Gerhard Ber· nell'84; "Uefa" nel '77, "Intercon­ ger. Nigel Mansell, the other Fer­ di coppia" ha .vinto fa medaglia, tinentale nell'85, "Supercoppa" d'argento durante la stessa mani· rari driver was in a settled com­ nell'84. festazione. manding position until a diSastrous tyre change in the pits, where he Fra' campionato, coppa lIalia e 'andra Cecchini con I'argen· was forced to reverse into position, coppe internaiionali, Scirea ha dis· tina Patricia Tarabini si e' an illegal act. This was followed by putato in bianconero la bellezza di S aggiundicata iI doppio nel a black flag, disqualifying Mansell. 563 partite. E' iI fedelissimo per tomeo Virgina Slim Tennis bat· Later he'was banned from one eccellenza nella storia juventina tendo Meier - Pampoulova Grand Pirx and fined £30,000. 34 October 89 Italian Tennis John Belli

In August the Italian sports journal­ for the match winning doubles. Gianluca Pozzl over Cancellotti ists were singing the praises of With the match won, Panatta and Pistolesi,' to gain experience Paolo Cane"s 28th World Ranking; allowed Claudio Pistolesi to enter for the future. He would then revert it being the highest an Italian the fray, but he lost to the Danish to Camporese and Nargiso for the player has achieved for four years. no. 1 Michael Tauson the match singles. To win, against' Sweden, Yet a few weeks earlier the" same score 4-1. Italian celebrations were the Italians must be" at their best , papers were questioning Cane"s short-lived" once they heard the motives in not playing for Italy in draw for 1990. A first round tie their relegation tie against Sweden, again. The against Denmark. Cane', who' clai­ Swedes made.hard work of defeat­ med he ~as injured, has adopted ing Italy this year. a deliberate policy of playing tour­ nalTlents where he can pick up Campoiese aCtually won the open­ points which will enable him to ing tie against Pemfors, but the climb the computer rankings. He is Swedes will not underestimate currently at no. 27, and recently their opPonents a second ti[l1e. won the Swedish Ope"n, which is True, they are not the force of two no mean achievement. years ago, Wilander has slippe<1 , ," Yet it must be said that all the out of the top 10,. Nystrom and players seeded higher, were eli. Carlsson both have suffered seri· minated by other players and ous injuries which have all but Cane' only had ·to overcome the ended their careers and" Jarryd, lower ranked Yugoslav no. 4 Bruno too, has never been the same Oresar, in the final. For those of since injuring a knee. However, the you interested in statistics Cane"s Swedes still have plenty of replacements and will be strong current position is the fifth highest NargisoandCamporese an Italian player has ever achieved favourites, to repeat their victory since the ATP computer was used over Italy. But who willItaly choose and hope that the Swedes are to calculate the world rankings. for the tie? I believe Panatta has below par. It's unlikely, but I think it The top five Italian positions being seven serious candidates. Cane' if will be closer than most people as follows:- available, Camporese, Nargiso, think. If they do not beat the Cancellotti, Pistolesi, Gianluca Swedes, then they must brace Adriano Panatta reached no. 4 in Pozzi and Massimo Narducci. Nar­ themselves for another relegation June 1976 ducci was chosen ahead of Cane' battle. Their opponents are likely Corrado Barazzutti reached no. 7 and Nargiso against Swede this to be Austria; much tougher in June 1978 year. He came close to winning a opponents than the Danes. A chal­ • long -live setter against Jona lenging year ahead, for Adriano Francesco Cancellotti reached no. Svensson and did not let the side and Company. 21 in April 1985 down. Despite slipping to 250 on , I must mention the new world no. the Computer" Narducci is a cur­ Paolo Bertolucci reached no. 26 in 1 . He has proved by rent member of the team and I JUly 1977 winning the US Open he is not just believe he will retain the no. 4 a "grass court wonder" and with Paolo Cane' reached no. 27 in "spot. If Cane' does make the arch rival now admitting September 1989 peace with Adriano, the 25 year , , that Becker strikes the ball even old Bolognese will be an automatic harder than himself, I think that, In the Davis Cup, Italy had to face choice for the no. 1 singles spot. , , along with the excellent Stelli Graf Denmark minus Cane'. and The ,nq. 2 spot will go to Cam­ in the ladies' game, we have a few needed to win to stay in the major porese with the no. 3 berth going years to come of German domina­ competition. Adriano Panatta the to Napolis second favourite Diego, tion in the World of Tennis. team captain, chose Omar Cam· Nargiso. Nargiso and. Camporese porese and Diego Nargiso as both should continue re~resenting" their A welcome change.l0 see two his singles and doubles players. country in the doubles. If Cane' players with natural skill as well as They obliged by winning their does not come back, then Panatta sheer power, heading the rank­ opening single ties then combined may well opt for the fast improving ings. - , , Ottobre 89 ,, 35 • , • • -

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• Pizza Easy Pizza

Pasta: Dough: , 120z strong flour 350 gr farina , 1 cucchiaino sale 1 teaspoon salt 2 cucchiaini Iievito in polvere 2 teaspoons dried yeast 1 cucchiaio olio d'oliva 1 tablespoon olive oil 225 gr acqua tiepida 8 fI oz tepid water Versate la farina in ,un recipiente. Aggiungete iI Place sifted flour in a bowl. Add.salt and dried yeast. sale ed iI Iievito. Fine la fontana ed aggiungete Make a well in centre and stir in the oil and water. Mix "olio e I'acqua. ImpaState tuno irisieme. Lavorate to a rough dough. Then knead on a floured working energicamente la pasta sulla spinatoia infarinata surface for a good 5 minutes, until you obtain a pliable per almeno 5 minuti, finclle' ottenete una pasta di dough. Place dough in a large oiled polythene bag. giusta consistenza. Mettete la pasta in una busta Leave in a warm place for about 40 minutes, until the grande di plastica. Tenetela in un luogo tiepido per dough has doubled in volume. Turn the dough onto the circa 40 minuti finche' la pasta sia raddopiata in working surface and knead for a few minutes. Divide volume. the dough in~o 2 pieces. Rimicettete la pasta sulla spinatoia e lavorate per Roll out the 2 pieces of dpugh onto 2 oiled baking trays altri 5 minuti. Dividete la. pasta in 2 peui. Stendete (8" x 12"). Pinch up the eges to form a rim. i due,pezzi di pasta. Poneteli su due .placche del forno (20cm x 30 cm). Ai bordi tenetele un po piu' Pizza Margherita: • alta. • • •

• • Sieved tomatoes (poini') Pizza Margherita: 1 mozzarella cheese, sliced Passato di pomodoro (porni') Origano Mozza~ella tagliata a fette fine Olive oil .Origano 0 basilico secco tritato Spread a little sieved tomatoes over the pizza base. Cover with slices of mozzarella and sprinkle with .Parmigiano grattugiato origano and then a dribble of olive oil. • Olio d'oliva Coprite la pasta con poco pomodoro. Poi con fette • • 5alame Pizza: ,.• .di mozzarella. Spolverizzate con origano e parmi. glano• e 1ZZ0rate• con paco olio d'oliva. 1/41b sliced salame ",' Spread sieved tomatoes over the pizza base. Place alternate slices of salame and mozzarella. Sprinkle Pizza ai Funghi : origano and olive oil over the top. 250 gr funghi freschi tagliati fini Leave all pizzas for 15 minutes before placing them in a Parmigiano preheated cv'en 200C/no.6 for 25 minutes. If you have .to put them on different shelves change over half way 'Origano/sale/pepe during cooking time. Olio d'oliva . n.b. Instead of mozzarella you can use Cheddar, Coprite la pasta con iI passato di pomodoro. fontina, or gruyere. You can put any toppings on the • Coprite con fettine di funghi. Spolverizzate con pizza such as bacon, shrimps, peppers etc. Make sure sale, pepe, origano, parmigiano e olio; that if tinned products are used you remove any excess liquid. • • 38 October 89

-----_.- _. •

OUobre - October

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Novembre - November

Domenica 5 Ciao Italia Dinner & Dance. Vedete pagina 29. Cerimonia Caduti. Brookwood, Messa 11 :00.

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