St. Agnes of Rome / St. Rose of Lima Parish Office: 22 Boston St

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St. Agnes of Rome / St. Rose of Lima Parish Office: 22 Boston St St. Agnes of Rome / St. Rose of Lima Parish Office: 22 Boston St. Middleton GOT PEACE? JOIN US FOR OUR FIRST PARISH SUMMER READ We hope you will join us for our very first Parish Summer Read! Our goal is to get our entire parish community reading and then discussing the same book, which is “Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart” by Father Jacques Philippe. The book is under $10 and is just 118 pages. Using examples from everyday life, Fr. Philippe ex- plores that which robs us of inner peace and what we can do about it. We can all read the book individually over the sum- mer, and then meet in the fall (either virtually or in person if doable) to discuss it. For more info please email [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society – We are there for our neighbors in need. The St. Vincent de Paul Society members are committed to helping our neighbors when times are tough. If you know of someone who is struggling in these tough times and needs financial assistance with food, utilities or other living expenses, please contact the parish office at St Agnes (978) 774-1958 or St. Rose (978) 887-5505 We are so grateful for our parishioners who generously support our mission! St. Rose of Lima and St. Agnes Young Adult Group This is to inform us that our parishes have started a Young Adult Men’s Group. This group moves towards mak- ing the Young men of our parishes authentically Catholic by fostering a renewed sense of spirituality and faith, creating a spirit and environment of friendship, and building up the Body of Christ through social activities and celebration of the sacraments. We come together to grow in faith and fellowship through a variety of spiritual, and social activities. The groups include single, college, engaged, and married young men between the ages of twenties and early thirties. Our social events include biking, hiking, camping, and cookouts. Our spiritually and faith gears towards Eucharistic Adoration, praying the Rosary, and watching movies (life of saints). The group is not demanding. The time of our meetings is flexible in order to accommodate all members based on their private programs and schedules. We have WhatsApp group chat and zoom conference meeting to help our members re- mained connected. Whether you are looking for a Church or opportunities to meet other young men with a healthy sense of catholic community, fellowship, and friendship, we are here to help you achieve your quest. The Church is always young and alive, and you are the future of the Church. “The Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you!” (Pope Francis). Christ is calling you to help create and foster an environment of friendship. We can’t wait for you to join our social and spiritual events and truly encounter Jesus Christ! It is our hope that this group will help the young men of our parishes remain truthful to the love of God and faithful to the teachings of our Catholic faith. The Year of the Eucharist Transubstantiation Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist at the last supper when He took bread, blessed and broke it, and giv- ing it to His apostles as his Body. Then He took a cup of wine, blessed it, and giving it to them, as his Blood of the new covenant shed for the redemption of the world. Finally, He gave His apostles the commission to celebrate the Eucharist in remembrance of Him. This is the same miracle that God performs in each Mass. In fact, there has never been a miracle as great as this anywhere on earth for two thousand years, and it happens in every Catholic church every day! The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly affirms it that it is not man that causes the bread and wine offered at the Eucharistic celebration to become the Body and Blood of Christ, but Christ himself who was crucified for us. The priest, in the role of Christ, pronounces the words of consecration that transforms the things offered but their power and grace are God’s. This change of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ is not like natural changes, but is entirely supernatural, caused and effected by God’s power though the in- strumentality of the priest. Such a miracle is beyond the power of our human ability, but not beyond the power of God. Nothing is impossible and beyond God’s power. He whose word can make from nothing what did not exist (Genesis 1), can also change existing things into what they were not before. If we are asked, Why do Catholics believe this astonishing fact that what seems to all human senses to be ordinary bread and wine is in fact the Body and Blood of Christ? Our answer should be: Because Christ said so! Because Christ our Redeemer said that it was truly His Body that He was offering under the species of bread and His Blood under the species of wine. This has always been the conviction and faith of the Catholic Church, that by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a supernatural change in the whole substance (being, essence) of the bread into the substance of the Body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of His Blood. This supernatural change is what the Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation. So, the Eucharistic presence of Christ in the bread and wine offered begins at the mo- ment of the consecration and endures as long as the consecrated and sacred host remains. This is our Catholic faith. Today, let us ask God to give us the grace to live out this faith as true Christians. FAQ: How can I make a dona- tion? Drop in basket at Mail to: St. Agnes Online via website 90 Days Now - For Your Parish weekend Mass 22 Boston Street Middleton, MA MASS INTENTIONS WELCOME We are so happy to welcome Father Karlo Hocur- Sunday, July 19 2020 scak to St. Rose of Lima and St. Agnes of Rome. 10:00 am @ St. Rose Roland Therriault Father Karlo will be with us as a full time priest 11:30 am @ St. Agnes Ida Rose Jeyarajan for the next year or two. When you see Father Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, and the desire to Karlo please introduce yourself and give him a livestream daily Mass, all daily Masses are being temporary warm parish welcome. celebrated at St Rose Church. LIVE STREAM MASSES Daily Mass - 9:00 am Monday, July 20th Devin Giles Mass is celebrated and can be watched on live Tuesday, July 21st Jackie Colanto stream Monday - Saturday, at 9:00am and Sunday Wednesday, July 22nd Paul M. Coffey at 10:00am. Thursday, July 23rd To access the live stream Friday, July 24th Marlene McGinnity Saturday, July 25th Walter Anmerman PRAYER REQUESTS To send Father Dan Hennessey a personal and Sunday, July 26 2020 confidential prayer request, please see our website 10:00 am @ St. Rose Roland Therriault to fill out prayer request form or go to 11:30 am @ St. Agnes Rosa & Joseph Tirrusa prayers. SUMMER SCHEDULE Confessions will be on Monday evenings from 6:00 pm -7:00 pm, Confessions at St Rose will CONTACT US begin July13th alternating Mondays with Saint Pastor: Father Daniel F. Hennessey [email protected] ext. 105 Agnes. Administrative Assistant: Deborah Jones [email protected] ext. 101 Please see schedule below July 20: St Agnes First Communion Coordinator: Eileen Klapprodt Cell Phone 978-500-1282 July 27: St Rose August 3: St Agnes Parish Office: August 10: St Rose 22 Boston Street, Middleton, MA August 17: St Agnes August 24: St Rose Parish Office Phone Numbers: 978-774-1958 & 978-887-5505 Confession’s will be held every Friday after daily Mass from 10:00am -10:30am at St Rose. PRAYERS FOR OUR SICK: Please join us in praying for the sick members of our parish community: Amy, Angelea, Megan Bytof, Catherine, Charles, Dave, David, David, Doug, Frances, Margaret Jacques, Jonathan, Joseph, Kevin, Maryann, Marie, Matthew, Thaddeus Dubiel, Elizabeth, Mary Keohan, Laura Lindsay, Walter MEET OUR SEMINARIANS FUTURE PRIEST OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON DEACON MATT WILL BE ORDAINED INTO THE PRIESTHOOD ON AUGUST 1ST REV. MR. MATTHEW NORWOOD CITY: WELLESEY, MA HIGH SCHOOL: WELLESLEY HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE: CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA SEMINARY ATTENDING: ST. JOHN’S SEMINARY CLASS YEAR: FOURTH THEOLOGY What are some of the factors that led to your decision to enter the seminary and discern the question of a vocation to the priesthood. Becoming involved in my home parish, especially the youth group and youth music group, led me back to the faith and to the Church. This eventually allowed me to open my heart to the possibility of entering Seminary. I needed the encourage- ment of priests, friends, and family too. I saw myself so attracted to the vocation, with a desire to celebrate the sacraments and shepherd souls. This was especially true as I began my freshman year of college, during which I more seriously dis- cerned the call to the priesthood and eventually entered Seminary. Who are some of the people who influenced your decision to enter the seminary? What is it about them that assisted you? Certainly the witness of priests around me led me to the decision to enter the seminary and discern the priesthood.
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