Research Summary on Potential Mariculture Species for the Gulf Of
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120 ResearchSummary on Potential Mariculture Speciesfor the Gulf of Mexico D. A. Davis, C. R. Arnold and G. J. Holt. The University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute Fisheriesand Mariculture Laboratory 750 Channel View Drive Port Aransas TX 78373 Abstract The Gulf of Mexico is one of the US's most economically productive marinehabitats supporting a wide variety of industriesincluding a highly productivefishery. In 1996, Texaslandings of marinespecies were valued at 9.5 million dollars and included a diverse group of fish species ranging from highlypelagic to reef fish. Giventhe establishedfishing infrastructure, diverseselection of nativespecies and relativelywarm waters,the Gulf of Mexicoprovides an excellentopportunity for mariculturedevelopment. To supporta commercialmariculture industry, the targetspecies must be bio- logicallycompatible with the cultureconditions, have a controllablerepro- ductivecycle, and larvaldevelopment suitable for the massculture of juve- niles. Additionally,suitable markets must be identifiablethat will support the price structurenecessary for a commercialoperation. Our laboratory hasbeen evaluating and developing native fish speciessuch as Florida pom- pano,various snappers, groupers, drums, jacks and the cobiaas maricul- turespecies. This paper is a briefoverview of researchat the Universityof Texasat Austin, MarineScience Institute, Fisheries and MaricultureLabo- ratorywith emphasison speciesof potentialcommercial interest. Examples of controlledmaturation, larval development and growth rateswill be dis- cussed.Growth ratesand culturepotential for variousgulf speciessuch as Floridapompano, grey snapper,yellowtail snapper, ling and greateram- berjack are presented. Introduction Oceanfishing, the largestsource of fish production,is producingabout 90 million metric tons annuallyand can no longersustain the over fishing andpollution pressures man has placed on it Willinskyand Champ, 1993!. 121 At the sametime, the world'sdemand for seafoodis rapidlyincreasing and is expectedto reach110 to 120 milliontons bv the year2010. In response to this demandaquaculture has developedinto the fastestgrowing food productionsystem in theworld and is expectedto produce39 milliontons by 2010 FAO1996!. As the world'ssecond largest importing nation of fisheriesproducts, the continued expansion of U.S.seafood production will diversifyagriculture, reduce the nation'sbalance of trade,relieve fishing pressureson nativespecies, diversify the supplyof productsfor seafood processing,provide fry andfingerlings for conservationprojects, and pro- videhigh quality seafood grown under conditions that controlthe useof antibiotics,steroids and other additivesused elsewhere. The SoutheastRegion of the United States Texasto North Carolina, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands!supports a diversefishing and processingindustry that was valued in 1994at about1 billiondollars NOAA 1996!.Associated with the wild fisheries.are established processing and distributionchannels for a widevariety of species.With an establishedinfra- structurefor seafoodprocessing and suitable coastal and oceanic sites for maricultureoperations, this area has considerable potential for the contin- ueddevelopment of commercialmariculture operations. Althoughcommercial shrimp and fish farmingoperations have experi- encedsome difficulties, mariculture operations are slowlybecoming estab- lished.In Texas,the reddrum, Sciaenops ocel latus, and pacific white shrimp Penaeusuannamei are the primarymariculture species. Each contributing about3 millionpounds to localproduction. This production is relatively small,yet it hasallowed the expansionof infrastructural support such as feed mills and hatcheries. In addition to a small but establishedmariculture industry, Texas has an active marine enhancementprogram. This program was established,in part,due to decliningstocks of reddrum in the 1970's.The enhancement programhas specialized in the spawningand rearing of sciaenidspecies suchas red drum Sciaenopsocellatus! and spottedseatrout Cynoscion nebulosus!.Utilizing spawning technologies developed by Arnoldet al. 979, 1988!and extensive pond larval rearing techniques, this program hasbeen extremelysuccessful. It has developedinto an activemarine en- hancementprogram that includesthree hatcheries capable of producing 30 million red drum and 5 million seatrout fingerlings anually. Theseexamples of maricultureand stock enhancement operations clearly demonstratethat commercialoperations and large scalehatcheries are vi- ableentities in the UnitedStates. In additionto the well establishedproduc- tion technologyfor the reddrum there are a widevariety of nativespecies 122 occupyinga variety of habitatsthat could be developedfor commercial production.In fact, severalspecies that are nativeto US coastalwaters, suchas the greateramberjack and cobia are being commercially cultured in other countries.Hence, it couldbe arguedthat it is not a lackof technical knowledge,but a lackof marketincentives as well asregulatory hurdles that haskept the maricultureindustry from growingat a paceequal to that seen in the world market. As the demand for high quality fisheries products con- tinues to increase, the incentives to expand mariculture operations in the US will continueto grow. If maricultureexpansion is to be encouraged,it is essentialthat we developculture techniques for nativespecies and adapt thesetechniques to meet our socialand economicconstraints. The useof nativespecies will not only avoidthe introductionof non nativespecies, but it will also supportthe developmentof techniquesthat can be appliedto both maricultureand remediationprojects to enhanceboth sport and com- mercial fisheries. One of the primary goals of the The Universityof Texasat Austin, Marine Science Institute, Fisheriesand Mariculture Laboratory FAML! is to facilitatethe developmentof sustainablemariculture through research and education.This programapplies a multi-disciplinaryapproach to the study of naturalhistory combined with laboratorydeterminations of physiological and environmentalrequirements as well as the developmentof production technologies.The objective of thispaper is to summarizeobservations and research results that have been obtained at FAML for native speciesin the areas of maturation/reproduction, larval rearing and grow out. Maturation/reproduction The FAML has a long history in the field of maturation/reproduction wherescientists have successfully spawned a numberof marinespecies of commercial and scientific interest Table 1!. We currently have 12 spawn- ingtanks that range in sizefrom 10,000to 30,000I forlarge fish -50 kg! and 10 spawningtanks 400 I! for smallerfish andcrustaceans. Each maturationtank is anindependent closed recirculation system consisting of culturetank, settling area, biological filter and air lift pump.All of the fish specieswe currentlywork with arepelagic spawners. Consequently, once spawningis initiatedwe simplycollect the eggsin a 250micron filter bag connectedto the effluentdrain leadingfrom the culturetank to the biologi- cal filter. The fertilizedeggs are then quantifiedand utilizedfor research purposes. Fish,like manyother species, exhibit rhythmic physiological and behav- ioralpatterns generally known as bio-rhythms. Fish reproduction matura- tion, mating,and spawning! is oftenrhythmic and strongly correlated with 123 E N 0 0 L 0 u 0 0 0, '0 O. 0 0 g 0 0C4j v 0tO~> 0 0 m 0 C D. u .0 Q> Q, 0 C ~a 0 rn Q> E C C 0 0 K U- D YJ 'o05 CA N 0V 08 0 0V I Pn tn V 0 Ol C4 E <n E N 0 t7!<n v! E 0 CQ! C <n < 0 g cn UJ L0 C 0 0 C 0 0 C V U E 0 0 0 Q! C I PQ C cf! Fo tU 0 C C UrU COZ K Q. C C0 SD C5 E C <UN 0 C0, 0 ~V A E 0C 0 0 rn 0 5 E CO 0 + C 0 U Q! 0 Q. u 0 CM h 0 0 r5 0 M g h Po V C 0 V Cl E h 0 0, v! s E~~ 2 0 rn 0 U 0 g,.Q C LL 0 0 2. V <0 <Q 0 f! w Q. Q C h M Q 0 w FU "0 U 0 C 0 Q 0 rO CC CO D4 0 124 the interrelatedseasonal cycles of light, water temperatureand food sup- ply.This naturally leads to a periodof theyear that can be definedas the spawningseason. The seasonal cycle can be eitherallowed to occurnatu- rally in outdoortanks and pondsor it maybe inducedartificially in the laboratory. In the laboratorytemperature and photo-period daylength! can be ad- justedto mimicseasonal changes Arnold 1988!. If desired,these changes can be reducedto a 120 day cycle.As the fish passthough the artificial seasons,changing temperature and day lengths will resultin the natural developmentof maturationand spawning. The red drum is an exampleof a fallspawner, who under fall conditions will spawn,releasing thousands of smallfloating eggs. Once spawning has initiated it will continueas long as the fish are held under these conditions. Similarly, the yellow tail snapper is a summerspawner and will initiate spawningonce summer conditions are reached Figure 1, page134!. With the advent of controlledspawning tech- niques,a fishcan be spawnedany time of theyear, held in spawningcon- ditionsfor a extendedperiod of time, and the samefish can be utilizedas brood stock year after year. If maturationand spawningdoes not occur underlaboratory conditions using environmental ques, or laboratoryfacili- tiesfor the manipulationof temperatureand photo-period are not avail- able,spawning can be induced using hormone treatments. Hormone treat- mentshave been shown to be reliablemethods of inducingspawning of variousspecies that do notrespond predictably to environmentalmanipula- tions.The primary substances used for hormone-inducedspawning are a! pituitaryextracts and purified gonadotropins