
Index to Annotated Bibliography 243

196 Lamphere, Louise. From Working Daughters to Working Mothers. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987.390 pp. A scholarly history of female immigrant labor in Central Falls, , from 1740 to 1980, including Jewish Polish immigrants.

197 * Lasker, Rabbi Meir. "Hyman B. Lasker (1868-1938): II. Memoir," RIJHN 5No. 1 (November 1967): 107-117.Recollections from the author's childhood and youth of his father, a teacher and school director. Includes a glossary of Hebrew and Yiddish terms used in the text.

198 Levi, Edward H. "Address Before the Bicentennial Observance of the Society of Friends of Touro ," RIJHN 1 No. 2 (November 1976): 320-24. Text of the Attorney General's speech commemorating the bicentennial.

199 * Levin, Linda Lotridge. "The Rhode Island Jewish Press in the Twentieth Century ."RIJHN 10 No. 1 (November 1988): 26-36. Traces the news coverage and development of the English-language Providence Jewish Chronicle, the Rhode Island Jewish Review, and The Jewish Herald. Limited to discussion of coverage of Palestine and the Holocaust.

200 * . "The Rhode Island Israelite'. A Brief Glimpse of Jewish Life in the State in the 1890s," RIJHN 9 No. 4 (November 1986): 298-306. The history of the Yiddish newspaper published between 1894 and 1896.

201 Levitan, Tina. Jews in American Life. New York: Hebrew Publishing Co., [1969]. 253 pp. ill. Ninety biograhpical entries of two to three pages each, with entries on , Mordecai Noah, and .

202 Levy, Louis Edward, ed. The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen. Philadelphia: The Levytype Company, 1895. Contains citations to Lopez, Hart, Rivera, and Seixas.

203 * Lewis, Theodore. "A Matter of a Date," RIJHN 7 No. 2 (November 1976): 305-6. Although 's letter to "The Hebrew Congregation of Newport" has been given an attributed date of August 17, 1790, research indicates that it is likely the letter was written a few days later.

204 * . "The Plight of Isaac Touro," RIJHN 1 No. 3 (November 1977): 442- 3. Reprint of an article in Touro Monthly XIII, No. 5 (January 1977), which records the 1782 letter of Isaac Touro requesting financial assistance from the British to enable him to relocate in Jamaica. 244 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

205 * Sermons at Touro Synagogue, National Historic Site, Newport, RJ. ^ ' NewYork: Simcha Graphic Association, 1980.265 pp. A selection of sermons preached by Rabbi Lewis on the weekly Sidrah ( portion) at Touro Synagogue.

206 * "Touro Synagogue National Historic Site." Newport History 48, part 3 NoTl59 (Summer 1975): 281-320. A history of Touro Synagogue, its founders, and its architecture and furnishings.

207 "A Visit to President Gerald Ford At the White House," RIJHN 7 No. 2 (November 1976): 302-4. The spiritual leaders of the six Jewish congregations which had existed in colonial times (including that of the author, Congregation Jeshuat Israel) were invited to commemorate the Bicentennial together at the White House.

208 * Liss, Louis R. "Introductory Remarks: Touro Synagogue 1977 Annual George Washington Letter Ceremonies," RIJHN 7 No. 3 (November 1977). 437-9.

209 London, Hannah R. Miniatures and Silhouettes of Early American Jews Rutland Vt.: Charles TuttleCo., 1970.199 pp. ill. Jacob Rodriguez Rivera and Aaron Lopez are among those represented in this collection of black-and-white plates and biographical information on the artists.

210 Portraits of Jews by Gilbert Stuart and Other Early American Artists. I^tond VL: Charles Tuttle Co., 1969.197 pp. ill. Isaac, Judah, and Abraham Touro; j'acob Rodriguez Rivera, and Aaron Lopez are among those represented. Many of the originals reproduced are held in private collections.

211 *Losben AndreaFinkelstein."Newport'sJewsandtheAmericanRevolution," RIJHN 7 No 2 (November 1976): 258-76. Discusses the events leading up to the Revolution and the decisions of Newport Jews either to remain loyal to Great Britain or to join the revolutionary forces.

212 Manuscript Collections in the American JewishHistorical Society,Catalogued January 1968-June 1969.Waltham, Mass.: American Jewish Historical Society, 1969.27pp. Includes mention of Newport in the Moses Mendes Seixas Papers.

213 Marcus, Jacob R. "The American Colonial Jew: A Study in Acculturation" in Jonathan D. Sarna, ed„ The American Jewish Experience. New York: Holmes and Meier 1986, pp. 6-19. In the section on Newport Jews the author discusses their legal rights, commercial activities, and cultural strategies of survival. An Annotated Bibliography 245

1^x1^1^47 T^ti^Acommri ^>ocu^nentary History. New York: titled survey, this ^JS^S^a T** Smilarly- appeal from Newport T ^ ^ » 3 letterftomJoyce Myers> one-timeNetnrS^^t^f'^ 215

history of colonial Jewry Nb^-tL^^*1 f16™^ organized complete such history to date ^ * whoIe' Probab'y the most 216 s^rss^c rinnati: 217

the Revolution. Jewish Tones,and patriots in Newport during

V. j. A repnnt of Marshall's 1920 address Washington Letter Ceremonies in 1974 "" glV6n at the Ge°rge 219 McLoughlin, William G. Rhode Island- A BlCentennial »• Hi W.W. Norton, 1978. xiv 240 pnt A r ^ry. New York:


Washington Letter CeJome w KS g,Ve" " '"C an™<" George

221 Meislin, Bernard J Jewish I • a Publishing House, i^vti 233 PP ^^ NEW Y°RK: courts considered matters having a componeS JP ^h? " Which Amencan penod to 1976. K a component of Jewish law, from thecolonial

222Orphanage of Rfc^^ ^ Jewish 385-400. Discusses JOR1 iJSoLjpoSZ^^** ^77): remmiscences of adults who lived there as hddren ? ^ the 246 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

223 Lit* "Fr"y,and Community Networks Among Rhode Island Jews- A Study Based on Oral Histories," RIJHN 7 No. 4 (NoveiXr 1978V s n « Analyzes information (rainpH fmm ...

issue of a commemorative postage stamp. 1982)-5-6. Descnbes the

of a speech given in 1976. iy/6)'314"17- Text

227 ReUerous *"« Contemporary

228 7*, Of Religions: at in Pmrrir, j

UmteTsMef T"10fa Speedl Cetebrati»8 'eliSious freedom in che Index to Annotated Bibliography 247

231 Panaggio, Leonard J. Portrait of Newport. Providence: The Savings Bank of Newport and Mowbray Company, 1969. 136 pp. A brief description of Newport history and locations. P

232 Peirce,NealR -The New England States .-People, Politics, and Power in the Six Y°rk: N0rt0n' 1976" 447 PP" One chapter! Rhode Island: City, State, and Ethnic Laboratory," surveys current social and political conditions, using interviews with prominent figures. Frank Licht's governorship is briefly covered.

233 * Perlmann Joel. "Beyond New York: The Occupations of Russian Jewish mm,grants m Providence, R.I. and in Other Small Jew.sh Communities, 7900- 1915. American Jewish History 72 No. 3 (March 1983): 369-94 Discusses the economic adjustment of Providence immigrants to life in the .

234 ^;Edrrd S0Cial StmCture ofan Amencan City: Social Origins A L R? 3 Attainments in Providence, Rhode Island, 1880-1915 " Ann Umverslty Mlcrofllms> 1981. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard Univers.ty

235 Rl~~L- Sch00'[ng and Social Structu™ Among the Irish, Italians, Jews, and Sesf log? A™nCa\Ci'y-1880-19^ New York: Cambridge University mss, 1989. 336 pp. Assesses the variations in educational patterns and conomrcsuccess of members of ethnic groups in Prov.dencc. A revision of the author s dissertation, listed above.

236 Sir""' ed-;ihC Immi^ant W™" The Mirror 3 No. 1, (Spring 1977) University of Rhode Island Extension Division. Edited transcripTof o^hrstones conducted by U.R.I. students, including mtervie^ w K Arthur Einstem and Anne Kaufman Rose.

237 Pierson Willi™ N„ Jr. American Buildings and Their Architects- The Colonial and Neoclassical Styles. Garden City: Anchor Press, 1970 Contain^ a bn^escnption of Touro Synagogue and other designs * architect pTer

238 J*16 HebreW Free Loan Aviation, 1938-1950" ZZ f" ? ( Aember 1980): 9 M°8-An °f the Chesed ^^3" Association s minutes concerning the reasoning behind the Rhode Island organization's approval or disapproval of loans Tables 248 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

, o^r', n Grandfather of Discounts,'"RIJHN 6 No. 2 (November 1972): ] 91-202. Recounts the life and career of the Providence resident who developed the Ann & Hope discount retail chain. Illustrated.

240 * Pitterman, Marvin, and Bartholomew Schiavo. "Hakham Raphael Haim Isaac Carigal: Shaliah of Hebron and Rabbi of Newport 5533 (1773) " RIJHN 6No. 4 (November 1974): 587-603. A biography of the noted Rabbi, one-time Newport resident, world-traveler, and friend of Ezra Stiles.

241 * Piatt, Virginia Bever. "And Don't Forget the Guinea Voyage: The Slave Tfno^m ITT* of NewP°rt-" William andMary Quarterly, 3rd Series, A C ^1"618' Ana]yzes ^e fourteen trips made by Lopez's slavers to Afnca between 1761 and 1774 and concludes that slaving was not the dominant commercial interest of Lopez.

242 Tar Sl3VeS md New En land Rum: x*T '' ' ' S The Trade of Aaron Lopez of Newport, Rhode Island, With Colonial North Carolina" North Carolina Historical Review 48 (1971): 1-22. Discusses Lopez's shipping of New England cargoes to North Carolina between 1761 and 1775. 243 Plotz, Richard D. "Ursula and Her Rhode Island Connection " RIJHN 10 No 1 (November 1987): 37-44. The genealogy of the author's mother-in-law' Ursula Hirschfeld, who was related to the Heinemans of Warwick.

244 Polish, David. "The Changing and Constant in the Reform Rabbinate" American Jewish Archives 35 (November 1983): 286 ff. RabbiWilliam Braude of Temple Beth-El is mentioned.

245 ^Jr MUTray" American Jewish Biographies. New York: Facts on File 1982. ix, 493 pp. Biographical essays on 500 prominent Jews, including entries on Fred Friendly and Jacob Neusner.

246 Postal, Bernard and Lionel Koppman. American Jewish Landmarks-A Travel Guide and History, Volume 1. New York: Fleet Press, 1977.670pp A revised and expanded edition of the 1954 A Jewish Tourist's Guide to the U S The chapter on Rhode Island includes a historical summary and entries on sites in Barnngton, Bristol, BurrillviUe, Cranston, Kingston, Narragansett, Newport Pawtucket, Providence, Warwick, Westerly, and Woonsocket.

247 Raphael, Marc Lee, ed Jews and Judaism in the UnitedStates:ADocumentary History New York: Behrman House, 1983.348 pp. Contains a transcription of a 1767 letter from Aaron Lopez to his son-in-law, Abraham Pereira Mendes regarding their international business activities. Index to Annotated Bibliography 249

248 * Reinbold, James. "Perelmania by the Trunkful." Brown Alumni Monthly 87 (April 1987): 30-32,55. Discusses a collection, newly acquired by the Brown University Library, of one-time Brown University student S.J. Perelman's papers.

249 * Resnik, Bezalel Nathan. "Memoir of My Life," RIJLIN1 No. 4 (November 1978): 471-500. Illustrated reminiscences of the author's childhood in Lithuania, marriage, immigration to the U.S. in 1914, family life, and business ventures in Pawtucket. An edited version of a typescript in the American Jewish Archives.

250 Rezneck, Samuel. UnrecognizedPatriots: The Jews in the American Revolution. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1975. 299 pp. A solid narrative of the activities and movements of colonial Jews, both Patriot and Tory, during and after the war. Includes details on the Lopez, Mendes, Touro, and Seixas families.

251 Rhode Island Historical Preservation Commission. Elmwood, Providence: Statewide Historical Preservation Report. Providence: The Commission, 1979. 60 pp. Mentions Temple Beth-El, Temple Beth-Israel, and Jewish residences in the Elmwood neighborhood.

252 . Historical Agencies in Rhode Island, October 1975. Providence: The Commission, 1975. Includes a listing on the RUHA.

253 . Smith Hill, Providence: Statewide Historic Preservation Report. Providence: The Commission, 1980.46 pp. Mentions German-Jewish settlers of the 1840s and subsequently established in the Smith Hill neighborhood.

254 .SouthProvidence: Statewide HistoricalPreservationReport. Providence: The Commission, 1978. 82 pp. Includes descriptions of the architecture and community development of the Jewish neighborhood in South Providence from the late nineteenth century through the 1950s.

255 . The West Broadway Neighborhood, Newport, Rhode Island. Contains illustrations of the Abraham R. Rivera and Moses Seixas houses.

256 * Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association. "Resolution," RIJHN 8 No. 3 (November 1981): 297-8. Honoring Bonnie Goldowsky for her work for the Association. 250 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

257 * . "Resolution," RIJHN 8 No. 4 (November 1982): 447. Honoring Rabbi William G. Braude.

258 Rhode Island Office of Economic Development. Rhode Island City and Town Monographs. Providence: The Office, 1972-. 20 volumes. Presents statistical portraits of Rhode Island cities and towns, with lists of churches and synagogues and educational facilities for each municipality.

259 Robinson, Natalie, Margaret Newcomer, and Hadassah Davis. The Student As Historian : Learning History Through a Variety of Local Experiences — A Guidebook for Teachers. Providence: School One, 1980. 44 pp. A project undertaken at the Providence Hebrew Day School to study local immigration history.

260 Rockefeller, Nelson A. "Remarks at the 50th Anniversary Jubilee of the Synagogue Council of America, Touro Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island: May 23,1976," RIJHN 1 No. 2 (November 1976): 308-11. The Vice President's address at the Synagogue Council Jubilee.

261 * Rosen Benton. "As the Gentiles Saw It: Some Observations on the Providence Jewish Community, Circa 1909," RIJHN 6 No. 1 (November 1971): 76-80. Analyzes A Modern City by William Kirk, a 1909 socioeconomic study of Providence.

262 * "The Gemiloth Chasodim of Rhode Island: The Hebrew Free Loan Association," RIJHN 5 No. 3 (November 1969): 275-88. An illustrated account of the Providence philanthropic organization, founded in 1903.

263 * . "Gemilath Chesed Footnote," RIJHN 6 No. 1 (November 1971): 136. Identifies by name the sons of members of the Gemilath Chesed listed in records of the charitable organization.

264 * . "King David's Lodge, A.F.& A.M., No. 1 of Newport, Rhode Island," RIJHN 6 No. 4 (November 1974): 578-86. Statistics and history of the Freemasons lodge. 265 * . 'The Providence Conservative Synagogue — Temple Beth-Israel," RIJHN 5 No. 1, (November 1967): 81-99. Details the motivations and actions of the founders of Temple Beth-Israel. 266 * . "Samuel Starr, M.D., 1884-1950: A Biographical note," RIJHN 1 No. 2 (November 1976): 294-6. Records the Providence psychiatrist's comments in a 1932 Harvard College alumni report. Index to Annotated Bibliography 251

267 * . "Some Outstanding Jewish Athletes and Sportsmen in Rhode Island (1916-1964)," RIJHN 5 No. 2 (November 1968): 153-167. An illustrated review of the athletic careers of Maurice Billingkoff, Lou Farber, Harry Piatt, Gordon Polofsky, Henry Brenner, and Milton Emstof.

268 * . 'Temple Beth-Israel Finds a Spiritual Leader," RIJHN 5 No. 4 (November 1970): 428-435. Reprints in full the 1922 series of letters between H.R. Rosen, Leo Grossman, and the newly-elected Rabbi Morris Schussheim.

269 * . "The Touro Jewish Synagogue Fund: A Fiscal Review," RIJHN 6 No. 2 (November 1972): 236-44. Presents a history of the state fund intended to preserve the physical structure of Touro Synagogue. Extensive statistical tables.

270 * , ed. 'The War Diary of Harry A. Hoffman, 1918-19," RIJHN 6 No. 3 (November 1973): 328-59. Recounts Hoffman's experiences in the U.S. Army in France.

271 Rosen, Oded, ed. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Institutions: United States and Canada. Tel Aviv: Mosedot Publications, 1983. Lists addresses, personnel, and services available at 20 Rhode Island organizations.

272 Rosenswaike, Ira. "An Estimate and Analysis of the Jewish Population of the United States in 1790," in Abraham J. Karp, ed., The Jewish Experience in America, Volume I: The Colonial Period. Waltham: American Jewish Historical Society, and New York: KTAV, 1969, pp. 391-403. Newport's Jewish community history is traced to "the threshhold of extinction," with information from the 1790 federal census.

273 Roth, Cecil. "Some Jewish Loyalists in the War of American Independence," in Abraham J. Karp, ed., The Jewish Experience in America, Volume I: The Colonial Period. Waltham: American Jewish Historical Society, and New York: KTAV, 1969, pp. 292-318. Describes Toryism among Newport Jews.

274 Rottenberg, Dan. Finding Our Fathers: A Guidebook to Jewish Genealogy. New York: Random House, 1977. xiv, 401 pp., ill. Data on available sources and information regarding thousands of Jewish family names, including many relevant to Rhode Island.

275 * Rubinstein, Louis Baruch. A Centennial History of Redwood Lodge, Number 35 A.F. & AM. in the Jurisdiction of Rhode Island. Providence: Redwood Lodge, 1982. 144 pp. Relates the organization and activities of the Masonic lodge founded in 1877 by a group of Jewish Freemasons in Providence. 252 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

276 * . "Dedication of the South Fence, Patriots' Park, Touro Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island," RIJHN 7 No. 4 (November 1978): 541 -3. Text of an address delivered August 20,1978.

277 * . "Resolution," RIJHN 8 No. 2 (November 1980): 66-7. The RIJHA's resolution honors Beryl Segal upon his eightieth birthday.

278 Rudolph, Richard H. "Eighteenth-Century Newport and Its Merchants." Newport History 51 (Spring/Summer 1978): 21-38,45-60, ill. Includes data on Jewish merchants Lopez, Rivera, and Hart.

279 . The Merchants of Newport, Rhode Island, 1763-1786. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1976. 372 pp. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Connecticut, 1975. A study of the impact of Revolutionary ideas and events upon the Newport mercantile community, considering such figures as Rivera, Lopez, and Hart.

280 St. John, Robert. Jews, Justice, and Judaism: A Narrative of the Role Played by the Bible People in Shaping American History. Garden City.N.Y.: Doubleday, 1969. xvi, 390 pp. A popular account, containing the standard information on Newport colonials.

281 Sarna, Jonathan D. 'The Impact of the American Revolution on American Jews." Modern Judaism 1 (September 1981): 149-60. Discusses the wartime migration of Jewish colonials, the disruption of trade, the Washington letter to the Newport congregation; mentions Hart and Touro.

282 . "Jewish-Christian Hostility in the United States: Perceptions From a Jewish Point of View," in Robert N. Bellah and Frederick E. Greenspan, eds., Uncivil Religion: Interreligious Hostility in America. New York: Crossroad, 1987. Mentions contemporary approval of Ezra Stiles's friendliness toward Newport Jews as rooted in the perception that it was a likely means of converting them to Christianity.

283 . Jews and the Founding of the Republic. New York: M. Wiener Publisher, 1985. xii, 145 pp. Includes transcribed contemporary documents which describe the background and impact of the Revolutionary War on Jewish colonials. Particular attention is devoted to Lopez and Newport

284 * Schaffer, Eva Levine. "An Engagement, A Wedding, and Friendships." RIJHN 10 No. 2 (November 1988): 115-121. Describes the engagement, wedding, and friends of the author's parents, Emma Raskin and Joseph Levine. An Annotated Bibliography 253

285 Schappes, Morris U„ ed. A Documentary History of the Jews in the United States, 1654-1815. New York: Schocken Books, 1971. 766 pp. Includes numerous primary sources pertaining to Newport Jewry.

286 * Schless, Nancy Halverson. "Peter Harrison, The Touro Synagogue and the Wren City Church," The Clapboard 3 No. 1 (February 1971). Abstract of a paper tracing the stylistic roots of Touro Synagogue to a contemporary London building.

287 * . "Peter Harrison, The Touro Synagogue and the Wren City Church," Winterthur Portfolio 8 (1973): 187-200. An analysis of the prototype for Touro Synagogue, believed to be the Bevis Marks Synagogue in London.

288 Schoener, Allon. The AmericanJewishAlbum,1654 to the Present. New York: Rizzoli, 1985.342 pp. A "coffee-table book," this volume includes illustrations of items relevant to colonial Newport, with full-color photographs of paintings, objects, documents, and gravestone rubbings. Contemporary accounts are quoted; particular attention is devoted to Stiles, Karigal, Judah Touro, and the Washington Letter.

289 . The American Jewish Experience: From 1654 to the Present. Philadelphia: Museum of American Jewish History, 1981.64 pp. Catalogue of an exhibition; includes a chronology of events concerning colonial Newport Jewry.

290 * Segal, Beryl. "Agenda for the, Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes During the 1980's," RIJHN 8 No. 2 (November 1980): 68-70. The author presents his suggestions for the editorial policy and historical subjects of interest for the journal.

291 * . "Dr. Seebert J. Goldowsky, An Appreciation," RIJHN 8 No. 1 (November 1979): 5-9. A tribute to the editor of RIJHN from 1962 to 1978; records his editorial philosophy.

292 * . 'The Education of an Immigrant," RIJHN 7 No. 2 (November 1976): 277-93. A memoir of immigration to the midwestern U.S. from the Ukraine during World War I, adjustment to American life, and relocation to Providence in the 1920s.

293 * . "From Providence, Rhode Island to Yokohama," RIJHN 6 No. 2 (November 1972): 209-17. Traces the life of Samuel Mason (1880-1950) of Providence. 254 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

294 * trans "Gemilath Chesed: Hebrew FreeLoan Association ofProvidence," RIJHN 5 No. 4 (November 1970): 414-27. Translations of documents of the philanthropic organization, including budgets and memoranda. 295 * "The General Jewish Committee—The First Quarter Century: 1945- 1970 " RIJHN 6 No. 1 (November 1971): 5-36. Traces the development of an organization for the collection and distribution of charitable funds, later known as the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island.

296 * "Hyman B. Lasker (1868-1938): I. An Appreciation." RIJHN 5 No. 1 (November 1967): 101-106. Discusses Lasker's career and philosophy as teacher and director of the Talmud Torah of the B' nai Zion Shul in Providence s North End. 297 * "A Jew in the Russian Army During the First World War," RIJHN 1 No 1 (November 1975): 104-139. Continues the author's memoirs of life in Orinin, the Ukraine, before immigrating and settling in Rhode Island. 298 * Jewish Education in Greater Providence: 25 th Annual Meeting of the BureaiiofJewish Education of Rhode Island, June 8,1977. Providence: Bureau of Jewish Education of Rhode Island, 1977.19 pp.

299 * "Jewish Population of Providence, Rhode Island Estimates and StudiesOver the Years," RIJHN 6 No. 1 (November 1971): 49-55. Traces the methodology and conclusions of various demographic studies of Providence Jewry in the twentieth century.

300 * "Jewish Schools and Teachers in Metropolitan Providence: The First Century " RIJHN 1 No. 3 (November 1977): 410-19. A history of Jewish schools since 1854, considering the careers of Joseph Raphael Spiro and Myer Noot, among others.

301 * "John Nathan and Sevastopol,"/J////N 5 No. 3 (November 1969): 301- 6. Presents the advertising campaigns of a nineteenth-century Providence tailor. Illustrated. 302 * Know Your Community: The Story of the Jewish Institutions and Agencies of Greater Providence: A Manual for School and Home. Providence: Bureau of Jewish Education of Rhode Island, 1976. 67 pp. A solid history of Jewish organizations in Providence since 1830, including those devoted to the sick or aged, educational organizations, religious institutions, immigrant aid societies, and community centers. Index to Annotated Bibliography 255

303 * . "Leonard and Esther Halberstad," RIJHN 5 No. 4 (November 1970): 441. Records facts relating to two of the earliest Providence Jews.

304 * . "Orinin, My Shtetl in the Ukraine: Roots and Reminiscences,"/?////^ 6 No. 4 (November 1974): 542-77. A memoir of the author's native community in the Ukraine.

305 * . "The Third Seder and the Passover Journals," RIJHN 8 No. 1 (November 1979): 55-61. Discusses the Labor Zionists of Providence, their leadership, and publications.

306 * , ed. "Vaad Hakashruth of Providence, Rhode Island: Text of the Constitution and Bylaws With Annotations," RIJHN 6 No. 3 (November 1973): 454-64. Sets down the laws governing the board responsible for supervising compliance with Orthodox dietary laws.

307 * . "The Year 1905 in Rhode Island," RIJHN 5 No. 2 (November 1968): 147-152. Describes the relief work undertaken by the Jewish community, in Providence and elsewhere, in response to czarist pogroms in Russia.

308 * , and Seebert J. Goldowsky, M.D. "James Jacobs, Early Jewish Merchant of Providence, Rhode Island," RIJHN 7 No. 4 (November 1978): 461-70. Using early city directories and newspapers, traces information on the dry-goods merchant from 1824 to 1835.

309 Segall, Aryeh. Guide to Jewish Arc hives. New York: World Council on Jewish Archives, 1981.90 pp. Lists the RIJHA's history, services, and collections.

310 Seigle, Natalie R. "Stranger Than Strange Wives," RIJHN 7 No. 2 (November 1976): 325-6. The response of novelist Shirley Barker to an inquiry regarding her motivations for writing a novel set among the eighteenth-century Jewish community of Newport

311 Sickinger, Raymond L., and John K. Primeau. The Germans in Rhode Island: Pride andPerseverance, 1850-1985. Providence: Heritage Commission, 1985. 50 pp. A survey of German community organizations and notable individuals, including brief mention of the Jewish community formed between 1850 and 1880 by immigrants from Austria and Germany.

312 * Silberman, Frank A. "I Remember... A Memoir of Service to My Country," RIJHN 5 No. 3 (November 1969): 189-273. The author's recollections of his childhood in Kishinev, youth in New York, and service in the U.S. Army and Navy around the world. 256 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

313 Simister, Florence Parker. The Fire's Center: Rhode Islandin the Revolutionary Era, 1763-1790. Providence: R.I. Bicentennial Foundation, 1979. xiv, 258 pp. ill. A scholarly account with information on the war's impact on Newport trade. Touro Synagogue is mentioned as the site of a General Assemby meeting.

314 . Streets of the City: An Annotated History of Newport. Providence: Mowbray Co., 1969. Adapted from the author's series of radio talks, this is a popular and sketchy history of Newport, merttioning the background of Lopez Wharf, Touro Synagogue, Touro Street, and Rivera House.

315 Singer, Shmuel. The Torah Personality: A Treasury of Biographical Sketches. Brooklyn: Meserah Publications, [ 1980]. 317 pp. ill. Chapter-length biographies of orthodox rabbis, including "The Chachem* for the Colonies" on Rabbi Karigal, which details Rabbi Karigal's tenure in Newport from 1771-73, and "From Germany to Baltimore," concerning the career of Abraham Rice, who was asked, in 1840, to attempt the revival of the Newport congregation.

316 Sloan, Irving J., ed. The Jews in America, 1621-1977: A Chronology and Fact Book. 2nd edition. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, 1978. lx, 150 pp. ill. A detailed time-table, selected documents, and bibliographies. Includes a document from 1740 on the colonial naturalization of Jews and the 1790 letter from Seixas to Washington.

317 Smith, JudithE. Family Connections: AHistory ofItalianandJewishlmmigrant Lives in Providence, Rhode Island, 1900-1940. Albany: SUNY Press, 1985. A comparative study of the Providence Italian and Jewish communities of Federal Hill and Smith Hill, this book traces 72 Jewish families from their roots in Eastern Europe to the second generation in America, considering kinship networks, family values, and economic adaptations.

318 . "Our Own Kind: Family and Community Networks in Providence," Radical History Review 17 (Spring 1978): 99-120. Considers the cultural adaptation of Jewish and Italian ethnic groups.

319 . "Remaking Their Lives: Italians and Jewish Immigrant Family, Work and Community in Providence, Rhode Island, From 1900 to 1940." Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1981. Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 1980. Later adapted and published as Family Connections, q.v.

320 . "The Transformation of Family and Community Culture in Immigrant

*From Hakham, Hebrew for wise man. An Annotated Bibliography 15

Neighborhoods, 1900-1940," in Herbert Gutman and Donald Bell eds The New England Working Class and the New Labor History. ChicagTu of Illinois Press, 1987, pp. 159-83. Contrasts the experiences 7f Providence Jews and Italians in adapting to American life. Jews

321 * Smith Sheri L. "Jewish Education in Rhode Island During the Colonial of Jewish Education 47 No. 4 (Winter 1979): 26-32. Reviews^he efforts of Newport Jews to provide a proper education for their children.

322 Snydacker, Daniel. Traders in Exile: Quakers and Jews of New York and Newport tn the New World Economy, 1650-1776. Ann A^bor: University Microfilms 1983. Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, 1982 The

J6WS QU3kerS WCre Cn,Cial CataIyStS NetNew YorkS anNd Newport as ^centers of trade. —tabling

323 Steinberg, Sheila, and Cathleen McGuigan. Rhode Island: An Historical Gwde Providence: Rhode Island Bicentennial Foundation, 1976 284 pp iU Includes entries on Touro Synagogue, the Jewish Cemetery in Newport "and various communities in Rhode Island, as part of a tourist's guide toTes'ta"

^^^Y^^WYM^^^^^0^6^^-^6306^ ^ ^'omPen<^umofGenealogy. dZofH^hh' J • P,P" 8enealo^al charts with places and t A death, name changes, and marriages of Jewish families whose

325 "Ashkenazim vs. Sephardim in the Colonial Era." RIJHN 10 No 2 era° l^twjen the S^ ^h ^SCUSSCS Prevalen 1 tensions during^e colonial era between the Spanish-Portuguese Sephardim and the German-Polish Ashkenazim concerning ritual and community activities.

S 1968V IT-1mi RlV6I' Massachusetts''R/JHN 5 No. 2 (November cent^ town. account of the Strassmans and Landmans in the late 19th

•FirstAmerLcanJewishFamilieS:600Genealogies,1654-1977 Cincinnati" American Jewish Archives, 1978.419 pp. Genealogical charts of earlyAmerican

71 ^descendents>updating

* —Benjamin and His Descendents: A Study in Biographical Method "RIJHN5No. 2(November 1968): 133-44. Wntten by theGenilo^ 258 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

of the American Jewish Archives, this article describes the piecing together of scattered archival records to recreate the life of Benjamin, a resident of Newport in the mid-eighteenth century. Extensively footnoted.

329 * "Newport Jewry—Whence and Whither? 5 No. 4 (November 1970): 313-326. Explores the origins and later migrations of Newport Jews.

330 * Strasmich, Erwin. "Jews and the Textile Industry: Rhode Island and Fall River Massachusetts,"/?/jW/6No.2(November 1972):249-301.Information on the mills owned and managed by Jews in Rhode Island and Fall River from the colonial period to the 1970s. Map of mills in Fall River.

331 * Streicker Paul W. "The Story of Ahavath Shalom in West Warwick, Rhode Island," RIJHN 5 No. 2 (November 1968): 178-181. A reprint of aProvidence Journal article on the small Orthodox congregation.

332 Swan Bradford F. "Roger Williams's Most Persistent Metaphor," Rhode Island History 35 No. 4 (November 1976): 127-9. Concerns RogerWilliams s philosophy of religious toleration.

333 Synagogue Council of America. The American Jewish Experience. New York: The Council 1977 40 pp. A commemorative volume in celebration ol the Jubilee Anniversary of the SCA, which was held at Touro Synagogue and Mansion, Newport, in 1976.

334 Tarshish Allan. "The Board of Delegates of American Israelites, (1859- 1878)" in Abraham J. Karp, ed„ The Jewish Experience in America, Volume III • The Emerging Community. Waltham: American Jewish Historical Society, and New York: KTAV, 1969. Mentions the role of Providence's Congregation Bene Israel in the Board's establishment.

335 Toll William. "Jewish Communal History in an Ethnic Context." American Jewish Archives 38 No. 2 (November 1986): 187-92. Includes a critique of Judith E. Smith's Family Connections, q.v.

336 * Tsongas, Paul. "Address to the Touro Synagogue," RIJHN 8 No. 1 (November 1979): 120-4. Text of a speech delivered on August 26, 1979, concerning human rights violations around the world.

337 Twaddle Andrew Christian. Influence and Illness: Definition andDefinersof Illness Behavior Among Older Providence Males. Ann Arbor: University Index to Annotated Bibliography 259

Microfilms, 1969. Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 1968. Includes a correlation by ethnic groups, including Jewish, with self-defined states of health; based on two surveys which included 81 Jewish men.

338 * Twersky,Rebecca. "TheFounding ofa Jewish Community: TheEarly Years of Congregation Ahavath Shalom of West Warwick, Rhode Island," RIJHN 7 No. 3 (November 1977): 420-9. An illustrated account of the congregation since its incorporation in 1919.

339 * Viener, Saul. "Our Duty to Instruct: Reflections on Touro Synagogue," RIJHN 6 No. 2 (November 1972): 218-25. Relates the long-term associations between the Jewish communities of Richmond, Virginia, and Newport.

340 Washburn, Emory. "The Jews in Leicester, Massachusetts," RIJHN 7 No. 1 (November 1975): 34-41. Extracts from Washburn's nineteenth-century historical writings on Leicester and Leicester Academy, detailing the fate of Jewish Newport emigres, including Lopez, Rivera, and Mendez.

341 Waterman, Katherine U. "The Rhode Island Census of 1782," New England Historical andGenealogicalRegister 127No. 1 (January 1973): 3-17. Contains demographic information on the Newport Jewish community.

342 * Wax, Bernard. "Our Touro Synagogue," RIJHN 7 No. 3 (November 1977): 440-441. An address at the 1977 Annual Washington Letter Ceremonies.

343 * . "Rhode Island Materials in the American Jewish Historical Society Collections," RIJHN 7 No. 1 (November 1975): 171-4. A report on pertinent materials held by the Cincinnati archive.

344 Weinryb, Bernard D. "Noah's Ararat Jewish State in its Historical Setting," in Abraham J. Karp, ed., The Jewish Experience in America, Volume II: In the Early Republic. Waltham: American Jewish Historical Society, and New York: KTAV,1969, pp. 136-57. Includes Mordecai Noah's positive evaluation of Rhode Island as a possible site for his planned Jewish community.

345 Who's Who In American Jewry. Los Angeles: Standard Who's Who, Inc., 1980. 726 pp. Contains entries for some prominent Rhode Island Jews and a listing of Rhode Island Jewish institutions.

346 Withey, Lynne. Urban Growth in Colonial Rhode Island: Newport and Providence in the Eighteenth Century. Albany: SUNY Press, 1984.xiv, 183 pp. A study, largely quantitative, of the economic growth and social change, 260 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

impact of the American Revolution, and changing patterns of commerce in the two cities. References to Hart, Lopez, and Rivera.

347 Woodward, William McKenzie, and Edward F. Sanderson. Providence: A Citywide Survey of Historic Resources. Providence: Rhode Island Historical Preservation Commission, 1986. 279 pp. ill. With a forward by Antoinette Downing. Primarily an architectural survey, this book includes discussion of the Congregation of the Sons of David, the old and new Temples Beth-El, and Temple Emanu-El. 348 * Zurier, Melvin L. "How Jewish Parties Fared in the Rhode Island Supreme Court: 1870-1912," RIJHN 6 No. 2 (November 1972): 203-8. Reports the decisions of Rhode Island Supreme Court cases involving persons with "Jewish-sounding" names.

349 * . "How Jewish Parties Fared in the Rhode Island Supreme Court: 1913- 1924," RIJHN 6 No. 3 (November 1973): 385-390. A continuation of the author's earlier article, q.v.

350 * . "My Cousin, Mark Twain," RIJHN 8 No. 3 (November 1981): 283-96. An account of the Abraham Gabrilowitz family, one member of which, Ossip Gabrilowitz, married Clara Clemens in 1909. Photographs.


This list includes items accessioned by Rhode Island manuscript repositories since 1966. When a collection listed in the Egnal bibliography has had significant additions since 1966, or when it has been relocated, it has also been listed here. Ordinarily, these materials must be examined on the premises of their repositories.

351 Abrams, Maynard. The Ancestors of Our Children (and Cousins Too). Jacksonville, FL: Mendelson Printing Co., 1984. 195 pp. An illustrated genealogy of the Abrams family and collateral branches. (Includes Bomstein, Friedman, Gershman, Gerson, Goldberg, Kimel, Levine, Matusow.) RHHA Library.

352 Adelman, David C. Papers. Clippings, manuscripts, correpondence, and notes relating to Rhode Island Jewish history. 1 box. RIJHA Library.

353 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, R.I. State College. Cash book, 1932-38. RIJHA Library. 261 An Annotated Bibliography

354 Aronson, Maureen. Family Trees. Typescript, with photocopies of vital records concerning Harris Cohen, Charles and Fannie Stein, Hams and Ida Stein Cohen, and the Aronsons. RIJHA Library.

355 Babin, Nehema Ella. "A Study of Residential Mobility of Jews in Rhode Island, 1963-1972." A.M. thesis, Brown University, 1974. A sociological analysis of the quality and degree of change in residence and their impact on the cohesion of the Jewish community. John Hay Library, Brown University.

356 Batkin, Stanley J. TheBatkin Family Genealogy. Privately printed: 1987.116 pp., genealogical charts. A genealogy including essays on the early and medieval periods of Jewish history. RIJHA Library.

357 B'nai B'rith/Anti-Defamation League, Roger Williams Lodge. Collection including scrapbook (1944-45), clippings, photographs, reports, investigations of anti-Semitic incidents, a 1946 commemorative album, newsletter. 1 box. RIJHA Library.

358 Boyman, Alter. Commemorative scrapbook, 1937. Includes autographs and letters in praise of Boyman's community service, as well as newspaper clippings. RIJHA Library.

359 Braude, William G. Papers. Typescripts of sermons, undated. 1 box. RIJHA library. 360 Brown University Library. Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Rabbi Baruch Korff Archives at the John Hay Library, Brown University, November 4-29, 1985 and Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Rabbi Baruch Korff Archives at the John Hay Library, Brown University, May 23-August 31,1986. Providence: Brown University, 1985, 1986. 63, 38 pp. Descriptions of documents dating from World War II to the present, relating to Rabbi Korff s political and religious activities. John Hay Library, Brown University.

361 Bureau of Jewish Education of Rhode Island. Papers. Minutes from committee and directors'meetings, 1952-76; school council minutes, 1959-73; scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, 1952-75; annual reports, programs, bulletins, and announcements. RIJHA Library.

362 Burnside, George H. Genealogical Record of the Burnside-Hoffman- Rosenblum-MichaelowitzFamilies.Pnvatepnnung,n.p.: 1984.20 pp., including 17 pp. genealogical charts. RIJHA Library. 262 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

363 Congregation B' nai Zion, Providence. Architectural evaluation of Orms Street synagogue, 1968, with drawings, photographs, and specifications. RUHA Library.

364 Congregation Tifareth Israel (Macheka Hadas). Record book, in Yiddish, 1946-50. RUHA Library.

365 Cranston Jewish Center. Men's Club almanac, building campaign records, study group correspondence, memorials, invitations, flyers. 2 boxes. RIJHA Library.

366 Dorenbaum, Jennie Shaine (Mrs. Philip). Scrapbook: newspaper clippings, photographs, telegrams. RUHA Library.

367 Fain, Irving. Papers. Papers pertinent to Fain's activities and interest in fair housing, civil rights, poverty, and nutrition. Correspondence, clippings, principally dating from 1959 to 1970; interviews, organizational records. James P. Adams Library, Rhode Island College.

368 Farband-Labor/Zionist No. 41. Minute book in Yiddish, 1910-12and 1921-24. RUHA Library. 369 Fine, Benjamin. Collection. Papers of the noted educator and sometime Rhode Island resident, 1905-1975, including contracts and correspondence with his literary agent. 2 boxes. University of Rhode Island Library.

370 Fine, Samuel. Family Oral History. Interviews by Professor Charles Weiner at Fine family reunions in 1975, 1976, focusing in part on immigration to Attleboro from Eastern Europe. 4 tapes, untranscribed. University of Rhode Island Library.

371 Finn Clothing Company, Pawtucket. Ledger, 1930. RUHA Library.

372 Franklin Auto Supply Company. Business records, including tax returns, leases, legal papers, reports, contracts, predominantly from the 1940s. 1 box. RUHA Library.

373 Galkin, Sylvia Burrow Rossman. Memories Can't Be Bought. Typescript autobiography, 1983. RUHA Library.

374 Gemilath Chesed of Pawtucket/Central Falls. Account book, 1922-26.RUHA Library. An Annotated Bibliography 263

375 General Jewish Committee of Providence/Jewish Federation of Rhode Island. Yearbooks, 1942-72; publicity, correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs. Community Voice/Federation Voice, 1975 — . RUHA Library.

376 Gilbert, Louis N. Stranger Than —An Autobiography. Typescript, 320 pp. RUHA Library.

377 Goldowsky, Seebert J. Papers. Medical records, research fdes on Rhode Island hospitals, notes for biography of Usher Parsons. Rhode Island Historical Society Library. 378 Goldowsky, Seebert J. Papers. Photos, correspondence, memorabilia dating from the 1940s; Army scrapbook, 1943-46, including official papers, postcards, insignia. 4+ boxes. RUHA Library.

379 Guny, Elizabeth (Mrs. Harold). Papers. Newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, daybooks, memorabilia. Much concerns the Jewish Orphanage of Rhode Island. 2+ boxes. RUHA Library.

380 Graphics Collection, Lot 136. Photos of the Charles Street neighborhood ca. 1899. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

381 Graphics Collection, Place File. Engravings, prints, and photographs, some dating from as early as the nineteenth century, of Chalkstone Avenue, South Main Street, Temple Beth-El, Congregation Sons of Zion Synagogue, and Touro Synagogue. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

382 Hadassah, Pawtucket-Central Falls Chapter. Papers. Flyers, correspondence, photographs, clippings, program books, minutes, dating from 1937-79. 4 boxes. RUHA Library.

383 Hadassah, Providence Chapter. Minutes, 1923-31; invitations, flyers. 1 container. RUHA Library.

384 Hebrew Free Loan Association of Providence. Account books, records 1924- 50; annual reports, 1908-58; minutes, 1915-22. 33 volumes, 2 boxes. RUHA Library.

385 Hera Oral History Project. Interviews with 22 women, many Jewish, on 23 cassette tapes, untranscribed. University of Rhode Island Library. 22 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

John Hay Library, Brown University.

Tires Restricted. James P. Adams Library, Rhode Island College.

388 Jacob Finkelstein and Sons (Woonsocket). Teamwork. Volume 1 of the company newsletter, 1945-6. RUHA Library.

photographs, speeches, and articles. 1 volume. RUHA Library.

1950s-present. RUHA Library.

RUHA Library.

392 Jewish Federation of Rhode Island. Formerly the Jewish Federation for Social Services, q.v.

civic affairs. RUHA Library. "SS-S^-SSr^ "SSS2SSSS5 265 An Annotated Bibliography

397 Korff Baruch. Papers. An extensive collection, still being added to, of the professional papers of the rabbi, political adviser, diplomat, and author. Restricted. John Hay Library, Brown University.

398 Ladies Hebrew Free Loan Association. Checkbooks, recordbooks, 1931-61 (incomplete). RUHA Library.

399 Licht Frank. Campaign literature. Miscellaneous flyers from the 1968 and 1970 gubernatorial campaigns. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

400 Under, Abraham. Scrapbook, 100th birthday celebration, 1980. Photographs, clippings, letters of congratulations. RUHA Library.

401 Lopez Aaron. Papers. Additional material, accessioned since the 1966 bibliography; includes correspondence and documents relating to the construction of Lopez's warehouse, correspondence with merchants, invoices, dated 1762-1782. Newport Historical Society.

402 Mehlinger, Michael James. "A Commercial History of Newport, Rhode Island" AM Thesis, Brown University, 1972. 90 pp. Concerns divergent interests among the merchant community; particular consideration is paid to Aaron Lopez. John Hay Library, Brown University.

403 Menorah Society. Photographs and lists of members of the Brown University club, dating from the 1920s. Vertical file, John Hay Library, Brown University.

404 Messing Brett S. Materials from the East Greenwich resident and Brown University sophomore's unsuccessful 1984 campaign as the Democratic candidate for S tate Representative of R.I.'s 43rd District. Newspaper clippings, correspondence, flyers. RUHA Lilbrary.

405 Miriam Hospital. Newsletters and annual reports: The Miriam in the News (1970-present); and The Summit Report (1969-78). RUHA Library Papers: dedication and anniversary publications, annual reports and by-laws, miscellaneous correspondence, flyers, newspaper clippings. 4 boxes. RUHA Library.

406 Montefiore Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Association. Belle Fink Memorial Album. 1936. Memorializes members of the MLHBA. RUHA Lbrary.

407 NationalCouncilof Jewish Women, Providence Section. Yearbooks, 1905-27 (incomplete). RUHA Library. 266 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

408 Naturalization Records, pre-1900. Rhode Island Court Records. Providence College Archives. (Note: these records may be relocated to the Providence Supreme Courthouse in the near future.)

409 Newburger, Madeline. Scrapbook, 1953-57. Newspaper clippings. RIJHA Library.

410 Order of Hebraic Comradeship. Papers. Membership lists, minutes, financial records, programs, and newsletters, dating from the 1920s to the 1970s. 2 boxes. RIJHA Library.

411 Passenger and Immigration Lists. Indexes over 480,000 names from ships' rosters. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

412 Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Providence, 1912-1943. Microfilmed records, indexed by individual name. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

413 Passengers Arriving At Providence, Newport, Bristol, and Warren, 1820- 1871. Microfilmed passenger lists. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

414 Pawtucket Hebrew Beneficial Association. Account book, 1901. RIJHA Library.

415 Pembroke Oral History Collection, Christine Dunlap Farnham Archives. Interviews with Pembroke graduates, currently numbering c. 150, although constantly being expanded. Interviews focus on the women's family background, campus life, and subsequent lives. Many Jewish women are included. See No. 194 for guide, which lists names. John Hay Library, Brown University.

416 Perelman,SJ.Papers. 400items,mostlyPerelman'sclipping fde, manuscripts, some correspondence. John Hay Library, Brown University.

417 Providence Fraternal Association. Minutes, by-laws, 1963-72.1 box. RIJHA Library.

418 Providence Hebrew Public School. Book of Life. In Hebrew, 1908. RIJHA Library.

419 Providence Public Library, Rhode Island Card Catalogue. Includes not only pertinent books on given subjects, but also provides an exhaustive index of articles in The Providence Journal-Bulletin to the present Categories include: Bureau of Jewish Education, Jewish Family and Children's Service, Inc., Jewish Family Welfare Society, Jewish Federation of Rhode Island, Jewish An Annotated Bibliography 267

421 Rhode Island Fraternal Association. Minutes, 1938-13. RUHA Library

1 EvenIS SaK f Israel Drive W W T;n?r 1 ^ "' ' ° Bond

SET-Temp,e Beth-EI'Temp,e

divided into three groups: (1) interviews conducted in 19^ (2) in emews conducted by Gaiy Gerstle, focusing on WoonsocLt 976 84 and (3) transcripts from the University of Rhode Island oS^T 2 ' Working Women of Rhode Island 1981 S^Tt "ISt0ry ProJect' and Rose Bell, David ^ Ra>™d 26 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

All Rhode Island's Islands, Oral history collection regarding life on the Islands. Includes one interview with Arthur Rose. University of Rhode Island Library.

428 Rosen, Benton. Operation Israel scrapbook. Photographs, brochures, and miscellanea pertaining to Rosen's 1970 trip to Israel as part of an organized Jewish-American tour.

429 Rosen, Samuel. Memorabilia. Photographs, newspaper clippings, citations. 1/ 2 box. RIJHA Library.

430 Sack, Sallyan Amdur and Mark Weiss Shulkin. Search for the Family: A Chronicle of the Tzvi Hirsh Shulkin and Gelye Devorah Rosen Family and Those Related to Them. Bethesda, MD: Marshal Press, 1980.76 pp. Among the family members traced are the Cramers and Shulkins of Cranston. RIJHA Library.

431 Seefer, Minnie (Mrs. Joseph). Scrapbooks. Photographs, newspaperclippings, memorabilia, and poems, dating from the 1920s to the 1960s. RIJHA Library.

432 Senville, Wayne. "Jewish Identification Among Brown University Undergraduates: Two Surveys." Honors thesis, Brown University, 1973. 51 pp. Analyzes the results of two 1973 surveys of attitudes toward Jewish identity among approximately 300 Brown undergraduates. John Hay Library, Brown University.

433 Silverman, Archibald. Scrapbooks. Articles,newspaperclippings,photographs, citations, correspondence, dating from 1918 to 1960. 15 volumes. RIJHA Library.

434 Society for the Study of the Talmud, Kesher Israel. Pinkas, in Hebrew. No date. RUHA Library.

435 Society of Friends of Touro Synagogue. Newsletter, 1964. R.I. Historical Society.

436 South Providence Hebrew Aid Association. Minutes, 1902-06. RUHA Library.

437 Stein, Efram. The Story of My Life. Autobiographical fragment, 40 pp., typescript. RIJHA Library.

438 Suzman, Fred. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings and photographs. Suzman was a veteran of the Spanish-American War and a resident of Bristol. The An Annotated Bibliography 269

material dates from the early twentieth century through the 1950s. RUHA Library.

439 Temkin (Nathan) Family Papers. Correspondence, memorabilia, and newspaper clippingsrelating to the family and to variousRhode Island Jewish organizations. 1 box, 3 notebooks. RUHA Library.

440 Temple Beth-David. Minutes of Board meetings, photographs, record book, scrapbooks of the Mothers' Association, flyers, correspondence. Material dates the 1950s-1970s. RUHA Library.

441 Temple Beth-El, Providence. Announcements, newsletter, sermons, lectures. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

442 Temple Beth-El, Providence. Archives: approximately 150 linear feet of material, including papers of Rabbi William Braude, correspondence with Rhode Island rabbis, material on Jewish community organizations and social services, and oral histories. Cataloguing in progress. Temple Beth-El.

443 Temple Beth-El, Providence. Papers. Brochures, flyers, invitations, historical notes, photographs, newspaper clippings, commemorative albums, correspondence, Bulletins, dating from the 1940s to the 1980s; Artists Series scrapbooks, 1954-72, containing flyers, newspaper clippings, programs. 5+ boxes. RUHA Library.

444 Temple Beth-Israel. Papers. Bulletins, commemorative programs, Board meeting minutes, from 1942 to 1981; Sisterhood's "Book of Life," 1933-39.3 boxes, RUHA Library.

445 Temple Beth-Torah/Temple Torat Yisrael, Cranston. Weekly Bulletin, flyers, donor lists, calendars. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

446 Temple Emanu-El, Providence. Voice of Temple Emanu-El (newsletter), flyers, programs. Rhode Island Historical Society Library.

447 Temple Emanu-El, Providence. Temkin Collection. Includes a history of Temple Emanu-El by Joseph Fishbein, confirmation class rosters, building committee correspondence from the 1920s, notes by David Adelman on the Temple's history. 1 box. RUHA Library.

448 This Is Your Life Leah Michaelson. Scrapbook containing a 7 pp. narrative biography, photographs, and newspaper clippings concerning the Providence Zionist leader. Undated. RUHA Library. 270 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

431 SS^KC^ra^

aZ'cirr'f «« >««*. Interviews Tose S We„™


458 S^SSS" ?"T™ A Bibliographical Guide New York. Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1983.

459 Herman Edward, ed. Jewish and Their Backgrounds-Source, of Information. Chicago: American Library Association, 1976 f 271 Index to Annotated Bibliography

460 Kaganoff, Nathan M„ et. al. "Judaica Americana" in semi-annual issues of American Jewish History.

461 Lamar, Christine. Guide to Genealogical Materials at the Rhode Island Historical Society Library. Providence: Rhode Island Historical Society, 1985.

462 Parks, Roger, ed. Rhode Island: A Bibliography of Its History. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1983.

463 Zubatsky, David S. and Irwin M. Brent. Jewish Genealogy: A Sourcebook of Family Histories and Genealogies. New York: Garland, 1984.


Abrams (family), 351 Boyman, Alter, 358 Abrams, Lillian G. (Mrs. Saul), 46 Braude, Rabbi William G., 25,92, Adelman, David Charak, 72,153, 352 244, 257, 359,442 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 353 Braude, Rabbi Yizhak Aisik, 21 American Good Will Union, 419 Brenner, Henry, 267 Ansgar, Bishop Knute, 25 Bristol Jewish Community Center, 71 Aronson (family), 354 Bromson, Sol, 73 Ashkenazim, 15, 325 Brown University, 16,29, 30, 37,47, Associated YMHA, 419 93,140,194,195,227,228,248, 386,403,404,419,432 B'nai B'rith, 100 Builders of Zion, 89 B'nai B'rith/Anti-Defamation League, Bureau of Jewish Education of RI, Roger Williams Lodge, 357 361,419,424 Barker, Shirley, 310 Bumside (family), 362 Batkin (family), 356 Baum, Wener, 452 Carigal, Rabbi, See Karigal Beckman, Carl, 452 Central Talmud Torah, 419 Belkin, Rabbi Samuel, 29,30,129 Chase, Martin, 239 Bell, Raymond and Rose, 426 Chevra Agudas Achim, 71 Belmont, August, 14 Chevra Kadisha Association Benjamin, Myer, 328 of Newport County, Inc., 187 Beth Olam, 187 Chevra Kadisha Society, 187 Bevis Marks Synagogue, London, 287 Clemens, Clara, 350 Billingkoff, Maurice, 267 Cohen, Harris and Ida Stein, 354 Cohen, Harris, 354 Bloch, Joshua, 32 Congregation Ahavas Achim, 187 Bornstein (family), 351 Congregation Ahavath Shalom, Botchkad, Harry, 30 West Warwick, 331,338 Boy Scouts, 142 272 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

Congregation B'nai Israel, 89 Galkin, Sylvia Burrow Rossman, 373 Congregation B'nai Zion, Gemilath Chesed of Pawtucket/ Providence, 363 Central Falls, 374 Congregation Bene Israel, 334 Gemilath Chesed, See Hebrew Free Congregation Jeshuat Israel, 187,207 Loan Association Congregation of the Sons of David, General Jewish Committee, See 347 Jewish Federation ofRI Congregation of the Sons of Israel Gershman (family), 351 and David, 33,92,107,137 Gerson (family), 351 Congregation Sons of Zion Gilbert, Louis N„ 376 Synagogue, 178, 381 Goel Zedeick Society, 187 Congregation Tifareth Israel Goldberg (family), 351 (Macheka Hadas), 364 Goldman, Freda, 452 Conn, Jacob, 34 Goldowski, Bonnie, 256 Cramer (family), 430 Goldowsky, Bernard Manuel, 98, Cranston Jewish Center, 365 102,105 Cutler, Harry, 3,217 Goldowsky, Seebert J., M.D., 291, 377, 378 Daughters of Jacob, 419 Goldstein, Sidney S., M.D., 124 Dorenbaum, Jennie Shaine Great Sephardic Synagogue of (Mrs. Philip), 366 Amsterdam, 20 Grossman, Leo, 268 Einstein, Mrs. Arthur, 236 Guny, Elizabeth (Mrs. Harold), 379 Ernstof, Milton, 267 Gutterman, Rabbi Leslie, 25

Fain, Irving Jay, 96, 367 Hadassah, Pawtucket-Central Falls Farband-Labor/Zionist No. 41, 368 Chapter, 382 Farber, Lou, 267 Hadassah, Providence Chapter, 383, Feigenbaum, Benjamin, 163 419 Fine, Benjamin, 369 Halberstad, Leonard and Esther, 303 Fine, Samuel, 370 Hare, David, 173 Finesilver, Rabbi Moses Ziskind, 178 Harrison, Peter, 54, 82,237,286,287 Fink, Blima-Ruchel Cohen, 85 Hart (family), 202,278,279,281, 346 Fink, Harry H., 86 Hart, Esther, 214 Fink, Moe, 85 Hebrew Congregation in Newport, 1 Ford, President Gerald, 207 Hebrew Free Loan Association, 238, Freemasonry, 100,190,275 262,263,294, 384 Friedman (family), 351 Hebrew School, 419 Friendly, Fred, 245 Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, 419 Gabrilowitz, Abraham, 350 Heineman (family), 243 Gabrilowitz, Ossip, 350 Hillel Foundation, 140 Index to Annotated Bibliography 273

Hillel, Brown University, 386 Ladies' Hebrew Free Loan Hirschfeld, Ursula, 243 Association, 141, 398 Hoffman (family), 362 Landman (family), 326 Hoffman, Harry A., 270 Lasker, Hyman B., 296 Holmes, Brother Caedmon, 25 Levine (family), 351 Levine, Joseph, 284 Jacobs, James, 308 Licht, Frank, 63,222, 399 Jacobson, Joseph, 389 Linder, Abraham, 400 Jewish Community Center of Rhode Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 230 Island, 5, 139,156, 390,424 Lopez, Aaron, 13,19,48,52, 55,56, Jewish Family and Children's 64,75,82,104,127,131,168, Service, Inc., 419 201, 202, 209,210, 214,241, 242, Jewish Family Welfare Society, 419 247,250,278, 279,283, 340, 346, Jewish Federation for Social Services 401 of RI, See Jewish Federation Lyons, Rev. Jacques J., 172 ofRI Jewish Federation of Rhode Island, Mason, Samuel, 293 Inc., 295, 375, 391,392,419,424 Masons, See Freemasonry Jewish Home for the Aged, 223, 393, Matusow (family), 351 419,424 Mazure, Maurice, 32 Jewish Legion, 155 Mendes, Abraham Pereira, 250,247, Jewish Orphanage of RI, 379,419 340 Jewish War Veterans, 419 Menorah Society, 140,403 Jewish Women's Council, 419 Messing, Brett S., 404 Judah Touro Lodge No. 998, Michaelowitz (family), 362 Independent Order of B'nai Michaelson, Leah, 448 B'rith, 186,188 Miriam Hospital, 405,424 Misch, Marion L., 148 Kane, Benjamin N., 394 Montefiore Ladies Hebrew Kapstein, Israel J., 395 Benevolent Association, 406 Karigal, Rabbi Hakham Raphael Myers, Joyce, 214 Haim, 49, 52,175, 240, 288,315 Myers, Myer, 183 Karpeles, Leopold, 183 Myers, Rachel, 214 Katz, Moshe, 84 Kimel (family), 351 Napthali, Israel, 35 King David's Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Nathan, John, 301 No. 1 of Newport, 264 Nathanson, Max, 34 Kolodoff, David, 41,42,43,426 National Council of Jewish Women, Koopman, Harry Lyman, 396 407 Korff, Rabbi Baruch, 360, 397 Neusner, Jacob, 245 Labor Zionists, 305 Newburger, Madeline, 409 Ladies Progressive Circle, 449 274 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes

Noah, Mordecai Manuel, 106,201, Rivera, Jacob Rodriguez, 13,19, 52, 344 64,82,127,131,202, 209,210, Noot, Myer, 300 278,279, 340, 346 Rodenberg, E. L., 51 Offenberg & Kenen, 34 Rose, Anne Kaufman, 236 Olneyville Hebrew Club, 152 Rose, Arthur, 427 Order of Hebraic Comradeship, 410 Rose, Isaac, 34 Oxford Club, 100 Rosen, Benton, 428 Rosen, H. R„ 268 Paige, Philip, 155 Rosen, Samuel, 429 Parsons, Usher, 377 Rosenblum (family), 362 Pawtucket Hebrew Beneficial Rosenfeld, John J., 31 Association, 414 Peixotte, Benjamin, 107 Samuels Brothers, 154 Pembroke, 195,415 Schussheim, Rabbi Morris, 23,268 Perelman, S. J., 47,70,93,133,248, Second Congregational Church, 416 Newport, 168 Piatt, Harry, 267 Seefer, Minnie (Mrs. Joseph), 431 Polofsky, Gordon, 267 Segal, Beryl, 23,277,426 Providence Fraternal Association, 417 Seixas, Moses Mendes, 130,212,202, Providence Hebrew Day School, 157, 250, 316 259 Self Help Organization of Rhode Providence Hebrew Public School, Island, 2, 78 418 Sephardim, 13,15,325 Providence Jewish Chronicle, 199 Sholes, Morris B. and Natalie, 150 Pythians, 100 Shulkin (family), 430 Silberman, Frank Abraham, 101 Raskin, Emma, 284 Silverman Brothers, 34 Redwood Lodge, No. 35 A.F.&A.M., Silverman, Archibald, 433 275 Silverman, Ida, 226 Resnick, Bezabel Nathan, 420 Society for the Study of the Talmud, Rhode Island Fraternal Association, Kesher Israel, 434 421 Society of Friends of Touro Rhode Island Israelite, The, 200 Synagogue, 198,435 Rhode Island Jewish Review, 199 Sonneschein, Rabbi Dr., 107 Rhode Island Self Help, See Self Help South Providence Hebrew Aid Organization of Rhode Island Association, 436 Rhode Island Jewish Herald, 24, 199 Spiro, Joseph Raphael, 300 Rice, Abraham, 315 Spitz, Abraham, 34 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Spitz, Lawrence, 42,43, 89 Association, 153,252 Starr, Samuel, M.D., 266 Rivera, Abraham R„ 255 Stein, Arthur, 452 Index to Annotated Bibliography 275

Stein, Charles and Fannie, 354 Touro (family), 183,184, 189,210, Stein, Efram, 437 250,281 Stern, Nathan, 32 Touro, Abraham, 127,128,168 Stern, Rose, 51 Touro, Isaac, 82,203 Stiles, Ezra, 48,49, 50,130,166,168, Touro, Judah, 95,107,147, 165,182, 240,282,288 201,288 Strassman (family), 326 Tower Club, 140 Stuart, Gilbert, 210 Twain, Mark, 350 Suzman, Fred, 438 United Brothers Synagogue, Talmud Torah, B'nai Zion Shul, 296 Bristol, 58,451 Temkin, Nathan, (family), 439 Temple Beth-David, 440 Vaad Hakashruth, 306 Temple Beth-El, Providence, 21,26, Voska, Emmanuel V., 105 27,-32,92,137,173,244,251, 347,381,424,441,442,443 Washington, George, 1,203,218,220, Temple Beth-Israel, 23,159,251,265, 316 268,424,444 Wessel, Bessie Bloom, 162 Temple Beth-Torah, 445 West, Nathanael, 47 Temple Emanu-El, Providence, 138, Williams, Roger, 36,79,193, 332 347,446,447 Wolfson, Harry, 24 Temple Torat Yisrael, 445 Touro Fraternal Association, 424 Yelisovetgrad Progression Lodge Touro Guards Auxiliary, 449 No. 59 of the Brith Sholom, 453 Touro Synagogue, 5,10,12,19,20, Young Judaea, 454 39,44,45, 52, 53,54,81,125, 127,128,130,169,182,189,191, Zinn, Max, 149 205,206,208,218,220,224,225, 229,260,269,276, 313,314,323, 333,336,339,342,381,419,450 276 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes








BACK COVER Cover page from The Providence Passover Journal, 1954,28th annual edition, price 15 cents. The Journal was published by the Poale Zion, Pioneer Woman, and Farband in conjunction with a Third Seder, held to raise funds for Histadrut, Jewish Labor Federation in Israel. Edited by Alter Boyman, the publication contained articles in English, Yiddish, and Hebrew. The last issue of the Journal was published in 1964.The Third Seder no longer exists.