Agenda Item 4

Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

PRESENT: County Councillor M. Hickman (Chairman)

County Councillors: D.L. Edwards, G. Howard, S.G.M. Howarth, D.W.H. Jones, S. Jones, S.B. Jones, M. Powell and J.L. Prosser


Mr. T. James - Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer Mr. W. McLean - Head of Strategic Partnerships Mrs. D. Hill-Howells - Estates & Sustainability Manager Mr. R. Williams - Democratic Services Officer


Mrs C.D. Edmondson - Chair Mr. R. Cole Mr. A. Michie


Mr. C. Woodhouse - Abergavenny Town Council Mr. R. Adam - Chairman of Community Council


Dr. D. Studdert - Cardiff University

Five members of the public were in attendance.


1.- Apologies for absence were received from County Councillors R.F. Chapman, R.G. Harris, R.P. Jordan, K. Williams and from Mrs. J. Barnes.


2.- Declarations of interest are recorded under the relevant minute.


3.- The Chairman invited members of the public present to put questions to the Area Committee, or to raise issues of concern:

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

Highways issues on the B4598

The Chairman of Llanover Community Council provided the Area Committee with details of vehicle incidents on the B4598 that have occurred and been recorded by the Community Council since 31st March 2013.

The Chairman of the Community Council also provided the Area Committee with the following information:

 This information has never been undertaken before and no one previously has noted minor – not reported to the police – cases.

 Many of these incidents are extremely serious and it should be pointed out that others have occurred and have not been noticed or notified to the Area Committee.

 The Bryn y Cwm Area Committee created a sub-committee over three years ago but very little has been achieved to lessen the dangers of this road.

 There is a general trend that drivers are driving too fast for the road and the conditions, and in very minor cases with complete disregard for the law.

 The concern for the welfare of the community using the roads within the community, especially at weekends, has prompted Llanover Community Council and the local County Member to raise in six weeks a petition to reduce the speed limit to 50mph on the B4598. This was recently presented to full Council.

 The Community Council was pleased that a mandatory speed limit was being carried out near Llanfair Kilgeddin Primary School. There have also been two positive meetings with the Police Commissioner regarding policing the law on the following roads – Abergavenny to Usk B4598 and the minor roads to Raglan.

 The Community asked for the Area Committee’s support to install a mandatory speed limit to 50mph on these two dangerous roads to protect the community and to safeguard farming and hospitality industries.

 A large majority of the drivers that exceed the speed limit on these roads live outside , e.g., Cambridge, the Midlands, London and the Bristol area. They have no social

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

responsibility for this community and their leisure speeding activities are a concern to the whole community.

Members considered that the evidence gathered by Llanover Community Council was excellent and expressed their support for the Community Council that the speed limit on the B4598 should be reduced to 50mph. It was noted that Inspector Rowland Giles has been invited to attend the next Area Committee meeting.

We resolved that the petition, received at full Council recently, should be forwarded to the appropriate committee for consideration.

Car Parking Charges

A local resident asked the Area Committee whether any changes were being made to the current car parking charges within Monmouthshire, in particular, whether the changes might affect Blue Badge holders.

The Chairman of the Economy and Development Select Committee stated that the Select Committee was awaiting a report on this matter which would be received in the coming weeks.

We resolved that the Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer writes the Cabinet Member, County Councillor P.A.D. Hobson, to bring this report to the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee when available.

Monitoring of bats

In response to a question raised by a local resident regarding the monitoring of bats, it was noted that currently there were no bats using the bat boxes at the slaughterhouse. However, this was being monitored by Morrisons.


4.- The minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee meeting dated 24th July 2013 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendment:

Shale Lorries – B4598, second paragraph of this item, page 3:

Remove reference to Pontrilas Saw Mills.

This matter refers to lorries holding soil at the new market site. The Head of Infrastructure, Networks and sustainability has spoken to the contractors regarding this matter.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

In receiving the minutes, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Environment, Public Services and Housing stated that there were no plans to close the libraries at Usk and Gilwern.


5.- We received and noted the minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Castle Meadows Task and Finish Group dated 6th September 2013.

In doing so, it was noted that the Y Fenni Bridge would be officially opened by the Mayor of Abergavenny Town Council on Saturday 19th October 2013.


6.- We received a presentation by the Head of Strategic Partnerships regarding the next steps and future progress of the Bryn y Cwm Whole Place Plan.

The Area Committee was provided with the following information.

Current Position

• Whole Place Plan – developed.

• Vibrant and Viable Places Funding – outcome received.

• Work undertaken within Monmouthshire County Council to align work to the Whole Place approach.

• Next steps proposal – ideas developed.

Vision – Abergavenny and District

A vibrant market town with superb local environment that looks after everyone, offers quality of life experiences to all and welcomes visitors with open arms.

Theme 1

Abergavenny Town Centre and the wider business environment.

Theme 2

Making sure no one gets left behind.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

Theme 3

Strengthening Education and business links.

Theme 4

Creating a sustainable settlement.

The Whole Place approach is a new way of working involving public sector, local businesses and voluntary groups with an emphasis on collaboration, co-production, sharing responsibility and ownership. Traditional partnership structures and programme management approaches may not be fit for purpose.

Opportunities and Developments

• Borough Theatre – creation of a Trust.

• Breakin’ Out Festival – 2nd year of success.

• Park Street Project – community resource.

• Gilwern Cycle Track / Centre – awarded funding.

• Cycling Road Race Championships – finalists.

• The Hill – development of a business plan.

• Local Development Plan – final stages of approval.

• Housing - 900 new homes, S106 money and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions.

• Food tourism – Food Festival and Monmouthshire as Food Capital of Wales.

• Brecon Beacons National Park – S106 money.

Local Government Funding

• The outlook is severe, is deteriorating and is very real.

• Current financial modelling highlights a projected shortfall in excess of £9 million in 2014/15 rising to in excess of £23million by 2018/19.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

• If schools budgets were fully protected this would result in an average 28% reduction in all remaining budgets. • If schools and social services budgets were both protected this would result in an average 49% reduction in all remaining budgets.

• Council services will either change, stop or be led by others going forward.

What’s Important?

• Action – it is critical that we all deliver a visible impact in the area.

• Structure – one that allows all parties to participate in decision making and action.

• Success – we can show our progress to auditors, grant funding bodies, own governance structures.

• Openness and honesty – key stakeholders need to say what they can contribute, how and when.

Existing Groups

• Bryn-y-Cwm Area Forum (and its sub groups).

• Bryn-y-Cwm Area Committee (and its sub groups).

• Abergavenny Civic Society.

• Abergavenny Business Club.

• Transition Abergavenny.

• Town and Community Councils.

• Community Groups

The Programme Board could

• Take ownership of the vision and coordination of the activity.

• Be responsible for driving the programme forward.

• Monitor progress against outcomes.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

• Approve updates to the delivery plan.

• Take a strategic view the work.

• Ensure that projects are developed in a way that minimizes resources whilst ensuring maximum benefit.

The Programme Board – Membership

• Senior Responsible Officer

• Programme Director

• Bryn-y-Cwm Area Committee Representative

• Town Council Representative

• Senior User

• Programme Manager

• Town Team Representative

• Business Community Representative

Having received the presentation, the following points were noted:

 At least 50% of the Programme Board should comprise of community representation.

 In response to questions raised regarding the Vibrant and Viable Places bid, Capital Infrastructure Investment and City Regions, the Head of Strategic Partnerships stated that the Vibrant and Viable Places bid had been unsuccessful and the Welsh Government had been asked to provide the scoring sheets. Members will receive a briefing in respect of the Infrastructure Plan. With regard to City regions, the Chief Executive was the lead Director for the South East Wales Region. Monmouthshire was in a unique position with close links to Bristol and Gloucester for example.

 The establishment of the Programme Board and the Town Team will create major opportunities for Abergavenny Town and the Bryn y Cwm area.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

 The Programme Board’s constitution and details of the operation of the Town Team will be presented to the next meeting of the Bryn y Cwm Regeneration Task and Finish Group.

 The finalised Whole Place Plan will be distributed throughout the Bryn y Cwm area.

 In response to a Member’s question, the Head of Strategic Partnerships stated that a County Liaison Committee exists which meets with representatives of the Town and Community Councils within the Bryn y Cwm area. Positive discussions regarding the relationship with Town and Community Councils have been established.

 It was noted that two of the largest employers in the Bryn y Cwm area were located in the rural area and that they should be encouraged to become involved in the Whole Place process.

We resolved to receive the report and note its content.


7.- We received an oral presentation by Dr. David Studdert, representing Cardiff University, in which Members were provided with information regarding the Arts Humanities Research Council Project Performing Abergavenny: Building a connected community beyond divisions of class, locality and history.

Members were informed that this was the second project that was being undertaken in Abergavenny. Due to the current economic climate, large projects were no longer affordable. Therefore, there was a need to generate community cohesion and to find ways to get communities talking and working together. This has already commenced as partnerships have been arranged with Monmouthshire County Council, Abergavenny Town Council, ACE, the Borough Theatre, as well as many other groups / organisations.

This year there will be three projects running in two phases. The first phase has been undertaken which involved a series of interviews with the local community regarding Abergavenny Town and what residents liked about their town. Many residents liked the communal feeling within the town.

The three projects will commence over the next 10 months, as follows:

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

The History Project

This project started one month ago with 19 people committed to the project. The idea being to obtain historical photographs of the Town. A scanner has been set up in the indoor market where photographs may be scanned for this project.

A treasure hunt around Abergavenny’s historical places will be arranged at the end of January 2014 for local communities. It was hoped that commuters to Abergavenny would also attend and bring their families to the Town.

Performances and Plans Project – Borough Theatre - May 2014

The aim is to project the feelings of the local community with a view to unifying the local community and identifying that residents have many things in common.

Residents from North Abergavenny Estate will be performing at the Borough Theatre and a senior citizens group will be performing a number of songs.

Pool Day – 14th July 2013

Last year, many local residents had reminisced about the swimming pool in Bailey Park, which had created a sense of nostalgia. Therefore, a pool day will be held on 14th July 2014, with the support of Abergavenny Town Council, and local businesses will provide a number of portable swimming pools for the day. The idea being to commemorate a place of strong community and to create a fun, family day experience.

The Bryn y Cwm Area Committee will be kept up to date on the progress of the three projects. It was noted that the projects were being advertised via social media and the Abergavenny Chronicle.

The Bryn y Cwm Area Committee expressed its support for the three projects.


8.- We received a report by the Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer in which Members’ views were sought regarding the effectiveness of the Area Committee in terms of its community engagement role within the Bryn y Cwm area.

Members were informed of the Area Committee’s successes.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

The work of the Transport and Highways, Regeneration, Castle Meadows, and Litter groups, continue to inform and influence the workings of the County Council. The groups have provided a mechanism for the community and Council to come together to develop plans and actions, for example, “Abergavenny Aspirations” and the Castle Meadows Management Plan. In particular, the work of the Regeneration Task and Finish Group which reinvented itself to cover the whole of the Bryn y Cwm Area, and not just Abergavenny, has been wholly influential in shaping the approach to “Whole Place” in the Bryn y Cwm area for both the Council and its partners.

The general principle of community engagement has been further enshrined in the workings of the Area Committee, by extending the public participation from the 15 minutes at the beginning of each meeting by allowing contributions from members of the public throughout the meeting. This, supplemented by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Area Forum sitting with elected Members during meetings, and more recently the attendance of more Community and Town Councillors at the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meetings has strengthened the role of the Area Committee as a meaningful engagement vehicle.

This new approach has encouraged increased public attendance at meetings giving members of the public an opportunity to ask challenging questions which Members have increasingly embraced and sought answers and clarification from the County Council and other bodies. In practice, this has added a scrutiny role to the work of the Area Committee which has further encouraged public participation.

The Area Committee has also contributed in supporting local groups and causes and Members have issued grants that have been given to local sports teams, play groups, as well as supporting significant events such as the Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, and also the Bryn y Cwm Mini Olympics, an event that has engaged a whole raft of children to participate in sporting activities, leading to this now becoming embedded in the school year as a regular activity and building on the legacy of the Olympic Games.

Significant access improvements to Castle Meadows have made a real difference to the quality of life to people with disabilities who are now able to enjoy unrestricted access to the site.

In recent times, the Area Committee had considered local “hot topics”, including the disposal of the Hill, and the provision of a new Library on the former Cattle Market site, as well as the possible re-location of the One Stop Shop. In January 2013, the Area Committee jointly hosted with Central Monmouthshire Area Committee an extremely successful and well attended Business Rate Consultation Meeting.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

Having received the report, the following points were noted:

 Considerable progress had been made in recent years regarding community engagement.

 The commencement times of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee had been reviewed but public attendance at these meetings depended on whether the agenda items were relevant to the public.

 The clerking of future Area Committee meetings could be undertaken by the Town and Community Councils.

 Each of the four Area Committees operated differently. Therefore, the future of each Area Committee needed to be looked at individually.

 The Bryn y Cwm Area Committee was non-political, community based and was a good forum for discussing local issues.

 The Bryn y Cwm Area Committee was collaborative and listened to local views.

 96% of Monmouthshire’s citizens valued the County Council’s Community Spirit. Perhaps the local press could be encouraged to devote a page to the Community Spirit, or the County Council could re-instate it with advertising features to fund the paper.

 All Members and partners were able to meet and discuss local issues.

We resolved that:

(i) the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee should continue to meet;

(ii) the Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer writes to the Chief Executive requesting that consideration be given to re- instating the Community Spirit.


9.- We resolved to receive the minutes of the Coordinating Board dated 23rdJuly 2013.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.


10.- We received a report by the Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer in which Members were provided with information on local issues and activities in respect of the following:

Letter submitted to the Area Committee by Mr A.J.H. Jones

A substantive reply to Mr Jones from the Head of Adult Services had been sent. However, Mr. Jones had indicated that he had met the Head of Adult Services on two occasions and that the letter had not answered his questions.

Members were informed that The Cabinet Member and the Chief Officer with responsibility for Social Care and Health will be attending a future meeting of the Area Committee to address the issues regarding the social care requirements within the Bryn y Cwm Area.

Abergavenny Community Orchard CIC

Abergavenny Community Orchard

Members were informed that the Orchard at Mill Street had been leased by Monmouthshire County Council in 2012 to Abergavenny Community Orchard Group (ACOG) for 21 years. The orchard field, formerly waste ground and one acre in size had been fenced in October 2012 with grant funds from the Area Committee. Since then, 86 fruit trees including 40 cider and 20 Perry varieties from across Wales and The Marches had been planted by volunteers and children from Deri View, Cantref and Ysgol Cymraeg schools.

Volunteers including young people from the Youth Centre and Keep Wales Tidy had regularly carried out work at the Orchard throughout the year. Haymaking took place in July 2013 using “Austrian Scythes” to cut the grass which was then baled. Over a ton of hay was produced during the hot weather with volunteers of all ages working early mornings and evenings.

Further training for community volunteers in pruning and tree grafting were planned together with public events such as apple juicing and wassailing, which will take place in the Autumn / Winter of 2013.

Abergavenny Incredible Edibles (AIE)

This is the second project launched by ACOG and in April this year the group was helped by an inspirational talk by Mary Clear from Todmorden, co-founder of the rapidly growing worldwide movement

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

founded in 2007. AIE was the first branch in Wales and the movement was simply about food which was grown, harvested, cooked and enjoyed by all ages within the community.

The plants used in the first plantings were raised at the Gilwern Outdoor Centre and successfully planted and cropped at St. Helens Road Gardens, Monmouthshire Housing Association flats in North Abergavenny, the Youth Centre and Old Station Surgery. Further plantings were planned at other sites across the town including Monmouthshire County Council car parks, the railway station and other green / waste ground around the town. Occupational health professionals from Maindiff Court, who care for clients with memory problems, and who currently have to travel to Monmouth in order to “garden” have joined AIE in order to bring services closer to clients.

Memorial Garden, Brecon Road

The possibility of renovating this garden next to existing shop premises had been considered by ACOG, Keep Wales Tidy (KWT) and young people from the SOLAS Hostel at Woodstock House, together with local residents. Following a public consultation and meeting, a grant application was made to KWT. The application failed and consideration was now being made to raise funds from local grant providers and other sources. The reconstruction costs for the dangerous and crumbling encircling walls was approximately £6000 for materials and construction costs with a lesser amount for ground works for paths and disabled access. A regenerated small public garden would complement other works on public spaces such as Baker Street Gardens and the public library. It was envisaged that volunteer effort from local and young people and pro bono design from local landscape architects would provide a further addition to the regeneration of the town.

Request for funding from Gilwern and District Football Club

County Councillor S.G.M. Howarth declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this matter under the Member’s Code of Conduct due to his involvement with the football club. He therefore left the room taking no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

Gilwern and District Football Club had requested funding for equipment from the Area Committee grant scheme.

Having debated the issue, it was proposed that the Area Committee should approve a grant in the sum of £1000.

Upon being put to the vote the proposition was carried.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

We resolved to approve a grant in the sum of £1000 for Gilwern and District Football Club to provide equipment for the football club, as indicated in their letter to the Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer.

Request for funding from Hope Baptist Church, Gilwern

A request has been received from members of Hope Baptist Church, Main Road, Gilwern, for funding for some equipment that they wished to provide to improve community participation with the group.

Total estimated costs are in the region of £24,000, and the group had asked the Area Committee for a contribution of £5,000.

However, due to the need for more information, the application was withdrawn and would be re-presented to a future Area Committee meeting for consideration with appropriate information.

Charter Liaison Committee

The County Council was working closely with colleagues in Town and Community Councils across Monmouthshire to improve working practices and relationships in line with the Town and Community Council Charter which the County Council and the majority of Town and Community Councils have signed up to as an agreed way of working.

The Charter Liaison Committee met on 5th September 2013 and it was decided that an Action Plan, detailing how the arrangements and protocols for working together, be agreed subject to ratification by the Area Committee of One Voice Wales.

At the meeting, discussions also took place regarding the devolution of services at the most appropriate local level and what that might look like, recognising this was at the outset of the journey.

The representatives at the meeting were advised that the Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council would be looking to talk directly with all Town and Community Councils in October 2013, which will take place on 17th October 2013 at 6.30pm at King Henry VIII School.

Mini Olympics

The local Member for Grofield informed the Area Committee that due to the success of the Mini-Olympics held in the Summer of 2012, which involved a number of schools within the Bryn y Cwm Area, a request

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.

for £1000 was made to the Area Committee to help fund the 2014 Mini- Olympics.

Having debated the issue, it was proposed that the Area Committee should approve a grant from the 2013/14 budget, in the sum of £1000.

Upon being put to the vote the proposition was carried.

We resolved to approve a grant in the sum of £1000 from the 2013/14 budget to help fund the 2014 Mini-Olympics.

We resolved to receive the Update on Area Issues report and note its content.


11.- We received a report by the Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer informing Members of details of activities that the Bryn y Cwm Community Forum had been engaged in.

The Area Forum’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), originally scheduled to be held on 3rd October 2013, has had to be postponed and would be re-arranged in November 2013.

Mr Ian Johnston, Police Commissioner, has agreed to attend a meeting of the Forum on 4th November 2013 at 7.30pm at St Michael’s Centre Abergavenny.

We resolved to receive the Area Forum Update report and noted its content.


12.- We received the work programme of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee.

In response to a Member’s question regarding the condition of cemetery, the Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer stated that the concerns had been raised with the Grounds Maintenance Team and assurances had been made that the matter would be addressed. The Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer informed the Committee that he would monitor the situation.

We resolved that the Bryn y Cwm Area Services Officer would provide Members with an update on cemeteries at the next meeting via his Update on Area Issues Report.

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Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meeting held at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Abergavenny on Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 2.00 p.m.


13.- We resolved that:

(i) the next meeting of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee would be held at Llanddewi Skirrid Village Hall, subject to availability, on Wednesday 20th November 2013 at 2.00pm.

(ii) the commencement times of future Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Meetings would be decided at the next meeting.

The meeting ended at 4.45 p.m.

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