


3rd Meeting, 2014 (Session 4)

Wednesday 19 February 2014


Colin Beattie Hugh Henry (Convener) Colin Keir Ken Macintosh Mary Scanlon (Deputy Convener) Tavish Scott

The meeting opened at 9.30 am.

1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee agreed to take items 4 and 5 in private.

2. Section 23 reports - NHS Financial Performance 2012/13; and Management of patients on NHS waiting lists - audit update The Committee took evidence on the Auditor General for Scotland's reports entitled "NHS Financial Performance 2012/13"; and "Management of patients on NHS waiting lists - audit update" from—

Alex Neil, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, Paul Gray, Director General Health & Social Care and Chief Executive NHS Scotland, John Connaghan, Director Health Workforce and Performance, John Matheson, Director of Finance, eHealth and Pharmaceuticals, and Professor Jason Leitch, Clinical Director, Scottish Government.

3. Section 23 report - Reshaping care for older people: The Committee took evidence on the Auditor General for Scotland and Accounts Commission report entitled "Reshaping care for older people" from—

Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland;

Fraser McKinlay, Director and Controller of Audit, Claire Sweeney, Senior Manager, and Rebecca Smallwood, Performance Auditor, Audit Scotland. PA/S4/14/3/M

4. Section 23 reports - NHS Financial Performance 2012/13; and Management of patients on NHS waiting lists - audit update (in private): The Committee agreed to defer consideration of this agenda item to a future meeting.

5. Consideration of approach - Reshaping care for older people (in private): The Committee considered its approach to the Auditor General for Scotland and Accounts Commission report entitled "Reshaping care for older people," and took evidence from—

Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland.

The Committee agreed to seek oral evidence from the Scottish Government Accountable Officer and stakeholders on issues raised during discussion. The Committee also agreed to seek further written evidence from Audit Scotland.

6. Scotland Act 2012 (in private): The Committee agreed to defer consideration of this agenda item to a future meeting.

The meeting closed at 12.39 pm.

Jane Williams Clerk to the Public Audit Committee Room T3.60 The Edinburgh Tel: 0131 348 5390 Email: [email protected]