General Index
Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 8 1872 sir GENEBAL INDEX. W. signifies that the party is witness to a deed. Abbey, John, curate of Chartham, Angle, Saxon and Jute Boyal Pedi- 129. grees, by Daniel Henry Haigh, 18. Abstract of Proceedings, xxxix. Angles, traces of, in Norway, 203. S. Acheul, inscription found at, with a Animal remains, what, found at Eich- mixtui-e of Bunes and Latin letters, borough, 4; in the S. Jutland 234. mosses, 222. Acrise, inventory of parish church Aniwuluf and Henagia, alliance of, goods, 100. 175. JElfwold, King of East Anglia, his de- Ansagia, Bunic form of the name, 258. scent from Woden, 48. Anses, i.e., demigods, Gothic chiefs so JEsc, Esc, surnamed Octa, son of styled, 21; in reality, Woden and Hencgest I., 34; the Kings of .Kent his followers, 26. named ^Bscings after him, il>. See Aorio and Araric, Kings of the Q-otlis, Octa. 22. JEthelbald, King of Mercia, his de- Apostasy, how defined by the Deere- scent from Wybba, 48. talists, 66 ». JEthelberht, King of Kent, his descent Arendt, the Danish antiquary, 258. from Woden, 48. Aroudell, Eiohard, churchwarden of 2Ethelred, King of Moroia, his descent Egerton, 146. from Woden, 48. Arthur, the twelve victories of, 33. JEthelstan, son of JSthelwulf, pro- Asar. See Anses. bably St. Neot, 44. Asgard, its position, 21. .ZEthelwealh, King of Sussex, 264, Ash, near Davtford, inventory of parish JEthelweard, his genealogies, 20, 84; church goods, 104. regards Woden as an historical per- Ashford, meeting of church goods sonage, 25; on Ese, surnamed Oota, commissioners at, 86; inventory of 34.
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