V olume IV.—No. 20, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1893. Whole No . 176

I'nioii Fariuers Club. * | AiiiiiihI Ituildlng anil Loan Meeting. Mtoam T*rliitlnK IIoiiHe. For the best watch r»‘i)iiiriiig go to Businf :ss Locals . Krepps, DeWitt Co. We dt-fv coiitpel i- The December meeting of the Fnion | t the atininil meeting of sKMikholderH n'HE NEWS tioii Hip* eiigniviiig. Farmers’ (^lub was held with .Mr. and in tla> St. Johns Biiiltling and Loan .As- 2^'he b«>Ht time to buy a (li’es.s is when All Iiiditpeiiili'iit NewH|>H|>*;r, .Mrs, J. L- Holbrook on the 2-’ird, The! Kocintion liohJ last Monday night, ('. C. dresH goods are sold to close out stock. PiibliHhei.] every Tuwilav from tlie Enten TS"X: Wl-i 1la'T't-i. meeting was not so well attended us’ A’^atighan, ('. S. .Allison and D. S. French Chapin & Co ’s. Block (^iriH-r of State unci SitrinK StreetH, by usual as jireparalions for ChristmuH w«‘r(* r»'-«‘lccf**d dins'tors for three years. Go to the BHiiner Restaurant for 1.0 I H« 13. GIBWiS. Uobet t Yomi'j is cotifliied to liis liotiie ke|>t n good many awu.v, those however, . Til)* directors held a session at tlieclose Sqaai-e .Meals, Conb'ctioiiary. Ici* (’ream, Eilitor 1111(1 Proprietor, ill l)'.i))hiiH. lie is soiuewliiit better at who w«‘re then* enjoytnj a feast of good of the nic<«ting ehxaing the following as Tobacco and Cigars. AV. H. Watts . At 75 rentH a Year atrlctl^ in Adranro. this writing. * tilings. The voluntiry iirognim was a | otficets for tlie ensiling year: D. S. Flcctric Seal (’aja'S «ith Martin Collars CnrdH of tlmiikH U." eeiitH encli. success in every sense of the word. The i Frencii, president; (\ S. .Allison, vice- Chapin LeKol XotlceH at Ktatnte ruten. .Mont Myers tiiid family, of St,.lolins, -At & Co ’s. Alarrlnifc Hml l»“nth not l»■^‘H free. are visiting relatives in .Mortice, Shia- election of oflicers for the coming ytuir 1 l)resident; (\ K. Rail, treasurer and F. lUiHliieHH localH 5 eentu per line each time. i'Inno and OrKaii. nuHliiewH Directory cardn $1 a line per year. wnKS(H,> county. was held which resulted in the re election j S|)anlding, s(?cretHry. Ai)praisal ooia- For sale or exchange a good second Tranxient advertisiuif payable in advance. .feroine Clark was stricken last wwk of the present oflicers. It was tlien de ­ mitlA*: D. S. Frencli, (!. F. Ball and K. hand sipiare jiiano ami organ, clieuii. A. Yearly advcrtlHliiK ratea made known on good bargain can Is* had if you call soon. Application. with a slight stroke of i»aralysis but is cided to clmnge our day of imeting buck ^ (’. Whetstone. Anoiiymoiia comiiuiiilcatioiiK will never re­ Fnqiiire of to Saturday jih hen*t.ofore. The pro -1 Business has l)»*en exctdlenf daring the ceive notice. now oHt of danger. 'I'llEO. I’HICE. I.ocala anion^t readinir matter 10 centa per gram For the January ’ meeting will be as ])ast year, the financial report showing a line eacli Insertion. •Mr. and .Mrs. C.(^ Vaughan entertained Obituary poetry or n‘Holutiona will poal- follows: I net [)iofit on each share of the first Yon will have to hustle if y’ou get one a contj)any of friends Inst Saturday at tea lively not be Inaerted unleaa itaid for at MOKNINO HKSHION. series, which has ran 154 weeks, ofliJ.Dt). ol those bargain cloaks cents per line. and for the evening. -At Chapin & Co ’s. Addivaa all commiinlcat Iona to Music. . I ST. JOHNS NEWS, St, Johns. Mich. Rev. W. (\ .Mien is eondiieting a series Reading of Minutes. .Attf'iilioii. Paper by Host —DiHcussion of the same. ( ADDITIONAL COUNTY NEWS. of meet ings at I he Congregat ional chii rcli. To those wild iiK) in ni,v debt it would Recitation, .Mrs, AVm. Woodbury. Business Directory . Service each evening e.xcejjt Saturday, IDFA'.—Mr. and .Mrs. (Jallager ’s oblige me very much to s(*ttle by Juiiu- Music. ] ary 1, ’DR. Yours resjiectfiilly, cotnnieneing at 7:. ‘R) o ’clock. nniiHM'oiis friends fieudiMl By .Mr. .ATTORNEYS. AKTKU.\00.\ SICSSIO.N. I 174w4 ' C. A. i’cTT. .Music. and .MI’S. ()wen, paid them an iin- Tlie recent nddilions to tluf fall of snow expti’ti’d visit, Friday' evening. .’\ll e:i- rpiNKll.XAl A ItK, Attorneys at Law, Roll call. ! R It’s t he (pmliry of goods at (’liuiiin & I St..Toliiia. Otllce in Opera lloiiai* lilock. jtjyed n good time and hefor** Iciivimi’ I in this locality have Ixs'ii making an ex­ Question for general discussion: “Does' Co ’s I ha I makes them sell so fast X LUItl IMiK A OSJtOKN. Otlice over cellent road-bed for tlie (*.\tra amount Success in Life Depend More on Ones’ Excr- j pres< ntea Mrs. (iailager with a heaimfni Allison ’s jewelry store, St. Johns. swing rockei ’. w wliich came Sunday night and .Monday. tlons than on Circumstances?” j I Till' very’ best old wines and liijnors for "^OltroN A WICIHKU. OlHce over Nixon Suggestions for benefit of the did). } I.em AVebster’s bnby is j)relty sick. inedi( ’inal use. At R'havis A Baker ’s. 3.^ A Go ’s, hard ware, opposite 'I'he Steel. The scliool board has .selected asteacli- Selection by Grant Cleveland. M .*s. .fas. Wright is on the sick list. er in music and .(>00. f’ortier ol dreth is a very great suff(*rer ami has tlie Draw a line aliout town and you'll find MWalker and Spring streets, .St. .lohns. .Mon ­ rireived a telegram Friday aiiiiounciiig tion will hold its ninth unnnal conven-! synipatliy of theentire neighliorhood. the center of Hie circle is ey to loan. Investments made, inoftjfaKes lor the death of his brother-iii-law. Noble I>. Chapin A Co ’s. sale. A few pieces of land for sale. 1 tion in Fioneer Mall, in the ('apitol build-1 Davis Darks, of Fowler, agml 104 Ricliardson, of I‘aw l*aw, Mich. .Mr. ing at lainsing, Feb. 1, 2 and R, inelu-j years, rode from Fowler to Sontli Riley, Try J''’avoiiie Cream, 15 cents a bottle, Richmond attended his funeral Sunday sive. Rev. .Anna Sliaw will give uu ad-1 about fifteen miles, on one of the coldest for cliupiied hamis, RIIYSK'I.VN,'?. days we have had this year, returning home Monday. dress and n fine progrttm lias been jire- -At'J’ravi .s A Baker ’s. NK. A. .1. AVKitilN.S, Phvsiclan and .Stir I/ iceon. otlice over Sullivan ’s t.'lothlni: fiared for the occitsion. Ilnlf fare is e,\- OWLFR.—Mrs, .Alice .Schemer was on Wuiileil at Once Store. 4Stf A N N O I’ N t E K .N I’S. I»*cled on railroads and free entertain ­ the sick list week but is now eonva- Lady apiirentice. Imiuireat lesciiig. Fr<*d .Myers is still con ­ .AI. PO.ST .M. I>. Physician. Snrjieon and | 'riic King ’s Daughters will meet with .Miss ment will lie furnisiied. Tills ^will nfford tf J’Ll'NKE'r'r’s S'l'I’DlO. S• .No'itary Public Otlice east side of main Drewney Bromley Tuesday evening. Ffined to his room. Samuel H. Darks is St., Kureka, .Mich. n fine op|)ortnnit.v to s(‘e the legi.slators still confined to his bed. .Air. Harper is Diaries for IHUR. R'ravis A Baker ’s, .V sj>ecliil meeting of the Knights of the AKY’ P. IIAVLNS, .AI. 1). OlHce over It. in session, listen to their debates and to imjirovin).' slowly. Davis Darks and wife .Maccuhees Is called for the installation of who are sjieiidiiig tlie winter with Orrin Wanted. .1. WoodrulT ’s store. .St. Johns. Otflce olHeers next Thursday evening. me«*t tnan.v of onr nolile women jind nu'ii hours:M i) to 11 am and 2 to o lun. 1 I’arks are each in poor healtli. Fight or ten head of young cattle, one of whom 1 las stJife Inis always Ixhmi so to two years of age. H. D. Keys, The Ladles' .Vld Society of the I’. B.elnirch, Fdgar Nowland is learning telegrujihy It. .1. W. POLL A HI), Phvsiciau and Sur­ will meet with .Mrs. Geo. Root, of Southwest liroud. Sec. 2, Bingham. geon. OlHce over Wilson's cl<*thinif store. at ('oninna. DHesidence corner (’ass and Ottawasts, 117-1Bingham, .Ian. 18, at in o ’clock a . .m. All .A cordial invitation is extended to till, are invited. Frn(*stScliemerretuniiMl to the medical Fine hand-picked sage .l. TIl.V A’is, Al. l>. Physician and .Sur­ Fha .nces (’. Staffoig ), college lust week. -At Travis A Baker ’s. geon. Otlice over Fildcw a .Millmaii’s .St. Johns Guild will give a geographical Ttirujc store. Itesldence. Wit'ht at. near (’ass,social at the ladies ’library rooms Wednesday Dii-ector for Hth Dist. .Mich. V. S. .Mrs. Willi.s Biillurd, of Owo.sso, visited C lot 111 n;.; Cleaned and Re|iaired. Diseases of Women tmd (’hildren a spis-lallty. evening of this week. Vdiiiisslon 25 cents. in town last week. f would resjiectfully solicit the patron ­ .\ cordial invitation is extended to all. Real Estate. Mrs. Covert, of Ovid, made a short age ol St. Jolms people who wish any­ stay at (i(*o. Baldwin's last. week. TATK SAVINOS DANK OF FOWLED, The home and foreign mlssionaro societies John Curtis to Abiicr .M Letts, h.t U! block thing done in the liiit^ of cleaning or re- s .MICHIGAN. of the.M. K. ehurch will give a tea at the 3, C R & W addition, F3slc, #580. Thi?re will be a social and oyster suppar ]>aii’ing clothing. Leave work at my' home of .Mrs. Goette Friday afternoon, Jaiiu- Marlon A Davton to Orville Easton, HO at the M. F. church by the League Sat­ home corner of Swegles and Cass streets. ury 13. I'ea will he served from ,1 to 7. acres siH s 28 and .33 Watertown, #4,000. urday evening. -A. De (’laire . CAPITAL, Jl.I.OOO. Henry’ .1 Weller to Frank B RIcc, 120 acres Come to the meeting of the Congregational •Air. ail^j Mrs. .Snelling occiiji.v the .AKvays itoomin^. Y, I*. S. C. E. next Sunday evetdng. Subject, see 19 Bingham, #7,000. rooms in Frnest Schemer’s house vacated Net .Assets of Stockholders, #.100,000. Do not forget that, nithongh we are "Strength and God ’s Work; How to Obtain .M .McDonald et al to Adaliiie Molnct, jiurt by .Air. Dowers. of lot 3 block 2, St .lohns, #5,000. not constantly talking about it, we are it and How to Use it.” Leader, .Marguerite .August Herman and famil.v moved to Doing Bpsiness and the returning pat- C. OltCLEIl, President. Kinmond. F S Davis to C A .lohnson, lot 19 block H, Owosso last wwk where he i.s emjiloyed .MICHAEL SPITZLEY, Vice-Pr.*sldent. Ovid, #475. ronag»> ()f former years betokensthatour The Dorcas society of the Baptist church, in a mamifactni’ing shop. I). H. POWEU, Cashier. Win F Gardner to Adidinc Molnct, lot 2 j work gives satisfaction. Call before go- will meet in thele<-ture room of that church block IK), St .lohns, .$.158. Willie U(*ller returned to Satur­ ' ing elsewhere. (). G. I’ia 'Nkett . DIUECTORS: on IVednesdny afternoon, January 11. As Henrv’ E M'albrldgc to Frank S Davis, i)art day to college after spending a two Over (Riapin A Co ’s store. Oruler. Michael Sidtzley, D. H. Power, It Is election of officers please let us have n of lots 18 and 19, block 2, Ovid, #(500. week’s vacation at hoine. .foseph Cook, Otis Ftiller. good attendance. AVatches, clocks and jcwerl.v, cleaned, .Mrs. Josie (,’ofHn, of (Corunna, after repaired and warranted at .Aliisons. There will be a social at the residence of A. spending the holidays with friemJs here Fire Department Ottlrers. Interest paid on all time denosits. E. Richardson, on Oakland street, I'ucsda.v returned to her home Saturday. For .Sale. Money loaned on notes and mort;?ajfes. day evening. January 1(). The proceeds are The following w(,*re elected officers of Mr. Leetch and famil.v to Durand A good farm of 80 acres for sale cht'ap, for the benefit of the M. E, Sunda 3' school to attend the funeral of Layton Leetch, on easy terms, 70 acres good improve ­ orchestra. Bill, 20 cents. tlie St. Jolms fire deoartment at their tT.VTK ItANK OF ST. .lOllNS. animal imteting last Saturday evening: Sunday, who was murdered on the 1st ment, good buildings, 10 acres good S inst. timber and good water. Will take.f 1,000 CO.M.MEDCIAL AND SAVINGS. Petit Jury President —George A. Estes Vice-president —Frank Hyatt. Fpworth Ix'ugue next Sunday evening or Id, 500 down. A, Gra .nger , The following in tlm list of jietit jiiroPH SiHTetar.v—Will Holmes. as usual at the .M. F. church. Subjc'Ct, St. Johns, -Mich. CAPITAL $.*»0,()«0. “Wages of ,'sin.’’ Leader, Henry' Alta- drawn for the February term of the Treasurer—.M. A. Ilnlse. Rheumatism cun'd by a :p2 anti-rheu­ Cliiel—Wlll Crlcli. viiter; essayist. Miss Hattie Lance; NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS, $900,000.00. ('ireiiit (Tourt for ('linton covnly to con ­ reader, Miss lOlla Stevens. matic ring, wurrant(?d. Sold by Allison, Assistant chief—Ed. B. Krepi)s. the jew’eler. POUTER K. PERRIN. President. vene Febniar3’ (*, l8f)R: Steward —E. E. Talmndge. .VDLF R.ADIDS,—Some of onr GEO. F. .MARVIN, Vice-President. Arens .Xnthonj-...... Westphalia Annual .Meetiiii;. Avery Sanford (’...... Bingham people will open the ice cutting .1. W. FITZGERALD, Cashier. LITERARY NOTES. season Monday morning. The The annual meeting of the Clinton H. H. FITZGERALD, Asst.C Boughtoii Edward I’...... Olive County .Agricultural and Horticultural Burnes Henry il ...... Biley tVe have Just received the.Innuary Issue of Mice is rejiorted to be from eight to ten DIRECroKS: the Farm Journal, the well-known and inches in thickness and of fine qualitv. Society will be held at the ( ourt House, Bund Charles...... Essex St. Jolms, .Saturda.v, January 14, 180R. P. K. Perrin, O. W. .Mnnc;er. Geo. F. Marvin, Botsford Varlan C...... Oreeiibush popular monthly farm paper, puhlishcd b.v L(‘()n Hoi r’s fever has ri'lnmed and he Decattr Rross , Sec’y. .1. H. C(»rblt, .1. H. Fedewa, Otis Beckett .lohu L...... Olive Wilmer Atkinson. Every farmer, gardner, is now in a critical condition. Fuller. Edwin E. White, .las. stock breeder, orclinrdlst, dairyman, poul ­ Bund Ixjster K...... Riley' Mrs. AVm. Wriglit, of North Shade. #1.0(10 Richardson. C. S. Allison, Rlakeslee Charles E...... Bengal try man, their wives, and even the boys and Gratiot county, died on Thursday’ Janii- G. E. (’orbln, Jesse ('lark Holmes T...... Watertown girls will find It crowded full of helpful In­ ar.v 5. after a severe illness. Slieleaves a Cash will bu,v a good filnc(; in splendid .Sulllv.T.n. Dennison .1. C...... Ovid formation. It aims to be practical rather host of sorrowing friends. neighborliood where values are steadily than theoretical, to be brief and to the point, rising. This is a bargain. Inquire of 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Dep(>^It4 Moots Reuben ...... DeWitt earnest and jirogresslve. with no iix to grind Tlie second sennon of the serif's of xl72 feet. AVill sell on easy^terms or No 2 Red wheat, new or old,...... HTifn.W or hobby to ride. It Is for the farmer first, union Gospel tenifierance me(?tings, was exchange for small farm. Oats...... Milne Jdliii W...... Dallas Alsyke Clover...... S.l-#" .10 Piggott F. M...... Ix-'banon Inst, and all the time. Send u postal to held at the t’ongn'gationy.l church Sun ­ Enquire of L. D. Giiins. Clover .S(H'd...... $(»..1()<(j,*7.o0 Slpley W’illiam...... DeWitt Wilmer Atkinson, Philndclphin, Pn., for a day evening .lannary S, by' Rev. A. W. Hurley, per cwt...... HO-f 1.1 ;1 circular giving twenty handsome portraits Rums. Kye...... 4.1 Smith Wilson W...... Dallas C(>rn in ear...... 20f(r)2;1 Sleight Walter...... Victor of leading and prominent ngriciiltnrlsts with i Corn, shelled...... 40(ft'4.1 Stone Lnther...... Ovid •what they sn.v about the paper; a sample FNC AL.—Hauling logs is now in Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co . Deans, tinpicked...... 90((f$1.30 copy will also be forwarded, free, to nil our order, tliongli the sleighing in Deans, hand plcketl...... 1.35(<£t..1(> Taylor Herman...... Duplain “C. & B. LINE/’ readers. The subseription rate Is .10 cents n these parts is of little account,ow ­ Hay...... #.1fd#7Thelen Christian...... Bengal ing to the roughness of tliegronnd under ­ Po t a toes ...... iOfTf ;10 Vanderhoof A. .M...... I.s>l>nnon year, but there are liberal commissions to B B.emember_ that commencing with the Hides, No. 1...... 3(7t3i^ those who will get up a club. neath and the drilting of the snow from opening of navigation (May I, 189R) Hides, No. 9...... 2(«2K Whitlock...... Watertown the roads. I.ard ...... 9 Wilkins William...... Eagle thiscomiiany will place in commission The January number of the Mother’s N)ir- NellieTravis is better. Bntter...... 10f£i20 W'lleox l/oster C...... Bingham exclusively betwe(‘n Ekkh...... 23 Wanvel George ...... Bath sery Guide contains an article on the care of George Root recently had a colt killfnl Apples, per bu...... 10 the child’s scalp and hair, by* Dr. O. T. Jack Hprliij; Chickens, live,...... (1 by a cow. ’* dressed...... 8 son. In which great stress is laid on the im­ Fowls, live...... (J 8UB.8CRlltK N’OAV. portance of giving early attention to this Fred Seifert is visiting old friends and ClevelaDd and Buffalo Fowls, dressed...... h Below we print a list of papers upon matter. "Some Common Speech Defects in neiglibors. Beef, live, per cwt...... $2..1(> A Daily Line of the Most Magnificent Side- Beef, dressed, per cwt...... *.1 which we give n special price if taken with Children” are treated l)y Dr. J. Collins and Miss .Mary' Swargart has ret nr nfn] from Pork, live, per cwt...... $(> Dr. FL S, Brown discusses the (juestlon Homer and reports thesnow therea foot Wheel Steel Steamers on the St. Johns News both subscriptions Pork, dressed oer cwt...... 97..1()i^f8..10 whether we can forecast the mental and in depth. The Great Lakes. being paid in advance: bodily faculties of a child. E(]ually instruc­ HtAnnier will leave either city every evening Klae.tloa of OSteers. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lawton j*etnrned Regular With tive are the other departments oftheNnrsery Tuf'sday from Toledo, where they sjient (Hunday Inclialed) arriving at ilestliintlon The following havo b(H*n electcnl offlwrH Price The News the following morning In time for biiaInPHH Guide. "Baby’s AV irdrobe ” the "Klnder- the holidays with relatives. and all train connectloiiH. Century Magazine #4 #4.25 for one year in the Epworth Leeigue : gaten-at-Home Stories ” and the "Nursery AVillie Everts and sister attended the QUICK TIME. President —Miss Roe S. Temple. World \ 1.00 I’roblems, in which the medical editor gives UNEXCELLED SERVICE, Michigan Farmer 1 1.00 wedding lost Sunday of their former LOW RATES. First Vice President —.Mrs. C. O. Thomas. advice as to “possible causes of a Rash.” schoolmate, Clarence Kimball. •See.ond Vice President —Mrs. F. Weller. Detroit Free Press 1 1.50 ‘Dancing lx*ssons, ” "A Dletar.v Dilemma," For fiill partlcnlnrH «ee later iMHiien of thla Third Vice President —Miss .Mary Kelley. Detroit Tribune 1 1,.10 etc. The mothers themselves contribute en- Ora Travis did not return to school at paper, or nddrewH Fourth Vice President —.Mrs. Oco, Wood. National Tribune 1 1.00 tA>rtalninK letters to the "Parliament.” $2a Y’.VHilanti as expected owing to theserious T. F. NEWMAN, H. R. ROGEttS. H^rretary—Miss .Minnie Hmith. year, single conies free on application to the Gen ’l Manager. Gen’l Passenger Agt., Treasurer—Miss Sara Pouch. Tolee passengers If they are to encounter tho gas explosions. Many of the employes were students in tlio Arkunsat Medical College made his first appearance this eosslon, hav­ Immigrants upon the d(X!ks of tho steuiii- liave become s«;urod. and will not work on ing been absent’hllherlo as a delegate Ui l.o.s«ops’ <‘uii I«‘hmIoii — >'»>w llrooklyn'a hurled to the floor and againsttiie walls in the international monetary conference, thlp conipanles. Two currents, one of Alrni«n .Join tli«‘ Hoodllni; rrorc«t 1 *•> the printing-rooms; several Hremefl who corpses sent to tliem from the penitentiary. and bad an opportunity of adding to IBs jabln passengers coming as visitors and responded to an alarm of tiro that Tho Mayor ordered the sewer Inspector knowledge on tlio subject of gold and silver A IliiMiii, A., ('rnnli. }ne of immigrants, will nut cross the had been turned in were badly maimed and the city physician to visit tho prison, by listening to a speech of Mr Stewart, 71)0 Leeds Lnnd and liD'.novtMnenL v • i i- )cean side by side. One or the other will and scorched, Chief Swenle hlnisclf getting which is in the city Hnilts. at once. They (Hep.), Nevada, In opposition to the hill in­ puiiy, of S!ou.\ l It.y, luwa. failed I'riday. itop, and that one should be the current of disabled; horses were knocked down by the did so. and reported a deplorable condi ­ troduced by Mr. McPherson (Dem. >; New will) nubilities of Sr»00.000 uud assets ol immigrants. It is certain that there is to force of the conen.-slou, and tlie huge slabs tion of affairs at tlio institution. The Jersey, to suspend the purcha-so of silver- bullion under the Slierman bill Tho Sen­ less tliuri ?l.00().0(;0. moslly in rejil estate, 30 some cholera In Europe. If there Is also Mayor will jiroceed •gainst the prison forming the sidewalk were tossed intn ate took up the anti-option bill as the un­ on which scarcely the utnount of liabilities ;o bo cholera lii the UniteJ States Euro- the center of the street. The explo ­ board at once if tho premiHes 4;ro not finished business. An amendment was of ­ Con ho realized at thistinie. 'I'he <;o/upuny seans will not come herot If, however. It sions thundered like the belching of cleaned up. ’Fliero is more excitement fered by Mr. Wasliburn (li‘?p), of was orKunl'cd to build and did build ;an be made tolerably certain, a.s It can field pieces, each concussion being than there has been at any time since tho Minnesofa, and agreed tc, Inserting tlio inuu iifactnrlii:.f suburb of Leeds, Dy the suspeu.sioti of immigration, that followed by a shower of glass fioni the yellow lever .scare of 1878. in section ‘J tho words so as to make lor specii'all VO purposes. In doln>t so Ihere will b2 no cholera in tho United windows 111 the neighborhood. The mar­ tne proviso read ; “Thatsuch contractor CKISI* CONFINED TO HIS HKD. It Incurred a larfo Indobtediioss over states foreigners will come here in largo velous thing about tho affair is that no agreement shall not be made, settled for lumbers. It will he tho safest place for delivery or settlement of difference, or by , and above tlio income fr.un ine sale of one was killed But some of tho thirty Will Not I’reshlo Over the House When It any other mode of performance or settle­ them to visit; indeed, it will bo the only property. Some lioltlers of prior liens wlio were ln.1ured were so seriously hurt us Kecunvenes. ment in or upon any Board of Trade, etc." pushed their clainis. and .lolm I. llro )ks, place in tlie world wblcli they can visit to render their recovery doiibtfuL F'poaker Crisp Is continod to ills bed. but Mr. White (Dem.), of Louisiana, moved to of Bo.slo)i. tiiianciul astent. was sent t) In­ where they will he reasonably sure to Insert in section 3 tlie word “flour ” as one .SCDHES F.VI.I, IN B.VTTI.K. is only slightly iiidlsposod. He tells his terest Kastorii slockliolders in raising ivold cholera. The sticcess of tho World's friends that since seeing Mr, Cleveland he of the articles referred to. Mr White’s money to satisfy tliein, I". C llender on. a Fair may l>e possible oven without many :inieiidiiient was agreed to. The vote Nurtli Carolina the .Scene of -Host Des- Is sure In his own mind that Congress will was taken, after furtlier discussion, and local credit >r. found tliat he Itad lu'sod foreign visitors. But such success will not perate l.yiichiiig. bo culled together lu early 0»;tober. when De possible with any considerable amount resulted; Yeas, J2; nays, 30. As a quorum HOOJICO. l)Ut liatl inlsa p( roi riated it. and A desperate battle lias taken jilaco'he- all administrallon tariff hill will be ready did not vole the roll of Senator ♦ >>as his dls*overy prc<*U,ltaied tho faiiu* ‘e. 3/ cholera in the United States, j tween Sheriff Mooiiiuw ’s deputies and tho for consideration. Mr. Crisp, according to called. Forty-four Senators, just a quo ­ rum, answered to tlielr names. Hut wltii- SSOW lU.IJfli AliK-l Ti:.\FI'I('. H.AS HKKN \ CiDOD Y'KAK. moll of lynchers at Bakersvllle, Mitchell a Washington correspondent, believes tariff 1 County, N. C. Calvin Swipes and tlie Whit- revision will be swift and positive, as local out further action on Mr. W'hito’s amend ­ Xew York Visit rIHMN(; AT Y.ll.E, tie. $1,735,0 5.'). Tho consideration of private tiine. The wind Wew hard, whlrlilng the edly relriiprlsofied for attempting to escape. pension bills was removed, and a few of dust-like snow thrmigh the streets until Hv avay ”of Tin: gi lk . I Ho was released hut a few days ago, and Faculty Will Consider .Xleasiires to I’rerent t he measures were pa)-sed without opposi ­ one could scarcely see the electric lamps a j readied Hoiiiugne sliortly after, to find his tion. Then, as tiiore was no quonim, ili« Stndents Hettiiig on .Athletic Flvents. block away The elevated trains rolled Aruioiir Shipping Kansas City Heef from I wife m.'irried again and the inoMier of sev- House adjourned. The local (kmgregatlonal clergynren N<‘\v Orleans to Kulterdam. along at lialf liielr usual speed, while at ! oral cliildren by lier second liushand. Notes from the ('apita!. limes tl)<; sur face cars were lilocked sev- clergymen lately sent a Joint letter to the Ten carloads of packlng-liouxo products t;rul *uiaut«sby the r.ipidly forming drifts. A'ak) faculty urging tlio pruhihition of all arrived at New tirleaiis Monday from Will Not Kiiiploy .Xlen Who Drink. CoNFiKxt.tTioxs —Charles W. Dow, lietting and gambling at tiie university, es- Kansas City, and will be loaded on boar.i President Austin Corbin, of 1I10 Long ( f NIassachussetls, United States Con ­ CITY I tTlIUBs IM>J< TFD, i peclally on foot-hall and other sports. Tlie of tho slilp AriiiaryIBs, of tlie Crescent Island Hailroad. lias issued an order wlilch sul at Zanzibar; John It. Herod, of In­ i letter signified tiiut tlie university has a Line, lioiind tfor K itterdam Tho ship­ declares tliat tho lie:).ds of the departments diana, Second Secretary of Legation to Wholesale < fiarges ol Hooilliug .Ygnrnst j general moral tone, and added that the ment was made by the Armour Backing are expeciel to dismiss every employe who Japan, (ieorHO Creighton Webt), of \ew itrootcl.vii Ohlci'.il.s. I faculty .slioiild enact .spcrial inea-siiros Company, and signifies tlie .'icijnisition of is addicted to drink, and tliat an employe York, Secretary of l.egation at St. r.igtoleeti or iweritv Brooklyn city of- I agH'liifvt the vice of gainbliiig and betting to aiiotlier large portion of the export trade, known to go Into a where drink Is Potersburg, fi. iuis were indicted by i'h.( Lrind .Jury *'• I wlilcli some of the students aro prone, which heretofore lias liad its outlet almost sold while iio is on Outy must be jiromptly Mb. O fthxv .mtf. of Ohio has inter­ cniiiectioii wiili (.candals growin out of 1‘residont Dwlglit has replied to the letter, entirely tlirougli tlio Eastern ports, 'riie (1 isniissed. ested himself in the attacks i;pon Iteji- the lavi-h expendl ure of mone, ’ for file felling tlie clergyiiu'ii that tin* faculty Jias trade lias been (luletly worke I by tlio Kan­ r(>8cntutive Lodge, and introduced in Columbian celelratlon last'October. Wai- ttregoii'.s Ofltei'.tl Vote. taken the mutter Info con-ideration and sas City, Fort Scott and .Mcri)])liis Hall- tho House a resolution directing the riin s we-r.i i-.-iied for tlie arrest of the will frumesome measure. If a feasfhit! ;)lan road. A number of other smaller ship­ Tlie oflicial canvass of (lie vote of Oregon Committee on Library to inqtiire into men. wliose imines w 1 .1 not lie dl-closed can he devisi'd. 'I he clergynien wished to ments l.avo been made In order to prove at tho recent election shows tlio following the use and control of certain documents nniil t sre iippi't! ended. Ho •dliiig to publish the correspondence, bnt refrained tliut tlio business could he safely handled results: Harrison, .{.'i.OOt*: ('lovelaiid. 14.- in tho State Hepartirent. att imi*r'cedt ‘ii't(“ 1 extent .is alleged at the re(iuest of President Dwight. this way. ’Lho further Inroad Into E:ist- 24 ; Weaver. 2(>.87.'>; Bldvsoll. 2.281; I’icice Mb. Otis, l’o)»ulist, of Kansas, offered to have occuried in t'ho pnrcliiise eru commerce will lend particular point to (Dem.-J'op. elector). .■J.'i.,S14. in the House a bill creating a depart ­ of material for the celebrutlofi. The giaod Shocking Fate of Alargaret Osterkiiinii. tho conference of the Now Orleans Freight ment of transportation and providing jury reported tliat t'Vie city paid Si 1.4 10 for Pacific Hailroad Oelit. The slglit of a .voung woman enveloped 'riafllc Association and the Western 'rrafllc for tho construction of a Xicara-guaii Senator I'rye lias Introduced a liill pro- reviewing rounds c isting less than Sk.OOO. In tlaines running along the street screarn- Association. ship eanaU Tho (ienartmeut is to have and tire conii'ty 8ii.0J(i for stands co.siiii'g lii'g for some one to save her was witnessed for tho .'ippointment of a commis ­ TVI’lll S FKA KK IN MAV VDKIv. general supervision of the carrying J?l..'jO0. Ollitr lavlsli e.vpendliiii'es of a like by pedestrians and rtsidents In tim nelgli- sion to settle tlie Government liulehtedncss trade of the entire country and to exer- of tlio Pacific railroads. cliaructer ate in-tuuced. Mavi r Boodv is borliood of AVest Chicago and Alil^^ankee Ten N»‘'v Citsex Deported —Fear tliiit It <‘ise all the powers of an interstate involved, tin* grucid .iiir^' n c.iiiiinmiding avenues jif t.'lilcago on Monday iilglit. AYill Heconie Kpidemle. commerce commission, which is aiiol- t hat suits tu recoter tiie'money he lirius.lit Killed the Hank Hoss. I''iremeii cliased after hevr with chemicals, Ten new cases of typlins fever wore, re­ ished. ii:aiiist him. <\)iuptMiller .lackso i.Ciiy Au­ .Tohn C. Alliiii, bank lioss at tlie Nellie hut they were unable to cufeh her, so ported in New York, and tlie disease is al­ ditor Weber, and Several memhers of the mine at Brazil. Ind.. was mashed by fall­ PBEsiDn-VT Habigsox has issued a swiftly did slio lly and so heedless was most epidemic in tlie worst districts. Most pioclamation granting full .amne.sty and Hoard of Aidormeii, and the CountAudi ­ •whe of tlie crowds about her. 'fiie ing slate, ’riiere is no liope of liis re­ of tlie cases were found in districts wlicre covery. pardon to all persons in I’tah liable to tor and J^up'I'visor. Tlie am. uni the c.Uy speed witli wlili'h she ran fanned tho disease had not yet appeared, and is lost is estimate 1 at SfO.OOO. penalties by reason of unlawful cohab­ tile llamC'i into such flerc.eness that scarce- | spreading. Tho health antliorities ordered Heroism of a (' Xian. itation under the color of polygamous ly a vcKtlgo of lier clothes remained ! a large number of hods ripped out of tlio DK I.F.sSFFs CI>.N FU-ssi.v. At ColninbiH, Ohio. Jolm J,ee, ;i young or plural marriage xvho have, since Nov. wlveii ftbe was raised from tl>e middle liltliy lodging-houses w liore the unfortu ­ candy-maker of Chicago, saved tlie life of 1 I, IHlK), abstained Ironi such tmlawful Telfs -Ail ID' Knows of tlie Sca^idalotis T'.in- of tlio . street half-cinsclons. Tliose nate lodgers are crowded togi'ther, and a l)oy who had broken tlirougli llieico while cohabitation, but uj)on tho express con ­ ams Art'.tir. who witnessed tho awful sight were to hor­ wliere tlio ’ disease lias claimed so niuiiy skating. dition that they shall in the future faith- It appears that M. t lmrles de f,psscj><- rified that scarcely a hand was lifted to \lctin)s. it was liopod tliat tlio efforts made Killed li.v a XInlatto. ftilJy obey the laws of the United and M, .Marius Foutano. geiH'ral assist lier; althongli frenzied with fear, U) coniine tlie disease to tlie lodging-liouses States. Mrs. Mattie H. Gr.ives shot and of the I’atiama Cuual. have, under secret siio was unable to proceed furflier in lier would he snccessfiil, liut several cases stuhlied to death at Huntington, XV. Ya., CoxoKFSsxfAX OwF.x SooTT, of Illi­ liiflueiice exercised in prisviu. made (xa ifes- desperate race from deatli. Five lionrs found ill tenements liave proved tliat tlie by Henry Ho>e. a mulatto. nois, introduced a resolution (*ulling sioris. 'I'he fir^t txjsult <(f the (Vruft'ssion later she died at the County Hospital. 'I'lie disease iias breomo loo formidable t) cope upon the Secretary of the Treasury for unfortunate woman's name was Margaret with. was the arn'st of M. JMondln. and other ar­ Hiiriied to Death. information regarding the progress of rests are prohulile.' The rom<)r runs that 1 fxtorkarup. Sire was employed as a do ­ AIDNKT.AItA'DKLKti.ATFS TO IIKSIGN. Mrs. H. L. Hieliardson. wife of a New ■ e buildings in various parts of thi* more members of I’arli.iinent liiivo b'en mestic 1« tlie family’(»f Charles Kiudlers, a 3 ba ker. York pliysiclan, fatally hnnicd at Sea-* country for which apiiropriatiops were Implicated; tliat they will be jiroseciits^d l’resl«l«*Ht Clevelniid Can .\]>poiiit Xleii in made in HBO. Mr. Scott said that a lliirinony with His Own Ideas. cliff, L I. and rejoin t.lietr ten (.'olleague-i of the .^(* 1;- AH I’ows-r to I'ntti.snn, building at his home in Bloomington, Tho Washington Post says; Senator Al­ ute ami Cliainher. who liave iilrcadj' leeu Tlie Pcimsylvatiia St.-ite l>ogisluture s-on- .XlAKKK'r GUO’rATIONS. HI., was authorized and an .-ippropria- arre-te.i. Tim ch.-irges ji'giiinst .M. liaiiiiit. ven<*d Bi bieunial sos-loii Tuesday. Gov ­ lison, who has returned from hts attendance tion for the same made about two year.s will) vas Minister of Puli'iir Works in the ernor I’atllson, in liis inessugc. repeats his upon 1J10 Brussels conference, and who and a lialf ago, 1 ut nothing has been lie !''reyciiu‘t Cabinet li.ivo aronsid great well-known views uiion tlio enforcement of made an informal report to the I’resident r.tTTLK—rommon to i’rinic... .«;;.2:') ('1 done toxvard tlie erection of the build ­ of the event, said lie would certainly ten- j flooH —Shiiqiliie Grades ...... (ft 7.(K) interest, largely on account f}f tlm peculiar llio cojistittiiion against all corporations SHEBH—Fair to Clioioe ...... (fT. ing. Upon investigation and inquiry of social cari'er of AI. Balliut ;iiii( Ids connec ­ .'ind calls for IcgisBitioii enacting the six­ der Ilfs resignation a.s a memher of tho | Wheat —No. 2 Siirlmr...... 72 t'O .7.2 the Surpervising Archit(r't of tho ’Treas­ coiiinilssioii to the new I'residenr, and lie tion with the divorced wife of AI. .Viincti- teenth and sevciiteeulh artlclofi of tliecon- Corn —No. ‘i...... ■li e'i .4'i ury ^Ir. Scott linds that of seventy-live Oats —No. 2...... 20 •.((C .21 gaud. ______*•1111011. witli .'•evere iieicilties for any and intimated th:it iiis colleaguei would do the buildings, improveinonts and extension-) same tiling. “It is certainly tlie prop ‘r Uye—No. 2...... 52 (fi ..'>4 TIIIIDU'N .75 A I’eiiiisylvniiia I’ I,uses IDs • flagrant illustration of the manner In l.NDlAN.Xl’ol.I.- been let for only lU’toen. ItcciiOs*' of a ituiiav.ay Horse. wliicli the con>litntion is defied, ” and after slon that would be in accordance witli its Cattle —Shipping...... (O' .■.2.x AVJille jiicklii'g !iis way do^wii tlm pass giving an jicconiit of tiie coniiiion- own views on tlie silver question. ” Hoos —Choice Light...... 2. Ml 7.25 Ti'lejfraplile Hrevities. through Mill Moioitii in. iie;ir Haziotoii. I’a.. Sheep—(/’onimon to I’rinic...... li.lH) (ff 4.75 wealtli’s litigation to iiave it decreed nn- Four of One F.iiiiily -Xlisslng, Wheat —No. 2 Bed ...... «0 SF.VF.BAii passengers were injured by Dr. t'liyder ’s horse slippe 1 and dastiod off lawfiii and declared void says: “This la William f oylo. his wife and two children UoRX —No. 2 White...... '18* ■>t>f ..'O’a the wrecking of a Mis.-ouri Piicilic ae- on a mild gallop. A doe;) ravine skirls the O ath —No. 2 Wlilte...... 24 ..;(($ .25’^ oommodatiori train near Eldorado, Kan, not the time nor oci'asion to undertake to one a Iwy of 3 ye;irs and tho other a girl of | S’P. LOU IS. j>ath. Dr. fnydor was |iowerI(*ss to control forecast tho final determination of :i ques­ 8 moutlis, lived at 21>t and .Mossiinle Cattle ...... 2.03 (’t r>.2.'. Thk St. Louis street railway;! have tiie iiiilmal aiul was thrown headlong over tion now In course of orderly settlement streets. Pt. .loseph. Mo. Coyle is a liorse Hoos ...... 4.tlt) (fil 7.00 passed into the New York syndicate the edge of the precipice, down a '.evmity- by tho proper trlhunals established by W heat —No. 2 Hcd ...... j(0) .(W’.i trainer, and has cliarge of a stable at the Corn —No. 2...... 27 (O, .28 that purchased tho .system some time foot declivity. Tiie horse reached Miighos- law.” E.xposltion grotind.s. 'J'wo weeks ag.i his Oats —No. 2...... 21 (-) bined and organized the Montana A-.- startocl. Dr. Snvder was found uncon ­ n her of ('onmicrce resolntions were ado|)ted h.'iblcs ill iislelgli with tho nioilier ’.s consent, 7 .( » senibly, electing Matthew.s. a Populist, scious and bleeding .aV tlie foot, of tiie de ­ saying she would liave Miom liaptized at SHEEP...... :i.e- Corn —No. 2 Yellow ...... 40 (ft: .41 the i)robating of the xvill of Myra Clark lias liocotno epidemic, and tlie BoaVd of Hpondoncy Is suppo-ied to lie tho Cause. shrouded in mlstery. Oats -.Vo. 2 White...... '.... .:;c iS .27 Health is lioldlng*\.peclal nicei lugs wilii Tor.EDO. dailies. XIormoiM ill .Xlexico, Wheat - No. 2...... 7.1 JT .74 reference to taking aciioii to sto;) tlie FnieryXtllleslgiis Itejeeled. orn .40 ’['nr. residence of Dr. Bussery, at Elder Jolin Stuart, of Salt F.ake. who C —No. 2 Wldte...... ('( .40)^ spread of tiie disease. With ilie scarlet ’Jlio Army Board of Ordnance and Feptl- Oats -No. 2 Wldte ...... 24' • V .2.x Clarksville, lenn., was robbed of lias obtained a cpiicessloti from tlie .Moxl- ye fever therK ks also an epirfcpdc of ineiisles. flcatloiis lias rejected tho designs sub­ H ...... '>4 i;5 .50 00(1 nnd burned. The building and con ­ cyjin Govonimcnt for tlie establishment of a BUFFALO. which htis siyjppbd seine of tjiy schools of mitted to It liy Mr. Kajjjry for disappearing, attle tents were worth $1.5,000. Mormon colony at Santa Hos.-ille, Mexico, C —Common to I’rime.... .2.00 ('« 5.2.x )m|)lls. Tl^Ls disease, howoVeV. aiipears In mountings for twelve-lpcli gun. HooH Best Grades ...... 4.(HI (ft 7.25 Mbs. Baths , who was divorced at I)c uilld form. has arrived wlili twenty families, compris ­ Wheat —No. l Hard ...... 82 (•t .ttl Smet, S. J)., on New Yoar ’.s Kve. wa® ■'r'------|'•tll ing a lioiit 100 I ersons. 'f’lie colony is e.x- Corn —No. 2 Yellow ...... C) CS <6 Heiress to .XI ill ions. ^ » •, Zip’s Heart \Vas.,,AVrong. married the day following to ex-.Mayer p! cted to 3,00!) persons Tiie col ­ MlliW AUKEK. An. old ladv of CiUtton. O'.iio. c.nd for llir zip. thb $.'>,000 fan-eaVod olcpliant of Wheat —No. 2 Spring ...... cc Ames, of Mininurpolis. Hlngllng ■'Hrotliers ’ cirrus, disd of lieart onists will he allowed to pr-actlco their re­ Corn —No. :i...... :ir> ('fl .27 Jset few’moiitlis nil iv^Ji^yfc of tlie ini'ir- ligion as they see lit. O ath -No. 2 Wliitc...*...... ,24 It has b; en found that the towlinr bonne, wlio for tiie present dies n;)l‘w'‘i;jli failure. BYE—No. 1...... r.‘. (■« .57 between tho I mbria and Bohemia, by her name made pnhilc, lias' [ns’ r.-ceived Xlnrilerer Sutter Kills Himself. Harley —No. 2...... Kt lilftanll.v Killed. ''‘t Pork —xlcss...... lo.rg) (0 17.00 xvhlch the latter attempted to tow the worwheln,lni m i o lty. Speaker of the IlHnoh lower houses Duttkb —Factory ...... IX (« .2!) half of tho reorganization .'(tm i.ittci', ing Instantly. He left a lengthy letter. Pork —New .Mess...... 10.25 10.75 bid the i()ad In for $100,000. blow, and tnrnou white to tho lips. at BuffatJ by th« detoetlvca engaged otf Edna Deane! For the Hrst time in her HALFAHl'NDUED SLAIN the case was that of )Irs. Hose Moore, reek'ess, cruel careor of subterfuge and on the ohargo of re''uiving stolen goods deceit th' self-reliant si'liotner falterol, and harboring niombers of the car-rob ­ Sho had ni^t her Waterloo In the fail­ AWFUL BATTUE OF MOB AND SHERIFF'S POSSE. bing gungs^ Her disappeuraiico from ure of her 8 home to delude Haymond Erie Christmas eve was simultaneous Miirshiili. That hu 8 , wl o ha t murdered Isaac upward of sixty search warrants exe- measure of her inintence, she forced Sheriff Mooinaxv had it ganlsoiietl with the United States tho Spoor, por.-iecuted < hild of destiny her to tell bow she had come there, about sevoiit.v-liv*! tleterminetl men, inteiiiutional monetary Wlicn rdnti Deano ^lanceiace, one member only of the t-oterie her story. Sho knew that Edna would messeng r from the mob. who ap­ intlication that tho I could not forget him. So near to suc- ixit falsify. proached tho jail under a flag of true \ coinniissionors o f onr tl»-re had cauj'ht eij'ht of her while, I cess, and habblWig bail lost her stricken fac *. “You must make no outcry," she said, To this Hie garr soti responded: “Wo ycniuitr} believe tho I the precious prize. Lured f)i) by Ihe (b'ft manipulation of in a cold, stooly tone of voice. “This will tlie first. ” 'flien Hiey knew there work of Hit) eoiifereiico { .She lingered at the retirement of the would be u light. Winchesters were sK.vAToii Ai-i.isoN. ^iii avail nothing. ^>r. Simms and Iteatric ‘ Mercer, Hay- place is a dangerous quo for any stran­ ! Doctor ’s home for several days; she loatled and the w lit for the flnal strug ­ “It is my intention to semi in my niond Marshall had agreed to solace i liad him inipiire evi'rywliere for Mar­ ger. If I reb'uso 3'ou will you go .'iway the tlying moments of the {'ll'! wno had and never toll any one you saw me hero gle began. At least live hundred armed resijnation, not precipitately, hut after shall, but tlie latt r liad mysteriously men mircheil up the roatl and then wlHi awhile, heforo the time of leconvening saved his father from linancial ruin and dlsappeur'Xl from tho village. nor seek to kn »w why 1 uni here, or re­ «liK}»racc by wedding hei". visit the place.'” a howl br.'ko on a run for tho jail. The the conference, simply because f "I shall return homo, ” she told him garrison was ready for tlieni. “Halt, or think that the Democratic party The bridVgroom of a f»*w’ In ief hours, with anxious, haggard face, Hiially. “Yes! yes!” assented Edna, eagerly, destined to bonelit by fortune somehow terriHixl at the erix'l, rept'llant I’ll give tho order to lire,” rang out is entitle "Not 3'et,” he stammered, “but I will, “All is over be ween you two —he i.s true that the commissioners soiected by plot. • mine now/ ’ six* responded. “Deniain l3'nchers. They wavered a moment us ^ou see, the village clergyman was a score ot them wort down, but xvitli rri'siilcnt Harris! n \xo;e named xvith re­ It was list at th<' < onimencomeyt of away, and I had to arrange with a here until 1 r.turn —until it is safe for the ceivuiony that he ehanoeii loglaiu-e the steadiness of veterans elosod up gard to familiarity witli the subject and ^ strange minister who lives in another me to rest'ue yni and get you outside not on 1 olitlcnl linos, it is tine to Mr. at the hull-open door connecting witli ' I will attend to it. Oh. you tlu* groiuxis. ” their ranks iiiid rushetl forward again the ad'oining apartment. under the leadership of u gigantic moun ­ Cl precipitate action at ti e hands woman the memory of whose love eould She had a liard problem to study ouf, harmed, and 011I3’ a few eoiiltl close up Had she remained one day longer at to tho windows and return the vollej* of the international et.nforeriee? ” never sanctify even a ina riage of iie- Hopeilale, she wt uhl hnvi? s<‘<*n Hay- urxi it was pt'i'iilexing her. Edna Deaix*, < essity and pity, he totteregle. What were s* v- "Edna! ” onty-livo men against 6()u? A few re­ as we are trying to gi*t. But I ressioii upon the iiiintl of Eumpe shock of tlic perfect recognition, how- quired particularly h! out a niysterious gti free; it nu ant ultimate disasi'-r lo cv.'r, had blinded, confu-e,i liini. She the jail, and it went down before the tliat woul'l be to our advantage, in that visitor on the day of the marriage all lier hopes and plans, it woaltl show tlx* tiivision 1 f Hx* senti­ had diSfM peared, and in his excitement “1 rememtier now, ” spoke th<> land ­ Sho pioc'ieded, linally, to another sliouhiers oi a score of stalwuxt men. Ire ran the wrong way, got lo-t in inex- 'J’he priHoix*r, half tleatl with tear, was ment existing in this country. If we lord after listening to ^Iarshall’s story. room. In o e corner of it was a large could take up the bill to repeal the tricahh* aide passage.-^ of the hotel, .•iml "'I here was a strange woman lien*. She was sali.slied on ot a paradise of liope and love, as with n as she faiieietl six* detected a rustling graph otlifo anti all new.s must go to grant ot iiamo, place of tlopartiire, for ­ jroint. As he lo<>ke I ba<-k over tiu' ton minutes he knew all the truth. inoveinent there. .lohnsnri Cltx', in 'J ennesseo. b}’ earrii'r. mer resitlenco, in*tl other information. «‘ven’s of tile past hour, ami reali'zed Vos, h<* had located Edna at last! It was not reptnitod, however, and she Since Hit! Hrst news was receive I tour Hie issue of eertillcutes by United States how he ha l allow*' i his de.sp.-iir and ■ Mrs. Dlake hatl told him all sho kni'w. leaix* 1 over tlx* edg»* of lli • pit once more of the Sherifl’s posse are rejiortexl consuls upon voluntary application of sympathy t<* lead him into a n**t. he He eould patch out all the mystery of iiioi e. dcatl anti live more0 of Hit! i:iob. imniigrants, a reiiuirement of more cu­ realiz'd, loo, that it might all be part of Edna ’s strange , so n ar to finding tle took place sliort ly after noon, in 111)1 V uci'ouiiiany or bo s.nt for by such ini- Ilf jiaused as lie I'-aelied the parlor Ix'r, to lose h<*r a-gain! ” murmured Mar­ by lx*r hair, w ill tlx* 'jnite gi*ixr.illy of the suite. .\ glanee Into th«! next known and act ejitetl principb* tliat tho which at least tweiit\'-li> e more xv ro iiifgraiit. shall, w.ldly. “llavi'you no idea wliere killed, anti the firing is still going on. z. All persons not pr xvldotl. in ixltlltlnn apaitm iit ru*>t' ‘d him to the spot. His she went, Mrs. Dlake?” liner tlx* hair Hie gi-ntlor Hx* birtii, or to means of reaching their final tle.stinai ion father, llic false iiur.s<‘, the strung*' min- . tlx* bett<*r, higher grade the family stock AVhat will bt* the result no one can tell. j No. tho farmer's wi o eoiiid not eon- 'Troops are expected. witli siilticlent money of ttielr oxvn or of tho ister ha l dejmrted, i u tliero yet linger- ! Irom whieli she came, and having Huih lieads of llieir familiot for tlioir comfort- ' jet tin*, and, alout io giv • Marshall an Nl*»rv «>f tho -XIuripT. 4'd Do tor Sin ms, mil there, too, no idea of Edna s iisiial route in drixiiig, 'lett'rniiiu'ii whellier sho is of gentle or iilile support fer txvo montlis after their longer Uie incunib**nt, whit*'-fuc<' of Ix'r hair hcatl of a family. (ollcague in pi'itling, her cousin, the cling togeflior when niiafT<*ct<*d liy an North Carolina, and ha*l tohl William I’ersons l>lind or crippled, or ollierwHe j table tliat belongt'd lo Edna. He patted Osloriit* and Isaac Osborne, brothers, -*s it i.s altirmatively anti sitls- I The intelligent animal seemed to iin- Hit! oflbdais at Dakersvilli!, N, (’., and fnCloTtlx' slioxvii on special iiuiulry that aeeouni for his Strang ;ihiupf depii.tur**. j derstaiid what was tvvpeete.l of lii u. hair sliow a leixl ncy to eiii l it is an We will not think of that, hiwi'ver, infnllib.e sign that the osvix'v has in- helueil them to tlostioy It. Wiseman siicli persons are sure of an at.untlaiit sup­ I “Find yo r!" iiige I th** solle- and Snipes 8 usp(*eteti Isaa* Osborne of port iind not lik<‘iy 11 become a ])ubllo Ileatrieo. Voiir sehi'iim has sueeeeiied; ; itous Marsliall. her.*nt grace aixI poetic **asc of tho ch.argi*. you a re Ids w ife. Ixaly. being the Infornior. On Hie night of 4. Persons lielonel ig to soctotles which j With a sharp I ark, Drun • ilarted Aug. 27, Ibitg. Snipes amt Wiseman, “ V<*-.” cried H'-atrie*', triu nphnntly, ' tliio gh th:' eot 'ag<' door. 'I'll * stialght<*r ami less yiehling— f.avor or jtisllfy iin* urilaxtful and crim­ “my londust iiopes have a leeeetled. ” though not necos-bniy harsh—the hair, armed with Winchester rifles, went to inal destnicH 01 of property or life. Down the winding road lx* ran, tin* tho house of Isaac Osborne and calleil "We h.'iil bi'tt*'!', therefore, hasten oiir eager hopeful 1 nymond Marshall at his tlx* llrrner aixl nior** positive is tho other airange nents at * nee. .v.s I un- woman ’s nature. Tieaehery anil jeal­ him up. Mr. Osborne came 'o the door, AS IF FROM THE GRAVE. he ds, realizing ii on how frail a thread and tho moonshiners oprneilllre, almost ih'istan l it, you are l'» Le r* move I to liung the fate of the woman ho loved. ^ , ousy hide beneath iust<*rle 88 or dead- iii.v lioine.'* ’' black liair iiiiH* eases out of ten. Eem- riddling him with bullets. Wise.nan .\ffrr Twenij-fliree Vears* AbrH'iire .laineit “Still posing as ih' dying invalid, inine hair that 111113' appear viEH FOUND. wlricli dethroneil his reason. He was never kn *w tlu' plot wo have pln5'od < f tier former friend, drove Eilna to sud- 'I he lighter colored Hio hair the more reportetl among the dead, but flnniiy ro- against him.” • tlen silence. 8 »*ii8 lHve anil “touchy” the owner, cx- 1 (10 l'*»Iii«* of I rlt* .Ifako an tinportant coxered, having escaped tho masaere of “He knows it now!" She sank to the sltle of tho pit and < ept in rare cases, wlu‘r*i her ladysliip DDrnx rr.v. the crew of the Vlrginlus, which fol ­ The two sehe iiers started I ack in looked up blanzly. enjo 3's perfeot henlth, llrown linlr, Erie, I'M., . ring monument of "Who Is Hiere, I say?" eane." hair to have to do with across Hie hotel sels ( urpet ami a 'luanlily of siivi'i ware flilent that Ills v\h<*realKuits were dls- In Wild, fierce denunciation he thrust “Incredible! ” co.mter, aixl that's the place to find out hammered <*ut *'1 Its origHial shape and covore 1. Ill* will bi* brought to Du- the ttl».iBhed doct'ir aside. lu righteous I’cutrito recoiled as if dealt a udden a woman's nature. rtaU|;c In Hen* meii;—For over four .vears I have bis*ii The rtirlhince c<;nunittco they atrunir him ui teiiulii;^ a I'rUoiier. Scb«diil« of Teachers’ Examinadons LOUIS D. (HUBS. Killtor nnd IToprIetor. Rky-lil|rb, utf1i(*ted with an eruption of the skin, For ('llntoii County, iMliit-OH And ewlinfliMf from the oak Hml) they loft the which b(s;aiiio very troubleHonie and I inau to die; “Once iij)on a time," says (ieorgo R TrESDAY.JAXl AUY 10 , IHOa. could get no reli(*f. I was also troubled But the next day, in the Juaticu (Amrt, with B. Hayes to a .'saii Francisco Examinet UuWltt,...... Frldoy,...... S«*i>t(*mbcr.. RO. 181*2. law they tmd to <'«)po— very badly with (Minstiimtioii whkdi noth­ (*vl(l. Frhluv, f>clofM*r>lM*r 2H,2> 1K1*2. reiHirter. “there was a Judge named lliey aued tha niun for dninatfi's iH^cauae ho ing I tri(*d gave me |>ei mam*nt relief un­ St. Johns, 'fliursdny nnd Friduy, llarcli 2 ItKi’OUTH rm*iv*Ml yenferduy out nruke Uia lupo. Red man, who pr(*siilcd over a big t(*r- nnd H. 1H1>H. that .lauM'Hd. dlaiiiowiiH very i)*‘ard»‘ath. —Athinta (^»n«tlt niton. til 1 took Dnllain's (ireat (lerniaii Blood, DcWltt. Friday, .March 21. isiia. ritory, which kept him racing from Livei*, Stomach ami Kidii(*y Remedy,ami At the rejjuhir exHmlnatloiiH.c.xundnittlons He Huffeml three w^vere rela|*KeH duriiiK The housewife has opened her war Santa Cruz to .Salinas and .S.-ui 1/ouis for First and S(*c«»nd tirade willeoiiiiiience at on the moths with a sort of tar-era since taking I havi* Irs*ii entirely cured. Huiiday and .Suinlay eveniiiff, which were Obispo. The .Spanish population was 1 For a toiii(% blood jiiii ifier nnd gi*n(*ral 1* o ’clock A. M. on the llrst day, and for the boovu. —Bhitadelphia Hecord. Third (irailes at 1 o ’clock e. w. on the first thrown off only i>y the utnioHt |»erHever- the chief race to be found in that dis ­ lieultli restorer I (;tui heartily reople, he scnleiieed iu Monterey and that an sum]>tioii, L’onglis and Folds, u])oii this ton tilar. condition. If you are afflicted with a. of Clinton, in .Micldirau. In l.lher (14 of Mort- haa b**<'n |tracticully decided in favor of It is a mortifying fact that the bar­ im|>ortant trial must be ulteiided, KHires, on pace 4.V1, on which mortgage miles away, on tlie same day. Ked- Cough, Fold or any Lung, Throat or there is claimed to be dm* at the date of this Francia H. Sp)ckbriar—stand up!” April, IHli.s'. at 1 o ’clock In the afternoon, thia time SttK'khri.lge m;* ‘ived 4(», Luce drug store. St. .lohiis and Fowha'. Large at the West front door of the Court House Hand —“Indeed! what ditl you do “No tii'iide. ” said the man, shaking size .Itk* nnd !jl .Oil. for (’linton County, .Michigan, In the Village 20, and ilnbbell ll) votea, beaidcw acut- when you found vou were discovered? ” his liead stupidly. of St. .fohns, In Clinton (’oiinty. State of teiing vr, the prcin- evident the other candidates transferred .She—“I see Miss Livingston has be- claimed the Jnilge siuirply. “Well, do IscM in said mortgage described, viz: The you iiiidorstaiid this?” and he pro- I have b«*en nfflict(*d with neuralgin for East Half ( E V(|) of th<* North East cpiarter their little boomleta to the leading man. c.uue Mrs. Livingston-Jones. ” He— nearly t wo yenrs, have tri«*d physicians (.\ E Vi I of .S(*ction niimher Twenty-five (2.'*1 ceedoil to g(*sticulale vigorously with As the ■■■ ana have a majority inthe “Y^es; united in llie bonds of hvpben.” nnd all known rem(*dics. fait found no in 'I'ownsidp six (Ci) North of Range two (2) 3038 —A’. Y. Weekly. Ids liiMids and iiidiciite the motion rA West, ill .Michigan. pre^ent se.->ion Mr.Stockbridge ’.s ehftion rising. p(>rman(*nt reli<*f until 1 tried a bottle of Dated .St. .lobns, D(h*, 5th. 1Hll‘2, The male wiisj) never.stings; but so Dnlhim’s Great (I’eriimn Liniirn'iit audit THO.MAS HOPE. Ekdkvva tk Mkimiii .i., Mortgng( ‘e. ia assured. long as he ami liis sister are twins and The man liiially eomprehendod and gave me instant and permanent relief. arose stiflly in his' scnit. Attorne.vs for .Mortgagi*e. dress alike this knowledge availeth not. 2.1 (*entH per bottle. Signed by A. B. The above sale will be made subject to the "IVisoner at the bar. it i.s the sen­ sum of IfD.’lO and lnt(*r(*Ht thi'rcon from Oct. TiiH present year has been uahered in —Brandon Itueksuw. Snell, Hamilton, .Mich.. .Xjiril 11, 1801. tence of this (*oiirt that yon be taken For sale by Travis & Bak«*r’ 8, 18112, 'being the amount secured by nnd by a HH’.ord of eiiaie nnitn-M'edented inthe .Salphinx—“I fear HirolU ‘r is con ­ from the place whence you came, on not yet due on said mortgage*. tracting bad haliits. ” .shariie—“Un history of .Mieliigaa. On Sunday even­ Friday, tin* 27th day of June next, he A header. the contrary, he seems to he expanding hanged by the nt*ck until you are ing, .lannary 1. Layton L<‘ecli, a farmer them.”—Boston L'ourier. Since its first iiitrodiietion, Llectric near Durand, had hia head amashid with dead, ami may God have mercy on “Hope springs eternal in the human 3'our soul. Now, do yo'i savey that?” Bittei*s has gained raftidly in popular TIME TABLE favor, until now it is clearly in the lead IN EFFECT an ax in the hand.s of hia hired man, who breast,” but there is more spring in The poor prisoner shook his head in followed up the fieii lish d(S ‘tl by shooting among pure medical ttmics and altera-}» Oetol>t?r 1893. the legs when a follow sits down ou a a laiwildored fashion, and could only tivi'H—(*ontaiiiing nothing which permits Layton ’s wife. I'jxm the same day tlie tack.—Binghamton Itcpuhliean. cry, “No tiende, no tiende," its use as a b(*verage or intoxicant, it is WESTWARD. “Is there anybody in this court who murder of Fred Foote, of Saginaw, by First Boy —“Which does tli’ whipjiin’ recognized as the best and purest medi ­ X I H >. I C. Ilia brol her (leo)ge, who b**coming matl- in j-'i-famfly; y’r fatberory ’r mother?” can translate that awful sentence to cine for all ailments of tlie Stomach, this prisoner? ” denia idi*d the Judge deiied in a disjinte ovei- the aauexation Second Boy — “Both.” First Bo.y— Liv(*r or Ki Ineys.—It will cure Sick STATIONS, of the h.ilf a dozen oilicials ami speir- Headache, Indigestion,Fonstipatioii,and re'lp SxC of Canada to the Faired Stabia, shot “Hull! I don ’t think that's fair.”—Good Xews. tators in tiie room. They w'ore in drive Malaria from the systinn. Satis­ twice at hia hrother, the wcond allot tak­ the same boat as the prisoner, and If w'omen extmisivcly become alter­ faction gnarn.nt«H*d with each bottle or ing |<-ffect. was announced. Here is could only shake their heads inourn- money r(‘tiui(l('d. Price only .lOc per bot ­ a. III. H. m.'p. III.Ip. m. p. ni. nates to national conventions here­ fully. tle. Sold by Fildew A .Millman,St. Johns jnnwnukJc.lJt'^ 0.50 10.50 4 0.5 8 45 1045 a n*cord, aickeniag in detail and np|>all- after. we may hear more .abont dele ­ 7 10 1110 4 2.5' 05 1105 “\V ell,”exclaimed theJudge,a bright and Fow ler. |' p. m. I ing in u moral*. Faeh dnal the re­ gates “trimming ” for parlieiilar i-andi- thought striking Irm, “I’ll just show ,___ _ Pontine ...... 7 58 1200 5 07 0 50 1216 sult of ill-temper, t lie evidence of hasea: dales .—Biiilade 'phia 7Vm»>’, a. m. you, then, this way;” wliereiipon he Buy Diillam's Greait G(*niian 1*1 cPiit Holly ...... 8 42 1245 5 51 lO.'tO 1 1 4 It takes a father and mot her and t* 8.5 1 50 O 50 1110 2 18 morality and nt ter nbsence of manhood. iinn*eled a yard of red tape that lay Livor DIHh 40 in each packagn, at Travia Dura 11*1... hired girl and sehool-teaelier nnd lots OwoBBo .let...... 1015 2 80 80 t: I 8 06 Can these deeds be atop|M*(l by inflicting on his desk, and. it hurriedly A Bakor'a. St. J*>lin>* ...... 1054 8 OO 8 58 of other jie.ople to raise one boy, but about bis own neck, held the two ends capital iniaiafimeat, if so, let as liave It. Buy Dnlhitii’a (ir(*ut German 11 cent Ionia ...... 1141) 8 50 5 10 one boy unaided ean easily raise the high over his left ear, at the same p. III. If a man haa hiHrome so ilegiadcd *lmt dickens. —Jhinvitte Breeze. Liver I’illa 40 in (*nch package, at Travia I.oW(*ll ...... 1217 4 241) 24 is e: 5 50 time rolling his eyes and wagging his A Baker’a. (Jranil ItapblM.. 1250 noo iOOOT- O 40 he does not care about imprisonmmit for Faiigle —“It seems to me very strange tongue down against his cliin. (J. It. & I. Jet... 1 05 5 15 1025 « ii- 7 20 life, he is a ridd.ince if dead. Oiirscliools dreadful groan wont up from the Buy Diillam’a (jr**nt Getmnn 2.1 cent EerryBbiirg...... 2 05 0 10 ...... *x 8 80 that Mrs. MeJnnkin should lavish so Cough (hire at Travia A Baker’s. (iraml Haven... 2 lO 0 15 8 85 are with each year hwoming more iid- much ;ilTection on that homely j>ug prisoner and from the others in the .Mllwaiik**eby .S Tin* great(*at worm di'atroyer on earth vanceil, are eariiesHy working for the dog. ” (.'umso — “Not at all. You court-room. They understood the (’bl<*ago by St ought to see her hnsliaiid.”—Epoch. grim judicial kinderg.arten completely. ia Dnlhim.a Great German Worm Lozen- KASTWAUD. moral elevation of the people, yet crime —------—“■ ■■ T‘ ■■ gera, only 2.1 ceiita p(‘r box. For anle by in its woi>-f forms se* in.' to be apre.iding Conductor (to solitary passenger) — An 01(1 Friend in a New Dress. Travia A BHk(*r. c?* rife over the land. This (pie.ation might j “No, I can’t bust a $•> lull for you. Bay Dnllani ’a Great G(*riiian 1.1 (R'lit But (insinuatingly) I t«dl yon what I occupy the minds of onr moral philoso-j During an oxciirsion one day last Liver I’illa 40 in ea(*li |»ackng(*, at Travia .STATIONS. can do; I’ll stop the car at the next week on tlie liay. says the .San Fran­ A Baker’a. ]>hers with mutual bmietit to them aiidj saloon and go in with you to get it cisco Examiner, (icorge W. (!hiids sat Bay Diilinm’s (ir(*nt German 25 (*ent busted. ”—Tnck. theirfollowers. 1 (piiotly ami iiiiolitnisiv(*ly near the Cough (*nre nt Travia A Baker’a. - O ,n. 111. a. III. p. III. p. III. (ilamlers—“It is said tliat paper can rail, observing the harbor's [loliits of Or*iii.*l Haven L El 1* OO, 2 10 8 05 Buy Diillam’a Great German 25 cent Eerryaldiig ...... '.* 05 2 15 8 15 » ' Itiu'kleii’H Vrillrii .Salve. be used elTectividy in kee|)iiig a person inl(*rest. A loud yning man wa.s m*;ir Cough Cure at Travia A Baker’a. ’I’lie liest in tin* world forcut.a. Itrni.aes ! w;irm.” (ia/.lay - “That is very true. and had chaiii(*.l tin' :itt(*ntion of a (I H A I Jet...?.. 2 0 lO 1005 8 32 1025 larir** group by recounting his many (Jrand Kat'hla..•c < (J 50 1020 8 25 1055 Sores, Fleers, .Salt llheiim, Fevei .Sarea, I romembe*' ;i tliirtv-day note of mim? What .>lak«*s a neautifiil Woiiiaii. Lowell ...... 7 20 1055 8 58 11 50 Tetter, Chapped Hands,' 'Uiliilaiiis,Corns, onee kept me in a sweat for a month.” (*x\M*ri(*nc(*s as :i hustling iiews-gatli- a » a. III. Flkiiaiit , >., July lat, IHOI. and Jill Skin Fnijitions. nnd positively} — Brooki ijn L if’. (‘rcron ;ill tin* gi ’cat papers of the land. Ionia ...... ’-1 7 4.7 1125 4 27 1287 miles Files, or no pay reipiired. It is He soon inrin* i bis talk an.l att(*ntion DrEEA.M’s (Jukat Geuma .n Mkph’'NK (’!>’. p. Til. j Bride “Now, don ’t let people know .Sf. Johna...... 1 8 .50 1217 5 20' 2 14 tot'liilds ami loM an iiniisaally thril- .My (langlit(*r haa b(*(*ii afflicted ^with gnarenteed to gjve ]>erfeet aatisfaidion ; we are on onr wedding tour. Act as ()woaa*, .let...... 0 02 1 15 0 00 8 lU oi-money refunded. Fri«‘e 2.1 ceiifaperj ling expi*rieiu*t*. Fi'inab* trouble torover aix years and I n. in. if you don ’t eari; a snap for me.” Durand...... n 20 0 85 1 47 f. 55 8 58 box. Mirsnle by Fildew A .Millmnn, I hav(‘paid out over $750 in vain trying (fToom —“Fill! that won ’t do novv-;i- “Wlnil i)ap<*r w'cre you on then?” to timl a n*lief for her. \ lady fri(*nd ad ­ Holly ...... 0 05 1014 2 20 7 40, 4 47 Si. .Johna nnd Fowler. i a.skad tlie gri*al editor and pliilan- Pontlae ...... 1 ! (5 45 1058 8 05 8 25 5 87 days, my dear. Feople will think we vised me to a(*(*nri* a bottle of Diillam’a Mll’k**** .let...... 1 7 80 11 .’10 8 4 5l 0 051 0 80 are on onr divorce tour. ” — ,V. Y. tliropist. Great G(*rman Female Fteriiie Tonic nnd DETH()IT....Ar 7 45 11 50 4 05 0 25 7 OO “Tlie I’liila lelpliia Buhlic Ledger," “(iirls know too much now-n-days. ” Weekly. ahe has bis>ii comj>l(*t*'ly onv(*d by it. Wi> fryT-ChalrCar, Hiiffet Cur mill Sleciilng Car said Mie l)oa>tt*r. conlideatly. S«*rvie**. “Whut makes yon .say th.ati*” “You gave it Ji fair trial mid tin* n'aiilta wen* New Cook —“I’m told the missus | “What pin-ilioti did you hold: wonderful. We cannot nH-ommend it EiiHtwnrtl. Nn, 12 baa Pullman .Sl**ep**r, remember when I asked .Miss Brown wants things in th’ high-loiied, fashion- ; (’bl**ag*> to Detroit. .N«». 14 haa Wagn**r to copy me some verse.>;' In reality 1 Oh. I was lh(* chief (*'.litoii:il writer, i iii^hiy to all ladiea who an' affli(*t(*(l ('ludr Car, (Jrand Hapiila to D**trolt. alile style. .Sure, Fm afraid ! won ’t i hut when there wa.s ;*.iiy news assig;i- B E.VJ A WI .\ (i ICA.NO l<: It. No. 18 haa Chair Car, (Jrand Itapbla onl}' wanted her handwriting to read suit, for it's only plain cookin' I've metil iinolvi;ig e\i.r:i risk a:id respon- t*, Detroit. .No. 82 baa Wagner SI*H*p**r her character hy.” "VVell?” “Well, For sale bv Travis A Baker. (Irnnil Itnpbla t*> D«'tr*tlt. doiie. ” Old ( kiok —“It’s aisy eiion asked to Like it. W«*Htwar*l. No? 1 1 baa Cluilr Car, Detroit hero are the versi^s, hut she's copiocl Make everyliilng ta-ili* loiki* > nnelhiiig I I was on the i'ahlic l.edger many (*) (Iruii*! Kapida. N*>. 1.5 haa Wagner Par- l*»r ('ar. Detr**l( to (Jraii*! liapida. N*i 1 7 has them ou the tj^Jewriter.”—Brooklyn ilse.”—Ju'iic. ! years.” Life. Pullman Dufr**t SIecti**r. D**tr

**r. Detroit toOrnnd Lucy—“I'll tell you new.s! VVetherhy The Press ((>iplda. the yell at this iiisijinte? Haven't ymi : mt*l.” lid (‘iiil ls. “I've heeii oa the JNO. W. LOCI), HEN. ELETCHKH, Witherspoon is secretly engaged to got a ye.I?” Frof^'ssor (hriiigin;; a | pap»'r :i loe.g (j;;ie ttiv^elf." (NFW YORK.) Tr*if1tc .Maniig«*r. 'I'rav. I’aaa. .Agent. Nina Nimbly!** M.amie— “How do you “Wli ;>osi'ii>n di 1 yo'i hold? ’' THOMAS HHOMLEY. Agent. St. Johna. straight-ja •ke!) “Von are expet-iiMl lo | KOK 189.1. know? ” Lull}'—“Well. Nina told Flor ­ have done all yon.' yelling lief,ire yon ! ask(*d (.ll • new-.-.e.irlieriug liero. his ence, Florence told Margery, .Margery :^el her.*. We te:ie!i yiil t.i stop veil- | void* lo .iitg iv.ueii .if it s voulidelicc. Has n birg**rDaily Clrcnlatten tliiiii iinyntbcr NA/ANTED Wli|*>-awake workera everv- told Ada, Ada told (Mara and (,’lara ing. ■’ — Bo.don I'.s'. j “J'ui il»e e.iitor ami propii*il,or, ” itcpublican .N(*WHpap(*r in .America. wln'i'c for •‘Sb**pii ’M Phot'*i- told me. Now bo suro and don't tell grapba of th** Wr»rbl,’’ thegreat**Ht book *>n .M uiil “.Shi* i, :i w im.m who has **ari b; coating $100,000; retail at $8.2.5, arty body. It’s a dead secret. Yankee j Du* log.(I k ** .Spell of ’Ht. DAILY. SUNIa Y. WEELLY. mail »,r lnatallm**nta: niHin- Blade. iiitVcre l a gve il deal fur le.*r luiiefs. ” ' m*>tb ilbiatrat***l circiiinra and A crowd of oilicials .sat around fhe| terma fr****: *l»dly output over Father -“Now, Fritzclicii, wouldn't Kthel—-“Dear me! What are her bo- } Coiirt-Hoiisi* at .•\m(*ri(*t!.s the oth(*r SJEPP’S 1,.50(' v*)lum**a. Agi*ntH wlbl you like to be a captain and order Bids? ” .Maud “.She bidie\<*s that she | day. says tlie Tinu s-Becurdcr, ami dis- ; The Aggressive Republican Journal witli aueccaa. Mr. Tlatmaa I.. \lartin,C**ntre jieopic aiioiif like uncle does? ” Fritz- (*1111 wear a No. .'i shoi* on a No. d foot , cussing the story alnnit the fiirlle that! «‘hen (ruminating) “Oh, no, 1 think I and a 2:)-iiie!i (*or'*<*t on a J )-’moli was rained down iti L(*slie .*sumlay last 1 of tbe Metropolis waist.” — Saturday Gazelle. J iiaSPHOTOSIlllPllllgi know wliat I should like.” Father— and was .seen hy I', .s, Lockeit, jlaililT i .\ .N EW.SPAPEK I'(HI THi: .^I.V.S.sE.S I ut*-a: Hcv. .1. llowar*!ar*i .\iaiiiaon,.Madiaon, i.vona,l.yona, .x.N.S'. i ., “Well?” Fritzchen “I wonhl rather Miss I’etrolia Biillion-1 loggt* (from ' I’.'irk(*r lisf(*ned for a w Idle and th(*ti j Founded cc ( n I ir 1. 1MH7. 1 S1 n 1 In 7 Imura; bonanza; maguil)- be mamma, ami m \ke y<»ii and unele tin* w(*st)—“Of eo ’.irs * yon know, lia- said; ! c«*nt out (it *»idy $ 1, OF THE WOULD and cveryhoily else do as 1 wanted roii, 1 lial my f:**r is not in tin* re- j ‘•G(‘nll(*nion, that :iin’t nothing. You Circulation over 125,000 copies Hooka on credit. them.” mo!(*st degre;* a nolilenmn ?” Hi*,— all know tin* cold sp(*II during tlm win- Er*‘lgb( paid. A*ldr**aa. (il<> Itiblc I’lib- i DAILY. INhiag < o,, 72itCbeatnut St., I’bibv.. Pa.. *>r Du llcigli “.Silo ! jfr.iss cxlcmb'd two “.Say no inon*. beaiilifiil one. Tin* ' tt*r of'Si. It was tlm (■()lil(*.st winter ! .•|.5N D**arb*M'n .S|. I'bicag*). III. 14w12 lingers when lu* tried lo shake liands m:in wlio will give Ids daughter a mil- j W(! cv(*r had in I l;«*se p:irts. New j The Most Remarkable Kawspaper Suc­ with old .Soak \est.u\lay ami old .Soak lion-dollar doury is noble (*nongli for Year’s day the wind blew ;i blue .str(*:ik. chai!cng..*d him to a duel. ” FasLleigh ni»*.” Jdfe. ' i Th(> r:iin :iml .sl(*t*t fell .so fast that a j cess in New York. 100 man cotihln't see the te;mi In* wasdriv- | —“'1 iioiight ho was loo formal, eh?” Herkimersf “That was sad aliout I The Press is a National Paper . Dudlei^'h “No, stingy. Old Soak C’narh^y Mareyaso , wiio dietl from i ing. We had tW(*nty-(Mu* and a half' FREE said 1.1,1. two linger.^ uas an itisiiit lo ()V(*r(^xeition while lying ids (cavat a i head of (*:ittle froze to d(*ath. ! Cbcap newH. vulgar HCfiKatleiiH nnd IraKh f(*w days ago. Do yon know wii it Ids ] “Well, ’bout that half I will tell you. | Ibid no place In tbe coliiiniiK «>f Tin' I'rcHH. WXTGKES. his capacity. The old iioy is from Tie* Pr(*HK luiH tin* brigbtewt Editorial pag(* Kcnlii. liv, you know. ” — X. Y. Tri- last words were?” 'I'omkin-.Spark We Imd only twi*nty-i)no and wo j hadn’t time, :ifti*i-tile cold s(*t in, to' ill New Y«)rk. It HparkIcH witli |)(dntH. (;iv*'n ),y tin* OI*l«‘at X**wap;ip* “r btint. “No; what were tli(*y?” llei kinxM'st— ill . care for ’em. Just turned (hem in the I The I’rcHS .Sunday Edition Im a Bpiendid “I’m going lioiiK* to tit* no more ”— jmt>cr. cov(*rlng(*vcry cnrri'nt noplc of bd(*r(*Ht . Mother — “How did yon hapjicn Smith, Gray A* Cy.’.t Monthly. h:irn. .Vll of them froze stilT(*r than a I Ill a*l'lltlon to lb** nuiiieroua ii**w ami orig ­ lo lake dinner with Tommy Trad- inack(*r(*l, (■•X(*ept om> that stood ii(*\t ' Tbe PrcBM \Vc**kly Falition contaiiiH all tbe inal pr*'miuma ofr**r**nt them with lOO wntch**K. all to tin* li.iv mow and tli:tt was ;in old 'i * of which are gnnrant*****! by T. Ly .vcii , 14fh invited me.” ‘Didn't you ask her to? ” Diidleigh saying lo you a while •j.go? ” St. jtiid (Td*)n S*iuar**, N**w Y**rk City, who cow t li.'it w:is fro7,e s(did on one side, I?ASAN ADVERTISING MEDIUM furiilab**a tliem t*, i.a. “No'm. ’ “Did Tommy her?” “No, Miss Fiiirie Dt* .Seakle — “Notidng. ” and t’idlicr side was all rigid. .My wife Mrs. 1. (in surprise) —“Nothing? Why, • Th** PrcHB lia« n** Hiij>crb>r in .New York. ma’am; he only told her it would bo a tlioughl we had better kill her, hut I TiiK AiiVKUTiar.u la tbe <»ld**at n«*wai)ap«>r In good tiling for her to ke<*p me, 'caiHo he’s b(*en talking fur an hour. He | I THE PRESS .New York City. Ita w* ‘<'kly *‘ditb>n la piili- urg(*il her not (o do it. But that cow liabed In t w*) H**ctlonH lgbt pagt'a ev**rv laane, la i.hinjr.s.” (iood Srw.i. DndleiL'li. ”—J}, truil Free Bress. ' Dally nn*irta. a woman ’a pag*« and the al»l**Ht been in college two months and ho now, but time will btail your wmimls. cream.” Dally and Sunday on** monih, - - .45> «*iHtoriala pnbliahed l,y any New York paper, Others havt* sufTei(*tl such losses and Dally *>iily, *>nc ycjir, - . - - i.H.OO with elevating ami entertaining reading mat­ writes that he has had to order two Dally *)nly, four montliH - - $1.00 ter, flevold *>f aenantiona and *>bj* ‘ctionable new suits and wants mo to send him tl!ey have re(*()veri*il. ” r t he AtTrartlvp IndiiciMuentH “For the land ’s sake! how does the boy That lioss was wiith a clean ♦lOd, an’ governor of New York who is not nt for Agsnta, aent frc(* on applirntion to tuaiiage to wear out so many clothes?” he was the best hoss I had on the lest 34 ye;irs of :kgo nnd h:is not been place. If you knoweil what that hoss .Hen«l f*»r The PreBt* ('Irnilar. TUB ADVERTISER, Farmer .Mmithol —“I guess it is all for live years a re.sident of the state. .Sampl**H fr«*e. AgentH wanted everywhere. rignt. Maria. He says it’.s hard on waa you wouhiii’t blame me fer grit!V- The term i.s throe years, the salary I.ilieral (tonindNBl*>nB. Addri'BB, ]7wl0 20. PARK ROW, N. Y. in’, nn ’ you wouMn ’t think I could git clothing heCHUse one, of their physical $10,00!.), and n roomy, C(jnvenierit, and THE PRESS, culture exercises is picking up chips." over it so easy, niitlicr.”—Excelsior Ripatis 'rabulcH. splendidly furnished exeeutivo man­ ir.w.'i 38 PARK ROW, Ripaiifi Tabul(^8 euro colic. —Jnd'jt. Springs, AIo. JJispalch. sion is provided for his NEW YORK. Ripan.*( Tabules ; for torpiij liver.

! 1 Fred . F. Murdock . THI DICTIONARY HOLDIN 9940 ( IN4 yoa toeta wiMt fakvlaM mmIIs fi»w ent •( IM rs ■MafMtar* ^ Mr. N ojm of m eraMD«aUl (tMi4 to heVd Ibi ", Repairing THE NEWS —DKALEK IN-r alrtlm-~r* 7h> «l»ry r»«di like > <*hU. but to UHIt on* aih kDothcr qoMtiaa : B*r* jroa vnt aotlMd th* MlTMUaMaMi OF ALL KINDS, LOUIS 1). omits. Editor and Proi JtosI WIndmidliidtto warranted at IVK Towor sssff » mlnuM 07 Th«ssHfeursourfl il Editor CorSit was iu Detroit Friday. Shop Opposite the PeetolBee, stoty oCths svsr-crowtnf Btlore Fell. Isl. Dr. Frank Dunn, of Fowler, was in St. ST.JOHNS. MICHIGAN Johns lust Friday. and w **Toiio siw Country W#n. thM |^* third «i»*r oDI mI in th« W«*t I.,yon & Dooling were in the southern only «hc«*d«<) by two of th« Boiler and Kn>i;ine Trinnniiij^Hofnll kindu, Livery aud Boarding Stable, KTMt lUrTMUr MinpuntM) purt of Michigan on busircss the latter WTM whully furniibud by th* of ciebt (lathe Old Blak.) ■Metiunary Holder buiinna. Thia Injec;torH, WhistleH, Steam (iua^«w, I’op O ettailig brinfi or buck to tbh Boldn, und part of last week. ■uffnU inquiry M to buw it took The State Democrat, of Lansing, has nd htld ftod BtiU hold* Ih* A*Ui. Safety Valvf'H, ete. (Jaa Pipe and Fil- IkeiwMiny rapidly from y«*r to ye»r. I bccnenlurged to a six column quarto. Tb*Mcr*t of Iba (ueeaH iilhti: Mr. IfoyM h*a mad* a moat parfect, tinga, Sliaftin^, llant^era, etc. Non- Is low On. aitiatio and maritoriou* srtlela, and Eilitor Sanford will fill it full of news. haa maintainad a liiab standard of •xcallanc* and auppliad th* artlela Miss (Jrace (Jaldwell, who has b«*en vis­ at a low pries. Tb* marit of thass condiictini? Pipe Coverinjfs, etc. We Dictionary Huldera baa baanaograat iting ndutives in St. Johns for several i ibat tbay liUraily aold tbamaalvaa, are agents for the I'. S. Injector, the tin- »4id inaucltfreatquantl* week, returned home to Saginaw lust Sat- 4*a that a small profit on eaeb on* has mad* tb* oat made. j nrday. NsuU abos* mantionad. Tbay bav* (onatoalmostaaary ' 11, P. Adams has secured a ^1,000 nOARDINO A SPECIALTY. habitable portion of th* (lobs, •ran to th* r*mo(* l•U»da of | Loohl YOUR i clerkship in the office of the Auditor i*% br* — I (lenernl of Michigan. He begins work First-class Tarnonts at Reasonable Rates. EVERY IIICRME WERRlHnO j March 1. Ripans Tabiilcs : fttr liver trouble-, iiiti M at oims. I Frederick Bott and wife, of Stockbridge, E'9'Call and see me. ST JOHNS, MICH Kipans Tabules : for bad temper. I Mich., attended the funeral of the infant ORBIT son of Chas. Blanchard, their son-in-law, in St. Johns, last Friday. VALENTINE. L. C. Wright, at prestmt a teafdier in the Mauistt'e schools, returned to his the: dealers . duties lost W'eduesday aftt'r a visit We can (live You with his parents and friends iu Maple Wc will give you bargains Uapids. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER INVOICE OF BARGAINS ON GOAL STOVES thatcan not be equaled. Fay W’. Thomas is visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Thomas. Since leav­ .\h we are going to ing St. Johns Mr. Thomas has risen to (jralloway Robes, JUST LOOK the cjishiership of a bank in IloIIyrood, CLOSE THEM OUT Kansas. -----AND----- Men ’s Felt Shoes, William Ifulbert, Bart McClellan, Bert Horse Blanbets, .\t Some Pnee. Former price $2.50, now Hunt, Harry Touso and family and Wal­ lace Belding and wife left Monday morn ­ $1.50, AND A CAR-LOAD OF ing for East St. Louis in company with f Give Us a Gall Before Buying. Women ’s Felt Shoes, W'. 1). Bishop nnd T. C. Beach. Mr. Former price $2.00, now Beach returns soon. SWELL BODY AND PORTLAND CUTTERS. We Have Mrs. Isaac Holton and daughter, Lil­ $1.00. lie, leave this evening for Fnjsno, C’ali- A Large Line of Hardware Misses’ Felt Shoes, fornia, where they will spend the wintect of city air; to the moving to leave St. Johns next week. The win­ clean up all broken lines and YEAR dust and dirt of the street; ter will be spent in TennesHf?o and other to the rain; to the drip from goods not strictly seasona ­ soutliern states and returning in the ble. Prices made on these sf)ring, they will make Jackson, .Mich., the soiled handsofthc driver. their future home. It is with regret that WILL KEEP SWEET LONGER. I lines that can not be touched the removal of .Mr. and .Mrs. .\very is Has Come. When drawn from the ud ­ by any firm in this or any chronicled, they having been pleasing other city. additions to St. Johns’ society for the der of the cow to the Milk past two years. Protector the cover of the Edward P. Elliott gave the second of ND we have made one resolution pail keeps out all hair and the St. John’s Guild lecture course series dandruff, also filth and odor at Newton hall last Thursday evening. A that will interest the public. from the stable. The milk To sa.y that Mr. Eliott is an artist would is then removed to the milk bj laitting it mildly. He has excellent Wc arc determined to offer ;j;reater facial expression and good elocutionary house, cooled and bottled ability. The rendition of “M3' Wife’s ! *Vu'^ inducements to ])atrons than ever. i mined iatelv. Dry Goods are Walking Right Mother, or W'oodcock's Little Game,’’ ip . ^ I Look at the folh^wing —isn ’t it evi­ GHAS. MORELAND. would have beini better appireciated had Out. it bcrepared by the ladies to which anq)lc $5.00 Jackets at $2.50. justice was done before i)roccediiig to bu­ Boys’ Caps at 16o, worth. 2D siness. Tlie treasuHT’s report was read $7.00 Jackets at $3.50. 1)3' treasurer H. L. Kendrick. The so- and DOo: also Several Styles $2.oo a Year. $10.00 Jackets at $5.00. ciel3’ is now entirely out of debt nnd in a of Childrons’Cvorccats size very prosp»erous condition. P. E. Wnls- worth and 11. L. Kendrick were elected W1 5 to 10, at Sl.DO. Containing more reading to sneew'd themselves ns trusD'es for the They sold for $2.00, $2.50 and matter tlian any magazine coming three 3’ear8 . Lclund T. Powers, the famous humor­ published in America. ous impersonator, has bc«.*n engaged h)r $3.00. the third entertainment upon the coursi* l)cing given by the St. John’s Guild, AddreHH FREE TO ALL = Thursday evening, January 20. He will W; THE SUN, give the selec'tion in which ho has won a world-wide reputation and which is gen ­ Bargains Will Greet You. 12t\ 10 New York. Hot Goffeeand Gream Saturdays, erally consid»a ’cd his ma8ter-i)iece, en­ 9 titled “David Garrick.” Mr. Powers is always accorded large audiencf* which he never fails to jjlease nnd we can per­ 8 . W. sonally recommend attendance upon that evening, promising St. Johns’ people an WILSON & SON. UNDERTAKER. exceptionally meritorious entertainment. Reserved seats on saleat Allison ’sjewelry OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, store Wednesday morning, January 25, commencing at 7 o ’clock. 33 Clinton Ave. St. Johns, Mich. gt. Johns. Mich the soil cs" from out the fioint of the A Vi'noiuous nir I. IIOMK AM) TliK FARM. built, it maj'be broii^ the lif^hi PAPERS BY GOVERNORS LANSING IS INVESTED. Hut one species vonomoua bird Is and ^'radually be driven more lieat un ­ known to the student of ornithological A DKPAHTMENT MADE UP FOR odditi((8 —the Kpir N’Doob, or "Bird of til it comes into full bloom. The MESSAGES READ TO THE STATE LEGISLATORS ARE AGAIN Death," a feathered paradox of Now OUR RURAL FRIENDS. l etter rooted the l.vdl> 1 cforc leinn LEGISLATURE, ' . WORK. Guinea. It is not a large or formidable- broujilit into tlie li^lit and heat, tlie looking creature, as one would natur ­ An Idoiil I-'iii'iii \Vui;uii-'Kcros<*iii> Ciiiiil- l.idtor will Ik; its tlowers. Whilt' IJovfrHor WliuiiiH Iti-vU-w.'* Stale Afl'alri* UrgHiilzatloii Kfreeted In Itotli ftraiM-lie* ally oxpoot, being scarcely as large as a Hi«ni l«ir Sliot'p —\ «»f I'Vi i-<'iiurluttL*rM nf liiti'i-i-sl to duriii^^ .September and Octo cr, one may pot during Nouember, and, if cati- la)|>r«>\c-uiciit ot the lIlifhMMj’ii. To Kepeul the .Miner 1.hw. color, without any special markings, ex­ till* Oairj man. cept the tail, which ends with a blood- jiropcr care b;* jfiveil, feel (juitc sure The 0)itt(uhi|( (iitvernor. MHklug Oiir cf haviu^^ uri al uudance of l.loom rod tip. The bird is comparat.vely help­ An Iiiipr.iviMl l‘'arm Wasciii. In his retiring nies.“age, read beforo Hoth branches of tho Legislature ( on- less, being able to tly but a few feet, duriu^f the laic wiut 'r months. the joint convention of llio two houses voned at noon tho 4th, every’ inornber- ana can be caught without difficulty; A corresponUciit of Ihc lJural New of the Logishvture, (lov. \\ inans gave u olect of the House hoing present and however, it is unnecessary to say that Yorker ;ui illustrated duscriii- or iiiti'i'i'st to Dali-ymoil. toinplcte account of his siow'ardshlp. subscribing to tho constitutional oath of its poisonous bite causes the native Fa- tiou of a farm wap:ou which he coii- 'I'iiero arc three special lines of nfllce. Oujectlon wa.s made to the Ho rocoinincndod tiic t ubniission of a E'uans to let it severely along. Persons .sidors an ideal. dairying, and from these it will gen- lonstitutionul urntadnienl fix ng a limit Bwearlng in of Koprosentatives Griflin Itten by tho cicature are seized by The front wheels are three feet two cially pay the dairyman to choose to tho apjiorPonnicnt of specitic taxes and Kusch, the two Democratic moiu- maddening pains, which rapidly extend inches, the rear four feet hi^h. The some one and follow it steadily, among the primary Hchool.s so that all bers from Detroit, tut they wore allow ’od to every part of the boiiy. Loss of to take the oath and given notice that axles aro-of Ll-inch lonnd steel lien’t rather tlian to comliino the dilTcrent above a certain amount may bo applied sight, convulsions, and lockja\V are tho to tin* iK-dU' tion of direct State taxa­ their seats would be contested. Organi ­ other symptoms which follow in rapid to riirht ankle cranks at the wheels. brain-hcs, say.s Hoard ’s Dairyman. tion, In inan 3' districts tin; money re­ zation in both houses W'as elTectbd by succession. 'The natives say that there 'I'he cranks are eij;iit inches and arc The tlirco divisions arc: 'I'hc retail ceived iroin t’ni-. Hoiirce, logothor with tho Hepublieans. William Aldrich 'La- is not a case on record^ of a survival of held in liori/.ontal position hy spiral trade or shipment of milk, the mann- tho proceeds of the mill tax, is suffl- tum, of Grand Hapids, being chosen tho bite,' there being no antidote, death sprin^rs adjustably connected with the faetnre of butter and the manufac­ ci('nt to maintain the schools, and in Bpeakor of tlio House; L. M. Miiler, of always ensuing within the short space wairon body, front of the wheels, al­ ture of ch<* 'Fhe cow is the not a few tJie umount ;o received ex­ Macomb, clerk; J. Q. Stover, of Laii- of two hours.—St. Louis Bulletin. lowing the body to be low(*red cip:ht b;‘st for one of tliese is not the best ceeds the necessary’ expenditures. 'Phe Bing, Borgeant-at-arms, and Mrs. inches, the len:;th of the cranks. for the other two. and,, public institutions of the Slate wore Adelo M, Hazelton, of Hills- Th»* First of Nature. said to be in admirabh* condition, and ilale, postmistress. In the Senate This self-preservation Is acknowledged to be, the stock should lie .selected in the tho oflicers are; Secretary, Dan FL .\1- the acts of 1S91 consondating ihe mun- Ru»l i)eople who adopt against the encroaches llrct p ace with particular reference agcnient of llieae instilut ons w’as com ­ word, Clare; assistant, S. W, Hopkins, to the brancli of bnsini'ss that is to mended, tlicy having rrndicd in a great Isabella; Sergeant-at-arms, George H. of disease a lecnnine medicinal aafotuard, ac­ '■-mm bo followed. 'I’bo man who lias a to iho stu c. Bussey, Wayne; assistants, I). G. Crat- credited by experience and the 88/.',?tion of specially goo:l butter liei\l cannot af­ (Jov. Win I ms urged the necessity for ly’, Muskegon; John Hretz, Ionia; en­ phvslcians, afford a happy Illustration of the ford to furnish milk to a cheese fac- an institution for tlie feeble-minded, grossing and enrolling clerk, W. S. svisdom of the saying, In the health they re­ store and continue to enjoy. Among maladies, tor\-, nor to ship his jiroc'n t to a city and expressed tlio i>pii.iun iliat tlie sum Carpenter, Washtena-w, assistant, Flor ­ ence C. Hetts, Detroit; postinistresses, against the growth of which Hostotter ’s Stom ­ to be sold with low grade milk from a -propriute*! by the last Ijogis'atcro for tho Ali higaii W'orl Ps l air exhibit is Mrs. M. Adelo Hazleton, Hillsdalo; as- ach Bitters affords efficient protection, dis ­ Tile wa^on body rests directly on all sources. I''ind out what von w'ant Mn; axic to the cranks on lioxcs suflieient 10 cover ull no -('.ssary ex­ sistaat, Mrs. A. G Moshler, Kent. Sen­ eases of the kidneys and bladder are fraught j to do before von begin to build your ator Joseph Weiss, of Wayne, gave no ­ with the utmost peril aud exhibit great obsti ­ ill which the axle roils in response to penses. j herd, and then follow that |) Th(‘ attention of llie Legislature was tice of a bill to rejieal the Minor elec­ nacy when opposed by ordinary means. The tension placed on the sprinj,rs by the j steadily, and yon will bo apt to come called to (ho lo'cessity for bciter h gh- toral law. It is sai(I tho seat of Senator Bitters can and will subdue them. No testi­ load or draft. 'Jdie sides of the body i out all right. wa3’8 . In the opin on of tlie comni.s- Mugford, Defn., will bo eonlosti'd, on mony is stronger than this. Used at the out ­ arc fully strenfitbened against lateral sioii appointed to investigale this sub- the ground that ho was elected by tho set and per.sistcntly, tho best re.sult.s may be jircssure by the fenders, wbieli also j Jiamly <'Iu -»';». .}ect an amendment to tho Coiisiitution counting of defective ballots. Tlio Su­ expected, 'i'hls medicine also eradicates liver furtiisb additional width increasing j A door check is a hle.ssnig in every is iK'eessury in order lluit needed re­ preme Court recently decided this claim complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, the capacity of the box or bodi. Truss ' house, (‘specially where there are forms ma3’ be adopted. Immediato re- to be cironeous. rheumatism and nervousness. rods jirevcnl the sair^,Mnjj of the cen- I small children who so often get their li(‘f lor tlie Supremo Court was urged, First AiiierU'an Casting. as w'as also the subject ng o' all build ­ At the Republican Senatorial caiieur Icr of the bod 3'. The side openill{,^s j hands and feet bruised hv the aeci- 'riiiir-iday Senator Stockbrldgo was nomi ­ 'Fhe fust iren casting made in Amer­ ing and loan assoeiations to State su­ nated on the first ballot. Hoprescntallvo arc clo.scd by boards cut to tit and : dental shutting of a door. Tliis check, pervision. In cone usion (lov. Winans ica, a kettle, cast at (ho Saugus Iron Buell called the caucus to order. A reso ­ works in IGH’i, has been presented to the secured in place by sjirinus. To re­ i as shown in Farm and Home, jire- said tliat the Legislature -which shall lution was offered that the vote be taken move the boards, press the spriiiits ; vents it. A is tlie main jiiece, whieli enact general laws for the incorporation viva voce, and that a majority of tho votes city of Lynn by J. E. Hudson, of Bos ­ and raise them. I should h(‘ made of any kind of iron of cities and villagi's and do away -witli of the eabtciis should bo necO'Sary to a ton, a lineal descendant of Thomas Hudson, the original owner of ihj cast­ the free-}'ass s3’st(‘m, thereby shorten­ nomination. Mr. Ewing, of Hillsdale, of ­ lie says, yon will see many ad- and must he screwed to the lower fered as a aubstit ute that the vote should ing. 'riionjus Hudson owned sixty acres vaiitajzes at a glance. The spiral i corner of 1 he door. 15 is tlie spring ing tho sessions, will earn be taken viva voce and that a vote of a the lasting gratitude of liie peoide. of land on the westerly bank of tho spriiijrs arc very litrnction the HubboU, 10; Hartsnff. :{; (i. (Jran.sdell, 2: and a half centuries in perfect condi ­ not adopt all of the rocommen lations of O. L Spaulding. 2; J. C. Fitzgerald. 1; B. tion. vsprinir at the opposite wheel shares the Highway (Amimissioii, yet lie hoped M. (.'utcheon, I; .lamos O'Donnell. 1. Then (lie resistance The wagon, though the work of Hie comnrssion will rcsidt followed a general stampede to Stock- Statk of Ouio , City of Toledo , ( liCCAs County , i liL'ht (i)00 pounds) has carried over A in such constitutional amendments and bridge. followed by a niotl m to make the r'UANK .f. C'HKNKv luakoR Oath that he is the 200 loads of from 2,000 to .‘!,000 laws as will, in tho immediate future, nomination tttianimous. which \v:i,s carried. senior partner of the firm of F. .1. Chrsey A rc-ult in good country roads. After The mcssaios were heard by both liou-c.s. Co., de ng business in the City of Toledo, County pounds. No bolster or roach is and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay needed. It may be chi'aply Imiltand giving the (hdails of tlio .Miner Ftlej- News of the State. the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLL.ARS for toral law and spea^.ni: of tho result of Loi ’is S.MITH, a Faginuw .Vldoiman, each and every case of CATAP.rn that cannot be it is certainly a pleasure to use it, for evafd by the of H'LT, • O.UtAuru (Jure . it.s operation in Alieliigan, the Governor wan’s to bo postmaster. when loaded it isonlv eiglitcen iiiclic-i sa d; FRANK J. CHENEY. SvoiNAw ’.s duiing the year Sworn to before me and subscribed In my from the ground. It is wholly of my !<'. A. Maker, one of the cii.inont ooiinscl em­ Pre recory the Suiicli Dakota K.xperimcnt i dtlTorence In the result of the election of Nov. A Chk'aoo firm has ordered 10,(i(l0 a, IH'Jv, nor be of any partisan advantaoro to the constellations, two cities with Station to he an elTective remedy for | door from going shut. D is the lift­ cither party, but I desire to call your atten­ views of the Sault, for sale during tho crowds tilling tho forums and armies sheep scab Tlie scab is caused hy a ■ ing knob tlial, Ills in the shank (7 and tion to the damrer that may confront us in tha World ’s Fair. besieging a town, be.sidcs battles, sin­ is used to put it in or out of use. K near future, ami recommeml that some action sTiiall mite. This insect is very hard ! be taken with a view to Induce Coneross to 'Tiik residence of Will Jackson, of gle combats, rural scenes, pictures of to kill as IS shown l»v the fact that is a still) made of riildicr that fits into jirovide some safe and fair method of electing M est Fort, was destroyed by’ lire, with home life, dances, cattle herding, lion i'resident and Vice President. It is a matter all contents. two specimens ])iit in a solution ;):{ j the lower end of (Dind presses against and bull fighting an ! a vast variety’ of whlcli should receive your careful considera ­ mythologu ul subjects. • tier cent, alcoliol showed simis of life ; Ihc Hour. The entire mcclianism is tion. Mn. AND Mns, H. Chandki .d , of Cor ­ In order to secure greater accuracy una. several days ago celebrated their lor nine and fourteen mitinies re- j covered by the oval piece A. Tiie W. Bake .{ A Co. ’s Bruakfusi Cocoa is a and ri'inovc ojiportiinity for fraud ut golden wedding. spectivclv. The emulsion was made ■ knob I) works through the slot in A very comforting drink as the weather oh'Ctions it was recomriKMidod that a Pat Hahuy , of Carrollton, has fallen grows colder. Ouo of Its special merits, hy dissolving ten pounds of hard soap and the, |)icce 10 is pushed out at the lower end. law bo passed providing lor a separate heir to $20,1)00 by tho death of a rich giving It a groat advantage over tea and in twenty gallons of soft wafer heated ; board for counting ballots; tliat bo.xes relative in Irelaml. coffop. is its boat-giving taincd, two or three be shot inside the city limits. St<)r«*Ii<>nse of Know ledge and Sweets. hy the scab, some almost naked from ■ mendation made that su *h an amount times Mic (luantity mcntionc.l of .\ Yor.No man named Bounlin was M'lieu (be schoolhouso of the Galla­ its cne<;ts and barely able to walk. 1 be appropriated, under j roper safe­ leached ashes would .lave a marked guards, a?, may bn necepsary to carry frightfully burne.l in a coal mine near gher district, in Mason Valley, Nov., Although the. sheep dried off slowly I elTeet. Wood ashes would have a out the plans of tho commission. At­ Coiunrui by the exfilos.onof twenty-five was uponrd after fhe summer vacation tiol the slightest damage was .loru' ! tendency to solidify and compact the tention v/as eall(‘d to the nec’esslty lor pounds of powder. it was found that bees were in posses ­ the woo!, in tacT tlie emulsion seemcfl ' soil, lienc(’ they an* excclltnt on light further ac ommodations for the insane J.VMES MA( KIN, of Ihe Saull, flu; otlier sion of the desks, and it is elaimed that t/O have cleansing properties On ex- i and for a home for feohle-mimled <*liil- day for a second time broke Ids log in abo it .kliO pound.s of honey were taken land, hut care should ho taken not to Irom them. amination Iwent.v-lour hours after I them to e.xccss on heavy soils. dren. 'Pile abolishrnent of the Cen­ (he same pla t*. Hi'ing CO years of ago, (lipping, the sheep showed no live j tral Hoard of Control of State he died of his injuries. Livor t'oiiiplaint cured by Smtll Bile mite.s. Two days after the lirsf dip- 1 Ilow CloM-r Soil, Institutions anil Central Hoard TnuEi: ( hinanien captured at tin* Beans. of insju'clors of penal and reformatory })ing one of 1 ho worst infested am-i S.ault while trying to sneak into the Pai ’1UK.\ is a trifle stronger than Any one who has hroki'ii up a clover institutions and the return to the rep- country, have be(*n taken to San Fran­ nulls was examined closidy with a ' ley for -Jiimmcr fallow in earl\ .Inne ar.'i o hoard system was recommended, wliite pepper, and while it has not the cisco, and will be returned to the Colcs- biting ;atOn of ra Ironds ilie Kxeculive sai*l; 'The Shore Lino railroad project is 2'Ae Oldest Medicine in the World is frobably again being briskly agitated at Mt. DR. ISAAC ’CHOmPSON^B they wiii .nnplv repay in lioantifnl and t ile clover, and at least a Ion of water \Sehave 1ii our state a few r.-.llrond^ which would exhale from it in tiwent3'-four were ploneti ’rt of their kind rnd were irraiited Clemens, i'resident Loss say’s that as ly propatTKl ptiysk-lan’s pr fragrant all tlie trouble and TOtiptlon, ami has l)een In cousiaiit two for nearty a hiUir.s. Ihit the wi'ting which fol ­ P))ecial cliurterH wll h spoc-al privllei-eH. They soon as the right of wav is sec'irod tho expe.ns.' fhev make. Some of tin- are to-alr.v No((»s. roads, and iinjin**, to the people of the body. unfavtiraUlf' (onditions, simply ic- State. A State Is no more institled In a breach w.inoRRifi,^ .foMN' (Jot'i.i) says an acre, of gor'd of contract than an Indlvlifual, )m1 In somoIn ­ FniENDs of Benjamin Dixon and E. ' IJCinidlWra AVanliliigton, D.O. (liiiring a moderate amount of heat, stances the railroads have themselves broken SifccessfuMy Prosecutes Claiins. ' silage to feed to good cows is worth C. McCarty, of Sagiuaw, do not be­ ■ T.sct or cellar t(» root; Ho b'ft considerable property. A lem- • Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Gu.irantee. the Held makr; a shed far them to go on strict business prlneipks and niudo porary administrator of the estate has When the top 'icgins to show through Fora Ijime Side, Back orChext Shdoh’a Porous under. as short as possible. been appointed l>y the Judge of 1’roba ‘e, j Plaster will give great tatbfactioa. —>5 cent*. Teopi -K call It backncln* and do notlilnl lor It until ilin doctor Is called and he pro- THE U.MBRIA IS IN rOllT. ijoiiucea it rheuntatisiii. If they liad uaet Salvation Oil in time the doctor ’s .‘jlll couU h-ave teen t^uvea. SAFE ARRIVAL OF THE BELATED CUNARDER. Unclk Sam Iiuk 47r), ;{.■,(> iclopJionos, Pay the Price of the 99

SIX POINTS, file Long MlMsing: Stenmrr Now lu New out of many, Y'ork llurbor—A Hruken Sliuft Caused the where Doctor l>elny—Story of an Eventful Voyage— Royal for Royal only. Urlttliig 111 the Wide Atlantic. “ I ara Post Master here aud keep Plei'ce’s Pellets a Store. I have kept August Flower are better than I I other pills : Actual tests show the Royal Baking: for sale for some time. I think it is All Are Well on Hoard. a splendid medicine. ” E. A. Bond, 1. Tliey’re the The big Cunartl steamer Umbria, po smallest, and long the subject of anxious inquiry, is Powder to be 27 per cent, stronger than P. M., Pavilion Centre, N.Y. easiest to take— safe. So much was a.scertained shortly The stomach is the reserx’oir. 11111 e,, s tta r- after midnight Friday, when her lights any other brand on the market. If an ­ If it fails, everything fails. The coated jjranules w’ere first s'ghted off Fire Island. liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the that every child takes readily. The news of her arrival was commu ­ heart, the head, the blood, the nerves 2. They’re perfectly easy lu their nicated at once to the Now York oftlce other baking powder is forced upon you action — no griping, no disturbance. of the company, and Vernon 1). Brown, all go wrong. If you feel wrong, 3. Their effects last. There’s no tlie local agent, accompanied by a num­ by the grocer, see that you are charged look to the stomach first. Put that reaction afterwards. 'Fhey regulate or ber of newspaper men, boarded the right at once by using August cleanse the systena, according to size j company ’s harbor tug and set out to in- the correspondingly lower price. Flower. It assures a gowi appetite of dose. lercbpt the steamer. and a g^ood digestion. ^ 4. They*rc the cheapest, for they’re The ride out occupied au hour, says Those baking powders sold with a gift, guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your a New York dispatch. At 1:20 the lug money is returned. You pay only lor drew up a’ongside the gangway and the or advertised or sold at “half the cost of Uie good you get. TAKE'RO CHANCES party filed over the si-Je. Every pas­ of licing robbed by hotel and boarding lioiiho keep­ 6. Put up in glass —are always fresh. senger on the steamer old enough to be Royal, ” are invariably made from alum, and ers. Annual wtibKcr'bera to the largest and most C. They cure Constipation, Indiges ­ popular weeklies 111 the world- the SATuBn.iy Bj.apic allowed out at that hour was up and and 1 he Chicaou LtnuKR—rec.dve certifii ateu enti­ tion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious are dangerous to health. tling them, when tbev viait Chicago to aee the ready to welcome the visitors —the first W'orld'H Fitlr, to the free ant'ttanrif of competent Headaches, and all derangements of the tangible evidence that they were ap­ Every can of Royal Baking Powder contains a ticket giving directions iierHoiia lu Keciiriiig rooma in butela and boarding- liver, stomach and bowels. lioiiHeH which are lu-althy and respectable aud ebargo proaching the homes so many of them how to obtain, free, a copy of The Royal Baker and Pastry Cook, contain ­ the itiifesi prices. Valuable time and money will feared in days past tliey would never time be saved. Subscribe at once for one or both of ing 1000 of the best and most practical cooking receipts published. the-ic famous Illustrated weekly paoers; tJ.OO per reach. annum: sample .'opies sent free, .address tbe pub­ After days of anxiety, and when n.siny lisher, W. I>. H(»V('K. tl5A 117 Fifth .\v.,Chicago. Sy|P,^I!S Ml NTION T MIS PAPKK wmkn wbitino to AOvtaTi.lm.. wore ready to believe tliat the big Cu- Kilt rapped nardtr witli all on board liad gone to liiiportHiit to Kleithy I'eople. AT the bottom of the Atlantic, the steam­ A correspondent sends to the Youth’s We liax’c noticed a page article In the Companion an account of a recent oc ­ Bo.stoii (ilobe on reducing weight at a very ship Manliansttt came into port and small expense. Jt will pay our readers to reported that when out eleven days currence that carries with it its own lesson. A young man in a small town send two-ceiit staiiii) for a copy fo Betlna from Swansea, and pounding along in Circulating Library, aO E Wa'-blngtou a heavy gale, with the wind raising became a member of an “emlowment" street, Clilciigo, llL angry seas, slie had pighted the I'mbria society —one of the mushVoom “frater­ take laboring in the trougli of tie* sea and nal orders ” of which lhe."e have been so YVealtli of Neiv .South Wales. I drifting before the galo. Tlie first mate many during the past few years. Without opening a single additional “Ye’ll never see yer money again, ” soarn, there is probably enougli coal In said some of his friends, who thouglit view in Now South Wales to enable Id,- lie was a fool to believe the promises held dOd.OOO tons to lie put out annually out. for some vears to come. This amount “Oh, yes. I shall. You see.” is more than double tho present yroduc- PLEASANT Hnni enough, he did see it again. tlon. [ - * .-\.fter paying out about $40 altogether, for admission and assessments, liis FOR T!1R(L\T DISF.ASKS AND COFODS OJVI^ KiVJOYJS eertilieafe matured and he reenivetl $100, use Bkow .n ’s Bkonciiial Tuocuk .s. Like ■k all ir.alli/ antnl things, they are Imitated. im Both the method and results when Then those who liad sneered at him The ijeuuinc air. Hold onlu iti hoxen. and predicted that lie would lose all THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant y complexion hastened to join so prospeious an or ­ NEW AND M IS BETTER. and refreshing to the taste, and acts llr.KRY YII r., Englnn'l, wore elolli My doctor says It 8<*ts gently on the stoinncii, liver der. Tliey paid the first fee and one or stockings, but liad asill^ pair for Christ­ and kidneys, and isu pleo-sant laxative. Tills drink. gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Is made from herbs, aud is prepared for use us easily two assessments, and then a court or ­ mas and Easter. as tea. It Is cat led Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ dered the affairs of the concern to bo tem effectually, dispels colds, head­ wound up. Indigestion relieved by Small Bile Beaus. LANE’S MEDICINE aches and fevers and cures habitual was in i-liarge c^f the Mnnhansett at the Tliere was not on hand half as much All tlruggisM tell it at M)c rd J pe** pmkage. If you rannrH money as would be needed to pay back In bleaching, linen loses one-third its it, fiend your .nddreM tt>r n froe tampU. Fiiniily Mmllriue consti])atiou. Syrup of Figs is the time and his practiced eye made out ifce rnrh diiT. Ill order to b« hrBlthv, (hii ik ),liat all was not well. The v« ssel lay to the members wliat they liad invest­ weight, cotton, one-twentieth. •ary. Addr«» OKATOH V. WvKKru4iiii. duced, pleasing to the taste and ac­ mill soul, of lier course, but in amonir-nt ,-V part liad gone to redeem a few certi­ ”” mi: >AME 1!S MISLKY. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in all liands wire ordered cm do-k. (’apt. ficates—just enougli to lure in new its action and truly beneficial in its Duck and Second .Mato Ellis came on meniliers; anollier large part in com- THREE TROUBLES. 1 his is the reply that Sparta- deck immediately. The Nianlian.cett fortabb^ salaries to tlie oHlcers. Three things which all effects, prepared only from the most went liurrying ov. r tlie live-mile course Some of tho endowment societies cus makes to the proconsul healthy anr. !>• Neuralgia and Lumbago. } Tlien the Manliansett bade farewell. Jayiie’.i Expectorant, a safe, old-fashioned are they that you are not con ­ At thc.t time VERNMENT week shifted to the east it w’oiild not bo “First 1 bad jiains in my back and chest, then Xo Alkalies — OK — AND LOW PRICE I anything unusual if the towhawser faint feeling ut the stomach, and when I would 2s. parted. Ilc-r macliinery would lie dis ­ eat, tlie first taste would Other Cheniieals NORTHERN abled. She would bi' on a lee shore in PACIFIC Rv R. make me deatJiIy sick. Of are iif bottles SO cents and Cl.00. p pected my .stay on earth nm, bad fjAtlng. mill's from short*, where ho can drift would be short. But u Garfield Tea and drift without gedting into danger, tfJiirh is absolutely Ely’s Cream Balm friend advised me to take I- ay puro and soluble, and repairs his machinery, so that when Hood ’s Sarsaparilla, and cricK * i It has more than th rce times he goes n.n ’.r the shore lu* will have his soon my appetite camt' Cures Constipation f' the streiujth of Cocoa mixed ,aENTl')N TIll.S l-At-l-.k wh.m wbiti^o to *i>» «»Ti.»a«. ship iindi-i* lull control. 'l liut is what I back 1 ate heartily with­ with .Starch, Arrowroot or a con.sider good s(*amnnship. Tho I'm- AIut , _ 'Sncar.and is far more eco ­ QCAPITICIII ennous ('ccpiitricItlPK art-illustra- OATI a out distress, gained two DCAUlirUL t>-(l in Dr. O. l*. Brown ’s uumne 1 ria had the v.’lio.e Atlantic to drift in, pounds a week. 1 took s pottles of Hood ’s Kar- nomical, co.^ttny leas than one cent a. cup. .SH.IKK.S|*I-:.\HI.\N Al.- ’rice fonts. It is dclicioms, nourishing, and e.vsily O up or inoro Kpnt for and if the storm got too strong lor her saparilla and never felt better in my life. To- DIGESTED. ______QUEEN E she could tak(^ in her sea-anciiors, lioist IrlPiulM on ivi'pii>t ot oddrpHH oil Sold bydrocers everynliere. UEDfC 1‘OKtal. -I. (iI15S()N BROWN, 47 Apply Haliu ititd each nostril. ItIRu w (irainl Sln-t-t. .Jt-rscy Oitv. N .l. ELY liUUH., 0« Warren St.. N. Y. I sail, turn her stein to tlie wind, and run before the storm. 1 was thoroughly W. BAKER & CO., Dorchegter, If ass. | ~, convinemi that tho i nibria was ail Hood s CufBS day I am cured and 1 give to Hood's Sarsapa­ FAT FOLKS REDUCED right, and would come into this port in igh FIVE OR euchre parties //X M/«. ^lico Maple. Oregon, Mo., write*: ^ures Scrofula rilla the whole praise of It." C. C. .YBER, gro ­ should send nt once to .logs Skbastian , (1. T. 1 \ ui / i ** M y weight wan TJfi iioundn, now it in 11*^ perfect safety, (’apt, McKay hasshown C.,H H. I. & P. R. R., Chlciigo. TKN CKNTS. In stamps. Mrs. n. .1. Unwell, Medford, Mass., says lu>r cer, (’aulsteo, N. Y. iM‘r pack for the Rllrkpat cards you pvi-r«hnni.*d. bor ] »a T®ui'kH. .V THLS PAJ’ER wKKf wRfT(*>«fi rrf*KKa. four l)<)!rliM of EJSKSRfIJM after I;ivintr had and ability. liidigeKtlnii. Biliousness. SoiU l»v all drua»;lsts. ML.NTluN THLS PAPKK whcm wkitino to ADTfKTUKHR. much other tre atmcnr,an(l being reduced to <-urce ilerived. Tho tliouHiinds of flattering testimonials w hieh have ronie sratnitously to lliw the disease remaiiiT Y ikhTT. I.. .Ma riiKits, i-used of her­ puhiisliers from persons who are using the ^oper Instantnneons iniiNic, speak none too higlily of its merit. ______Mathcrv i;lc. Miss. I*rlce, Si.iiO, Inriciling Set of Ten (l(D I'leces of either Cliurrh Music or i'opulnr Aim. esy, lias lieen ----- RIPANS TABULES ngulatej Uurl>ook on IPoo 1 ami Rim ni«-awela, niiri-^ 1 fy tlie blood, are safe and effectual tho New York I the best medicine known for bilious- • Presbytery, 'iP 'iwM<. constlmtion, dysiiepela, foul# BEST POLISH IN THE WORLD.! br(«tb,beadache.nieiital depression,# IF YOU ARE GOING TO I’rofes 8 o r painful digestion, tiod ooinplexlon, # and all diseoM's paused by failure of* Be sure atid get voiir tickets by the •v Briggs was the stoinach, liver or bowels to per-* ijl KI N A: KitKSfKN'T uiid K. T.. t' arraigned on # form their proper functions. Persons given to over- f if 1 # eating are beneflte»l by talking one after each ncfj.* \h. A' fill. Hvh. // iroii't you s i .X specilio # Price, ; sample,i5c At Druggists, or sent b\ mail. ? any more. You ir'ill yet there i/uirkei Yon will meet and travel with the very class of # niPANS CHKMICAL tX)., 10 Spruce St.. New York Z jieople. Your aiirroundlnga will be aa luxuriuuH an money can procure. We have five comjdete cliargos. # ••••••••••••••#••#•<‘>############«and really magnificent trains running dally bet ween (Hxcinxati and Ht. .AuiU'HTrNK. 'rhese Tlie voting UhN'I'ION Tills PArkK whvh wbitin * ra .DvasTisass. trains are the only <'oiiipi.*t.> \ estliMiUMl Trains from Cincinnati to the .soi TH. Yon will on the first save nearly half a day In time. This line Js I ID Miles .shori.-st. There are no clinr/es on limited trains and yon get the best to he had. Don ’t pay the same price and put up with Infe­ \v V charge was rior service, riillniaii Buffet Bleeping Car leaves l.onistllle 7;.V5 a. ni. daily over the l.ouisvill.* begun at 4 Boutiierii to Biirglu, where It is attached to and goes through to Florida on the Limited. These trains run through Cliallaiio.»gH. AtlHiita. Macon and .lacksonvl^e. making flirect OONOrBEDECEIVEO im imrnns o ’clock, and CoDsutnpllvea and people with I’a-stss, Knainels, aiiiity*-se\eii are Am ‘ciiMUs. (lood for him. .sw.ampy here; the log s(*enis to be j “Did you look :it the Naomi, \ imiictivcly. “ I'licr’s nothing sinking in. But I’ve got tight hold of bill you The merchants in town are getting Horses are so plentiful in Queens ­ but cold pork and pickled bcct< for a young birch tree.” staked? ” crazy over kerosene oil. It is only seven j “No. ” land, Aiist/alia. that they can lio ci*nts a gallon. snpjicr. any how. Pcilia|>s t liey’ll have Naomi sprang to the rescue. Eda snniclfling licticr at Ciassoii ’s. Mi- I “Dill 3-011 look at mine?” bought at •a< low as !f2 each. A well- Hauling ice is the order of the day. iiad already set lier feet ujion the hrokeii animal can be had for f>. AATld raiidy'.-i a good cook. ” doomed spot. In another moment the I “Sure an’ you don ’t think Fd bet | Every jne coneerned are busy and tiiey The clock lia'i just struck G and I Mike. without seeing that your .stuff horses overrun the colony, and when are getting a fine (pmlit.y. re.S(*uer would have been too late! (Iraniiy wa^ stirring the liom<*!y brown i was good? ” caiuured sell at auction for about |!15 AN ith a strength at which she herself a dozen. H. f,amson spent ('hrisfimis with his Mioai' into lu-r lirst cup ot fe.'i. Avhen a afterwards inarvelcl, Naomi seized “W'as it goofl? ” : sister in Fife Eakt*, 'Prave.secoiinty. lie gentle knock sounded on (lie warped 1 “Of course. ” : There is an immense garden in China rejiorts the snow about si.xteeii inches Ella around the waist and lifted her jianel of the outside door. Naomi out of the moras.s, “Well,” said Mike, “this bill is bad, j that embraces an area of 5 ), ) K) square der p and business booming. and if you liadn't said what 3011 did, I ! rose to answer the summons. “Do you know, ” she gasped, “that mil(*s. It is all meadow land and is Eugene Cooley hud Claud Tabor ar­ A hcautiful young woman, with rod- you ha\e heen standing f.ace to face i would have sworn that my ton was all i tilled with lakes, jionils and canals. rested for stealing a. pair of gloves from gold hair, large light-blue (*yos and a with deatli? Do you know that you j right an 3-wa3-.” Altogether it is us large as the states the (‘levator for which he plead guilty b«*- I 'I'he saloon man did not believe Mike of New A ork and Bennsylvnnia com ­ fore .lustici* Cobb who fin(*d him thrt*e complexion as delicate as a roseleaf, have wjindered out of the road in to stood there, wrapped in a scarlet and tiie .Shaking Bogs ’?” I and the hill was passed in for the tel- ; bined. dollars and costs. i ler to decide. His answer was a red | black plaid shawl. Eda s face, in the glimmer of the ! stamp, “counterfeit, ” across its faCe. I he cost of rough steel castings for “Miss Pole? ” .she said, hesitatingly. lampligiit, was very while, nuirine engine work is .1. 1). Vaiiburgcr, at ' “Yes,” she said, “that is my nanii*. ” claimed. “Oh, how can 1 ever find ' out of his trousers to replace it, but ' tlie rcsid<*uce of the groom ’s p;ir-i alluw.auce has to be m;ide f >r the in.a- “I am Eda Stuart.” words to thank you? ” [ be would never be persuaded that cuts, Mr. and Mrs.(Ico. Kimball,Clarence ■ ! Mike made if-Ji) on the deal. —tV/fca^o j chiiiing, as much as 2) |H!I‘ cent of P Again Naoiui bowed frigidly. ••Nevermind that now, ” said Naomi, the castings being removed in some Kimball to Miss laiiira Kmicimnn, of 'I'ivies. ! A’ictor. “And, ” hesitated the new school in the old brusque way. “Ia*t us case.s. teacher, with a smile that might have make haste hack to Skeiie’s Corners. I lie I niteil Kingdom has neither pe­ .lolin Swendei-has returned from .Ann melted the earthenware Chinaman on It’s snowing faster every moment, and A report recently published in Hol ­ .V1 bor. land proposes to close tlie Zuyder Zee troleum nor natural gas. Cur product the lid of (Jranny's t(*apot, but which your feet are wet in tliat awful morass. of each in 1888 was nearl\ ;?2.7.'X) 0,0(X) Steve Price has gone to the eoiiiily i produced no sort of elTect on Naomi Look. Here’s where you missed the by means of a dam that sliall ho con- farm to work. .strueteil from the m;ilnlaml, on each on the spot —the aggri;g;ite. as given Pole, “I’ve started out to visit a sick riglit road. Of course you couldn ’t by the Iate.^t report of the United Mr. and .Mrs. ,1. Houghton ’s baby died j pupil — Louisa Eedyard —and I'm afraid be expected to know that tlii* old side of the island of NVieringen. Tlie idea is to drain this area, which will States geological survey, lieini' over Inst 'I’hiirsday evening. I’\c* lost . my way. I hadn't any ide.a track was closed vip long ago, and I |17,1)!)0,000. ° St»*phen Sleight is hen* from Dakota it would grow dark so soon, and 1 didn ’t remember to tell you. There then be exceedingly valuable for agri- visiting friends in A’ictor and OIi\ e. must he hack by 7 o ’clock, for 1 expect are the liglits of Skene’s Corners now cultiiz’al purposes. The amount of whaloBorie t.iken an­ some friends to try .a new jilatio that I I’an you see them glistening tlirough I conference on prolit-shariii''’ as ap- ^ much exceed 2}J,000 Lou fireen’s baby has he(*u very sick part of this in but is better at this writing. have had sent me from Boston. A’’our till* snow Hurries?” |.li.!.lloll,c. manufactnr,. „t (uol i K"I. L brother has half promis(*d to come. “But you are coming with me?” from the waste bogs of Ireland has taken l)y the whalers Bailinx <>nt ports .A number of cases of difililheria are re-1 on the Baci/ic coast. A lew 3ears ago Miss Pole. Won ’t you aecompanv “No. I must hurry hack to Granny. now taken practical 63 and a syn- jiorted four mih‘s south of hen* and two ' him?” But”—she hesitated and Hushed deeply dic.'ite has been formed to carry out the amount taken reached as hioh as deal liH. “David i.mi't at homo, ” said Naomi, —“you will kiss mo just once to show the .scheme,thus providingeniploy ment 60i>,000 pounds aiinuall 3-. ” Major Arthur is jmtting up his saw with a sidewise glance at the road —that -we are friends? ” for a largo number of unemjiloyed , Ever3*one knows that wnshed l.ace is mill two miles east of Ptiei*in.L(iibl)nf(rs down which her brother had strode By way of answer Eda Hung both Irish i)easantr3-. improved by being dyed coffee, tirntier. .some time ago. “And I don ’t care her arms around Naomi Bole ’s neck Holding pillows in her teeth, while but jierhaps blondes are nut aware that nothin ’ about pianos. ” and showered a score of fragrant kisses if it be dipped in tea it will become a M . (i. A anbiirger. of Victor, Iiiik gone ■ she drew on the pillow-slips, caused a Miss .Stuart colored and shrank back. on her cheeks, lips and brow. chambermaid in a New York hotel to color more likely to suit i.iera. At to .M»*costa eoiinty to attend the .\d- ' She felt as if this hard, hand.somc bru­ “Friends, ” she cried, passionately, any rate, lace dyed in tea is a nice vent sta te conference, lose all her lower teeth. She had to nette had sln|)ped her in the face. “forever! ” cliangc forty or lift3' beds a day, and change and keeps longer. Mrs. Lilia DeLapt* moved to Owosso ' “Perhaps, then,” said she, “you can this performance, fora period of eleven 'The harbor of New Haven, England, Tuesday to join her hiistiand who is | tell me the nearest way home. It’s “It’s high time you were here, ycar.s, so loosened her lower teeth that presents an excellent exara\do of the brakeman on the railroad, j (luite dark, you sec, and, ” brushing Naonii, ” petulantly uttered old Granny they dropped out. extensive use of plastic uiisut concrete, some white, needle-like particles out Bole' “wlien here lias John (Hasson this material having been almost ex­ The aid society will nin't next W**crbly chased and or ­ The bright-dressed girl still lingered namented. will keep the food hot and at the same an the doorstep. and —and I thouirht it would be a iroml time prevent it from drvio®.