Christie Golden | 400 pages | 09 May 2013 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9781451697919 | English | New York, United States : Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War: Mists of Pandaria Series Book 1 PDF Book By far one of the most well written Novels i've read in quite a while Next to Exile I was hooked from beginning to end. So it was only natural that the same thing would happen to Jaina, right? Personal foibles aside, however, I would say that this book is perhaps the strongest of the World of Warcraft offerings yet released - even managing to compete with and perhaps surpass my previous favorite in the series "Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. The first novel in the series, On Fire's Wings, was published in July of that year. Why did he throw his own Horde at Theramore and allow many of them to be killed? Error rating book. But there did seem to be a time when neither of them knew what they were doing His thirst for conquest leads him to take brutal measures against anyone who dares question his leadership. Do different times call for different ethical standards? Come on! Instead, she has finally taken a stand. Besides now having a deep and abiding hate for Garrosh, I'm utterly disgusted with the Horde as a whole, including Baine and Vol'jin. One character I didn't like, was some dumb gnome kid getting all up in Jaina's face and giving Kalecgos a hard time! Because she becomes Kalec's barnacle. I thought the pacing of the story was done well and Golden's superb descriptive prose made what happened in Theramore hit harder than I probably needed to have it. But now, as mounting tensions threaten to ignite a new era of conflict, her hopes for peace could be extinguished forever At last, readers, the ultimate Warcraft feminist victory. Because I'm one of those pesky people who think that the World of Warcraft lacks strong female characters. About this product. And I aways chuckled at the overt word count padding. My thanks to Christie, and I hope other people find this book enjoyable. Jaina is a character who plays a prominent role in the game at times but really comes alive in the novels. For a book basically with mandated character development, I liked the beginning and the end way more than the actual character development. If you are a Warcraft Lore hound such as myself. Paperback Books Agatha Christie. Kal goes off in search for it, but not before making a quick stop at Jaina's tower to ask her for her aid. Golden knows how to play the emotions of the reader, and she does so maturely unlike some authors I can think of. And personally to me, that is just bad prose, poor form, and not interesting. I think I've read most of the ones she's written, and I was amazed at her exploration of the characters and their losses and emotions. In the past, she's actually done some great things for the Warcraft lore, such as fleshing out Anduin Wrynn's character. Sep 16, [Name Redacted] rated it did not like it Shelves: war , philosophy , fantasy , tripe. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War: Mists of Pandaria Series Book 1 Writer

No one calls him out on it though because no one wants to talk to him, ever. Isn't around much. The ending of the book was a little cliffhangery I know, that's not a word , for obvious reasons, hence the ". Though I am still mad for her just disappearing at the start of the Legion expansion while she, one of the most powerful mages alive, could have helped us with the demon invasion across the world big time. Out of the ashes, we can be reborn. Stackpole Goodreads Author. The ice queen needs to be reminded of joy. Skip to main content. What's a war crime? But now, as mounting tensions threaten to ignite a new era of conflict, her hopes for peace could be extinguished forever Female characters e. Still, not everyone in the Horde shares his views, and this has resulted in a clear split within the faction. The much talked-about complete and utter destruction of Theramore is his responsibility, as are many other terrible actions in this novel, so you'll probably despise him. Knaak 8. I read this book, hoping to get a bit of inspiration for the upcoming Kul'Tiran Allied Race coming to the game in the next expansion, Battle for Azeroth. Want to Read saving… Error rating book. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Let's move onto the hardcores rating. This is hands down the worst book I've read in the past ten years. And he It is really amazing how much better the last few novels have been. This is not the right chronological order, here is the list: 1. More importantly, however, here it is folks, it's the one we've all been waiting for, it's about Jaina! can do no wrong, even when he is clearly doing wrong, and the Horde should never face consequences for their actions! Garrosh Hellscream is mustering the Horde's armies for an all-out invasion of Theramore. That's taken directly from the book, by the way. Very bad. As the broken world recovers from the disaster, the renowned sorceress Lady Jaina Proudmoore continues her long struggle to mend relations between the Horde and the Alliance. Knaak Goodreads Author 3. This book did a great job setting up the Fall of Theramore scenario and has me anxious for Mists of Pandaria. I do wonder how well she'd do at her own worldbuilding, but she's gotten quite deft weaving with other people's threads. Sep 14, Jack rated it did not like it. Golden for being able to spin a tale that reinvested me in a character for whom my I was of two minds about this book from the outset, given that the showcase character of Jaina Proudmoore is not one I've ever had great interest in. And that's what Jaina, even in her pacified state was going to Orgrimmar to do. World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War: Mists of Pandaria Series Book 1 Reviews

As for Chronicles 2 and 3, they have summaries of the stories from the books in that list. ToW was like this. Female characters e. The ashes of the Cataclysm have settled across Azeroth's disparate kingdoms. More importantly, however, here it is folks, it's the one we've all been waiting for, it's about Jaina! They tenderly touch each others' hands and talk about magic. Get crushed wartards!! Yes, you read that right. I actually read this book about a year ago. And her whole peacemaker role with Thrall always made her someone that neither the Horde or the Alliance fully trusted. Showing Add books from: My Books or a Search. For example, and it's been said before, Jaina is put in her place by Thrall, Varian, and then by Kalecgos. Like for example Yet of late, escalating tensions have pushed the two factions closer to open war, threatening to destroy what little stability remains in the. Any condition Any condition. The nature of the tie-in novel really hits this book hard, unfortunately. View all 6 comments. She has an amazing grasp on the woman and what exactly is going on inside her head. Paperback Books Christopher Golden. This item doesn't belong on this page. So if you find a current lower price from an online retailer on an identical, in-stock product, tell us and we'll match it. This is actually a very important element since by nature this novel is a tie-in to a very popular game that is played the world over and Jaina has been a central character for almost a decade now. Sep 01, Naomi rated it it was amazing Shelves: warcraft. Speaking of which, there is a small aspect of romance in ToW, though I felt it sometimes got in the way of the story like standing in the middle of the ruins of Theramore is where you choose to share your first kiss? Knaak Goodreads Author 4. As much as I like Christie Golden, I admit her writing style can be hit or miss; sometimes she's so over the top with her WoW novels that the prose can be so contrived to the point of being borderline insulting. Want to Read saving…. I love cheesy books and cheesy games, and WOW is nothing if not cheesy. She made some And that's what Jaina, even in her pacified state was going to Orgrimmar to do. Golden launched the TSR Ravenloft line in with her first novel, the highly successful Vampire of the Mists , which introduced elven vampire Jander Sunstar. The deaths in this book broke my heart though not quite as much as the one in Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects , and I am genuinely curious as to why the ruined city was taken out of the expansion. This book is all tell. What's that, you want Jaina to do a bit of leadership in battle if she's the title character? I thought Christie Golden did a magnificent job In that time, I've read a few Warcraft novels one of which so enamoured me with the Shaman that I created and played one for the next year! Cookie cutter characters. Not the highest storytelling point for Blizzard I shit you not. And it's an awesome read so far. In that case, we can't Average Rating: 3. Golden isn't the best, but she is accessible to many different reading levels, and for that she gets some kudos.

World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War: Mists of Pandaria Series Book 1 Read Online

I will never be able to understand how this book has a much lower rating than it deserves. The story and universe is so expansive, and there are bits of amazing stories everywhere. View 1 comment. How was your experience with this page? At that time, Jaina is intelligent, crafty and confident. And I'm totally over Thrall and Varian. Garrosh Hellscream, brash warmonger extraordinaire and leader of the Horde, hates the fact that Alliance members live on his continent, which is mostly Horde. The problem, for me, is everything else. Now he's got nothing to do because he's no longer an aspect and all the blues are moving on. So you'd think with a plot like that, Jaina and Garrosh end up tangled up in each other, clad in nothing but tattered Horde and Alliance standards. Jun 08, Nayari rated it really liked it. It made her more real, which also makes her more likeable at least in my eyes. The nature of the tie-in novel really hits this book hard, unfortunately. Kal goes off in search for it, but not before making a quick stop at Jaina's tower to ask her for her aid. Wolfheart by Richard A Knaak So, in those respects, and in relation to Jaina being the ruler of her kingdom of Theramore , Christie managed to hit all the right notes. Knaak 7. Like for example Yet of late, escalating tensions have pushed the two factions closer to open war, threatening to destroy what little stability remains in the. Garrosh has earned nothing but mistrust and hatred because of his. His thirst for conquest leads him to take brutal measures against anyone who dares question his leadership. For example, and it's been said before, Jaina is put in her place by Thrall, Varian, and then by Kalecgos. , especially always seem to receive the short end of the stick in this regard, so I was initially worried that they were going to change Jaina in the same way. Keith R. I adore Kalecgos, I really do. What I did not like was Garrosh's character. This book surprised me. They're both highly magical creatures. I say supposedly, because she still acts like a flake and needs Kal's help with basic stuff. Your email address will never be sold or distributed to a third party for any reason. But, finishing this book was an accomplishment on its own as I was in the worst reading slump I have ever been. She's typically easy to read and the story flows well. It gives us an in depth look at the "slice of life" surrounding Theramore I read this book, hoping to get a bit of inspiration for the upcoming Kul'Tiran Allied Race coming to the game in the next expansion, Battle for Azeroth. Open Preview See a Problem? While playing, I thought, "This event is alright- the Horde is taking things to an extreme though Golden isn't the best, but she is accessible to many different reading levels, and for that she gets some kudos. It's a story of uncertainly trying to find a place in a world that seems to have no place for you, be it as a diplomat inexplicably standing for peace in a time of war or a flight of dragons with no purpose. Knaak Christie Golden. The focusing iris was stolen Oct 04, Jenna rated it it was amazing Shelves: absolute-favorites. We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or being critical of a particular book. DeCandido Goodreads Author.