A PPENDIX I : E XISTING C ONDITIONS R EPORT ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ENVIRONMENTAL COLLABORATIVE Consultation Documentation Restoration 41 Jeanette Court Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Phone 510/393-0770
[email protected] MEMORANDUM TO: Rosie Dudley PlaceWorks 1625 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 300 Berkeley, CA 94709 DATE: 25 May 2017 FROM: Jim Martin ENVIRONMENTAL COLLABORATIVE SUBJECT: Biological Resource Assessment and Environmental Baseline Report Southeast Greenway Santa Rosa, California As requested, this memo serves as the Biological Resource Assessment and Environmental Baseline Report (BRAEBR) for the Southeast Greenway site in Santa Rosa, California. The site consists of an approximately 1.4 mile corridor of undeveloped land in southeast Santa Rosa that was previously acquired by Caltrans for the planned expansion of Highway 12 in the Bennett Valley area, stretching from Farmers Lane to the west to Spring Lake Regional Park to the east. This BRAEBR provides a description of biological and wetland resources known or suspected from the site, a summary of relevant State and federal regulations related to the protection of biological and wetland resources, and factors to consider in evaluating the alternatives for the proposed Southeast Greenway. This BRAEBR was prepared based on a review of available background information and