Sonoma Mountain Journal 2014
Volume 14, no. 1 December 2014 This year’s Journal highlights the Sonoma Developmental Center at a Crossroads Sonoma Developmental Center— John McCaull, Sonoma Land Trust its past, present and future. How often does a place inspire the Report recommends a course us to slow down? Venturing off that threatens closure and possible Inside Highway 12 near Glen Ellen, the sale of the facility. Sonoma Developmental Center— Dreaming Large or SDC—has that time-out-of-time Surplus Property Shifting Visions character. Green lawns, ball fields If SDC is sold as “surplus” property, and shady spots beckon us to the loss to our community will be Grazing for Biodiversity take a walk, or have a picnic. The profound. What will happen to forests on Sonoma Mountain can the current 400+ residents and SMP Successes be explored on trails linked to Jack others who need its facilities? If the London State Park. The Valley floor’s property is sold for development or Mountain Birdlife oak woodlands and grasslands vineyards, what will become of the are accessible through Sonoma wildlife and open space? SDC is the Protected Areas Map Valley Regional Park. Because the heart of the Sonoma Valley Wildlife property is state-owned, it’s easy to Corridor, a crucial wildlife passage The first peoples of southern assume that SDC is protected and for the entire North Bay. The property Sonoma county, the Coast not facing any threats of imminent has an abundant water supply, Miwok, placed oona-pa’is change. But in reality, the future of tremendous habitat value, and the — Sonoma Mountain — at the SDC is at a crossroads.
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