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7Th Edition OVER 20 EXCITING EVENTS! March 3-4, 2018 For Festival Events Info Visit: VOLUME 5 EDITION 9 THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2018 SERVING LUNDAR, ASHERN, ERIKSDALE, MOOSEHORN, FISHER BRANCH, RIVERTON, ARBORG, GIMLI, WINNIPEG BEACH, ARNES, MELEB, FRASERWOOD HHT25SL 25 c.c. 4 stroke engine loop style Honda 3 yr. warranty Trimmer $38900 Ice Festival countdown WB20X Honda 2” Pump Ready to go! $42900 Honda EP2500 Generator 2500 Watt 1 yr. warranty $89900 Honda Push Mower - 21” Steel Deck Easy Start 3 Year Warranty $38900 SHACHTAY SALES & SERVICE Arborg, MB EXPRESS PHOTO BY PATRICIA BARRETT 204-376-5233 Gimli Ice Festival organizers and volunteers, from left Susan Holfeuer, Carol and Bill Szewaga and Peter Holfeuer shovel the walkway at Cooley’s Ice Park in preparation of this weekend’s activities. news > sports > opinion > community > people > entertainment > events > classifi eds > careers > everything you need to know 2 The Express Weekly News Thursday, March 1, 2018 Gimlites brainstorm for Smart Cities $5 million grant money By Patricia Barrett the best small town in Canada looks Gimli residents put their heads to- like in terms of services, infrastruc- gether last Sunday to come up with ture and environment, challenges the ideas on how to win a federal govern- area currently faces and possible so- ment sponsored grant worth $5 mil- lutions. lion. Participants cited a need for greater The Smart Cities Challenge offers diversity in industry and employ- millions of dollars of grant money to ment, affordable housing for young cities and towns of various sizes that and old, clean transportation, a robust can come up with innovative solu- information communications system tions to community problems using for residents and visitors, enhanced technology. recreational opportunities, access to Staff from the Riverton-based Com- Internet services in rural dead zones, munity Futures East Interlake mod- environmental monitoring, and a way erated the event at the Recreation for municipal and service organiza- Centre, along with the RM of Gimli’s tions to work together more effi cient- economic development and tourism/ ly. CDC clerk Brittany Isfeld and parks Riverton Collegiate teacher Rob and recreation manager Chris Horn- Jantz said there’s a need to develop a by. “process” whereby different groups, EXPRESS PHOTOS BY PATRICIA BARRETT “They want to be able to measure such as the RM and the chamber of Coun. Richard Petrowski (left) and Robert Munroe. this,” said Hornby, “and say we did commerce, can work better together. this project that resulted in this hap- “We’re not connected. How do we get pening, which improved the lives of everybody working together? Work- people. They’re looking for innova- ing apart from each other creates ani- tion.” mosity, at times, and we need a sense About 15 participants, including that we’re on the same team here.” Gimli Coun. Richard Petrowski and Emergency management expert former mayors Lynn Greenberg and Robert Munroe said GIS (geographic Bill Barlow, formed small working information system) could help peo- groups, and came up with answers to ple fi nd information on what ameni- a number of questions that the orga- ties exist in an area. And using tech- nizers put together, including what nologies such as electric charging Baker Tammy Dziadek from Community Futures East Interlake facilitated the Law brainstorming session. stations throughout the Interlake for plication to the Smart Cities competi- vehicles and school buses could bring tion, which closes April 24. The federal CORPORATION more people to work, live and play in government will announce the fi nal- the region. ists sometime this summer and the “We could have cleaner air if we winners in the spring of 2019. brought electric cars to Gimli,” said In the meantime, residents can sub- Providing full time legal service to Munroe. mit their ideas to the Gimli Com- families and small businesses Organizers will assess all the ideas munity Development Corporation at and investigate possible technologi- [email protected] in Gimli and the Interlake. cal solutions before submitting an ap- If you are buying or selling real estate now or in the near future, Lic #318 Everything Fraserwood Hall Friday Nights 7:15 PM March 2, 2018 call us to discuss the important legal issues that you will need to Breakopens 50/50 5 Share The Wealth Games you need 15 Regular Games @ $60.00 know about. Call us for more information and to fi nd out how (reduced games with low attendance) to promote we can help you. We are here when you need us. JACKPOT $2,975.00 FIRST SPECIAL $212.00 + BONANZA $1,654.00 + your LUCKY 7 $467.00 + STAR $1,479.00+ WEE HOUSE $51.00 + Our offi ce is open 9-5 Mon to Fri HOUDINI $2,588.00 + LOONIE POT $759.00 + business (Estimated amounts at time of publication) 72 Centre Street, Gimli, MB Interlake Grant D. Baker “CHASE THE ACE” Lic # LGA 318-RF Graphics Tickets sold 5:00 -7:00 PM with draw to follow For all your printing 204-642-8681 or and publishing needs Barrister, Solicitor and Notary $2.00/ticket Current Accumulator - $2,817.00 1-866-487-5688 CANTEEN-opens @ 5pm - perogies,hamburgers,hotdogs,desserts,etc Call Today! INFORMATION - 204-642-9392 OR 204-643-5302 OR 467-5836 The Express Weekly News Thursday, March 1, 2018 3 Health facilities to receive provincial funding Submitted tion and fl ooring replacement in the ments at sites across Manitoba. boiler replacement; Beausejour EMS The Manitoba government has ap- dining hall and main public areas Station – new crew quarters; Lac du proved more than 120 projects across at the Rest Haven Nursing Home in Projects estimated to cost Bonnet Personal Care Home and the province with funding totalling Steinbach. more than $150,000 Whitemouth District Health Centre – nearly $30 million to ensure health- “We continually work to make sure Phase 2 of fi re alarm upgrades; Pina- care facilities are properly main- our nursing home is maintained prop- Interlake Eastern Regional Health wa Hospital – roof repairs; Pine Falls tained, Health, Seniors and Active erly,” said David Driedger, CEO of Authority: Hunter Memorial Hospital Health Complex; Pine Falls Health Living Minister Kelvin Goertzen an- HavenGroup, which operates the Rest (Teulon) and Goodwin Lodge (Teu- Complex – Phase 2 of back service nounced Monday. Haven Nursing Home in Steinbach. lon) – primary electrical distribution entrance upgrades; Betel Home (Sel- “It’s important that we regularly in- “We’re pleased that these important upgrades; Rosewood Lodge (Stone- kirk) – roof replacement; Whitemouth vest in the maintenance of our health- projects will go forward this year to wall) – air conditioning upgrades; Continued on page 9 care system to make sure repairs are ensure we continue to provide the Stonewall District Health Centre – done and the most up-to-date equip- best care to our personal care home ment is used to support quality care,” residents and ensure our facility is said Goertzen. “These investments safe for visiting friends and family.” FANTASTIC 4 DAY will ensure that sites continue to meet Safety and security projects do not provincial, national and international require a community contribution. standards and keep facilities in good Project requests are submitted each repair.” year by the regional health authori- FLOORING SALE Projects include but are not lim- ties, CancerCare Manitoba, Diagnos- ited to: roof replacements at both the tic Services Manitoba and the Addic- Seven Oaks General Hospital and Pan tions Foundation. FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 3 Am Clinic in Winnipeg; mould reme- This year, there are 44 projects es- diation in the medical records archive timated to cost more than $150,000 room at the Thompson General Hos- each for a total of $21.8 million. An 20-50 % OFF pital, plus roof replacement, vacuum additional $6.8 million will address ALL IN STOCK CARPET, VINYL, TILE, LVP, AND LAMINATE pump upgrades/replacement and 80 projects estimated to cost less than Phase 2 of a water booster upgrade; $150,000. The remaining $1.4 million Special Price Buster! Come into our fl ooring sprinkler installation at the White- will be held in reserve in case of any showroom and enter this ballot to win! mouth District Health Centre/Per- emergent project needs. .99¢ /sf 10mm Laminate Floor *See in store for details sonal Care Home; and dining room Other projects that will begin later $ Lakeview Hecla heating, ventilation and air condition- this year include the installation of 2.49 /sf Wood-Plastic Composite Plank ing (HVAC) upgrades and associated sprinkler systems, upgrades to fi re Resort Weekend building controls system moderniza- safety equipment and roof replace- FREE Spin Mop Getaway (Approx. Value $400) with any Flooring Purchase Name: ________________ $ of 250 or more. Phone: ________________ DON’T PAY FOR SIX MONTHS See in store for details. 451 Main Street, Arborg EXPRESS FILE PHOTO BY PATRICIA BARRETT The Arborg and District Health Centre and Arborg Personal Care Home 204-376-3090 will both be receiving provincial funding to complete several projects. SPRING OILDOWNLOAD SALE THE CO-OP CRS IS MOBILE APP,ON available for Apple,NOW Android, Windows & Blackberry Save over 25% Save over 20% Off our regular price SPECIAL BUY Salt Sale EAEA 68 L Latch Potting Vegetable & 49 Windsor Cobalt 97 Flower 6 EACH Blocks 20 kg Tote 8 Soil 97 ¢ EACH 6 EACH Seeds 77EACH 729 Windsor System Saver EACH Softner Salt 20 kg Grain/Snow 39 Windsor Hi Boot 11EACH Salt Blocks Scoop SAVE OVER 40% Sale Dates March 2-8 Wooden 97 39 Windsor Fortifi ed TM Stock Handle 14 11EACH Salt Blocks with Selenium ERIKSDALE HARDWARE STORE EACH 204-739-2634 4 The Express Weekly News Thursday, March 1, 2018 Gimli fi refi ghters and RCMP to go head-to-head at this weekend Gimli Ice Festival kicks off this Saturday By Patricia Barrett the festival, we’ve added some coun- The 7th Annual Gimli Ice Festival try music events,” said co-chair Peter this Saturday and Sunday will have Holfeuer.