Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide.

Table of Contents

Introduction 2 Arc and Divergence 3 Bug Note 4 01: Prologue 5 02: The Mall 7 03: Father and Son 8 04: Sleazy Place 11 05: Crime Scene 13 06: The Shrink 15 07: The Park 17 08: Where's Shaun? 18 09: Welcome, Norman! 19 10: Hassan's Shop 21 11: Sleepless Night 23 12: Paparazzi 24 13: Lexington Station 25 14: The Motel 26 15: ick Off Meeting 27 16: Nathaniel 28 17: Suicide Baby 29 18: The Bear 30 19: First Encounter 32 20: Covered Market 33 21: A Visitor 34 22: ramer's Party 35 23: The Butterfly 36 24: The Nurse 38 25: Police News 39 26: Shrink and Punches 40 27: The Golf Club 41 28: The Lizard 42 29: Fugitive 44 30: Jayden Blues 45 31: Under Arrest 46 32: Manfred 47 33: The Shark 48 34: The Doc 49 35: Mad Jack 50 36: Eureka 52 37: The Cemetery 53 38: Twins 54

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39: Flowers on the Grave 56 40: Sexy Girl 57 41: Fish Tank 59 42: On the Loose 61 43: Trapped 63 44: Face-to-Face 64 45: Ann Sheppard 65 46: The Rat 66 47: Solving the Puzzle 67 48: Goodbye Lauren 68 49: Hold My Hand 69 50: Origami iller 70 51: iller's Place 71 52: The Old Warehouse 72 53: Epilogue - News Report 74 Ethan Mars Epilogue 75 Epilogue 76 Norman Jayden Epilogue 77 Scott Shelby Epilogue 78 Trophy Collection 79

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Heavy Rain by Chris Boots-Faubert

This is an unofficial game guide for Heavy Rain, it is not official, or endorsed by or connected to the game developer or publisher. All characters, locations, images and content are copyright to their respective owners. Any trademarks displayed in the guides are exclusive property of their respective owners. Images and videos used in this game guide have only been inserted to illustrate our words more effectively. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

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Heavy Rain Guide

Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide by Chris Boots-Faubert for

Heavy Rain starts off slow - very slow - and it could be easy to give up on it early before it starts to both get interesting and earn your attention. It is not an exaggeration to say that you have to play through several hours of weak game before the tension and excitement ramp up to the point that you finally understand why you have been playing this game for the past few hours! Honestly it is worth the slow run-up, and once you get into the game it is very hard to stop playing.

This title is a departure from the normal gaming experience for most players in many ways, starting with the unique control interface in the game. At points early on the game has you doing things that you will probably resent or even feel insulted by - like shaving or brushing your character's teeth - but there is a reason why you are doing those things! The point is not to bore you or make you feel like you are playing a game that too closely mimics the mundane chores of life, but rather the point is to illustrate the control system, and get you used to the various different ways that the game has you using the controller so that you become adept at it.

The control system - called interactive cinema technology - uses the Havok Engine and takes advantage of the motion sensors in the PS3 controller in a way that few other games do, and in addition to getting you accustomed to doing odd things with the controller, you also need to get used to making quick decisions in the game. The difficulty settings that you select at the start of the game are almost entirely related to the timing for controller input rather than elements of the game itself, something to keep in mind.

There are some control-related bugs in this game so please read the Bugs Section so that you are aware of what can happen and what the solution is to fix a given bug if it crops up!

You should also be aware that failure to make a decision and issue a command in a relatively short period of time can have unintended consequences, which is why you have to pay attention intently to what is happening on the screen and reply to dialogue prompts and actions. Failing to reply or make a decision in the allotted time either causes the character you are playing to do nothing, or worse, the game picks a response form the available commands at random, which can send the game in a direction you did not intend it to go in!

As you play the game, remind yourself to pay attention to what is going on, and be aware that the characters you play CAN die. And if they do die, it will alter the game ending in significant ways! In fact how you play the game really turns this into more than a dozen different games, but that is part of the attraction for this title.

Note: I have tried not to add information to a chapter that could spoil the game for you, so that you can use this guide on a chapter-to-chapter basis in case you get stuck, but every now and then I end up giving more away than I intended. Sorry about that!

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Arc and Divergence

The decisions you make in the game often cause the story arc to head in a different direction, and because of that this walkthrough is really just a general guide to the play - it will address many of the key points in the story, plot, and play, but your experience and conversations will differ from those I experienced by playing due to the huge number of divergence points.

Because of that I try to be very general in my descriptions when it comes to dialogue, only going into detail when those details are plot factors that you should have to reference as you play. In addition, I cover each split on a chapter by chapter basis but I do not try to include speculation on which ending a divergence necessarily leads to because, and I know this may be a bit frustrating, the decisions that you make in later chapters can and often does derail your plans to arrive at a specific ending.

If you plan to see all of the endings in this game, you are going to be replaying it from key chapters but that is not as hard as you might thing, since saving a replay when you begin it only impacts the chapters that follow it. Let me stress that - when you select a chapter from the chapter menu and choose to save the results of play those results only change the chapters that follow - so you can start at the chapter nearest the end to try a different outcome and only have to play till the end to get it, so that should be the strategy that you use when you go for the different endings.

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Bug Note

There are quite a few areas in the game that are affected by bugs - mostly movement bugs - that may or may not be connected to the patch that they released on the same day that the game was published. The jury is still out on that - but you should be aware that the following bugs can (probably will) happen to you at some point in the game - I have experienced each one myself.

(1) Movement Bug - you will walk to a certain part of the area - for instance on the Crime Scene if you walk too close to the fence to the left of the body - and you will no longer be able to walk. You hold down R2 and move the JS and nothing happens.

Fix: Reboot your console, replay the section of the chapter you already played since the save, and do not go into that area again.

(2) Post-CS Movement Bug - every now and then when you come out of a CS you cannot walk. This appears to be purely random - as far as anyone can tell it just happens, and it is not something that you are doing or can do anything to prevent.

Fix: Exit the chapter and reload it at your checkpoint. With this bug you usually do not have to reboot the PS3 but if restarting the chapter does not fix it (the occurrence of this bug in the Blue Lagoon requires a reboot) you will have to reboot the PS3.

(3) Localization or Load Failure - you will be playing a chapter and one of the NPC's is supposed to do something - either walk to a specific location and use an item or device or pick something up - and the screen goes strange or the item disappears and the NPC just stands there. At this point the chapter cannot progress no matter what you do.

Fix: Reboot the PS3, reload the chapter or hit continue, and then replay the parts that you played before the bug hit since the checkpoint. There is nothing else that you can do - this did not happen because you did something or caused it, it is simply a random bug.

(4) Save Corruption - This only happened to me once (thank God) but basically if the game freezes during a save there is a chance that your save file will be corrupted. The game does not use alternate save options, so if this happens to you, well, you are basically hosed.

It happened to me half-way through my first play-through, which is why this walkthrough is so late getting to press. I had no choice but to replay the entire half of the game to get to where I was which cost me two and a half days of play :(

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01: Prologue

Character: Ethan Mars

Ethan draws

Note: This WT follows a narrative style but can include specific quoted information from the game.

You literally wake up in your bed as part of the tutorial for game play. If you thought you might be dead, I forgive you - the images did sort of have a crime-scene like quality to them as the prologue opened, but of course you are not dead - yet. Just follow the prompts on screen to issue the correct commands - and head for the bathroom.

If you want to stop along the way to check out the photo that's alright - then check out the note from your wife - good! We now know that we slept in, the wife is running errands with Shaun and Jason - safe to assume that these are our kids - and one of them is having his birthday today!

As you exit the bedroom you are prompted on how to learn what your character is thinking - which is actually a significant facet of play in the game as it is useful in several ways. The first way is that it gives you pointers to what you need to do next or what your options are if you get confused or lost, and the second is that it adds an element of depth to the story, as it gives each character a chance to tell you what they are thinking that includes audible clues to their emotional state!

Now to use this the first time, simply hold L2 and hit the corresponding button - in this case X - and you learn that you need to go downstairs and take a shower. Before you do that though, why not explore a little up here?

The room directly ahead and on your characters right (your left) is your kid's room - head on in to check that out and you will notice that they did not make their beds before they went to school, and they have a pretty spiffy Indian Tepee in their room! On the shelf in the corner are some hacky-sack balls that you can use to juggle with. Go ahead and do that now, because it teaches you the prompted button response system - and this would be a good time to get down cold right away as it becomes important later. Yeah it took me two tries to do the full juggle session too, but hey, cool! I can juggle!

As you return to the hall check out the first door on the right - the toilet! Excellent, I needed that room bad. Go ahead and facilitate your deposit, and then exit and check the room in the far right which turns out to be the bathroom. Now before you take care of your morning ablutions, you did remember to flush the toilet when you were done, right? No? Awe come on! Go do that - no one likes to find the toilet un-flushed mate!

Right, so we are back in the bathroom - the first logical step is to take a shower, so head in the corner and strip down. He takes a much shorter shower than I do, but then his shower is way nicer than mine... Go figure. So now we get to move the entire controller to complete drying off, which shows us the motion-sensing aspect of the controller and that the game uses it.

Head over to the sink and move the RS to the right to shave - well, sort of. This guy subscribes to the Don Johnson Miami Vice school of shaving, so all we are really doing is tweaking our five-o'clock shadow, but it is all good! Push the RS up and we check out ourselves in the mirror, and to the left, and we brush our teeth - another full controller experience. And now that we have completed our morning ablutions, it is time to head back into our room and get dressed.

On the way back to our room we learn how to change the camera, and then we learn a more complicated RS motion that allows us to open the armoire and go through the process of dressing - and let me tell you, if that guy had pulled on a white suit with a coral shirt I would have had serious questions about his Miami Vice fanboy status - but fortunately he pulled on a typical slacker uniform, whew!

If you check his "thoughts" he tells himself that he has some time before his wife Grace and the kids get back, so he

page 7 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. better get some work done. Hmm was my response. On your way out, if you have not done so earlier, go ahead and check on the bird near the door. How cool is that?

As you head down the stairs you will see that Grace got a head start on the decorations, and your thoughts include maybe doing a little gardening - man I wish I had this guys life! In the kitchen you can open the fridge to check out the birthday nosh, then hit the espresso machine on the counter for a slug of morning juice. Remember what I said about this game starting out slow?

The bookshelf on the other side of the room has a book on architecture you can check out on your way to your home studio, where you sit at your drafting board and, using the prompting system, craft an interesting architectural drawing! Dood! You are an architect! That book makes sense now!

So you go through all of that and then do the special move to sign the piece - only to learn that you are nowhere near done, and are probably going to have to work through the weekend to complete this project! Bummer. But hey, stand up and check your thought - you have a lot of them.

Basically these thoughts are suggestions for possible activities - you already know he wants to do some work in the garden - he also wants to watch TV, drink some orange juice, and chill. I went with the OJ but as I left the studio Grace and the kids got home.

Meet the Family

After you help Grace with the groceries she starts some small talk - catching up on the day, that sort of thing. You need to pay attention to the screen in order to see the replies you can make - and it is a really good idea to pay attention here and try to interact promptly as this will get you familiar with how the conversation system works in the game. If you fail to reply in a timely fashion she may decide that you are in a bad mood and react to you accordingly - the point being that even though you did not mean to send that message, your silence was interpreted as having meaning in the game, and that is something to remember for those times when you do not like any of the possible replies or you want to put the person you are talking to on-edge...

Whether you fail to reply or you do reply, she will eventually ask you to give her a hand - which you should - so listen to the woman and then head over to the cupboard and grab the plates! You may be tempted to stop and fiddle with some of the other environment items on the way - there is a radio controlled truck, TV, and other things - but if you do she nags at you, so maybe it is best to get the chore she assigned to you done before you play around, right?

One thing that I found rather odd - she says that the plates are in the living room cupboard - but they are in the dining room, not the living room! This is the second mistake in dialogue I have noticed in the game so far - weird. So anyway, the cupboard you want is next to the table - the one with the gifts on it. Open the drawer and grab the place settings and put them on the table - then if you like you can go pick up the RC Car controller on the other side of the table and play with the car.

Either way when you are finished head into the kitchen and get some face time with your wife - but only a little because she has work to do! After you hug her you get some floating conversation options - go ahead and cycle through those, as this will get you some more back story. Now head on out back and say hello to your kids and have your first chance to interact with them.

You give one a shoulder ride and the other you do the helicopter with - and they seem to enjoy that a lot. Man you are a good dad! Now you get to show how strong you are by lifting them both - one on each arm - and then you have the obligatory sword fight, followed by the necessary death scene, after which mom calls you all in for dinner.

When you come into the house Grace calls for Shaun to come to lunch - but he is mysteriously missing and so you volunteer to go upstairs to get him. When you get up there you discover that his bird - remember the bird? - is dead. He is sitting on the floor by the cage crying, and you go to comfort him, and maybe get a little foreshadowing of things to come...

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02: The Mall

Character: Ethan Mars

You now transition to a CS of you and the family walking in the city - and to the mall - where Grace wants to get Shaun a new pair of shoes, leaving you to watch Jason - who you promptly lose! Let's get something straight here - it is not that you are a bad parent, it is that Jason simply does not listen to you! He has a sullen attitude and largely ignores what you tell him - if ever there was a kid destined to have a bad end, it is this one!

You eventually hunt him down, finding him by the balloon-selling clown (who is rather spooky all by himself), and you buy him a balloon. Despite the fact that you specifically tell him to stay right there while you pay for the balloon, he disappears again! No offense mate, but I am thinking the kid is a brat - and while I am thinking that Grace walks up and wants to know where Jason is! Oh man, could this get any worse? Well, yes... Yes it can.

As you frantically search the upper level you fail to find him. Check in the shops here? No Jason. Eventually you head down the escalator to the lower level - and spot a kid in a green shirt with a red balloon - but as you reach out and grab him prepared to rip him a new one you realize that he is not Jason. You finally catch a glimpse of him leaving the mall, and as you quickly go outside you see that he has inexplicably crossed a busy street and is on the sidewalk on the other side. Like an idiot you call his name, and of course he comes running to you and gets killed by a car! Yeah, it got worse.

Right, so you already sat through one starting sequence - now you get to do that once again as an unavoidable presentation of the names of people you do not care about and will never think of again scrolls on the screen. Excellent! Actually this one was not as bad as Batman: Arkham Asylum - I mean at least you can go away and let it play out, you do not have to hold down either joystick - but seriously, the people who make these video games must feel very unloved if they have to force you to credit them with their accomplishments before you even play the game!

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03: Father and Son

Character: Ethan Mars

Good Father Trophy

It is now 2 years later - and raining. Say hi to Shaun as you pick him up from school and put him in the car, and then you get in. This should be fun, right? I mean shaving was a hoot, driving a car should be a bang! Right, so check the mirror, put on your seatbelt and then start the car! Are you ready to rip through traffic, maybe take out some little old ladies at the crosswalk?

After you put the car in gear.... Yeah, you hit the gas and get to watch MORE CREDITS as the car drives in a CS rather than you actually controlling it! Yay! Err, not... Okay so we do not actually get to drive in this game - which is a bummer as I really wanted to see how they would handle that aspect of the game considering the unique interface. The answer of course is to not deal with it at all, but in a way I guess that is a relief too.

Now after the second set of credits unfold you get another brief CS and you arrive home - but not your wonderful and fashionable country estate - no no! Now you live in a run-down dingy fleabag slum house!

Why is it that whenever a family has a tragedy they end up separated or divorced and the dad always ends up living in a rat hole? Not only did Mom get to stay in that really cool house in the country while you moved to the city, but you somehow ended up with custody of your other son?!

Maybe that is how it works in France, I don't know, but I am pretty sure that in America what would have happened is that Mom would have gotten custody of the kid, and you would have been slapped with a very large monthly support payment for her and the kid. That makes sense, I mean yeah the family courts tend to be pro-Mother, but logically uprooting the boy from his school and friends and a presumably nurturing environment to come and live in the city with a father who managed to get seriously damaged in an accident? Either Mom is really bent and selfish or the French are... Hmm... I might be on to something here!

Before you explore too much you should be aware that this is one of the chapters in the game that has a rather complicated trophy attached to it. If you go into the kitchen now, you will notice that there is a chalk board there with a schedule on it:

SHAUN 4:30 Snack 6:00 Homework 7:00 Dinner 8:00 Bed

In the corner by the door is a clock you can look at. Basically if you are going for the trophy you want to do the following in this order:

(1) Snack - As soon as you arrive home dialogue with Shaun and tell him it is time for his snack (Circle). You ask if he is hungry and he says "I guess so" so you should head into the kitchen and see what you can scare up for him!

Your first instinct is likely going to be to open the fridge and see what snacks there are in there - well ignore that instinct because there are no snacks in there. Instead go over to the counter, where there is a bowl of fruit, and grab an orange from the bowl, take it into the living room and give it to Shaun, telling him "here is your snack!" There, you got him a snack and it is a healthy snack, man you are a great dad!

(2) Homework: You can wander around the house, check out the different things you can do like read the paper's headline over in the corner or just watch the clock until 6:00 and then tell Shaun it is time to do his homework. Just before 6:00 you will hear him sneeze.

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Walk over to Shaun and ask him if he is ill (X) and then tell him it is time to do his homework - (Circle). He tries to beg off but you should insist (X). Go sit in the kitchen and watch him do his homework - that constitutes "helping" I guess.

Once he tells you that he is finished, walk over to his side of the table and take a look at his homework before sending him off to watch TV. It should be around quarter to seven at this point, leaving you just enough time to head upstairs to the bathroom and grab a cold pill from the medicine cabinet and return to Shaun before it hits 7:00.

(3) Dinner: At 7:00 give Shaun his cold pill (LS down) and then ask him if he is ready for dinner (Square). Head into the kitchen and open the fridge, grabbing the microwave meal (LS left) and then stick it in the microwave. It cooks pretty fast, so pull it out when the bell rings and serve it on the table. You will automatically call Shaun when you finish plating it.

You can sit at the table while he eats - and when he finishes his chicken leg and potatoes he will leave the table and head back into the living room to watch TV.

(4) It is around quarter to eight now, so you can either look around or simply watch the clock until it hits 8:00 at which point you go over to Shaun and tell him it is time for bed (X) - to which he will reply that he is not tired, and that he wants to stay up a little longer.

Considering the fact that you gave him Benadryl an hour ago the little bugger should be plastered to the couch half passed-out right now, but hey, you are the Dad, so say no (Circle) and get him headed towards bed! You instruct him to brush his teeth and put on his PJ's and you will come up to tuck him in. Give him a moment and then head upstairs - his room is the open door on the left.

When you stand next to his bed, tell him goodnight (X) and he will suddenly remember his Teddy - and tell you that he cannot sleep without him! You have to find his teddy bear - so head downstairs and go into the room that is off the left of the kitchen, where you will find the bright green bear on a box. Grab it and take it to Shaun.

After you give him his bear and kiss him you start to leave and Shaun stops you with a question: "Why do you look so sad?" You make a lame excuse and he tells you that what happened to Jason was not your fault. Of course it wasn't - it was Jason's fault!

Now tell him goodnight and then sit on the bed, pull the covers over him and then kiss him goodnight again, not that you have properly tucked him in. Stand up and move to the window and pull down the shade, and then head to the door, turn off the lights and close the door - leaving it open a crack of course!

As you turn away from the door you suddenly start to tremble and one of your blackout attacks hits you hard! You come out of it standing in the street near the intersection of Carnaby Corner North, and in your hand is an origami animal! As you walk down the street the world fades-to-black, and you earn the trophy "Good Father" (bronze). Good on ya mate!

If for whatever reason you chose not to follow the schedule, or you looked for other things to do in place of watching the clock in between the scheduled events, here are some of the things that you could have done in your house:

- Read the newspaper by the door and learn that the Origami Killer has nailed his 7th victim! - Use the toilet in the downstairs bathroom to facilitate. - Go outside in the back yard and shoot some hoops in the rain. - Walk around the house and turn the lights on - this is a really dark flat mate! - Re-read the blackboard with the schedule on it... - Read the various clocks in the house... - Torture Shaun by offering to take him to the mall and buy him a balloon mwahahaha!

Just kidding about that last one...

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As you know at the end of this chapter we get a cinematic moment and as we get our bearings, we notice that we are holding a paper origami figure of an animal, and are treated to a close up view of the street sign. I don't know about you mate but I got a really bad feeling about this - I mean here we are clearly coming out of a blackout that did not include us being passed out on the floor, and we are holding an origami figure of the sort that according to the paper the Origami Killer likes to leave at the scene of his crimes - and we have absolutely no memory of what we have been doing? I mean I know we are not killers but even I have to be suspicious of us!

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04: Sleazy Place

Character: Scott Shelby

Getting Lauren to talk

After a fade-to-black the scene cuts away to a rather robust Irish fellow's face, and then another cut away of him driving his car - I'd call it a classic if it was well cared for and painted nice but really it is just a rusty beater - and now we are him! Abrupt character transition! Adjust mental focus!

After we exit the car - which we have parked practically right on top of the nearby entrance - we enter a rather sleazy motel (hence the name of the chapter) and proceed down the hall to the front desk on the left, where we inquire about the woman we are looking for, one Lauren Winter.

The desk clerk denies knowing her of course, and tries to ignore us - did you notice the newspaper? You get a quick flash of it and an update on the Origami Killer. So he never heard of any Lauren Winter, eh? Uh huh. Well, I think he is lying! So does Scott it seems, as we pull a fin out of our wallet and drop it on the counter.

The "tip" helps stimulate the clerk's memory, as he suddenly does recall her! Not only that, but he remembers what room she is in and even gives us directions to it - the third floor, last room on the left - so we now know where we need to go. Actually all things considered, we got a lot for five lousy bucks!

Can I pause for a moment and point something out?

We paid the guy with one of the new U.S. five dollar bills - the sort with the larger heads on them that make it easier to tell what denomination a bill is. Five dollars does not buy much in this day and age - you cannot even get the Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal at McDonald's for $5 - it costs $5.75 - so really wouldn't a $20 have made more sense? I'm just saying...

Another thing I wonder about - the brand of English being spoken is pretty much Midwest American rather than a New York City variation, but having worked in and visited New York City a lot over the last 20 years I can tell you with certainly that they don't talk like that.

If you look at the houses, the streets, the shopping mall - and a clear give-away - the paint scheme on the train engines that were in the background of the street scene after our blackout - clearly we are in a European version of New York City! Even the door handles and light switches scream France mate! Take a look at that pay phone on the wall in the hotel - it is totally wrong for the U.S., but I have seen that type in Paris... It is the little things that get you, you know?

Back to the story...

When you reach her door you discover that Lauren is an active member of the world's oldest profession - when you knock she tells you that she only sees people by appointment. When you knock again she opens the door and lays her cards right on the table so to speak - telling you "It's fifty bucks; I don't kiss and I don't do any weird shit."

"Fine by me," you tell her, and she steps aside to let you in. You walk into the room as she heads to the bed, and at the table you drop fifty dollars and then walk over to the bed. She tries to get down to business and you set her straight - and she jumps to the conclusion that you are a cop looking for a freebie. You tell her who you really are, and why you are here.

There is a trophy connected to this conversation - well, potentially anyway, but only if you get her to talk to you. That is not as easy as it sounds, since you have to do just the right thing in order to succeed in getting her to confide in you.

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When she tells you that she has nothing to say to you - you respond with compassion (Circle), then persist (X) and finally Trick (Circle) to get her to open up..

After a moment of silence as she sits on the bed and you stand with your back to her, she agrees to talk. Ask your questions, and as you stand there pulling the details out of her she relives that day. You have time to ask about three questions - which she answers - before the alarm rings, signaling the end of the ten minutes you paid for. Man that is one cold woman! Your time is up and she throws you out! On the way to the door, reach into your pocket and pull out your card, drop it on the table and tell her to call you if she remembers anything. Not likely, but who can say?

As you walk back down the hall you have a major asthma attack and have to really pound on your inhaler, and just as you are able to walk again, a thug shows up at the door and forces his way into Lauren's room. After a few seconds of arguing you hear her screams and the distinct sound of abuse - and you cannot just leave without trying to help, right?

Back at the door you knock, and the thug answers, telling you to mind your business - but really you cannot accommodate the fellow. The fight that ensues is interesting - and is your first real chance to do the button combination and reaction thing that is the signature of this game. Basically you need to hot the correct buttons or push the right stick in the correct direction within a second or so of it appearing on the screen.

If you respond quickly, it is a relatively short fight - but if you make any mistakes, the fight gets dragged out and if you miss enough you actually can do a pretty good job of destroying her room! Smashing glass, the table, a chair - you get the idea. Eventually though you will beat the thug to the point that he no longer wants to play with you. At that point he will back away, and then retreat out the door with a veiled threat that he will see you again.

Now you would think that being as how you have just burst in and rescued her - saved her from taking a beating and probably worse - that Lauren would maybe be a little grateful to you and more willing to answer the rest of the questions that you wanted to ask earlier, right? Well, not so much really.

You see, despite coming to her rescue she does not want to talk to you about the murder of her son, but she does thank you for the rescue at least, which is something. With that settled, and after you apologize for the mess, you head off down the hall towards the stairs and fade-to-black.

If you did the conversation part correctly when this chapter transitions to the next, just before it loads you should get that distinct chime sound and earn the trophy "Private Eye" (bronze). Good on ya mate!

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05: Crime Scene

Character: Norman Jayden

Finding the concealed clues

The CS begins with your driving in the rain towards a collection of emergency vehicles with their lights flashing - and clearly we are now being introduced to another new character - one Agent Norman Jayden of the FBI! Actually he is an agent and a profiler, which is significant because the local police have requested your help through the FBI in building a profile that may assist them in tracking down this very strange serial killer who is targeting young boys on the streets of Gotham City!

As you approach the police tape you are challenged by a uniformed cop in a glowing rain slicker and you have to show your badge and ID, but once you do he lets you pass. Hit X to ask after Lt. Blake, and then duck under the tape and head towards the crime scene. After you cross under the tape you will pause for a brief CS in which Jayden takes out a pair of what look like sunglasses but are in fact his computer - called ARI - basically a computer slash crime scene investigation scanner. Think of it as a tricorder in the shape of a pair of glasses but with a virtual reality element and you are close.

After you record your update, you scan the scene, noting the body covered by the crime scene kit, and the cops walking around. Leave the ARI on and head for the body - you can ask for Blake to the cops you pass, they will point out his general direction, but when you get to where the body has been dumped and begin to examine it, Blake shows up toot sweet!

You can now enter into a conversation with Blake as you follow him to the other side of the area. It is dark and he is a bit hard to follow because of that, so try to keep the flood light between him and you to make it easier. Once you exhaust the dialogue options with him - at the end of which you get the choice of continuing on with him or staying. You should stay.

Head back over to the body and properly examine it now that you will not be interrupted, and you will see that there are clues you can record. There is a trophy connected to this - of course - so you will want to be sure that you examine all of the clues on the body, and then the clues elsewhere in and near the crime scene. You can try to talk to the uniforms nearby but they will not give you anything other than uncomfortable silence and tell you to talk to Blake.

This is really where the game started getting more interesting for me - things are starting to come together and we now have a better sense of how the game will play. After you check the pair of clues that are distant from the body, take a good look around the scene just to get a mental image of it. The reason you should do this has more to do with the fact that all of the crime scenes are situated in similar locations, so familiarizing yourself with this one will give you something to picture later when you are reviewing the files and tying in the geographical data.

Now head over to the train tracks - but be careful around the tracks as they are active - a train ripped through while I was gathering evidence, and while I do not know that being on the tracks might have gotten Norman killed, since the characters CAN die it may well indeed get him killed!

On the other side of the tracks along the muddy hillside walk to the right (toward the overpass) until you can not walk anymore and the game forces you to turn around. Now hit R1 and you will reveal two more clue flags - the first on the fence is some blood - investigate that. Now investigate the footprints nearby.

As you move along the tracks keep hitting R1 to scan, and you will find more blood from the victim on the tracks, and then further down another "clue" - a dead cat on the tracks LOL. As the FBI does not keep files on dead cats I guess that one does not need to go in the file!

Now head back to the fence where you spotted the blood and hit the RS up to climb the muddy slope - this will

page 15 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. require you to hit the buttons that pop up in the screen in a timely fashion or end up falling on your ass in the mud... Eventually you make your way to the top of the slope near the busy road. Scan again with R1 and you find more tracks, and these lead to tire tracks that you scan. At this point you have seen all that there is to see here, so work your way back down the slope using the correct buttons - you did get down without falling or sliding into the mud, right?

When you get back near the body, Blake approaches you and tells you that he is headed back to the office and asks if you are staying? You may as well leave - you have seen all that there is to see - so retrace your steps to your car and get in.

If you examined all of the clues that were indicated above, after you drive away the chapter will fade-to-black and you will get the chime and earn the trophy "FBI Investigator" (bronze). Well done!

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06: The Shrink

Character: Ethan Mars

Confessing about the black-outs

Depending upon how well you did on the previous chapter you may have unlocked a new bonus, if so that will be indicated on the opening screen of the chapter transition. The CS cuts to a psychiatric exam - Ethan is doing an ink blot test for the doctor - you should answer the question as you perceive it as there is no "wrong" answer for this test. Have fun with it or be serious, either way works!

Blot #1 Square: Bat Circle: Insect X: Butterfly

Blot #2 Square: Wolf Circle: Rat X: Fox

Blot #3 Square: Faces Circle: Blades X: Crab

Blot #4 Square: Blood Circle: Death X: Shadow

The shrink stands up and tells you about the results of your MRI scan - there is no physical damage from the accident, but he is concerned that there may be psychological damage and that you are blaming yourself for what he is convinced was an accident - and he is correct to be concerned because clearly you blame yourself and so does your wife! You sit up but you can lay down or stand if you like...

Next he asks you how Shaun is doing - and your answer leads into another series of questions and answers, leading up to the shrink asking you directly if there is something else that you want to tell him? Here is where you have to decide how honest you are prepared to be with the shrink - do you tell him about your blackouts?

Q. Is there something else that you want to tell me?

Square: Nothing

You say no and the alarm goes off, ending today's session.

Circle: Schizophrenia

You ask about Schizophrenia and the shrink confirms that a violent shock/blow to the brain can cause it, and then the alarm goes off ending your session, and you leave.

X: Blackouts you admit that you sometimes have blackouts - times when you do not know what you are doing - and you describe

page 17 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. them. The shrink assures you that you suffered a serious injury and admits that they really do not know what the effects of that can be on the brain. The alarm goes off, ending your session until next week.

The shrink tells you how lucky you were to have survived at all, and then fade-to-black.

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07: The Park

Character: Nathan Mars

The scene fades and we find ourselves on a park bench with Shaun - who is very bummed out. If you failed to have him do his homework, he will tell you that he got punished by his teacher. After you exhaust the dialogue options with Shaun stand up and take the boomerang out of his book bag... Shaun says he cannot get it to come back to him when he throws it - so here is a perfect chance for us to demonstrate our manly abo hunting skills!

To throw the boomerang simply hold R1 and then R2 and jerk down on the controller; to catch it, hit X when you are prompted. Do that a couple of times and Shaun will become happier! Now help him do it and hey, you have to admit he is a lot more fun to be around when he is not so depressed!

You now need to choose another activity to do with Shaun - check your thoughts and you will see that the options are the see-, the merry-go-round, or the swing set. I chose the see-saw first since it is nearby... Next I chose the merry-go-round and Shaun seemed to like that just fine. After the ride he gives you a hug, and Shaun tells you that his head is spinning.

Nearby the merry-go-round is a small stand selling candy - walk over to it and purchase some candy for Shaun - you end up picking the wrong flavor - or I did anyway - but Shaun was polite about it. You notice it is about to rain and suggest that it is time to go home, and Shaun heads back towards the bench that we were originally sitting on.

As he is putting on his backpack he tells you about what he has really been feeling - and then Shaun leads you towards the exit - or actually towards the carousel - and he begs you for a ride on it. You agree and buy him the ticket, and then just after the ride starts you have another blackout episode.

During the transition to the next chapter as long as you bought the candy you will unlock the trophy "Good Friends" (bronze). Good on ya!

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08: Where's Shaun?

Character: Ethan Mars

When you recover from this blackout you are standing in the middle of the road about to be turned into a Mack Truck's hood ornament! Depending upon how quickly you react you either escape harm completely or you get brushed by the truck - either way as your grip on reality firms up you remember that the last time you saw Shaun was just before your blackout, when he was on the ride.

It was still daylight then, and now it is dark and clearly time has passed. You yell for your son and take off running but you are not far from the playground so you reach it relatively quickly and find it deserted, with nobody in sight! Near the carousel you find Shaun's backpack on the ground and pick it up and then toss it down.

After you search the area, all the time calling your son's name, you frantically run home in the hope that he went there when he could not find you - and after entering your house you quickly search each room, screaming his name, but no Shaun! Oh man, you lost another kid!

Leaving the house in utter panic you find yourself back in the street as you fall to your knees and cry. That is when you notice the origami figure you have clutched in your hand, and the scene fades to black. Assuming that you hit all of the requirements you should now have unlocked another bonus and the trophy "Good Friends" (bronze) for doing the two rides with Shaun and buying him the candy! Good on ya!

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09: Welcome, Norman!

Characters: Norman Jayden and Ethan Mars

Virtual Boredom

Now it cuts to the Police Station, and we are FBI Agent Jayden again - clearly we are waiting for the Captain of the squad, who has us cooling our heels in a chair in the waiting area outside his office. You ask his secretary Charlene if this is going to take long, and are told no, of course. Fidget around for a bit then eventually you will see the command to pull on those tricked out glasses and a control interface glove that you can use to play a video game - in which you bounce a light ball against a light wall and then catch the ball. Those are some cool glasses, I need to get me a pair of those oh yeah!

After you bounce the ball for a bit the Captain you are waiting for exits and talks to his secretary, who asking her to cancel all of his appointments for the day as he is on his way to the daily press briefing where I imagine he will find a new way to tell the reporters they have not caught the Origami Killer yet! She points you out to him, and he somewhat reluctantly greets you, asking you to walk with him while you have a chat to save some time.

As you walk towards the other end of the building where the press conference is taking place, this brass hat fills you in on things. He stops and asks you to tie his tie for him - really! While you are doing that he talks about Lt. Blake, telling you that he is a good cop but has his own way of doing things, but that he is sure you two will get along, and after you finish tying his tie - and hey you are actually pretty good at that I want you to know - as a parting shot he tells you to check in with Charlene, take a look at your office, and maybe look in on the press conference. Probably be an idea to check your thoughts as well, right?

Before you head over to Charlene you can explore the station - there is a break room on the far side with a drinks machine that makes some nasty coffee, and a bulletin board on the wall that you can examine. In the left front corner the press conference is going on - you can go look in on that and hear the Captain talking to the press and answering their questions. As the conference progresses one of the reporters asks a question indirectly about you, and the Captain confirms that yes, indeed, a profiler from the FBI was requested and is on the case.

In an alcove on the right side of the room as you are heading back towards Charlene there is a map on the wall that you can look at, and there are holding cells along the right wall you can look into - one has a prostitute in it :) In the right read corner is a green door that lets you into the observation room for one of the interrogation rooms, and inside you can see a perp being questioned by a pair of uniformed cops. In the back of the building there is a briefing room that you can look into and see the shift sergeant haranguing the ongoing shift.

You know where Charlene is - over at the desk near the chair we were sitting in - and when you check in with her she hits you up for a donation to pay for the new Lieutenant's watch. Why not? In my real life experience working as a consultant for the police I found that contributing to things like that made them more friendly towards you - the more you fit in with them the better off you are, but never forget that at the end of the day the thin blue line still divides the world into "Us" and "Them" and you are not a cop, you are a Fed, which makes you "Them" as far as the cops are concerned.

You drop your 5 bucks into the kitty, and then ask her to show you to your new office and she does. It really is not much of an office though it does offer you some privacy, but then again the local cops do not usually take a shine to the FBI anyway, so it will have to do!

Now would be a great time for you to check your thoughts for direction, and then when you are finished with that move over to the desk. After you sweep everything onto the floor and push the desk against the wall, take a seat and put on your killer glasses to analyze the case file... Well, actually your first step is to pick the wallpaper for your new office - just do it, you will see what I mean :)

Now that you have done that throw the screen to the right and open the clues - looks like there is something new in

page 21 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. there! As you analyze it, you learn about the tire tracks near the rail road line. There is no data for geoanalysis yet, and the origami figures reveal no prints or clues, though geoanalysis of the origami does reveal that there is only one origami store in town - wait, origami store?!

The tire tracks indicate that the suspect vehicle is most likely a 1983 Chevy Malibu, and the flower - a common species of orchid - can be found all over the city according to geoanalysis. Well, that was not very helpful, but at least we have fulfilled that hidden requirement, and now we can move on.

Let's switch to the files and take a look at them... In the past 3 years there have been a total of 8 known victims, all of them boys between 8 and 9 years old, and all disappeared from public places with no witnesses in the Fall. The bodies are usually discovered about three days after they died, and the dump sites for the bodies are all near railroad tracks. The abductions and murders usually happen either before or in the rain. This file has some geoanalysis, and you can tell that the killer began in a smaller area and as his confidence grew, moved further from his base.

The next file tells you about the evidence - the flower and the origami - and despite an exhaustive investigation you have not a single lead! Analyze the file to learn the killer's profile - sounds like our architect doesn't it? Man I hope that is just a coincidence as I sort of like Ethan...

The last thing for you to look at is the map itself - but there is nothing there to see - so now you take off your glasses and start having the shakes. This guy must have a major drug problem! And it turns out he does - or so it seems. The shakes give the world a blurry edge and make it harder to walk in a straight line with confidence, but hey drug addiction is a bad thing, so you are better off resisting. Just head out the door, press the buttons you are prompted, and go wash your face in the bathroom. You have to resist this insidious drug!

Next we get a floating CS and we see Ethan entering the police station!

Ethan Morris is sitting in a chair at a desk being interviewed by two uniformed cops; as they question you about Shaun's disappearance you try to answer their questions but you do not want to tell them about your blackouts - which makes it a bit more difficult. You remember that you brought Shaun to the park around 4:15 (X), and that he was wearing a beige coat (X) and green pants (X).

After you tell the cops what happened - and you should stick close to the truth because cops being cops they will probably back-check your story - you explain as best you can and they try to reassure you. You ask if they think it could be the Origami Killer - and they tell you if it is, well, then they have four days to find him alive.

As you return to the lobby your ex-wife is waiting for you - and of course she unloads a major guilt trip on you. A lot of "Why?!" and of course she throws Jason into the mix. You just have really bad luck hanging on to kids man! If you got the information correct when the chapter change menu pops up you should unlock the trophy "Got To Remember!" (bronze).

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10: Hassan's Shop

Character: Scott Shelby

Unlock the Negotiator Trophy

Fade to black and we are now back with the Detective, Scott Shelby. We enter the small Mom & Pop Bodega - a type of store that New York City has a lot of - and talk to the guy behind the counter, who is yet another parent of a victim of the Origami killer. The man's initial reaction tells you all that you need to know about his attitude and likely willing participation in your investigation. No matter what I said I was not able to get anything out of him.

Before we leave the bodega we remember that we need another asthma inhaler - and the owner sends us to the back of the store and to the right. On the way there is a door marked employees only - but it is locked - and as we grab the inhaler someone enters the store! Yes, it is a hold-up. Man we seem to have all the luck! The textbook hood pulls a gun on the clerk, and we overhear the demand.

The nature of this game is that there are many paths to the end - and each choice you make represents a variation on the theme. From where you are standing the matter appears to be simple enough - the guy has a gun on the Bodega's owner, and the simple solution is for you to sneak up behind him and disarm and/or disable him, right? Yes, but it is not as easy as it sounds - remember, each choice you make is fraught with different peril.

From where you are standing in the medicine aisle, you have several choices... Picture the store in your mind with the aisle's numbered from where you are standing now so that the one that runs along the wall that has the employee only door is Aisle 1, the next one Aisle 2, then Aisle 3 and finally, Aisle 4 which runs along the front of the store to the door and counter. The optional paths are numbered below based upon the Aisle number:

(1) You head directly back along the path you came from, past the employee only door heading towards the counter. If you get close enough without him noticing you, you can jerk down on the controller and grab his gun arm and then using the X and Circle buttons, take him down to the ground and knock him out, disarming him. The thing is going down Aisle 1 means you have a longer distance to travel, which means that he is more likely to see you. If he sees you skip to the paragraph after Aisle 4.

(2) This is the aisle directly in front of you. The aisle is clear and when you get to the other end, a little closer to the thug, which means you have slightly improved your chances of not getting spotted. Sneak up behind him and jerk down on the controller, take him down to the ground and disarm and disable him using the X and Circle buttons. If you fail, skip to the paragraph after Aisle 4.

(3) This is the next aisle up, and shortens the distance between you and the perp considerably at the other end - but unfortunately someone ripped open a bag of potato chips and the floor is littered with them! Once you get towards the end of the aisle you end up stepping on chips, the thug hears that, and your sneaking cover is blown! He points his gun at you and orders you to raise your hands in the air or be shot. Skip to the paragraph after Aisle 4 now.

(4) The aisle farthest away from you that runs along the front of the store - a logical place to head for if you want to appear directly behind the bad guy and minimize your chances of being spotted, right? Well, not so much really... You see along the aisle you get an arrow to grab a glass bottle off of the shelf that you can use as a weapon - which is fine as far as that goes - but a little further on, whether you grab the bottle or not, there is a display of boxes on the right and you will brush it with your sleeve and knock a box over, and it hits the floor, blowing your ninja cover! The thug demands that you raise your hands - so skip to the next paragraph now!

BUSTED! If you got to this point without having taken the thug out, it means you blew your cover or it was blown for you by something in the store. At this point you need to raise your hands (L1 R1) and do what the nice robber demands of you.

At this point you have two options - try to talk the thug down, or try to overpower and disarm him. You should be

page 23 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. aware that there is a trophy connected with this chapter that is awarded for successfully talking the bandit down.

Eventually you will get some dialogue options to use - so go ahead and use them! A rather lengthy conversation will now take place in which you try to use psychology, fear, persuasion, or your mad negotiating skills as a retired cop to talk him down.

To pick up the trophy all that you need to do is first calm him down (X), and then tell him your name (Circle). That should cause him to tell you his name - not real smart for a thug but what can I say. After that, Reason with him (Square) and then Affective (Circle) to get him to think about the other people in his life that this decision could impact. Now you just tell him to put the gun down (Triangle) and he will run out of the store. When the chapter transition happens you will unlock the trophy "Negotiator" (bronze).

If the thug sees through your efforts - though in several different ways depending on the tactic you chose - and you get physical, using the different buttons to fight and, hopefully disarm and knock out the thug. That is how it is supposed to work you know, him knocked out, you not so much. You might be thinking that if you ended up at this point that you did the chapter wrong. I do not believe that this is the intended point of view that the developer had - you just made a decision that was different than the one that leads to the trophy is all - the chapter still concludes the way it should. You can always go back and replay the chapter later if you want the trophy.

Mister Hassan is now very grateful to you, and unlike the hooker in the sleazy hotel he actually has a change of heart and is willing to cooperate with you - sort of. Basically he tells you about a letter that he received shortly after his son was taken with a key to a locker in it. When he went to the train station and used the key he discovered a box in the locker - and he now shows you the box - explaining to you that he believes it is a message from the man who took his son from him. He took the box home with him but he never opened it and examined the contents, but he is willing to give you the box - if you want it?

Does the Pope wear a white hat? Does Martha Stewart have PR problems? Does root beer taste great with vanilla ice cream?! Of course we want the box! Sheesh! Gingerly you accept the box and you look inside it - and you find a small green and black origami figure - Pay dirt! Hassan hopes that you will find the box helpful to your investigation, that it will help you find the other little boy, and as you leave the camera fades-to-black.

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11: Sleepless Night

Character: Madison Paige

Probably the most popular scene in the game

We meet a new character in this chapter - one Madison Paige - a fairly attractive young woman who is something of an insomniac and finds her lack of sleep to be a very miserable thing. I guess we can understand that, right?

The first thing that you should probably do is to check her thoughts - she has a lot of them - and one that you will probably find both interesting and encouraging is to take a shower. Hmm... Yeah, a nice hot shower, that will make it much easier to fall asleep, what a great idea!

Madison does not appear to live in a traditional apartment by any stretch of the imagination - in fact this place seems to be either an ex-gym or perhaps some sort of recreation center? Whichever it is, if the main room did not tip you off that it was originally some sort of commercial space, the bathroom certainly will with its circular urinal and wall of showers!

As you undress and head for the shower you are given an almost full-frontal view of Madison's nude body, in fact the Grrl Gamers of the world will definitely have reason to complain when you think about it - after all the most that they got to see on Ethan was his bum, and here we get a free run at second base! As we watch the CS, we are treated to a sensual shower scene with strategic viewpoints that capitalize on the idea of the feminine mystique that leave plenty for the imagination. Now that that is all done - you bad bad boy - head over to the toilet to facilitate and then exit the bathroom.

In the living area I sat on the couch and stretched for a bit, and then noticed that the fridge was open - and thought ??! Why is the fridge open?! I don't remember leaving that open!

As we close the fridge somebody runs through the shadows in the back of the room! Before we can be absolutely certain which direction the figure ran, the lights go out! Now you are telling yourself someone is here - well duh! Madison quickly runs through her options in her head - what to do?! Phone for help? Use the door and head outside in our underwear? What do we do?!

Right - so we try for the door but it turns out that there are actually two of them, and a fight ensues in which we pretty much trash the place and end up stabbing both of them before we retreat to the relative safety of the bathroom - or rather the bathroom that we thought was safe, but it seems that there is a third guy in here with us that we did not know about! He grabs us and we get our throat slit - and then wake up from this really bad nightmare! Whew! We sit up and fade-to-black!

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12: Paparazzi

Character: Ethan Mars

We are Ethan again - and enter this chapter sitting at our kitchen table with somber music playing to set the mood. Now that we are the family of the latest victim of the Origami Killer the news media and a crowd is gathered outside of the crappy house that we live in.

On the table is a letter - you really have no choice about reading it though, as you cannot leave the table until you do. It is a pretty twisted letter - clearly meant to torment us. Before you stand up after reading the letter check in the envelope to find a plastic locker key! Okay was anyone really surprised about that? I mean it had to happen - how else will we get the box?

With the news media out front we should probably use the back door - actually you have no choice really if you want the trophy for this chapter - but you can try the front door if you like - the reporters immediately pounce and you let us know what you think of them as you slam the door. You have a choice to make here - you can brave the wall of reporters and exit by the front door, or you can quietly depart by the back door.

Front Door: The reporters immediately swarm you demanding that you answer their questions. You need to fight your way through them to the right where you car is - actually there is not much indication that you are succeeding in moving through them - the crowd pretty much moves with you in one big mass and it is easy to think you are not making any progress, but if you keep the JS pressed you will eventually get into your car. Now you drive off for the train station.

Back Door: After we exit via the back door - say, how come a few reporters did not cover the back door? I mean seriously that is a pretty obvious thing it being the only other exit - if I was reporting on that story I would be at the back door, that is all I am saying... Anyway, as we exit we are shown the alley by the house next door so this was obviously the correct choice.

Hop the low fence and head for the alley - fortunately our car is parked right where the alley opens out onto the street, and none of the news people are looking in our direction to notice us! Jump in your car and drive off, and we fade-to-black for the transition. If you chose the back door when the chapter changes you will unlock the trophy "VIP" (bronze).

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13: Lexington Station

Character: Ethan Mars

Unlock the Lucky Locker Trophy

At the station we start to stress, and Ethan tells himself how he is feeling. You get a good bit of heavy breathing and the beginnings of a panic attack - but go ahead and move forward. When you get halfway through the open area you get a brief CS and Ethan complaining to himself again, and then you have to shake the game pad. Why? No clue - I guess the developer thought that it had been too long since we have shaken the controller or something.

Now we stop, hold R1 and L1 and shake the controller some more as everyone around us ignores the fact that we are holding our throat and gasping... Then our view of the world changes slightly to let us know that something odd has happened. All of the people have frozen in place while we can still move - maybe we are having the start to one of our blackout attacks - then again maybe not. Either way we start to spaz-out, we reach out to touch a guy who looks like a young Steven Spielberg, and the guy falls to the ground!

Note: This is one of the spots in the game where you can pick up a trophy - what you need to do is knock 50 people over - but you do not have a lot of time to do it in, so you want to aim yourself at the tighter crowds of people and start knocking them down! The trophy is called "Agoraphobia" (bronze), and I am not sure if it is supposed to pop right away or not - I did not get it until I completed the chapter but YMMV.

As we are moving through the crowds knocking people down we hear our son calling us - but it is not Shaun, it is Jason! How messed up is that? You do not actually have to chase after him - in fact if you do chase after the balloon you are not going to get the trophy - but it is okay, this part is actually on a timer, so just go knock a bunch of people down and get your trophy and eventually you will snap out of it crouched down on the floor by the area where the lockers are.

That was pretty surreal wasn't it? Now we pass though security and enter the locker area, and pause to examine the ticket - it is for Line 18, Box 3. Note that this is a opportunity to obtain the second trophy for this chapter - a bronze one called "Lucky Locker" - which you are awarded for picking the correct locker first go. Basically all that you need to do is find Line 18 (go to Line 17 and turn left into that row, as Line 18 is in the back area of it), and then select the locker that is labeled 3.

Not too hard to find, and after we punch in the code and open the locker, we find a box... As we removed the box from the locker, we fade-to-black - good on ya!

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14: The Motel

Character: Ethan Mars

The chapter opens with a brief CS of Ethan sitting in a chair in a motel room, where he has gone as a sanctuary against the media camped outside of this house. He glances across the room at the box sitting on a table - it seems that we have yet to open it...

There is a bathroom that has a well stocked medicine cabinet in it, and we can facilitate and wash our face if we like. An empty clothes closet in the room has a fan and iron if we need it, and there is an empty mini-fridge as well as a TV mote. If you use the remote you can see the news broadcast about Shaun - you may as well check that out.

When you open the box you discover a surprising variety of items in it: a gun, some of those origami critters, a phone and memory card among other things.

As we examine the items it appears that we may be able to save our son - one of the origami shapes turns out to be a note telling us to go to Joe's Garage and the address, and when we slot the memory card into the phone we see a message from Shaun, who is apparently trapped beneath an iron grate that is slowly flooding with water.

The message instructs us that there are five origami shapes, that each figure is a trial... Each trial provides letters, and the letters reveal an address. Of course we grab the gun and the rest of the stuff - we have to save our son, right? So we stash the box under the bed and then exit the room, into the rain...

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15: Kick Off Meeting

Character: Norman Jayden

Breakthrough Discoveries

Back to FBI Agent Jayden, who is giving a profiling to the cops - and it includes some Q&A - so ride it out. As you are talking you should be advancing the slides as prompted on screen using the projector, and if you are role-playing Jayden let that lead you in how you respond to the questions.. Blake is very argumentative with you - clearly he has an attitude and an opinion about you, what you do, and your involvement in this investigation.

You have made the connection between the rain and the killings, and you have some data about the territory where the killer might live. You have two suspects you want to question, but the cops are not really feeling cooperative. According to the weather forecast, you have less than 72-hours to save the latest victim - Shaun.

Lieutenant Blake gives you some arguments and an aggressive attitude - this is really meant to show that he both does not respect your methods, and perhaps feels threatened by you. Considering that the police have had three years to catch this guy and have gotten exactly nowhere, you have every reason to believe that you can help them - and Blake has every reason to feel threatened by that.

When you tell them that you have isolated the area that the killer calls home and Blake asks you how large it is, you tell them about ten square miles, and Blake derides that, saying that there must be 10,000 people living in that area. In New York City - assuming we are not talking about Manhattan - any of the residential areas would be closer to hundreds of thousands not tens of thousands... I am just saying.

You can either get aggressive back or try to stay calm, either way Blake loses his cool and the Captain has to step in to defuse the situation. He asks a pointed question - with the rain falling how much time do you actually have? The answer is a lot less time than you need.

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16: Nathaniel

Character: Norman Jayden

Unlock the Blunder Trophy

The scene cuts to the door of one of the potential suspects as you and Blake climb the stairs - but nobody is answering your knock. After you decide to leave, Blake kicks in the door - and despite your concerns, he enters the apartment. Inside you find a lot of religious symbolism - and the detective tells you about the guys background - clearly he has some history with Nathaniel Williams.

As you examine the clues in the room you draw your own conclusions that are clearly different than those of Blake. Clearly he has a preconceived notion about Nathaniel and his involvement in the case, and he wants to believe that this suspect is your man. A little wish fulfillment is pretty typical of how burned-out cops can get, but you know that finding the right unsub is the solution, not simply finding a perp who could be the unsub.

Nathanial finally shows up after you have given his apartment a good once-over, and before he can run Blake blocks is retreat. You introduce yourself and try to talk calmly to Nathaniel, checking his alibi, learning a little about him, but Blake had no interest in coddling the man or treating him civilly.

Nathanial denies everything of course, and before you can take the questions any further Blake begins taunting him. You try to intervene but that does not do much good, as Blake is convinced he is right - and as he begins tuning up on him, a tactic that you clearly do not approve of.

Nathanial suddenly pulls a gun, having had enough of Blake's abuse, and so he points the gun at Blake. We have arrived at another one of the major decision tree points here - and a trophy point as well - actually two trophy points, since how you react here will earn you one trophy or the other.

Talk Nathaniel Down: Using your best diplomatic charms you talk Nathaniel down, first reasoning with him and then calming him until he is willing to follow your commands. At that point you order him to step back, put the gun down, raise his hands and turn around, and Blake goes to cuff him. In one last surprise - and stupid - move, Nathaniel jams his hand into his jacket and pulls out a crucifix, holding it out to Blake and casting his demon out. You kept your cool and did not shoot him, right?

Blake cuffs Nathanial and notifies him that he is under arrest, and then leads him out of the apartment, commenting to you that he would have just shot him - to which you reply that a gun does not solve every problem. For your coolness and control you earn the trophy "Self Control" (bronze) and the scene fades-to-black.

Shoot Nathaniel: You try to talk him down but he grows erratic and so you have to shoot him! Or you do talk him down but then he appears to go for a weapon and you have to shoot him - either way you shoot him - and pick up a trophy called "Blunder" (bronze) which in case you miss the point, is a consolation prize, not really a reward. The scene fades-to-black and you are out of there!

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17: Suicide Baby

Character: Scott Shelby

We are back to being Scott Shelby, retired cop and Private Dick, and we are pulling up to a shack in a rather run-down neighborhood. At the door we ring the bell and knock - and peak in the window to see a baby screaming inside. The door is locked though, so you may as well do a walk-around - and what do you know, the back door is not locked!

You call out and look around - and then find what appears to be a suicide note! A quick search of the bedroom turns up nothing, but the bathroom door is locked! After you break it down you find Mrs. Bowles near death in the bathtub - you pull her out and put her on the bed. She does not want you to call an ambulance so you have to grab the first aid supplies from the bathroom and dress her wound.

Now we have to go take care of baby Emily - and when I say take care of I do not mean kill... There is a trophy connected to this - but it is one of the hardest to get in the game. You basically have to properly complete the following steps without a single error:

1- Wash your hands - they have blood on them. 2- Change the nappy without making a mistake. 3- Prepare the baby's bottle in the kitchen. 4- Feed the baby, burp it. 5- Rock the baby gently. 6- Return it to the crib slowly.

I should warn you that this may actually be slightly bugged - at the start of changing the nappy the very first sequence you do after laying Emily on the table often fails even when you carefully push the stick in the right direction. If that happens - and you will know because the prompt will flash red and you will need to start over - you have failed as far as the trophy is concerned.

Since this is a really frustrating trophy to unlock you should seriously consider waiting until you have completed the game and then coming back for it. The reason that I say that is that it is really a matter of luck getting through these sequences without the game deciding you made an error and due to the

If you do all of this without making any mistakes, you will get the trophy "Baby Master" (bronze) when the chapter transitions.

So go to the kitchen and wash the blood off of yourself, then go change the baby - no worries though, you are a private detective, you can do anything! Right so she is now clean, that means you need to feed her, so head into the kitchen and grab the bottle - warm it up and take it to the kid. Thankfully she eats pretty fast - which is a good thing because my pizza is getting cold.

After you are done feeding her, you need to burp her, and then you rock her to sleep - man you really can do anything! Head back into the bedroom to get Mrs. Bowles story. You learn that her husband abandoned her the day after her son was killed. As you question her you learn that she found a cell phone in her husband's drawer after he disappeared.

You are pretty much done there - so head into the living room and grab the cell phone from the drawer in the white cabinet. You can stop and say goodbye to Emily if you like - I did :) Once you hit the back door you get a CS of you getting into your car and driving off. Man I would hate to have to pay for the gas on that thing.

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18: The Bear

Character: Ethan Mars

Unlock the Good Driver Trophy

This is the first Trial - The Bear. Back to Ethan now, you are walking through an industrial area towards the garage, and you get control once you are inside. Check your thoughts and then go talk to the attendant, who is under a truck doing repairs. You have to ask a few times to get his attention, but once you have it he is friendly enough. You give him the claim ticket, he goes over to the booth and you follow.

He gives you the set of keys and comments on how patient you are, the car having been left here for two years. He gives you the keys and tells you to use the service elevator (the orange panel in the rear of the garage) to reach the third floor down. The controls for the elevator are on the right - go inand press the inside controls to go down.

After you get out of the elevator walk forward and use the alarm remote (Circle) to cause the lights to flash, revealing which car it is that you need to be going to. Ahead and on the left is a sports car - when you press the remote its lights blink. Excellent! Actually now that I think about it, is it really a good idea to get into a car that a killer left for you?

Look to your right, you can check the glove box - further to the right you can check the map slot. Look to your left and you can grab a GPS unit out of the pocket in the driver's side door. You examine it and then slot it into the holder on the windscreen.

When you activate it you learn that your destination is just four miles away. The ride is a CS and you end up on an overpass looking down at a busy highway that could be the Cross-Bronx Expressway. It looks right anyway. It turns out that the GPS is programmed to deliver your next instructions - and then you get a jumbled series of angst ridden choices to make until you can decide to commit (Triangle).

Once you are on the highway it is sequence time - and these choices are on very short timers so you have to act fast. Too many mistakes and you end up crashing the car and having to struggle to get out before it blows up with you in it! If that happens, you end up running away with the sound of approaching cop sirens in the distance, and the chapter ends.

There are two trophies you can earn in this chapter - "Kamikaze" and "Good Driver" (both bronze). For Kamikaze you have to complete the entire trial without making one mistake - a very hard thing to do so this is likely one you will want to try for after you complete the game, if you do not get lucky and get it your first go.

For Good Driver you just need to complete the five mile drive - you can make some mistakes just not a lot - and end up at the end, where you still crash after being chased by cops, blowing through a roadblock, and being shot at, but the difference is that you do not go away empty handed! The GPS tells you that your reward is in the glove compartment - and that the key is inside the GPS.

Now you do another sequence, accept that the button prompts are upside down because you are upside down - yeah I do not really see how that makes much sense either. After you break open the GPS and then unlock the glove compartment you get a memory card - and now you need to get out of the burning car! More reversed prompts to deal with - but you will get it, I have faith in you!

Once outside of the now wrecked car, it may be an idea to start putting some distance between you and the flaming wreck, right? The cops will be here any minute, and you have a memory card to read - and you do! You see Shaun under the grate and you get a few more letters to the key to this mystery.

The final scene of the chapter is you walking away from the burning car - interestingly enough, they recycled the same scene from the failed version - and of course as the chapter fades-to-black and changes, you should unlock the

page 32 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. trophy "Good Driver" (bronze) and, if you were perfect in your sequences, the trophy "Kamikaze" (bronze). Good on ya!

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19: First Encounter

Characters: Madison Paige and Ethan Mars

It is now Wednesday and we are outside of a motel and you are Madison again. You pull up on your motorcycle, take your helmet off, and go inside. As you ring the bell on the counter you hear a TV news broadcast about Shaun Mars and the Origami Killer. The clerk comes out of the bathroom behind the counter - and here we have another one of the errors in the game - if you read the clock/calendar on the wall to the right of the bathroom door it says that today is Thursday October 5th 2012... It is supposed to be Wednesday.

An observation or two - this game was made by a company in France - having been to France I can say that some hotels still use a registry book when you check in - but it does not include things like age and marital status. You fill out the name and address line, sign, and then hand them your passport and payment - usually credit card. When he gives you the key to room 201 you might be thinking that is on the second floor - but no, it is on the 3rd floor! In France the first floor is the second floor, whereas what yanks call the first floor is known as the ground floor there. You'll figure it out!

As we arrive at our room we see Ethan Mars leaning against the railing - and he does not look so good. When we walk over he slumps against us, but he does not want an ambulance. He just wants you to help him to his room - 207 - which you do. A few broken ribs and some cuts is the verdict - so you go into the bathroom and check out the fully stocked medicine chest, grabbing the disinfectant to clean Ethan's wounds.

Next we get some pain killers from the medicine chest in the bathroom and give one to Ethan - who then takes a second from the bottle even though we tell him you are only supposed to take one a day. He declares that he is going to take a shower and you offer to help him... Wait, I think I have seen this movie, but where is the cheesy 70's music playing in the background - boom-chicka-wah-wah-chicka-boom-chicka-wah-wah!

Madison you dog you! Peaking at the naked man! A conversation ensues in which we learn more about Madison and her insomnia. We learn that she is a photographer, and Ethan tells her that he is an architect. He comes out of the shower and thanks us, and we ask his name and then leave.

Now we are Ethan Mars

Grab the box from under the bed and take it to the desk. Sit down and open it to have another look at the contents. We select another origami figure - this one made from a partial sheet of $20 bills - and read the instructions on it before grabbing our jacket and hitting the door - and fade-to-black!

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20: Covered Market

Character: Norman Jayden

Unlock the Cat & Mouse Trophy

This chapter begins with you and Blake in a car staking out a building. If you shot Nathaniel earlier you have a conversation in which Blake tries to comfort you in his own way - and you can either be a jerk, non-committal, or sincere. If not, you spot the suspect you are looking for as he exits a building - and you exit the car.

You and Blake confront the guy on the sidewalk and it looks like he is going to come along nice and easy - until he throws his cup of coffee into Blake's face and tries to push you into traffic! You try to help Blake but he tells you to chase the suspect -so you do. This begins another series of button sequences, so stay on your toes here!

You chase him into a market across the street - now I know you are going to wonder what kind of market it is that has live chickens in it in New York City. The answer is... None. Though I have been in more than a few markets in France and Holland that did have this sort of set up. You chase him through the fish department and into a huge meat freezer with sides of beef in it.

He is nowhere to be seen, so you draw your pistol and go in after him. As you move along, he is laying in wait, and uses a crowbar to knock the pistol out of your hand. A fight then ensues in which, if you push the buttons right, you should quickly win, using the crowbar that you take away from him to knock him out.

Blake shows up and makes an observation, and this very short chapter ends with you unlocking the trophy "Cat & Mouse" (bronze). Well done!

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21: A Visitor

Character: Shelby Scott

We wake up at our desk in our office - and judging by our face we have been drinking? Reach over and turn on the light, and then open the drawer and hit your inhaler. In the lower drawer is a bottle of the bite - so why not take a little nip of the hair of the dog that bit us, shall we? Nice that whiskey stuff!

Open the file on the desk and check it out, and then look to your right, where we find our old - and now tarnished - police badge. In the next drawer down is our automatic pistol - but it seems it will be staying in the drawer for now. We can check the file cabinet and look out the window, look at the map and at our commendations on the wall. There is a chair and a couch we can sit on, and an open door that leads into a room with a fridge conveniently marked FRIDGE. Just as I was getting into exploring the place having opened and closed the cupboard in the kitchen, someone rings the bell.

When we open the door it is Lauren Winter! You invite her in, and have her take a seat. She tells you about a letter that arrived in the mail after her son was kidnapped - explaining that her husband took the contents before he left. You take a look at the envelope and tell her that it may be a clue.

She says that she wants to help in the investigation - and when you diplomatically try to dissuade her, she takes her envelope and tries to leave. You stop her, and reluctantly agree to her being your partner... The scene fades-to-black for a chapter change.

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22: Kramer's Party

Character: Scott Shelby

You get a CS of driving in the rain. After you both get out, you pass through a gate with a pair of guards and head for the mansion. You are here to see Gordi Kramer, the son of a mobbed-up construction tycoon. Lauren has a lot of questions - man I knew letting her partner up with us would have a down-side!

After you walk up the drive and enter the house you find that the party is in full-swing - and Lauren starts to pepper you with questions that might annoy a lesser being, but you sir, are a saint. A saint I tell you! Once inside you tell Lauren to wait there while you talk to Gordi - on the left there is an archway but it is guarded. When you try to pass the guard basically tells you where to head in.

You can go outside and look at the pool - but that does not help much. You can go over to the right side of the room where the bar is set up and ask after Gordi, then grab a shot if whiskey. That did not help much either but it made us feel better!

There is a bathroom near the entrance - good thing too as we needed that. You did wash your hands before checking yourself out in the mirror, right? Near the guards blocking your way is a woman that confirms that Gordi is upstairs, so now that you know that for certain, walk over to the couch where Lauren is sitting and fill her in. When she offers to handle them, say yes.

Lauren goes over to the goons and does a nice little bump-and-grind to get both of their attention, and then walks a few feet away and pretends to pass out. When the goons go to see if she is dead, you slip past them and head up the stairs. Say, she is a lot more useful than I thought she would be!

From the balcony above you can look down at the goons and Lauren, and if you walk to the far side you can look out at the pool. There is a set of double doors to the right from where you came onto the balcony, and those are the ones you want. Inside is Gordi's little hide-away - and when you go in, you see two women necking and Gordi absorbed in the TV - a really nice TV that I would not mind owning myself...

When you ask about little Joseph Brown, Gordi orders the pair of tarts to leave the room, and asks what you want. You give him the facts - and he tells you that it was nothing to be excited about. I got a little aggressive on him, letting him know what I know. His response is to confess that he is the Origami Killer. Whether that is a sincere confession or not is a question, but before you can explore that any further the goons show up and a fight ensues.

You might want to be accurate in your sequence here as one of them has a gun! After you kick some serious butt you get another brief chat with Kramer in which he warns you that you should be afraid, reminding you who his father is. You know, his father probably has the juice that the kid thinks he does, but Gordi is still a pervert and he could be the Origami Killer... Or not.

With that out of the way you head for the door and the chapter fades-to-black. During the transition you should unlock the trophy "Tough Guy" (bronze).

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23: The Butterfly

Character: Ethan Mars

Unlock the Electrified Trophy

This is the second trial, called The Butterfly. There are two trophies associated with this - one for failing and one for succeeding. You can always come back later to pick up the one for failing if you like - succeeding gets you more information so that should be your goal.

You begin the chapter sitting in your car outside a large factory building - actually it is an old power plant that is supposed to be abandoned. When you get out you get a revealing CS, and then you try to open the gate - and fail. If you follow the wall to the left and around the corner you will come to a place in the chain link fence that has a hole that has been blocked by barbed wire. You can get through it using a sequence but not without getting clipped by the barbed wire - ouch!

If you head forward to the side of the building and then towards the back you will see a large white butterfly painted on the wall next to a door. As Shaggy would say - "It's a clue Scoob!" Of course then Scooby would say "Ruh Roh!"

Inside is a metal door with a wheel - turning the wheel opens it and it tuns out to be what looks like an oven to me. There is a box of matches on the ledge and you light one but you cannot see anything, so of course you climb in! As you enter the door closes behind you. Spooky! Crawling through the dark tunnel you encounter broken glass as sharp as a razor. Ruh Roh! Instead of brushing it aside you decide you have to crawl through it.

Now here is the thing about this challenge - you have to pay attention to the advice that it gives. The good news is if you do not pay attention, you are going to fail this, and get the trophy for failing right off the bat! Yeah I know, not good news. If you fail, simply go back to the start menu, select chapters, and reload this chapter, telling it that you do want to save.

Once the level restarts remember what he said - he needs to move through the tunnel and glass slowly. I know it says that you want to go to the source of the wind but what it really means is to follow the direction that the wind is blowing in - so the direction that the flame is blowing in, you see?

I am not certain that it is the same every time but for me it was Right, Left, Left - some rats and a sparky bit and then light at the end of the tunnel! If you never get the "I'm going to faint" blurb than you did the tunnel slow enough, mate.

Once you drop down out of the tunnel the fun has not ended! Ahead of you is a pipe you need to slide down - but first you have to slot yourself into it - so do that and then slide down through some more broken glass to - oh this is good! This is a mad scientist paradise! If you look you see rows of lovely sparking transformers. To the right is the coward's door - and if you have not failed this and want to you could exit via that - though why you would want to go through that tunnel again in order to not fail I cannot fathom. No, just let's head through the transformers shall we?

Changes he buttons up on you a bit going through here - the third sequence is a real challenge that would make having a second thumb on your right hand just brilliant! Timing from here on out is critical as if you do not press the prompted button right away you get shocked! You notice the red fringe around the edges of the screen? That is you on your way to death, so let's try not to have that happen shall we?

The last bit basically wants you to hold R1 and Circle and then once Circle is good and charged up you let go and roll over the last wire commando style. Excellent! You have passed through the transformer field and are that much closer to the Butterfly - if a bit singed and near death!

On the table here is a memory unit - slot that into your phone and you get more video of your son and some more

page 38 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. letters to add to the clue! Excellent job! You now head for the unseen but nearby exit as the camera pans up for a cinematic end with complimentary music and we fade-to-black. During the chapter transition we unlock the trophy "Electrified" (bronze) and we are on our way to the next chapter of the game!

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24: The Nurse

Characters: Madison Paige and Ethan Mars

Back to Madison, we are on the balcony of the motel and we notice that the door to room 207 is slightly open. When we look in we see Ethan on the floor, obviously hurt. Remember that stuff in the medicine cabinet? Yeah, we are going to need that again! We lift Ethan up off of the floor and onto the bed and then sit on the bed and examine him.

Burn marks on his chest, fever, cut up arms - we need to disinfect his wounds but first we have to take his clothes off... As we head into the bathroom to get the stuff from the cabinet this time there is not going to be a hunting and selection - we grab everything!

Starting with the disinfectant, we clean up his arm. Now we rub ointment onto the burns on his chest, and then we bandage the arm and his chest. It did not give me the option of giving Ethan the med's but went to a CS of Madison waiting - still it all appears to have worked out as Ethan did not die. He even woke up with something like a sense of humor.

You have a rather lengthy conversation with him at this point, where you try to draw information out of him while you give him some about yourself.

Despite your well mean offer of help, Ethan shuts you out - and you end up leaving very disappointed. At this point like in the other chapter, once you leave we become Ethan again.

Back to Ethan

Sit down at the desk to examine the next clue - which includes an address. This is a short change-over, and we fade-to-black and transition to the next chapter.

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25: Police News

Character: Norman Jayden

The chapter starts out with us learning that the suspect we apprehended in the market is not the Origami Killer - but we sort of knew that. Blake is not happy, but before he can say just how unhappy he is the phone rings - it turns out that Grace Mars (Ethan's wife) is here and she wants to talk to us about her husband.

She proceeds to tell the police a story that easily moves Ethan up to the number one suspect slot, and then begs the cops to find her son. The scene fades-to-black and that is the end of this very short chapter!

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26: Shrink and Punches

Character: Norman Jayden

Unlock Good Cop Trophy

The chapter opens with Norman and Blake in the office of Ethan's psychiatrist, where they introduce themselves and cut right to the chase. Blake begins playing the heavy with the shrink - and you try to reason with him. The doctor is not listening and not interested due to his vow of secrecy (?!) and demands that you leave. One of two paths are about to open here, and each has a trophy connected to it.

Let Blake Tune up on the Shrink: The doctor is not cooperative and so Blake escalates the interview to a physical level, beating on the shrink until the man finally caves, and shares the details that he has about Ethan - including the origami figures that fell out of Ethan's pocket on his last visit. Damning evidence indeed! Taking this route unlocks the trophy "Bad Cop" (bronze) and you transition to the next chapter.

Stopping Blake from violating the doctor's rights: as Blake gets more aggressive you have decided to stop him - you end up threatening Blake, telling him that you will file a complaint on him that will surely get him taken off of the case! That finally gets through to him, but the damage has already been done, and the doctor is now willing to cooperate.

As we stand there, the doctor reveals Ethan's underlying condition, and even more damaging, he hands over the origami figure that fell out of Ethan's pocket on his last visit.

The scene cuts to Blake and Jayden ripping down the road in the car while Blake reports that Ethan Mars is the Origami Killer! He talks about pulling out all the cop equipment, APB's, following the suspect, and the piece of paper underneath the half-ton of garbage with Arlo's name and address on it and... Wait... That is a different story...

As the chapter transition loads you unlock the trophy "Good Cop" (bronze).

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27: The Golf Club

Character: Scott Shelby

The chapter opens with Scott standing on the deck of a well-known driving range in New York City - in fact this is the same driving range from GTA IV! As Scott looks on, a man who is obviously Gordi's father hits balls down the range. Apparently he was expecting us!

At the old man's insistence we have to hit a few balls. It turns out that Kramer invited us here - because he wants to find out what we know. To progress the chapter you basically have to hit the balls, while you exchange dialogue with Kramer only to learn that what he wants is to buy us off.

You tell the man that you do not play that game, and Kramer gives you a not so veiled warning. Another short chapter comes to an end!

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28: The Lizard

Character: Ethan Mars

Unlock the Gold Finger Trophy

This is the Lizard Trial. Unlike the other trials this one is a significant divergence point in the game depending upon what happens at the end of it and it is a long chapter. Depending on whether you allow Ethan to be arrested, or not you will branch off onto two separate forking paths. You can always come back later and replay the path you chose not to follow - in fact I think you have to in order to get all of the endings, so view this as an item on your to-do list, and just pick one of the paths. I chose not arrested myself.

There are two trophies associated with this trial - "Gold Finger" and "Butcher" and both are bronze. They are both for doing the same thing differently - cutting off your finger! The first trophy you get for using either the ax, knife, or pliers, the disinfectant, and a hot metal rod to cauterize the wound. The second you get for just using the saw or scissors and doing nothing to the wound.

The chapter opens with Ethan arriving in his car. He climbs out and enters a rat-infested building where he finds porcelain lizards. We pick each one up and shake it before smashing it on the ground looking for clues. The third one has something it it, and when we break it open we find a key! That works out well for us because down the hall is a door with a lizard on it that requires a key!

On the table is a video tablet with the play arrow blinking. When we sit down we are told simply, make a sacrifice to help save your son - and in this case the sacrifice is one of your fingers! You have five minutes to cut off your finger in front of the camera - do it and you get a reward. Clearly we have to cut off the last section of one of our fingers - so man up and get cutting!

First Way: Gather the stuff that you need - on the ground is a piece of wood you can bite down on with your teeth and a metal bar that you can take into the kitchen and heat up. In the kitchen is a bottle of disinfectant and a knife - grab all of those one at a time and put them on the table, and be sure you heat up the metal bar using the stove in the kitchen.

Now sit down at the table, put the piece of wood in your mouth (Right and Down), then pick up the knife (Left and Down), then breath in - breath out, breath in - breath out, and cut your finger off! Roll on the floor screaming for a bit, and then go back to the table, use the metal rod to cauterize your wound with some more screaming. As an alternative you can use the disinfectant to achieve the same end, and still get the trophy.

The voice tells you to look under the desk and when you do you break open the floor to get the next memory card. You plug it into the phone and get the next set of clues, then stagger out of the room and fade-to-black. During the chapter transition you unlock the trophy "Gold Finger" (bronze).

Second Way: As above, play the video, and then pick up the saw from the floor to the right and put it on the table. Sit down and pick up the saw, and then saw that puppy off! You do the breathing thing again twice and it works the same as before, you just do not do any of the things that might keep you from getting a nasty infection and dying.

After a lot of screaming and rolling around you are told that the reward is under the desk - you retrieve it and slot it into your phone and get the video and clues, then you stumble to your feet and leave. As the chapter transition kicks in you unlock the trophy "Butcher" (bronze).

Outside Blake and Jayden have the building staked out - a patrol car spotted Ethan's car and the cops have set up a perimeter and are prepared to grab Ethan as he exits. While they are chatting about it, Madison arrives on her motorcycle. They do not realize that there is a connection between then, so Blake orders everyone to stand down - and Madison spots the cops!

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Note: There are some other trophies that pivot on what happens here - you cannot unlock them if Ethan gets caught and ends up in jail. If you want those, you have to help him escape.

You go inside and find Ethan - and warn him that the police are outside. You tell him that you have to find another way out of there! On the left side of the room inside you spot some boards that you can tear down - and you do that, revealing a window. Unfortunately the window is too high, but there is a crate by the stairs you can push over. After you do that you get the window open just as Blake has decided that it is time to take the door!

Across the street from the mouth of the alley is a subway station - but a uniformed cop has spotted you and radios to Blake, so you have to hurry! Help Ethan stumble around the cars and down the stairs to the subway, and the scene shifts to the subway station. You head to the entrance turnstile on the left and use your fair card to enter, then go down the stairs - and Blake is in hot pursuit!

The train that is at the platform pulls away, so you continue down towards the far end of the platform until another cop shows up blocking your way, so you decide that you have to cross to the other platform. You help Ethan cross and thankfully there is a train there about to leave, so you both stumble on board just as the door is closing and are whisked out of the station!

The chapter ends and during the transition you unlock the trophy "Fugitive" (bronze).

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29: Fugitive

Characters: Ethan Mars

Note: If you did not allow Ethan to be arrested you will play this chapter now - if he was arrested you will not play it until after he escapes.

The chapter opens as you sit in the motel room watching the report on the police manhunt that is trying to find you! Madison comes in with food, and you now have the chance to ask her some questions and answer some. You appear to be convinced that you are the Origami Killer - and if you confide in Madison she accepts that.

You make your case - that you have to save your son - even if you are convinced that you are the person who put him in harms way. Madison is convinced that there has to be another way but you are not. You ask her to leave - to forget what has happened - and ask her to help you by letting you do this on your own. So she leaves.

Right, so it is time to sit down at the desk and open the box again! This time you have to kill someone named Brad Silver - you get the address - and instructions to send a photo when you are done. The gun is in the box - funny I thought we brought that with us and lost it, but hey, I am glad I was wrong!

Once again we are out of the door in a hurry, and another short chapter ends! If you were arrested by Lt. Blake at the end of this chapter during the transition you will unlock the trophy "Hands Up!" (bronze).

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30: Jayden Blues

Character: Norman Jayden

Unlock Ludwig Von Trophy

The chapter opens with Norman sitting at a piano in a bar. He is about to play the piano - and if you play every note without missing one, you will get a trophy!

The sequence is random, so I cannot give it to you, and you only have less than a second to hit each note so you have to pay attention. If you are good at sequences this should be easy, if not, this might be one you want to come back and get later because once he starts using both hands the notes come pretty fast. Fortunately you are not playing an entire song, just a piece of one.

After you finish the bartender comes over with your drink and talks to you about the case - if the glow in Normans glasses have not tipped you off, this is an ALI simulation. The bartender warns you not to overindulge in "you know what" - and of course that is the drug that you are addicted to.

The scene changes to the ARI data interface so that you can review the clues and evidence. Start with the files and go over every aspect of them. Nothing new here, but when you look at the clues you discover that you have some new data - the video footage from the park on the day that Shaun Mars disappeared. The footage reveals that a car fitting the description of the suspect was both in the area and appears and leaves within the time span of the event.

You analyze the car and learn that it was stolen. There was a suspect but the charges against them were dropped for lack of evidence. Next you review Jackson Neville's file, and that is all of the new data, so you shut off the interface. You get a flashback and then you feel the need to take your drug. Don't!

I admit that this sequence is rather silly, and you have no indication of what you are supposed to do to prevent him from using the drug. The following is strictly conjecture on my part, but I believe that the jerking motion on the controller is intended to symbolize you preventing him from reaching the drug by holding him in the read of the room. That does not work though, because eventually he rushes over to it and you cannot stop him.

You are then given the choice to take the drug or throw it away. The problem here is that it appears that all you need to do is select Circle to not take the drug - if you do that and then just stand there, he takes the drug. You have to stumble into the bathroom that you cannot actually see and physically get rid of the drug! When you get close to the toilet the ARI flashback will go away and you can dump the drug into the toilet.

This is actually an interesting chapter because it implies that there is an interactive intelligence level to the ARI that had not been even hinted at before. The more he plays with this thing the more I wish I had one!

Once you have completed getting rid of the drug - or not - the chapter ends and during the transition if you played all of the notes on the piano you will unlock the trophy "Ludwig Von" (bronze), and if you succeeded in flushing the dope, you will unlock the trophy "Detox" (bronze).

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31: Under Arrest

Character: Norman Jayden

Note: If you did not allow Ethan to be arrested, you will not play this chapter, and the game will skip to Chapter Thirty-One. If he was arrested, you will play this chapter.

Note: the continuity gets a little strange here - so if you are trying to play the different story arc aspects be aware that the chapters do not play out in the same order each way - so even though I have them numbered in an orderly fashion here there is a little jumping - I will note that in the chapter as it happens.

The chapter starts with Ethan being interrogated by Jayden - but he quickly exhausts his options and Blake takes over. When that happens you have a choice, go along with this and let Blake do his thing, or try to intervene.

Since we know Ethan is not the killer - and since Jayden does not believe that he is the killer either - we have to do something, right? The problem is when we try to stop Blake he turns on us and lets us know what he really thinks of us. Your last and best weapon is to threaten him, but all that accomplishes is Blake throwing you out of the room.

In the hall you take stock of the situation and decide you have to tell the Captain - but that does not work out quite the way that we planned either - does it? Nope - the Captain really does not care, and while he does not come out and say it in these words, he is taking you off of the case. Could this get any worse?! Well, yeah, it can - because you head back to your office and snort some of that drug you are completely addicted to and that will probably kill you if you keep doing it.

Right so this is where the continuity goes wonky - because the game now jumps back to Chapter 30: Jayden Blues - so you need to play partially through that now. If you were following the other arc and did not allow Ethan to be arrested, you skipped to that chapter immediately after The Lizard - but what you need to understand is that we are not actually done with the current chapter - we will return to it after we do Jayden Blues.

- Complete Chapter 30: Jayden Blues -

If you played the other arc you noted that you did not have the struggle with the drug when you played through Jayden Blues this time. Instead you reviewed the clues and then ended up back in your office. So we are now back in the second half of Chapter 31!

Now head back to the interrogation room - where you find a guard but not Blake. On the way there you overhear the conversation between the Captain and Blake. In the interview room you order the uniformed cop to leave you alone, and then you help him into a chair and talk to Ethan about escaping.

Exit the interrogation room and go to the observation room - then turn off the camera and tell the cop to take a break using the intercom. Take the police jacket off of the chair and then head over to Gary's desk - it is the set of desks next to Blake's but the desk on the side opposite Blake's.

Once you have all of that done head back to the interrogation room and unlock Ethan's cuffs. Give him the uniform and tell him to head straight out of the station. Ethan leaves and you give Blake the look of death and then the chapter ends. During the transition you should unlock the trophy "Wise Guy" (bronze).

The game now skips back to Chapter 29: Fugitive. Play that in order to progress to Chapter 32.

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32: Manfred

Character: Scott Shelby

Covering your tracks

You and Lauren enter Manfred's Antiques Shop and you call out for him but get no answer. You look in the case at the old typewriters, and then head into the back of the shop where you find Manfred. You talk to him but it takes him a moment to remember you - but once he does, clearly the memory is fond. It has been ten years since you last saw him and you quickly catch up. You introduce Lauren and then Manfred decides a toast is in order.

The phone starts ringing and Manfred asks you to tell them he is not available and to call back later that afternoon - if you don't get to the phone quickly enough, Lauren answers it and gives the caller the message. Now go knock one back with Manfred, and then show him the envelope.

After you hand him the envelope Manfred asks you to grab his magnifying glass from behind the counter - which you do - and then he gives you the skinny on the envelope, declaring that the typewriter used to write it is a Royal Five - and he tells you that in 1964 he bought out the spare parts form the company - and he knows practically everyone that has one of them.

Lauren asks if he knows a Gorden Kramer - and Manfred says it sounds familiar but he does not recall specifically. Fortunately he keeps a record of all of his clients - and Manfred offers to set you up with the information you need. Manfred goes in the back to get the list, and Lauren looks around the shop.

When you head back into the rear of the shop you find Manfred has been bludgeoned and someone dialed 911 on the phone - probably the killer? You check to verify that he is dead, and then you take a look out of the open window - and close it for some odd reason. As an ex-cop you should know better!

Lauren comes in and finds Manfred and you work out what your plan is. You are wiping your prints from the shop but instead of watching the door like you said, Lauren is checking out the account books. You wipe all the stuff you two touched and then you leave.

If you miss any of the prints you end up at the police station being interviewed. After you finish up with the desk cop, Blake stops you and tells you he will take care of your little problem. Blake asks if you have anything and you are noncommittal on that.

If you get all of the prints, then you do not end up at the police station and skip to the next paragraph immediately.

You transition to your car, and you argue with Lauren - telling her you are taking her home. She is very angry - and grabs the wheel to force you to stop the car, and then gets out, declaring that she will go it on her own if you will not let her help. You struggle with your thoughts and then you get out and go after her - she is standing in the road in front of your car...

You have another conversation with her and then you both head back to the car, and the chapter ends.

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33: The Shark

Character: Ethan Mars

The chapter opens with you standing outside of the door - you knock and eventually the drug dealer answers - he assumes you are a junky and starts lecturing you - and you pull your pistol and shove it in his face - and he knocks your hand away and you down and goes for his shotgun!

A very comical chase now ensues with you running through the apartment while he shoots at you. You shoot at him a few times, but to be honest Ethan, you are not very good at this! You should have put in a few hours of COD:MW2 dood!

Eventually he runs out of shotgun shells, and you get the drop on him - but then he plays the family card, showing you a photo of his two daughters and trying to humanize himself so you will not kill him. The thing is, you sort of have to kill him, you know that, right?

As he talks you walk up and put the gun to his head, and then let off a round - okay maybe you did not play enough MW2 but clearly you watched enough Sopranos dood!

Now you pull out your phone and snap the picture, and then rolf your guts out all over the guys shotgun and floor. After a bit the phone rings, and it texts you that your next clue is in the grip of the gun! Okay that was very clever - I did not see that coming!

Right, so you slot the card and get the next installment of the video Shaun is drowning Soon - and then you get the next set of letters for the clue - and a dramatic finish to the chapter - the transition begins and you unlock the trophy "I'm a Killer...." (bronze).

If you did not kill the drug dealer, you will unlock the trophy "I'm not a killer" (bronze). You basically pistol-whip him and leave. That means you fail the trial, and you do not get the next clue, but hey, at least you preserved your humanity, right?

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34: The Doc

Character: Madison Paige

WARNING: Madison can die in this chapter!

The chapter starts with Madison riding her bike and getting a briefing from her friend Sam. She pulls up in front of an ornate old house - and Madison remarks that the owner of the apartment where Ethan cut off his finger lives there. After you get off of your bike head for the door and ring the bell.

The guy that answers is kinda creepy - and you tell him you are looking for a prescription drug without actually having the prescription - and he closes the door in your face. You knock this time, and tell him you can pay, so he invites you in.

He offers you a drink - but you decline - and he insists. If you do not want to die, do not drink that glass. Mister Yuck would totally scream at you if you did drink it. You get right to the point and ask about the apartment and his reaction is rather telling. Again he asks if you are not drinking - and we tell him we are not really thirsty. He leaves the room to "fill your prescription" and you take the opportunity to take a look around.

You check out the bathroom and then, when you are looking into the kitchen the guy whacks you on the back of the head with something knocking you out. When you wake up you are tied down - big surprise there - and this guy plans on having a little fun with you. Man, what is he planning on doing with that drill?! I don't like where he was pointing it.

Fortunately for us someone rings the door bell - and the Doc heads off to see who it is, giving us just enough time to get loose before he gets back - well just before he gets back because as we are freeing ourselves from the last bit of rope he returns, and an epic battle ensues. You know for an old guy the Doc is pretty tough, and I have to admit that this was one of the better fights in the game so far! After some real rough and tumble action we end up on the table again - and it seems we were knocked out... But were we? The Doc thinks so, because he lets his guard down, and then BAM! We kill the old fart! Good on us!

We head back upstairs and start looking around again - and find a card for something called the Blue Lagoon. I never got to see that movie - my mother wouldn't let me or my brothers go to it though she let my sisters, and by the time I was old enough to rent a copy it had lost its attraction...

The chapter ends here, and during the transition we unlock the trophies "Smart Girl" for not drinking the poison, and "Queen of Ropes" for getting loose (both bronze).

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35: Mad Jack

Character: Norman Jayden

The clues in the proper order

WARNING: Norman can die in this chapter!

You are Norman again, and the chapter opens with you driving up to the salvage yard. This was sort of a spooky chapter for me because there was a scrap yard that looked a lot like this one on the outskirts of the Sydney Industrial District that one of my mates lived near when I was in Uni.

We actually scavenged parts for his Ute there - the owner let you go in and get what you needed and then you showed him what you took and he decided how much you owed him and you paid. The thing about that is that what you paid had more to do with whether he liked you or not than it did what you were buying, and the spooky bit is that he was West African and actually looked like the character in this story!

Once you are out of the car your first destination is pretty obvious - the heavy claw ahead of you is occupied, and that is the perfect place to start inquiring for the man we want to talk to - and what do you know?! We give him a yell and down he comes. We suggest going inside out of the rain and he leads us into the open bay of one of the metal buildings nearby.

Our attempt at intimidation does not go over quite as well as we hoped, and Jack heads back to his picker and work. This is an excellent time for us to check the area for clues with our ARI, so go ahead and put it on and start scanning! Before you get too far into this let me just warn you - you are going to find a skull under some scrap metal but you need to make sure that this is the last clue you find because it triggers the continuation of the chapter, so find the other clues first!

If you do an ARI scan from where you are standing after Jack leaves you will find the blood trail. To the left of the blood trail you will find a set of size-10 shoe prints, a set of size-13 shoe prints that you speculate belong to Mad Jack, and a set of tire prints that do not match the car you are seeking.

Inside the room nearby the tracks you will find a set of fingerprints on the Thermos bottles that you assume are Mad Jacks, and you can view a poster above the bedroll that must be Jack's crash pad. As you venture further into the garage you find another set of tire tracks - and it is the same brand as the killer's! Nearby the tracks you find what looks like a large blood pool, and on the workbench nearby tools that you lift fingerprints from. On a bench in the back of the garage you discover more fingerprints, and on the winch nearby that bench you find traces of orchid pollen. Curious...

Next to the winch on the floor are two more sets of tire tracks, though not from the right car. As you move back towards the door you will find more footprints - man this place is just full of clues! There is also paint residue nearby, and outside there are tire prints but the rain has degraded them to the point that they are mostly useless.

So you have pretty much discovered all that there is to discover, so look to the left of the garage as you enter and you will see a piece of scrap metal you can lift up. May as well do that now! Ooh! A Skull! Now THAT is a clue worth finding! How did that... oh shit! Is that a gun pressed to the back of our head? I believe it is!

Jack is not shy about sharing his plans now - admitting that the skull belongs to a cop who got too close and had to be dealt with - and now he plans to do the same to you! So get your hand up and walk, yeah! Okay, so it is looking pretty grim - Jack took our pistol and threw it on the floor and now we are being lead deeper into the garage. Clearly we are going to need to kick his ass!

A fight ensues - but you knew that was going to happen - and as long as you got the sequences right, it was not long or painful. In fact Norman sort of surprised me! Getting Jack to talk by intimidating him and threatening to set off

page 52 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. the petrol tanks and burn him alive was simply inspired! But this was all going too smooth - and the other shoe had to drop, right? Just as we were making good progress and giving Sylvester Stallone a role model to follow for his next cop film that did not involve his mother carrying his cuffs, that damn drug kicked in!

Here is the crux of the scene - if you are not good with the controls you are going to drop the drugs, and if you do, you are going to end up handcuffed to your car's steering wheel, and on your way to the auto crusher...

If you are good with the buttons then you did not drop the drug, and Mad Crazy Insane you-can't-really-blame-him-you-were-going-to-burn-him-to-death-alive Jack gets cuffed and is on his way to jail. If not, well, not...

There really is not much in the way of visual clues to take you in the right direction - meaning to help you escape, so I will simply explain it to you - you have to escape! Just kidding!

Forget about honking the horn, turning on the windscreen wipers or playing the radio - none of that is going to save you! Look to the right and you will see that you can interact with the glove box. Do that, and then take the Beretta 9mm from it and use that to shoot your cuffs off, then climb out of the car and make your escape as your cherry Fed car gets all ground up. Man, I loved that car almost as much as I love the ARI. Sniff.

We whip out our backup piece once we are on the ground again but Jack is not in the cab of the picker - he is right behind you! (not kidding here) And so another fight ensues. If you get your buttons right the fight quickly takes an interesting turn involving the picker, and things do not go well for Jack I am afraid.

Okay, ideally we would have taken him in for questioning - but the truth is we already got the information out of him that he had, and interrogating him really would have just taken more time that we really do not have, so maybe things worked out for ? I mean yeah, there is a lot more paperwork involved when you kill a suspect, but on the other hand most of that you can do at your desk, and bonus! You do not have to take time out of your life to testify in court!

Let me tell you, it really is no fun sitting around a courthouse for six hours only to learn that they are not going to call you to the stand today, so you have to come back tomorrow and sit around... That accurately describes police work and I am glad I don't do that anymore... Though if you like that sort of thing, it can be okay I guess... But bring your own coffee, trust me on that - the canteens at courthouses always have battery acid for coffee.

As the chapter ends and you transition to the next one you will unlock the trophy "Goodbye Mad Jack" (bronze) unless you somehow let Norman get killed, in which case not.

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36: Eureka

Character: Scott Shelby

Scott and Lauren arrive back at Scott's office and Lauren begins running through the facts - and Scott has the answers. Lauren tells you that she is hungry and that she needs to use the bathroom, and while she is doing her business in there you have the opportunity to earn another trophy - The Chef - by fixing some eggs for her. Head into the kitchen to do that.

Grab a pan from the sink and the eggs from the fridge, and then follow the prompts on the screen. This is actually pretty simple to do, so you have to wonder about the Chef title, but hey, it highlights the control scheme. Lauren comes in and sits down and you have the next pivotal plot-moving conversation - Lauren bolts off to compare the notebook to the magazine subscriber list, and you follow her to the desk and help her search the lists.

The series of cut scenes show that this is a long time consuming process, but in the end the only name you find is someone who died when he was ten!

As the chapter transition kicks in you should unlock the trophy "The Chef" (bronze) for cooking the eggs for Lauren. If you have trouble with this - I did not, I got it in the first go - just follow the on-screen prompts to prepare the eggs and then stir them three times before taking them off of the stove, and you will get it. They should be uniformly yellow with no transparent edges if that helps any, but this is really not a hard one to do.

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37: The Cemetery

Character: Scott Shelby

The scene transits to a graveyard, where you are looking for the grave of one John Sheppard! If you look four graves past the one where the grave digger is digging you will find what you are looking for! Changing the camera view so you are closer to Scott's POV helps a lot with finding the digger as the sound effects do not help with directing you to him.

When you - or Lauren - find the grave, you observe that the flowers on it are fresh, and you find an origami figure on the grave stone. At this point the digger starts talking to you - and tells you the story of one John Sheppard!

The chapter cuts away to the transition making this one of the shortest in the game really.

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38: Twins

Character: John Sheppard

Unlocking the I'm Not Scared Trophy

This chapter begins with a top-down view of a travel trailer that is clearly the home of the two boys who are ejected from it - the voice that is berating them is likely their fathers but there is nothing that really indicates that, so I suppose it could be their mother's boyfriend - and like usual it is raining. Actually that may be more significant than it appears, since this is likely the episode that created the mental breakdown that in turn created the killer's urge to kill and the pattern of his modus operandi!

It appears that you live next to a construction site, and after a running game of chase you end up in it, and your brother boosts you onto a pallet of blocks. After you help him up the chase resumes, and you wend your way through a forest of rebar, and then balance on a ramp and then slide down. Your brother meanwhile is running through the cement pipes, egging you on to follow.

Getting through the pipe is simply a matter of not banging your head by keeping it down while you use L1 and R1 to move your legs, and once you get out - your brother gives you lots of helpful character building encouragement - you follow him up another stack of blocks, across a beam overhand, and finally down a pipe slide. Next he climbs a scaffold and then walk across a board using the controller to balance by tilting it. Next you jump a gap, and then it is time for the Jump of Death!

Your brother slaps you some skin for being able to keep up with him - you must be feeling pretty good about now, yeah? John decides that now would be a good time to play hide and seek, so you get to count to twenty using the buttons, and he goes off to hide. Now after the first few numbers you can cheat if you want to by skipping numbers - but hey, you are not a cheater, right?

As you finish counting and start looking for your brother you hear him calling for help and find him jammed into a broken drainage sluice. His foot is caught on something - and even though you try hard to get him out it is not working, and he realizes that. You vow to get help, and he warns you to hurry, that he thinks the water is rising... Hey, that sounds familiar...

If you managed to follow John without making any mistakes, the trophy "I'm Not Scared!" (bronze) unlocks at this point as the chapter transition takes place.

Trophy Notes: this one is difficult for some players and not for others - I imagine if you are good with the sequences you will have no trouble with it, but the camera angle can inadvertently cause you to mess up, so here is a short guide to the commands to help you nail this:

(It helps if you change the camera so that it is closer to you rather than farther away)

(1) First Blocks - Hold down L1 and tap X to climb up, then push down and tap X to help John up.

(2) Rebar Forest: This is just pushing the joystick in the prompted direction - easy peasey!

(3) Slide: Tilt the controller left three times to slide down.

(4) The Cement Pipe: Okay this one is harder but is do-able, you just need to pay attention to the prompts. If you do mess up, remember that you can quit to the main menu and then hit continue and it will bring you back to the point just prior to your mistake.

What you need to do is hold the joystick down to keep your head low and use L1 and R1 to walk through. When the camera angle changes to you inside the pipe, it wants you to tap L1 and R1 - not hold them down!

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To recap in case you are having problems with this - approach the pipe, hold down the right JS, and then keep it held down and alternate tapping L1 and R1 and you will get through this without difficulty!

(5) Ledge Jump: You need to follow your brother's example - so hold down Square until its meter fills, and then without releasing Square, hold down X until its meter fills and then release both buttons - you will then run towards the ledge and be prompted to hit UP on the right JS. Do that and you are home-free!

(6) Second Blocks: Approach the blocks and push the JS UP to climb, then hold down R1 and then L2 and tap X to climb.

(7) I-Beam: Tap the JS UP and then push the JS left and right (alternating) to move your hands along the I-Beam.

(8) Second Pipe: Approach the pipe and hold Circle until its meter fills and then L2 until its meter fills, and then release both to slide down the pipe.

(9) Scaffolding: Do a down-and-right-arc slide with the JS to climb onto the scaffolding, and then JS UP as prompted to climb.

(10) Balance Board: Approach the board and hit UP on he JS to step onto the board and then tilt the controller as prompted to cross. If you get an animation of stumbling that is a fail. If you get a fail (there is no red blinky mate, look for the animation) just quit and continue from the main menu as it did a save from the start of this one.

(11) Gap Jump: Hold R1 until its meter fills, L1 until its meter fills, and then Circle until its meter fills, and the POV will change, at which point you just need to let go of all of the buttons to make the jump! Easey Peasey!

(12) Jump of Death: Hold down R1 Triangle L1 as prompted, and once the meters fill all you need to do is release the buttons to make the jump and land on the dirt pile!

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39: Flowers on the Grave

Character: Shelby Scott

You are back with the grave digger, and he is finishing up the story for you. Lauren asks what happened to the brother that lived, and the grave digger tells her that he was separated from his parents and that he thinks he was adopted. Lauren sums up the situation and speculates that the surviving brother is the killer.

Scott's reaction is to suggest that they get back in the car - not real receptive to the idea of speculating is he? Heading for the car can be a bit of a challenge due to the "feature" in this game that gives it that cinematic feel - you have absolutely no control over the camera and view, so in situations like this you have to wander around until you catch a glimpse of where you are actually supposed to go, and then go here.

As you join Lauren at the gate Scott pushes her down and points out a pair of men entering the graveyard. It is Charles Kramer! And as you watch, they approach John Sheppard's grave and place flowers on it. The plot thickens! At this point the chapter transition kicks in and we fade-to-black. If you did all of the chase moves correctly the trophy "I'm not Scared!" (bronze) unlocks. Good on ya mate!

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40: Sexy Girl

Character: Madison Paige

Unlock the Pride Saved Trophy

Note: If Madison was killed by the Doctor you will not play this chapter.

Just to keep you current on the clues we have - the Doctor mentioned Paco during our encounter, and we acquired the pass to the club in his house when we searched the drawers. Norman Jayden also learned about Paco and the Club in his brief interaction with Mad Jack. Okay, we are now up to speed clue-wise here.

The chapter opens with an outside shot of the Blue Lagoon - and then we move inside. It has a very 90's feel to it, I have seen a few clubs like this in New York City - actually I have been to a few clubs like this in Paris too, so maybe they have a universal appeal in decoration?

If you paid attention to the way the camera panned on our entrance you know where Paco is and you spotted the member of club security standing on the left side of the dance floor. Go over to him and ask about Paco, and he will point him out and ask if you know the man - when you admit you do not but that you want to meet him, the guard tells you that is not possible - that Mister Mendez does not wish to be disturbed.

All you need to do is stand and watch the screen and soon it will go into split-screen mode and you will see Paco send one of his goons to get a woman dancing on one of the raised blocks - clearly Paco likes his bimbos all tarted up - that should give you the clue that you need to progress this chapter! No? Fine, see the door near where Paco is sitting? That is the Ladies Room - go there now.

To the left of where he is sitting you will spot the neon signs with the female and male symbols, and Madison will comment that Paco likes his women sexy! Ay caramba! We need to go get tarted up!

At the counter you have several choices for tarting-up so let's get to it! A little lipstick, some eye shadow, unbutton a button, and hey! Tear half your skirt off! Excellent! Now you are the finest kind of tart! Check the pistol in your purse, make sure it is tarty too, and then head back onto the dance floor baby!

Remember the raised platform on which the tart was dancing before Paco chose her? That is our next location of the day! Head up and do a little Dance Dance Revolution to impress the man - you knew that we would eventually have to dance here, right? Just hit the sequence as it prompts and soon the security staff comes to tell you that tonight is your lucky night!

As Tony Montana.. Err, sorry, wrong video game - Paco Mendez I meant - greets you and invites you to join him you get the definite sense that here is a man that knows he is in charge. Well, sort of. You waste no time in making your move and convince him you should go where it is more private. Just follow him to the left of the dance floor and then up the stairs.

After you pass the security goon and enter the private office you check your gun to make sure it didn't go off for drinks with a broker or actor while you were dancing, and then you calm your nerves by assuring yourself that you will be okay - you will have Tony - err - Paco talk to your little friend, and then get out of there!

Paco has a nice office - but before you can put your plan into motion he disarms you and then tells you he wants a strip show. There is actually a trophy connected to this chapter - you can unlock it if you take off no more than one item of clothing during your striptease.

Paco wants you to show him your stuff - you on the other hand do not want to do that - and asking for a drink or to talk does not work here so you try to bow out gracefully and leave - and Paco shows you HIS little friend, and tells you that No is not an answer he will accept!

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As you begin your dance pick an item of clothing to take off - I chose the shirt because hey, that is the kind of bloke I am - and Madison unbuttoned but did not take off that covering. At this point you will see that the Lamp is one of the options you can choose - so go ahead and choose it! Madison works out a strategy to get next to the lamp that involves a little hip swinging butt grinding that draws Paco in closer, and then BAM! We brain him with the lamp!

The scene changes and you now have Paco tied to his chair - in the foreground you see a roll of duct tape so clearly you have been watching MacGyver. A few love taps to wake Paco up, and we can now ask him the questions that we have came here to ask! As you interrogate him he makes a little too much noise and one of his thugs starts banging on the door - but you tell him the truth and he goes away happy.

As you apply pressure to Paco he begins to talk - yes he rented the apartment but he did it for someone else - a man named John Sheppard. You got what you came for - not sure how much value that information has to you - and now it is time to bail. Exit the office and head down the stairs and out the front door!

As the chapter transition starts you should have unlocked the trophy "Pride Saved" (bronze) for only removing one garment.

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41: Fish Tank

Character: Norman Jayden

WARNING: Norman can die in this chapter!

The chapter opens with Norman approaching the doorman at the club as Madison walks past in the background! Two ships passing in the night, err, rain - whatever. Norman asks the doorman about Paco, and is told that there is no Paco here. Norman flashes his FBI cred's and the doorman changes his tune mucho pronto, admitting that Paco is in his office.

After we flash our ID to the doorman the game switches split-screen and a series of CS's in which the Origami Killer visits Paco, who complains about Madison and declares that all things considered, the debt that he owes the killer is paid. Origami does not think so, and we see him pull out his pistol and point it at Paco! All this is happening while we are walking to the sitars, up them, and then flash our creds a second time to get past the guy on the door at the top of the stairs. If the game bugs on you at this point, please read the Note at the bottom of this chapter.

Paco begs for his life, but it does no good, and Origami puts a round into him just as we are entering the hall outside the office - though it looks like we do not hear the shot and neither does the guard. We are now heading for an interview with a dead man, and the Origami Killer is in the room!

We knock a couple of times and then try the door - it is unlocked! Inside we find Paco's dead body sitting in his chair complete with a third eye in the middle of his forehead, and then we put on the ARI, preparing to investigate the scene. It is at this point that Origami attacks!

This fight is not a knock-down drag-out to the death struggle - though it could be for you if you miss key button presses in the sequence! The thing is how this works out has a lot to do with how much information you obtain as a result. Obviously if Norman dies from the Samurai Sword wielding Origami Killer, there will not be clues to discover - so do not let him die.

At the end of the fight, after Origami throws you into the fish tank, take special care to get the last few buttons and you will tear the pocket off of his coat, gaining valuable evidence in the process! Origami leaves - that is supposed to happen either way mind you - and you struggle to your feet using a three-button hold-down combination.

First thing you want to do is find Norman's ARI and pistol - they are on the floor. Once you have them, put the ARI on and start scanning! The first thing we find is Madison Paige's fingerprints - and we learn that Maddi is a journalist! I thought she was a chick who took pictures of furniture! Next you scan one of Paco's prints and review his criminal file.

Based on the state of the room Norman concludes that the killer was searching the place! Another one of Madison's fingerprints turns up - the odd thing is that Norman acts surprised to find it. That may have just been the tone that the voice actor used, I don't know... Check out the lamp for another of Madison's prints, and a cloud of orchid pheromones in the air.

Along the back wall you will find the killer's pistol - a .45 caliber - and another of Paco's prints. In the corner by the door you find a shell from the .45 and document that. The last clue in the room is the victim, and when you scan him you remark on the bullet between the eyes being fatal - but more important you note that it was in fact a .45 slug that did the damage, which strengthens the notion that you have recovered the murder weapon.

It is now time to leave and interview the guard - who should have seen the killer leave! You ask him if Paco knew the guy and after a little convincing the guard tells you that the guy was named John, and that he had been there before and they always let him go straight in.

We have discovered all that there is to discover here, and it is time to leave, so head down the stairs and across the

page 61 / 84 Unoffical Heavy Rain Guide Check back for updates, videos and comments for this guide. dance floor and hit the exit!

Note: Another one of the many glitches in this game can kick in now - causing the camera to freeze in the point of view from the door - making it impossible to progress the chapter. A second unconnected glitch can cause Norman to lose the ability to walk, which again ends your ability to advance the chapter. For the first glitch restarting the chapter can fix it, for the second you have to turn off your PS3 and turn it back on to fix it.

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42: On the Loose

Character: Ethan Mars and Madison Paige

Unlock the trophy Escape Master

Note: If Ethan was killed you will not be playing this chapter. If Madison was killed she will not be appearing in this chapter.

WARNING: Ethan can be caught and imprisoned for the rest of the game in this chapter.

The scene opens with Ethan and Madison chatting. Madison tells Ethan that this is not his fault, and that she can prove that he is not the Origami Killer. You have the opportunity to get busy with Madison if you want to - just kiss the girl! Actually if you want to advance the chapter in the direction of the two trophies you sort of have to kiss her... This is a fairly complicated chapter that has three different branches so we will cover all three.

BRANCH 1: You choose not to kiss her and Madison is horrified and embarrassed and leaves. As she exits Ethan's room you are now in control of her - she tells herself her business here is done and it is time to go home, but as you walk towards her motorcycle she spots the cops! She has a choice - she can go inside the office and call Ethan on the house phone to warn him or get on her bike and leave.

- She gets on her bike and leaves: Madison is all done with this mess, puts her helmet on and rides off into the night leaving Ethan to deal with his own problem. The police kick open the door and go to arrest him, but Ethan manages to grab his phone and escape to the balcony, starting the escape sequence covered later in this chapter.

- She goes inside to warn Ethan: Madison uses the house phone to warn Ethan and he grabs his phone off of the desk and escapes via the balcony, triggering the escape sequence that is covered later in this chapter.

BRANCH 2: Ethan Kisses Madison and then you go through a lengthy sequence in order to help each other get naked and have sex... You do the deed partially out of sight on the floor next to a perfectly good bed, and then the scene cuts to you and Madison in bed together. You wake up, and decide to get dressed - your clothes are on the floor on your side of the bed - and then you grab the coat off of the chair - Madison's coat, and some stuff drops out including her phone with video of you, and her reporter's notepad. Oh man, she is a journalist! Everyone knows that journalists are evil, after only the story, and will do whatever it takes to get the story, right?

You go bonkers and start yelling at her - and she tries to explain. You accuse her of being a dirty liar and author, and she admits that it is true. She comes clean, but she also explains that she has feelings for you - well, that makes it all different, right?

Right so at this point we have to make a decision - forgive her or not. Keep in mind that this is a path where the plot splits, and the two trophies for this chapter split as well - if you forgive her you get one, and if you do not you get the other. Decide what you are going to do for the story...

BRANCH 2A: You Forgive Her. You have a tender moment with Madison as you prepare to leave on the final trial, and Madison leaves to get some food. As she leaves the room you are now in control of Madison, and as you approach the office you see cops everywhere!

Inside at the desk is Lt. Blake, and you realize that they are raiding the place looking for Ethan! The camera focuses on the phone inside - you have to get to it and warn Ethan! In the office you move to the phone in the right corner and pick it up, and remember that Ethan's room is 207 - you call and warn him.

BRANCH 2B: You do NOT forgive her. After she confesses that she is what you say, and offers a sincere apology you turn a cold shoulder to her, letting her know that you simply cannot forgive her deception. She gets dressed and leaves.

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You take control of Madison and head for your bike - and spot the cops preparing to raid the motel. You can get on your bike or warn Ethan by using the phone in the office. Either way the chapter now skips to the Escape Sequence.

ESCAPE SEQUENCE - The cops are coming through the door and you have only enough time to grab your phone from the desk and get outside. If you were warned you do that straight away - if you were not warned, you have to hit the cops and then the door. If you fail to make it to the balcony you are arrested and taken to jail.

- You Escape: You jump from balcony to balcony until you reach the end, go through the room there to the outside, and climb onto the roof. A lengthy chase scene on the roof gets you cornered at the end of the motel - with Blake and a squad of uniformed cops surrounding you and moving closer and the spotlight from the Police Helicopter pinning you to the roof.

If you give up, then you are going to spend the rest of the game in jail. If you choose to jump, you escape to search another day! You jump! On the ground you are stunned but not hurt and you slowly manage to get to your feet and run into the street, where you see an approaching taxi and manage to get it to stop by nearly becoming its hood ornament! As the driver opens his door to see if you are okay you carjack him, driving off in his taxi while the cops try to get back to the ground floor and chase after you! Go Ethan! You escaped an army of cops and somehow a police helicopter!

As you drive off the chapter ends.

- You Get Caught: Whether this happens in the room, on the balconies, or on the roof, you get caught, cuffed, and roughed up, and the chapter switches to a variation of the opening of Chapter 31: Under Arrest. In the interrogation room you become Agent Jayden.

After you fail to get Ethan to give up the location of his son Blake takes over, and begins tuning up on Ethan. You try to intervene but that does not work, and Blake lets you know what he really thinks of you! You threaten to report him, but that only gets Blake mad and he throws you out of the room. In the hall you review your thoughts and decide that you have no choice but to go to the Captain!

The problem is that when you get to Captain Perry in his office, you discover that Perry is closer to Blake in his outlook than to you - and he has no intention of doing anything to stop Blake. He pretty much throws you off of the case, and you storm back to your office and snort some drugs - or not - however you decide.

The scene changes to you getting up from your desk. If you consult your thoughts you decide what to do...

- You Help Ethan Escape: Go into the interrogation room and tell the cop there to leave, and then talk to Ethan, and help him into a chair. Go into the observation room and turn off the camera. Use the intercom to talk to Gary and learn where the keys are for Ethan's cuffs, then grab the police uniform off of the chair and get the keys from Gary's desk, which is near Blake's desk

You return to the interrogation room and remove Ethan's cuffs and then give him the uniform. Ethan puts it on and leaves the room.

- You fail to help Ethan Escape: Failing to give Ethan the uniform gets him caught escaping and Ethan spends the rest of the game in jail.

As the chapter transition kicks in you should unlock your trophies - if you forgave Madison, you unlock "Lover Boy" (bronze), if you did not forgive her, you unlock "Unforgivable" (bronze), and if you escaped, you unlock "Escape Master" (bronze).

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43: Trapped

Character: Scott Shelby

WARNING: Lauren can die in this chapter!

Scott Shelby is returning to his office, and you enter the chapter as him on the stairs outside your office. Ominous music is playing in the background, and as you enter you realize that something is wrong. Lauren backs away and apologizes and Kramer comes out of the Kitchen as his henchmen puts a gun to your head. Kramer tells you the way things are, and then his henchman pistol whips you unconscious.

When you come to you are in your car and it is under water! Worse, Lauren is in the car with you, and you are both tied up! You switch on the ignition and then follow the prompts to free yourself, then you slap Lauren to try to wake her up. When that does not work, you untie her and then kick out the window and have your escape, bringing Lauren with you!

On the shore you drag her out of the water and you both cough - her more than you - and you crack a joke about swimming and ask her if she has a car at her place that he can use. You tell Lauren you are going to take her home - that you have some scores to settle - and the chapter ends and you unlock the trophy "Swimming Instructor" (bronze).

If you kick out the window before you slap Lauren and untie her, she dies and you do not unlock the trophy, which is basically for saving her.

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44: Face-to-Face

Character: Scott Shelby

Unlock two trophies

The chapter begins with Scott sitting in Lauren's car in the road outside of Kramer's estate. You put the car in gear and slam through the gate, and then head into the house. A gunfight ensues with Kramer's henchmen - if you can react quick enough and not get shot throughout this entire battle there is a trophy you will unlock as your reward. There is a second trophy for saving Kramer from death by heart attack so if you want both you need to not get shot, and give him his medicine.

The gunfight starts the way gunfights usually do - with someone shooting at you! No, it was not the goon in Kramer's pool room who you turned into a hood ornament - him you simply pop a cap on when he stands back up! Man you are hell on cars - I seriously doubt that hers is drivable after this!

Now kick open the door and shoot a good, then another by being quick on the buttons. As you exit the hall someone takes a shot at you - there are two targets, one upstairs on the balcony, one downstairs below it. I took out the guy downstairs then the one up, but you can do it how you like.

You have to react fast now - the timer on the buttons gets shorter, and if you want that trophy you need to not get shot! Actually that is not really hard, just make sure you watch the prompts - there are about a clip full of henchmen to shoot, and then you kick open the door to Kramer's office, where he is trying to figure out how to get the purse gun he pulled out of the desk to work. Before he can do that you grab him and start roughing him up!

As you tune up on Kramer you interrogate him - demanding that he confess that his son Gordi is the Origami Killer! You would think that Kramer would cave at this point - if Gordi is the killer - but he does not, instead he continues to deny it!

You finally get Kramer talking when you threaten to strangle him. Kramer admits that Gordi did have something to do with the killings after all - sort of. Apparently Gordi was a copy-cat. He was responsible for at least one of the killings, though Kramer claims that the kid that Gordi killed would never be missed.

Scott asks about the flowers on the grave, and Kramer confesses that he owned the construction company that built the building that Sheppard died at and that he has been putting flowers on the grave ever since! Scott asks about the brother and Kramer tells him the name of the boys mother - Ann Sheppard - and then has a heart attack.

The pills are in the desk drawer - you can either ignore Kramer and leave, or give him the pills. If you give him the pills you pick up a second trophy - it is your call! Either way the chapter ends here, and during the transition you can unlock the trophies "Invincible Scott" (bronze) and "Kind Hearted" (bronze) if all went well and you were feeling charitable.

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45: Ann Sheppard

Character: Madison Paige

Note: If Madison was killed by the Doctor you will not play this chapter.

This chapter begins with Madison pulling up to the hospital on her bike. She gets off and heads into the hospital. At the reception desk she asks after Ann Sheppard - and is asked to sign in. The nurse asks if you are a member of the family and you lie, but she lets slip that Sheppard has Alzheimer's disease... That is not so good, since information is what we are seeking, and people with that particular malady are not always able to provide that particular commodity!

We want room 19 at the end of the corridor - and as we walk through the door and down the hall, notice the flowers on the cart? Orchids!

We arrive at room 19 and greet Mrs. Sheppard. We ask about her son and she denies having one! Eventually you get her to admit that she remembers her children after all, but it does not look like you are going to get what you came for. Review your thoughts and then search the drawer of her bedside table. Inside there is a photo that you can use to jog her memory, and then you find some origami figures on the table in her room!

The origami leads her to remembering a little more - and as you continue to search the room you find paper and an origami book on a table near the window. Take a piece of paper and fold it, then take it to Ann Sheppard - she tells you that she loves origami but that one is not her favorite. The one that she wants is the dog - so go back to the book and turn to the instructions with the dog photo and make that one.

Giving her the dog gets her to tell you about Max - it is a clue but you do not know the significance of it yet. Sit on the bed and check your thoughts. Remember that orchid in the hall? Let's go get one of the flowers and put it in the vase on the table beside Ann's bed, shall we? The flower triggers another memory - this one of her other child being taken from her.

She tells you about the foster family that her son was placed with - and if you persist, you will learn... Well, we do not know what you learn because to hear the name you had to lean closer and we, the player, do not get to hear what Ann Sheppard told you! Argh!

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46: The Rat

Character: Ethan Mars

Unlock the Clever Dad Trophy

This is the 5th and final trial - The Rat - in which all will be revealed, but at a price.

Ethan begins standing in a dimly lit hallway. At the end of the hall is a well-lit white room. On the table is recording with the instructions - and they explain that on the table is a vial with poison in it. If you drink the poison you will be given the last clue and learn where your son is located, but you will only have an hour to live - enough time to rescue Shaun, tell him you love him, tell him goodbye, and then die.

In the room are a bunch of cameras on tripods and if you look there is a TV displaying the output so you know that the killer is watching you... As you make your choice to die to save your son... What kind of choice is that?! If you have been following this walkthrough you have succeeded in four of the five challenges - which gives you a big chunk of the hangman's solution anyway - and dying to save your son when you do not have to is just stupid!

There are two trophies associated with this chapter - one for drinking the poison, and one for refusing and figuring out the location on your own.

BRANCH 1: Don't drink the poison. I decided that I wanted my cake and to eat it too, so I refused to drink the poison and left the room! The scene changes to Ethan in the stolen taxi - he ducks down as a cop car rolls past. You can turn on the radio and hear about the manhunt for you - not that that will help you make your decision. There are a few choices you can make here:

(1) The Phone: Pick up the phone and slot the memory card and listen to the recording. There are two clues on it - the sound of seagulls and a foghorn, which means that the location is near the water.

(2) The Hangman Clues: You look at it and realize that several different addresses could fit the clues that you have now, and you do not have time to check them all!

The POV now shifts to the GPS Map - there are three addresses but the only one that is near water is 852 Theodore Roosevelt Road... Well that must be it then, right? Process of elimination, apply the clues to fit the situation and the answer is obvious. It is Occam's Razor time mate - what are you going to do?

Pick the address and then turn on the car and go! The taxi pulls off, and you fade-to-black... If this is the branch you chose you will not unlock the trophy for it immediately - it will actually unlock in a later chapter, so do not panic when it does not unlock during the transition.

BRANCH 2: Drink the poison. You cannot take the chance of failing - you have to save your son! You pick up the vial and drink it.

After you drink the poison you receive a call with the last letters - you now have the address where your son is - you run from the building and the chapter ends. During the transition to the next chapter you unlock the trophies "Sacrifice" (bronze) and "Trial Master" (silver). Congratulations - but mate, you are going to die!

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47: Solving the Puzzle

Character: Norman Jayden

Back to Norman again, he is sitting in his office in the ARI looking over the clues. Blake comes in and tells you that you are no longer wanted - that they now have the case solved, the investigation is over, and they want you out of here! You are off the case, and are expected to leave.

You and Blake have a revealing conversation in which he learns what you think of him, and you learn what he thinks of you. Blake leaves and in a moment of weakness you are tempted to turn to your drug again. After you snort up you go back to the ARI and your butler reminds you not to hit the snort too hard because it can kill you!

At this point you have a choice to make - either give up and end the investigation, or continue. If you end it, well, Norman is pretty much done with it. But hey, we are not quitters, right?!

Start by examining the clues in the ARI - and you want to completely examine every clue in careful detail here - starting with the ARI recording of your encounter with the Origami Killer.

Since the ARI was in record mode you have a video to work with. On the lower right corner you are presented with the commands that you can use to examine this clue. Start by playing the recording, and then analyze the end - you realize that the sword was already in Paco's office and has no connection to the killer. It was a weapon of convenience and nothing more.

As you rewind the video pause when you can see the watch on the Killer's wrist - analyze that and you recognize the watch! You get a mental flashback placing the watch in your memory and you realize that the killer is a cop.

Now we analyze the gun that the Killer dropped at the scene. It was impounded in a case and is supposed to be in the police impound locker!

Now we analyze the receipts we managed to get by tearing the Killer's coat in the struggle. If we geoanalyze the receipts we narrow down the zone that the killer lives in.

Now look at the question mark of the suspect cop - when you geoanalyze that you find a warehouse by the docks owned by a cop!

As you are leaving to follow up on your leads Blake gets a call informing him that the car has been spotted at a warehouse by the docks - presumably this is your taxi? Either way he tells them he needs SWAT and a chopper - it looks like you are going to have some company!

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48: Goodbye Lauren

Character: Scott Shelby

Note: If Lauren did not survive you will not play this chapter.

This is another one of the really short chapters, and it requires you to do nothing. Scott is with Lauren at the train station, putting her on a train to her mothers while he wraps up the case. They have a tender parting and a lingering kiss, and then Scott leaves the station.

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49: Hold My Hand

Character: Ann Sheppard

Another brief chapter - this flashback picks up where the Twins one ended, with the brother running for help. You run to your father and try to get him to help - but even when you make it clear that John could die, the old man simply bats you aside.

You run back to tell your brother, and as you sit there you watch him die while you hold his hand and he tells you - "Don't forget about this Scotty."

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50: Origami Killer

Character: Scott Shelby

Well the cat is out of the bag yeah? The Killer is Scott - but I sorta knew that and I bet you did too - the shadow in Paco's office sort of gave it away... Scott is sitting at his desk, with the evidence, and he is going to destroy it!

You light the match and set the trash can ablaze, and then drop in the phone you got from the baby's mother and you flashback on that. Now you burn the envelope you got from Lauren and you flashback on that. Finally you burn the box you got from Hassan, and you flashback on that too! There is the address book you took from Paco - another flashback - and then the list from the antique shop. Finally there is the photo of you and John - and now you flashback on your mother for a scene we did not see.

You stare into the flames and then we see a close up of your eyes, and then fade-to-black! During the transition to the next chapter if you followed this walkthrough you should now unlock the trophy "Nerd" (silver) for finding all of the clues at the Crime Scene, at Mad Jack's, at Paco's Office, and of course for finding the Origami Killer!

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51: Killer's Place

Character: Madison Paige

Unlock the trophy Cold as Ice

WARNING: Madison can die here!

Note: If Madison died in a previous chapter you will not play this chapter.

Madison approaches the door but it is locked. Clearly Ann Sheppard told her the name of her other son and it was Scott. You pull out your trusty lock picks and open the lock, gaining entrance to the office. Inside you see that the place is empty - and you start looking around. There are plenty of things to examine, but eventually you reach the wardrobe behind the desk and discover the cop's uniform! That is how he was able to get the kids without any trouble - he did it dressed as a cop!

You slide aside the clothing and examine the back of the wardrobe for a secret panel - and it sounds hollow! After a little probing you discover that it is a door to a hidden room! Inside the room is the old typewriter that was used to write the letters, and a video feed of Shaun. There is a notebook computer there but it is password protected...

You are prompted by a bunch of likely words but your first two tries are failures. The word "Max" shows up - and you can now try that and it is the right word - and you discover where Shaun Mars is located! On the way out you spot the growing system that Scott used to cultivate his orchids. Man this guy was a geek killer for sure!

As you exit the secret room you are confronted by Scott! You make an impassioned plea to him - let Shaun go! No dice Madison - Scott forces you back into the secret room and locks you in. Then he proceeds to torch the place with you inside! If you fail to get out, you are going to die - and we cannot have that!

Start tapping the walls to find a hollow spot - and then use the computer device on the desk to smash through the wall where you found the hollow spot. You slide through the opening you create and find yourself in the bathroom - forget the window here - you go out that and you are going to die from the fall! Open the door and beware of the flames - you want to work your way through the bedroom - tip over the piece of furniture here to make a path, and get to the door.

Open the door and work your way towards the windows in the main room - no do not jump out the window here - it is just another way to die! Instead tip-over the filing cabinet, which will clear the way for you to jump over the flaming area and reach the kitchen door! Go inside - this room is not on fire - yet.

Open the fridge and tear out the shelves and then empty it out and climb inside. Close the door, and if you did this quick enough, you will be inside it when the fuel tank explodes! You now stumble out of the burning building and pull out your phone - you have a choice to make.

Call Jayden: You call Norman and tip him off, but he already knows all of this and tells you so.

Call Ethan: You try to call Ethan but you cannot get through to his phone!

Alone: You select the option "Alone" and head for the warehouse yourself to save Shaun.

Either way you end up climbing onto your bike and riding away - the scene pans to the burning building and we fade-to-black.

During the transition you will unlock the trophy "Cold as Ice" (bronze) and if you did not drink the poison during The Rat Trial the trophy "Clever Dad" (bronze).

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52: The Old Warehouse

Character: -

Unlocking the alternate trophies

Note: Depending upon who lived and who died, who went to jail and who did not, your play in this chapter may be very different than mine! If you followed this walkthrough though, it should be as follows...

Ethan: Drives up in his stolen taxi and enters the warehouse. As he reaches the grate he is confronted by Scott Shelby, who has a lot to say... After he has his say Ethan demands that he give him his son - and Scott directs Ethan to open the grate. When Ethan turns to do that Scott draws his pistol, but before he can shoot Ethan, Norman Jayden tackles Scott, and then Scott runs away.

Grab the bar nearby on the ground and use it to pry off the plate holding the grate shut, and then open the grate and pull it up and push it over. Now reach in and grab Shaun and pull him out, laying him on the floor nearby.

Norman Jayden: You follow Scott outside on to the roof near a conveyor system - as you approach the edge Scott appears behind you and tackles you, causing you both to land below on the conveyor belt! A fight ensues and you do battle with Scott on the moving conveyor belt!

Madison: Arrives on her motorcycle as the screen splits to show Blake ordering the troops to shoot to kill, and verifying that the snipers are in position! You jump off of your bike and run towards the warehouse, encountering Blake at his car.

You try to tell him what you know - but he does not want to hear that. He orders one of his men to escort you away and you make one last ditch effort to get through to him, with the threat of the press backing you up.

Norman: Back on the conveyor belt the fight continues! Scott has a weight advantage on you and has the upper hand, but you manage to wrest that pipe out of his grip and now you have a weapon to even things up! Hit him a few times to give back some of the hurt he dished out on you!

Ethan: You have to save Shaun! He is not breathing, so you start CPR! Things are looking pretty grim there for a minute, and then Shaun starts coughing and you realize he is alive! He tells you that he knew that you would come and save him!

Madison: You tried but the message is not getting through to Blake, so when his underling grabs you you knee the guy and make a run for your bike. Once on your bike you ride around for a bit - I am not sure exactly why - before durfing right beside Ethan's stolen cab and running into the warehouse.

Blake orders all personnel to hold their fire as you enter the warehouse, and you run over to Ethan to explain what is happening - that the cops are outside and that they want him dead! You tell him that you have the evidence, and that you should all go out together with your hands up. Hopefully they will not shoot anyone, and she can present the evidence that will clear your name!

Norman: And we are back on the conveyor fighting Scott again! Somehow the man got hold of a sledge hammer! First a sword, now this - but you have a shield and you block him, then he steps off the belt onto the catwalk and you hit him in the face with some scrap. He falls off the edge of the catwalk only just catching it in time to hold on! As you look at him he begs you to save him... Save him? Really? I mean, really?

So, you are a Fed - are you going to let the perp die? Remember what I said about paperwork being preferable to testifying in court? I let him fall into the grinder - you do what you like.

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Ethan and Madison: They exit the warehouse, Ethan is carrying Shaun, the music plays, and fade-to-black!

As the chapter transition completed we unlock the trophies "Saved the Kid" (silver), "Four Heroes" (silver), and "Heavy Rain Hero" (bronze).

The following Epilogues Play out:

General: News Report

Ethan: A New Life

Norman: Case Closed

Scott: Origami's Grave

After the three Epilogues play out, the credits start. You have completed Heavy Rain! Good on ya mate! What a roller coaster ride that turned out to be!

At this point you have the option of saying well done, and being done, or you can go back to strategic chapters and reply them to trigger different outcomes to the game. Your call mate!

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53: Epilogue - News Report

A TV news report that sums up what has happened and how the game resolved. This is changed depending upon the decisions you made and the endings you will see.

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Ethan Mars Epilogue

Chapter 54: Epilogue - A New Life

Ethan and Madison are together with Shaun, and looking at a new apartment that they will rent and live happily ever after in. This would be the best of the happy endings for Madison and Ethan.

To unlock this Epilogue simply play through the walkthrough as written! Basically everyone needs to arrive at the Warehouse and survive (minus Scott, he can die).

Chapter 55: Epilogue - A New Start

Ethan and Shaun move to a new flat and pretty much start their lives anew, and we hope live happily ever after, right?

Chapter 56: Epilogue - Ethan's Grave

Rest in Peace Ethan Mars

The survivors show up at Ethan's grave...

To unlock this Epilogue Ethan dies.

Chapter 57: Epilogue - Helpless

Ethan is convicted of being the Origami Killer even though he was not - he ends up in a prison cell, where he takes his own life.

To unlock this Epilogue Ethan must be arrested and the others must fail in stopping the Origami Killer.

Chapter 58: Epilogue - Innocent

Ethan is freed from jail after being found not to be the killer - he and Shaun move back in with his wife and they reboot their lives.

To unlock this Epilogue Ethan is arrested and one of the others identifies Scott and ends him.

Chapter 59: Epilogue - Origami Blues

Unable to live with his failures and the loss of his son Shaun, Ethan kills himself.

To unlock this Epilogue Madison and Shaun have to die.

Chapter 60: Epilogue - Tears in the Rain

Shaun is dead and Ethan is inconsolable. Madison wants them to have a life together, but Ethan decides to kill himself.

To unlock this Epilogue, Shaun must die.

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Madison Paige Epilogue

Chapter 61: Epilogue - Dead Heroine

Madison ends up dead with a news reporter covering the story at her grave.

To unlock this Epilogue Madison needs to die.

Chapter 62: Epilogue - Heroine

Hailed a hero, Madison appears on a talk show and then writes a best selling book called Heavy Rain.

To unlock this Epilogue Madison needs to survive to the end and Scott must be caught/killed.

Chapter 63: Epilogue - Square One

Madison survives but her insomnia drives her insane.

To unlock this Epilogue Madison must survive, and Scott must get away with it.

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Norman Jayden Epilogue

Chapter 64: Epilogue - Case Closed

Jayden is vindicated

Norman is hailed a hero and appears on a talk show. After the show he is shown in the bathroom, where he throws away the drug in disgust, and the scene then cuts to him in his office using the ARI. Apparently we let him use a little too much of the drug as he starts seeing things that are not really there!

To unlock this Epilogue play through the walkthrough as written. Basically Norman needs to not be killed, learn the warehouse address, and defeat Scott on the conveyor belt battle to unlock this Epilogue.

Chapter 65: Epilogue - Resignation

Unable to solve the case, Jayden retires from the FBI.

To unlock this Epilogue Jayden must give up on the case.

Chapter 66: Epilogue - Smoking Mirror

Using his failure to save Shaun Mars as his excuse, Jayden quits the FBI and becomes a committed drug addict.

To unlock this Epilogue Jayden must fail to find the address of the warehouse where Shaun is held.

Chapter 67: Epilogue - Uploaded

After his death Jayden's ARI glasses end up in Blake's possession. Blake never liked Jayden, but when Jayden starts to appear in the ARI sessions he is convinced he is going crazy.

To unlock this Epilogue Jayden must survive to confront Scott on the conveyor belt and fail to beat him, and get thrown into the metal crusher.

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Scott Shelby Epilogue

Chapter 68: Epilogue - A Mother's Revenge

Lauren gets even

Lauren figures out that Scott is the Origami Killer and executes him.

To unlock this Epilogue Lauren must not die, and during the conveyor belt battle Scott must win.

Chapter 69: Epilogue - Origami's Grave

Lauren is seen standing over Scott's grave - she tells him how she feels about him and spits on his grave!

To unlock this Epilogue simply play through the walkthrough as written. Basically Scott needs to survive to the end and then be killed by Norman in the conveyor belt battle.

Chapter 70: Epilogue - Unpunished

Having managed to destroy all of the evidence and not be unmasked as the killer, Scott gets away with it.

To unlock this Epilogue Lauren must die, Scott must recover all of the evidence and wipe away all of the fingerprints at Manfred's, and the other characters must fail/die at the end.

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Trophy Collection

By Chapter

Note - this is a list of all of the trophies and their respective chapters. There are a total of 57 Trophies in Heavy Rain, which equal 1 Platinum, 1 Gold, 5 Silver, and 50 Bronze. The majority of the trophies in the game are classified as secret trophies, which means their names and descriptions do not appear in the default trophy list until they are earned. The reason for this is to prevent accidentally revealing game details that contain potential spoilers.

Please review the indicated chapter for any special details that are required for unlocking a particular trophy.

Chapter 01: Prologue

- Happy Birthday: Complete the drawing Set the table Play with kids (bronze)

- Interactive Drama: Unlocked by completing the Prologue (bronze)

Chapter 03: Father and Son

- Good Father: Follow the schedule with Shaun and put him to bed in a good mood (bronze)

Chapter 04: Sleazy Place

- White Knight: Beat Troy (bronze)

- Private Eye: Lead Lauren to talk about her son (bronze)

Chapter 05: Crime Scene

- FBI Investigator: Find all clues related to the Origami Killer in the scene (bronze)

Chapter 07: The Park

- Good Friends: Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy (bronze)

Chapter 09: Welcome, Norman!

- Got to Remember!: Remember the time it was in the park and what Shaun was wearing (bronze)

Chapter 10: Hassan's Shop

- Negotiator: Persuade the Robber to leave (bronze)

Chapter 12: Paparazzi

- VIP: Leave home without being spotted by the journalists (bronze)

Chapter 13: Lexington Station

- Agoraphobia: Knock down at least 50 passers-by (bronze)

- Lucky Locker: Find the correct locker on the first try (bronze)

Chapter 16: Nathaniel

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- Blunder: Shoot Nathaniel (bronze)

- Self Control: Do not shoot Nathaniel (bronze)

Chapter 17: Suicide Baby

- Baby Master: Make no mistakes taking care of the baby (bronze)

Chapter 18: The Bear

- Kamikaze: Choose the best path on the highway (bronze)

- Good Driver: Complete the Bear Trial successfully (bronze)

Chapter 20: Covered Market

- Cat & Mouse: Beat Korda in the cold storage (bronze)

Chapter 22: Kramer's Party

- Tough Guy: Defeat Gordi's bodyguards (bronze)

Chapter 23: The Butterfly

- Coward!: Give up or fail the Butterfly Trial (bronze)

- Electrified: Complete the Butterfly Trial successfully (bronze)

Chapter 26: Shrink and Punches

- Good Cop: Stop Blake from hitting Dupre (bronze)

- Bad Cop: Do not stop Blake from hitting Dupre (bronze)

Chapter 27: The Golf Club Chapter 28: The Lizard

- Gold Finger: Cut your finger using the ax, knife or pliers disinfect or cauterize the wound (bronze)

- Butcher: Cut your finger off using saw or scissors (bronze)

- Fugitive: Manage to escape Blake in the subway station (bronze)

- Hands Up!: Get arrested by Blake (bronze)

Chapter 30: Jayden Blues

- Ludwig Von: Play the piano without a wrong note (bronze)

- Detox: Resist Triptocaine (bronze)

Chapter 31: Under Arrest

- Wise Guy: Switch the camera off in the surveillance room before rescuing Ethan (bronze)

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Chapter 33: The Shark

- I'm a Killer: Kill the Drug Dealer (bronze)

- I'm not a Killer: Do not kill the Drug Dealer (bronze)

Chapter 34: The Doc

- Smart Girl: Do not drink the Doc's beverage (bronze)

- Queen of Ropes: Escape before the Doc returns (bronze)

Chapter 35: Mad Jack

- Goodbye Mad Jack: Survive the fights against Mad jack (bronze)

Chapter 36: Eureka

- The Chef: Prepare a good omelet on time (bronze)

Chapter 38: Twins

- I'm not scared!: Follow your brother without making any mistakes (bronze)

Chapter 40: Sexy Girl

- Pride Saved: Take off no more than one item of clothing during the strip-tease (bronze)

Chapter 42: On the Loose

- Escape Master: Escape the police at the motel (bronze)

- Lover Boy: Forgive Madison (bronze)

- Unforgivable: Do not forgive Madison (bronze)

Chapter 43: Trapped

- Swimming Instructor: Save Lauren underwater (bronze)

Chapter 44: Face to Face

- Invincible Scott: Do not get shot in Kramer's Villa (bronze)

- Kind Hearted: Give Kramer his medicine (bronze)

Chapter 46: The Rat

- Clever Dad: Work out where Shaun is held (bronze)

- Sacrifice: Drink the poison (bronze)

- Trial Master: Succeeded in all of Ethan's Trials (silver)

Chapter 50: Origami Killer

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- Nerd: Find all of the clues using ARI at the Crime Scene, Mad Jacks, and the Fish Tank, and find the Origami Killer. (silver)

Chapter 51: Killer's Place

- Cold as Ice: Survive the explosion by hiding in the fridge (bronze)

Chapter 52: The Old Warehouse

- Four Heroes: Complete the story with four characters alive (silver)

- Heavy Rain Hero: Finish Heavy Rain (bronze)

- Perfect Crime: All plot points failed allowing the Killer to get away unidentified (silver)

- Saved the Kid: Save Shaun (silver)

- Simple Mind: Save the Origami Killer before he falls (bronze)

- So Close: Reach the end with all characters... And fail! (bronze)

Chapters 53 to 70

- All Endings: See all of the endings (gold)

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