Princeton University Ph501 Electrodynamics Problem Set 8 Kirk T. McDonald (2001)
[email protected] Princeton University 2001 Ph501 Set 8, Problem 1 1 1. Wire with a Linearly Rising Current A neutral wire along the z-axis carries current I that varies with time t according to ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ 0(t ≤ 0), I t ( )=⎪ (1) ⎩ αt (t>0),αis a constant. Deduce the time-dependence of the electric and magnetic fields, E and B,observedat apoint(r, θ =0,z = 0) in a cylindrical coordinate system about the wire. Use your expressions to discuss the fields in the two limiting cases that ct r and ct = r + , where c is the speed of light and r. The related, but more intricate case of a solenoid with a linearly rising current is considered in Princeton University 2001 Ph501 Set 8, Problem 2 2 2. Harmonic Multipole Expansion A common alternative to the multipole expansion of electromagnetic radiation given in the Notes assumes from the beginning that the motion of the charges is oscillatory with angular frequency ω. However, we still use the essence of the Hertz method wherein the current density is related to the time derivative of a polarization:1 J = p˙ . (2) The radiation fields will be deduced from the retarded vector potential, 1 [J] d 1 [p˙ ] d , A = c r Vol = c r Vol (3) which is a solution of the (Lorenz gauge) wave equation 1 ∂2A 4π ∇2A − = − J. (4) c2 ∂t2 c Suppose that the Hertz polarization vector p has oscillatory time dependence, −iωt p(x,t)=pω(x)e .