
The Showcase

Column Comment

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Plenty of Water

OCTOBER 6, 1957

VOL. XXIX, No. 40 ..: •:•,,,. ',.....•,'"...... -. . :.-:."-..' '::':'!?::'-':i:.•:'::..:.t:?;!!i' .'. • %,;•..•,,,..''-....:!:..:.:...... ::.:;,,,.'.. -.... ;i!• ß •- '. -' ;:, , <:':":-::i <-':::i:":::-' '---' :::' :-'%.::•-: ß '-:. . ':'::: •-., '.•. . .- ,,. -.....c:i.k<.,c .:.-.-::...,:.... . :, -. . .. .:.

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il II • December •n October , '', l•f.•.. :--'-'...... '"':':':':':::.i'...... ß l,'",..;-i:"-,. ,. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-'-•<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :-- ::. KITCHEN ,,.'",,,-,, ooo i II : ...... :;::":•1-".., :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ß...... :::::::':'¾".% ß ' ½' -•':' BROILED LOBSTER .-, .- DAILY "..... ::•"' :';' •'"' . -, . ,i.,.- <.- ..•' ...ß .. . . :...:..,½ .... .-::::::::::: FROGS' I,EGS - SXDF'œSHELL CRnis• - BLUEFISH - RAINBOW

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ß .1 •.::. 'g .¾ WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. ½:..:.v..:::: .'-ß -'...... ß ,.• '::/...... , , .(..... :..:•::::::** ...... -. .:-; '":?•-•:,:•;:•.% A GOOD NAM• TO ItEM•MBER j:.'•:•..•:::.-;... ' ...... • ß ....'-":':. :'••.' :' ..:'::•'i<:.½::::'.'.-:':i.':.::...... ::::•...... :::: ' .,., '"½:"":':"'"' for :...... ::;:;:'::'fi'::.:*:i'*x:: ' '-::::::::i:. . ß:' ======'t,, - .-'. :' ::.:$'?.:'::::...... :.::::': FURNITURE (:' •;,•-.,.::..-.,.*:.•'-ß..'"i-'::"-:- : ß ...:...... • :--....•::.-•:::::.,•:::,.,.•::.....' 'c: .!•::::::.: :>-'x-:.,.'::'Ij-•.-•::.':' • ' '•"•"'"•' ,.::::?.:"::,-l,..:),:.'.'...... :.... ß. '•:": :4'.<:. ' : ß ":':• ....:':' ...... ::*'::' ...... ' :..-.. . :.'.:::•::?.'.•.:.-.::.<.:'.:%. ß ...... 7.'-- .. IAving. Room Bed Room D'ming Room

ß .'. :-' ...-_- ...... :.:. ..,,..,.... .•... . '-'::. ß RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY • .,½, '• .;':• .•'•..'"'::::-:-.•.: .:. . ---"-...:..'•.::':•.':.. . , ::..:::.-.-•.:-'.'-.::/::- ' ß .:'-":'-.. .,-:.-.:. ....::'- ß .•c .-' ,(,r : .. , ...•.:.. :-•.,.'...;:•:.* .. ,,.,, .. ,...... :.:::::::::1 QUALI•¾ •nd LOW PRICE .- ,.:...... :.:.... '".'• / ,,.•/, .•' , ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ß .•..•,-:C.-.:$:,.-',;: ::; .... ' ß :::::::::::::::::::::::::: - ::::::::::::::::::: • 39 Years Serving the Public • ;½ ...... '.:'-:::': '%:::':•i':-:-':" ' '"' ; :.> v.. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:

. Some people may find that it's June in. January, but every 435 STEAIGHT ST. MU. 4-7880 PATEI•SON, N.J. one •ill find December Bride" on CBS Television October 7 240 I•kRKErl • ST. (•arroH Plm•t Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-7977 Rudy 'Vallee and his protege, 3oel Grey (left), will help Sprini -I•vingt9n launch the nonular series on its fourth season.


. ,. Published Weekly by


170-172 Butler Street - - - Patnnnmn, New Jersey LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PAItlglLLO, Maal•ing •11ter

Enteredas 8ocondClu.m matter Autm•t 24, 10•, at tho Pom• ß ' 'i:•.ß '". [.. ...:':.. . Office st Pstorson, N.J., undor the sct of i•rch 3, 1879. 'r '• .:... ii .•.•i :; ...... J. •:•..JI. ' ....!•.• ...... ß...... -•- OCTOBER 6, 1957 - Vol. XXIX, No. 40 ß ... ..-•, ß ß•...... • ..::.:. :: '-.- •::. :..... :::.-•..•...... •-•...... : .....

. ß .••. .-..- : ...;• ß.•::-: .... ß . .-..-. ßß .:%• . . .-..•... Single Copy 5 Cents $3.00 a Year By Mall :.•.. ß ' : .-. .. .•.ß ß ' . ;!.,?•.,iq•.' •- "'ß...':• .,•.- ':..:.... ß ß ....' i ..

,...... ":"...... ß ß'. i•."..: •...... •;i {•. •' '• '" '•':--'•i:.j. ;i•::.:.':i ß. CONTENTS ...... •.. •..• / .'." . '...... -..-•...•:•:<-L';•.•?:•:-:...... ,. ß ...... --.• ...•,•.• ...... -:.:f..:.'..ß...... ?.<...... :.... • ß ...... :. •.<.- .....:;•.•'.G:...... ' ..-::.. """" "*-....:..'.-i-..:..'-':,.-..'": .....:...... ':".:•:::?:-...--: FEATURES • '-"::•:!:-'.': :"-.--:•.•::/. :"'.-•".-':. '" ß.... .:.-'-'":"-:.'"{'-:.-::'.-:';: --.-... ß. ...:- .:.: ß . .. . .•,.:>;.:;:,•,:...... :-•;:;...•.-....---.•;•...... -... .":.: -::' :• ' '...... iil);:i:.•:•.'.•'"*":' :.. ' :.::< ß. . •:. ....•,...... -'." """...... ' - "See It Now" with œdwa•d R. Mu•ow will make its Fill premiere ove• the. BS •elevision Network on $und•y, October with "The G•eat Billion Dollar Mail Case," a full hour examina- DEPARTMENTS tion of the: United States Po.•t Office, Pictured here are ½ur•enl •etbods of mail delivery, •bove, a postman On •oet envious]3/ watches the new mailmobile5 bein• loaded, w]bile below • Wes! Virginia mailman makes his delivery on one Of the 135 horse. back routea in th•

Books 'n Stuff 5 Florist in the Forest Opport•unities Unlimited ....

Editorials 8

The Editor Speaks

Column of Comment

The Showcase ...... 10

Complete Television Program for the Week ___11, 12, 13


Our cover picture shows the Passaic Eiver as it overflowedß last year. It is a typical scene whenever the rains axe heavy, most of the houses become inundate•l with plenary of water. Right now there is a short- age of water not only in this section but practically throughout. the entire state. .• Robin Hood (Richard Greene) finds a bouquetin 'Sherwood'

ß Forest which he presentsto the fairest flower of them -•tl, MaM' PhotoBy Edward .P•)kow,' Zito Studio, .•_arion (Patricia Driscoll). "Robin Hood" is broadcast each-Mon-

day_over the C_BSTelevisioN_Network-_ .....(•, .._ .-• . . ..

Th CHRONICLE '":'" •"';:'•"c•'":•:%" PA•,E-TI--{• E•' '• .PAtRicKO'NE•L AND HAZEL

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cBs Television's"Dick and the Duchess," a new comedy-ad- venture series set in London, England, makes its debut on Satur- CommercialQuality Printing day, Sept. 25. Patrick O'Neal and Hazel Court have the starring roles.

/ I ]0- t72 B I,EI• I X. 5-0'4 P' F•,q N

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Skel•n •11 return to the air on Oct. • m the role o Freddie the •re loader when h •s his fi•th •ea•on over • BS Television N •rk. Th initial pt, • d , • th the , o- o. d mo• o th' B•klvn Dod e• to os •gtl. •o fe ure a•½ •il•on nd½larl • M•. I a. • ß PAGE FOUR ,- The CHRONICLE STATEMENT REQUIRED BY "The Deaf Heart" THE ACT OF AUG[ ST 24. 1912, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, \ND JULY ...... v. Books.Stuf .._-:-:... , ' .: .:..7: 5. 2, 1946 (Title 39, Uni•,d Sta•es ß: .... .• ,'--> ;...... -,. •.. " ..i!:!:?'"-i::!::{!. Code, Section 233) SHOWING THE O•VNERSHIP, MANAGE- ß ...... MENT, AND CIRCULATION OF

What does going steady really .. SUNDAY CHRONICLE published mean? weekly at Paterson•'.:iNew Jersey ß .. for October 1st, 1957..'• 'For parents who have become 1. The names and.,:addresses of :. alarmed and perplexed when their .... .:....:.....ß.:.2 ..,.:...... the publisher, editor, m,,naging young teenage sons and daugh- ":-;+;• editor, and business managers ters come home and say, "I'm go- ß..):: ..:: are: Publisher • incent S. Parrillo ing steady," two experts on teen- :.'5•-. i:i::::i" 142 Lily St., Paterson, N.J.; Edi- tor Vincent S. Parrillo, i Lily age affairs, Mary and Judson St.,-Paterson, N.J.; Managing Landis, have encouraging news. :'.-'"-.' '"..;%::;i... ;-" .... ß .?..-:5' i:' editor Vincent S. Parrillo, 142 Talking to hundreds of teen- ß;:,•,.-,.*-.;.- -:,• .:.. Z•::-':':'.:.":"" . --. ß. . Lily St., Paterson, N.J.; Busine.•s agers in almost all the 48 states .:.,:! -. ;:. manager Vincent S Parrillo, 142 the Landis' found that going Lily St., Paterson, N.J. 2. The owner is: (If owned by steady is usually not taken ser- 2!:' ...: a corporation, its name and ad- iously by teens. They change dress must be stated and also im- "steadies" frequently. In "Teen- mediately thereunde:: the .names Agers Guide for Living," which and addresses of • :'Stockholders owning or holding .....percent or Prentice-Hall published Sept. 13, more of total amoul•:.•.of stocl•. the Landis' reveal that teen-agers ..•:..• % .... ß If not owned by a c0•poration, :' !!;..:.•.-:. ... go steady for the following rea- the names and addres'• of the f •i•:•i ß :•- '..'?"'... ;,.-'.'Y:•.,i•:' sons ' individual owners must be.given. 1. It is more comfortable. "You : !:9--•..ß.':.f ..:..'..;."5':. ,':' ß ,..-" If owned by a partnership or i'i':¾7:E:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:'... .C•.'.. other unincorporated ..::firm, its can relax and be "yourself" with name and address, as •-ell as that" '.-::•i•i•i:. .':: ß someone you have dated stead- .. ':.+<-..•. of each individual member, must i]y." ß' if/.•./•,'•i]- :::.'-"::- s;<:'•;-'.':'"""" "' ' be given.) Vincent S. Pa,rrillo, 142 •;-' •:.e-.+ :.:-, .-..'.•-. 2. It offers security. "You can ... ß. . ",¾?2,>:-;. Lily St., Paterson N. $:½.; :'--. ,: '.' *,'*•: :".':. /':"L.. 3. The known bondholders, be sure of a date for that import- mortgagees, and other security ant school dance." Piper Laurie will play the role of an attractive young woman who has become mysteriously deaf in "The Deaf Heart," a presen- holders owning or holding I per- 3. It is socially acceptable. "The. tation of "Studio One" on Monday, October 21, over the CBS Tele- cent or more of total amount of other kids go steady. If you don't vision Network. The story deals with the efforts of a psyehiatris! bonds, mortgages, or other secu- rities. are' (If there are none, so you may .'beleft.out of things." to find the' true cause of her affliction after the doctors discover that nothing is wrong with her e•-•. state.) None. 4. It is cheaper--an important 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, matter to the teen-age budget. in cases where the stockholder "You can do many things togeth- or security holder a.PlSearsupon the books of th• ....dompany as er that don't cost money (televi- trustee or in any other fiduciary sion, baby-sitting, schoolwork)." relation, the name of the person Thus young people who change or corporationfor whom such partners frequently can enjoy the trustee is acting; also the state- security they need and the social ments in the two pa.-ragraphs show the affiant's full kn_•wledge advantages of relationship with and belief as t•.the circuhastances many of the opposite sex. and conditions under which stock- The troubles in going steady holders and security hol'derswho arise when either of the couple do not appearsßuponthe booksof the company as trustees, hold finds that he or she is being tied stock and securities in a capacity down. A break is often difficult other than that of a bona fide but to continue the relationship owner. means further unhappiness. The 5. The average number. of copiesof eachissue of this publi- Landis' advise teen-agers to "face cation sold or distributed, through the facts directly and to break up the. mails or otherwise, to paid before quarrels and antagonisms subscribers during the 12 months cause you to end up hating each precedingthe date shown'abdve other." was: (This information is recluir- ß- ,'-.x;": - ======ed from daily, weekly, semiweek- The authors found too that "go- ;...:'. •?.>. .-.,'.-::::::::::::::::::::::::...... ,. ]y, and triweekly 1Yewspapers ...::::-:,..i::•i.,.-:. ;,..c.*'.. ing steady has different meanings ß:::::.•.'..)•..•.'.:. ::;;•... •- , only.) 3390. in different communities for peo- VINCENT S. PARRILLO'. ß :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ple of different ages." It is there- ß."-•::':'• •:::...,•.4::::< ,...... Sworn to and subscribed before fore up to the parents to deter- ..-...:::::i:::i!•...... ' ...... me this 30th day of September, ß :. ß .• v.-.. mine what it means to their chil- 1957 (Seal) BETTY K. PA .RRIL- dren before taking any action. -::-:-:-:-:-:-:...... ;-;-;-;-;-:-;-:.;-;.:-:-:-:-:-:->x-;-:.•LO, a Notary Public of New Jer- i-•.• < ,'.'•;.::?.:::.-'.-':::.•::.::::•-:iß"s::•Y-'::: ':.-?:::::.-.:::i-% ...... "Teefi-AgersGuide for Living" .....;.:...... •:..+.....;:<...... • ...... ß:....-...:...•: •:.-..•:.:.-..•..y.>.:•...:o:.:.•..;•:...:.:.: .:.. }•:.. ' ...:•..-ß .--::.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sey. (My commission-expires gives' young people an under- &'::.'.•. ======•' .'::<.-...'..:k':-:"•.!:.-'' ß ..::ß::.::?...... June 8, 1960.) stahdingapproach .to many other ?...:4:':'"'"'"':',•:."-!i?•'•::i-'.':' Y:: " "";>"•'"" problems which face them. It in- •-: ... ;; -- ..:.:. :•:.i! "-'-"•-. a: ..:.: • . cludes pointers on dating, sex, vo- .:.:. •. -'-i? .½:•-:•. .:.:' ;s...?:'i•.... ß cation, marriage, and family ß...... œ:-• " ...:.:.: .•:-?.'" i...i ß•;.;'-': '4:' '" :': '"':!-'.":i:i:'-•':'%.-, problems, designed to help teen- "::.>f::::' -.. ':-' :;:--...-•..."!-.'-X-i:!..,;.. ]]•%'.'::.. " ß. •.. ß ...... -'-'-'-.•:•.'::?....::¾:::::•::'.'.'.'": :::;-:y%.-;:¾:!:.,z,.:r•o:::i•:.•:.?f-.::::•'.•-..•.•-.•.,...... /:::::.% ?...... • •:.•-.... agers get the most out of their ß ' ': :':':'"'""':'":':'"•:":i::: '::"-':; •:' --. :-'.'-:-•:e "::?' relationships and lead the way to ß:• ...... ':'"'•.... :•'• ...... :4-. "'•" •X"" ' % "" ' ....-. •.%...... -...•<{;,.'.,...... :...... :..../.....:...:.:...•:.:.:.:.:•.:.....:.;•...e•. •. '!!' ...... ,.•:..'..i:.•i-- :..'...... '-.-*':• "•o /'.""" happy adulthood. • ---:.-...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... .;.-•?.•:}• .... Judson Landis is a Professor of Family Sociology at the Univer- ßSTYLE AND FORM-- Sharon Kelly, who often "½arrle• the ball" in sity of . He and his dramatic roles on NB½ Radio'• "My True Story," get• in •rim for Wife Mary have been writin• hei' Fall •½hedule of Monday-through-FrJda¾ d•y•Jme broadcasts, lecturing about the problems of She's wearing her own version of what a well-dressed lady a•hle•e,

ß. the past .25 years. may add to her wardrobe this season. ß TheCHRONICLE --' -.-,. " PA•E FIV!• o0 ßYOUR HOMF,. ß•* x,]•w• • •LEA•OZT•...•..

ß- ß ::::::::::::::::::::::. .: Wedding Bells PerfectionIn DesignDetails, Circa 1800 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 .•. r•_.•. fanlightsHERE isaof lacy the latequality 18thinand many early ofthe19th designsCenturies. fordoorThis. delicacystarted in Englandwith the Adambrothers. Their• interiors and furniture excelledin fragile beauty and pastel' backgrounds.Hepplewhite and Sheratonwere in this same. category.Details pertaining to housesand their decorations wereenhanced with garlands and wreaths gracefully painted' or carvedon mantels,panelling and furniture. In America,,

this wascopied by fine cabinetmakersand artisans.Great at-' .....-.....-...... tentionwas givento elaborateentrance doorways with fan-. lightsand side lights. Their designs and variations are still I


Miss Anita Elizabeth Firmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Finney, North Rd. 21, Ri•erview Community, bcc•me the bride of Vincent S. Ipsale. son of Antonio Ipsale, Rin•wood kve., tlaskell. and the late Mrs Ip•ale recently at a ceremony -•erformed in the :::::::::::::::::::::::::::-'.'-•...-...... •.•,•....::::'..- .....-...... :---...::.,.-::;..:... :::,:::½::.:.•:•.•1::½½•:.: •. ..• ":.-. , :. St. Francis Aœ=isi Church, H [.,:-,'...... :., ' kell. MRS. JAM:ES DUCCESCHI The bride was attired in an im- ported roseprint lace gown with Miss Judy-Lou Siano, daughter The Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. C. beaded bodice and mandarin col- of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Siano lar with a bouffant skirt of lace of 36 Buffalo Ave., and James found in great number, the majority as beautiful as the ex- over tulle and satin skirt ending Martin Ducceschi, son of Mr. and ample depicted today. in a cathedral trhin. Her finger- Mrs. Martin Ducceschi of 34 Me- tip French illusion veil was at- seline Ave., West Paterson, were The photographshows a fanlight made in Baltimore in 1810. tached to a jeweled headdress. united in marriage recently in St. Here, beadedscallops with graceful bell flower dropsedge the She carried a white orchid on a George's R. C. Church. The Rev. fanlight. Lead ornamentsare placed at the base of each divi- Bible. Joseph Glynn officiated. sional line of lead. In this case,the central pane is unembel- The bride wore a gown of silk lished. Often, however, a small eagle or other leaded ornament embroidered tulle made with a was placed there. Sometimesthese lights were semi-circular, sa'brina neckline and short sleeves set with rhinestones and especiallyif they were no wider than the door. When they en- a skirt trimmed with rhinestones compassedside lights, the width was greater, but the height and appliques of flowers. reduced to be in proportion. The side lights were designed especially for the fanlight they accompanied--somequite in- tricate, others of a less ornate style. The second photograph shows a wood dado, made in Haverhill, Massachusetts, in I 1818. The delicately reeded band below the top molding achieves a fine effect. Panels

½,•p"',, :.:.:-.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.: arranged at intervals along the • .-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:..:_-.....:.:.:...-...-.:.::...:.:.:. dado add to its attractiveness.


ß ..v...-...v...... -.....-.-.:.::.::::..::::.:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Carpenter-builders at that time were proud of their skill ...... :.:.:...:.::.....-..:.:.:...::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: and liked to enhance the beauty of their work. Time was not soimportant to them; the finishedproduct was most important. Their work was admired, and their inventivenessin design

======applauded by appreciative Ownerswho knew good work and-, ======fine design and would have no other for their own houses. ß'.: .....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MRS. -ROBERT MAK L

Miss Jean Ann Ferrary, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Fer,'a,'y, Chestnut Grove Ave., West Paterson. became the bride MRS. ROBERT STRAIN of Robert Makl. Jr., son of Mr. .Miss Betty Joan Wensink, and Mrs. Robert Makl, 72 Jewel daughter of Mrs. Barney Wen- Distinctive Wedding Invitations St., Garfield. The Rev. Leo •ink, 316 Erie A x e., Midland Park, B,'own, cousin of the bride, per- b 'cam the bride of Robert Ben- formed the ceremony in the St. nett Strain. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bonaventure's R. C. Church. The lA'illiam C. Strain, 83 Brookdale PATE.RSON PRESS couple received the Papal Bles- A•e., Nutley, at Grace Episcopal sing. A ,-eception •vas held at Church, Highfield Lane, Nutley. Schweiguth's, Clifton. The bride was attired in a 170 BUTLER STREET PATERSON, N.J. The bride was attired in a gown nylon tulle gown with a French illusion veil. She carried a white LAmbert 5-2741 of embroidered nylon tulle with orchid wi•h an ivy spray on her an illusion neckline and princess prayer book. waist. PAGE SIX' The CHRONICLE ETHEL MERMAN SHOWS THE BRITISH.I She SupportedThree Children .: By Makingand SellingHats By ANNE HEYWOOD Miss Jenks would do. and we 'soo•' ASTER bonnet• always re- found out.. mind me of Miss Jenks, a The day after the ,funeral, • little old lady who lived in my little placard appeared in Mis• home town. Jenks's parlor window' HAPPY.

Miss Jenks (that wasn't really LOOKING HATS, Made, to Order Her name) came to this country Prices Reasonable. , as a penniless immigrant She got a job in a big hat factory in Con-

... necticut,' back in the days when hours were horribly long and the pay was very small. But Miss Jenks was delighted Lo have the opportunity of mak- ß ing a living, and she worked very hard. Eventua.lly she met another ß .. .. •tat-maker, and married him. She stayed home, after that, and had two babies. Money was very tight, 10ut Miss Jenks was a good manager. &toorig other things, she made Her own hats, of course, and she of.ten said that with a happy- looking hat, a woman could scrimp on all other items of ap- parel, even wear the same dress [or years and years. An Institution Custom-Made Hats Solved One Widow's Financial Problem. Miss Jenks and her lmppy- Ethel Merman, Broadway's number one musical comedy star, looking hats became an institu- With courage like trtat, you car instructs Britisher Rex Harrison in the rudiments of U.S. music tion in town. Some ol the towns- imagine how Miss Jenks's stor• in "Crescendo,"the 90-minutecolor premiere of CBS Television's ladies would ask her to make hats endsß She had-many Customers "Du Pont Show of the Month" series, Sunday, Sept. 29, and in re- [or them, but Miss Jenks never from the very beginnlr•g, and tu turn Harrison coaches tl• dvnamic star in the British custom had time, with a husband and a few years, she had a •aice little tea-takin• ½above). •wo small children, and another shop on Main Street. She raised •hild on the way. her three youngsters, •and put Then tragedy struck. them through college. On her Miss Jenks's husband was tak- 70th birthday, she sold the little m ill and died, leaving her with shop and retired to.the country, •wo small children, and a brand where her children and-grand- new baby. We all wonderedwhat children visit her frequently.

Crosby, Sinatra on "Edsel Show" Oct;-13

Rex Harrison is besieged with U.S. musical talent in this art- Lst'ssketch of the excitement in "Crescendo," the hour-and-one- half color premiere of CBS Television's "Du Pont Show of the Month" series, Sunday, Sept. 29. Playing a British visitor learning about American music styles, Harrison is "educated" by (top, left BingCrosby and , two of the entertainmen• world's top personalities,co-star for the first time on television,. to right) Peggy Lee, Carol Channing and Ethel Merman, trumpeter Sunday,Oct. 13, in "The EdselShow" on CBS Television.Joining , clarinetist Benny Goodman, and Tommy Sands them in the Specialhour-long 'live' musicalare songstresSRose- (bottom right). Also in the mammoth cast of "Crescendo" are mary Clooney,trumpeter Louis Armstrong and .his jazz quintet, Diahann Carroll, Mahalia Jackson, Stubby Kaye, Lizzie Miles, LindsayCrosby (Bing's 19-year-old son) and the satirical dance l•urk Murphy and His Dixieland Band, Dinah Washington and the team of Mr. Conn and Mr. Mann. Norman Luboff Choir.


Forecosfer• Are Nor Too Cerfain record of forecasting in the past, has Editor Speaks presentedits idea of the outlookfor the "Oh, for an electronic analyzer of next 18 months. According to this, we cross currents, a precipitator of knvwl- From Karachi comes a dispatch that will have another "best year ever" in Prime Minister Mohammed Ali is very much edge out of complex:_ty!"This plaintive !957 and there will be a further upturn worried about the ever increasing immoral- wish is voiced by J. A. Livingston, the in 19'58. Specifically, Fortune thinks ity of Pakistan's men. widely syndicated writer--on business He has recently ordered the arrest of all personal incomes will increase by $15 "lady killers," and 61 of them were ser•t to and financial affairs. It comes from the billion a year, cvnsumer spending will jail from 60 to 90 days after. a round-u.l• fact that there are opposed and con- ordered by the minister. be up, home building will show gradual The charges against the men were "whist- trary trends in the American economy recovery, and that inventories, now ling a girls, winking, twirling their mus- today•' that makes forecasting even in shrinking, will expand again next year. taches, and purposefully rubbing their the near future a delicate and risky shoulders against women trying to board It also anticipates that prices will con- their busses." undertaki•ng. tinue to rise, but at a slower rate than •,¾hich leads me to believe ,that, after all, human beings are just a•out the same all For instance, the U.S. Treasury has in 1956, and that the budget will show over the .wortd, whether they be Pakistani, found it necessary to pay an interest a surplus. French, Italians or Americans. rate approaching4 per cent--and some It should be added that some other treasury bonds are now quoted at $5 respected forecasters are not so certain. Here in America. we are too apt to be- cents on the dollar. There has been a lieve that we have a patent on all the vir- As the old carnival shell-and-pea game ßtues and all the vices known to mankind. drop in factory workers' pay, because spielers used to say, "You pays your In other words, we consider our standards of a decline in hours worked weekly, money and you takes your choice." the standards •by which the whole world is to ,be judged. and the-Federal Reserve Index of pro- We, for instance, have the democratic sys- duction slipped4 points between Decem- tem of government. So the entire world Brinc•inc•Forfh a Mouse must have a democratic form of govern- ber and May. Do such developments, ment to meet with our approval. Mr. Livingston asks, indicate that "this As, everyone who reads the news- What we do is right, what the others do is ihe beginning of the end of the long, papers knows, the demand for govern- if it does not conform with our ideas is wrong. long boom?" ment economy has been unusually in-

._ Then he cites other facts, pointing in tense this year, both among members of the general PUblic, who have been Yhere used to be a saying here that Com- a i•ery - different direction. Some com- ,•xunism is a stri.ctly Russian institu:tion and flooding Congress with letters, and panies report major sales gains this that it must not ,be exported. among many leading government offi- But .with the shrinkage of the world just year, .and personal incomes have been cials. Yet the res-•lt promises to. be in- at&out every disease, every custom, every rising. So another question arises' "Is ges't has become an article of export. significant. The great economy effort this a portent .of a consumer-spending A gardener told me a few days ago that is bringing forth a mouse. 30 years ago the Japanese bettle was com- splurge. later in the year?" pletely unknown in this country.' Why should the outlook be so bleak His" own view is optimistic--that "the Today, it has become a destructive pest, now? There are a number of answers-- and the only thing that can be done wi,th country is on the threshold of another it is to try to find ways and means to kill the fact that the Administration budget upsurge in consumer spending; that the it off.. was the largest in peacetime history; a two-year '-drop in housing and automo- feeling in some quarters that public de- bile saleswill come to an end ..thisyear J•cques Fath has .just brought a new per- and forerun a rise in 1958; that stocks mand for economy is abating; high-pow- fume to America. He calls it "OH." are buoyedby businessprospects." ered pressure by various groups for all "Evenlongshoremen and truck drivers manner of pet projects. But the really will like it," he said upon his arrival at the New York docks, where the longshoremen Other authorities also find plenty of dominant reason is found in these were in the midst of their strike. "cross currents" and differences to de- words: ". . . Congress has failed .to I wonder if the strike could have been bate about. For instance., in a recent settled with the dispatching of a bevy of grasp. the plainest of facts•that it is "OH"-sprayed girls among the truckers. talk before a meetingof the National impossible to cut the cost of Govern- citizens Committee to Curb Inflation, ment significantly unless one is pre- By the way, A---Brooklyn livery stable Senator Byrd of Virginia said that '"in- pared to. reduce the size of Government. horse has just proven that once a Texan, flation is threatening our national life." The lawmakers have been . . . content always a Texan. The 'Senator, who is one of the strong- to nibble at Federal programs, when This horse, too old for Texas, was sent to a livery stable in Brooklyn to •e used for est advocates of economy in Congress, what was urgently required was a re- riding by Brooklyn "cowboys." blames inflationary forces principally on duction or elimination of certain pro- The humiliation was too mu. ch. So Red, which was his name, ran away from his government....fiscalpolicies. Yet on the grams... Congress has chosen the easy stable and bolted down the streets of "Dod- same program, Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, way. And that, as is often the case, is gertown." who was the top. government economist the easiest way to failure. Red gave a real exhibition of the Texas in the Truman Administration, took In sum, what Congress has done, spirit. Thirteen police radio cars and two other view. He said that inflation .•s police emergency trucks chased him for al- knowingly or otherwise, is to accept the most 20 1]locks with horns tooting and primarily to be blamed on labor, busi- premise that we must have ever-expand- sirens screaming. ness and the farmers, rather than gov- ing super-government--and then to con- Finally, a policeman hurled his lariat at ernment. sider a few comparatively minor cuts Red and. ,to the cheers and hussahs of Brooklyn inha•bitants, tied him to his radio

These confusions to one side,. . •what here and there. That being Congress car and hauled him back to the stable. can we expect in the coming business attitude, it was inevitable that the re- ._ All Of which proves that nowadays even picture? Fortune, which has had a good sults would be non-existent or nearly so. Texanism can be exported. PAGE EIGHT The CHRONICLE THE UIqDERTAK[--

, / of The week.... CLIFTON--WilliamR,. Brogan, as the American agent for leading Clifton Councilmanindependent German promoters, has a.n option candidate for State Senator in on three fights for Redl,. that na- PassaicCounty, has this to say at tion's former amateur welter- one of his meetings: weight champion, who would thus "One of the biggest questions ultimately oppose Gunther Haase, that thinking citizens are asking the current champion, for the these days is . . . 'why is it that crown. Senator Shershin and Democratic However, this is all future fiS- Candidate Tony Grossi have fail- tic book stuff, insofar as Carl ed to take firm and positive Duva, manager of Slugging stands upon the many issues that Stefan is concerned. Of imme- face New Jersey's government?' diate importance to them, he "Shershin's remarks so far con- says, is Saturday night's Pater- sist only of lonk-winded plati- son drillshed scrap, the' first of tudes in a 'Legislative Report' the season in Northern New Jer- that would have been far more sey. Twice the conqueror'bf Gene useful and meaningful had it •been Takach of Trenton, the state issued steadily for four years in- lightweight champion, Gorman T ((J.'•;:•:-• j, - .-. , • . stead of three months just prior has not been floored. He won 25 to election. Tony Grossi has said of his 28 professional contests. nothing. Apparently he 'believes , .• •? . • * ., - ß that noisy, personal attacks are sufficient to elect him. NEWAR/<•Oscar F. Magnus "I believe that any man who was promoted to underground . • •" • * ;.:....-•.: seeks public office should take foreman, Bergen Electric Divi- . . . ß • ' • .:,,'•. . sion, Pu•blic Service Electric and ,..::'•; . -> . '. I• , ß• , ,• ,•;• • ?, - ß clear and positive stands upon all • '"'::: .:"•?/:(•-: 9.. '• ß -• ß..... •-'Y• ...... -¾'":.'• matters of public interest. Gas Company. .t. , •-;. ,.,...., • ,• • ••.. ., -.,.. %....,•-•., :• ...... -. - , ,•• , : .. For example . . . what have Mr. Magnus worked for .the ß.:....• ,Z ' /.,•,• •.- •ß , * ':,.;,.. ,....•:?::..?1-: :..-- ' ./: '".*, "ß they had to say about the pro- United Engineers and Construc- • ' ' ' .•; / , ' , : Z. ...._. tors from 1930 to' 1932. He was .... _..,,, ß .. ß : posed Transit Authority? I made my position clear months ago. I employed in Bergen Division on -:' v, z •,. reaffirmed it three weeks ago. May 17, 1935. The entire period "Here is a proposal which of his service has been with the would take the right to levy real underground department. real estate ,taxes out of the hands He is an avid do-it-yOurself hob- of local Council or Committee- biest and has a complete wood working shop in the ,basement of ..-• ; • •',.• - .":?•-,•"•.. .•.-.::.• .... *•!:•.•:.:::...ß....•<.....: .• :, ..... :.- .: - . men and give it to an uncon- •:.•..... '{• ,• •"; : • '•-9' ..."'.?, • '•'•.? :.' ...... • :• .•: ßa•-• " trolled, autonomous Authority. his home. Mr. Magnus is married , '•':', : .... -'T ß ' ;:'' • '" ß' ..... r.. .:•L .--'•'':?'.ß ß ':''.- :..... •. '•'"' .....•:'•.-:•.•, :• ' : ...... : ...... •:.•:".•. ;" •: ; ':,..•:• ß Senator Shershin and Candidate and lives at 693 Center Avenue, •.:...• c .•,•. . •v,.. . ß• •-' ß:. . ß . -.:./•$:.• .-•.• . . • • : . ::• - ß •-.- ... . ß.• v ß..(. .•..... ?. -... •-.. - x •..• •. .. %. x. .. ": •. ß .. * :..•. . ß [.• •..::.•...... x. . .• . .•:...•:- Grossi have yet to comment upon River Edge. :::•....••" ' .a :..,,- • -,•.$•.'"-' ' . ' .... • ::-::'. '*..-•'" ' 5" '... .•-'..:•.•':•'"" '."•::: • .....•' .:" ' '•...... ":. •: '• .•. •: - : /.: •. ß .:. .C-..:'• .• - . ß this suggestion. 6 • :- . -:- ' •.• % - ß . -. ..' • ':' . Here is a proposal that is in- PATEI•SON--R. Stuart Keefer, :"•' ß '•: • .':-' ß :% • ..... * 'e• I . ': -'.:- .. ._. •-- .,. ..'. .... ,. ß ..•.: --. ,. •a : .. -.. tended to operate from the begin- president of The Okonite Com- :,'.r :..•.,?•....• .•: ß.: .: .... . :•::: •. ß :.• .• *:.' .. • '-•...... : ...... •?L•.'...:.•:• , %..... -.::: ;'•. ß :, . ;. • ß ..: , .-• ,- .•. ning at a loss, intended to be sub- pany, has been elected a director - •. ,: .•' •:: .. ..: ...: . .'" . .. 'x . ,' ...... sidized by New Jersey property of the 1st National Bank and ...... •::" ."¾.:,.:•L ...... :.. • •--• ..-• . • owners for the primary benefit of •*•:•'• ".':':: ::' .J: .... %.,• ß...... ':.'-: '-: '"' -' r5: ..... Trust Company of Paterson. Mr. the City of New York. The Au- Keefer's appointment fills a va- tonomous Authorities have too cancy on the board created'by the ...... much power now. If I am elect- death of Theodore H. Mastin. ...-:::• ...... •:.: .?•:;?::•%? .:::::::•:?•::..•- .,r. .' -.:.....• .:.? ::.-' ...... •..•-•- ß...... •::..... :::.., .::.'.f ß :-•: ...... ß ed I will work to control them Mr. Keefer entered the Wire ...'"...•.• '" :::'...x•-::" "-•[[,•':.'•"':{•?.•b,•:.:•:•::.:,r,.-::'"'-"%.:•':'•' ¾.".'.' .-•::•'::- " .;::..:.:.. ß ...... •....-e... '•:'.•:..:.' .... .:•:- Z"r '::•:•ß'":'"•-':: ß ,:•-.- '/':::?.--:' :f: :' •: and to place reasonable restric- b.usiness in 1922 as an employee . ß ....-•.•:•.-.:.'.-.. ß .. , '-.-'.':..... ß -...... ß . .... 'f '..•. :. .• .' ß -.. .. tions upon any new authorities. of the Hazard Manufacturing .... . '.:. ..' . . : "Senator Shershin, City Leader Company in Wilkes-Barre, Penn- ß. ...•:•:•,8: ,..•..:•. • -:..::'•e?'•... -' .-.-... . .: ....ß-. ' :' ..ß '"'•':•?"'-.-:::'•S'.."':"..'-•:':'•'•.:•+" . -,.•- ß•. . •'•-•.•:::'• ß.x s. •.x..-::-: .. ' ::.. '•:.x:x..(•.•:'•- ..•:'•-:-•::f:::.-- 8 ':'.•?.:•::•&f:"L:• ß:.- :L•. ::•':.'Z?.":'•JS•>:•..•':.•:'•?:":•.•L• ';•:.' •: f': ::.: : '-•::::::?:$8" Grossi ... what will you do?" sylvania.In that companyhe was -.:::.'•'•. '•:.•z'--:'•x%...... " ß •' -.•'.L•-:-:.':•'('::?::::•:•L%•:x•:.::::•:z::;:..-.:•.•'.•??'•: :•-:::'•.'.:"7:•;:.-/cL.;'<:...... : "c:•:-' '.' ...- .4 -:•:-.-' ..".: -•'f::?:•:::?:F•:' •..:'•<::" • -.•::.•' •.../ .... • ::•:•::.'...... •:•?•:•$:.:.:-..- . . .::.'-. • ß .:f' :.•.:-.:::.:" successivelyemployed in..•the in- . ß .. • ...... ,,...... :•:•::{•:•{:•:[•? :•, ' . . :•":. :.... sulating mill, cost accounting, • '• ß •'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::• ": . .&-:8•...... ' ß 4:':•S?:??::•?:?:?:?:M?•:?'.. • • ' ' -'-::':,.:!•.•:'•::: PATERSON -- Slugging Stefan and accounting departments be- Dedl of Paterson, who fights fore he joined the sales depart- .....ß':' ß• . • ß ' 2:-'. .:%'... .'. .'•?•::.>:M:•[:;:?:?:?:?:?:[:•?.:..:..•,: ?-:-•:::::.:•.x.-•.:.-.-..:.:+::.::.' . ...."- • ..:•+.•.:::. .'.L-•::::)•:•'.... .-." x • .:•:•.. '.':.: . .- ;.,- --..,-:.•:..•::::....:..•.-...•...,•>'./:-::-:... ======:-x:::c,.-. ....::.:::::•-?•.--::::.-•:•.-•.:•.•.x.'--.-.-.', :-:-'.ß:-•: .• ..' Johnny Gorman from New York merit in 1926. Hazard was pur- ß "..... ' ...... City's West Side in the 10-round chased by The Okonite Company . ....ß ':. ' '.-:•:•.' '.' '•.-. ..•'"-•:-?87•:•-a?•.: :::•V'"'g'.•:c::Sx::Z:.?-:•: ::?:?•cf•?E•?:•?::•?:8.':W•:.Z:•':::::"::•:L'. :':.:' 2:xZ•::::::•::'•:•!?•i.:•L•--' ß•.?..•,•.,•':-''::Lc.-:•.L:•.•::•:' .. .. ß . .-.- .. •:.:•./.....•...... •.,..y..•..:.<:.:•.:•.:...... ½ .... .• ,, .• .


"The Wackiest Ship in the Navy," true story of the wackiest ship that'ever servedthe U.S. Navy, has been purchasedby Columbia ß 'k Pictures as a starring vehicle for Jack Lemmon, with Fred Kohlmar assignedas producer. "The Wackiest Ship in the Navy" appeared originally in the July, 1956 issue of Argosy Magazine as an article written by Marion Hargrove and Herb Carlsonunder the title "Big

Fella Wash-Wash." It is the saga of an ancient sailing ship, a New -';k '. " ß """"-'3 .... :: ...... :. ..-:.-:,::. -...-.:•:.--.' ...-.... ß .:.•. Zealand grain carrier, turned over to the U.S. Navy on a reverse lend :-" '. • ,. -':i:•.:-.' .... : ...... •...• . . ..,...... ,.•..,½,...•.•. .::: :....:• •. ß .,...... ,. :;.•..:?:•.•.... ,..:. lease deal in 1942, when forces in the Pacific were desperate for any- .-. ß .• ---.... ß.... v:•,t'•-• . ,•... --'--.• •. thing that would float. Lemmon just completedthe top stellar role •x. • :.:: -•'i....•,'.'--' '..'%((.<..'•-'-•;::

Off-Broadway award-winner Gerald Hiken has been signed for a featured role in "The Goddess," Paddy Chayefsky's first original screenplay, which is being filmed in New York. Mr. Hiken, who won THE FIERY DRAGON last year's coveted Clarence Derwent award as the best supporting performer on or off-Broadway for his performance in "Uncle Vanya," will appear as the uncle of the Goddess. , Lloyd Bridges and Steve will co-star in "The Goddess," which Milton Perlman ]s producing and John Cromwell directing. Also signed for featured roles were Joyce Van Patten, Joanne Linville, Burt Brinkerhoff and Joan Copeland. '

Rory Calhoun will return to Columbia for which he last made "The Domino Kid," to star in "Papago Wells," for Rorvic Produc- tions, in which he is partnered with Vic Orsa.tti. Based on a novel t)y Louis L'Amour, "Papago Wells," is described as a "Grand Hotel" of the desert where a number of people pursued by Indians come to- gether with Calhoun emerging as their leader in their struggle for survival.


Gary Merill and Nancy Davis have been signed to play the lead .. roles in "Rescue at Sea," with a cast which also includes to da.te Roger Smith, Sheridan Comerate, Bek Nelson, Cecia Lovsky and Frederick Ledebur. Merrill will ,be seen in "Rescue at Sea" as the tough, competent chief of a Stratocruiser flying from Lisbon to New York, which he has to ditch in mid-ocean due to engine failure. Miss Davis will play his wife.

Betsy Palmer, who makes her home in New York and commutes to Hollywood for her film assignments, has begun her starring role in "The Grasshopper," which producer Bryan Foy has before the cameras with Lewis Seller directing. Miss Palmer, who recently com- pleted a leading feminine role with Henry Fonda in "The Tin Star," on loanout to Paramount, will be seen in "The Grasshopper" as a housewife and mother who became an undercover agent to help break up a narcotics ring. The screenplay is by John Kneubuhl. Also signed for top featured roles were Jack Lord, Barry Atwater, Carlos The world's only flying table, Mr. Pegasus, confronts a fiery Romero and Claudia Bryar. dragon during one of his adventures in a special new cartoon series on "Susan's Show," CBS Television, 11:00-11:30 AM, EDT.

PA©E TEN The CHRONICLE 13--All Star M0v,e ...... _ 7--The Chr,s.toph r Proej. 8.30 •Sherlock Holmes .4 8:00 ...... 9-'Oral Roberts - 13•ltal. -Quiz. I i---I..Led Three Lives 2--Dick and the Duchess 12:30 •Perry Como 2--Wild Bill Hickok 5•World's Greatest 2•DuPonff•w Defectives 4•The Open Mind 4•TV Play]•':•use._.-,•.•:,•, 5--Between the Lines I I•Movie 5--Warner B•S. P••. 7--Faith For Today 9:00 7--Dangero• AssT•me•t 9--LivlngWord 9•Hour of Mystery '• WCBS-TV--2 ' WgCA-TVltt WABD--5 2--0h.Susanna 13•Views .of Italy I I•Badge 714 •.r..•- • 4--Cl'ub Oasis 1:00 13•Spanish S•w WABC,TV--7 WOIg-TV•9 WPIX--11 2--Face the Nation 5•Oonfidentlal File 9:30 WATV•13 4•Mr. Wizard 7•Lawrence Walk Show 7•Midwesfern Hayride • 9--Movl, 5--Goldbergs 7--Movle---Drama I I•Drama Series. 9:30 -TheseTV Morningand AfternoonPrograms Are Repeated 9•Carfoon Time 10:00' •. 2--Have Gun, Will Travel I I--Of Special Interest 7•Mike Wallace,• Monday Through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4•Gisele MacKenzie 13--Thrills in Sports 9•Movie 5---Wresfllnq 1:30 I I•Sfudio 57 I I•The Tracer '7:00 7--Martin Block--Variety 4---Bride and Groom 4•Frontlers of Faith 13•Foreign_Ca[respo.•n} 10:00 2--JimmyDean Show 12:00 3:00 ,5--Movie--Drama •0:•0 . 4--Today 2--HotelCosmopolitan 2--The Big Payoff 2-- 9--M,ovie 2•Whaf's My Line7- 8:00 4•Tic Tac Douqh 4•Matinee Theatre 4•A Dollar a Second I I•Baseball •Feaf. Film 7--Mike Wallace 13--Repf. from Rufcjers 7•Movle 2--CaptalnKangaroo 5--Sheldonat Noon '7--AmericanBandstand I I--Movie of the Week 2:00 I I•The Man Called'-X 7--Tinker'sWorkshop 7--TimeFor Fun 3:30 13•AII Star Movie 4•Citizen's Union 13•AII Star Movie 8:30 12:!5 2--TheVerdict Is Yours 10:30 I i--Baseball I !:00 5--Sandy7--Tinkerloons-Becker Cartoons 2--Loveof Live 5mTVRo•der Digerr 13•Universif¾ 2•Sun. NewsSpecial ! 2:30 4:00 2--Mystefry Playhouse 2:30 •John K. M. McCaffrey 4•Your .Hit Parade 4•Wisdom Series 5•Defecfive S• 9:00 2--SearchforTomorrow 2--Bricjhfer Day S--New Horizons 2--Stu'Erwin 4--ItCould BeYou 4•)ueenFor A Day 7--Movie--Western I I•lnner Sanctum 7--Moyle--Comedy 9--Joe Palooka 4---ShariLewis 7•Memor¾Lane •--WendieBarrig 9--Greatest Fights !!:15 9:30 13--Carlo,onComics 9--TedSteele 13--All Star Movie 2--My Liff!e Margie 12:45 I I--First Show II :00 3:00 2•The Late Show 7--Moyle--Drama 2--The GuidingLight 13--,JuniorFrolics 2--The Late News 2•Prof. Football 4•Feaf. Film 4•Sat. Nicjht News 12:55 1:00 4:15 4•Youth Wants to Know 10:00 •Our MissBrc•oks 2--TheSecret Storm 5--Movle 5--Moyle--Drama 2•The Late. Late •S•bw 11:15 9--Rocky Jones 2--GarryMoore 4•Tex& Jinx 4:30 2•The Late Show 3:30 4--Arlene5--MoyleFrancis 5---Libgrace1:30 2--TheEdqe ofNight 4•Movie 4•L'ook Here! t0:30 •Doug. FairbanksThea. 11:30 9--Movle 2--As The World Turns 7--Cartoon Club 2--ArthurGodfrey 4--Club60 9--Movie 4:00

4•Treasure. Hunt 7--TheAfternoon Show 5:00 t2:30 .4•Wide Wide World I I:00 13--FeatureFilm 2--Amos& Andy 7--Movie--Mystery 7--Western OCT. 7 4--The PriceIs Right 2:00 4•Comedv Time 1:15 7--Road to Romance •Herb Sheldon 2--The Late, Late Show 13--Command Performance 11:30 2•Beaf the C!ock 7--MickeyMouse Club 4:30 5:30 2--Strike If Rich 2:30 9--Ted Steele 9•Milllon Dollar Movie 2--The Early Show 4•Trufhor Consequences2•Arf Linkletter 13--FeatureFilm 5:00 4•Movle 4 '" 5•Mr. District Attorney I I--Abbott & Costello

,. i , .%U½,•.'• •'- Y 7--News Conference 6:00 I I•Advenfure Playhouse 5--Mr. District Attorney 5:30 7--Oswald Rabblt OCT. 6 "ATURDAY 2:00 :00 9--Roy Rogers 2--Jimmy Dean 2--M¾ Little Margie 2•Foofball Review 8:00 I I--Popeyethe Sa|,10rMa• 4•True Story 4•Foofba•l Scoreboard 4--Outlook OCT. 5 5•Liberace--Music 5--Laurel& Hardy 2--Agriculture USA •Three Musketeers 6:30 7--The Bonfempis 7--Movie 4•Sunday Schedule 7--Open Hearing 5---Looney Tune.s"• 9•Animal Kingdom I I--Popeye 7--Cartoon Festival 7:00 13•lfalianFeature Thea. 13•Evancjel. Hour 7--Cor!iss Archer 13--Big Picture 6:00 I I--CombatSergeant' : 2•The BreakfastShow 12:30 5:30 8:30 2--The Last Word 13--Western 4•-ModernFarmer 4•DefecfiveDiary 4--Meet the Press 2--Biq Picture 6:45 8:½3 5--Feat. Thea. 2•Early Show 13--Oral Roberts 5---TV Reader's Digest 2•News 9•CarttoonTime 13--Michael'sStudio 9:00 7--Corliss Archer 9--Family Affair 4--News 4•Shariland !:00 . 2--Sunday News 7:00 7--CartoonFestival 2--LoneRanger 6:00 S•Carttoo.ns I I--Popeye 4•Home Gardener 5•Gene Aufry--Wesfern 13--Film Shorts 13---N. J. Legis. Rapt. 2--7 o'clock Rapt." ' ,6.:30 8:30 7•Sfudio7 7•JungleJim 9:30 4•H•ghway Patrols;_ 2•Hi.ckoryDickory Dock !:30 9•"T-Men" 2•You Are There 5--Count of Monte Crlsto 2--The Way To Go 4•My FriendFllcka 7--Sports 9:00 2•RiqhfNow] I I--BraveEagle 5•Wonderama •Frontler 9--TerryloonCircus 10:00 ._, 2--OnThe Carousel 4•DocumenfaryFilms 13---HouseDefective 7--Hawkeye I I--News '•". _ 4---Children'sThea. 7--TheAfternoon Show 9--Science Fiction Thea. 9--Comedy Time 6:15 2--Lamp Unto My Feet 7:15 13--Big Picture I I--BaseballHall of Fame 5--M a'"ic Clown I I--Range Rider 13•,ov. Meyner 2--News 13--Reques'fPerformance 4--Sports Time 9mChrisfopher Pro.g. 7--John Daly - News';• 9:30 2:00 13---German Variety 7:00 I !--New York News ..' 2--Captain Kangaroo " 6:30 10:30 2•Lassle 7:30 , 13--Hollywq•pdJack Pot 2•Our Nation'sRoots 4•Ted Mack 10:00 5--Feat.Thea. S--LooneyTunes 2--Look Up and Live 5•Lilli Palmer Theafrte 9--Adventure_Theatre 7--Ri,n TinTin S--Learn tot Draw 7--You Asked For It 2--Robln Hood 4--HowdyDood¾ 13.-All Star MoVie I I•RangeRider 9•arfoon Time 9--Eddie Can•or 4•ThePrice Is Right 5--LeonErrol Comedles 2:30 13--ForeicjnCorespondenf 13--House Detective I I--Kinadom ,of the Sea 5--DouglasFairbanla" 13--Spanish Movie I 1:00 13•Carfoon Comics 7--Wire Service 2--Eye ,onNew York 7:00 2--UN in Action 7:30 9•Milli'onDollar Møvle 10:30 4--Movie 2--IfYou Had a MilliOn5•Sfafr Time I I--Fast Guns . 2--Bachelor Father .2--SafurclayPlayhouse 9---Baseball 4--TopPlays 7--Focus 13•A•I Star 4•Gumby 3:00 5--Great Glidersleeve 13--Thrills in Sportts 4--Sally 5•Mickey Rooney 8:00 .• •Renfrew of Mo•unfed 2•Movie---Drama 7--AnnieOakley--Western 11:30 7--K4ovie 7•Feafure Matinee I I--Superman 7--Movle--Drama 2--Burns& Allen•:" ,-. tl:00 9--Movie 13--.JimmyShearer 2•amera Three 9--Million Dollar Movie 4•The RestlessGun 4--Ask the Camera I I--Victory at Sea S--Frontier 2--Susan'sShow 4:00 7:30 S--Pet Center 13--All Star Movie I I--City Detect'we- 4--Fury 2--Movie 7•Thls is The Answer 5--WesternHeroes 2--PerryMason 8:00 8:30' 13•LePegunta Musicale' 4--Library Lions 13•Hollywood Jackpot S---BigAdventufre 4--PeopleAre Funny 12:00 2•Ed. Sullivan 2--TalentScouts ] 5--Crusade in the Pacific 4--Steve Allen 4--WellsFargo I' . I 1:30 13--FunTime 7•Movie 2--Let's Take A Trio 5•Uncommon Valor 5__Co,nfidenflal File 4--HopalonaCassidy 4•Capf.Gallant 4:30 9•MillionDoi!ar Movie I I•ombaf Sargeanf 7--Bold Journey 13--ThePerucho Show 7--CartoonClub I I--Susie 5--Loeney Tunes .....?-'::- PAGE ELEVEN The CHRONICLE !'?i,•:i:..i:,:,- '-


. I I--San Francisco Beat I I--Deep Sea Adventure I I--Abbott & Costello .8:30 13--All Star Movie 9:00 2--Whiting Girls 2--Eve Arden 8:00 ,i--Twenty-one 5--Press Conference 2--The Bin Record S--Racket Squad 7--Life of WyaH' Earp 7--YD.|ca of Firestone I I--Football Hilifes 5•Cavalcade of Stars 9":-'Science Fiction Theatre l l--Soldier sot Fortune 9:00 I I--Dr. Christian 8:30 !:::i-.'•:-...... -.. DARRYL FZANUCK'S '.,"ii:..- 13--All Star Movie,: Tell The Truth ß. ""o '•:-"-'•---i•:-iii;:'; :: ..:..- •eo•t o• De ....' . 9:30 4--Meet McGraw 4--Fafhe• Knows Best ...... *"-:;;:'".•.-.:..•, :-,• EPEST HEMINGWAY'S -..::..:.+< 2---Private Detective 5--Movie 5--The Hunter ::'" '. ":!::i•i:,::i.•'...... , ii"i:• ::!"" 4--Good ear Presentst 7--Broken Arrow 7--Navy Log ß . :-' S--Prof. Boxing r--Favorite Sfoto/ I I--Par•de o• Stars ß .. • :. •:. "•. COLOR by 7--Top Tunes- Walk I I•Movie 9:00 i!:-'.-'.•':..-' .'- :'' it:i::':...'. •. Directed by i:..'":'*:ii:.%. ' ..... ' .' "-'•' HENRYKING CIN"=MA•C O1• DELUXE 9--Niahtmare 9::t0 •, •.:. -.'.. i• STEREOPHONIC SOUND I I--Crime Detective 2--The Millionaire Alfred Drake, one of the na- 4--Kraft Thee. I 0:00 2--Red Skelton tion's foremost musical coined7 "UNDERFIRE" 4--BobCummings 5--Movie stars who has played the lead- with 2--Studio One ing role in such Iroad•ay sue- 4•Suspicion 7--TelephoneTime, Drama 7--Ozzie & Harriet ca-'es as "Oklahoma!," "Kis.• 5--Tomorrow's Champs 9--TimesSo. Theatre 9--EddieCantor Theatre Rex Reaaon Henry M,orgaa I I--Man Behindthe Badge . 13•AII Star Movie Me Kate" alid "ki.•mrt," 9--Movie 13--All Star Movie I I--Public Defender I 0:00 10:30 2•$64,000 •uesfion 9,•0 4•The Californians "General Eh.ctrlc Theatre" 4--Code Three--Police 2--I've Got A Secret 5•Wantetd 7--Polka Time <. 7--Moment of Decision 7--Hawkeye 9•Movie I I--Dr. Hudson 9--Prize Plays of 1957 10:30 I I--Hiohway Patrol 13--Request Performance . 10:00 ! I:00 2--Assign'mr Foreign Leg. 4•The Vise 2--The Late News 2•Armsfvong Theatre C---News- Weather 5•Errol Flynn 4--This Is Your Life T--News 7--Menof Annapolis 7--Wed.Night Fights I I--Trap Mysteries 13--ForeignOcrrespondent 9--Movie I 1:03 I I--Publlc Defender !1-".'15 2--The Late News 10:30 2--The Late Show 4--3. M. McCatfrey 4•Ton'qht 5•NighfBeet 4•The•ise 5--Gussle's Corner 7•News 5- • Spy 7.--Movie I I--ParlsPrecinct II •Capfured 11:30 13--Foreign Correspondent 9--Movie 11:15 10:45 I I--News 2--The Late Sho•, 12:30 4•Tonight 7--SportsPage •--St:ange S,•ories 11:30 I I:00 2--The Late News 12:35 9--StrangeSforles 4--JohnMcCaffrey 2--The Late, Late Show I I--News 5•NicjhfBeat 12.40 7--News 2--Late,Late Show I I--Dr. Christian TUESDAY , 11:15

'.OCT. 8 2--The Late Show James and Pamela Mason and Sebastian Cabot (left) will 5:30 WEDNESDAY': 4--Tonight 11:30 appear on "The Questioning Note" which opens the. Fall seasot 2--The Early Show for "General Electric. Theatre" on Sunday, Sept. 29, over the CB$ 4•Movle Four 9--Strange Stories Tv]evision Network. The story is set OlT a West Indian island. I I--Abbott & Costello OCT. 9 I I--News 6:00 5:30 1:15 2•The Late, Late Show 5•Mr. DistrictAttorney 2--The Early Show 7--Oswall Rabbit 4•Movie 4 Burns and Allen Set Record 9--Roy Rogers I I--Popeye ßI I--Popeye 6:30 6:00 THURSDAY _--•coney Tunes •Mr. District Attorney - ;C .,gerous Assignment 7--Oswald Rabbit -'9--Cartoons ß 9•Roy Rogers OCT. 10

I I--The Trap ½.o 13--Western 6:30 5:30 ':,'!,f6:45 5--Lo,oneyTunes 2--TheEarly Show 4--Ne • 7--PassoorfTo Danger 4--Movie 4 I I--ParisPrecinct I I--Abbott & Costello .:. • 7:00 13--Foreign Correspondent '7 '• o'clock Rapt. 6..:OO • .•elebritv Playhouse 6:45 . .JudgeRoy Bean 7--OswaldRi•bblt ßß ..:•..•.: -..-,•::•' ... :.-' . , -: ., ...... 4--News 5--Mr.District Attorney [.-.::: .... '...... :.-:.;•:.-" ...---:.'•i-.•:'.- . •:,,'.{',.•:,'.<•%?•"' ".•<': ::' .-Seo. • • : ::.:.'-..'f•>.','-:.....-.< "' :,''...... ::.',< •f.•:' .... . ?;f,.•::)2:-',..:6•.•-,;,<,,'::••! .rrytto.on Circus 7:00 9--RoyRogers ß .,:,....,.. / :::.-:.. .•.•.: --:;::•:::•-..:•',.-•,,'•.,.:,½.-•:•-• " ,evin Kennedy 2•7 o'clockRep'f I I--Popeyethe Sailor

:. 7:15 4--Death Valley Days 13--Let's Travel t ..... :;: J': ...... '----,-::-"-- -- 5--Three Musketeers :. i :::'' ":";'": ': ":,...... '"'" ":' ? '-- -qews 7•Sports 6:30 .• , •r:•: ' .....:.:.::.--'..- . •- .... :- ' ':i¾',?.'-::•..".-f-:,'.:<•-•;:::••-,.:,.,•;:•;.:.:;•.:>_':•...-• •.- '-'-J..-J : -•.J•hnDaly--News •'.... -..... •I...... •: .--...- ' :. ..-.ß•' :...... ':;;::•::•',_'.•::,':•.:,'.•,.;:;.?,:-,'•;<,• ß 9•TerryfoonCircus 5•LoonevTunes : .-.-... -. j • • •:ß..-. ,•. ,.- %,/...,-.•,-.,/,-•_:•._ -\ ,,-•: ...";•L½-.•, - : . .•?..r" iJoh-n'- Tillman7:30 I I--KevlnKennedy 7--Filesof JetfryJones 13--Boaf|ng I I--Pafro,ICar ,..-?¾...... - >'ø-' "<:?Z,'2:•:,•'. • ' . -::??:!::-J':i•,• That Tune ;'L• :'-':::•':'x-x. . .x..' •. ;• -' . ..•.•, .... '!.• +•:•. ..ß •"-.. -' ::'.-''-.."<:'37;•.::'>;-,ß. '.•;,>,• •..•-:.-;¾:. ,..•• 'ø!,<•, •....'".. :..... L- .' ß :: 7:15 13--Western ".".::::..'::.,-,•:• .... .•- . ::'. ; "•',<:::,•:X..,',:•:.•;.'..: •' - f-':-'- ..... ?•)•'•'•i':1t-.':.'NatKing Cole •:::,':::::g:.::.-•ß-:.-'-:.-:- ,-<..•. •, ' ß .. '. - '-.' 'i"•.... '.•.<. -• : :'-.:!.'..c•:- ß-.- . ':•x.>A<'u-" >,:-•,:'•'-::?'-;-"-. -,.• ß. '-. ..': [•--Wa fe'rfronf - 2--News 6:45 F.'. ::.>-io'.'.:&. .':':.::i-. •- '"' .::' ' " '- .' :'. •: :--< ' •"::"' ?--Sugarfoot .•:-:-:'.::::.,•.... :'"::. ::-.:::-'.' -'"" .'-'' --:¾Y'<:::i:" . 9--Milllon Dollar Movie 7--,Iohn Daily•News 4•News •.'-'..•::$c•:-'.'::.'.ß '::.::::.'::.:.':'::.'.'..'-'-:-?•:" ...... >.-T-'--:...... :- ::.:. . :.•.ci.' ...... -'..... ,... -'. I I--John Tillman•News (•.•:.':::.::?:i-":'::•ß- !:::!:F'-'.:.?:':':'i:i -:.:i :'.:.<:'•..-:::. !::'.'.-'.'...:::.?:-:-' •-:- ..::..... • ß ':.•..g 'F.'-" I1--1 Search for Adv. :,;i:'::".:•:?.::::.'.:.'ß:. '.:•.'.'.' -. .:.:'."--:"/' ...... ::: '..:.' -..... ß";.'.•::. '" ....-.-...... ,'?-'::-'g - "-'.:..' '":: :' ': •'' ' ..... ' > ...... -::<'.-.'-'-'.+c•. ' ..... ;: •-::". ...-.-.-.. ":: 13--All Star Movie 7:30 7:00 7:45 2--1 Love Lucy 2--7 o'clock Rept. CB• TeleVision's ' The George Burns and Gtaeie Allen •how" 4•NBC News 4•Wagon Train 4--Guy Lombardo begins its eighth consecutive year on the air on Monday, Sept. 30• 8:03 5•Mickey RoDney 5•SherifFof Cochlse maki•g jt the longest tun situation comedy series in television. 2--Phil Silvers 9•Movle 7--Sports On the openin show Burns and Allen poke fun at the-currenl 4•Eddie Fisher 7--Disneyland 9--TarrytownCircus Western era e. PA©ETW,ELVE Th• CHRmINICLF SHerwood 2-7738

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