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Antoinette Girgenti Lane ePub | *DOC | audiobook | ebooks | Download PDF

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#208471 in Audible 2017-04-05Format: UnabridgedOriginal language:EnglishRunning time: 1218 minutes | File size: 65.Mb

Antoinette Girgenti Lane : Guy Williams: The Man Behind the Mask before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Guy Williams: The Man Behind the Mask:

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful. The Guy Williams Life StoryBy David CannadyI never know how much I was affected by the television series. Guy Williams' role as Zorro has affected me some 50 years later and in an attempt to recapture my childhood I have returned to days of old by purchasing the two set, DVD series,toy figure of Zorro and Tornado, and this book about the life of Guy Williams. I enjoyed reading this book as it provided me with insight about Armando Catalano, AKA Zorro/Don Diego de le Vega and his many ups and downs. This book is a must read for anyone who, like I do, subscribes to the fact that Guy Williams is the one and only, the best Zorro of them all.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Well worth the read. Not disappointed!!By CCAs a devout, major child fan, I enjoyed reading the detailed backgroundof his life, family, and the production of Zorro. It was quite lengthly, but worth it. One of our stations now airs reruns. Brings back some nice memories. It's amazing his following all the way to for many years.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I liked it!By Russell SkyGreat interesting book, although I feel the book is a cleaned positively biased version of a mans life.

A massive biography of Zorro and star, Guy Williams. Author Antoinette Girgenti Lane's honest, loving account of Disney's dashing TV star contains the first ever detailed information on the man behind the legend.

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