Mother's Awards at SCSC’S First Juried Pewter Box; and to Janette Mon
THURSDAY, MAY 9; 1968 iSlmtrlrrBtrr Eitratns HmUi Av«rag« Daily Net Press Run For Use WMk Ended The Weather Schuetz Receives Citations May 4, 1966 Pair tonight, low near 60. To- • David ICalausky, son of Mrs. Ostrude Paj^ani of 16 Eldrldge For Bringing Cheer to Vets 15,070 ilanrijpatpr lEupntttg Mpralb morrow fair, high In 70*. St., recently received a certi Manehetter— A City o f VUIage Charm ficate and silver key for solxAd'- During an epidemic at Fort with much pleasure by both the shlp and participation in camp Leavenworth Hospital in Kan patients and the staff.*’ V<H.. Lxxxvn, NO. 188 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) M AN(T1ESTe1i , CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1968 us activities at an Honor Day sas In 1918, Paul Schuetz of 23 The hospital has given him a (dnSilfted Advertlstng on Page 25) PRICE TEN CENTS Oonvocation at Upper Iowa Ool- Summer St. led a 12-man squad pin in honor of the frequent leffe,' Fayette. He has also been of volunteers for six weeks to visits over the past 12 years, he selected for listing in the 1668 help the medical staff. His said. » “3 •* edition of “Who’s Who Among services to military men in Other hosipltals the Schuetxee Students in American Univer hospitals is still strong today; visit include the Newington sities and OoUeges.''^ he is the goodwill ambassador Veterans Home and MaiTcheater of the Manchester Army and Memorial Hospital. Flash Floods , B u i b i i . Miss ' Susan Lee Palmer, Envoys Set Monday Morning Navy (Dlub. He spoke .of some of the ac daughter of Mr.
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