1998 Copmiite is compiled by Tom Sharpe, Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff CF1 3NP (tel 01222 573265, fax 01222 667332, e-mail
[email protected]) and produced by Monica Price, , Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW. It is published three times a year in THE March, lune and November. Any material for inclusion should be sent to Tom Sbrpe by the first of the prenow month, i.e. by lFebruary, 1May or 1Octaber. CURATOIRS Coprolite is sponsored by Burhouse LM of Huddersfield, wholesale distributors of minerals, gemstones, gemstone products and jewellery components. Chairman: John Nudds, The Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL tel0161275 2660, fax 0161 275 2676, e-mail
[email protected] Scretaw: Mandy Edwards, Geology Department, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL tei 0161 275 3825, fax 0161 275 3947, email
[email protected],ac.uk Treasurer/Mernbership Secretaw: Andy Newman, Department of Archaeology, Uni- versity of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU tel/fax 0191 222 7426, e-mail
[email protected] From GCG Chairman This has been a mixed year for GCG. We have had some wonderful successes, but also some disappointments. As GCG Chairman Ihave evolved a double agenda; my first desire is to strengthen the links between GCG and its parent body, the Geological Society, and to this end Iwas delighted when asked in March to sit on a Geological Society Working Party to review Specialist Groups and loint Associations. The outcome of this was very positive with a clear message from the Geol.