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Editorial Each of Us Has a Role @"RoN~c~jBy Kyle Mitchell President, UBC Alumni Association Volume 38, Number3, FALL 1984 The Universityof British Columbia and other institutionsof higher education are going through a very critical period. I have been askedby many graduates what they could do to Contents support the University during this challenging time. 4 Chronicle Honored The degreeof difficulty facing UBC can best be summarizedby two factors: Homecoming '84 For the first time in recent history, 5 MargaretBy Copping UBC's grant from the provincial government has been cut. The 6 Alumni Activities University will have approximately $9 million less than in 1983-84. Since salaries comprise 88.6% of the Student Athletes Strike Gold University's budget, the result is a 7 UBC's contingentat the 1984 SummerOlympics reduction in manystaff positions. brine home a fistfulof medals. 0 Student enrolment is rising. There By Syeve Carnpbell will be a record numberof students Brock Hall to Parliament Hill attending UBC this year. With the reduction in budget and staff, faculties 10 John Turner's former boss takes are imposing more stringent a retrospective look at Canada's new limitations on the numberof students Leader of the Opposition. they admit. Tuition fees have been By Donald Ferguson dramatically increased and for thefirst time in UBC's history, significant Introducing AlumniBranch Reps numbers of students who wantto 4 enrol atUBC will not be allowed the opportunity. Graduation '84 . A Time to Celebrate? The challengefacing our l5 ByKelley lo Burke universities is compoundedby the view of many that the futureof our 20 The $334,000 Challenge! province and countrywill be based on our ability to capitalize on the emerging "information-based Special Aid For Special Ed economy". In order to doso, we must 21 ByAnne Sharp invest in the intellectual resourcesof our country as we have invested in 24 Spotlight resource and other capital segmentsof our economy in the past. UBC has avital role toplay in The Spirit of the 30s ensuring our children and their Bu Sam Roddan children are equipped toface up to the 29 rapidly changing environment in EDITOR M. Anne Sharp which they will live and work.We ASSISTANT EDITORTeny Lavender have an obligationto future LAYOUTDESIGN Blair Pocock, Sommergraphics Ltd. CIRCULATION MANAGER Ann Marantz generations to ensure that solid, COVER DESIGN: Dave Webber The Artist Photo. Walter Martmdole Athletes lnformatmn Bureau. C 0.A useful and challenging educational EDITORIAL COMMIlTEE Bruce Fauman, Chair; Virginia Beirnes, LLB49; Marcia Boyd, "75; programs are available, as those who Doug Davison; Craig Homewood, MSc'83; Peter Jones, BA69; Peter Jones; Mary McKinnon, BA75; went beforeus ensured they were Kyle Mitchell, BCom'65, LLB66; Bel Nemetz, BA35; John Schoutsen,MFA82; Anne Sharp; Robert E. Walker, BCom'47; Nancy Woo, BA69 available when we wanted a higher ADVERTISING REPS: Alumni Media; Vancouver(604) 688-6819; Toronto (416) 781-6957 education. As alumni, we areall very much Published quarterly by the Alumni Association of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, aware of the positiverole a university Canada. The copyright of all contents is registered. BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICES Cecil Green Park, 6251 Cecil Green Park Road, Vancouver,B.C. V6T 1W5, (604)228-3313. education played in our careers and in SUBSCRIPTIONS The Alumni Chronicle is sentto alumni of the university. Subscriptions are available our personal lives.I meet very few at $10 a year in Canada, $15 elsewhere, student subscriptions $2. ADDRESS CHANGES Send new alumni who are not willing to repay a address with old address label if available to UBC Alumni Records, 6251 Cecil Green Park Road, part of the wealthof knowledge and Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5. ADDRESS CORRE-ION REQUESTED If the addressee, or son or daughter who isUBC a graduate understanding they acquired atPoint has moved, please no*UBC Alumni Records so this magazine may be forwarded to the correct Grey, at Fairview or Victoriaat address. College. Postage paid at the Third Class Rate Permit No.4311. RETURN REQUESTED. Member, Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. Indexed in Canadian Education Index ISSN 0041-4999. continued next page ChronidelFalll984 3 Indeed, many want to know what energies, there are always a number of These are but a few ways of they can do tooffer support. In my universityfunds thatwould begrateful for supporting your university. No doubt view there are a numberof things we a contribution. This year, the Alumni many of you will think of others. The can usefully do: Fund is concentrating on student important thingis not what you In our democraticpolitical system, bursaries and scholarships, because decide to do, but that you decideto dc universities will receive the respect we wantto ensure that higher tuition something. they deserve from governments when fees are not an economic barrierto The motto of UBC has always been the legislators come to understand qualified young people. In addition, ’TUUM EST’ - it’s up to you. Now that they are valued highlyby their almost every faculty and school has amore than everis the time for all constituents. Why not let your MP or project or two that requires outside alumni, faculty and students to show MLA know that you consider healthy financial assistance. means. this what 4 universities an essential ingredientof economic vitality. Let your university knowof your prize went to Ron Lightburn,for an support. This can bedone through the Chronicle Honored illustration for Western Living Alumni Association by contacting Magazine. myself at the Associationoffice (228- And while we‘re blowing our own 3313). Or you may preferto call the horn. Virginia Carter Smith, vice- Dean of your faculty or the headof president of the Councilfor your school or department to ask Advancement and Supportof whether thereis something of value Education had thisto say about the you could do to assist. Chronicle at the annual conference of 0 Become active. There are many Canadian alumni administrators: groups of alumni who, in a variety of ”The UBC Chronicle definitely rates ways, assist the University. Perhaps as oneof Canada’s best alumni your own areaof expertise maybe of On June25 the Chronicle was periodicals. From itslively covers real benefit toone of these groups.To honored as afinalist in the graphic through news items and majorarticle find out about the volunteer illustration categoryof the Western to classnotes, the magazineis highly opportunities available atUBC, please Magazine Awards. Chronicle cover professional. I often intend only to contact our Executive Director, Peter artist DaveWebber placed third with scan it but end upby reading several Jones, atCecil Green Park, 228-3313. his illustrationof a golfingKarl Mam articles all the way through.” 0 Finally, for those who findit for the story “A Back to School difficult to giveof their time and Primer”, in the Winter’83 issue. First ”Anne Shar THE VI4NCOUVER IN STITUTE 1984 FALL PROGRAM OF LECTURES LecturesSaturday Octoberwillplace take 6 November3 nights at 8:15 p.m. in Lecture Hall Professor Peter A. Larkin Professor Zenon Pylyshyn 2, Woodward Building, UBC, Institute of Animal Resource Director, Centre for Cognitive beginning September 15. Ecology, University of British Science, University of Western Columbia Ontario Admission is Free How Salmon Find Their WayHome Artificial lntelligence and October 13 October Mind the Human Dr. A.R. Dobell November 10 September 15 Professor Hideo Tanaka President, Institute for Professor Research on Public Policy, Faculty of Law, Catharine A. MacKinnon Ottawa Faculty of Law University of Tokyo Economics and Politics in The Role of Law in japan: University of Minnesota Comparisons with the West British Columbia Pornography October 20 November 17 September 22 Dr. Howard H. Hiatt Dr. Gold,PhilO.C. The Honorable Madame Justice Dean of the Schoolof Public Professor of Medicine, McGill Bertha Wilson Health, Harvard Supreme Courtof Canada Physician-in-Chief Misplaced Priorities:Misplaced HospitalGeneralMontreal Children: Human Costs of the Arms Race The Cloud of Cancer with the Ever The Casultiesof a Failed Marriage October 27 lncreasing Silver Lining September 29 Professor Alexander P.
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