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1 J.,.. *,■ yt ..:, ■ i»i.*^--^,—5,-^--* ■A- A WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1966 Avenge Daily Net Prsse Ron The Weather tWlfiNTY-FOUE For tha Waak-Eeiae . Foraoaat of U. R. Weatbar Bnraae jianrlr^Btfr ^n^ttfttg ll^raUt Aernss,ises Fair and not so ooU tonight. L ow 42-60. Friday variable ckMidi- The LttUe Flower df Jesus 13,974 The Harttord-eprlngfiekl Ahim- neM and sunshine with mlM tem nae Chib o f the Katharine Olbbe Mothers Ctrole wliU meet Friday Scudieri^ Monkey Architects vaftlM A ndtl About Town School will hold Its annual meet- -at-8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. 1 a f ChMHiatlaa peratures, High bi' the upper 70s. ins: May 26 at 1 pm . at OarvlUe'a Frank Morlarty, 31 Gardner St. Manchester-^A Ciiy of Village Charm Ouy J. Kwohiao, 45 H«]alne Rd., Mrs. James Grassl wlU be co- la a dilBintt to the alxtti annual Restaurant, Wilson, tor luncheon For Robertson School Wing and election o f officers. Hflas Marie hostess. ognfartnoe of the National Braille (OlanaUled Advertising sa Page M) Cli<> in Waahlngton, D. C., which Fish, 21 Wheeler Rd., Avon, may VOL. LXXXni NO. 128 (TWBNTT-IIOHT PAGES—IN TWO SBCnONB) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 16,1963 PRICE SEVEN CENTB be contacted for reservations. St. b ra n d ’s Mother Circle will The Manchester arohltecltural^iawards for design from the Beaux anla today. Idaxchlalo ia one of meet tomorrow at 8:l5 pm. at ,the firm of ScucHerl and Mankey haa Arts institute o i Derign In New the aiaa volunteers who transcribe home of Mrs. Charles Johnston, 99 been appointed by General Mana York and a University of Penn feito braille tor btttid stu- The Laches Auxiliary of the Italian American Club will meet Constance Dr, Mrs. Edward Ward ger Richard Martin as architect sylvania silver medal tor excel tonight at 7:30 at the clubhouse. will be oo-hostess. for the proposed $600,000 addition lence In design. StateNews to Robertson School. Scudieri said tqday he plana The last meeting of the Thurs Scudieri and Mankey designed resign from the Republican Toi\yn Duvalier Says day Dessert series will be held to Italian Society the nearly omnpleted addlticn to Committee and from the Capttol morrow at the YWCA, 79 N. Main Center School hi EUington, a $300,- Region Planning Agency, to^^ch OPEN 7 DAPS Roundup 000 project. he was appointed last iMnth, to 11 MAPLE ST. Well, WANTED! St. Dessert and cottee will be To Dine .Sunday served at 12:30 p.m. James T. Pas- In Manchester, the firm associ avoid any posalMe oonO^otit of in- Aorosi Frcmt First Nattoiud Clean, Late Model coe of Warehouse Point will speak ated with Arnold Lawrence in de Parking Lot at 1. His topic will be “Old and The MagHanese Sabina Society signing WesthUl Geirdens, the $1,- The finn ia reghrtdtod with the COIN OPERATED He Won’t Flee U.S. Fund Empty, New Home Decorations.” He ia an will hold its 29th annual banquet 350,000 housing project for the el National Council / of Architec WASH-’N-DBV CLEAN USED CARS interior decoTUtor and was former Sunday at 1 p.m. at Rosemont derly off W. Center St.; and de tural Registratton Boards to do 16-Lb. Wash—26e Idle Pay Delay^ ly employed at Watkins Bros. Restaurant, Bolton. Tony O’Bright signed the $180,000 Trinity Oove- work In Connecticut, Massachu 8-Lb. Dry Geaii—|2 PORT AU PRINCE, Haitifto “conWbuta” to halp dafray ax TOP PRICES PAID Baby-sitting service will be avail and his orchestra will furnish mu nmit Church off Hackmatack St.; setts, New /Y ork, Mahie and peneee of the inaugural eelebra- f r e e MOra PROOFING (AP)— Haiti’s DicUtor-Pres- able. sic for dancing from 4:30 to 8:30 and the $70,000 K of C Home on Rhode Island. ttpn. HARTFORD (AP)— About Main St. The firm has designed 13 Scudieri and Mankey has de- Ident Francois Duvalier in p.m. Pai Doc," as ho ia known to 800 will have to wait for un Baihara Keish, 307 Gardner St„ Tickets may be obtained from country clubs in Connecticut, Mas slgned/ six church projects, six sists he will remain in office the NSgro Haitians, may sur Carter employment checks through will model In a statewide 4-H the following committee members: sachusetts and Maine, making It Instito’Uo®*! projects, 14 commer- despite reports abroad that vive that day, too, but foreign ob CHEVROLET CO., INC. Clothing Revme at the University Pete Urbanetti, chairman! Wil the leading country <^ub designer ciaLbuHdinga and has worked on servers Haiti’s trpublae give out Connecticut because the he is planning to flee his re of la n Main St. Blanoheater of Coimecticut Friday and Satur liam Pagani, Romolo Paganl, Vin in the Blast. ^Igns tor three fraternal organ- him' no more than another year funds are exhausted for ex- bellion-threatened country. day. cent Genovesi, Vincent Borello, The Robertson addition will. in- 'izaMane and 14 residential homes. at the helm o f ^his im poverlahed, servicemen and ex - federal Eddy Says Amerigo Ag:ostinelli and Frank (dude regular classrooms, a Iftb u iion i “Haiti will continue under my fear-ridden little nation. Carrier Stands By Marinelll. kindergarten, an .auditorium-gym administration,'’ Duvalier told Clement Barbot, once Duvaller's employes for the first time The committee will meet to nasium, a kitchen and cafeteria, Youth Arrested American correspondents sum right-hand man, haa sworn to kill since the program started in night at 8 at the Italian Amer an administrative suite and gen moned to his palace Wednesday In his former chief and la at large 1968. Zeller List ican Club. eral offices, rooms for he^dith serv CANDY an apparent effort to scotch re somewhere in Haiti with a band This apecial fund is administer After Outburst ports he Intended to flee. of underground fighters. For 7:23 Recovery ices, a library, and improvements ed by the federal government with Every Book Must G o to the site, faoUitiee, heating and By showing himself imaoathed, Haitian exiles abroad have been the state’s Division of Employ Advertisement— ventilation. A Coventry youth, asked to Duvalier, 68, acored a vlotmy over repmtod plarnilng Invasimu of the ment Security, Department of La Incomplete produce credentials to verify his KITCHEN enemies who had sworn to kill country. bor, as agent. Ehcperlenced administration Is The firm, with offices at 627 CAPE CANAVERAL, Pla. (AP)—Astronaut Goi’don age at the Six and Forty-four him rather than let him begin a The other nations of the hemis NOW 30% OFF yours. The estate administration Main St., Includes Ralph Scudieri, m a k e r s o f f i n e O A N M E e new presidential term. Joseph J. Gibbons, executive di HARTFORD (AP)— Rep Cooper, a superbly performing space pilot, sped on toward 866 Center St., and Richard Man- Package Store last evening, broke phere are solidly opposed to his dept, at Connecticut Bank & Trust diotatorship though aa yet they rector o| the divlBion, said today HARD BACK CHILDREN’S «IFT BOOKS, key of Glastonbury. Into profanity and was arrested Duvalier’e oonstltutlonal term of his department was notified by Nicholas Eddy says almost completion of his marathon 22-orbit flight today, heading for Co. can help you find the jyrac- Famout for Old office expired Wednesday, but he have not been able to agree on COOK BOOKS, REFERENCE, PAPER BACK tical and legal answers to your Soudlerh a Manchester i^ative, bn complaint of the store’s owner. telegram April 29 that ftmda were $340,000 in commissions paid an afternoon splashdown in the Pacific Ocean, was graduated from Manchester Fashioned Goodness declared himself re-elected for six any action against, bim. family objectives and estate plan Robert H. Prlnz, 21, of Flanders Despite the opposition, Duvalier low and would probably run out by on stote-purchased insurance With astronaut and spacecraft in excellent working order. High School in 1943 and from the Rd., Coventry, was charged with more yearn after a rigged ballot May 8. Actually, the funds here DEWEY-RICHMAN CO. ning. By naming the Coimecticut toro years ago. exuded self-confidence as he ap policies may be unaccounted Mercury Control Center flashed the good word to Cooper dur Bank & Trust Oo. as executor of Unlvetelty of Pennsylvania In 1951 breach of the peace by Trooper 2 STOKES TO SERVE YOU! plied for better relations with lasted through last week but pay for in data provided Monday ^ JUST SOUTH OF STATE THEATER your estate you can be sure of with a bachelor of architecture William R. Zlgmund of the Col Duvaller’a reglma {riana a ments have been suspended this ing his 16th orbit that he had the green light fo go all the Bplum for Ms inauguration May tile United States but made plain by a former Republican state dependable and economical hand (Jegree, He Ivas first in his class chester troop. He will appear In MANCHESTER he would not tolerate outside in week. way. ling. at college the Manchester session of Circuit 22. HiUtians throughout the ooun- Gibbons estimates toe amount comptroller. SHOPPING PARKADE tryalde are being herded Into terference in his rule. If there is no emergency hitch, the reverse rockets on Mankey earned a B.S. degree Court 12 on Jime 3. Duvalier assailed the “ehort- usually paid out totals about $10,- Biddy, legal counsel to the Re In industrial engineering from Harry T.