Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity Day What content is covered? Teresianum (Rome) and a Masters in Spiritual Theology from the Institut 15th of October - 2016 The lectures during this day with her will Catholique de Toulouse (). He is focus on four key areas: currently completing his PhD in Spiritual Spending a day with Saint Elisabeth of Theology at the Angelicum (Rome) with the Trinity learning to discover her 1. Knowing her life Monsignor François-Marie Léthel. writings, doctrine and spirituality. 2. An introduction to her writings How much will the day cost? On the 16th of October will Canonise Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity. 3. An introduction to her doctrine The cost for the day is £25. As the venue has limited capacity and we expect demand to be very high, participants will Who is Elisabeth of the Trinity? 4. Discovering and praying her need to register and pay a deposit of £10 "Prayer to the Trinity in advance with any remaining balance Elisabeth of the Trinity was a French to be paid on the day. Carmelite . She was born is 1880 in Where and when does the course Bourges, France, entered the Carmelite take place? Monastery of at the age of 21, and How do I sign up for the day? lived for only more 5 years. She died at The course will take place at St Mary of Participants will need to register to the age of 26 on the 9th of November the Angels, Moorhouse Road, Bayswater, attend the course and pay a £10 deposit. 1906. London, W2 5DJ on the 15th of October 2016 from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. She is less well known than her other In order to register, please either: French sister, St Therese of the Child Who will lead the day? Jesus, but she too deserves to be known - Email [email protected] for her life and message to the world. with your name and contact details and The day will be lead by Jean Khoury, a She is more discrete and her message is we will be in touch with details of how to full-time theologian who has studied and mainly on interiority. Her doctrine is very pay the deposit by bank transfer taught Spiritual Life in the Church for rich and deserves to be discovered. over 20 years. As well as lecturing world-wide on spiritual life and OR She stated: "I think that in Heaven my meditation, Jean is the author of several mission will be to draw souls by helping books, articles and studies on spiritual - Complete the booking form overleaf them to go out of themselves in order to life and the founder of the School of and send it along with a cheque for £25 cling to by a wholly simple and Mary, a 3 level formation in spiritual life payable to Jean Khoury to loving movement, and to keep them in this great silence within which will allow ( The School of School of Mary, Flat 1- Birch God to communicate Himself to them Mary constitutes his sole source of Court, 29 St Mildred's Rd, and to transform them into Himself" income. SE12 0RD

Jean obtained a degree in Philosophy from the Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France), a Licence in Theology from the BOOKING FORM If you have any questions, please email us on [email protected] or The School of Mary London phone Rufaro at: 07940 904834 and we presents: A day with St Elisabeth of the Trinity will be happy to respond.

London 2016 For more on the School of Mary, please see: A day with Name ………………………………..……… Elizabeth of the Trinity Address …………………………………… - Jean Khoury, Lectio Divina, Spiritual ……………………………………………… Reading of the Bible, CTS London, 2006.

…………………………………………… - Jean Khoury, Praying with the Heart, the little way to Jesus, Angelico Press, Phone ……………………………………… 2015.

Email ……………………………………… Elisabeth of the Trinity

Please confirm amount paid and method of payment. - Elizabeth of the Trinity. Complete Works. 2 vol. Trans. Alethia Kane and Anne Englund Nash. Washington, DC: ICS Publications, 1984, 1995. Deposit Paid: …………

Full Amount: ………… - The Spiritual Doctrine Of Sister Method of Payment: Elizabeth Of The Trinity, M. M. Philipon OP. Cheque Bank Transfer London

th 15 October 2016 Date ……/……/…………… St Mary of the Angels Bayswater Signature ………………………………