Mike Carlton | 656 pages | 01 Apr 2017 | Random House Australia | 9780857987778 | English | North Sydney, Australia Flagship: The Cruiser HMAS Australia II and the Pacific War on Japan by Mike Carlton

Many Australian servicemen resented the Yanks and their magnetic attraction for the local girls. The so-called Battle of Brisbane in was two days and nights of out-of-control brawling and rioting, with the Americans on one side and the Australians on the other. One Australian was killed, and dozens of other men were wounded. The whole affair was heavily censored. In March , the ship was stunned by a murder. One night at sea a sailor, Stoker Riley, was found stabbed and bleeding to death on the fo'c's'le. Before he died, he named his two attackers, fellow stokers Gordon and Elias. They'd tried to kill him, he said, because he'd threatened to expose their homosexual activities in the ship. At a hastily arranged court martial, Gordon and Elias were found guilty and sentenced to death under British Admiralty law. That provoked a major constitutional row, because the death penalty did not apply in Australia. Eventually they were reprieved. She was heavily attacked and bombed from the air but, with brilliant ship-handling, escaped unscathed. That luck did not last. Australia was struck by a bomber, killing her captain and 28 other men. The next year, , she was hit again and again, by no fewer than four kamikaze planes on four successive days, with another 44 men killed. She was, in fact, attacked by more kamikaze aircraft than any other allied ship in WWII. That ended her war. She retired gracefully, laden with battle honours, and was scrapped in — the last of her name, for the navy no longer uses Australia for its ships. Mike Carlton. In a working life of more than 50 years, Mike Carlton became one of Australia's best-known media figures. He has been a radio and television news and current affairs reporter, foreign correspondent, radio host and newspaper columnist. In Mike turned to talk radio, first at Sydney's 2GB with a top-rating breakfast program, and then for four years in London at Newstalk Mike has had a life-long passion for naval history and is the author of Cruiser, First Victory and Flagship. Author and broadcaster Mike Carlton has a lifelong commitment to Australian naval history. Flagship is his third book in a magnificent four-part series Meticulously researched, finely written and well-structured Carefully placed in historical context by Carlton, our naval exploits during World War II are intertwined with fascinating individual life stories Carlton also deals in sensitive detail with a number of Japanese admirals and commanders, as well as their crew and families. Mike Carlton is now distinguished by his own efforts with the pen as an able chronicler of the Carlton moves briskly and purposefully, with a clear determination to tell not only the story of Australia and her sister ships, but of the RAN at that point in our military history when imperial reliance upon Britain evolved into the challenge of alliance with the emerging power of the United States. What accounts for this national amnesia? It may owe much to the lack, until now, of one good book which is available and easily read by any who wish to learn what happened to Australian sailors at war in the Pacific. Flagship is the book every school could use for this purpose. Breathtaking Australian naval histories told by journalist Mike Carlton. Sort order. Jan 11, Jean rated it really liked it Shelves: history , military-history , non- fiction , world-war-ii. Australia I fought bravely in World War I. The 75th anniversary of the Battle of the , when many believe the Japanese advance was first halted, is approaching. Navy squadrons to block the Jomard Passage to the Japanese. Under heavy attack, they fought and survived and successfully blocked the Japanese from a seaborne invasion of the Port Moresby. Later it was reported the sinking of the Canberra was caused by torpedoes from a U. Navy Ship. The author also tells about the daily life of a sailor aboard the Australia II. The book is well written and meticulously researched. I enjoyed the maps, photographs and other illustrations. The book is pages. View all 3 comments. Mar 11, A Reader's Heaven rated it really liked it Shelves: australian , history , net-galley , non-fiction , war. I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. She retired gracefully, laden with battle honours, and was scrapped in - the last of her name, for the navy no longer uses Australia for its ships. I guess you could call this a biography of a cruiser. The story is summed up in the blurb above so I will just make some other observations about this book. What can you say about the research into this book? High-class would be the best way to describe it. I would hate to guess how long the author spent getting all the minute details that make this book such a stunning story. From what I understand, not only did he get his research from the Australian archives, but also from the British and US Navy as well. Also, the writing was crisp and clean - sometimes when I read books like these, they come across more like textbooks for history classes, but this one read very well and kept the interest right up until the ship was scrapped. So much detail and history, but told in such a way that kept me happily reading. My only complaint? The post-war part of the story went just a bit too long for my liking. But, then, that could just be me. If you have an interest in the Australian Navy, WW2 or Australian history in general, then this book is a definite recommendation. Paul ARH May 16, Nick rated it really liked it Shelves: military , australian , history. This was a failure. During the sea and amphibious battles of the Philippines, the Australia was attacked no less than five times by Kamikaze squadrons at Leyte Gulf and Lingayen Gulf, with great loss of life. Carlton contests the first plane to hit the Australia on 21 Oct was not a Kamikaze attack, as has been argued in the past. The other four attacks in early January were. On numerous occasions Carlton describes war at sea as the mentally and physically exhausting and destructive form of combat that it must be. There is a large cast of naval characters, from admirals to the newest rating, and Mike Carlton gives these people personalities that we become quite attached to. This is not dry history from a textbook, rather it is history that has been written to be read and understood. Oct 01, Michael rated it really liked it. A good book. Very readable. I also enjoy with this author's naval books the personal details he gives of members of the ships' companies. May 15, Joel rated it it was amazing. A hard read, but quit good. Has some good technical detail for a person interested in navel engineering. Should get 6 stars. Steven Ashworth rated it it was amazing Jan 11, William Hoskin rated it really liked it Mar 13, Roger Guley rated it really liked it Apr 16, James Yong rated it it was amazing Mar 07, Liz Parker rated it it was amazing Dec 28, Larry Terrance rated it it was amazing Nov 24, David rated it it was amazing Feb 04, Nick Thorne rated it it was amazing Oct 22, Lachlan Murray rated it liked it Jan 11, John rated it it was amazing Feb 07, Mike Bowtell rated it it was amazing Sep 08, Crispy rated it liked it Aug 27, Matthew rated it it was amazing Apr 28, Pat Fallon rated it it was amazing Oct 24, KothuKha Kha rated it it was amazing Mar 01, Ian Harrod rated it it was amazing Oct 31, Andy rated it really liked it Jul 06, Ben Koster rated it it was amazing Feb 22, Flagship:The Cruiser HMAS Australia II | Boat Books Australia To ask other readers questions about Flagship , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jan 11, Jean rated it really liked it Shelves: history , military-history , non-fiction , world-war-ii. Australia I fought bravely in World War I. The 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea, when many believe the Japanese advance was first halted, is approaching. Navy squadrons to block the Jomard Passage to the Japanese. Under heavy attack, they fought and survived and successfully blocked the Japanese from a seaborne invasion of the Port Moresby. Later it was reported the sinking of the Canberra was caused by torpedoes from a U. Navy Ship. The author also tells about the daily life of a sailor aboard the Australia II. The book is well written and meticulously researched. I enjoyed the maps, photographs and other illustrations. The book is pages. View all 3 comments. Mar 11, A Reader's Heaven rated it really liked it Shelves: australian , history , net-galley , non-fiction , war. I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. She retired gracefully, laden with battle honours, and was scrapped in - the last of her name, for the navy no longer uses Australia for its ships. I guess you could call this a biography of a cruiser. The story is summed up in the blurb above so I will just make some other observations about this book. What can you say about the research into this book? High-class would be the best way to describe it. I would hate to guess how long the author spent getting all the minute details that make this book such a stunning story. From what I understand, not only did he get his research from the Australian archives, but also from the British and US Navy as well. Also, the writing was crisp and clean - sometimes when I read books like these, they come across more like textbooks for history classes, but this one read very well and kept the interest right up until the ship was scrapped. So much detail and history, but told in such a way that kept me happily reading. My only complaint? The post-war part of the story went just a bit too long for my liking. But, then, that could just be me. If you have an interest in the Australian Navy, WW2 or Australian history in general, then this book is a definite recommendation. Paul ARH May 16, Nick rated it really liked it Shelves: military , australian , history. This was a failure. During the sea and amphibious battles of the Philippines, the Australia was attacked no less than five times by Kamikaze squadrons at Leyte Gulf and Lingayen Gulf, with great loss of life. Carlton contests the first plane to hit the Australia on 21 Oct was not a Kamikaze attack, as has been argued in the past. The other four attacks in early January were. It was a day of national mourning when they blew the bottom out of her; she went to her sea grave smothered in flowers and wreaths sent from around the country. During the Depression of the early 30s the navy virtually rotted on the beach — until the world so belatedly awoke to the menace of Hitler's Germany. She patrolled the North Atlantic on the lookout for German battleships and — in a feat of amazing seamanship — rescued the crew of a downed RAF Coastal Command aircraft in the teeth of an Atlantic gale. She was later bombed by the Luftwaffe in Liverpool. Australia returned home to join the war against the Japanese, as the flagship of the RAN. Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane were flooded with Americans 'overpaid, oversexed and over here'. Many Australian servicemen resented the Yanks and their magnetic attraction for the local girls. The so-called Battle of Brisbane in was two days and nights of out-of-control brawling and rioting, with the Americans on one side and the Australians on the other. One Australian was killed, and dozens of other men were wounded. The whole affair was heavily censored. At a hastily arranged court martial, Gordon and Elias were found guilty and sentenced to death under British Admiralty law. That provoked a major constitutional row, because the death penalty did not apply in Australia. Eventually they were reprieved. She was heavily attacked and bombed from the air but, with brilliant ship-handling, escaped unscathed. That luck did not last. Australia was struck by a kamikaze bomber, killing her captain and 28 other men. The next year, , she was hit again and again, by no fewer than four kamikaze planes on four s. Enter your Postcode or Suburb to view availability and delivery times. Contact 07 online qbd. The RRP set by overseas publishers may vary to those set by local publishers due to exchange rates and shipping costs. Flagship: The Cruiser HMAS Australia II and the Pacific War on Japan - Mike Carlton - Google книги

At a hastily arranged court martial, the two men were found guilty and sentenced to death under British Admiralty law. She was heavily attacked and bombed from the air but, with brilliant ship-handling, escaped unscathed. She was struck by a kamikaze bomber, killing her captain and 28 other men. The next year, she was hit by no fewer than four kamikaze planes on four successive days. She was, in fact, attacked by more kamikaze aircraft than any other Allied ship in the war, and in the end this finished her war. She retired gracefully, laden with battle honours, and was scrapped in — the last of her name, for the navy no longer uses Australia for its ships. In this riveting book, with his inimitable panache and flawless research Mike Carlton tells the story of Australia , which encompasses the era's fascinating naval and social history. Get A Copy. Hardcover , pages. Published July 28th by William Heinemann Australia. More Details Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Flagship , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jan 11, Jean rated it really liked it Shelves: history , military-history , non-fiction , world-war-ii. Australia I fought bravely in World War I. The 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea, when many believe the Japanese advance was first halted, is approaching. Navy squadrons to block the Jomard Passage to the Japanese. Under heavy attack, they fought and survived and successfully blocked the Japanese from a seaborne invasion of the Port Moresby. Later it was reported the sinking of the Canberra was caused by torpedoes from a U. Navy Ship. The author also tells about the daily life of a sailor aboard the Australia II. The book is well written and meticulously researched. I enjoyed the maps, photographs and other illustrations. The book is pages. View all 3 comments. Mar 11, A Reader's Heaven rated it really liked it Shelves: australian , history , net-galley , non-fiction , war. I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. She retired gracefully, laden with battle honours, and was scrapped in - the last of her name, for the navy no longer uses Australia for its ships. I guess you could call this a biography of a cruiser. The story is summed up in the blurb above so I will just make some other observations about this book. What can you say about the research into this book? High-class would be the best way to describe it. I would hate to guess how long the author spent getting all the minute details that make this book such a stunning story. From what I understand, not only did he get his research from the Australian archives, but also from the British and US Navy as well. Also, the writing was crisp and clean - sometimes when I read books like these, they come across more like textbooks for history classes, but this one read very well and kept the interest right up until the ship was scrapped. So much detail and history, but told in such a way that kept me happily reading. My only complaint? The post-war part of the story went just a bit too long for my liking. But, then, that could just be me. If you have an interest in the Australian Navy, WW2 or Australian history in general, then this book is a definite recommendation. Paul ARH May 16, Nick rated it really liked it Shelves: military , australian , history. This was a failure. During the sea and amphibious battles of the Philippines, the Australia was attacked no less than five times by Kamikaze squadrons at Leyte Gulf and Lingayen Gulf, with great loss of life. Carlton contests the first plane to hit the Australia on 21 Oct was not a Kamikaze attack, as has been argued in the past. The other four attacks in early January were. On numerous occasions Carlton describes war at sea as the mentally and physically exhausting and destructive form of combat that it must be. There is a large cast of naval characters, from admirals to the newest rating, and Mike Carlton gives these people personalities that we become quite attached to. This is not dry history from a textbook, rather it is history that has been written to be read and understood. Oct 01, Michael rated it really liked it. A good book. Very readable. I also enjoy with this author's naval books the personal details he gives of members of the ships' companies. That ended her war. She retired gracefully, laden with battle honours, and was scrapped in — the last of her name, for the navy no longer uses Australia for its ships. Mike Carlton. In a working life of more than 50 years, Mike Carlton became one of Australia's best-known media figures. He has been a radio and television news and current affairs reporter, foreign correspondent, radio host and newspaper columnist. In Mike turned to talk radio, first at Sydney's 2GB with a top-rating breakfast program, and then for four years in London at Newstalk Mike has had a life-long passion for naval history and is the author of Cruiser, First Victory and Flagship. Author and broadcaster Mike Carlton has a lifelong commitment to Australian naval history. Flagship is his third book in a magnificent four-part series Meticulously researched, finely written and well-structured Carefully placed in historical context by Carlton, our naval exploits during World War II are intertwined with fascinating individual life stories Carlton also deals in sensitive detail with a number of Japanese admirals and commanders, as well as their crew and families. Mike Carlton is now distinguished by his own efforts with the pen as an able chronicler of the Royal Australian Navy Carlton moves briskly and purposefully, with a clear determination to tell not only the story of Australia and her sister ships, but of the RAN at that point in our military history when imperial reliance upon Britain evolved into the challenge of alliance with the emerging power of the United States. What accounts for this national amnesia? It may owe much to the lack, until now, of one good book which is available and easily read by any who wish to learn what happened to Australian sailors at war in the Pacific. Flagship is the book every school could use for this purpose. Breathtaking Australian naval histories told by journalist Mike Carlton. Search books and authors. Buy from…. View all online retailers Find local retailers. About the author Mike Carlton In a working life of more than 50 years, Mike Carlton became one of Australia's best-known media figures. Also by Mike Carlton. Praise for Flagship. Ross Fitzgerald, Australian Mike Carlton is now distinguished by his own efforts with the pen as an able chronicler of the Royal Australian Navy Australian Naval Institute. Discover more. Death from above. The last of her kind. Book List. Floating past. Related titles. The Battle of The Nile. The Silent Deep.

Flagship by Mike Carlton - Penguin Books Australia

The author also tells about the daily life of a sailor aboard the Australia II. The book is well written and meticulously researched. I enjoyed the maps, photographs and other illustrations. The book is pages. View all 3 comments. Mar 11, A Reader's Heaven rated it really liked it Shelves: australian , history , net-galley , non-fiction , war. I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. She retired gracefully, laden with battle honours, and was scrapped in - the last of her name, for the navy no longer uses Australia for its ships. I guess you could call this a biography of a cruiser. The story is summed up in the blurb above so I will just make some other observations about this book. What can you say about the research into this book? High-class would be the best way to describe it. I would hate to guess how long the author spent getting all the minute details that make this book such a stunning story. From what I understand, not only did he get his research from the Australian archives, but also from the British and US Navy as well. Also, the writing was crisp and clean - sometimes when I read books like these, they come across more like textbooks for history classes, but this one read very well and kept the interest right up until the ship was scrapped. So much detail and history, but told in such a way that kept me happily reading. My only complaint? The post-war part of the story went just a bit too long for my liking. But, then, that could just be me. If you have an interest in the Australian Navy, WW2 or Australian history in general, then this book is a definite recommendation. Paul ARH May 16, Nick rated it really liked it Shelves: military , australian , history. This was a failure. During the sea and amphibious battles of the Philippines, the Australia was attacked no less than five times by Kamikaze squadrons at Leyte Gulf and Lingayen Gulf, with great loss of life. Carlton contests the first plane to hit the Australia on 21 Oct was not a Kamikaze attack, as has been argued in the past. The other four attacks in early January were. On numerous occasions Carlton describes war at sea as the mentally and physically exhausting and destructive form of combat that it must be. There is a large cast of naval characters, from admirals to the newest rating, and Mike Carlton gives these people personalities that we become quite attached to. This is not dry history from a textbook, rather it is history that has been written to be read and understood. Oct 01, Michael rated it really liked it. A good book. Very readable. I also enjoy with this author's naval books the personal details he gives of members of the ships' companies. May 15, Joel rated it it was amazing. A hard read, but quit good. Has some good technical detail for a person interested in navel engineering. Should get 6 stars. Steven Ashworth rated it it was amazing Jan 11, William Hoskin rated it really liked it Mar 13, Roger Guley rated it really liked it Apr 16, James Yong rated it it was amazing Mar 07, Liz Parker rated it it was amazing Dec 28, That luck did not last. Australia was struck by a kamikaze bomber, killing her captain and 28 other men. The next year, , she was hit again and again, by no fewer than four kamikaze planes on four successive days, with another 44 men killed. She was, in fact, attacked by more kamikaze aircraft than any other allied ship in WWII. That ended her war. She retired gracefully, laden with battle honours, and was scrapped in — the last of her name, for the navy no longer uses Australia for its ships. Mike Carlton. In a working life of more than 50 years, Mike Carlton became one of Australia's best-known media figures. He has been a radio and television news and current affairs reporter, foreign correspondent, radio host and newspaper columnist. In Mike turned to talk radio, first at Sydney's 2GB with a top-rating breakfast program, and then for four years in London at Newstalk Mike has had a life-long passion for naval history and is the author of Cruiser, First Victory and Flagship. Author and broadcaster Mike Carlton has a lifelong commitment to Australian naval history. Flagship is his third book in a magnificent four-part series Meticulously researched, finely written and well-structured Carefully placed in historical context by Carlton, our naval exploits during World War II are intertwined with fascinating individual life stories Carlton also deals in sensitive detail with a number of Japanese admirals and commanders, as well as their crew and families. Mike Carlton is now distinguished by his own efforts with the pen as an able chronicler of the Royal Australian Navy Carlton moves briskly and purposefully, with a clear determination to tell not only the story of Australia and her sister ships, but of the RAN at that point in our military history when imperial reliance upon Britain evolved into the challenge of alliance with the emerging power of the United States. What accounts for this national amnesia? It may owe much to the lack, until now, of one good book which is available and easily read by any who wish to learn what happened to Australian sailors at war in the Pacific. Flagship is the book every school could use for this purpose. Breathtaking Australian naval histories told by journalist Mike Carlton. The so-called Battle of Brisbane in was two days and nights of out-of-control brawling and rioting, with the Americans on one side and the Australians on the other. One Australian was killed, and dozens of other men were wounded. The whole affair was heavily censored. In March , the ship was stunned by a murder. One night at sea a sailor, Stoker Riley, was found stabbed and bleeding to death on the fo'c's'le. Before he died, he named his two attackers, fellow stokers Gordon and Elias. They'd tried to kill him, he said, because he'd threatened to expose their homosexual activities in the ship. At a hastily arranged court martial, Gordon and Elias were found guilty and sentenced to death under British Admiralty law. That provoked a major constitutional row, because the death penalty did not apply in Australia. Eventually they were reprieved.

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