1. Introduce yourselves. Read Matthew 7:1-6 aloud. How does this passage connect with :5 and :12? In what ways have you caught yourself moving toward judging others instead of loving others? ***Keep in mind the definition of “judge” as uses it here in Matthew 7:1*** ______

2. It can be difficult to discern the exact moment we begin to judge someone versus exercising wise discernment, which the also commands us to do. Read these passages aloud and discuss how they help us understand what Jesus is saying in this week’s passage. It might be helpful to divide the passages up and have everyone read one passage and try to summarize it in their own words. a. Matthew 7:15-20, especially v. 20. b. 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 c. James 4:11-12 ______

1 3. Read the passages below aloud as a group. What do all these passages below have in common with one another? How do they practically relate to our passage today? a. 2 Samuel 12:1-15 b. :6-13 c. John 8:1-11, especially v. 7 ______

4. Read Matthew 7:1-6 again as a group. How are verses 2 and 5 connected? Is verse 2 good news for you? Bad news? Why? ______

5. Read Matthew 7:6. Also, read the passages below aloud and discuss how they help us understand what Jesus is saying in today’s passage. What is Jesus saying about who we should seek to judge (in the sense of loving discernment and correction, not condemnation)? On a scale of 1-10, how open are you right now to receiving loving correction from a fellow Christ-follower? a. :45-46 b. Proverbs 9:7-10 c. Philippians 3:2 d. Revelation 22:12-15, especially v. 15 ______


• Read the on the Mount each week this summer. • Read the in one sitting each week this summer. • One of the major themes of the Sermon on the Mount is integrity – being the same person on the inside and the outside. How does today’s passage exemplify that theme? • Consider these practical ways we often break the command of Jesus from Matthew 7:1. What other ways come to mind? o We break this command when we… § Think the worst of others § Only speak to others about their faults § Judge an entire life by only its worse moments § Judge the hidden motives of others § Judge others without considering ourselves in their same circumstances § Judge others without being mindful that we ourselves will be judged1 • Pray for God to work on developing a heart of obedience in you this week.


• Start with the text • Expand to the context • SOAP first: • Dictionaries, commentaries, articles, podcasts, etc., second


• Bible: ESV Study Bible. A solid translation and a great study Bible. • Read from multiple translations • How to Read the Bible For All its Worth by Fee and Stuart • The Bible Knowledge Commentary (both and Old and editions) by Walvoord and Zuck • Sonic Light - Concise commentaries for each book of the Bible: • Blue Letter Bible - search a word or a passage, turn on “Strong’s” in the tool bar.

1 This list of practical ways we break the Matthew 7:1 command came from: