QUESTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL STUDY Cornerstone Baptist Church June 24, 2018 . 1. Describe a time when you heard a person who claimed to be a Matthew 7:15-20 Study Series # 033 (Page 5 in the Pew ) Christian teach or say something that was false. How did you know it was untrue? The on the Mount

A Warning against False Teachers

I. Introduction

2. What are some of the reasons why people will follow a false A. The Right Directions

teacher? (See Matthew 7:13-14; Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25)

3. Read the following verses and note what the Bible says about B. The Wrong Path false teachers: (See Matthew 7:13-14; Matthew 7:15; Colossians 2:8; a) Deuteronomy 18:20 :11; Acts 20:29; I John 4:1) b) 5:30-31 c) Jeremiah 23:1-4 d) Matthew 24:14 e) Romans 16:17-18 f) II Timothy 4:3-4 C. The Definition of a

g) I John 4:1-3 (See Matthew 7:15; Deuteronomy 18:20; Jeremiah 14:14; 4. What are some of the motivations of false teachers to attempt to Jeremiah 23:16) join themselves to the Christian faith?

II. The False Teacher

A. What motivates the false teacher? 5. What practical application are you going to make from this week’s message? (Share your decision with someone.) (See II Timothy 3:13; I Timothy 4:1-2; II Peter 2:1-3;

 I am going to commit to a Bible reading plan that will Matthew 7:15; Luke 18:11; I Corinthians 5:10-11; 6:10; enable me to read through the New Testament in a year. II Peter 2:14; II Tim 3:16; I Peter 5:3; II Peter 2:10;  I am going to pray for someone I know who has been Jude 1:8; I Timothy 6:3-4; Acts 20:29-30) deceived by false teaching.

 I am going to memorize I John 4:1-2. B. Why do false teachers seek to associate themselves with the Passage of Study Christian faith? Matthew 7:15-20

(See II Corinthians 11:13-15; Matthew 7:15; John 3:16) 15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s

clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them

by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs

from thistles, are they? 17 So every good tree bears good fruit, but

the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, C. What characteristics should a person look for in a false nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not teacher? 20 bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you (See Matthew 7:16; Matthew 7:17-18; Jeremiah 23:14; will know them by their fruits. I Thessalonians 2:9-12; Luke 7:35)

D. What are some of the teachings of a false teacher?

(See John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Galatians 1:8-9; I John 2:22; II Timothy 4:3-4; Revelation 22:18-19)

E. How does a person properly identify a false teacher?

(See Acts 17:11; I Thessalonians 5:21; Acts 20:27)

III. Conclusion

(See Jeremiah 5:31; Matthew 7:19)

If you would like to know more about what it means to be a Christian or if you would like to talk with someone or have someone pray for you, please see the All quotations are taken from the NAS Bible unless otherwise noted. pastor after the service. New American Standard Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers 1985.