ute Hagebos osro Vrijb

S N313 te e n b ee Welsh Memorial k

Canadees Monument Langemarkseweg Pilkem Calvaire Breton K d le pa in - e e idg P dw oe Le ze ls tr a a t POELKAPELLE Blatezak

O os tka ai NORTH Sebastopol

Mo ort g elweg e w



m Vijfwegen


k l i

P O o s t Yorkshire Trench k P Caesar’s a a & Dug-out i Nose Hemelrijk Sint - Juliaan St. Julien Dressing K le in Station e P o t e a z a e r ls t t s ra e a k t ie Colne Valley r

Cemetery B KANAAL IEPER-IJZER KANAAL Fortuinhoek Mo or tel Pilkem Ridge we g

Hane beek

Hogeziekenweg at stra atte Ieper-Noord K Site John McCrae

e j t rring l oorde e N N38 i W

W i el tje ss tra at W e s tk aa N332 ip a d Wieltje EAST N8 N313 Sint-Jan

Reigerburg eg Aeroplane ksew ebee Cemetery onn Saint Charles O N369 Z u d e de Potyze B B e el l le le wa w ar a de a b rd e e ek s W t e ra s a tk t a a i N345 weg Brugse

Princess Patricia’s Captains Canadian Light Infantry monument Bowlby & Skrine IEPER Oude Kortrijkstraat Begijnenbos estraat Elverding RE Grave Bellewaarde Stone Vijver Bellewaarde

t t park Mark a rote a

G r

t Bellewaarde

s s

o Ridge


n e N308 n ij T u g l e p B e n Kanonhoek l Hoorn- a a Meen n De seweg Kazematten werkpark Hooge Crater Museum Kasteelhof ‘t Hooge N37 Zandberg ‘t Hoge Hooge Crater Hoge Voute Cemetery

KANAAL IEPER-KOMEN Natuurdomein Dikkebusvijver- beek Verdronken Weide Hogebos Cana dalaan

Zill ebe kev ijve N375 r Provinciedomein Zillebeke Gasthuisbossen Hill 62 P Tortelbos ap po N366 ts B tr ij . la n d e r Zandvoordsestr p aat a d

Bedford House N331 Cemetery

t a a r t s t o Larch Wood p p a Cemetery P Krommenelst Groenenburgbos

t P Zw traa art at ens ele ra ol en Zwarte Leen st dem str. art ran Va Verb Molenbos P Bezoekerscentrum De Palingbeek Woods t W aa er t tr vi a s ks a Cemetery s e r o Caterpillar st t b SOUTH ra s a t n t u le p First DCLI o Crater e l l M a W K Cemetery/ an de The Bluff lp ad V K ie o rl m in Astrolab e g n e P Hedge Row s n e Iris w Trench e Cemetery g Papenelst traat Sluis Vierlingen Voormezele Vaarts t aa Elzenwalle Provinciedomein tr ks Sin bee t-E Palingbeek g loo lin isw B Pa eg ernikk ewal The Bluff lestraat P





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s j O i ude R Vaart Sint-Elooi at ra st ek gbe D lin iep Pa en Eekh da Krater ofstra Katteputten leb at e St.-Elooi ek





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A Huikerbossen ek Vierstraat be ate ch jts Wi Hollebeke Introduction North entry point Yorkshire Trench & Deep Dug-out EN

During the ‘Great War’ the Ieperboog ( ) was one of Located in the reconstructed ‘Klein Zwaanhof’ farmstead, the North the bloodiest battlefi elds on the entire Western front. The front lines entry point covers the from the Ypres-IJzer Canal in hardly moved from November 1914 (eastern and southern sections) Boezinge to Wieltje. After the fi rst major gas attack, on 22 April or late April 1915 (northern section) to 7 June 1917 (southern 1915, the northern part of the Ypres Salient was one of the most section) or August 1917 (northern and eastern sections). More than fi ercely contended battlefi elds during the . 50 nations were involved in the that dragged on for nearly four years within a radius of barely 2½ to 3 miles around Perched on the edge of the industrial area, Klein Zwaanhof literally Ypres. forms a separation from what is still an open agricultural area, where many war relicts have been preserved in the ground. A hundred years after the major world confl agration the war landscape is the last remaining evidence of the confl ict. That is An exceptionally high number of WWI literary fi gures also ‘passed why the In Museum gives particular prominence to through’ here. The entry point uses a fi lm, information panels and the Ypres Salient. The historical interpretation in the museum and authentic war objects to bring to life the dramatic events that the impressive view from the tower is followed by an experience unfolded in the Northern Ypres Salient. of the war landscape itself. The three entry points created along the Ypres Salient provide an opportunity to discover traces of the orld Wa past in the landscape of today. Visitors can use the entry points free W r I in of charge. A fi lm and information panels are provided to show you t h what happened at this site more than 100 years ago. Remembrance e

trees planted along the front lines reveal the location of the German Y Walking tour p and Allied lines. The detailed Ypres Salient 1914-1918 digital app r e shows traces of the present-day landscape on aerial photographs IEPER s Fighting for every metre of height from the past. S

A walking tour covering 2.8 km, starting from the North Entry a l

Point, leads visitors to and through the notorious front line area i

YPRES e called ‘Caesar’s Nose’, featuring two special cemeteries, Colne n

Valley and Caesar’s Nose, and the trench reconstructed on the basis t of the original Yorkshire Trench & Dug-Out. YPERN A separate walking trail map is available from the Ypres Tourist Offi ce and in the Nothern entry point.

Klein Zwaanhof Discover the Entry point Ypres Salient

138 Remembrance trees NORTH Three entry points Three walking tours Adress: Hoeve Klein Zwaanhof Kleine Poezelstraat 6 - 8904 Boezinge Digital app Opening hours: 01/04 to 15/11: 10:00 › 17:45 hrs. 16/11 to 31/03: 10:00 › 16:45 hrs.

View over No Man’s land at The Bluff (Palingbeek Natural Reserve) Caesar’s Nose from entry point north

East entry point at Hooge Crater Saint Charles de Potyze - French Cemetery

East entry point

This entry point is located near the Hooge Crater Museum & Café on the Meenseweg in Zillebeke. This present-day version of a museum café is housed in a former local school with a memorial chapel, next to a reconstructed castle estate (Kasteelhof ’t Hooghe hotel), and Wandeling tours opposite the impressive CWGC cemetery Hooge Crater Cemetery.

By car Accommodated in the former playground’s toilets, the entry point is War around a castle estate Ypres Salient Route focused on the central area of the Ypres Salient: Bellewaarde Ridge, A walking tour from 3.5 to 7.4 km to Bellewaarde Ridge, Hooge and the many long-gone castle estates. Kasteelpark ’t Hooghe, Crater Wood and the distinctive R.E. Grave The Ypres Salient is a curved front line which was formed around and Liverpool Scottish monuments and the French Saint Charles de the city of Ypres in the First World War. A tourist car route of 70 The entry point is the gateway to the varied Eastern Ypres Salient Potijze Cemetery and the CWGC Aeroplane Cemetery. kilometres was mapped out along that line. This route will take you landscape, spread either side of the Meenseweg, featuring an A separate walking trail map is available from the Ypres Tourist to the most famous sites that remind of the war years ‘14 - ‘18, such authentically preserved front line area, major cemeteries, the Offi ce and in the entry point (museum café) as the John Mac Crae site, the German cemetery in Langemarck, magnifi cent landscape around Hill 62 and the delightful wooded Cemetery in Passchendaele, the Memorial Museum area of Sanctuary Wood. Passchendaele 1917 in and Hill 60 in Zillebeke. The Hooge Crater Museum presents emotionally engaging scenes The map is available at the Tourism offi ce. (€6) showing just how much this locality suffered between and September 1917. By bike Ypres Salient Entry point The Ypres Salient lends itself perfectly to discovery on two wheels. The signposted 35-kilometre Ypres Salient cycling route starts from and ends up on the Ypres Grote Markt. On the way you can stop off at the three entry points and various outstanding cemeteries, sites EAST Toerisme Ieper - In Flanders Fields Museum and monuments linked to the First World War. Bike rentals locations Lakenhalle - Grote Markt 34 - B-8900 Ieper - T. +32 (0)57 239 220 on www.visitypres.com Adress: Hooge Crater Museum Meenseweg 467 - 8902 Zillebeke www.toerisme-ieper.be - www.infl andersfi elds.be The map is available at the Ypres Tourist Offi ce (€2) Openingsuren: The museum is closed on Mondays but the entry points is always accessible.

Hooge Crater Museum

South entry point South entry point Caterpillar Crater Remembrance trees

The South entry point is housed in a modern, half-open pavilion on 138 Remembrance trees along the Small Ypres Salient. the former German front line, 300 yards or so from the main car park of De Palingbeek natural reserve. The pavilion offers visitors In 2014 and 2015 138 remembrance trees were planted along the the opportunity to see a fi lm and information panels about the war entire ‘Small Ypres Salient ’ route, at locations where the fi rst front zone in this remarkable landscape, scarred by a railway and a failed line crosses a public highway, a footpath or a meadow. The fi rst trees canal-building scheme. can be seen in Boezinge at the northern end of the Ypres Salient, either side of the Ypres-IJzer Canal. The last trees on the Ypres The entry point offers a view of no man’s land and the front lines Salient mark the southernmost end of the Ypres Salient front in from “The Bluff” to the Molenbos wood. Made impressively Sint-Elooi. The trees can be recognised by their metal tree baskets accessible in 2015, the site of The Bluff is one of the three most with coloured tops: blue for the Allied (mainly British) front line, authentic and perfectly preserved war landscapes around Ypres. The red for the German. walking tour leads on to the best-known Ypres Salient landscape: Hill 60, with the unique Caterpillar Crater site further on. These colours were also used on Allied battle maps. Most baskets feature a sign with a photograph of the front and the location of the front lines.

Walking tour The tree species chosen was the elm tree, as it has been a typical feature of the Ypres landscapes over the centuries. Nearly all the The war goes underground elm trees disappeared from the region during the war and the later A 2½-mile walking tour through the authentic war landscape of outbreak of Dutch elm disease. The decision to plant new, resistant De Palingbeek estate and Hill 60, with The Bluff crater landscape, elms as remembrance trees also signals the rehabilitation of this Digital app offers more visual material and information Ravine Wood, the Hill 60 war site and the Caterpillar Crater site. splendid species. A separate walking trail map is available from the Ypres Tourist The “Ypres Salient 1914-1918” app enables you, armed Offi ce and at the cafeteria or visitor’s centre of the Palingbeek. These trees make it easy for visitors to locate the war landscape with your tablet or Iphon, to set off in search of the Ypres Salient within the present-day landscape. The dramatic ‘No man’s land’ landscape, to discover the Ypres Salient landscape, using the concept is also fl eshed out, particularly since - for many years - the remembrance trees as points of reference for locating the front lines The Palingbeek is also the site where the 600.000 small sculptures two front lines were 30 yards apart, if even that. and local scenes from the war. view over the front landscape from the commemoration project Coming World Remember Me will come together in a mass land-art installation. You can visit the in- The app was produced on the basis of the location of the remembrance stallation from April till Armistice Day 2018. trees, which are easy to fi nd thanks to the GPS-controlled navigation system. Perfectly georeferenced aerial photographs provide “then- and-now” images to make it simple to locate the front line and trees within the past and present-day landscape.

Each tree provides all sorts of additional information and historical visual material about the events that unfolded at the front. A Entry point fascinating experience! The ‘Ypres Salient 1914-1918’ app can be downloaded free of charge. SOUTH THE Adress: Palingbeek Natural Reserve LANDSCAPE Palingbeekstraat 18 - 8902 Zillebeke near the main car park, The Bluff site AS LAST Open from sunrise to sunset

WITNESS walking path of The Bluff