Architect Practice Across the River NO
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In this issue: El Paso Portrait Texas Downtown Spruce-Up Discovering Henry Trost Shangri-la on the Border Architect Practice Across the River NO. 5 VOL. 27 SEPT. / OCT. 1977 Contents Editorial .......... 3 Tuas Archlttct Is the official pubhcauon of TM Teus Society of Architects. TSA Is the off1c1al Of El Paso Portrait . .. 7 pniutlon of the Tcxu Rca,on of the American I• El Paso. A look into tire City of the stituce of Archalects. 0a Taylor Editor-in OW Sun-its myt/rs, problems, present, Larry Paul Fuller Mana11111 f.dllOf past and future, and its style, arc/ri Ste,cn Mc8rcar1y Auodale f.dllOf ttcturally and otherwise. John Lash AdvenJslna DutCtcM Hyder Joseph Brown, AIA Editorial Con111lt8111 Downtown Spruce-Up 15 Editorial l"ollcy Committee In £1 Paso there is a plan afoot to re- Mori Levy, Chairman Jack E. Mttk 1 italiu downtown t/rroug/r pedestrian im Jack Craycrofl Jack M11ctwll pro1·emerrts: beautified walkways and Noel Dolce Jim Foster "paure·• arear, giant muralr and land Peck Drennan Tom Harro,cr scapin,:r. A plan to make downtown more Ttxas Arch/tut ii publl'1lcd 11x umcs yearly by lhe walkable. Texas Soc1c1y of Archatc.:11. 2121 Au,un Na11onal Danie Tower, Conar- at Sixth, Au1tln, Ten, 7'701 Discovering Henry Trost . 19 Telephone 512 1471-7316 Sul>Knp!lon pncc ,, $6 00 T/ris prolific early 20th Century architect pu year ro, addr=a w11h1n the conuncncal United -little known outside El Pa.r<>-left Scates uccpuna Hawaii and Aluka. be/rind a body of work tlrat warrants Ed11orial concribulion,. correspondence. and ad•cr f rm/rer study and recognition. bsln1 malcnal in•ilcd by the cdalor. Usually, no pay mcnt will be made for articles. Publithcr li•n ~I Shangri-la on the Border . 25 mauion for reprod~tlon of all or pall of cdnorlal Tire campus of UT-El Paso maintains a material huctn if publication credu Is a;vcn T ,.., Arch/tut and the auchor when andicatcd. Publlud consistent architectural style t/rat is which normally pay for articles arc requested llt per/raps w11que to America-Bhutanese. live consideration 10 lhe author of reproduced t,yll.. modeled after tire arcl,itecture of a fcalure material. Himalayan mountain kingdom. Appearances of namN and pictures of pr,>dllfll and scrvlca In cacher editorial or ad•er1111n1 .._ Practice Across the River ... 30 not consu1u1c an endonemcnt of Hme by either 1111 Two young architects from Juarez (one Tuas Society of Architects or the American ln,tlt• of whom works for an El Paso firm) of Architects. Nor does cdatorlal comment nccn,a,.., rcnect an official Ol)anlon of either or1an11at1ot1 compare arcl,itecture on opposite sides of tire Rio Grande. TSA Officers Saudi Campus . 34 Charles Slahl, Auttln Prnl,_. Caudill Rowlett Scott's award winning Prcslon M. Bolton, FAIA, llouston campur for a ,mivenity in the sun lloward Parker, FAIA, bleached de.rert near the Gulf of Dlraran Dallas Vlce-Prnl,_.•er traditional Saudi forms in a Moms Parker, For1 Wor1h Vice PrnilMIII contemporary facility. Boone Powell, San Anlonlo Vkc-Prnldtal Mcrv,n Moore, El Paso Sccreta,J Camp Allen . 36 Bob Me<scnmith, l ubboc:k Trraaurtt Camprite.r and cabins set unobtrusively Hal Box, FAIA, Au,un AIA Rcalonal Darr;;klf Jay W Barne • J AIA. imo the piney woods of Eart Texar win a Au,1,n AIA Rrsmnal ll11~"101 design award for tire Houston firm of lhroJorc S ,-,-11111, Jr, Charier 1 apley. Barn-liki• huilding1 iden l'.olc111ne lmmcdlata 1'111 l'rnhlrnl tify witl, tl,r arra'r """' traditi11n. llrs I aylor, A1111ln I r utl•(I ll1r1t'1ur Houston Central 38 flA aoartl of Olre<.lel• Octm:mwl ,:l11n•t1111l-g,m1itrt l1bmry mi a Jamtt II Y. hr lt1 A 111 '" C'htpl11 p/11t;1 , rt•fltrr a Hml of rh I h11/I /m Y.11li1mJ Ma11n I\Utlln ( ltlJlltl ,lownWK'tl llourt1111 l>rri,:11 c,wmtl win Kl 11ml I Vrnoman I All\ 1111, • 1 har 111 On the Cover: Wllllaftl II llolland t rp1tt t tuhtl c h1111rr Watrr, olm p,011> 11rr In• S I \Jo,,h A uodtllt'r, llotlfUIII la k < raynofl ll•llu <h•ptrr I I Puo (: haplcr typr of 1111td1111r Pro1cct In Progr 43 William I , 1h0rre, Jr. w11/I 11111ml p/m,nr<I l e.. Roy llahnfcld Por1 Worth Chapter Kenneth Bencsen, FAIA Hous1on Chapter for ,/11wnt11wn I I In th N w 49 Darucl C. Osden Lower Rio Orande (IS /IOI t of tl,r ,,,,w Letter 59 Valley Chapter "I.I Corr,•,/or II ' Robcn Ooyetto •• Lubboc:k Chapter m/1t111 tfrdgt1 fllOI• Coming Up: Tire November/ December John E. Moore, Jr. Nor1heu1 Texas Chapter James Dockery San Antonio Chapter ,·ct, 11 111i11t 1 ,•11t11te of \t11t,•n/ 1'11 ,er, I Cll,1, Architect will deal witlr tire subject D Ru CiooJr Sou1hr;,,1 le•H Chapter I.Cle\' Jnr., f.'I P11w, 1111111hr Cmnr l>,•Jig11 of hralt/1 facilities-where the field is Jim Dochc lnH Panhandle Chapter Group, llmttton. I l,ir d,•ulf 1·O1r w,n l,raded, cost containment, energy man John Oudlry Waco Chapter euc11t1•1I by //111111011 mti1t .\11:111,nr a11ement, research trends, ambulatory Kenneth J'lrld, WQI Tuu Chapter Daf!cn/111,t, wif,• 11f JU, l,11r,I 1>11r:1•n/rart, care, and more. Contributions from James I{ Mu<lrr Wichita Falls Chap1cr lh•ul Hrn,.nlnJ Ano ialcd Student Cram• l>1•1ign Gump·, Project f>irccw,. major figures in the field. Chapter/AJA 2 Texas Architect Convention Focus: Energy Focus 77 Energy. Texas Society of Architects 38th Annual Meeting, El Paso Civic Center, October 19-21, 1977. Well, it's almost that time of year again, time for the architects of our sprawling state (and driving out to El Paso you get an idea of how big Texas really is) to leave the drawing boards for three days of El Paso style conventioneering. There will be plenty of the fun that everyone always expects from conventions-the let-your-hair-down good times, the mixing and mingling, the lighthearted conviviality-all in the context of professional camaraderie. It will be a time for catching up, for renewing old acquaintances and for making new ones. And it will be a time for that informal, yet invaluable, interchange among colleagues which is one of the primary benefits of membership in any professional organization. Also this year there will be the annual product exhibition. in which some seventy or so manufacturers are represented. affording architects an opportunity to keep up with rapid change and progress within the construction and furnishings industries. It will be something of a marketplace of ideas. where suppliers and specifiers intennix for their mutual benefit. And again. as in times past. the architects will explore a general convention theme of interest to the profession. This year's emphasis -our focus-is on the subject of energy. Yes, energy-even though we arc bombarded with the word every day- because problems and available solutions as they pertain to architecture are still hazy. And we need to bring them into focus. Consider that. despite all the hubbub about energy conservation, we as a nation continue to consume more energy than ever before. Since a full 30 percent of our energy consumption is due to buildings, the significance of our role as architects is obvious. Yet the profession has been slow to push for dramatic change and reliable new technology in the energy field. So it is that this year's annual meeting will be a time of assessment and evaluation. a time for nuts-and-bolts ~essions on solar applications and energy conservation methods. And what better place to dwell on the subject of energy than El Paso, City of the Sun. where day after day after day we are bathed in that shimmering vitality that beckons to serve our needs? Don Henry 1977 TSA Convention Chairman Foster, Henry, Henry and Thorpe, Inc. El Paso September/ October 1977 3 Neogard's Auto-Gard II protects Pearl Ridge II Shopping Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. The owners and occupants of the new Pearl Ridge 11 We can make you those same promises because Shopping Center in Honolulu needed a waterproof, each Auto-Gard installalton 1s fully guaranteed 111 skidproof, corrosion proof surface for their parking writing for a stated period garage deck which 1s the roof directly over the For other international case htstorios of successful occupied store spaces in their new modern center Neogard waterproofmq and roofing 1nstallullons We guaranteed them that grease. oil, gasoline. and details of our Neognrd-c1ppllcator 1omt hydraulic fluid, battery acid, corrosive chemicals and guarantee-write drenching rain wouldn't deteriorate Auto-Gard's The Neogard Corporation protection PO Box35288 In addition, we promised more dependable skid, cut Dallas, Texas 75235, or call: and stress resistance lower maintenance costs. reduced 214 357-4305 noise and maximum vehicle and passenger safety. THE NEOGARD CORPORATION P. 0 Box 35288. Dallas. Texas 75235 Phone 214 357 4305 ClfC/o I on Render lnqu,ry CRrcJ Nothing we say about our tile can tell you as much as this photo. Take another photo in 10 years and it'll be even more beautiful. We could describe what goes into San Valle genuine clay tile-the ingredients San Valle clay hie is fired at and the process - and explain how well 1t insulates and protects. approximately 1900 F, ,s non , nammable prov1d1n1 protection aaainst hre storms, burn1n1 But you choose a roofing material primarily on the basis of aesthetics.