Comune Di Rimini Tel

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Comune Di Rimini Tel Direzione Generale Via Rosaspina, 7 piano 2 stanza 37 - 47923 Rimini Comune di Rimini tel. 0541 704633 - fax 0541 704715 U.O. “Sistema Informativo Territoriale - Toponomastica” [email protected] c.f.-p.iva 00304260409 STADARIO COMUNALE (con origine dei toponimi e data di istituzione) DENOMINAZIONE CATEGORIA SOTTOCATEGORIA SECOLO URL DELIBERA DATA DELIB. Aree di circolazione VIA GIUSEPPE CESARE ABBA PERSONALITA' FAMOSA PATRIOTA XIX http 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA DELL'ABETE SCIENZA E NATURA FLORA 505 12/11/1963 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA DELL'ABETONE GEOGRAFIA CITTA' http 378 12/07/1967 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ANTONIO ABETTI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA SCIENZIATO XIX http 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ABRUZZO GEOGRAFIA REGIONE 16903 26/11/1953 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA DELL'ACETOSELLA SCIENZA E NATURA FLORA 497 29/10/1964 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ACQUABONA TOPONIMO LOCALE 223 09/04/1970 Nota: Per indicare una sorgente nella zona. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ACQUALAGNA GEOGRAFIA CITTA' http 222 14/03/1973 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ACQUARIO SCIENZA E NATURA ASTRONOMIA 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA GIOVANNI ACUTO PERSONALITA' FAMOSA CONDOTTIERO XIV http 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PIAZZALE ADAMELLO GEOGRAFIA MONTE 358 29/04/1974 Nota: Massiccio montuoso delle Alpi Retiche meridionali _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ADDA GEOGRAFIA FIUME 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: Affluente sinistro del Po. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIALE ADIGE GEOGRAFIA FIUME 4071 26/03/1931 Nota: Fiume del Veneto. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA RAFFAELE ADIMARI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA STORICO XVI http 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIALE ADRIA GEOGRAFIA CITTA' http 2103 05/02/1933 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PIAZZETTA AGABITI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA PERSONALITA' STORICA http Nota: Famiglia riminese di cui si ricorda in modo particolare Augusto Agabiti. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA MARIA GAETANA AGNESI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA SCIENZIATO http Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA DELL'AGRIFOGLIO SCIENZA E NATURA FLORA 497 29/10/1964 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA AIDA OPERA D'ARTE TITOLO OPERA LIRICA http 301 23/06/1967 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA AIN ZARA GEOGRAFIA CITTA' 2103 05/02/1935 Nota: Centro abitato della Libia, nella regione della Tripolitania. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pagina 1 di 84 25/08/2011 Direzione Generale Via Rosaspina, 7 piano 2 stanza 37 - 47923 Rimini Comune di Rimini tel. 0541 704633 - fax 0541 704715 U.O. “Sistema Informativo Territoriale - Toponomastica” [email protected] c.f.-p.iva 00304260409 STADARIO COMUNALE (con origine dei toponimi e data di istituzione) DENOMINAZIONE CATEGORIA SOTTOCATEGORIA SECOLO URL DELIBERA DATA DELIB. VIALE ALASSIO GEOGRAFIA CITTA' http 358 29/04/1974 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ALBANIA GEOGRAFIA STATO 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA FRANCESCO ALBERGATI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA SCRITTORE XVIII http Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA FRANCESCO ALBERI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA PITTORE XVIII-XIX 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: Pittore (Rimini 1765 - Bologna 1836). Cominciò a lavorare a Rimini, ornando di affreschi e tele i palazzi Battaglini, Garampi, Ganganelli, Spina; passò quindi a Bologna e Padova a insegnarvi pittura, e di nuovo, nel 1810, a Bologna. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA DELL'ALBERO SCIENZA E NATURA FLORA 29159 14/12/1961 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ADOLFO ALBERTAZZI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA SCRITTORE XIX http 505 12/11/1963 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA PITTORE XV http 12354 06/11/1954 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA GIUSEPPE ALBERTINI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA PATRIOTA XIX 6338 15/04/1954 Nota: Patriota riminese del XIX secolo. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA GIUSEPPE ALBINI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA SCRITTORE XIX http 8142 17/05/1960 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA DELL'ALCE SCIENZA E NATURA FAUNA 223 09/04/1970 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ALEARDO ALEARDI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA PATRIOTA XIX http Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA CELESTINO ALESSANDRINI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA CADUTI E/O MEDAGLIE AL VALORE XIX 222 14/03/1973 Nota: Pesaro, 1840 - Rimini, 1928. Prese parte a numerose spedizioni guidate da Giuseppe Garibaldi, anche se non è possibile certificare la sua presenza fra i Mille. Fu decorato con una medaglia d’argento e bronzo al valor militare. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIALE VITTORIO ALFIERI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA SCRITTORE XVIII http Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA ALFONSINE GEOGRAFIA CITTA' http 301 23/06/1967 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA FRANCESCO ALGAROTTI PERSONALITA' FAMOSA SCRITTORE XVIII http 6338 15/04/1954 Nota: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIA DANTE ALIGHIERI
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