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[email protected] September 28, 2020 Filed Electronically Canada Energy Regulator Suite 210, 517 Tenth Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Attention: Mr. Jean-Denis Charlebois, Secretary of the Commission Dear Mr. Charlebois: Re: NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) 2018 Meter Stations and Laterals Abandonment Program (2018 Abandonment Program) MHW-003-2019, Order ZO-008-2019 and Amending Order AO-001-ZO-008-2019 (Order, as amended) Project Update: Saddle Lake West Lateral Abandonment File No.: OF-Fac-Gas-N081-2018-16 01 On December 20, 2019, the Canada Energy Regulator (CER or Commission) issued the Order, as amended, approving the 2018 Abandonment Program.1 NGTL writes to update the CER of a change in abandonment method for the Saddle Lake West Lateral, which was previously contemplated as part of the 2018 Abandonment Program application approved by the CER. Abandonment Method – Saddle Lake West Lateral In its application, NGTL proposed to abandon a 13.54 km section of the Saddle Lake West Lateral (SLW Lateral) located on and within Saddle Lake Cree Indian Reserve No. 125 (SLC IR No. 125) entirely by removal,2 and noted that while the lateral crosses two watercourses, being the Saddle Lake Creek and an unnamed tributary to the North Saskatchewan River (Watercourses), no in-stream or riparian work would be required.3 NGTL further advised it was working with Saddle Lake Cree Nation (SLCN) to conduct on-site field surveys to better understand site conditions for the SLW Lateral’s removal.4 NGTL has since conducted on-site field surveys in October 2018 and July 2020 with SLCN.