I Ú I L / J U L Y 2 0 2 1 AArNt RSCeÉvAiLew Your monthly n ewsletter from Sinn Féin.

San eagrán seo / In this edition

Ballymurphy Families - 50 years later: INNOCENT

We're building homes. Biggest shake-up From 1st July -The in housing in 50 years. Electoral Register was wiped. Re- Belfast Sinn Féin register now are working to improve lives, jobs, education & health

cont'd p.7

0 1 A N S C É A L | I S S U E 1 Ballymurphy Victims: Innocent

For five decades the families of the Ballymurphy massacre have campaigned with dignity and determination for the truth about what happened to their loved ones and despite all the setbacks they have kept going with such resilience and resolve.

Their day of truth came on 11th May 2021.

What happened in Ballymurphy was state murder and for decades the British government have covered it up. Now the truth has been laid bare for all to see.

But still the British government are attempting to slam the door to justice closed in the face of these families and others killed by the state or as a result of collusion.

As the findings from the inquest were being read, the British government was announcing its plans to legislate to cover up its role in the conflict and to put current and former British soldiers beyond justice and by the law. British law forces cannot be above the law. We must deal with the past. Including the British state's role, and the Stormont House agreement must be implemented immediately.

Sinn Féin will continue to support the families in their next steps. WEST BELFAST IARTHAIR BHÉAL FEIRSTE

BLACK MOUNTAIN / LOWER FALLS Divis Sports Facility: huge boost for local area & athletes - Fra McCann MLA

This £1 million sports complex is set to be a fantastic and transformative project for the local area providing much needed leisure and sporting facilities for the entire community. Lifelong community and republican activist Mary McConville was the first to identify the need for this project and along with the Falls Residents Association, Frank Gillen Centre, statutory authorities and Sinn Féin MLA Fra McCann, they developed the proposal in line with the vision and ambition of the local area. In recent years it has become common practice for many local sports clubs, particularly our young boxers, to train in the streets which presents hazards, putting their lives at risk from traffic. Our youth deserve better and it is hoped that our local clubs, whether it be boxing or the vast range of other sports will make use of these state of the art facilities to drive their fitness, success and most importantly attract a new generation of young talent.

EDUCATION: Scrap academic Eimear's Wish selection - Campaign

Pat Sheehan MLA The aim of the Eimear’s wish campaign is to raise Stem Cell Donor Awareness and to campaign for age appropriate care for teenagers and young Academic selection tests are unfair, adults aged 16-24, who have been diagnosed with unnecessary and need to stop. At its annual life threatening illnesses. conference, the Irish National Teachers

Organisation called for academic selection On the 18th May, we met with representatives tests to be suspended again this year to avoid from Eimear's Wish Campaign, who were putting young children through mental presenting a petition to Stormont, signed by anguish. 3,360 people, calling for these measures to be put This is the latest in a series of mounting calls in place. The petition received cross party support and an assurance from us that we will for academic selection to be scrapped. continue to work with them to raise Stem Cell I would call on schools still planning to use Awareness throughout our community. academic selection to listen to this call from the trade union, as well as the voices of If you are aged 16-54, you can register as a Stem experts, parents and others and abandon Cell Donor at www.dims.org.uk & academic selection once and for all. www.anthonynolan.org WEST BELFAST IARTHAIR BHÉAL FEIRSTE

COLIN / UPPER FALLS Jack's Promise: We need Improved addiction & rehab services - Órlaithí Flynn MLA

Deaths due to drug misuse have tripled in the last ten years. Addiction services were already stretched, and COVID-19 has made things worse. Not only were support services and inpatient beds closed but, in the community, things have come to a boiling point. Commenting on this Órlaithí Flynn MLA says “I have repeatedly raised my concerns to the Trust, the Public Health Agency and directly with the Minister of Health to invest in services and increase the funding. “It is welcome news that dual diagnosis has a dedicated action in the mental health strategy, but people are still falling through the cracks and families and communities need support now.” “Jack Brennan, a local 23 year old had so many aspirations and so much potential for life but sadly he recently lost his battle with poor mental health and addiction. It's truly heartbreaking to hear how his mother literally pleaded for support for her son throughout different stages of his young life. I will be supporting the Brennan family and will continue you to be a voice highlighting the need for a dual- diagnosis service.'

MULLAGHGLASS: 1,050 NEW Landfill Site must close - HOMES for Órlaithí Flynn MLA. West Belfast Local residents along with Sinn Féin have been

Sinn Féin believe that housing is a fundamental campaigning now for a number of years to close right. We want to see communities built that will the Mullaghglass Landfill site until a full inquiry allow families to live, work and socialise together. is undertaken. We are delighted that new homes are scheduled to be Confirmation that legal action has been taken by built in various locations around in the Upper Falls area to include: residents in West Belfast and the Lisburn to make the Environment Agency and the Lisburn & - More than 20 Homes in Lenadoon Castlereagh City Council act to address and - 244 Homes on Vision Regeneration Site including a eradicate an odour from Mullaghglass is play park, community centre & employment units. - 653 Homes on Glenmona Site welcome. Sinn Féin will continue to support the right of We will continue to ensure housing remains a local residents to live in a clean environment and priority, communities will continue to be built and to enjoy good air quality. that homes are affordable. Sinn Féin Minister leading the biggest shake-up in housing in 50 years.

Sinn Féin believes that everyone has the right to a safe and secure home. Sadly the reality for thousands across is that they cannot access this basic right. Many people do not have a roof over their head or are forced to sleep in emergency accommodation. This is not something that anyone should accept, another generation cannot be locked out of home ownership.

As a Sinn Féin Minister in Government, is bringing forward the most radical housing policy in 50 years. The Housing executive will be given money to build again which will have the power to build and increase its housing stock. Deirdre put words to action as house building in the North is 30% above target this year which has meant 2,400 homes for workers and families.

Deirdre Hargey has reinforced that tenants of housing executive properties will continue to pay the lowest rent across these Islands. This means these properties are affordable and not beyond the reach of working people. The most vulnerable in society has more the brunt of the Coronavirus crisis which is why Deirdre had launched the Covid reset plan to ensure emergency accommodation could be given to all who need it.

In the private housing sector, Deirdre Hargey as minister has announced a number of protections to renters. This legislation will strengthen health and safety legislation; reduce the cost of heating homes and protection against evictions by extending the notice to quit for tenants. Many workers and families who are trying to buy their first home face severe economic barriers. In response to this Deirdre Hargey has announced funding to Co-Ownership to provide assistance to first time buyers struggling to raise a deposit to purchase their own home.

Sinn Féin in government is transforming housing in the north, creating a level playing field so that workers and families can have a break. We need this to be an all-Ireland approach so across the Island everyone enjoys this fundamental right. NORTH BELFAST TUAISCEART BHÉAL FEIRSTE

GP Services: Access is simply not working - Cáral Ní Chuilín MLA

During the pandemic, the ‘phone First’ system was introduced for patients trying to access their local GP, however problems are being reported across the board. In North Belfast I’ve spoken to many constituents reporting their frustrations in attempting to use this service. It is clear that it isn’t working for many people, and I’ve seen at first hand extensive call logs from constituents showing their multiple attempts to access their GP. Our GPs do a fantastic job, of that there is no doubt and they have often stretched themselves to breaking point during the pandemic on behalf of their patients. We need to see a rapid improvement in accessing GPs for patients and this is something that we will continue to push for in the Health Committee. Clearly where a bottleneck arises in the provision of health services then the consequences are manifested in another part of the system such as our Emergency Departments which is concerning for all staff and patients alike.

ABC Trust Social Arc 21 Campaign: Development Hightown Incinerator Welcome - not wanted. MLA

The facts are as clear as the opposition to I warmly welcome the new ABC trust’s social this waste plant with over five thousand housing development, after getting a tour objections registered to the plans. this week. On every measure that counts, there is no North Belfast has a chronic social housing logic to this waste plant proceeding. shortage, and it is great to see a Sinn Féin This campaign to stop the incinerator at Minister making the most radical reforms in high town has been a model of best practice 50 years. and has reached out beyond the local area However, many people that can’t get a home and to every interest group and political are forced into the private rented sector party. which raises many challenges. Therefore, I welcome the proposed Sinn Féin fully support campaigners and protections for those privately renting by urge action to have the proposal finally minister Hargey and would urge people to stopped. respond to the current consultation. SOUTH & EAST DEISCEART & OIRTHEAR BHÉAL BELFAST FEIRSTE

Progressive Signage Blockage Disappointing - Cllr Ryan Carlin

It's extremley disappointing that partieson Lisburn and Castlereagh Council have blocked a proposal to implement a more progressive street signage policy in the Council area. Is ábhar díomá é gur vótáil páirtithe ar Chomhairle Lios na gCearrbhach agus An Caisleán Riabhach in éadan rún le polasaí comharthaíochta is forásaí sa chomhairle a thabhairt isteach. This runs contrary to the growing and vibrant community across our council area. Ní léiriú seo ar phobal na Gaeilge bríomhar sa cheantar atá ag fás i rith an ama.

This results in a bizarre scenario where residents in Lagmore need the support of 15% to erect bilingual signage, while residents a few miles up the road in Lisburn have to go through an outdated policy which has been challenged multiple times in courts. Tá cás aisteach anois againn ina dtig le háitritheoirí ar an Lag Mhór ar imeall Bhéal Feirste Theas comharthaíocht dhátheangach a chrochadh le tacaíocht ó 15% d'áitritheoirí ach tá ar dhaoine cúpla míle fá sin i Lios na gȩarrbhach gabháil leis an sean-pholasaí a ndearnadh dúshlán dlí a chur roimhe neart uaireanta.

Sinn Féin will be seeking legal advice on this issue over the coming weeks.

Mairéad O'Donnell: Minster for Infrastructure must consider community health over corporate wealth.

East Belfast representative Mairéad O'Donnell welcomed the opportunity to meet with the Minister for Infrastructure and to impress on her that alternative sites for the relocation of the Translink Bus Depot in Short Strand are given serious consideration by her department and the Chief Executive of Translink. I welcomed the opportunity to meet with the Infrastructure Minister and to put it directly to her that a report commissioned by , identifying six alternative sites, within East Belfast Translink Depot location, directly adjacent to an existing and emerging residential community, has a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of the local population, and that the site could be better served in providing, for example, community infrastructure. I explained to the Minister that I am deeply concerned that Translink are more focused on their commercial considerations of "dead mileage" and requested that this constraint is reviewed and reassessed by the Department for Infrastructure and Translink, when considered in the context of the health and wellbeing considerations of our community. The Minister agreed to visit Short Strand, at her earliest convenience. This will enable the Minister to follow up on the issues I have raised and to see how our community lives cheek by jowl with this pollutant. BELFAST CITY COMHAIRLE CHEANTAR COUNCIL BHÉAL FEIRSTE

Statues of Winnie Carney & Mary Ann McCracken to feature on City Hall grounds.

An Equality Impact Assessment in 2012 clearly demonstrated that those depicted or commemorated in statues in the grounds of Belfast City Hall are predominantly from a white, male, unionist background.

So Belfast City Council have agreed to begin the process of costing and designing statues dedicated to two Republican stalwarts in our city, Mary Ann McCracken and Winnie Carney. Belfast is a diverse city and it is crucial that steps like this are taken to make it inclusive and representative of all citizens of our city.

Sinn Féin brought forward proposals initially in 2017 and welcome the support of other parties which have now moved to support proposals.

Mary Ann McCracken was a leading Republican figure in the city around the time of the United Irishmen rebellion and also worked to support those most in need through Clifton House where she dedicated so much to feeding and sheltering the poor.

Winifred Carney was to the fore of women's rights and suffrage among female factory labourers, organising Trade Unions within factories with James Connolly. Winnie also went on to fight alongside the revolutionaries of the 1916 Easter Rising in the GPO.

It is fitting that we celebrate and recognise these trailblazers of women’s rights and national liberation in the grounds of our city hall. Sinn Féin will continue to work to ensure that Belfast City Hall is inclusive and representative of all our citizens. YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES

Deirdre Hargey

South Belfast North Belfast MP West Belfast MP

Deirdre Hargey John Finucane Sinn Féin Paul Maskey MP

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028 90243194 028 90500890 028 96206402

Fra McCann Órlaithí Flynn Pat Sheehan

Lower Falls Colin Blackmountain

Fra McCann Órlaithí Flynn MLA Pat Sheehan MLA

fra_mccann_mla orlaithif patsheehansf

028 95439009 028 90611176 028 90626670

Gerry Kelly Carál Ní Chuilín

North Belfast North Belfast East Belfast

Gerry Kelly Carál Ní Chuilín Mairéad O'Donnell

gerrykellymla caralnichuilin 028 90243194

028 95219295 028 95215649 Join Sinn Féin


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