Board of Trade, or of bringing before them any ments in lands which they may require for the objection, respecting the intended application, purpose of the intended Order. may do so by letter addressed to the Assistant To authorize the Undertakers to construct, lay Secretary, Railway Department, Board of Trade, down, alter, renew, and maintain, on lands beloug- Whitehall-gardens, London, on or before the ng to or leased by, or to be acquired or leased by, 15th day of January, 1901, and copies of such the Undertakers, within the area of supply, such representations or objections must at the same entral and other stations, building.', and other . time be sent to the undermentioned Solicitor or works for the generation, storage, and supply and Parliamentary Agents for the Company, and in distribution of electricity and electric currents as forwarding such objections to the Board of may from time to time be necessary for supplying Trade the objectors or their agents should electricity within the said area, or for other pur- state that a copy of the same has been so sent. poses of the intended Order, together with all . Dated the 9th day of November, 1900. engines, machinery, and apparatus necessary or F. S. CLAT, Nuneaton, Solicitor. Convenient for the purposes aforesaid. W. and W. M. BELL, 27, Great George- The following are the names of the streets in street, Westminster, Parliamentary which it is proposed that electric lines should be. Laid down within a specified time :— Park-lane, otherwise called Old Park-road, Light Railway Commissioners,—November, 1900. Park-avenue, West-avenue, main road from London and South Western Railway. to for a distance of half a -Amesbury and Military Camp Light Railway mile from Leeds City boundary towards Order, 1898. Wetherby, North-lane, Oakwood-lane from OTICE is hereby given, that application is the main road from Leeds to Wetherby to N intended to be made to the Light Railway Ladywood-road, Ladywood-road. Commissioners, in the present month of Novem- The names of the streets not repairable by a ber, by the London and South Western Railway local authority which the Undertakers propose to Company (in this Notice called "the Company"), take power to break up are as follows :— for an Order to amend the Amesbury -and Park-avenue, West-avenue. Military Camp Light Railway Order, 3898 (in The following is a list of the railways and tram- this Notice called "the Order of 1898"), as ways which the Undertakers propose to take follows (that is to say):— power to break up :— To authorise the Company to abandon and The tramways of the Lord Mayor, Alder- ' relinquish the construction of the portion : men, and citizens of the . • between Ratfyn and Shrewton, in the county of Wilts, of the Light Railway authorised by To confer upon the Undertakers all or some of ' • the Order of 1898, being so much of the the powers of the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 • said railway as lies to the westward of a to 1888, and of the Electric Lighting (Clauses) point 4 miles 7 furlongs and 8 chains, or Act, 1899, and to incorporate with the intended thereabouts, from the authorised point of Order all or some of the provisions of those Acts, commencement of the said Light Railway in with such modifications as may be prescribed or • • the parish of Newton Tony, in the county provided for by the intended Order. of Wilts. i To authorize the Undertakers to enter into con- Dated this 8th day of November, 1900. tracts with local authorities, companies, or persons SAM BIRCHAM, Waterloo Station, London, for the execution and maintenance of works, and ' S.B., Solicitor to the London and South the supply of electricity, and to relieve the Under- Western Railway Company. takers .from tlie consequences of any act or defaults of any such contractors. Board of Trade.—Session 1901. A map, showing the boundaries of the proposed and District Electric Lighting. area of supply and the streets within which it is (Application to the Board of Trade under the proposed that electric lines should be laid down Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 to 1899, for a within a specified time, and a copy of this notic'e, Provisional Order to Produce and Supply as published in the London Gazette, will be de* Electricity for all Public and Private Purposes posited, on or before the 30th day of November within the Township of Roundhay, in the Rural instant, for public inspection with the Clerk of District of Leeds (Roundhay and ), in the Peace for the West Riding of the county of the West Riding of the County of York.) York, at his office at Wakefield, and with the T^TOTICE is hereby given, that application Clerk of the Rural District Council of Leeds X i will be made to the Board of Trade, on or (Roundhay and Seacroft), at his office at the Poor before the 21st day of December -next, by the Law Offices, in East-parade, Leeds. Roundhay and District Electric Lighting Company And notice is hereby given, that printed copies. Limited (hereinafter called " the Undertakers "), of the draft Provisional - Order will be deposited for a Provisional Order under the Electric Light- at the office of the Board of Trade on or before ing Acts, 1882 to 1899, for all or some of tie the 21st day of December next, and printed copies'; following purposes (that is to say) :— thereof when deposited, and of the Order when, To authorize the Undertakers to produce, store, made, may be obtained at the offices of the under- supply, sell, and distribute electricity for all public signed Solicitors and Parliamentary Agenrs, and and private purpose?, as denned by the said Acts, also at the office of F. L. Armitage, Plumberj ', within the township of Roundbay, in the rural . Oakwood, Roundhay aforesaid, within, the area of. district of Leeds (Roundhay and Seacroft), in the supply, at the price of one shilling for each copyj West Riding of the county of York (hereinafter by all persons applying for the same. called " the area of supply "). And notice is hereby further given, that every To authorize the Undertakers to place, lay local or other public authority, company, or person down, erect, maintain, alter, and renew electric desirous of making any representation to the lines, mains, and other works in, under, over, and Board of Trade, or of bringing before them any along all public and private streets, roads, and objection respecting this application, must do so other places within the area of supply. by letter, addressed to the Board of Trade, marked To authorize the Undertakers to purchase,.hold, on the outside of the cover enclosing it, " Electric and acquire, or take on lease any lands 01 ease- Lighting Acts," on. or before the 15th day of C 2