University Of Belle Lamar South Florida Begins This Campus Edition Week in TA



I THE TAMPA TIMES, 1\londay, October 21, 1963 What Will Be Gained? Letters to the Editor Campus .--- Edition More on Wearing Shorts I would like to reply to the letter written by Mr. Stephen Cibik in last Letters to the Campus Edition week's issue entitled "Writer Condemns should bear the author's signature, Editorial Page Shorts," which I am sure everyone class status, and should be typed or on campus has read and thoroughly en­ printed in ink. The Campus Edition joyed as it was almost impossible to reserves the right to shorten any believe that the letter was to be taken letter in meeting space requirements. seriously. Obviously Mr. Cibik has a Deadline for letters is 2:30 p.m. Mon· Football Discussion Fruitless decidedly warped attitude in regards to day for the following issue. the human body, sex, and moral be­ havior. The brief but interesting panel There is no magic in the con­ well to remind Mr. Cibik that the sin discussion on intercollegiate ath­ dition of "one class graduated." His letter was divided into three headings, esthetic reason, sex reason, is only a sin if it is wrong in the mipd One administrator explained that of the individual and I am quite sure letics last week cleared the air on and moral reason. I will deal with them this condition is desired because of respectively. As far as estheticism goes, that there are very very few students at least two aspects of the situa· on this campus who believe that they the fear that expected accreditation the human body is a beautiful structu1·e. tion: proponents and opponents of of the university would be affected are sinning or are causing others to Each muscle, each bone, each nerve "sin" when they wear sports attire. In athletic competition at USF are by a losing team. We must here has a definite related function to the actual fact there are extremely few concerned primarily. with football giv.e more credit to the accredita· whole. If a male in bermudas is dis­ gusting to Mr. Cibik he is to be pitied students who wear bermudas or shorts of the old fur coat-horse blanket­ tion board than to think their aca­ to class anyway. demic rating of for this is decidedly a peculiar attitude varsity banner type; and sports the university might Further I wish to say that Jesus be influenced by whether we top· and one that is definitely not shared Christ is neither to be judged or would labeled "minor" are not objects of pled Ole Miss last fall. by the rest of the males on campus he take it upon himself to judge a coed as far as I can see. In fact, I doubt criticism. But the second point, that of acting as a lady while dressed in sports if it ever enters the mind of a normal attire. (One wonders if Mr. Cibik has The panel was composed of Dr. adequate facilities, is the significant balanced male. Gil Hertz, director of physical edu­ one. The administration has said some inside communication.) As for As far as a male being sexually myself I would respect and venerate cation; Dr. Elliott Hardaway, li· we just don't have the money to stimulated by seeing a coed in ber­ Jesus Christ in anything and I think it brarian; George Levy, local sports provide a team with the necessary mudas goes, my knowledge is definitely is disrespectful, asinine and in bad taste equipment and facilities. One ques­ limited, but I might add that the boys enthusiast ·and businessman, and to bring up a question of this type. tion we would like to ask is if a I have been associated with for the Mr. Cibik states: "I do not desire Tom McEwen, sports editor of the local group of sports enthusiasts most part have been far too gentlemanly to be sexually stimulated by seeing girls to ever discuss so crude a subject as Tampa Tribune. Hardaway's point guaranteed to raise the necessary ,• or women in shorts or pedal pushers their sexual stimulation. But as far as in our college buildings." I pity you sir, was clear. He claims football drains finances to field and house a team a female getting stimulated by seeing until the athletic program began you must be constantly in a state of energy which could be directed to­ a man in bermudas goes this · is the nervous tension and frustation if the operating in the black, would the ~~- . :~_~;;::·~·'-le ~.1' most absurd, preposterous, disgusting ward worthwhile projects; e a c !1 administration accept the offer, or ~ ' '· . ' / .•~-:P · main thing you have to occupy your ._/..: statement I have ever read. I hate to poor mind is the stimulation you get football scholarship means one less fall back on the accreditation as­ disillusion and disappoint Mr. Cibik but academic scholarship and the effect from seeing a coed in sports attire. pect. . .) he is sadly mistakened. This is definitely Not only do you need the help of a of big-time football upon the com· It's not a ·pressing issue, as not the female constitution. Indeed, this clergyman, but you also need 1:he help munity is somewhat undesirable. demonstrated by the abundance of would be a very strange phenomen. of a psychiatrist. Hertz sees football as part of a . talk and dearth of action. Minor As for the moral issue, it would be Tali Ward not too near program, but only as sports are, however, on the way. Facilities for athletics are in the one of many "major" sports. He planning stag·e. · But football has Some See College said he felt sports writers could been dismissed as a zany idea of Student Against Bicycle Paths sell the public on any sport, and a muddleheaded freshman who Life as A I am against bicycle paths and for struction because of the foregoing rea­ that this s h o u 1 d be one of the wants to be able to toss beer cans sons. writers' immediate projects. at referees. And the post-college a fifteen - minute inter v a 1 between classes. Not only the students but the 3. Will be in a better humor because Speaking as a past president of advocators of football are labeled of reason number one. the local chapter of the University rabble rousers. Football is dying; 'Gay, Mad Whirl' faculty will benefit from the longer lapse I have other reasons, but because of of Florida Alumni Association, they say. But still fans fill the between classes. lack of space I will stop here. I hope Levy said in the past, football has stadiums, ignorant of the basic fact. By DIANE SMITH probably break-and are broken-more Students will benefit because: that the reasons given in favor of an provided the adhesive for group The concept of the zany professor of the Campus Staff than any other group in the social strata. 1. They will have more time for interval of fifteen minutes will be enough for you to request same of your stu­ solidarity among alumni, and that who can't remember his street ad­ A smirk appear$ WELL, LIVING it up Is a nice lively walking to their next distant class. on the face across dent legislature. this results in the creation of many dress has certainly done an injus­ the table. "Of course," it says, "you're topic. According to the outside world all 2. They will have more time to re· tice to the teaching profession. students have off-beat, intellectual par· The administration does not know worthwhile projects not directly But going to college so you don't have any cuperate mentally f r o m their last related to athletics. so has the concept of the 300-pound problems. That's the breaks. Live it up ties from dark until dawn. Or they just what you want unless you make your farm boy, sans shoes, who is signed for four years., chase boys, have parties, have parties lasting an equal length of "brain" class. needs known through your student leg­ McEwen reiterated Levy's state­ time. 3. They will have more time for islature. The purpose of your student ment concerning the apparent cre­ up Friday and stuck in at right then ease into a soft job. You've got it tackle Saturday done an injustice made." Cramming for a final might, by a conversation between student· and stu­ legislature is to make your needs known ation of group unity by providing dent or between student and instruc­ to the administration. to the serious athlete. How does one answer this? The dorm· seven-way stretch of the imagination, be a common cause-a football team, called off-beat. It is intellectual and it tor. I believe that bicycle paths are the We think serious consideration dweller's first impulse might be a reflex and advocated at least an immedi­ action aimed in the general direction of lasts the right number of hours. But a 4. They need the extra time to re­ less desirable of the two needs. Be· of the possible effects of introduc· party? ate feasibility study concerning ath­ the speaker's mouth. Someone has their field glasses lax mentally and emotionally from their sides, everybody on this campus has letics in general and football in ing football at USF is of necessity turned the wrong way. last class. classes and not many have bicycles. particular. the next step. The public support· A COMMUTER might be a little more Ah, the pursuit fallacy. Everyone 5. Some students may even have time Bicycle paths construction would cost Certainly both "sides," if we ers of the institution are going to violent, say a quick stab in the heart with knows the main reason girls indulge in for a ·quick coffee break. about $7,000 as I have heard. may call them that, have made valid demand this type of competition an ignition key, followed by ten minutes education is to capture a pre-med or The faculty will benefit for the very We need the walking exercise; the points. The administration has regardless of official objections. So of hysterical laughter. But this tapioca­ engineering major, by looks or by books, same reasons and in addition they: physical exertion does us good. Bicycle if big time football produces ill brain seems to know what he's talking OBVIOUSLY THE opposite sex spends 1. Will be more rested up both men­ riding is not as healthful as walking. stated and restated its policy: "Un­ about. Perhaps he's right and college is Walking gives us better nervous and til such time as it is fully prepared side effects, let's set about to dis· most of its time running, direction op· tally, physically, and emotionally. one gay, mad whirl. tiona!. Any visitor to any campus would 2. Will give us better teaching or in- emotional release than does bicycling. to enter intercollegiate athletics the cover how to eliminate the possi­ After sitting in classes so much and bility of Maybe that pile of textbooks is a be quick to confirm this. university will not sanction any off­ the creation of these However, they fail to mention or no­ so long, walking really does us a lot of If mirage. Maybe ulcers, migraines, my­ campus competition-intercollegi· effects. football often becomes o-pia, blue funks, purple funks, black tice that the students male and female, good because our blood now goes to our ate, extramural or intramural-by something akin to an idol on cam· funks, and a climbirig suicide rate are are running to class and not from each Writer Objects legs and feet when before during classes University of South Florida teams pus at the sacrifice of other sports, nonexistent. Some morbid writer prob· other. And they aren't running because our blood was doing double duty in our or students ...." And "such time then let's find out how this situa­ ably made them up to give everybody that new blond carne to a lecture in brains. as it is fully prepared" has been tion can be avoided. a good laugh. Sure, that's it. track shoes, but because that 'soft' job, To Recent Letter I have given you some reasons but After all, college students do get all dangling like a carrot at the end of a now it is up to you to choose and make defined as at least until one class Discussion from now on appears your need known through the proper has graduated, and when adequ ".: fruitless. Once you have said foot­ the breaks. Especially those preceded by pole, may be snapped up by someone I feel that for three reasons I must the adjectives coffee, cigarette, Bayer, who ran a little faster. object to Stephen Ciblk's article of Oc­ channel. facilities allow for training teams ball is bad and your opponent has Stephen Ciblk without said it is good, what else is there vitamin C, and benzedrine. In fact, they And photo-finishes do count. tober 7 which condemned shorts: infringing on intramural ESTHETIC REASON-Perhaps hairy sports activity. to say? legs are not the most beautiful things in the world, but they are not repugnant Shorts Are Not and disgusting. That hair evolved to help 'Weans' Seen as Valuable Reading Reactions Vary on Wall Sculpture keep you warm. Don't condemn it. Per­ haps Mr. Cibik feels that men should Termed Immoral The Weans by Robert Nathan. (Alfred tribe, the "dodgers" or perhaps the By JIM FELTER viewer which is going to take more than shave their legs. But then if men cut A. Knopf, New York, 1960, 56 pp) "Brooklins," which were, according to of the Campus Staff one viewing. their legs as often as they cut their chins, I see nothing immoral or un-Chris­ John Chamberlain's large, overwhelm· the translation, "shut out." Nathan poses Reactions are varied among viewers it might not look nice. tian in wearing socially acceptable For those interesfed in the cultural an interesting problem: was this small at the current exhibition titled Contem­ ing piece can be placed in the so-called SEX REASON-Sex is a natural and significance of archaeology, The shorts on campus. I agree that it looks Weans band forced to remove to another part porary Wall Sculpture. The public reac­ junk art category. It is composed of essential part of human life and exist· will prove a valuable reading experience. of the continent? As has been pointed tion is generally skeptic. smashed automobile parts and generally ence. Even if men and women wore better to have a classroom full of nicely Kenya and Uganda expeditions (accord­ out, n. Yok is on the eastern coast, and Some seem to get a thrill what the public calls junk. Audience re­ shapeless potato sacks that reached to dressed individuals, but I see no reason ing to Robert Nathan) have unearthed, the dodgers may have set up a home out of banging their hands action to the use of such material is to their ankles, they would still be at­ to carry this "dressed up" appearance from diggings in the great west conti­ continue to call it junk. This it is not. tenitory, or base, on the west coast. against a work and even tracted to each other, get married, and around the rest of the day and night. nent, remains of a culture not unlike IT IS PROBABLE that We 's capital defacing nametags. Unin­ The artist is using available material have children. our own. was at Pound-Laundry. "Pound" as the telligent acts such as and reshaping, recutting and reforming MORAL REASON-I also base my In answer to the letter by Mr. Cibik in The expedition, headed by the scholars suffix-ending for We's city-states is de­ these seem to be not-un­ such matter into a genuine work of art. morals on the Bible. It is true that last week's Times, I'd like to say: Hulay-Beneker, Bes Nef and his wife rived from the word ton; the first name common in the contem­ The resulitng composition is sound and Christ said we can commit adultery even 1. It would take an individual who Sra. Bess Nebby, uncovered glyphs bear­ of the capital being washing, which has porary art world. They powerful. The effect is shocking at first. with our minds (Matthew 5:28). But if is obsessed with a vulgar outlook on ing the uncertain ciphers "US," which is been deciphered laundry. Pound-Laundry generally result from mis­ But the audience must at least see what we do commit adultery with our minds, sex to find something "sexually stimu­ translatable to the modern term "we"; had many temples, one of them in par­ understanding o r igno­ the artist has done. A person, blind, with let us attempt to purify our minds and lating" with everyone who wears shorts. thus this ancient culture is known as the ticular resembling the Greek Parthenon. rance and occur when the 20-20 vision is a product of unthinking not condemn our bodies. I believe I 2. I agree that hairy legs look bad Weans. The author explicates the term The purpose of these temples has been viewer is faced with the and narrow-minded people. It is time to would respect Jesus Christ more if he - personally I can't stand a girl with Weans: obscured by time, but one theory is that most advanced work of Felter open up and see what is going on. Sculp­ wore Bermuda shorts on this campus hairy legs. However, most girls' legs "Sri. B'Han Bollek has called these they were the washing houses, or wash art. ture, even wall sculpture, demands time today than if he wore a long white robe. look very nice. people the Weans, because certain ar· rooms, the capital is named for. The exhibition coontains some excel­ to be fully experienced. Generally more As Christians we should believe that the 3. My concept of Jesus Christ and than a painting. It must be viewed chaeological findings incline him to the We had at least 70 queens. One of lent work, but I fear the reaction of the from faith and message of Christ is as ap­ God is big enough to allow wholesome various belief that they called their land the them, Mrs. Helen Sonnenberger, was student body to the more contemporary angles, walked around, experi­ plicable and meaningful in today's cul­ fun and recreation. I don't belong to enced as a whole. WE, or the US; actually, in the southern queen for a day, as ciphers in the Valley work of such sculptors as G. A. Curtis, ture as it was two thousand years ago. the school of religious thought that dic­ Perhaps a better example of this is part of the continent, the word "Weuns" of the Sun indicate. The hierarchy of creator of wonderful fountain and sea Cbrist· will not respect us any less as tates that we wear a long face and Wall Cor Weans) does appear, as well as the We was a precarious one, as the ruler sculpture, the human-size metal pilings Box With Ovals constructed of human beings because we wear Ber­ dress in stainless black. Christianity is a joyful glyph for Wealls, a n d the word 'They­ of the combined city-states was deposed of William Tarr or the seven foot cu­ steel by Sheldon Machlin. The mudas. movement religion, and there's nothing wrong with uns.• " after reigning for a maximum of eight bistic wood-slab sculptures by Truitt, who of the viewer creates a unique However, I will try to respect the rhythm and balance between the ovals enjoying it. THE MOST INTERESTING site was years. It may be that the unstable power had his first New York one-man show dress policy of the administration and 4. I am studying for the Methodist and the rectangular. Repetition gives the at a cultural center, which probably was system of We was the source of its de· at the Andre Emmerich Gallery early urge other students to do the same. We ministry, work a quiet individual solitude. and I'm afraid if Mr. Ciblk called "n. Yok" by the inhabitants. It struction. this year. are too busy building a great university ever attended my church he'd be very was at this cite that a hollow sculpture BY HIS LUCID explication of this The library gallery is mild both in UNTITLED (SPOON) by Lucas Sa· to waste time in controversy over trivia. disappointed. representing what must have been the ancient civilization, Robert Nathan has Impact and freshness in its current show­ rnaras offers the public a work com· Frank Johnson Jim Lawrence female deity was unearthed. She is an shown himself to be an interesting com­ ing, compared to more recent work. posed of a metal spoon and plastic alu· enormous structure, and ("with one arm minum on wood. It is a glaring over­ mentator on current culture as well as SPORA, GREEK for seed, by Lindsey upraised in a threatening attitude") that obscured by the mists of time. The worked comment disruptive to the aes· L symbolizes what must have been a fear­ culture of We, if portrayed by an artist Decker is given form by welded copper, thetic senses. The artist is throwing this I ful culture. less concerned with accuracy and more sharp and sensuous emotion with the common household utensil, destroyed for all practical purposes, in front of the "Lib" or "Libby," as the goddess is with psychological effect, could have addition of various textures and the lay­ T called, (from certain and u n n a m e d public and slaps his face with the muti· transformed the archeologists' reports ing bare of the welding substance. Vari­ T glyphs or ciphers) protected n. Yok, a into a scathing (but ineffective) satire lated eating tooL small island, from as yet undisclosed on our own culture. A cursory reading ous colors of treated copper give the Perhaps this should be done, but not L menaces. by all but the most assiduous citizen work its rawness, causing the lighting so stark, not so naked. It is grotesque, Another find from the rich diggings will vindicate all doubts about the satiric to have a distinct effect of the visual hideous. The unnatural vibrations radi­ E ating out from the cup of the spoon dis­ at n. Yok, and again based on obscure intent of The Weans. understanding arrived at by the viewer. glyphs indicates the existence of a small -DAREL SHEFFIELD turbs the senses too much, the result is The entire exhibition depends greatly overly revolting, and makes the piece an M on its success to proper lighting. Light· emotional experience rather than an ing can make or destroy in· A a showing. tellectual one. The result is savage, ani­ Spora communicates well, perhaps too malistic. The artist is hitting the public N well, its metal seed image. below their intellectual belt and they The Campus Agam's Edition Adventure is what the title should be aware of tltis. says. It offers the public a pleasing, The exhibition will continue through 0 . A. special edition of The Tampa Times published weekly by non-violent experience. The use of op­ Oct. 27. tical illusion creates JOUrnalism students of the University of South Florida. musical movements To return to first things, past gallery N in the changing of shapes EDITOR and colors. goers will immediately notice the re­ It is an excellent design pattern-for a Michael Foerster modeling of the exhibition hall. The gal­ NEWS EDITOR FEATURE EDITOR design exhibition. It is out of place here. lery is now larger and more pleasing, c Raised squares of various heights New walls have been John Gullett Kay Keating compose the main geometrical form set up and the A of storeroom has been removed. Photographer ...... Gary Ragan Daniel Basen's White Block Relief. The Other exhibitions on campus include M Cop~ Editor white shapes ...... Danny Valdes are fastened to a white two of America's foremost printmakers, board. Irregular hand-etched p B Advisor ...... , A. T. Scroggins lines run Garo Antreasian and Rudy Pozzatti dur· diagonally across the STAFF WRITERS corners of the ing this month. It is located in the u y Eugene Abbott Lurlene Gallagher Larry Vickers Jr. Richard Oppel squares. The irregularity is not due to teaching gallery in the Humanities poor craftsmanship, Janis Bell Kathleen Manetta Edward Wagner Dianne Terry but is a direct, per­ building. s sonal comment by the artist on the state Arthur Cody Patricia Pulkrabek Lillian Collins Jim Felter Paris Print Masters, sponsored by the B Leona Ehlert John Rosinski John Thomas Jackie Montes of man in today's regulated, angular cut and dried civilization. The artist shows UC arts and exhibits committee, is on I Mike Fowler Marian Stewart Pat Costianes Diane Smith display in the UC. These prints are for Sam Nuccio Phyllis Tarr Phillip Lucas man as out of place In such a society and compares the human qualities to the sale and contain some good buys on B Deadline for copy is 1 p.m. Wednesday for the following machine ones. Picasso's and others. Paintings by Rob­ L Monday edition. Offices are located in the University Center, ert Gelina, who joined the university Room 222, Extension 206. BASEN'S COMMENT is subtle and di­ faculty this trimester, are featured in a E rect. It deserves contemplation by the one-man show in the theater gallery. R

•·I THE TAMPA TIMES 15 Orton Vs. Big Jake Monday, October 21, 1963 Deriding reports that his vic- Earlier, 1 Lewin will meet Duke tory over Luke Brown last week Keomuka of . In the other Sammy was an upset, or Kan- event, Hiro Matsuda of Japan sas City. will meet seven-foot will meet Chief Crazy Horse, (Continued from Page 14) Jake Sm1th of Kentucky in the Indian star from Oklahoma. . , main event of Promoter Cowboy Action will start at 8:30 o'clock. serv1ce just to punt wed have Luttrall's wrestling card at the been in bad shape. Even with tomorrow night. N F L his injured ankle, he kicked 7 . ORTON DEFEATED Brown for an average of 40 yards." m one fall of a scheduled two "Heap heartbreaker for your out of three falls match to bring . . a chitllenge from Jake and (Cmtmued from Page .12) raves," said Sammy, "but you will like the Promotor Cowboy L u t t r all uled for x-ray~ ~o determme the got to forget last battle and get signed them for a two out of ext~nt of the lDJUnes. ready for Virginia Tech here three falls match, time limit one T!~tle was cut ar?und ~he left next Saturda . You see wh hour. eye m a second penod skirmish, Y . ere extra convenience of the When the victory was called but wound up firing two TD they clobber William and Mary an upset, Orton pointed out that strikes to Phil King and one tribe Saturday?" he has defeated such well known each to Joe Walton and Del stars as Pat O'Connor, Pepper S~orne:. Dick Lynch joined the "YES," SAID PETE, "they Gomez, y u k 0 n Eric and G1ants scores on an 82-yard beat W&M 28-13 and they won't TAMP A TRIBUNE'S wrestled world champion Lou Irun wit~ an interception of a be an easy game for us. I just Thesz to a draw. "When you Cowboys pass. . beat men like that, how can you THE STEELERS, trailing 27- hop~ we can wm the next two call a victory over a tub of lard 24, moved ahead to stay in the agamst VPI and Furman be­ an upset," Orton commented. fourth quarter as Dick Haley in- !ore we heat into the really Home Delivery . .. and More than 4,000 fans are ex- tercepted a pass by Redskins' tough games against Georgia pected to turn out for the match quarterback Norm Snead and Tech, Auburn, Florida and N.C. and the return of popular Don rambled 24 yards for the go- State. Our record now is 2-1-1." Curtis of Buffalo~. who has been ahead touchdown. A fumble led the 30c savings each sidelined since he and Tex Riley to an additional Pittsburgh TD "YOU NOT WORRY much," met the Assassins in a TV stu- on a four-yard pass from Ed said Sammy, now playing the dio m atch on Aug. 3. Brown to Buddy Dial. role of a morale builder, "other CURTIS WILL TEAM with The Colts also won on an in- teams have tough going in early week ... ! Southern champion Eddie Gra- off a fourth quarter ppass by batUes and come back to win ham against the Assassins, who off a fourth quarter passs by big ones later on." recently won the world tag team Milt Plum, the only one at- "I just hope we can install .... wrestling title. of tempted by the Lions' quarter- that spirit in our boys," said Buffalo, who came to Florida back. and lugged it 26 yards Pete, " because we still think to rejoin Curtis, will be in the for the clinching score. we've got a really fine team. corner to get pointers on the The Rams, who had lost eight We're going to win some more style of the Assassins. in a row, won. their fit·st for ball games this year." p;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Oiiiiiiiiiiii C o a c h Harland Svare when Danny Villanueva kicked two "THAT'S THE HEAP big RACING 27-yard field goals in the final spirit," said Sammy. "You get­ NIGHTLY period against the Vikings. tum ready to do battle." Sam­ A my didn't have the heart to re­ ' 00 Pro Football mind Pete that Florida had won PM easily over Vanderbilt and Au­ M 8 burn had upset Georgia Tech. RAIN Standings p NATIONAL LEAGUE OR EASTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pel. Pis. OP TWGA Golf FAIR Clevtland .... 6 0 0 1.000 20:> 98 A CLOSED St. Louis . .. 4 2 0 .667 H9 121 SUNDAY New York ... 4 2 0 .667 Jli9 H3 Tourney Set Pltlsburah ... 3 2 1 .600 1~~ 117 Philadelphlo. . 2 ~ 1 .tOO 127 168 Washinalon .. 2 4 0 .:133 137 167 D MATINEES Dallas ...... 1 5 0 .167 107 171 At Silver Lake WESTERN CONFERENCE The Tampa Women's Golf 2:00 P.M. As- 0 g~f::goBa~.. :: ~ i & :~~~ m :g sociation Will hold its first SATURDAY ~~~~~.~~~ ·::: ~ ~ ~ : ~~ ~!g 116 round championship play tomor- G HOLIDAYS Detroit .. ... 2 4 o .33.1 ns row at the Silver Lake Golf and ~:~ ~~~~!~co i ~ ~ :m ~~ Country Club. Baltlm:r~N~~Y~~tr!tfSJiLTS The distaff golfers DAILY are slated San Francisco 20, Chloaro U to tee off at 8:30 a.m. DOUBLE ~~~ny~~/~o.D~~~··L~!b 1 In the championship flight, 1-2 Los Anreles 27, l!Ilnnesola 2• the team of Marge Shattuck and R RACES ~~!~~:~:h 3~, ~!~'h't:~~:."' 2~ Inga Rackley will take on Doris Yes • • . you will ' ~ AME~ICAN LEAGUE Bower and Elaine Sox; B~bs A RUSTY'S PICKS EASTERN DIVISION Woodruff and LaVerne Watkms enjoy receiving the Ta!npa w I. T Pet. Pts. OP meet Pat Godwin and Virginia DAILY 5:20 P.M. ~~~~.~:n :. :::: ~ ~ 8 :m m mMazureak; Betty Holt and Marge Tdbune at home each c 3 ,ij New York .. ~ o OO 12r. lim Graham play Sue Ballard and RADIO WIN9 4 135 161 DIAL 1010 Bu!lalo wEsTJRN Dlvrsi~~ Mary Ellen Sussex, and the Con­ 111orning, including the big, K ~~'k~~~~go .:::: ~ l & :m m mnie Stinson~Mary Hamilton duo Kansas City . 2 ~ 1 .400 167 t aR meet Fran Sherman and Guilla exciting Dennr . FRmh·~ R~su'f¥ 130 196 Albers. Sunday edition. The Boston ~~N~·:;~s ifEsuus In second flight play, Mary seven day home delivery rate San Diego 38, Kansas City 11 Olney-Hilda White meet Toni 26 1 Hunt-Dot Longmire; Lorraine is only SOc a week. It's so r~~¥~~~~~~~;~ -,!!:~~~~~~~~~n~d ~ii~·:...!::~:~ua~ !~"~f!~,~~ Jensen-Katherine Llauget play ~~·'-''--"'~~...... ,..._,f~:'' 1 Bobibe Hamilton-Nettie Huff­ man; Evelyn Smith- Virginia simple and easy to order HOME ' · Mooney take on Alice Sorrells­ DELIVERY, YOUR CONVENIENT Dot Goff and Ida Flenneken­ too ... takes only a phone Dollie McCartan play Grace B.F. GOODRICH STORE Nicholson-Ruby Wade. call to any of the numbers listed 1010 GRAND CENTRAL Kathy Whitworth 219 below! It's the most convenient way Takes Hillside Open to be kept fully informed on all the SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (JP) -Kathy Whitworth of Jal, N.M., latest news happenings at the start of each day! led all the way to take the $1,200 top mony in the annual Hillside Open Golf Tournament at Montecito Country Club Sun­ day. NHL Standings By The Associated Preu Arcadia Leesburg NATIONAL LEAGUE W L T Pts. GF GA WA 8-4531 ...... 4 1 0 8 20 13 ST 7-6919 ...... 3 2 0 6 15 11 ...... 3 z 0 6 12 10 e Complete news coverage ...... 2 2 1 IS 17 15 Auburndale Naples .... 2 2 0 4 11 10 ...... 0 51 1 8 24 wo 7-1220 MI 2-2729 SATURDAY'S RESULTS Monlreal 2, Boslon 0 Toronto 2, Detroit 1 Avon Park New Port Richey SUNDAY'S RESULTS Objective local reporting 5, Montreal 3 e Toronto 2 GL 3-6476 849-4211 S. Bo•ton 1 TODAY'S OA~ES No cames scheduled Bartow Ocala TUESDAY'S GAMES No rame• scheduled 629-2983 e Strong, helpful editorials 533-8303 , eYEARS OLD. IMPORTED IN BOTTLE FROM CANADA BY HIRAM WALKER IMPORTERS INC., DETROIT. MICH. 86.8 PROOF. BLENDED CANADIAN WHISKY. Bradenton Orlando 745-7061 422-6389 e Sports news Brandon Perry 689-4378 236-K Pinellas Beaches Brooksville 362-1871 Throughout the ~orld e Complete financial reports 796-3458 Plant City , \there's only Clearwater 752-3675 446-2464 e Finest features for women Port Charlotte one ~hisky that Dade City NA 5-4804 567-2387 ., Sarasota tastes like this e Entertainment for all Dunnellon 958-2555 HU 9-2765 Sebring Ft. Meade EV 5-8855 46-134 St. Pete 1. It has the lightness . How ''Ji~ht1s· home delivery of Scotch ,Canadian Club? Ft. Myers 361-6954 Daily and Sunday WY 5-4039 Tallahassee FACT: Gainesville 224-2742 Venice 2. The smooth satisfaction It's the FR 2-4902 2-0622 of Bourbon lightest Haines City 4-3815 Wauchula whisky in PR 2-2404 Lakeland the world! Winter Haven 3. No other whisky in the per 682-7319 world tastes quite like it 293-9884 WEEK Lake Wales Zephyrhills 2-2404 to NO M..UUJ"f OuU'JI E\Jl.UfN • \ 782-3304 lll"'UPISM"C.UUJUl.MCWI-~!Jn' HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED WALKERVlW. CANADA • • • and in Tampa Call 229-7777 Clr~ulation Dept • The Tampa Tribune MORNING and SUNDAY "FLORIDA'S PRESTIGE NEWSPAPER"

• 16 THE TAMPA TIMES, Monday, October 21, 1963 FREE Sessions of TW 0 world-famous courses Unwitting Target NEW YORK (JP)-The prize­ winning Broadway play, "The Patriots," to be seen in Novem­ Designed ber on TV, almost cost play­ wright Sidney Kingsley his life. Now is for women A GI stationed near New York in 1942 when the final script was written, Kingsley dis­ who want more covered what he thought was the perfect retreat-an aban· doned shack in an open field. the time out of life Suddenly, while deep in his for honest self-appraisal work, the Saturday afternoon stillness was shattered by ma­ fQr setting new goals chine gun fire. Kingsley hugged the floor in FREE for action to reach them terror while the live ammuni­ tion splintered wood all around him. Later, unscathed but bad­ RAMBLER CLASSIC TWO-DOOR HARDTOP SESSION Tomorrow won't do for the man ly shaken, the author departed Ne.w for 1964 is the Rambler Classic two-door hardtop, a newly added body or woman who is alert to today'l from his hideaway-a strate­ style also available in the Rambler Ambassador series, now on display at North­ opportunities. You can develop the inner independence to break out of rou­ gically placed target on a firing 6:30 P.M. tine - do things that are personally satisfying. side Rambler Co., 10409 Florida Ave., Schulstad Rambler Co., 1111 E. Cass St., THE DALE CARNEG~ COURSE range. and Schulstad Dale Mabry Rambler, 700 N. Dale Mabry. All Ramblers continue All you need is the self-confidence to put in Effective Speaking, more verve in your life . . . and the Dor• • • to have such longlife features as the ceramic-armored muffler and tailpipe system, Monday, Leadership and Human RelatioDJI 33,000-mile chassis lubrication and 4,000-mile engine oil change interval, galva­ othy Carnegie Course can help you find it. nized body panels, new wax coating, and rust-preventing paint primer process. Oct. 21 wm bring 1101& The course can give you a new outlook on yourself. It develops A BETTER JOB untapped personal abilities that can make you more interested A BIGGER INCOME . . . and more interesting! Room 221 NEW SELF.CONFIDENCE Wonderful World of Animals NEW RECOGNITION DIES Sheraton·Tampa Ask us to show you the results of FREE DEMONSTRATION it's true that no other headache this world-famous training 7:37 P.M., MONDAY, OCT. 21st By DR. FRANK MILLER before you risk a new carpet,, DEAR K.D.: This practice is Motel among scores of Dale Carnegie powder is better or faster than FLORIDAN MOTOR HOTEL DEAR DR. MILLER: My dog, and even then you'd better obviously detrimental to your Course graduates in this area. 'Goody's-yet Goody's cost you Tag, smiles at people and scares stand guard over it for the first chameleons. HO!Wever. it's un­ ( Moi'(Jan at Polk) Sponsored by Seminole Business & Professional Woman's Club less! them because they think he is few weeks. likely y o u r dog gets enough going to bite them. What should DEAR DR. MILLER: Every Hzard meals to suffer any gas­ ! do about this proolem?-K.T. year I go to the state fair where tronomic complications. by THE FLORIDA INSTITUTE. Inc. ·P.S. I am 8'h. my sister shows her animals. J Presented DEAR K.T.: It would be always buy a chameleon and a Does your favorite animal 512 Columbia Drive to just let Tag go right on package of dried flies. They have problems, physical or emo- Call 253·3770 for Additional Information ing. People will eventually learn never eat the flies so I turn tiona!? Dr. Miller will answer to understand him and Tag them loose in our indoor garden. a 11 e 1 tters sen t t o h'1m, care o f would never learn to w h ere they eat bugs and aphts. . . ======~ people that didn't want him to Then my dog finds them and The Tampa Tunes, provtded a DON'T THROW AWAY THINGS YOU'RE THROUGH WITH eats them. Is this harmful? self-addressed envelope is en- smile. Sell them for cash through Tribune-Times classified for sale ads. Ph. 223-4911 DEAR DR. MILLER:· When -K.D. closed. we got a cat it was broken to -·---~--­ a box but the minute she reached our house she aban­ doned the box for our wall-to­ ______..:. wall living room carpet. Now we have had an 8-month-old German Shepherd bitch one week. We were told she was housebruken, but like the cat she prefers the earpet. When we bought the house the previ­ ous owners had a dog and there are large spots all over the car­ pet from that dog. We eleaned the carpet before we moved in but that hasn't helped. The last straw was yesterday when a neighbor's dog followed our dog in the house and he messed on the carpet, too. We've just got to train these animals, but how PRESENTS ••• do we go about it? Nothing we have tried has helped a bit so Tbe New ®eWJam far.- D.P. SMALLEST DEAR D.P.: That carpet has proven an irresistable lure for I so long it isn't likely to chan-ge AT-THE-EAR AID its spots (though it will prob· Ever Created b~ Zenith ably add a few) at this late date. • Tiny, lightweight. Only lf4 oz. Perhaps the easiest solution, Fits neatly behind the ear though admittedly not the cheap­ • New long-life silver oxide est, would be to give up and battery holds power better in remove this carpet completely. extreme temperatures After the flo.or is thoroughly • Silicon transistorized circuitry cleaned, s t a r t retraining cat • Efficient reception from any and dog to use appropriate angle; nestles comfortably boxes or outside areas. As behind either ear of this training program it See us for demonstration and for be well to teach both pets to of ZENITH Triple Protection Plan. stay out of the to-be-carpeted rooms completely. Don't be in Better Hearing Service too much of a hurry to lay a t new lure down in the living 316 Madison Ph. 223·3441 room. Wait u n ti 1 you're sure these two are thoroughly trained 'C't7t.o.t is ? :v £eo.d Bank •

(t teail • ~ ci.rctes, as ·na.ncla took to lTl f.., that othersf -atioTt, k . one f in orw Ban ts t source o . g


(>. ~ I THE TAMPA TIMES, Monday, October 21, 1963 Hono~ Club Holds ISAYS LARSON Reception Tuesday Anniversary of U.N.

By PAT COSTIANES attending of the taboo on wear- ~ of the Campus Staff ing hard sole shoes. Signifies Emergence * * * Gold Key Honor Society will An organizational meeting of have an honors reception tomor- the ski club will be held Wednes­ row for students who achieved day From for a~ students _and ~~aff Adol escence a 3.5 grade average during members. mte~ested m ski~g. trimester III. President John The meeti~g will be held durmg Allen will speak at the recep- free hour m AC 139. tion to be held during the free * * * Cites Past, hour in the University Center R .. J. Welz has been elected ballroom. The faculty is invited. president of the. sports car ch~b. Other new officers are: Jim * Megronigle, A Zephyrhills* attorney,"' Les- vice president; Jim Looks At Vastine, business ter Bailes, will speak manager; and on the role Ann Lindsay, ()f the rural lawyer Wednesday secretary. The as part club meets each Tuesday at 1:25 of the Amicus Curia p.m. in UC (pre-law club) program. 202. A rally has Problems The been tentatively meeting will set for the first be held in Argos weekend of November. Center at 7:30 p.m. The society By JACKIE MONTES * * * is ~orklng closely ~it~ the Anyone interested in fencing of the Campus Staff ~lorida Pre-Law Association ~n is invited to attend meetings The United Its fall workshop to be held m each Monday at 7 p.m. in UC Nations cele- the Tampa Bay Area. All those 47 uc 248 or UC 264. brates its 18th anniversary interested in pre-law are invit- ' '* * * · this year. Accordinu to Dr. ed to join the society. Enotas Fraternal s c i e t y 9 0 f ' Arthur Larson, this anni- * * * claims a successful luau last Windjammers, USF's sailing week at which two wild boars versary signifies the im- club, is offering free sailing les- were consumed by mergence of the organiza- 30 Brotl)ers, tion sons each Saturday at Tampa 12 pledges, dates and adminis- from a period of adoles- cence to a Yacht and Country Club. Any- trative guests. The lake party period of assurance. ROBERT GONZALES, right, tries to block a spike by Pat Mason as Dean of Dr. Larson, director one may attend the sessions, and included recreational activities of the Men Charles Wildy watches. The volleyball game was part of the activities at a world rule of law center membership in the club is not and "sunset-watching." Joe Hill, luau held by Enotas fraternal at Duke requir~. Dr. Ro~rt E~~ society recently. University, spoke on the topic a~ En~urecmd~g~cr~u~wu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~America ~ob at llie UnH~ v__ is_e_r_t_o~th_e~c_Iu_b_,_r_e_m ~in_d_s~th_o_s_e~c_h_ie_f~o_f_P_r_o_c_ ur_e_m~e_n_t·~~~~ tt:'!!;~?IJ!i;:~H%!m.:~"!:m~~:=:lli;!;8!:Hiii:n::;;;:;;:~~!%:f.lili:m>?:@::'f.l:~:rfa.;;:::;~~%i>:':'§:?I:~m~;;:;;~~%lU'J.~;;::r.~ THE THEATER ~=;~~~s e~~!n~~e~i;nle~~~eT ~~ 0 Orchestra Program Shows l.l.'.-.:_[_i. Don t Ftll Your Flask- :_'.:.~.~.: ~nac;~~~t:~~~~:;::!~ · which involved the~s~~~~=~ning U.N. as well " Football Still in Future ~~ as present and future situations Strong Contrasting "j Moods ..• which will require U.N. assis- ~= (Continued from Page 1) ni," he said. "They build th'~ Mov·· e tance. right new stadium first - but then Resume' By ARTHUR CODY ity. The quicker tempo of the now," he said, "if we had of Events they build the water founta~s Initially, Larson gave of the Campus Staff second aria seemed to suit ~ sur~. possibility the of a field in the halls." I II I audience a brief resume' of The University-Community Anderson better than the first, Hertz stated Symphony Orchestra, o~::~er the uni- Levy observed that. football major events Which had re- with but he failed to produce the . , . . . more than supports Itself at Exce en t Edward Preodor conducting, vitality that was needed to make quired U.N. aid with the past versity s position to an audience . 't' " d th 20 to 24 months. presented a musical program of this piece convincing. of about 200 and a panel com- m~ny umvers:o~~~: an e This list included such in- strong contrasting moods of The Shostakovich Symphony posed of Tom ARTHUR LARSON, special assistant to General McEwen, sports mmor sports By JOHN GULLETT stances as the Congo problem, Eisenhower in 1947-8 solemnity and excitement last No. Five was tremendous. The editor of the Tampa Tribune McEwen added , told a USF audience last week Tuesday night. The audience that football of the Campus Staff the war in West New Guinea, that the U.N. is in its of musical contrasts furnished a George Levy, Tampa business~ ~eceipts at UF contribute heav- Th_e L-Shaped period of greatest effectiveness. 450 nearly filled the TA and picnic Room, at the communist Chinese situation ~(USF Photo) for the imaginati1:m. It man, sports enlliusiast and a Ily to the Dollars for _Scholars Florida Thea.ter throl!gh responded wonderfully, especi- moved both powerfully . . the most recent South Vietnam ~.....:.~~~~~.:._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- and former president of the Univer- prog~am - an academlc schol- ~ednes?ay, IS a typ1cal Bnt1sh question. ally to llie Shostakovich Sym- subtly, capturing the beautiful sity of Florida alumni associa- arship fund. film, right down "Every major power was op- phony and Rossini Overture. shades of tone color. It begins tion, and Elliott Hardaway, di- "There is a question of the to the excellent posed to action in The Mozart overture to the with a suspenseful throb and rector of the Congo the library. level of competition," said character por~ situation except the United Sports Events During Magic Flute was slightly hesi- rises like a jet airliner, slowly "We are trying to build a Hertz. tant in the opening tray~ls, co~vmc- States," said Larson. This fact chords but but surely leaving the ground. program for everyone," he said. 200 Scholarships mg did gain more color and spark mte~a~twn is evident because of the bill It builds to a storm of raging, " Our ~!icy up to now has been . He pointed out that a scho~l and [etlis~Ic _per- from the succeeding varied magnificent sound and which still is partially unpaid, then to satisfy as many as possible like Oklahoma or Southern Cali- s~ma rus ra he added. 'Antics' Take Shape instrumentation and intonations. tapers to the nervous, quiet through physical education and fornia provides as many as 200 tlO~~ · During The Magic Flute was a rather intensity of the calm the war in West New By MIKE FOWLER teams fighting for the 150 ac- before the intramurals, then to begin fa- full scholarships for football F ~ecto~ Bryan Guinea timid and unimaginative intro- storm. It swept over , said Larson, U.N. in- of the Campus Staff tivity points. the entire c i 1 it i e s for intercollegiate players. d or ~s so tervention duction to the music at t: lro- -took the form of "the The All-University Day-ac- Games tonight include Alpha eJ~,cite- audience and was the highlight sports." Hertz said he didn't want USF t:t~~n fro~ a ment following tlie intermission L~~~ establisthmdent. o~ ta Pt?liti~atl gtohv- tually Weekend-about which ET vs. PEM, Gamma V W vs. . of the concert. "Actually " he added "I to follow the course of Florida R 'd B k , Two Mozart arias, Within The last of the ernmen a mm1s ra Ion m o e nothing has been definite but Delphi, Siges vs. Tri Sis, Fides program, llie agree with' many of the objec- State University, which began etand ~~ i: anfovb Gullett territory." These Holy Portals from the overture to Semiramide . the intentions - White vs. Paideia I. and by tions Dr. Hardaway raised." intercollegiate athletics with a w~ll done. Leslie Caron plays a Wrong Magic Flute, and 0 Triumphant Rossini, was also successful Hardaway who said he Impressio~s is finally begin- Paideia H vs. Gamma I EW., had similar philosophy developed a F h . h b Dr. Larson pomted out the ning to take Retribution from the Abduction and presented an effective been asked' 1 Fides Blue, Fia and Gamma to participate be- strong program ot' other sports, n~~~cdu;~g: ~nc~c~:e: ::~fh fact tha ~ many .people had got- ~hape. from llie Seraglio, were sung by change of mood. A rhythmic cause the sponsors felt he had llien v w have drawn byes. finally made llie big time t ' fl' d t Is to E ten the ImpresslUn that the -It will be held Prof. Everett Anderson, soloist melodic flow among the first a "negative attitude " opened ~ football Teams to watch, says Sandy for the concert. /m; t m~, an h ra~\ _ndg~ United Nations was in a state Nov 15 Miller, Both arias were violins in llie second theme the debate with a prot~st against "The re~t of the program has student director, are Tri sung with rich tone and enuncia- ~n o ave er a Y ami s of decline and uproar; but, he - It. wili. be Sis and Fides Blue. welded the overture together school-sponsored " pro football decayed," he said. s rangers. . tion, but both were also lacking provided an inner sa~d, ~is comes f~om t~e im- called· Autumn 1 harmony for teams." McEwen noted ~"'at nfoptb"ll . She settles m a seedy room- plication I · t' · :tn · 1 th 1 ted · 4 these var1ous s1tua- Antics. Three touch football leagues n convlc IOnr or mner usica - e comp e mus1c. 0 oses "Bi Time" Athletics ... "' mg h u and k has leveled off - one of llie o se~ soon rna ~s tions presente d hto 1 t e genera -It may include will begin round-robin play to- .CeS Events ./~:e h~v~ n~ right,,. heths.aid, ~:a;~~~i~~g~*::::i! b~~ =~ ~~n~~:.~the~eBa~n~k~!P~ct~~~~~~i P~?i~c~se episodes all happened 1 Calendar and Not' . o spen ~~: ta;~:~n!~o~or ~~:J.W:M'[email protected]!1::=. UC248 Fia Pledge Luncheon 168 . H~rdaway a d d e _d tha~ he petition." . Caron MI~S . fmds a new ap- or secunty mterest .. On t~e of which might be a greased-pig ~~! versity, Macon, Georgia, f=* TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1963 a:aOp.m. :;~e~~~n~;bMeeti~;g~~i~! d1dn t have a negative attitude 11:00 a.m. i~~~P~~~ Honors UC248 4:30p.m. McEwen add~ lliat a situa- prec1ation of life but also a new other hand, the Soviet Uruon chase for women. No i·',: Bridge activi .•·.··. ,t.:.:'_ ';.·_. Lessons UC108 toward "books, girls . or be~r" tion resembling Louisiana's batch. ?f. conflicts a.s she and ty :@. Oct. 25 and 26 for the ~;'.r-f·,;·;= !2:20p.m. American Idea Forum , has never W?n, and has a mo- points for this activity, however. [)~ opening debate TAT 4 40 p.m. uc Leadership Training and suggested that U: Florida where a large number of state Bell m1tiate tourna- ~, 1:25 p.m. ¥~~~~\'.• Council "ThecHioo an aff?Ir, then notonou.~ senes of rebuffs, anr:l _Murphy Osborne, intramurals ~1 ment of the Program UC264·5 needs football _to put 1t on the teacher's colleges play spirited, ~epa rate when season. Sports car Club uc202 . Judo he disco~ers ~he defeats. . director, announced the plans i:ili The resolution being - Men c 11 uc24147 map, the Flonda Development well-supported football exi'sts m· IS to have another m ~:.:'!o,tmericans for 203 man s child. Fight Between East and West Wednesday. after a Tuesday i~.>_;;_ ~;gg ~::!!: g;I.;t~:Ja)'iono~unc Commission "should hire Coach Florida. ' Miss Caron is llie ~=~ 205 264 real treat He said llie fight between night meeting of all partici- (t used nationally is that E8 ~~~ire c~~::tl~t:: ~~~:,ety_ women uc 4~ Gaither nal freedom. said Osborne "as well as a fj sophomore !1§ Society uc~~ 6:00p.m. ~iscopal Dinner l:JC167·8 The question we're supposed • . :t< • ·,=< 7:30p.m. ~~~~eFa_ra}~~~~n~Yclety to "But when w~. enter mtercol- ~ntol~rance m To Kill a Mock- • T coup_le 6:30p.m. w~:~m~~~nct!~~~wshltc~~ answer here is: When football?" leg1ate competition I want to do mgbird. S k of formerly high-ranked jJt,«=,~:;:;;:.. · ... :.:w... · ..·<>>.·. '

~- white carnations. · :,;: 'CENTS' Best man was Tom Kennon, Live Oak. Groomsmen were ith FOOD FAIR'S GIANT DISCOUNTS Frank Harshaw and Charles T. Wells, Gainesville. Music was provided by Al Crews and Mrs. Bayne C. Smith, organist. The couple left for a wedding trip to Gatlinburg, Tenn., fol­ lowing a reception at the church. They will reside at 11th Street, Live Oak.

Miss Janis Gay Jones and* John A. Weekes were married Saturday evening in the Temple Terrace Presbyterian Church by the Rev. James R. Jackson. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jones, 406 Broxburn Ave. and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Weekes, 1700 Avon Court. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal gown of taffeta and Chantilly lace with calla lily sleeves and a chapel train. Her fingertip illusion veil was held by a flower of crystals and pearls and she carried a cascade of white carna· tions and grapes. · Cheryl Cornwall, Orlando, served as maid of hon<>r. Brides­ maids were Sue Knopke imd Sarah Weekes. Their street length gowns were champagne brocade with sheath bouffant skirts and they carried bronze carnations. Bob Wellons was best man. Groomsmen-ushers were Ed Timmons, Dick Davis, Tom Weekes, Chuck Jones, Bob Cold, and Jim Woodroffe. The couple left for a wedding trip to Central Florida follow­ LOW ing a reception at the Silver Lake Country Club. LOW PRICES PLUS MERCHANTS · GREEN STAMPS 100 GALLONS of FUEL OIL Mrs. Warren Tedder, Jr. PRICES EFFECTIVE With Your New THRU WEDNESDAY SIEGLER! QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED limited time only Big super heating ANEW performance in a i1~tEAT~rpfES4~i~59J D\YilS\Ol' I LIMIT 4, PLEASE l lN COMPACT ~---~-~------~---~--~--~---~ f\.OOR ttEA1\NG CABINET! U.S. CHOICE coMfORT PSG BRAND CHUCK STEAK c 4 lb LYKES SMOKED HAM 75~

Naturally. its a patented Mrs. John A. Weekes EiiEEiLEA START TODAY ••• Jm1gin1 not OIL HOME HEATER , , Dr,, J~:;;uO ~ But "" '"Z I J•WII LOSE WEIGHT BY FRIDAY ....1 ---- __T' __ -.:.~ Just take a tiny I I ' LOSE WEIGHl" I 0 I Hungrex tablet before : ' I meals ... and banish those THE FIRST DAYI * H£Hlln hated extra pounds as Thousands now lose Delux WATCH you banish hunger! Why? . weight who never thought Because Hungrex is they could ... report the most powerful remarkable weight losses reducing aid ever of 7 ... 20 •.. even HI.A T GUIDIHG released for public usc: 41 pounds in a short Inn..- HI.A T TUIIS OUTLETS Jwootn' Jowl Capture hottest heat­ Just pull and tum without prescription! while. So if you're tired Only 331 high yet Built-in BLOWER. to guide the Suppresses hunger pangs of half-way measures it heats like magic! Guides it over floors. Super floor Heat. so effectively, it actually and ~ant really effective limits the ability of help in reducing PLUS! e patented SIEGLERMATIC DRAFT ... send for Hungrex your body to produce CAST IRON CONSTRUCTION gnawing hunger today. Hungrex will simply e sensations! Result? You amaze you! You'll be e GENUINE PORCELAIN ENAMEL FINISH don't feel hungry ... down slimmer next week or your SIEGLER GIVES YOU MORE AHD goes your calorie intake .. , money back. No prescription needed. HOTTER HEAT OVER YOUR FLOORS! and down goes your •\vt I(O.toU weight. Available at all Made I 11 the U.S. Vrr11ln Martin Pharmacies Island a ••. carefully... see this new CONSOLE SIEGLER that expertly! Shock proled• eel.·magnetlc. Un­ BUY A BOOK A WEEK! Vol. 1 e 11 ty Vele. 2 tlll1llt /)8ft~ tor1lse/f' with the file/if saves/ braokoble mainspring. ------., )0 Day U~it~nel Owtt~•W. l'lua ·. AMERICAN HERITAGE 99~ : a two ''" _.,jco c..tlflc!l• 49;.. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 'f 'THI:Il OFRRS ARE EXCLUSIVE !,! ',!!l~b!!!:~'!:~'!!~.:'~u!!_c!!!!l______:•: _ he Most Powerful Reducing TRAD·ENOW and SAVE! t _____ J EJ~er Relet11ed for Public U1e! • FRESH SNO-WHITE MARTIN PHARMACIES .~ CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 1311 South Dale Mabry : Tampa 9, Florida : OF YOUR HEATING NEEDS O Send me regular 21-day supply of Hungrex : $2911 ;.,ith P.P.A. for only $2.98 : 0 Send me economy-size 42-day supply for only : • box of "Top Value Statnps With Every Purclmse" • 63 tablets $4.95 : CAULIFLOWER C2lda:.auppJyJ Name ...... : Our Own Free ! PIONEER ...... : ' ., ~.: :··-;:.:" 95 : $4 Address •••• , •••••••••••••• , ••••••• , ••••• : Personalized ParklngL •·'LLSB OI?O AT ME MORIAL HWY . • 4110GANDY BLVD Crusl West ot Dole Mo bry) .US :17 7 AT STATE R·D. ' 64 , AVON PARK • 0 n 0 u ~ : 1~~f °~Y 61•• City •••••••••••••• , • Zone... • State •••••• : Financing "We Service What Rear of Store HIL LSB ORO AT ARMENIA AVE 22nd ST.. CAUSEWAY AT 78th ST . CLAIR - MEL MAII-I ST AT US l9,< NEW · P ORT RICHEY 1 We Sell,. . ;' ...... : day •uPPI7l ' ...... ''0 ...... Check 0 Money Order ' .....: ______Tampa at Washington St. Ph. 229·1951 ... no Automobiles For Sale 150 Automobiles Far Sale 150 Automoblies For Sale 1 SO Automobilts For Sale 150 Automobllts For Salt '57 BUICK HT .... $495 T~r.?~&~~~~~~~tc~a~~~ TAKE OVER payments ' 57 Buick $10 DN. on ·~7 Chev. BelAir 4 dr. TAKE over payments '58 Bulck 4 4 dr. HT Spec. R&H, PS, PB, Sed. PS, PB, R&H, padded dash, dr. Estate wag. Tutone Pink & Roadmaster. 4 Door. tires. $8.27 week. Driftwood. WSW. $8.62 week. Driftwood. WSW tires, clec. Full power. Extra clean. windows. This car White, PS, PB, R&H, WSW. No 5720 Florida Ave. Ph. 237-3301 ~720 Florida Av-.. Ph. 237-3301 cash needed, no payment until Dec. "Short Profit Hale" TAKE over payments '56 Chev. 4 ''YOUNG'S USED CARS" ~~l~~r::. ~~l:.te~lt~~1CJ.t:a~~: Bal. at $9.87 wk. Driftwood. tcrior. This car Is a dream. You 1!808 Gr. central Ph. 877-1362 Want a cheap car? $35 to $295 5720 Florida Ave. Ph. 237-3:J01 ~~i. ~3~·9 ~t's1~~~~n';.; 0 _"e~~ ~~seli 3319 Gandy Blvd. Ph. 839-3162 must see today. Low mileage & '61 GALAXlE, 4-door, V-8, Crulsa- needed, no pay. 'Til Dec. Dlr. low mo. payments. Credit checked malic, R&H, PS, A/C, by owner, 2819 Fla. Ave. 229-2288. 224-8221 TO SETTLE estate. '57 sedan 4 1 DeVille Cadillac. $1,000 or best whileFl~kW'&D MOTORS offer. 833-2494 5608 Florida Ave. Ph. 238-2372 - .57 "S."IW..--.$"49'" '59 Pontiac $995 PL';,Y~M:;:.~4,....-:d;-:r,-. 9,..-­ TAKE over payments '59 Chev. f§g pimpa ~· oiio95 '58 Wagon $395 NO cash needed. fin. $6.50 wk. Impala. V-8, AT, R&H, PS, PB, WHITE Catalina 4 dr. with auto. SUN RAY MOTORS t ulane, real nice. Bal. at $39 mo. trans., R & H. A beautiful car A BEAUTIFUL cream colored 4 6300 Florida A\•e. Ph. 232-4891 No casb needed, fin. can be atT. that may be f inanced with as A RED & White Ford 2 dr. Ranch little as $24.40 down. Dealer. dr. HT with AT, PS, R & H. Wagon. 6 cyl. AT, R, H . An ideal 1961 FALCON deluxe 4-door, stick No paymt. 'Til Dec. Dlr. 2906 FLA. AVE. This car is ln showroom condi­ 2nd car for mother. Easy financ· shift. P erfect condition. Take 2819 Fla. Ave. 229-2288, 224-8221 4500 Florida Ave. tion & carries a 1 year war­ ing arranged. Dealer. older car In trade. 935-4942. '51 CADILLAC for sale: Runs PH. 229·0857 ranty. Dealer. 4500 Florida '59- CADI. Sedan $1695 good. 2118 W. Robson. 935-6901. Ph. 231-4831 Ave. '53 STUDE. 4500 Florida Ave. All original-real nice! HT. V-8 $89 2-'55 FORD Sta. Wag's. One 9 Ph. 231-4831 SUN RAY MOTORS pass. & one 6 pass., both Ph. 231-4831 PENN MOTORS 6300 Florida Ave. 1411 FLA. AVE PH. 229-8271 Ph. 232·4891 w/radio, heater, automatic .---~ 1963 CADILLAC Sedan one owner trans. Exceptionally TAKE OVER payments '56 Cadillac 12000 miles. Fully Equipped TAKE over payments ·~9 Buick clean. You~ $4995. TAKE OVER J>aymenls '57 Chrys. Conv. V-8, AT, choice $395. Can be financed 4. dr. Sed. DeV. Power, R&H, AC, lrby McDaniel. CY 4-2770. Winter 4 dr. HT. R&H, PS, PB, au- cond. WSW tires. Real Up To Bal. $199 at $14.87 mo. No caob Haven, Fla. sharp. Bal. S989 at $49.80 mo. No with no money down. Forest needed, fin. can 56.97 week. Driftwood. cash needed, fin. can be arr, No Hills Auto Sales. 9308 Fla Ave. be arr. No pay­ ~720 Florida Ave. meat until Dec. Dlr. '56 CHEVROLET. Good condition. Ph. 237-3301 payment 'Til Jan. '64. Dlr. Ph. 935-2149. 2819 FLORIDA AVE. New tires. 210<1 E. Flora. 235·1953. IF you have $100 I have a car 2819 Fla. Ave. 229-2288, 224-8221 Five Years for you & I'll get you financed. Galaxie 500 Convertible, radio, $10 DN. ON '60 Plym Belv. 2 dr. TAKE over payments '57 Cadi 2 1956 FORD HT, R&H, AT. New dr. HT. R&H, PS, PB. Bal. Tropical Motors. 4130 E. Hills­ heater, pow•r brakes, power s HT. PS. R&H, WSW tires. A beau­ $399 paint., California car, no rust. 19 2 7 boro. Ph. 626-3707. tiful Maroon & While finish with at $18.72 mo. No cash needed, Perfect condition Private 935-1521 steering, automatic trans., Only To Pay matching interior. Very low mile­ fin. can be arr. No pay ment TAKEOVER p'"'a=-'ym-':'-:-e::n:7ts-=>'"'57"'M'-e=r=c....-4 age, 1 owner & all ortg. This car until Dec.ember. Dealer. dr. HT. R&H, PS. PB. $~ . 87 week. l~r~1.F~~Wtr~~~~c&60 2819 Fla. Ave. 229-2288, 224-8221 Driltwootl. v~ SPECIAL GOOD FOR 24 HOURS ONl. Y 500-CAR is just like It drove out of the job. Priced under the market at ~thow window. You must see to '57 BUICK. 4 dr. HT. Bal. .$395~ 5720 Florida Ave. Ph. 237-3301 $995. 4410 N. ArmenlL appreciate. Low mo. payments. take over payments $24 mo. TAKE OVER payments '56 FORD SELECTION Credit checked while you wait. 7901 Fla. Ph. 235-2271 Dealer 2 dr. Crown Vic. Bal. $199 at $12.87 FLEETWOOD MOTORS mo. Dealer. fi608 Florida Ave. Ph. 238-2372 2819 Fla. Ave. 229-2286, 224-8221 MR. G's VOLKSWAGEN 40 CLEAN ST. PETE CARS 1964's WEEKEND SPECIAL SEMINOLE AUTO. SALES, INC. '60 CHEV. BelAir hardtop, ra­ 5505 Fla. Ave. Ph. 236-5549 dio. heater, automatic, power '57 PONTIAC Starchief ... . $599 VALUES '&4 CHEVROLET $3599 ONE steerinl(, w fw tires, V-8, disc 2 DR. Hdtp. Power 73 CHEVELLE MALIBU" SUPER hub caps. Tutone blue & white. J. Graham Mtrs. 3410 Fla. Ave. 1420 SPORT HARDTOP. Power Needs nothing FLA. but a home. Full l!ta.believable But True price $1195. Bank financing with Glide, V-1, power 1teering, '60 Mercury .. $1095 bucket seats, factory small down payment. Dealer 1~~~ ;U'~~~~.c af:l'to~Jl~.i:!~. o;:.;; MONTEREY 4-DOOR. Radio air cond., tires, per£ect condltion. $2950. Call radio, heater, tinted glass, 9308 Fla. Ave. Ph. 935-2149. and heater, automatic. It's '63 WE HAVE THE CAR DOllAR DOWN 258-6161 '63 Monzas $2095 perfect! ~o~.~~~~~E~. - ~~~ - - ~~~~-- - ~~;~~-. _ •••••••••••• . '1690 whitewalls. SAVE! '49 CADILLAC convertible, A-1 con­ DOES your motor need overhaul­ AT, R, H. 63 FOR YOU, "BELOW IS A dition, lor smaller car or sell. ing? Let us install a low mile­ ' ~~~t~s~~~~-~ ~~~~~: ...... •.•• , .•••••• ••• . '1190 age, late model PARTIAL LISTING." '64 FORD ...... $3099 ONE YEAR 988-5961. e.DJine for you. '61 Corvair ... $1195 GALAX IE " 500" Adams, 626-5161. •u •. ••••• •-. • • . 4- D 0 0 R '61 CADILLAC Coupe DeVIlle air '63 Chevy lis $1995 900 4- DOOR. Automatic, ~~L.~ft;~Gn~~ ~~-n- ~~of - ~~~~~: • •.. '1190 Ford XL Faotback HARDTOP. Fordomatic, V-8, Written Warranty AT, It, H. '63 VOLKSWAGEN '631. radio and heater. Convertible, Sea '1990 2 A real l)ower steering, radio, heater, mg~tio~is~4o~.' ~f£~~~ a2!s-~~~~r. it in show room ...... • • • • • • • • • •., • .. beaut)' ...... $2895 whitewalli. SAVEl '61 Chevrolet BelAir '59 FORD Country Sedan Sta. Wag. '62 Karmann Ohia 5 PB. PS. R & H. Must sacrifice. '62 Comet .... $1495 1990 Ford Galaxie 500 '63 Ramblers $2095 Convertible ...... •.••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · '63 4-dr. $2595 $1179 5795. Trade & Sank flo. Dlr. 6204 660. AT, R, H, PS, 2-DOOR. White finish, stick 5 , l oaded .. . . '64 PONTIAC ... $3599 l!EA UTlFUL F o r e s t Green -& Nebraska Ave. Ph. 231-8521. ahift, radio and heater. '62 ~~~KS~~~~~ - ~~~~ : ....•• , ••. , •.•• ,,,.,.,,,,. Corvair Mo nza Cpe. Fac.. CATALINA VENTURA COUPE White finish, U:nmacl!late interior. 1590 '63 HARDTOP. F ull power, radio, S"ARP~ ~GO 5 tory warranty- Economy 6 cylinder engine with $2195 heater, tinted glasSt wMite· '62 ~~e~KS~~~E~. -~~~ . ~-o·o·f: •••• ,, , ••..•• • , , , ••.•.. sharP ...... • •.. ~landard drive. $11.50 week. 1fi3 Bonneville Conv. '63 Impalas $2495 '59 Buick . _... $1095 1590 walls, delivery mi. only, SAVE! HT. V-8, AT, R, H, INVICTA 4-DOOR HARD­ 5 '63 Chevy II 4-dr. Nova 300. PS, PB. '62 ~O'o~::AGE~ . S~~~n _'. • • • • • • • • •• • . ,. _••••• , •. . . '60 Falcon $889 Was $4410. NOW $3395 TOP. Automati~, power 1590 PACE PONTIAC 1101 FLA. AVE. steering, radio and heater. 5 ~h~~aut i.f~·l· . .... $1995 '64 FORD ...... $3599 SEA FOAM Green. Showroom con­ 0}~ '62 ~~~t~sw~~EN . se~~ ~.' ...•...•••••••• _, ••••••••. 1590 I:ALAXIE" "500" FASTBACK dition. Economy minded engine Trade-in Specials '63 Chev. Imp. HT, Super Spt. COUPE HARDTOP. Full power, "'ith standard drive transmission. •u ~~~~:~~~<;,~;!- C~oic·e· red.' ...... ••.••••••••• . $1390 c,.uise·O·Matic, V~B , factory UO week. MONDAY SPECIALS :e~ct~et ...... ••. '2995 air cond., tinted glass, white. '62 falcon ... $1247 '61 ~~L:rs':~~;~ _ s~~ - -~~of. _ Ch·o·i ~~-- ...... $1390 walls, delivery mi. only. SAVE! '52 PLYMOUTH _. $69 Deluxe, AT, H. '63 Corvair Cpe. $1895 '60 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan. Choice $1290 StiCk shift, R & H Call Now For 2-DR. SEDAN. 6 cyl., std. trans , blue, red or turquoise . .• , ...... gray. Stk. No. 1945. '63 F iat 4-Dr, 1100-D model. 19.63's '59 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan. '61 Volks •... $1216 Choi '1190 '58 MERCURY ... $379 Very clean. ce b lack and beiv• ••••• • , ••••••••• • •.. • ... :.~~~et- ...... '1295 Instant Credit O.K. 2-DR. HARDTOP. V-8, auto. F'l c::::l F\5iil C:: He 58 '63 T-BIRD ..... $3899 trans., radio.. heater, yellow & ' :e~:a~~ ..~~ i~ ...... •••••••••••• , •• ,, •• •• • , •• $1190 '62 Mercury Comet 4-Dr. R & COUPE K.ARDTOP. Full power, Open while. Slk. No. 1998. AUTHORIZED DE:ALIEit $489 H, automatic $1695 factory air con-d., radio, 9-10 Daily '53 NASH., '59 Simca '56 ~~.~~s:~~t!N.. S~d~~: •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •- .. • • • .....ssgo trans...... • heater, t inted glass, white­ ...... $147 '61 1300. Extra clean. walls. 2-DR. SEDAN. Solid green. Stk. CADILLAC' One owner. 5 '62 Chev. Imp, HT. R & H, No. 2020. Beautiful Alpine white. Fac· '61 ~~~~:c~:A.~~~- - ~~~~ ~ ...... _. 1390 automatic 52295 Tampa Auto Brokerage '61 ENG. FORD tory air. Full power. $3295 trans...... • '63 BUICK ..... $3.799 .. $490 Extra clean ...... TRUCKS WILDCAT HARDTOP COUPE. ANGLIA. Sharp solid car, green '58 Chev ...... $726 '62 Opel 2-Dr, Sdn. 4830 Fla. Ph. 236-5584 A real honey . ... $1 095 Full power, factorY air cond., 3 '62 CADILLAC Bel Air, V·l, AT, R, '60 VOLKSWAGEN 5 radio, heater, tinted glass, H, PS. Panel Detivery .....•..•••.•. 1090 Corvair Monza Cpe. Auto. 154 CADILLAC, 4 door, clean, air­ Fa,ctory air. Full power. 3 • • • • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · '62 bucket seats, whit ewalls. '59 VOLKSWAGEN conditioned, $255. 254-3832. beautiful cars to $590 :;a~s-H ...... NORTHGATE FORD $3995 PickuP. Needs paint ..... - • • • ·-• .. • • • • .. · · • · .. i1895 1951 NASH. S15 Down. We Finance choose from ...... '57 ford $475 '58 VOLKSWAGEN sggo '63 PONTIAC ... $3699 Anyone. 4612 34th St. Dealer. Fairlane, V-8, AT. Ford FL 500 Cpe, V-8, GRANO PRIX COUPE HARD­ 9545 FLA. AVE. PickUP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •' ''"''' • •' •' •' 1958 FORD V-8, AT, seat belts. '63 ALFA ROMEO ' '62 auto. trans., 5 TOP. Full power, factorY air Clean. $600. Owner. 833-0651. Ph. 932-6181 Convt. 1600 cc. Late type. 5- '58 ~~:o: ...... PS . 1895 cond., radio, heater, bucket '57 Rambler .. $292 i c·:~- sa90 seats, tinted glass, whitewalls. MUST sell '60 Cadillac Sedan spced box. White. $2695 '58 FORD 1f2. 5 English Ford 2-Dr. $995 Deville. Alpine White, fully Excellent con d. . • 6. 5tralght ahift. 890 Angli a. 4 Spd• . ... 1 Ton P i cku~ . .• •.•••••• •• • , ...... •. • .. • • • • • . • • • • .. '62 :~~~ry. ~iii. ~~~~9'JJ~er car !or 63 Continental '57 V_OLKSWAGEN 5'790 Dodge Lancer ijT. Bucket '63 CHEVROLET $3099 $4699 '62 CHEVY II P1ckup .... IMPALA SUPER 5 P 0 R T PHONE FOR A '56 Mercury .. $377 ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •·• • · '62 seats. BANK LOAN FACTORY · air cond. All power & "300" Sedan. EconomY plus RED Loaded ...... $1695 COUPE HARDTOP, Power TAMPA BAY BANK 839-3311 accessories. Strictly showroom 4·Dr. V-8, AT, R, H, G I ide, AUTO LOAN SPEC1AUST new tireo. $1595 '42 ~~nR'OP i~~~ P ...... • . . ... • • • ..... • . . . • • • • • • •. $190 V -8, power steering con d. Stick sh itt \ ...... PS, PB. '62 Volkswagen Sta. Wagon, and brakes, factory air cond., 1956 FORD, 4 Dr. Wagon, rusted Super Discount-center, 1nc. STATION WAGONS 5 radio, heater, tinted g lass, body. mechanically perfect. Good Fla. Ave. Ph. ~ ~·~ ...... 1995 whitewalls. tires, AT. R & H. $250 cash. Morn­ '63 COMET '54 Chev...... $225 ings at the Gator Bar. 502 13th St. 5-22 Conv. Air c:ond. 4·speed Carryall work hor01. TAG '62 ~~~:n~W:r~;N STATI. ~N... •- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. $1690 '61 Volkswagen 2·-Dr. $1295 4 -spd. trans, .... 1so FALCON2o,ooo mile. Must sell. tran1, beautiful $2595 '63 BUICK ..... $2899 Beige ...... $79~. Betty. 8609 Seminole. . '61 ~t~~i~!w.::g~~ D~ l·u·~~. • • • .. •. • •. • • •. • • •' • • • • • • . $1 '190 '61 Falcon 2-Dr. R $1195 SKYLA RK COUPE HARDTOP. $10 DN. '58 Cadillac Eldorado 2 dr. '53 Chev...... $175 & H, stick •hift F ull power, air cond., bucket FERMAN '60 IMPALA Bel Air. '59 ~t~~i~!w,::g~~ •.•• - ••.• - ..•.••..•••..... - . .... seats, radio, heater, white.. HT, PS, PB, R&H, WSW tires. This $1 090 Falcon F ut ura car is all elec. & fully equip. w/ 4-DOOR H.T. Full power R&H. BUYS '61 Cpe $1295 walls. , Bucket seats everything. Beautiful tutone paint, Alpine white $1695 '59 ~~.!;~S~~GE.~ •. • • • • • • •- • • • • . . • • .. - . . •. • •- ...... sggo matching Inter. Low nrl., low mo. OLDSMOBILE clean ...... '60 Falcon 4-Dr. Sedan. $995 paymts. This is a 1 owner car & '56 Buick HT .. $150 A real beauty .. . . '63 CHEVROLET $2699 '56 ~t~~i~~w,:~~~ ...... •• •• •• •. • - ..•• • .•••••..•.... sago SUPER SPORT COUPE HARD­ all orig. You must see today. '62 CHEV. '60 Lark Deluxe 4-Dr. NOVA 400 I I Auto trans, 6 cYI ... s995 TOP. Power G lide, V-8., power Cred~&~'b()~ICJ'd'~o~~t . 4-Door Station Wagon. Auto. '59 ~Ha~~:. o;~: .. . ..• ..•• •• ...• . . ••••••.. . . $1090 steering, bucket seats, t inted 5608 Florida Ave. Ph. 238-2372 '60 Ford .. snso 1'62 falcon .... $1260 '60 Plymouth 4-Dr. $1195 glass, whitewalls. trans., radio, heater. 5 FAIRLANE $1695 MR. G's Belv. Loaded ... \VE FINANCE OUR OWN CARS 500 4-Dr. Extra ctean • ...... 2-DOOR Sedan. Std. trans., I '58 ~;!~~~o;,~:o~-~ ~-- ...... 590 PAY HERE WEEKLY Sed an. V-8, auto. radio and heator, '60 Rambler Sedan. trans., power 1420 Florida I w/w tires I Auto. trans., R & H$895 '63 FORD _.... _$2399 1952-1960 Models To Choose From steering, I (1 with auto. trans., too!) '58 :7a~i~~B~~::n . , -. • • • • • • • •. • • .. • . • • • •. • •. • • .. • .. 7939 Fla. 237-3784 Dealer radio, heater, factory 111 E. PLATT ST. $690 159 Ford Ranchero V-8 P ickup GALAXIE CLUB SEDAN. Fac­ air. Ph. 229-2659 57 torY equipped including V·8 1957 FORD FORDOR V-8 EXTRA Open Eves. 229-6105 ' ~~a~n Wagon ...... - .... · ...... · · · · · $490 :;~~~: ~u.t~: . . . . . s995 engine, radio, heater. EXTRA NICE $295. 3700 W. CO­ '56 FORD 2-Dr, 5190 LUMBUS DRIVE. Station Wagon ••.••••••• , •••• • .•••••••• ••••..•. '59 Chev. El Camino P ickup •sa CADU.LAC air conditioned, '60 Falcon .. $9 50 I ·~~w~~~~sl4e! D~:; $s~~~ : 5 '63 FORD ...... $2399 heater .. radio, :;i~~k •.•.. •• .•••• COUNTRY SEOAN 4-DOOR. excellent seat covers.. 4-DR. SEDAN. Stand­ I Air, auto. trans., Power I '55 =~~~ ~A~agon ...... $190 1195 clean, $300. 835-1272 after 4. steering a nd braket, radio FactorY equipped including ra• ard tran1., radio and 53 5 dio, heater No payments 'tll 1964. See heater. I and heater. fact. a ir cond., ' ~~~i~~S Wagon ...... •...... 190 AIR CONDITIONED , whitewalls. BUDDY HILL E-Z-1 alan; light blue w/ w I Falcon Sprint HT. 4-spd. 18th & Central, St. Pete '631. 1 tires. IMPORTS 2 V-8, bucket $2195 '63 CORVAIR ... $2199 "so FORD Galaxle, 4-door, 2-tone, seats . •...... • . MONZA. Automatic trans., ra­ '61 Chev. .$1795 '61 MO I I '1390 Pontiac G r a n d P r i dio, heater, bucket seats, ~~wri'~neS:'1~Ws~·s:J-'Mi~~: 8~2~:~~t BEL AIR 4-Dr. Hard­ '59 ~~tt'~'::"N.' .. •. •• • • • • •. ••. •- •• .... -.. •• .... •• • • • "· t inted glass, whitewalls. '66 Chev...... $1360 1 5190 '63 5 i!iSOCADILLAC Coupe DeVille. top, P o w e r G I j- d e, PLEASE READ ~:i:rYth.i~~ - -~n ... $2600. 480<1 Bayshore Blvd. power steering, radio, I 4-DOOR Sedan. 6-cyl., Power Needs work ...••.••• , • · ••••. · · • · · · · · • · • • · · · · .. • · · · 3995 IF LACK OF CASH or the condition of 5 '63 TEMPEST ... $2199 heater. Glide, radio and heater. lm· I '59 RENAULT 390 l'ord Country $3295 Your old car makes it impossible for you maculate white. 4 - Dr•...... · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · • • · · · · · Squire Sta. Wag. 4-DOOR CUSTOM. Automatic to make a down payment, let us solve 1 '63 trans., radio, heater, tinted $5 DOWN your problem. ALL of our 200 car selection VW TRADE-INS Pontiac Bon neville Conv. glass, whitewalls. of most makes I '60 Olds 88 s1695 and models 1957-1964 can I '62 BUICK '63 5 '59 FORD be financed with NO CASH DOWN 2-Dr. $1 '190 4-DR. HARDTOP, auto. if you '61 Chev ...... $18901 Spec. V-6 SS ••. . ••.••..••.•.• · ~~!~ ...... 3995 I 63 fALCON .... RETRACTABLE convertIble. have qualified credit. It · · · • · · · · · · • • · · $1899 trans., cower ste-ering is not necessary IMPALA '62 FALCON 4-Dr. 5 Pont iac Bonnev ille 4-DOOR DELUXE Power steering, power brakes, that )IOU be a resident of Hillsboro County I I Convertible. V-8 1390 , Factory Or F radio. and brakea, r ad i engine, Power Glide, power AT. Sharp ...... '63 equipped. heater. For fun In the sun heater, factorY air con· or your present car be paid for. Take 1 ~o:ded ...... see this sharp car. AU original. advantage of our offer today. NO CASH I steering and brakes, radio '62 RAMBLER Amer. $1090 $3995 $5 down, terms to suit your ditioned. I and heater, w/w tirea; snow 2-Dr. AT ...... Co nvert. White. FNEEDED , choose your own payment plan.. I white '63 Cadillac '63 CHEVY II ... $2499 needs. Open 9-10 dally. No payment 'til '64.. FREE 1 year war. 1 w/red interior. '61 CHEVROLET 2-Dr, $1390 Fully NOVA 6. Standard shift ...... 5 400 STATION WAGON ranty. - ...... equipped ...... 5395 4-DOOR. Power G lide, 6-cYI., '60 Chev. _s1695 Open Nite ly 'Til 10 P.M. radio, heater. Superior Motors I I '59 ;:~B.L~~ 4--~r: ...... $790 '63 Buick Wild Cat s3995 C205 Florida Ave. Ph. 237 ·3929 IMPALA 4-Dr. Hard­ '62 Chev ...... $2190 1 Cvt. Bucket seats top. Auto. trans., power Parks Auto Supermarket I BEL AIR 4 - Door sed.. n. '58 ~:c~!~L~~r 4:~:: sago Chev. Sta. Wagon '63 PONTIAC ... $2999 steering, radio, heater, 3800 FLA. AVE. PH. 224-0181 •• • • •• • .. •• ••. •.• •. •• •. •• ... •• • .. '63 $2'795 CATALINA COUPE HARDTOP factorY air condition· Fact. air, 1-cyl., Pow e r I 4-Dr. Auto. trans . in g. 1 Glide, Dower steering, radio '57 ~-~~-D ...... • • • • • • • • • • '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • . . .. F ull power, radio, heater, $190 '63 Chev. Impala HT. $3195 whitewall.s. DICK ALBRITTON'S and heater, w/ w t ires. 1 '57 BUICK 4·Dro 5390 S uper Spt, Loaded Hardtop ...... '62 Cadillac Convert , Aztec r '57 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Bel $'190 '63 CHEVROLET $2699 * DAILY DOUBLE * 60 Corvair S1 095 Air. FactorY air ...... •. • •. • •. ::~~~P~~IIy ...... $4295 PI AM L A CONVERTIBLE : '61 Corvair ... $1490 1 COUPE, Power Glide, V-8, CLU 8 C0\1PE. 3 on th• Ford Convert. Ever ything floor. Radio, heater. DELUXE 4-Dr. Sta. Wagon, I '56 ~-~~~~~~E~ ..... • • • • • •. • • •. • • .. • • • • • • • . . • . • • ... . '62 power steering, radio, heater, • Power $590 5 whitewalls. Gl ide trana., radio; '56 FORD 4-Dr, e 5 ...... ti~!!~/ turq. f in ish, w / w Standard shift 290 ~~is 2395 BUICK 1-YEAR WARRANTY I 1 , ...... Corvair Mon&a 4-Dr. Auto. '60 ... _$1790 5 '62 LE SABRE 4-DOOR STATION '56 ~-~~~R-~~E~. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . •. •, •••. . trans. $1995 WAGON. Factory alr condi­ I 290 R & H ...... t ioned, power steering, auto­ '55 ~:d~~SL.~~ -. • . .. •. • •. • •. • • •. • • .. • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • •. '62 Oldsmobil• Starfire with matic, radio & heater, luggage '60 Rambler .. $1090 $390 everY· rack, tutone turquoise & white. 1 thing ...... $3295 DELUXE Cross CountrY 4- '55 ~~~d~o!·D ~~ . . . •. •. • .. • ... •. • • . • .•.•... . . • •. • • ... . $290 '62 Falcon Futura, Stick shift, ~~ns .~a~::t·ar : 6 ·~~iie a~~:h I '55 OLDS $90 FERMAN OLDSMOBILE Coupe ....•..••. • •••••• • • • • • • • • · • · · · • • • • • · • · • · • · ~~~~~et...... RAMB. '60 ..... $990 ~~~r~o:~ ! interior. Hu rry for 1 $1695 4-DOOR STAT-I 0 N WAGON. Fla. & Lake-223-3252 '54 ;~o~~L's~~an ...... '62 Pon tiac Grand s390 P rix. Full power$3295 Stick shift, overdrive. radio & Open 'til 9 P.M. heater, gleaming jet black fin­ Many Other I '54 i-~~~~-0~~~ ...... '62 Mercury Sta. Wagon. Co l. ish! $190 5 '63 CHEVROLET Biscayne '63 DODGE "440" 2-Door Makes and Madels :a~ss ...... I '53 ~~~d~OI> • .. • ... • • • • • • • • • • '•• • • • • •• • • • ••' •' '• • • . $290 2695 200-Car Selection 2·Door. 6-cyl., stick shift, 6cyl., automatic, radio and '61 Chev. ImPala 4-Dr. HT. radio and heater, gleaming '53 ::c.~~~BOAv~~~ lv~ D ~: ... • • • • • • • • • • .• •. • • • . . • • • • • . • . Power steering $1995 Drive Right In! heater. Factory warranty of I $190 and brakes ... 1962•s white with red interior, 53 Ml.t G's 23,000 miles or 4 years '61 Pontiac 4-Door Station 1 actual I ' ~~~~ ······· ···········-····· -········-··· -····$190 Wagon, $1995 still •••• '50 CA.DILLA.~ ...... , ...... Loaded ...... $2195 '62 CADILLAC .. $4399 1419-27 FLA. AVE. m1les •••••••• remaining $2195 5290 ELOORADO CONVERTIBLE One·Year Warranty I <:OUPE. Phone 229-0669 '49 Full power, factorY '61 FORD Fairlane "500" '60 DODGE Pioneer 2. ~-~~-~~~- .. - ...... - .. - ...... •.••• - •..• sgo CONVERTIBLES air cond., bucket seats, radio, Chev. lmoala- heater, tinted glau, white­ 6115 4 ·Door. V-8, automatic, Door Hardtap. V-8, autl'­ I '63 All the extru $2995 FLA. .. YOUR CH'OICE $69 walls. One owner. radio and heater, power matic, pawer steering and FERMAN I Falcon Futura &·cYlinder $5 DOWN steering. Choice af 2 - '52 Chevrolet %-Dr. '51 P'•Y moum sta. Wag. '63 brakes, swing- $1199 '52 Nash 'SO Mercury 5 '62 OLDS ...... $3199 '63 IMPALA green and white away seats ••• Chevrolet I :~:~~- ...... 2195 STARFIRE HOLIDAY COUPE '54 Chevrolet 4 Dr. $1295 HAROTOP. Full power, factorY GREEN 2 or 4-Daor HT. V-8, or red and white. Authori~ed Volkswagen Dealer '62 Ford. 4·SPeed finish. Automatic trans­ 41 $2 295 '61 PLYMOUTH trans. 390" eng. air cond., radio, heater. bucket mlssloo, radio, heater. Superior 9-Passen. I I seato, t inted glass, whitewall•. terms of $5 down, S4.50 week. R, H, PS, $2495 '61 BUICK Electra "225" ger Custom Statlan Wagon. 1428 FLA. AVE. Pontiac Catalina $1995 PB, AT ..... '61 Fully e


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Florida~s own Founders Life •••

Founders Life Assurance Company of Florida has cast of£ the hawsers and all local economy. Founders Life will also add investment dollars into the eco­ sheets are secure. This new life insurance company with home offices in nomic blood stream of this mushrooming area. Tampa, is now under way with a complete insurance program offering compre· Few businesses have been launched under such favorable hensive business, personal and group coverage to customers in Florida. In less circumstances, and with such widespread support. An experienced management than two months ()f operation, Founders Life has written more than three million team and an ex· tremely able board of directors are backed dollars of insurance-an achievement unparalleled in life insurance history. by $3,000,000 in capital and surplus funds. In financial strength and stability, Founders Life has already assumed Why Founders Life? A growing, thriving area like the West Coast of Florida a place in the forefront among Florida businesses. needs the services, the advantages and the benefits of a strong, home· owned, There are already more than 100 locally managed insurance company such as Founders Life. agents licensed to sell our insurance through· out the state. Forty-five Florida banks have been licensed to write Credit Life in· What will Founders Life mean to the Tampa Bay area? As home base for this surance. Founders Life is destined to become a respected name in the insurance rapidly growing business, Tampa and surrounding communities will benefit from world. Our thanks to the many people who have helped us to make such an the many new jobs created and from additional payroll dollars released in the auspicious beginning.

LOPER B. LOWRY C. W. THAXTON J. A. WATERMAN F.M.TAYLOR WARREN M. CASON J. T. FOUNTAIN WILLIAM T. ORR CHARLES A. GAY, JR. Chairman of the Board President Vice President Vice President Asst. Secy.-Treas. Secretary and Treasurer and Asst. Secy. and Chief Agency Supervisor Comptroller Underwriter BOARD OF DIRECTORS

FISCHER S. BLACK MORTON L. ANNIS, SR. J. L. CONE, JR. JAMES H. COUEY THOMAS M. CHESTER H. W. H. FRANKLAND R. W. GREENE Vice Chairman of the Senior Vice President, President, Cone Brothers Vice President and EDWARDS G. R. GRIFFIN JOSEPHS. GUERNSEY , M.D. FERGUSON Vice.Chairman of the Vice President, President, Board General Cigar Company Contracting Company General Manager, Physician President, Orlando Execut Attorney, Vice President Board, The First First Federal Saving• Exchange National Bank ive Vice The Tribune Company of Federal Savings and President, Lykes Bros., Inc. National Bank of Tampa and Loan As sociation, of Tampa Loan Association Tampa Electric Company St. Petersburg

JOSEPH KARL HAYS A. CLEWIS HOWELL ELLWOOD W. FRED D. LEARY W. H. MILLS JAMES SAMSON HENRY B. SAYLER P. A. SUGG President, · Pres ident, Marine Bank JOHNSON ROBERT THOMAS C. C. VEGA. JR. President, President, Treasurer, President, Security Retired Executive Vice Hays Supply Company and Trust Company President, President, Attorney The First National Bank General Telephone Mills & Jones, Inc: Florida Citrus Exchange Planning of Florida, Inc. President, National Port Sutton, Inc. of Tampa Company of Florida Broadcasting Company Founders Life ·Assurance Company of Florida ~ Marine Bank Building, Tampa, Florida